Suggested Readings

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General References: (Suggested Reading)

Center for Naval Analysis and Naval War College. Wargame Pathologies. Christopher A.
Weuve, Peter P. Perla, Michael C. Markowitz, Robert Rubel, Stephen Downes-Martin,
Michael Martin, CDR, USN, Paul V. Vebber, CDR, USNR. CRM D0010866.A1/Final
September 2004,

Challans, Tim. Design Application and Wargaming. MORS Wargame CoP Brown Bag
Lecture 20 January 2016.

Downes-Martin, Stephen. “Your Boss, Players and Sponsors: The Three Witches of
Wargaming” Naval War College Review 2014, Vol 67, No. 1, pp 31 – 40

Downes-Martin, Stephen, Adjudication The Diabolus in Machina of War Gaming, Naval War
College Review, Summer 2013, Vol. 66, No. 3

Dunnigan, J.F. "Wargames Handbook, 3rd ed.", Writers Club Press, 2000.

Janis, Irving L. Victims of Groupthink: A Psychological Study of Foreign-Policy Decisions

and Fiascoes. Houghton Mifflin Company College Division. November 1972.

McHugh, Francis. The United States Naval War College: Fundamentals of War Gaming. 3rd
Edition March 1966 USGPO: Washington DC 1966.

Military Operations Research Society. A Practitioner’s Handbook for Conducting

Professional Games. 2016

Naval War College. Wargamers Handbook - A Guide for Professional War Gamers. Newport
Rhode Island. 2013.

Perla, Peter P., The Art of Wargaming: A Guide for Professionals and Hobbyists, Naval
Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, 1990.

RAND. Toward a Calculus of Scenarios. Carl H. Builder. N-1855-DNA. January 1983.

RAND. Using Gaming in Analysis Paul Davis. Excerpts. Circa 2007.

Research Analysis Corporation. Gaming as a Military Research Procedure. Vincent V.

McRae. Bethesda, Md. 1961.

Simpson, William L. Jr. A Compendium of Wargaming Terms (Updated 10 September 2015)

United States Army Training and Doctrine Command Analysis Center. Constraints,
Limitations and Assumptions: Code of Best Practice. Dr. Christopher Morey, Michael F.
Bauman, Paul Works. TRAC-H-TM-12-033 CLA COBP. Fort Leavenworth, KS: June 2012.

United States Army War College. Strategic Wargaming Series: HANDBOOK. 1 July 2015

Weuve, Christopher. Wargame Pathologies Checklist. 27 February 2013.

Weuve, Christopher. “Wargame Pathologies An overview, with examples”. MORS

Wargaming CoP Brown Bag. 21 November 2013.

Angela Wilkinson, Angela, Roland Kupers, Diana Mangalagiu. ‘How plausibility-based

scenario practices are grappling with complexity to appreciate and address 21st century
challenges’ Technological Forecasting & Social Change 80 (2013) 699–710 December 2012

Facilitation References – Rafael Matos:

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Psychology, 77, 68–77.

Bond, C. F., Atoum, A. O., & VanLeeuwen, M. D. (1996). Social

impairment of complex learning in the wake of public embarrassment. Basic
and Applied Social Psychology, 18, 31–44.

Buote, V. M., Pancer, S. M., Pratt, M. W., Adams, G., Birnie-Lefcovitch, S.,
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Research, 22(6), 665–689.

Crocker, J., & Luhtanen, R. (1990). Collective self-esteem and ingroup bias.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 60–67.

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