225 Map List

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History 225 Prof. F.



This list does not claim to be exhaustive, but the map question in the final exam will be drawn from it.
For this question, you take a blank outline of the Greek world, and comply with the following instructions:
‘Mark the following names as clearly and accurately as possible in their correct locations on the
blank map sheet provided. A town (e.g. Athens) ought therefore to be pinpointed by a dot. Fifteen names
marked satisfactorily (out of the possible seventeen) will earn full credit for the question. If pressed for
space anywhere, by all means use arrows, balloons, etc. WRITE YOUR NAME LEGIBLY AT TOP
Achaea Leontini
Aegean Sea Lydia
Aetolia Macedon(ia)
Amphipolis Mantinaea
Arcadia Megara
Adriatic Sea Messenia
Argos Miletus
Assyria Mycenae
Athens Mytilene
Babylon Naupactus
Boeotia Olympia
Bosporus Phocis
Byzantium Pella
Carthage Persepolis
Cephallenia Plataea
Chaeronea Pylos
Chersonnese Rhegium
Crete Salamis
Corcyra Samos
Corinth Sardis
Cyprus Sicily
Cyrene Sidon
Delos Susa
Delphi Sybaris
Ectabana Syracuse
Egesta Tanagra
Epirus Thebes
Euboea Thermopylae
Gela Thessaly
Granicus R Thrace
Himera Troy
Ithome Tyre
Laconia Zacynthus

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