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Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340




Devi Mulatsih
English Education Department
Swadaya Gunung Jati University Cirebon


Pronunciation is the production of speech sounds for communication. It is the most

difficult area of English. This study was conducted under the consideration that
pronouncing English words plays an important role. Because of the differences between
English and Indonesian pronunciation, many students pronounce English words
incorrectly. Data from the Phonetic of English and the rule of how to pronounce English
words has been crucial in the development of Phonetics theory throughout its recent past.
Explaining the use of English song can increase the pronunciation ability to the students of
Unswagati Cirebon in question.

Keywords: pronunciation, phonetic, and song

INTRODUCTION over again (e.g., minimal ppair work) often

Pronunciation is one of the most parts leads to discouraging results, and
of English to communicate with others since discouraged students and teachers end up
there are differences between the symbol and wanting to avoid pronunciation together.
its sounds. When we communicate with It is difficult for Indonesian students
other people we should not only have a good pronounce English words correctly, for
vocabulary but also have good example when they are asked to pronounce
pronunciation. Therefore, it is important to the word “diamond” /ˈdaɪǝmǝnd/ they will
teach pronunciation. As Harmer (2000:183) pronounce /dɪamon/. It is because the
states “that for all these people, being made difference between their mother tongue and
aware of pronunciation issues will be of the English. The degree of difficulty in
immense benefit not only to their own learning is also determined by the degree of
production but also to their own difference between the two languages. The
understanding of spoken English”. Teaching greater similarity between them, the less
pronunciation involves a variety of difficult it will be for the students to learn the
challenges. To begin with, teachers often foreign language (Ramelan, 1985:5). The
find that they do not have enough time in student often finds problem with
class to give proper attention to this aspect of pronunciation when they speak, read, or
English instruction. When they do find the listen to the English words. It might be
time to address pronunciation, the instruction caused some factors. There are internal and
often amounts to the presentation and external factors. The internal factors came
practice of a series of tedious and seemingly from the learner themselves, such as:
unrelated topics. Drilling sounds over and motivation, interest, attitude, and

Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340

intelligence. While, the external factors came Pronunciation refers to the ability to use
from the outside of learner, such as: the the correct stress, rhythm, and intonation
situation and the condition of the of a word in a spoken language. Besides
environment, and learning materials. that, pronunciation is the act or result of
Learning English pronunciation producing the sounds of speech, such as:
through the song can be very enjoyable. It articulation stress and intonation, often
may be easy to see the benefit of good with reference to some standard of
pronunciation instruction for increasing correctness or acceptability. A word can be
intelligibility, it is just as useful for spoken in different ways by various
increasing listening comprehension. Most individuals or groups, depending on many
English learners who suffer from inadequate factors, such as: the area in which they
training in listening comprehension complain grew up, the area in which they now live.
that “native speakers talk too fast”. What this According to Harmer (2001:187) “the
often means is that learners are unable to areas of pronunciation which we need to
process important grammatical signals, (e.g., draw our students’ attention to include
past tense markers) or effectively process individual sounds they are having
contracted speech. difficulty with, word and phrase/sentence,
Some songs can be quite complex stress and intonation. But students will also
syntactically, lexically, and poetically, and need help with connected speech for
can be analyzed in the same way as any fluency and the correspondence between
other literary sample. Furthermore, song can sounds and spelling and if there is no
be appropriated by listener for their own creativity from the teacher, it will be hard
purpose. In addition, songs are relaxing. for students who especially a foreign
They provide variety and fun, and encourage language student to pronounce the word
harmony within oneself and group. For correctly”.
English pronunciation, song helps very There are some reasons why pronunciation
much. The lyric’s repetition, catchy music is important for example improved
and nice rhymes make people sing without pronunciation shows that students have
realizing and they try to do or to make the become more native-like in their
same sound as the song did. Hornby categorical perception of sounds. This
(1995:928) states “pronunciation is the way means that they are more likely not only to
in which a language is spoken; the way in sound like native when they speak, but also
which a word is pronounced; the way a to understand which sounds that in words
person speaks the words a language”. that native to them (i.e., improved reading
Based on the explanation, the writer aloud). According to Kelly (2002:22)
wants to find out whether the use of English states “At some stage, when a text is read
song can increase the pronunciation ability to aloud either by the teacher or the students’,
the students of Unswagati Cirebon. pronunciation work can be integrated.
Such text as poems, rhymes, extracts from
LITERATURE REVIEWS plays, song lyrics, etc, can be used
1.1 Pronunciation Concept creatively in the classroom and offer plenty
Pronunciation is the act of giving the true of scopes for pronunciation work”
sounds of letters in words, and the true
accents and quantity of syllables.

Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340

1.2 Teaching Pronunciation using problems for learners. Good pronunciation

English Song does not just mean saying individual words
Pronunciation is the way a word or or even individual sounds correctly. The
language is usually spoken the manner in sounds of words change when they come
which someone utters a word. According to into contact with each other. This is
Hornby (1995:928), “Pronunciation is the something we need to draw students’
way in which a language is spoken; the way attention to in our pronunciation teaching.
in which a word is pronounced; the way a 1.3 Songs
person speaks the words a language”. In music, song is a composition for
Harmer (2001:187) states “The areas of voice or voices, performed by singing.
pronunciation which we need to draw our According to Peake (1980:510-523) “A
students’ attention to include individual song is a piece of music for accompanied or
sounds they are having difficulty with, word unaccompanied voice or voices or, the act
and phrase/sentence, stress and intonation”. of art of singing, but the term is generally
But students will need help with connected not used for large vocal forms including
speech for fluency and the correspondence opera and oratorio”. One advantage of using
between sounds and spelling. These areas of songs in the young learner classroom is
pronunciation are touched according to the their flexibility. Songs can help the learners
statement above. They are: improve their listening skills and
a. Working with sounds pronunciations, therefore potentially
We often asks students to focus on one helping them to improve their speaking
particular sound. This allows us to skills (Murphey, 1992).
demonstrate how it is made and show it can
be spelt a major concern with English since 2. METHODOLOGY
there is far less one-to-one correspondence 2.1 Research Method
between sounds and spellings than there is This research use experimental
in some other languages. method. According to Macmillan and
b. Working with stresses Schumacer (2001:590) “Experimental
Stress is important in individual words, in design is research in which the independent
phrase and in sentences, by shifting it variable is manipulated to investigate cause
around in a phrase or a sentence we can and effect relationships between
change emphasis or meaning. independent and dependent variable”.
c. Working with intonations
We need to draw our students’ attention to 2.2 Research Design
the way we use changes in pitch to convey The process of research takes with tests;
meaning, to reflect the thematic structure of pre-test and post-test. According to
what we are saying and to convey mood. Arikunto (2006:85) as follow:
d. Sounds and spellings
O1 X O2
Although, there are many regularities in
English spelling (such as word roots and O1 : pre-test is taken before treatment
grammatically endings) the fact there is no X : treatment
complete one-to-one correspondence O2 : post-test is taken after treatment
between letters and phonemes causes many

Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340

2.3 Population and Sample = 1.92

The population has been taken from the ∑x d2

students of Unswagati Cirebon. The

Xd = d – Md
sample for the research was took 39
students. x2 = (d – Md)2
2.4 Technique Collecting Data Apply of t-test to to find taccount
Data was took by tests; pre-test and post-
test. It is an examination or trial of
something to find its quality, value, etc.
2.5 Method of Data Analysis
The data analyzed by the following
formula taken from Arikunto (2006:86):

t : test score
Taccount = 11.66
Md : Mean of differentiate (d) between
pre-test and post-test Determining degree of freedom (d.b)
xd : deviation f subject (d-Md) d.b = N – 1
∑ x d : total quadrate deviation = 39 – 1
N : total number of student = 38
db : determine by N-1 Comparing ttable and taccount
The finding of ttable and taccount
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION With t0.05  t (1-1/2α)
The result of students’ test from 39 α = 5% = 0.05  standard of signification
students of Unswagati; pre-test ∑X1 = 259 t (1-1/2(0.05)) = t 0.975
and post-test ∑X2 = 333 and Gain (d); ∑ d With t 0.05 and the degree of freedom in the
= 75. level of signification is 38 the valuable of t
Finding of X1 and X2 (mean X1 and X2) table is 2.02
From the analysis, it shows that: taccount =
11.66 and ttable = 2.02. It concludes that
taccount > ttable
It means that the hypothesis alternative
(Ha) is accepted. The use of English song
= 6.64 = 8.53 is able to increase the pronunciation of
student of Unswagati. The students were
Find ∑ d (gain of pre-test and post-test)
more interested in learning pronunciation
∑ d = 75 using English song. Because of they got
Find Md (mean of differentiate between something new and enjoyable during their
pre-test and post-test) study. They did not feel nervous and bored.


Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340

Based on the analysis above, the writer ----------------. 1983. An Outline of English
finds the significant differences between Phonetics. Cambridge University
students’ pre-test and post-test score. Press.
Based on the result of computation, it is
found that taccount is bigger than ttable (11.66 Gilbert, Judy B. 2008. Teaching
> 2.02). it means that the alternative Pronunciation: Using the Prosody
hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Pyramid. Cambridge University Press.

REFERENCES Kamien, Roger. 1997. Music: An

Akdon, Prof.,Dr.,M.Pd. 2007. Rumus dan Appreciation (3rd Edition). New
Data Dalam Analisis Statistika. York:McGraw-Hill.
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Kumar, Ranjit. 1999. Research
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002 prosedur Methodology. London: Sage
penelitian. Edisi V. Jakarta: Rineka University Ltd.
Manurung, Heldin. 2003. Mastering Word
Daniel, Jones. 1986. The Pronunciation of Spelling and Pronunciation. Jakarta:
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