Cse1004 Network-And-Communication Eth 1.1 47 Cse1004

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L, T, P, J, C

CSE1004 Network and Communication

3, 0, 2, 0, 4
Pre-requisite Nil Version 1.1
Objectives 1. Build an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer
networking, protocols, architectures, and applications

2. Gain expertise in design, implement and analyze performance

perspective of ISO-OSI layered Architecture

3. Deal with the major issues of the layers of the model.

4. Implement new ideas in Networking through semester long projects

5. Take advanced courses in Networking

Expected Outcome After successfully completing the course the student should be able to

1. Describe the layered structure of a typical networked architecture

2. Identify and analyze the different types of network topologies,

switching, error and flow control mechanisms

3. Design subnetting and enhance the performance of routing


4. Compare various congestion control mechanisms and identify suitable

Transport layer protocol for real time applications

5. Identify various Application layer protocols for specific applications

SLO 2. Having a clear understanding of the subject related concepts and of
contemporary issues

5. Having design thinking capability

6. Having an ability to design a component or a product applying all the

relevant standards and with realistic constraints
Module Topics L Hrs SLO
Networking Principles and layered architecture
Data Communications and Networking: A Communications Model –
1 Data Communications - Evolution of network, Requirements , 5 2
Applications, Network Topology (Line configuration, Data Flow),
Protocols and Standards, Network Models (OSI, TCP/IP)
Circuit and Packet switching
Switched Communications Networks – Circuit Switching – Packet
2 Switching – Comparison of Circuit Switching and Packet Switching – 6 2
Implementing Network Software, Networking Parameters(Transmission
Impairment, Data Rate and Performance)
Data link layer
Error Detection and Correction – Hamming Code , CRC, Checksum-
Flow control mechanism – Sliding Window Protocol - GoBack - N -
3 6 5
Selective Repeat - Multiple access Aloha - Slotted Aloha - CSMA,
CSMA/CD – Multiple Access Networks (IEEE 802.3), Token
Ring(IEEE 802.5) and Wireless Networks (IEEE 802.11, 802.15)
Network Layer
IPV4 Address Space – Notations – Classful Addressing – Classless
4 6 5,6
Addressing – Network Address Translation – IPv6 Address Structure –
IPv4 and IPv6 header format
Routing Protocols
5 Routing - Link State and Distance Vector Routing Protocols- 5 5,6
Implementation - Performance Analysis - Packet Tracer
Transport Layer
TCP and UDP - Congestion Control – Effects of Congestion - Traffic
6 7 5
Management - TCP Congestion Control – Congestion Avoidance
Mechanisms - Queuing Mechanisms - QoS Parameters
Application Layer
7 Application layer - Domain Name System - Case Study : FTP - HTTP- 5 2
Recent Trends in Network Security
8 Network Security - Cryptography, Network layer security (IPSec), 5 5
Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL, HTTPS)
List of Experiments

I. Hardware Demo

1. Demo session of all networking hardware and Functionalities 2

II. OS Commands
2. Network configuration commands using Linux
III Implementation using C 2
3. Error detection and correction mechanisms
4. Flow control mechanisms
5. IP addressing – Classless addressing
IV Packet Tracer
6. Observing Packets across the network and Performance Analysis of Routing 5

protocols 5
IV Socket programming
7. Socket programming(TCP and UDP) – Multi client chatting
VI Networking Simulation Tool
8. Simulation of unicast routing protocols 5
9. Simulation of Transport layer Protocols and analysis of congestion control
techniques in network
10. Develop a DNS client server to resolve the given host name or IP address
11. Implementation of Layers for security protocols - SSL/TLS

Sample Problem

Develop a simple chat room application that uses Sockets. Application is not 2
expected to work across Network Address Translation, i.e., your application should
work when all the users are in the Labs, but it doesn’t need to work when some users 2
are in the Labs and others are using the University Wi-Fi. As well as the IP address,
you need to pick a port number to create a Socket. Use a standard security technology
for establishing an encrypted link between the server and the clients. The lower port
numbers are all reserved for special functions (e.g. port 80 for web servers, port 22 5
for SSH). So, use a high port number for your program, i.e., something greater than

Assume the lab involves eight routers and four hubs.

 The goal of this lab is to observe how the dynamic routing protocols, RIP,
OSPF and BGP, will work. Observe the different types of packets used by the
RIP, OSPF and BGP protocols.
 Observe how the routing tables are dynamically modified, and eventually find
the shortest path to all machines.
 Add one more router to provide a better path and observe how the routing
tables adapt to the change.
 “Break” the topology and observe the change again.
 Add one more router to observe the count-to-infinity problem when using the
RIP protocol.
 Observe as the OSPF protocol floods the link state information of each router
across the whole network.
 Observe the modification in the link state database of the routers when there
is a break in the ring topology.
Text Books
Text Books
1. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie, 5th Ed, The Morgan
Kaufmann Series, Elsevier, 2011.
2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, J.F.Kurose and K.W.Ross,
6th Ed., Pearson Education,2012.
Reference Books
3. Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz A. Forouzan, McGraw Hill Education, 5th Ed.,
4. TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Behrouz A. Forouzan,McGraw-Hill Education, 4 Ed., 2009
5. Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, Pearson Education,10th Ed,2013.

Network and Communication

Knowledge Areas that contain topics and learning outcomes covered in the course

Knowledge Area Total Hours of Coverage

CS: SF(System Fundamental)/ CE-NWK 9

CS: NC (Networking and Communication)/ 36


Body of Knowledge coverage

[List the Knowledge Units covered in whole or in part in the course. If in part, please indicate
which topics and/or learning outcomes are covered. For those not covered, you might want to
indicate whether they are covered in another course or not covered in your curriculum at all.
This section will likely be the most time-consuming to complete, but is the most valuable for
educators planning to adopt the CS2013 guidelines.]
KA Knowledge Unit Topics Covered Hours

CS: NC NC/Introduction Data Communications and Networking: A 10

Communications Model – Data Communications -
Evolution of network, Requirements , Applications,
Network Topology (Line configuration, Data Flow),
Network Models (OSI, TCP/IP)- Circuit and Packet

CS: SF SF/State and Protocols and standards, Protocol Layers- 3

State Machines
CS: NC NC/Reliable Data Data link layer - Error Detection and Correction – 8
Delivery Hamming Code - CRC- Checksum- Flow control
mechanism – Sliding Window Protocol - GoBack -
N - Selective Repeat - Multiple access Aloha -
Slotted Aloha - CSMA, CSMA/CD

CS: NC NC/Networked Application layer - Domain Name System 5

Applications Cryptography, Network layer security (IPSec),
Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL, HTTPS)

CS: NC NC/Routing and IP layer – Addressing Mechanisms – Routing 7

Forwarding Protocols
IPV4 Address Space – Notations – Classful
Addressing – Classless Addressing – Network
Address Translation – IPv6 Address Structure –
Address Space
Link State and Distance Vector Routing Protocols-
Implementation - Performance Analysis - Packet

CS: NC NC/Local Area Multiple Access Networks (IEEE 802.3), Token 4

Networks Ring(IEEE 802.5) and Wireless Networks (IEEE
802.11, 802.15)

CS: NC NC/Resource Congestion Control – Effects of Congestion - 8

Allocation Traffic Management - TCP Congestion Control –
Congestion-Avoidance Mechanisms

Total hours 45
Where does the course fit in the curriculum?
[In what year do students commonly take the course? Is it compulsory? Does it have pre-
requisites, required following courses? How many students take it?]

This course is a
 Compulsory course
 Suitable from 5th semester onwards.
 Knowledge of any one programming language is essential.

What is covered in the course?

[A short description, and/or a concise list of topics - possibly from your course syllabus.(This is
likely to be your longest answer)]

1. Networking Principles and layered architecture

2. Layering principles
3. Roles of the different layers
4. Switching techniques
5. Error control and Flow control
6. TCP and UDP
7. Principles of congestion control

What is the format of the course?

[Is it face to face, online or blended? How many contact hours? Does it have lectures, lab
sessions, discussion classes?]

This Course is designed with 100 minutes of in-classroom sessions per week, 60 minutes of
video/reading instructional material per week, 100 minutes of lab hours per week, as well as
200 minutes of non-contact time spent on implementing course related project. Generally this
course should have the combination of lectures, in-class discussion, projects, guest-lectures,
mandatory off-class reading material, quizzes.

How are students assessed?

[What type, and number, of assignments are students are expected to do? (papers, problem sets,
programming projects, etc.). How long do you expect students to spend on completing assessed

 Students are assessed on a combination group activities, classroom discussion, projects,

and continuous, final assessment tests.
Additional topics
[List notable topics covered in the course that you do not find in the CS2013 Body of

Other comments

Session wise plan

Student Outcomes Covered: 2, 5, 6

Class Lab Topic Covered levels of Reference Remarks

Hour Hour mastery Book

1 Data Communications Familiarity 1

and Networking – A
Communications Model
1 Data Communications – Usage 1
Network Protocols and
2 Demo session of all Usage 1 LAB
networking hardware Component
2 The OSI Model Assessment 1
2 TCP/IP Protocol Suite Assessment 1
2 Network configuration Usage 1 LAB
commands using Linux Component
1 Switched Familiarity 1
1 Circuit Switching Usage 1
1 Packet Switching Usage 1
1 Comparison of Circuit Assessment 1
Switching and Packet
1 Networking Assessment 1
Impairment, Data Rate
and Performance)
1 Data link layer Familiarity 1
2 Error Detection and Usage 1
2 Error detection and Assessment 1 LAB
correction mechanisms Component
2 Flow control mechanism Familiarity 1
2 Flow control Assessment 1 LAB
mechanisms Component
1 Multiple access-IEEE Familiarity 1
2 CSMA, CSMA/CD – Assessment 1
1 IPV4 Address Space – Assessment 1
2 Classful Addressing – Assessment 1
Classless Addressing
2 IP addressing – Classless Assessment 1 LAB
addressing Component
1 Network Address Usage 1
2 IPv6 Address Structure – Assessment 1
Address Space
2 IP layer Usage 1
1 Link State Routing Assessment 1
1 Distance Vector Routing Assessment 1
2 Observing Packets Usage 1 LAB
across the network and Component
Performance Analysis of
Routing protocols -
Packet Tracer
2 TCP and UDP packets Familiarity 1
2 Socket Programming - Usage 1 LAB
(TCP and UDP) Component
1 Congestion Control Usage 1
3 Effects of Congestion Familiarity 1
2 Traffic Management Familiarity 1
2 TCP Congestion Control Familiarity 1
– Congestion Avoidance
1 QoS Parameters Assessment 1
1 Application layer Usage 1
2 Domain Name System Usage 1
2 Case Study : FTP - Familiarity 1
2 Simulation of unicast Usage LAB
Routing protocols Component
2 Simulation of Transport Usage LAB
layer Protocols and Component
analysis of congestion
control techniques in

2 Develop a DNS client Usage LAB

server to resolve the Component
given host name or IP
2 Implementation of Usage LAB
Layers for security Component
protocols - SSL/TLS
Socket programming –
Multi client chatting
2 Implementation of Usage LAB
Layers for security Component
protocols - SSL/TLS
45 Hours 30
(3 Credit Hours
hours (2
/week  Credit
15 Weeks hours /
schedule) week )

Approved by Academic Council No.:55 Date: 13.06.2019

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