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PLARES is a graduate of Bachelor of Education major in

English from Pangasinan State University. She is a Senior High School
teacher at Enrico T. Prado National High School, Aguilar, Pangasinan from
2017-present. She earned her Master in Education-English degree at
Lyceum Northwestern University, Dagupan City, Pangasinan.
Over the years, it has been observed that the oral proficiency in English of the Filipino learners
has been declining.

This speech module is primarily designed for Grade 7 Filipino learners who struggle in reading Eng-
lish words.
The content of this learning material is corpus-based. The words are taken from the Internet. it
also contains learning activities which were designed within the level of the learners, their needs and in-
terest. Contrastive analysis of English and Filipino Language is also done to properly address the needs of
Filipino learners.
Enjoy learning and may this module help you a fluent English speaker!

First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Melchor Cayabyab, professor in the
subject, Contrastive Analysis of English and Filipino Language for giving me the opportunity to make this
module and also for his invaluable guidance and motivation for me to work harder.
I would like also to extend my gratitude to the people who pored over and vastly improved this
work. Thank you for taking care of all endless little details that I missed, forgot, or simply did know about.
Thanks to my parents, sister, and my special one for the inspiration that you instilled in me.
Above all, I would like to thank God, the author of knowledge and wisdom and for being able to
complete this module with success.

i 58


Lesson 1: The /z/ sound …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

Lesson 2: The /v/ sound …………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

Lesson 3: The /dʒ/ sound … … … … … … … . … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … … … … … 10

Lesson 4: The /θ/ and /ð/ sound … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 13

Lesson 5: The /ei/ sound ………………….………………………………………………………….…………… 16

Lesson 6: The /æ/ sound …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

Lesson 7: The /ər/ sound ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21

Lesson 8: The /ə/ sound …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24


Table of Specifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 28

New General Service List (1000 words) ……………………………………………………………………….. 37

Webliography …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 58

57 ii
Lesson 1 952. accelerometer /ˈək,selə'rämədər/ noun
953. astrophotography /ˈastrōfə'tägrəfē/ noun
/z/ 954. bioinformatic /ˈbīō,infər'madiks/ noun
955. collectivization /ˈkə-lektiv'zāshən/ noun
956. collegiality /ˈkə,lējē'alədē/ noun
I. Objectives 957. cryobiology /ˈkrīō,bīäləjē/ noun
958. cyanobacterial /ˈsīənō-baktirēəl/ adjective
 Identify the /z/ critical sound of the English Language.
959. cyclooxygenase /ˈsī-klō,äksijənās/ noun
 Familiarize the critical sound through word, phrase, and sentence drills.
960. demoralization /ˈdimorələzāshən/ noun
 Classify words with /z/ sounds.
961. electrodynamic /ˈə,lektrō,dīnamiks/ noun
962. homozygosity /ˈhōmə,zīgäsədē/ noun
II. Pre -Test 963. interrogatively /ˈin(t)ə'rägədiv-lē/ adverb
Directions: Read the given words and identify the words with /z/ sound. 964. intramuscularly /ˈintrə'məskyələr-lē/ adverb
965. metastability /ˈmetə'stə-'bilətē/ noun
1. business assume shells said
966. nonuniformity /ˈnän'yo͞onə,fôrmədē/ noun
2. fresh size thistle pass 968. onomatopoeia /ˈänə,madə'pēə/ noun
3. result strings cabins years 969. overactivity /ˈō-vər-ak-'ti-və-tē/ noun
970. particularistic /ˈpə(r)-ti-k(yə-)lə-ristik/ adjective
4. works parts ship those
972. pedagogically /ˈpedə'gäjək(ə)l-lē/ adverb
5. sour nest zone sun 973. photolithography /ˈfōdōli'THägrəfē/ noun
6. adze still power nears 974. physicochemical /ˈfizikō'kemikəl/ adjective
975. polycythemia /ˈpälē,sīTHēmēə/ noun
7. exactly meanly surely mistune
976. polyneuritis /ˈpälē,n(y)o͝orīdəs/ noun
8. astir fuzzy miss supplies 977. serialization /ˈsir-ē-ə-lə-zā-shən/ noun
9. walls rods zeal seal 978. stereophonic /ˈsterēə-fänik/ adjective
980. systematization /ˈsis-təmətə'zāshən/ noun
10. cans music muse give
981. territorially /ˈter'ə,tôrēəl-lē/ adverb
Listen as the teacher reads the words. Put if the word has /z/ sound and if not.
982. thromboembolism /ˈTHrämbō'embə,lizəm/ noun
____11.axenic ____12. bemused ____13. solve ____14. frenziedly ____15. journalize 983. topicalization /ˈtäpəkəlīzSHən/ noun
984. transcendentalism /ˈtran(t),sen'den(t)l,izəm/ noun
985. ultraconservative /ˈəltrəkən'sərvədiv/ adjective
III. Let’s Learn It
986. unarticulated /ˈən-ärtiky,lādəd/ adjective
987. uncommunicative /ˈən-kəmyo͞onəkədiv/ adjective
988. uncomplimentary /ˈən,kämplə'ment(ə)rē/ adjective
989. undeliverable /ˈən-də'liv(ə)rəb(ə)l/ adjective
990. unemotionally /ˈən-i-'mō-shnəl-lē/ adverb
To make /z/ sound, place the blade of your tongue (just behind the tip) very 991. unpremeditated /ˈənprēmedə,tādəd/ adjective
close to the roof of your mouth, behind your teeth. There should be a little space 992. demineralization /ˈdē-'minərələzāshən/ noun
between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Now, vibrate your vocal 993. diagrammatically /ˈdīə-gram-ti-kəl-lē/ adverb
cords and push the air between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. You 994. individualization /ˈindi-vij-wələzāshən/ noun
will feel some resistance. To learn more how to pronounce the /z/ sound and 995. logarithmically /ˈlo-gə-'rith-mik(ə-)lē/ adverb
its examples, you can visit the link:
996. miniaturization /ˈminē-ə-,churəzāshən/ noun
997. pharmacologically /ˈfär-mə-'kä-lə-ji-k(ə-)lē/ adverb
998. unenthusiastically /ˈən'inthu-zē-'as-tik(ə-)lē/ adverb
999. unsympathetically /ˈən'simpə-'the-tik(ə-)lē/ adverb
1000. stereotypically /ˈster-ē-ə-'tipik(ə-)lē/ adverb

1 56
902. irrelevantly /ˈə'reləvənt-lē/ adverb
903. irretrievable /ˈi(r)rə'trēvəb(ə)l/ adjective IV. Drills
904. isomerism /ˈi-sä-mə'rizəm/ noun
905. lasciviously /ˈlə'sivēəslē/ adverb Listen as your teacher reads aloud to you the words with /z/ sound in initial, medial, and final
906. lateralization /ˈlatərələzāshən/ noun sounds position. Remember to pronounce the words clearly and accurately with correct accent.
907. latitudinal /ˈladə't(y)o͞odn(ə)l/ adjective
Also in the drills are the parts of speech of the given words. The words are also used in phrase and
908. legendarily /ˈlejən,derē-lē/ adverb
909. likability /ˈlī-kəbilətē/ noun Word Drill
910. literalism /ˈlidərəlizəm/ noun
911. luxuriantly /ˈləg'ZHo͝orēənt-lē/ adverb WORD IPA TRANSCRIPTION STRESS SYLLABLE PARTS OF SPEECH
912. magnanimously /ˈmag'nanəməs-lē/ adverb adze /ædz/ initial 1st noun
913. malapropism /ˈmalə,präp-ism/ noun fez /fez/ initial 1st noun
914. maneuverable /ˈmə'no͞ovərəbəl/ adjective
clansman /ˈklanzmən/ initial 1st noun
915. misappropriate /ˈmisə'prōprē,āt/ verb
916. monofilament /ˈmänə'filəmənt/ noun hussar /həˈzär/ final 2nd noun
917. nanoparticle /ˈnanō,pärdik(ə)l/ noun salesclerk /ˈsālzklərk/ initial 1st noun
918. nonacademic /nän,akə'demik/ adjective unpleased /ˌənˈplēzd/ final 2nd adjective
919. obsequiously /ˈəb'sēkwēəs-lē/ adverb vizier /vəˈzir/ final 2nd noun
920. oceanographic /ˈō-shə-'nä-grə-fik/ adjective
woodsy /ˈwo͝odzē/ initial 1st adjective
921. oropharyngeal /ˈorə,farən-'jēəl/ adjective
zephyr /ˈzefər/ initial 1st noun
922. parkinsonian /ˈpärkən-'sōnēən/ adjective
923. patrilineal /ˈpatrə'linēəl/ adjective artesian /ärˈtēzhən/ medial 3rd adjective
924. perihelion /ˈperə'hēlēə'n/ noun axenic /āˈzēnik-/ medial 2nd adjective
925. pharmacologist /ˈfärmə'käləjist/ noun bemused ͞
/bəˈmyoozd/ medial 2nd adjective
926. polychlorinate /ˈpälēklôrə,nāte/ noun diphthongization /ˈdipTHôNGˌīzashən/ initial 3rd verb
927. polytheism /ˈpäleTHē,izəm/ noun
totalize /ˈtōdl,īz/ initial 3rd verb
928. popularizer /ˈpä-pyə-lə,rī-zər/ noun
929. potentiometer /ˈpə,ten(t)Shē'ämədər/ noun literalism /ˈlidərəlizəm/ initial 4th noun
930. proteinaceous /ˈprō-tə-'nā-'shəs/ adjective provincialism /ˈprə'vin(t)SHə,lizəm/ medial 4th noun
931. provincialism /ˈprə'vin(t)SHə,lizəm/ noun salinization /ˈsalənəzāshən/ initial 4th noun
932. rationalistic /ˈrash-nə-listik/ adjective collectivization /ˈkə-lektiv'zāshən/ medial 4th noun
933. rebelliously /ˈrə'bəlyəs-lē/ adverb
934. repetitiveness /ˈri'pe-tə-tivnəs/ noun Phrase Drill
935. salinization /ˈsalənəzāshən/ noun
936. semifinalist /ˈsemēfīnəlist/ noun Left Collocates Right Collocates
937. statically /ˈstatik(ə)lē/ adverb adze head with an adze
938. stentorian /ˈsten'tôrēən/ adjective red fez in a fez
939. subdirectory /ˈsəb,di'retərē/ noun
Scottish clansman by a clansman
940. synchronicity /ˈsiNGkrə'nisədē/ noun
young hussar in the hussar
941. ubiquitously /ˈyo͞o'bikwədəs-lē/ adverb
942. unbelievingly /ˈənbəlēviNG-lē/ adverb clever salesclerk to the salesclerk
943. unconquerable /ˈən'käNGk(ə)rəbəl/ adjective not unpleased for the unpleased
944. uncultivated /ˈən'kəltə,vādəd/ adjective grand vizier before a vizier
945. underemployment /ˈəndər,əm'ploimənt/ noun
woodsy note Into the woodsy
946. unexpectedness /ˈən-ik-'spek-tədnəs/ noun
947. ungovernable /ˈəngəvərnəb(ə)l/ adjective
zephyr dance by the zephyr
948. unrepentantly /ˈənrə'pən(t)lē/ adverb pure artesian for the artesian
949. unseasonable /ˈən'sēz(ə)nəb(ə)lē/ adverb axenic culture of axenic
950. urticaria /ˈərdə'kerēə/ noun bemused smile by a bemused
951. watercolorist /ˈwo-tər-,kə-lər-ist/ noun
proper diphthongization of diphthongization
55 2
851. agrarianism /ˈə-'grer-ē-əni-zəm/ noun
totalizing flow for totalizing flow
852. angularity /ˈən-'gyə-iler-ə-tē/ noun
scriptural literalism on literalism
853. anticlimactic /ˈan(t)ē,klīmaktik/ adjective
cultural provincialism from provincialism 854. antimalarial /ˈan(t)ē,mə-'ler-ē-əl/ adjective
soil salinization by salinization 855. antisubmarine /ˈan(t)ē,səb-'mə-'rēn/ adjective
collectivization program to the collectivization 856. apochromatic /ˈa-pə-krō-'ma-tik/ adjective
857. archiepiscopal /ˈärkēə'piskəpəl/ adjective
Sentence Drill 858. bibliographer /ˈbi-blē-'ä-grə-fər/ noun
859. blastocoelic /ˈblas-tə-'sē-lik/ adjective
The adze edge has two bevels cut from each side Occasionally metal nails were used. Minor flaws 860. calorimetry /ˈka-lə-'ri-mə-tər/ noun
and the steel is three laminations, a tough rela- were then shaved off with an adze or covered 861. catabolism /ˈka-tabə,lizəm/ noun
tively soft steel for the faces, with the hard with gesso, the artefact was burnished and finally 862. ceremonious /ˈserə',mōnēəs/ adjective
cutting edge sandwiched in between them. painted. 863. circumlocution /ˈsərkəm,lə'kyo͞oSH(ə)n/ noun
Most commonly, I think they were bright red In the second car were the mayor of Sarajevo, 864. coelenterate /ˈsē'lentərət/ noun
865. coloratura /ˈkələrə'to͝orə/ noun
trousers/pajama bottoms, bright red fez, blue Fehim Effendi Curcic, dressed in a fez and the Sa-
866. colorimetric /ˈkələrə'me-trik/ adjective
blouse with red embroidery. rajevo police commissioner, Dr. Edmund Gerde.
867. combinatoric /ˈkämbənə'tôriks/ noun
There is little doubt that the first Argyle socks These are the four places that merit being seen by 868. compassionately /ˈkəm'paSHənət-lē/ adverb
were designed by Scottish clansman way back in a clansman with conviction, that merit his feelings 869. condescendingly /ˈkändə'sendinNG-lē/ adverb
the 16th century. of urgency & dismay. 870. contradistinction /ˈkäntrədə'stiNG(k)SH(ə)n/ noun
Unlike any other young hussar, he could ensure As many as two seasons he served as a platoon 871. corticotropin /ˈkôrdəkō'trōpən/ noun
872. costeffectiveness /ˈkôstə,fektivnəs/ noun
that there was a long and gripping account of his commander in the hussar regiment, and then
873. counterargument /ˈkoun(t)ər,ärgyəmənt/ noun
bravery. commander of the squadron. 874. daguerreotype /ˈdə'gerə,tīp/ noun
But the clever salesclerk soon realized which She counted out seven £5 notes and passed 875. deconstructionist /ˈdēkən-'strək-shə-nist/ noun
item I wanted. them to the salesclerk. 876. determinable /ˈdə'tərmənəb(ə)l/ adjective
And are not those who, while not comprehend- Crank that insult for the unpleased guests and 877. dichotomously /ˈdīkädəməs-lē/ adverb
878. discriminative /ˈdə'skrimənədiv/ adjective
ing all that is said, still remain not unpleased to hosts.
879. disrespectfully /ˈdisrə'spek(t)fəl-lē/ adverb
hear, men of the superior order?
880. echolalia /ˈekō'lālēə/ noun
Another one I've seen recently, which is a musi- The bitch would have liked to accuse the hyaena 881. electromagnet /ˈə'lektrō,magnət/ noun
cal rather than a book, but is 'what if the grand before the vizier, but the husband of the hyaena 882. eosinophilia /ˈeəsinə'filēə/ noun
vizier in Aladdin is actually a misrepresented and the puppy's father begged her to kill it. 883. episcopacy /ˈə'piskəpəsē/ noun
good guy' It's called Twisted and is fantastic. 884. etymologist /ˈe-tə-'mä-lə-jist/ noun
A little woodsy note is trying to poke through, Dare pack it into a woodsy snarl, and it'll come out 885. evisceration /ˈi-'vi-sə-'rāt-shən/ noun
but the clove is beating it down. prime to thrash. 886. evocatively /ˈə'vä-kədiv-lē/ adverb
887. exoskeleton /ˈeksə'skelətn/ noun
Sometimes it is good to drag the zephyr dance so She was then carried to land upon a scallop shell,
888. heterotrophic /ˈhetərə'trōfik/ adjective
you can stay out of his attacks blown by the zephyr winds. 889. hyperkinetic /ˈhīpərkə'nedik/ adjective
Carbon candle filtration and the use of pure arte- Perhaps some of these waters provided the 890. ideologist /ˈī'dē-'ä-lə-jist/ noun
sian well water create the remarkably crisp, source for the artesian rivers before the Flood. 891. imbecility /ˈimbəsilətē/ noun
clean character of Ultimat Vodka. 892. importunity /ˈimpôr't(y)o͞onədē/ noun
The axenic culture of rusts has been achieved on For quality control of axenic medicine production, 893. incomparably /ˈinkämp(ə)rəblē/ adverb
various defined media. the method of parametric release is more effec- 894. inconspicuously /ˈinkən'spikyo͞oəs-lē/ adverb
895. inelegantly /ˈin'eləgənt-lē/ adverb
tive than traditional method.
896. infelicitous /ˈinfəlisədəs/ adjective
He should cut out the bemused smile he makes Talk radio also was exploring the case, with equal
897. inseparably /ˈinsep(ə)rə-'blē/ adverb
when Obama talks, though. scorn being displayed by conservative hosts and 898. insubordinate /ˈinsəbôrd(ə)nət/ adjective
by a bemused but outraged array of National Pub- 899. interlibrary /ˈin(t)ər,lī'brerē/ noun
lic Radio outlets. 900. interminably /ˈintərm,nə-bəl-lē/ adverb
901. intrapersonal /ˈintra'pərs-nəl/ adjective
3 54
801. retributive /ˈri-'tri-byə-tiv/ adjective We placed proper diphthongization in composing Note the absence of diphthongization in the roots
802. rhizomatous /ˈrī-'zō-mə-təs/ adjective a sentence of "poder" and "venir".
803. ruination /ˈro͞oə'nāSHən/ noun In another example, if you are simply totalizing There are other posts on this subject on the fo-
804. saguaro /ˈsə'(g)wärō/ noun
flow over a daily, weekly or monthly period, a rum - look for totalizing flow, if memory serves.
805. sanctimony /ˈsaNG(k)tə'mōnē/ noun
806. scattershot /ˈskadər,SHät/ adjective
807. schismatic /ˈs(k)iz'madik/ adjective
On balance, King shows himself willing to aban- Thus Eden's geography and Flood geology, both
808. seismology /ˈsīz'mäləjē/ noun don scriptural literalism, remaining confident based on literalism, stand in contradiction.
809. sensually /ˈsen-shə-lē/ adverb that this would not undermine the " profound
810. servility /ˈsər'vilə-dē/ noun
811. sinuously /ˈsin-yə-wəs-lē/ adverb The curriculum should encourage students to Crump relates the fascinating story of Minneso-
812. sleepwalker /ˈslēp-'wokər/ noun overcome the narrowness of cultural provincial- ta's graphic arts world and its growth from provin-
813. smithereens /ˈsmiThə'rēnz/ noun ism. cialism to part of a national movement, showing
814. spectrograph /ˈspektrə,graf/ noun
815. speechlessly /ˈspēch-ləs-lē/ adverb
Furthermore, agricultural land losses will occur Other water-related negative effects are being
816. speechlessness /ˈspēch-ləs-nəs/ noun
817. sportsperson /ˈspôrts'pərsən/ noun as a result of soil salinization. caused by salinization (salt buildup in soil), pollu-
818. stablemate /ˈstābəl,māt/ noun
819. steerable /ˈstir-ə-bəl/ adjective Stalin wanted all of the roughly 100 million peas- A peasant who objected to the collectivization,
820. strangulate /ˈstraNGgyə,lāt/ verb ants to join his planned collectivization program put in motion in January 1930, faced loss of his
821. stuffiness /ˈstə-fē-nəs/ noun although he realized that the peasants would not electoral rights.
822. suavely /ˈswäv-lə/ adverb
823. talkativeness /ˈto-kə-tiv-nəs/ noun
824. taxidermist /ˈtaksə,dərməst/ noun
825. tenuously /ˈten-yə,wəs-lē/ adverb V. Post -Test
826. teratogen /ˈte-radəjən/ noun
827. terminable /ˈtərmənəbəl/ adjective Directions: Encircle the words with /z/ sound.
828. tetracycline /ˈtetrə'sīklēn/ noun
829. transmigration /ˈtran(t)s-mī-'grā-shən/ noun zoo sink salesclerk literalism object zoom zinc knees
830. treasonable /ˈtrēzənəb(ə)l/ adjective
831. triazolam /tri-a-zol-am/ noun
wizard close sans cheese clams puzzle hose desert
832. unaccented /ˈən'ak,sen(t)əd/ adjective
833. unacquainted /ˈənə'kwān(t)əd/ adjective Read the sentences. Underline the words that contain /z/ sound.
834. unbridgeable /ˈən'brijəb(ə)l/ adjective
1. Moses supposes his toes are roses, but Moses supposes amiss. For Moses knows his toes aren't roses
835. unconcernedly /ˈənkən'sərnd-lē/ adverb
836. undertenant /ˈəndər'tenənt/ noun as Moses supposes.
837. undoubtable /ˈən'doudəb(ə)l/ adjective 2. The rose has a zillion thorns.
838. unembarrassed /ˈənem'barəst/ adjective
839. unmerited /ˈən'merədəd/ adjective 3. Zack zipped the zipper.
840. unplayable /ˈən'plāəbəl/ adjective 4. These cars are quite noisy.
841. unquenchable /ˈən'kwen(t)SHəb(ə)l/ adjective
842. unromantic /ˈənrō'man(t)ik/ adjective 5. Sue plays many musical instruments.
843. unwaveringly /ˈən'wāv(ə)riNG-lē/ adverb
844. visuomotor /ˈviZHəwō'mōdər/ adjective
845. witheringly /'wɪðɚiNG-lē/ adverb
846. zirconia /ˈzər'kōnēə/ noun
847. acidophilic /ˈə,sidə'fililk/ adjective
848. admonitory /ˈəd'mänə,tôrē/ adjective
849. advantageously /ˈadvən'tājəs/ adverb
850. agglutinative /ˈə'glo͞otnādiv/ adjective

53 4
751. kahikatea /ˈkīkə'tēə/ noun
Lesson 2 752. lapidary /ˈlapə,derē/ noun
753. luminescent /ˈlo͞omə'nes(ə)nt/ adjective

/v/ 754.
756. mellifluous /ˈmə'liflo͞oəs/ adjective
757. mendacity /ˈmen'dasədē/ noun
I. Objectives 758. metacarpal /ˈmedə'kärpəl/ noun
759. metallurgist /ˈmetəl'ər-jist/ noun
 Identify the /v/ critical sound of the English Language. 760. midazolam /mida-zo lam/ noun
 Recognize words with /v/ sound. 761. militarist /ˈmiləd(ə)rəst/ noun
 Familiarize the critical sound through word, phrase, and sentence drills. 762. misanthropic /ˈmis(ə)n'THräpik/ adjective
 Place proper stress on the words with /v/ sound. 763. misfeasance /ˈmis'fēzəns/ noun
764. mistranslation /ˈmis'translāSH(ə)n/ noun
765. mutagenic /ˈmy-tē-'jenik/ adjective
II. Pre -Test 766. mycelium /ˈmīsēlēəm/ noun
767. nasality /ˈnā-'za-lə-tē/ noun
Directions: Underline the words that match with the picture. 768. neuromotor /ˈn(y)o͝orō,mōdər/ noun
769. nitrogenous /ˈnīträjənəs/ adjective
770. nonadjacent /ˈnän,ə'jās(ə)nt/ adjective
(base, vase) 771. noncombatant /ˈnänkəm'batnt/ noun
1. 772. nonresident /ˈnänresidənt/ adjective
(valley, ballet) 773. numeration /ˈn(y)o͞omərāSHən/ noun
774. palimony /ˈpalə,mōnē/ noun
775. pardonable /ˈpärdnəb(ə)l/ adjective
2. (veil, bail) 776. patriarchate /ˈpātrē,ärkət/ noun
777. permanganate /ˈpər'maNGgə,nāt/ noun
778. peroration /ˈperə'rāSHən/ noun
779. perspicuous /ˈpər'spikyo͞oəs/ adjective
3. (boat, vote) 780. persuasiveness /ˈpər'swā-sīv-nəs/ noun
781. phonetician /ˈfōnə'tiSH(ə)n/ noun
782. phosphorescence /ˈfäsfə'resəns/ noun
783. phrenologist /ˈfri-'nä-lə-jidt/ noun
784. picturesquely /ˈpikCHə'resk-lē/ adverb
4. (boys, voice)
785. piroxicam /pi-rokzi-kam/ noun
Listen as the teacher reads the words. Box the words that the teacher enunciated. 786. placidity /ˈpla-'si-də-tē/ noun
787. plentifully /ˈplen-ti-fəl-lē/ adverb
6. vase base 788. polytheistic /ˈpälē,THēidtik/ adjective
7. volley Bali 789. portentously /ˈpor-'ten-təs-lē/ adverb
8. bane vane 790. precancerous /ˈprē'kans(ə)rəs/ adjective
9. vast bus 791. problematize /ˈpräbləmə,tīz/ verb
10. level label 792. proctologist /ˈpräk-'tä-lə-jist/ noun
Put the correct stress on the given words. 793. protuberant /ˈprə't(y)o͞ob(ə)rənt/ adjective
794. psychically /ˈsī-kik-lē/ adverb
11. undeliverable 795. psychobabble /ˈsīkō,babəl/ noun
12. centavo 796. pupillary /ˈpyu-pə-'ler-ē/ adjective
13. viand 797. putrefaction /ˈpyo͞otrə'fakSHən/ noun
798. ragamuffin /ˈragə,məfən/ noun
14. devilry
799. reanalyze /ˈre-'anl,īz/ verb
15. verst 800. rectosigmoid /rek to sigmoid/ noun

5 52
701. destructiveness /ˈdi-strək-tivnəs/ noun
702. determinist /ˈdi-tər-mə-,nis-tik/ noun
703. dexterously /ˈdekst(ə)rəslē/ adverb III. Let’s Learn It
704. dipterocarp /ˈdiptərə,kärp/ noun
705. discourtesy /ˈdis'kərdəs/ noun
706. dissociable /ˈdi'sōSHəbəl/ adjective
707. distastefully /ˈdis-'tāst-fəl-lē/ adverb
708. docility /ˈdä-,sī-lə-tē/ noun To make /v/ sound, place the bottom edges of your upper teeth
709. edutainment /ˈejə'tānmənt/ noun against the inside of your lower lip. Vibrate your vocal cords, and push
710. effusively /ˈi-fyu-siv-lē/ adverb air out of your mouth, forcing it between your teeth and lower lip. You
711. elephantine /ˈelə'fan(t)ēn/ adjective should feel some resistance (friction). To learn more how to pronounce
712. encomium /ˈen'kōmēəm/ noun
the /v/ sound and its examples, you can visit the link:
713. endurable /ˈin'd(y)o͝orəb(ə)l/ adjective
714. fastidiousness /ˈfa-'sti-dē-əsnəs/ noun
715. filarial /ˈfə-'ler-ē-əl/ adjective
716. filopodium /ˈfilə'pōdēəm/ noun
717. fortysomething /ˈfôrdē,səm,THiNG/ adjective
718. freemasonry /ˈfrē,māsnrē/ noun
719. frigidity /ˈfri-'ji-də-tē/ noun
720. futurity /ˈfyə'CHo͝orədē/ noun Drills
721. geniality /ˈjēnē'alədē/ noun
722. gentlemanlike /ˈjen-təl-mən-,līk/ adjective Listen as your teacher reads aloud to you the words with /v/ sound in initial, medial, and final
723. grandiloquent /ˈgran'diləkwənt/ adjective sounds position. Remember to pronounce the words clearly and accurately with correct accent.
724. hematoma /ˈhēmə'tōmə/ noun Also in the drills are the parts of speech of the given words. The words are also used in phrase and
725. hemiepiphyte /heme pifait/ noun sentences.
726. heterodox /ˈhedərə,däks/ adjective Word Drill
727. heulandite /ˈhyu-lən-,dīt/ noun
728. hexameter /ˈhek'samədər/ noun
729. homophony /ˈhō-'mä-fə-nē/ noun veld /velt/ initial 1 noun
730. hospitably /ˈhä-'spi-tə-blē/ adverb verst /vərst/ initial 1st noun
731. hullabaloo /ˈhələbə'lo͞o/ noun brainwave /ˈbrānˌwāv/ initial 1st noun
732. hypertonic /ˈhīpər'tänik/ adjective braveness /brāvnəs/ initial 1st noun
733. hypnotism /ˈhipnə'tizəm/ noun
cloven /ˈklōvən/ initial 2nd verb
734. hysteresis /ˈhistə'rēsis/ noun
735. ichthyosaur /ˈikTHēə,sôr/ noun fervid /ˈfərvəd/ initial 2nd adjective
736. idolatrous /ˈīdälətrəs/ adjective undeliverable /ˈən-də'liv(ə)rəb(ə)l/ initial 3rd adjective
737. implausibly /ˈim-'plo-zə-blē/ adverb overprint /ˈōvərˌprint/ initial 2nd verb
738. inculcation /ˈin-'kəl-'kā-shən/ noun surveil /sərˈvāl/ final 2nd verb
739. indirection /ˈində'rekSHən/ noun
unlive /ˌənˈliv/ final 2nd verb
740. influencer /ˈinflo͝oəsər/ noun
741. injudicious /ˈinjo͞o'diSHəs/ adjective
vaulter /vôltər/ initial 1st noun
742. insultingly /ˈin-'səl-ting-lē/ adverb wavefront /ˈwāvfrənt/ initial 1st noun
743. intaglio /ˈin'talyō/ noun wyvern /ˈwīvərn/ initial 2nd noun
744. integrally /ˈin-'tə-'grə-lē/ adverb centavo /senˈtävō/ medial 3rd noun
745. intermodal /ˈin(t)ər'mōdl/ adjective
clairvoyance /ˌklerˈvoiəns/ medial 2nd noun
746. intertribal /ˈin(t)ər'trīb(ə)l/ adjective
covetous /ˈkəvədəs/ initial 2nd adjective
747. isostatic /ˈīsə'stadik/ adjective
748. janissary /ˈjanə,serē/ noun individualization /ˈindi-vij-wələzāshən/ medial 3rd noun
749. jeremiad /ˈjerə'mīəd/ noun overlong /ōvərˈlôNG/ medial 3rd adjective
750. jocularly vestal /ˈvestl/ initial 1st adjective
/ˈjä-kyə-lər-lē/ adverb
51 6
viand /ˈvīənd/ initial 1st noun 651. weekender /ˈwēk,endər/ noun
652. whiskery /ˈhwis-kərē/ adjective
devilry /ˈdevəlrē/ initial 2nd noun
653. wolfishly /ˈwul-fish-lē/ adverb
deviousness /ˈdēvēəsnəs/ initial 2nd noun
654. womankind /ˈwo͝omən,kīnd/ noun
evenness /ˈēvənnəs/ initial 1st noun 655. wondrously /ˈwən-drəs-lē/ adverb
immersive /iˈmərsiv/ medial 3rd adjective 656. woodcarver /ˈwo͝od,kärvər/ noun
liverwort /ˈlivərwərt/ initial 1st noun 657. workingman /ˈwərkiNG,man/ noun
pervious /ˈpərvēəs/ initial 2nd adjective 658. worldliness /ˈwərl(d)lēnəs/ noun
659. wrathfully /ˈraTHfəl-lē/ adverb
revengeful /rəˈvenjfəl/ medial 2nd adjective
660. xenolith /zenəliTH/ noun
Phrase Drill 661. yeomanry /ˈyōmənrē/ noun
662. zoonotic /ˈzō-ə-nä-tik/ adjective
Left Collocates Right Collocates 663. afterburner /ˈaftər,bərnər/ noun
veld condition in the veld 664. allergenic /ˈalər'je-nik/ adjective
verst map over a verst 665. antidromic /ˈan(t)ē'drämik/ adjective
666. antidumping /ˈan(t)ē'dəmping/ adjective
over a verst to your brainwaves
667. antipiracy /ˈan(t)ē'pīrəsē/ adjective
cloven tongue with a cloven
668. antipodal /ˈan'ti'pədl/ adjective
fervid summer of fervid 669. arbovirus /arbo-vi-ruz/ noun
undeliverable messages in undeliverable 670. arsenical /ˈär'senək(ə)l/ adjective
overprint varnishes with overprint 671. aspidistra /ˈaspə'distrə/ noun
nutritional surveil to surveil 672. astoundingly /ˈə'stoundiNG'lē/ adverb
673. austerely /ˈo-'stir-lē/ adverb
unlived presidency of an unlived
674. benefaction /ˈbenə'fakSHən/ noun
best vaulter of vaulters 675. bestiality /ˈbesCHē'alədē/ noun
wavefront sensors with wavefront 676. biocontrol /ˈbīōkəntrōl/ noun
lethe wyvern with the wyverns 677. bohemia /ˈbō-'hē-mē-ə/ noun
bottom centavo of centavos 678. candelabra /ˈkandə'läbrəm/ noun
679. caparison /ˈkə'perəsən/ noun
clairvoyance spell in the clairvoyance
680. capybara /ˈkapə'berə/ noun
covetous people by the covetous
681. caricaturist /ˈker-i-kə-'chu-ist/ noun
individualization program to the individualization 682. cataloger /ˈkadl,ägər/ noun
overlong distance for an overlong 683. celeriac /ˈsə'lerē,ak/ noun
Vestal police for the vestal 684. centrosomal /sen tro som al/ noun
costly viands of viands 685. cephalopod /ˈsefələ,päd/ noun
686. chalcedony /ˈChal'sednē/ noun
devilry magic of devilry
687. chancellorship /ˈchan(t)-s(ə-)lər-ship/ noun
infinite deviousness to deviousness 688. clarinetist /ˈklerə'nedəst/ noun
peculiar evenness for evenness 689. clerestory /ˈklir,stôrē/ noun
immersive environments in the immersive 690. coelacanth /ˈsēlə,kanTH/ noun
leafy liverwort for liverwort 691. coexistent /ˈkōəg'zist(ə)nt/ adjective
692. commoditize /ˈkə'mädə,tīz/ verb
pervious owner on pervious
693. concessionaire /ˈkən,seSHə'ner/ noun
revengeful heart with a revengeful 694. conventicle /ˈkən'ven(t)ək(ə)l/ noun
Sentence Drill 695. corpuscular /ˈkor-pəs-kyə-lər/ adjective
696. crosscultural /ˈkrôs'kəlCH(ə)rəl/ noun
The assessment of the veld condition is the first Bosmaniae produces a spectacular floral display 697. cryptology /ˈkrip'täləjē/ noun
698. declamatory /ˈdə'klamə,tôrē/ adjective
step towards the formulation of a veld management during autumn when little else is flowering in
699. decrepitude /ˈdə'krep,t(y)o͞od/ noun
plan. the veld.
700. depopulate /ˈdē'päpyə,lāt/ verb

7 50
600. straightway /ˈstrēmˌwā/ adverb The most readily available map of the whole coun- But, unluckily, he advised their going on foot, as
601. streamside /ˈstrēmˌsīd/ noun
try is the verst map. it would not be much over a verst.
602. strudel /ˈstro͞odl/ noun
It will also explore the different brainwave patterns The headphones monitor your EEG readings and
603. suborder /ˈsəb,ôrdər/ noun
604. subtropics /ˈsəb,träpiks/ noun and how they relate to hypnosis. generate an audio soundscape that responds to
605. suffragan /ˈsəfrəgən/ noun your brainwaves in real-time.
606. sunbather /ˈsən,bāthər/ noun What the ex-policeman takes for boredom, though, Aristotle gave a brief description of two ani-
607. sundowner /ˈsən,dounər/ noun is the stillness of a serpent as its cloven tongue mals, one with a cloven hoof and one with a
608. supercoil /ˈso͞opər,koil/ noun
609. superfine /ˈso͞opər,fīn/ adjective Outside was the fervid summer afternoon; the air Familiarity with religious things for a contempt
610. suppliant /ˈsəplēənt/ noun
611. supplicate /ˈsəplə,kāt/ verb was filled with the sounds of the busy harvest of of religious things, mistaking their expressions
612. taiga /ˈtīgə/ noun flowers. of fervid devotion for sinful exaggerations.
613. teambuilding /ˈtēm,bildiNG/ noun Similarly, a system administrator may choose to Failure to do so may result in undeliverable
614. tearaway /ˈterə,wā/ noun
615. tetanic /ˈte'tanik/ adjective offload temporarily undeliverable messages to a material regarding updates, fees, changes or
616. thirstily /ˈthər-stə-lē/ adverb gateway server that processes messages with high related material to Online Banking.
617. thistledown /ˈThisəl,doun/ noun
618. thunderclap /ˈTHəndər,klap/ noun priority levels.
619. thundercloud /ˈTHəndər,kloud/ noun Overprint varnishes are covered by the acrylic, poly- Cotton voile dobby with overprint.
620. tinkerer /ˈtin-kər-ər/ noun ester and alkyd
621. totalize /ˈtōdl,īz/ verb Coordinate or establish a disease and nutritional He explained, very simply and very carefully
622. totara /to-tara/ noun
623. tragedian /ˈtrə'jēdēən/ noun surveil system and collect data as necessary. and honestly, what he had done to surveil this
624. transshipment /tran(sh)-'ship-mənt/ noun family because of his suspicions.
625. troglodyte /träglə,dīt/ noun That is the gift of his unlived presidency. Even the robust Butch, given vigorous credibil-
626. tuatara /ˈto͞oə'tärə/ noun
ity by Black, is haunted by the shadows of an
627. tuberous /ˈt(y)o͞obərəs/ adjective
628. tympanum /ˈtimpənəm/ noun unlived life.
629. uncivil /ˈən'sivəl/ adjective At that point, I wasn't the best vaulter in the coun- There's been a tremendous surge of vaulters.
630. unconcealed /ˈənkən'sēld/ adjective try, so why should I be getting that much attention?
631. unctuous /ˈəNG(k)(t)SHo͞oəs/ adjective Use of wavefront sensors for image motion com- Two tremendous wave pools, bumper boats, a
632. uncultured /ˈən'kəlCHərd/ adjective pensation (fast guiding) is required. relaxing endless river, the Adventure River with
633. undeceive /ˈəndə'sēv/ verb geysers, waterfalls, and waves, and the Flash
634. undercook /ˈəndər'ko͝ok/ verb Flood flume boat ride with wavefront bridge
635. underfeed /ˈəndər'fēd/ verb are just a few of the fun watery options.
636. underlet /ˈəndər'let/ verb None in our day and age have encountered the le- So, Cairne suggested that they ally with the wy-
637. unissued /ˈən'iSHo͞od/ adjective the wyvern face to face at least none that have sur- verns of Stonetalon.
638. unmated /ˈən'māt-ed/ adjective vived to tell the tale .
639. unpolished /ˈən'päliSHt/ adjective
If ever that time happens, I'll bet my bottom centa- This depreciation (10,000) was equivalent to a
640. unshaded /ˈən'SHādid/ adjective
vo that our country will be better off without them. loss of 99% of the nominal value of the curren-
641. unshaken /ˈən'SHākən/ adjective
cy, a paper peso of centavos being worth only
642. unsubtle /ˈən'səd(ə)l/ adjective one centavo gold.
643. upholder /ˈəp'hōldər/ noun
The clairvoyance spell is extremely useful if you are There is no need to drag in the clairvoyance, or
644. urbanely /ˈər'bānlē/ adverb just starting out. the rest of the modern jargon.
645. usherette /ˈəSHə'ret/ noun
Americans are a covetous people who always want Sorcerer Supreme was challenged by the covet-
646. valvular /ˈvalvyələr/ adjective
more and more stuff. ous alien Urthona.
647. voltmeter /ˈvōt,mēdər/ noun
Audi's individualization program, you can get every This is convenient and contributes to the indi-
648. volubly /ˈväl-yə-blē/ adverb
color you can possibly imagine. vidualization of the small kitchen.
649. warfarin /ˈwôrfərən/ noun
650. waywardness /ˈwā-wərdnəs/ adjective
49 8
Besides, in most cases the overlong distance from knife Jointless design method is used for an overlong 549. prothrombin /prōˈTHrämbən/ noun
edge to the aspheric surface to be tested will decrease transfer structure. The box section transfer beams 550. pubescent /ˌpyo͞oˈbes(ə)nt/ adjective
the precision of the knife-edge testing. are chosen, and the technique of prestressed con-
551. pugilist /ˈpyo͞ojələst/ noun
552. pungency /ˈpənjənsē/ noun
crete with bond is used.
553. quarterdeck /ˈkwôrdərˌdek/ noun
According to Vestal police, the call came into the office at On 15 June the temple would be closed again, but 554. queasiness /ˈkwēzēnəs/ noun
about 10:45 a.m. Tuesday. for the vestal virgins and the Roman state would 555. quintessence /ˌkwinˈtesəns/ noun
go about its normal affairs again. 556. raggedy /ˈraɡədē/ adjective
The large table in the room was well spread with costly He changed countenance when it thundered, and 557. raillery /ˈrālərē/ noun
viands. when he saw a grand display of viands at a feast. 558. rapier /ˈrāpēər/ noun
559. raucously /ˈrôkəslē/ adverb
He threw the broad sword and it hit right into the small The whole place had an eerie feel, it was over 250 560. rebroadcast /ˌrēˈbrôdkast/ verb
face of the demon-beast that was using devilry magic. years old and in that time there must have been 561. recombine /ˌrēkəmˈbīn/ verb
plenty of devilry and scandalous behaviour. 562. recondite /ˈrekənˌdīt,rəˈkänˌdīt/ adjective
563. reconquer /ˌrēˈkäNGkər/ verb
The infinite deviousness of "the ruling classes" and the Greene goes on to argue for a private, though de-
564. resistless /rəˈzistləs/ adjective
immense difficulty of the left's task are a given in these liberate, commitment to deviousness 565. revengeful /rəˈvenjfəl/ adjective
halls. 566. roguishly /ˈrōɡiSHlē/ adverb
The wood used is generally that of the cherry-tree, sa- The expression of acting was used as an internal 567. rotator /ˈrōˌtādər/ noun
kura, which has a grain of peculiar evenness and hard- standard to control for evenness of loading. 568. rubato /ro͞oˈbädō/ noun
ness. 569. rusticate /ˈrəstəˌkāt/ verb
570. samovar /ˈsaməˌvär/ noun
The facilities found at the Hockey Hall of Fame include It is mountable and wearable, which helps in the
571. sapient /ˈsāpēənt/ adjective
immersive environments that can be set up in different immersive self-capture in all the user's favorite
572. sarcosine /ˈsärkəˌsēn/ noun
ways to maximize the available space. activities.
573. saturnine /ˈsadərˌnīn/ adjective
The leaves of mosses and the leafy liverwort show a vari- This is easily demonstrated by a search for liver- 574. schemer /ˈskēmər/ noun
ety of features that are very useful in telling the two wort on the search engine Google, which turns up 575. schizoid /ˈskitˌsoid/ adjective
apart. negligible results. 576. scimitar /ˈsimədər,ˈsiməˌtär/ noun
The pervious owner was really a neat freak. This made the deck lighter and thinner then on 577. sclerite /ˈsklirīt/ noun
pervious suspension bridge designs. 578. secondee /səˌkɒnˈdi/ noun
If thy revengeful heart can not forgive, Lo! here I lend Enter into no strife with a revengeful man. 579. seersucker /ˈsirˌsəkər/ noun
580. servitor /ˈsərvədər,ˈsərvəˌtôr/ noun
thee this sharp-pointed sword.
581. shallowly /ˈShalōlē/ adverb
582. shepherdess /ˈSHepərdəs/ noun
V. Post -Test 583. shoemaking /SHo͞o,mākiNG/ noun
584. silkiness /ˈsilkē,nəs/ noun
Directions. Write the words with /v/ sound inside the bowl. 585. simian /ˈsimēən/ adjective
586. sinistral /ˈsinəstrəl/ adjective
1. bane vein bat bat
587. sleekly /slēk,lē/ adverb
2. bent bury very bow 588. slyness /slī,nəs/ noun
3. curb curve dribble dub 589. sniffly /snif,lē/ adverb
4. loaves rebel bowels bowl 590. sourness /ˈsaʊ(ə)ɹrnəs/ noun
5. boat vote bowl serf 591. spoilsport /ˈspoilˌspôrt/ noun
Put the proper stress on the following words. 592. spoonbill /ˈspo͞onˌbil/ noun
593. squeegee /ˈskwēˌjē/ noun
6. surveil 11. covetous 594. stabile /ˈstābēl/ noun
7. evenness 12. viand 595. starkness /stärk,nəs/ noun
8. wyvern 13. immersive 596. stickball /ˈstikˌbôl/ noun
9. centavo 14. liverwort 597. stingless /stiNG,les/ adjective
598. stoneware /ˈstōnˌwer/ noun
10. clairvoyance 15. pervious
599. straightly /strāt,lē/ adverb

9 48
499. mistily /mistəlē/ adverb
500. monoplane /ˈmänəˌplān/
noun Lesson 3
501. moodiness /ˈmoodēnəs/ noun
502. morphemic /môrˈfēmik/ noun
503. muftilik /muf-tilik/ noun /dʒ/
504. musketry /ˈməskətrē/ noun
505. mustiness /məs-tē-nəs/ noun
506. naltrexone /nalˈtreksōn/ noun I. Objectives
507. narcissist /ˈnärsəsəst/ noun
508. naughtiness /ˈnôdēnəs/ noun  Identify the /dʒ/ critical sound of the English Language.
509. neckerchief /ˈnekərˌCHif,ˈnekərˌCHēf/ noun  Familiarize the critical sound through word, phrase, and sentence drills.
/nəˈɡlek(t)fəl/  Classify words with /dʒ/ sounds.
510. neglectful adjective  Determine the words with initial, medial, and final /dʒ/ sound.
511. nephritis /nəˈfrīdəs/ noun
512. neutralist /ˈn(y)o͞otrələst/ noun
513. nihilist /ˈnīələst,ˈnēəlist,ˈnihilist/ noun II. Pre -Test
514. nilpotent /nilˈpōtnt/ adjective Directions. Listen as the teacher reads the given sentences. Underline the words that have /dʒ/ sound.
515. nonlethal /nänlēTHəl/ adjective The sentences have 2 or more answers.
516. nonpregnant /nänpreɡnənt/ adjective
1. He’s the manager of the travel agency in Chester.
517. nonrandom /ˌnänˈrandəm/ adjective
518. obtuseness /əbˈt(y)o͞osnəs,äbˈt(y)o͞osnəs/ noun 2. Many ginger-haired people live in this village.
519. occultist /əˈkəltəst/ noun
3. My trainer at the gym is German.
520. oocyst /ˈōəˌsist/ noun
521. operon /ˈäpəˌrän/ noun 4. Sam joined the club in July.
522. oubliette /ˌo͞oblēˈet/ noun
5. Lea is jealous of her Japanese friend.
523. outrigger /ˈoutˌriɡər/ noun
524. overanxious /ˌōvərˈaNG(k)SHəs/ adjective 6. The sergeant wears his badge with honor.
525. overspread /ˌōvərˈspred/ verb
Color the pie if the words have /dʒ/ sound.
526. pagination /ˌpajəˈnāSHən/ noun
527. paladin /ˈpalədn/ noun
528. palanquin /ˌpalənˈkēn/ noun
529. palmetto /ˌpä(l)ˈmedō/ noun
530. pantaloon /ˌpan(t)lˈo͞on/ noun
531. patchouli /pəˈCHo͞olē/ noun
532. pellagra /pəˈlāɡrə,pəˈlaɡrə,pəˈläɡrə/ noun
533. pentathlon /penˈtaTHlən,penˈtaTH(ə)ˌlän/ noun
534. penumbra /pəˈnəmbrə/ noun
535. perchlorate /pərˈklôˌrāt/ noun
536. perfidy /ˈpərfədē/ noun
537. pericarp /ˈperəˌkärp/ noun
538. persimmon /pərˈsimən/ noun
Listen to the recorded audio. Write whether the /dʒ/ sound of the word is in initial, medial, or final.
539. pervious /ˈpərvēəs/ adjective
540. photocell /ˈfōdōˌsel/ noun 1. raj- _____
541. picaresque /ˌpikəˈresk/ adjective
542. pocketknife
2. doorjamb- ____
/ˈpäkətˌnīf/ noun
543. preprogrammed /prēˈprōɡramd/ verb 3. dotage- _____
544. presbyter /ˈprezbədər,ˈpresbədər/ noun
545. presentment /prēˈzentmənt/ noun 4. joggle- _____
546. promisee /ˌpräməˈsē/ noun 5. mélange- _____
547. promiser /ˈpräməsər/ noun
548. pronation /prō,nāSH(ə)n/ noun
47 47 10
448. futilely /ˈfyo͞odl,lē,ˈfyo͞odīl,lē/ adverb
449. garishly /ˈɡeriSH,lē/ adverb
III. Let’s Learn It 450. gentlefolk /ˈjen(t)lˌfōk/ noun
451. genuflect /ˈjenyəˌflekt/ verb
452. germanium /ˌjərˈmānēəm/ noun
453. girlishly /ˈɡərliSH,lē/ adverb
454. gnathostome / (ˈneɪθəʊˌstəʊm) / noun
To make /dʒ/ sound, Place the tip of your tongue just behind the 455. groggily /ˈɡräɡē,lē/ adverb
hard ridge at the front of the top of your mouth. Vibrate your vocal 456. hardheaded /ˌhärdˈhedəd/ adjective
cords, and push air forward out of your mouth. Stop the air completely 457. hardiness /ˈhärdēnəs/ noun
at first, and then release it. After release, the air should create friction 458. heartlessly /ˈhärtləs,lē/ adverb
between the tip of your tongue and the roof of your mouth. 459. honeydew /ˈhənēˌd(y)o͞o/ noun
To learn more how to pronounce the /z/ sound and its examples, you 460. honeypot /ˈhənēˌpät/ noun
can visit the link:
461. horsewoman /ˈhôrsˌwo͝omən/ noun
462. humbleness /ˈhəmbəl,nəs/ noun
463. hypercube /ˈhīpərˌkyo͞ob/ noun
464. iciness /ˈīsē,nəs/ noun
IV. Drills 465. idiolect /ˈidēəˌlekt/ noun
466. immanence /ˈimənəns/ noun
Listen as your teacher reads aloud to you the words with /dʒ/ sound in initial, medial, and final 467. immersive /iˈmərsiv/ adjective
sounds position. Remember to pronounce the words clearly and accurately with correct accent. 468. impeller /imˈpelər/ noun
Also in the drills are the parts of speech of the given words. The words are also used in phrase and 469. impious /ˈimpēəs,imˈpīəs/ adjective
sentences. 470. impishly /ˈimpiSH,lē/ adverb
Word Drill 471. imposter /imˈpästər/ noun
472. incautious /inˈkôSHəs/ adjective
/inˈkänstənt/ adjective
ledger /ˈledʒər/ medial 2 adjective 474. incurious /inˈkyo͝orēəs/ adjective
jape /dʒāp/ initial 1st noun 475. insurgence /inˈsərj(ə)ns/ noun
raj /rädʒ/ initial 1st noun 476. intentness /inˈtent,nəs/ noun
477. intimal /ˈin(t)əməl/ adjective
doorjamb /ˈdôrdʒam/ final 2nd noun
478. journalize /ˈjərnlˌīz/ verb
dotage /ˈdʒen(t)SH(ə)n/ initial 1st noun 479. kilobyte /ˈkēləˌbīt/ noun
joggle /ˈdʒäɡəl/ initial 1st verb 480. kinswoman /ˈkinzˌwo͝omən/ noun
mélange /māˈländʒ/ final 2nd noun 481. kiwifruit /ˈkēwē fro͞ot/ noun
ridgeline /ridʒlīn/ medial 1st noun 482. knowingness /ˈnōiNG,nəs/ noun
483. lanthanum /ˈlanTHənəm/ noun
abjectly /abˈdʒektlē/ medial 2nd adverb
484. lawmaking /ˈlôˌmākiNG/ adjective
cogency /ˈkōdʒənsē/ medial 2nd noun 485. leatherwork /ˈleT͟Hərˌwərk/ noun
486. lechery /ˈleCH(ə)rē/ noun
Phrase Drill
487. legato /ləˈɡädō/ adverb
488. lionfish /ˈlīən,fiSH/ noun
Left Collocates Right Collocates
489. listlessness /ˈlis(t)ləsnəs/ noun
ledger account of the ledger
490. liverwort /ˈlivərwərt,ˈlivərˌwôrt/ noun
jolly japes for japes 491. lumberman /ˈləmbərˌmən/ noun
licence-permit raj of raj 492. martinet /ˌmärtnˈet/ noun
side doorjamb at the doorjamb 493. merino /məˈrēnō/ noun
amiable dotage in dotage 494. messily /ˈmesē,lē/ adverb
495. microsome /ˈmīkrəˌsōm/ noun
slightest joggle to joggle
496. microsphere /ˈmīkrōˌsfir/ noun
superb melange of melange 497. microtome /ˈmīkrōˌtōm/ noun
ridgeline trail from the ridgeline 498. millibar /ˈmiləˌbär/ noun
11 46
398. chicory /ˈCHikərē/ noun abjectly apologized from the abjectly
399. clairvoyance /ˌklerˈvoiəns/ noun intellectual cogency for its cogency
400. coffeemaker /ˈkôfē,mākər/ /ˈkäfē,mākər/ noun
401. coffeepot /ˈkôfē,pät/ noun Sentence Drill
402. cogency /ˈkōjənsē/ noun
403. cogitate /ˈkäjəˌtāt/ verb If you want to import transactions, choose the default To make things easy we have listed their side of the
404. colloquy /ˈkäləˌkwē/ noun sales nominal ledger account to record the receipts ledger a full list prices.
405. comity /ˈkämədē/ noun
406. complaisance /kəmˈplāsəns/ noun Bloody good jolly japes this is, really enjoying the Lack of experience means they lack endless desire for
407. comradely /ˈkämˌradlē/,ˈkämrədlē/ adjective
408. coneflower /ˈkōnˌflou(ə)r/ noun The licence-permit raj made consumers to buy trash. Triplicane and Ice House areas have had a long history
409. conjurer /ˈkänjərər,ˈkənjərər/ noun of raj.
410. consignee /kənˈsīnē/ noun Normally this is on the driver side doorjamb or in the Look at the doorjamb and you'll see the courtesy light
411. copperplate /ˈkäpərˌplāt/ noun
412. counterpoise /ˈˈkaʊntɚˌpoiz/ noun He looked forward to a gentle decline into an eccen- The gradual decline of mental powers, which in dotage
413. covetous /ˈkəvədəs/ adjective tric and amiable dotage, his twilit years untroubled by is described as senility.
414. craftily /kɹæftəlē/ adverb
415. cucurbit /kyo͞oˈkərbət/ noun The bacteria will detach from the surface of a cell at They make me want to joggle their elbows.
416. cuneiform /kyo͞oˈnēəˌfôrm/ adjective
417. cuttingly /ˈkədiNGlē/ adverb Overall the dishes were a study in contrasts, with tex- This father seems to have made a sort of melange of
418. cuttlefish /ˈkədlˌfiSH/ noun tures and flavors working together in a superb me- some of the Pentateuchal ordinances.
419. damnably /ˈdamnəb(ə)lē/ adverb lange.
420. deaconess /ˈdēkənəs/ noun Follow a ridgeline trail to our lunch spot at the Rifug- There are several spurs extending south from the ridge-
421. dentition /denˈtiSHən/ noun ioBioch. line.
422. devilry /ˈdevəlrē/ noun Bungei Shunju president abjectly apologized for the Justice must be dispensed equally in the UK, from the
423. deviousness /ˈdēvēəsnəs/ noun offending Marco Polo article. abjectly lawless inner city estate to the leafiest parts of
424. dexterous /ˈdekst(ə)rəs/ adjective
425. diphthongize /ˈdifTHôNGˌīz,ˈdipTHôNGˌīz/ verb The modern mind prefers such unpardonable intellec- Raz's conception of authority depends for its cogency
426. disarrange /ˌdisəˈrān(d)ZH/ tual cogency to the fearsome antithesis which an ab- on the thought that as long as the subject does better
427. doggerel solute divine revelation would represent and necessi- by reason.
/ˈdôɡərəl/ noun
428. downhearted /ˌdaʊnˈhärdəd/ adjective tate.
429. dysplastic /disˈplastik/ adjective
430. earliness /ˈərlēnəs/ noun V. Post -Test
431. echoic /eˈkōik/ adjective
432. ejecta /əˈjektə/ noun Directions. Analyze each pair of words. Box the words with /dʒ/ sound.
433. escutcheon /əˈskəCHən/ noun 1. badge batch
434. espadrille /ˈespəˌdril/ noun 2. Jerry cherry
435. evenness /ˈēvənnəs/ noun
3. rich ridge
436. expander /ikˈspandər/ noun
437. expatiate /ikˈspāSHēˌāt/ 4. choke joke
438. exploiter /ikˈsploitər/ noun 5. jews choose
439. fairyland /ˈferēˌland/ noun 6. edge itch
440. falconer /ˈfalkənər/ noun 7. chin gin
441. fellatio /fəˈlāSH(ē)ˌō/ noun 8. jest chest
442. fermion /ˈfermēän,ˈfərmēän/ noun
443. fickleness /ˈfikəlnəs/ noun
Put a √ before the number if the word has the correct /dʒ/ sound position.
444. flagellant /ˈflajələnt,fləˈjelənt/ noun
445. folium ______1. ridgeline– initial ______2. abjectly– medial ______3. cogency– medial
/ˈfōlēəm/ noun
446. frenziedly /ˈfrenzēdlē/ adverb ______4. ledger- final ______5. jape– initial ______6. badge- medial
447. fussiness /fəsēnəs/ noun ______7. joke– initial
45 12
347. yokel /ˈyōk(ə)l/ noun
Lesson 4 348. zaire /zäˈir/ noun
349. zephyr /ˈzefər/ noun

/θ/ and /ð/ 350.

352. acanthus /əˈkanTHəs/ noun
353. acuteness /əˈkyo͞ot,nəs/ noun
I. Objectives 354. adumbrate /ˈadəmˌbrāt,əˈdəmˌbrāt/ verb
 Recognize the /θ/ and /ð/ critical sounds of the English Language. 355. aeronaut /ˈerəˌnôt/ noun
 Familiarize the critical sound through word, phrase, and sentence drills. 356. affixal /ˈaˌfiks,əl/ adjective
 Differentiate words with /θ/ and /ð/ sounds. 357. afterbirth /ˈaftərˌbərTH/ noun
 Identify the proper stress of the words with /θ/ and /ð/ sound. 358. alfresco /al ˈfreskō/ adverb
359. ampullar /amˈpo͝olər/ noun
360. anciently /ˈān(t)SHəntlē/ adverb
II. Pre -Test 361. anionic /ˈanˌīənik/ adjective
Directions. Listen as the teacher reads the words. Encircle the words with /θ/ sound and box the 362. annelid /ˈanəˌlid/ noun
words /ð/ sound. 363. aphasic /əˈfāZH(ē)ək,əˈfāzēək/ adjective
364. archaean /ärˈkēən/ adjective
1. that thank through these 365. armorial /ärˈmôrēəl/ adjective
2. author other although weather 366. artesian /ärˈtēZHən/ adjective
3. neither mother either athlete
367. assonance /ˈasənəns/ noun
4. both with bathe clothe
368. augury /ˈôɡ(y)ərē/ noun
5. then think thus though
369. automat /ˈôdəˌmat/ noun
Cross out the fish that has words with /θ/ sound and check if it has /ð/ sound. 370. axenic /āˈzēnik-/ adjective
371. babyish /ˈbābēiSH/ adjective
372. basilisk /ˈbasəˌlisk,ˈbazəˌlisk/ noun
polymath tollbooth smooth rhythm
373. battleax /ˈbadlaks/ noun
374. battlefront /ˈbadlˌfrənt/ noun
375. belemnite /ˈbeləmˌnīt/ noun
376. bemusedly /bəˈmyo͞ozd,lē/ adverb
breath thirsty gather mother birth 377. billowy /ˈbilō,ē/ adjective
378. blandishment /ˈblandiSHmənt/ noun
379. bombardier /ˌbämbə(r)ˈdir/ noun
Put the proper stress on the following words. 380. bookbinder /ˈbo͝okˌbīndər/ noun
1. thousand 2. anthropology 3. leatherwork 4. athletic 5. witheringly 381. boyishly /ˈboiiSH,lē/ adverb
382. buckyball /ˈbəkēˌbôl/ noun
383. budgerigar /ˈbəjərēˌɡär/ noun
III. Let’s Learn It 384. calcify /ˈkalsəˌfī/ verb
385. calumny /ˈkaləmnē/ noun
386. campion /ˈkampēən/ noun
387. cannonade /ˌkanəˈnād/ noun
To make /θ/, place the tip of your To make /ð/, place the tip of your 388. cantonal /ˈkanˌtänəl/,ˈkant(ə)nəl/ adjective
tongue between your upper and lower teeth. tongue between your upper and lower teeth. 389. capsular /ˈkæpsəlär/ /ˈkæpˌsjulär/ adjective
Push air out of your mouth between your tongue Push air out of your mouth between your tongue 390. carbolic /kärˈbälik/ noun
and your teeth. You should feel some friction and your teeth. You should feel some friction 391. cardamom /ˈkärdəməm/ noun
(resistance). Do not vibrate your vocal cords. To learn (resistance). Vibrate your vocal cords. To learn 392. carillon /ˈkerəˌlän,ˈkerələn/ noun
more how to pronounce the /z/ sound and its more how to pronounce the /z/ sound and its
examples, you can visit the link: https:// www. 393. cartesian /kärˈtēZHən/ adjective
examples, you can visit the link: https:// 394. castellan /ˈkastələn/ noun
395. catarrhal /kəˈtärəl/ adjective
396. cenotaph /ˈsenəˌtaf/ noun
397. centavo /senˈtävō/ noun
13 44
297. squib /skwib/ noun
298. squig /skwig/ noun IV. Drills
299. stoup /sto͞op/ noun
300. substring /ˈsəbstriNG/ adjective Listen as your teacher reads aloud to you the words with /θ/ and /ð/sound in initial, medial, and fi-
301. sunlike /sənlīk/ adjective nal sounds position. Remember to pronounce the words clearly and accurately with correct accent.
302. sunstroke /ˈsənˌstrōk/ noun Also in the drills are the parts of speech of the given words. The words are also used in phrase and
303. surveil /sərˈvāl/ verb sentences.
304. swiftlet /swift,lət/ noun /θ/
305. tacrine /ˈtakrēn/ noun Word Drill
306. tailpiece /ˈtālˌpēs/ noun
308. tarsier /ˈtärsēər/ noun gnathostome /ˈneɪθəʊˌstəʊm/ initial 2 noun
309. tempter /ˈtem(p)tər/ noun tilth /tilθ/ initial 1st noun
310. toastrack /tōstrak/ noun broadcloth /ˈbrôdklôθ/ final 2nd noun
311. toecap /ˈtō ˌkap/ noun
oilcloth /ˈoilˌklôθ/ final 2nd noun
312. tollbooth /ˈtōlˌbo͞oTH/ noun
path-breaking /ˈpaθˌbrākiNG/ initial 1st adjective
313. trackless /ˈtrakləs/ adjective
314. trencher /ˈtren(t)SHər/ noun polymath /ˈpälēˌmaθ/ initial 2nd noun
315. trident /ˈtrīdnt/ noun tollbooth /ˈtōlˌbo͞oθ/ final 2nd noun
316. turbot /ˈtərbət/ noun nonlethal /nänlēθəl/ medial 2nd adjective
317. turnstone /ˈtərnˌstōn/ noun
Phrase Drill
318. uncap /ˌənˈkap/ verb
319. uncleaned /ˌənˈklēn/ adjective Left Collocates Right Collocates
320. uncombed /ˌənˈkōmd/ adjective
first gnathostome with other gnathostome
321. unfeigned /ˌənˈfānd/ adjective
soil tilth in his tilth
322. unhitch /ˌənˈhiCH/ verb
323. unlive /ˌənˈliv/ verb white broadcloth from broadcloth
324. unloose /ˌənˈlo͞os/ verb patterned oilcloth in an oilcloth
325. unmanly /ˌənˈmanlē/ adjective path-breaking analysis of a path-breaking
326. unpleased /ˌənˈplēzd/ adjective musical polymath by the polymath critic
327. unsaid /ˌənˈsed/ adjective
tollbooth attendant at the tollbooths
328. unstrap /ˌənˈstrap/ verb
329. untuck /ˌənˈtək/ verb nonlethal weapons of the nonlethal
330. vaulter /vôltər/ noun Sentence Drill
331. vestal /ˈvestl/ adjective
332. viand /ˈvīənd/ noun The very first gnathostome ( jawed fish ) ap- They showed that placoderms shared anatomical
333. vilely /vīl,lē/ adverb peared in the Late Ordovician epoch. features not only with chondrichthyians but with
334. vizier /vəˈzir/ noun
other gnathostome groups as well.
335. wardroom /ˈwôrdˌro͞om,ˈwôrdˌro͝om/ noun
Dr. Hopp says that soil tilth can be improved a We give him increase in his tilth and whoso de-
336. wavefront /ˈwāvfrənt/ noun
great deal merely by assisting worms over a sin- sires the tilth of this world.
337. waxwing /ˈwakswiNG/ noun
338. weblog /ˈwebˌlôɡ,ˈwebˌläɡ/ noun gle winter
339. wherry /ˈ(h)werē/ noun Collar, cuffs and pocket-tops are white broad- Steam punk Jewelry shoot and was made from
340. whippet /ˈ(h)wipit/ noun cloth. Remarkable for their durability and low broadcloth fabric and a bit of net to give it vol-
341. wholegrain /hōl,ɡrān/ adjective price. ume.
342. wingless /wiNG,les/ adjective Laminated fabrics such as patterned oilcloth are There is a gun wrapped in an oilcloth.
343. woodpile /ˈwo͝odˌpīl/ noun fun and easy to find.
344. woodsy /ˈwo͝odzē/ adjective The Psychology of Serving in Peace and Combat This was the underlying theme of a path-breaking
345. wrathful /ˈraTHfəl/ adjective
offers a path-breaking analysis of military perfor- publication, The Victorian City: Images and Reali-
346. wyvern /ˈwīvərn/ noun
mance coupled with much new data. ties, edited by H. J.
43 14
The musical polymath that is Keith Nichols has been The translation of Dante's The Divine Comedy by the 246. plainsong /ˈplānˌsôNG/ noun
numbered among the top British jazz musicians. polymath critic Clive James, 73, now dying horribly 247. plangent /ˈplanjənt/ adjective
under tragic circumstances. 248. plater /plātər/ noun
The tollbooth attendant has ownership! Dollywood's Splash Country is available for purchase 249. platy /ˈplā,tē/ adjective
250. plonker /ˈplɒŋkə(r/) noun
at the tollbooths only, and may not be purchased
251. polymath /ˈpälēˌmaTH/ noun
252. poplin /ˈpäplən/ noun
Possession, sale, storage or use of firearms and other John Alexander, one of the supporters, forerunners
253. postdate /ˌpōs(t)ˈdāt/ adjective
weapons, including nonlethal weapons. and founding fathers of the nonlethal weapons con-
254. potsherd /ˈpätˌSHərd/ noun
cept, tries to legitimize the acquisition and deploy-
255. pouty /ˈpoudē/ adjective
ment of these destructive weapons.
256. pronghorn /ˈprôNGˌhôrn/ noun
/ð/ 257. pustule /ˈpəsCHo͝ol/ noun
258. rachis /ˈrākis/ noun
Word Drill 259. ramus /ˈrāməs/ noun
260. ranulf /ánəlf/ noun
261. recto /ˈrektō/ noun
leatherwork /ˈle ð ərˌwərk/ initial 2 noun 262. rennet /ˈrenət/ noun
witheringly /'wɪðɚiNG-lē/ initial 1 adverb 263. rentier /ˌränˈtyā/ noun
264. repine /rəˈpīn/ verb
Phrase Drill
265. rescript /ˈrēˌskript/ noun
Left Collocates Right Collocates 266. resend /ˌrēˈsend/ verb
leatherwork techniques for leatherwork 267. rheumy /ˈro͞omē/ adjective
fired witheringly from the witheringly 268. ridgeline /rijlīn/ noun
269. rockstar /räkstär/ noun
Sentence Drill 270. rondo /ˈränˌdō/ noun
271. rugose /ˈro͞oˌɡōs/ adjective
The workshop combines three factors: a knowledge I also have a real passion for leatherwork, so it just 272. runic /rʉ́ wnɪk/ adjective
of the leather used, braiding and leatherwork tech- kind of happened from there. 273. sahib /ˈsä(h)ib/ noun
niques and economic considerations. 274. salesclerk /ˈsālzklərk/ noun
Guns fired witheringly at the railroad cars. A Lunar can use this Charm on a decisive strike al- 275. sandblast /ˈsan(d)ˌblast/ verb
ready benefiting from the witheringly effect of this 276. sandgrouse /ˈsan(d)ɡrous/ noun
Charm. 277. sapper /ˈsapər/ noun
278. satsuma /satˈso͞omə,ˈsatsəmə/ noun
279. scienter /sahy-en-ter/ noun
V. Post -Test
280. scrip /skrip/ noun
281. seahorse /sē,hôrs/ noun
Directions: Read the following sentences. Encircle the words with /θ/ sound and box the words /ð/. 282. seaway /sēwā/ noun
1. I think it is Thursday. 283. serjeant /ˈsärjənt/ noun
2. It is his thirteenth birthday today.
284. shebang /SHəˈbaNG/ noun
3. Those three boys will be there this Thursday, October ninth.
285. shorthorn /ˈSHôrtˌhôrn/ noun
4. There is something in that dog's mouth.
286. shrewish /ˈSHro͞oiSH/ adjective
5. My brother said the weather is warmer in the south than in the north.
287. shunter /ˈSHən(t)ər/ noun
288. signboard /ˈsīnbôrd/ noun
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which among the following words has the stress on the second syllable? 289. sixfold /ˈsiksfōld/ adjective
A. nonlethal B. tilth C. month D. mother 290. skeg /skeɡ/ noun
2. Which among the following words has the stress on the first syllable? 291. skink /skiNGk/ noun
A. path-breaking B. smooth C. scooter D. spasm 292. sorter /sôrtər/ noun
3. Which among the pairs has correct word-stress pattern? 293. spitball /ˈspitbôl/ noun
A. gnathostome- final B. leatherwork- initial C. broadcloth - final D. oilcloth - medial 294. spoor /spo͝or,spôr/ noun
295. sprat /sprat/ noun
296. sprit /sprit/ noun
15 42
195. knower /nōər/ noun
196. lameness /lāmnəs/ noun Lesson 5
197. lamplit /ˈlampˌlit/ adjective
200. lapwing /ˈlapˌwiNG/ noun
201. leger /ˈledʒər/ adjective
I. Objectives
202. leprous /ˈleprəs/ adjective
203. lightless /līt,ləs/ adjective
 Identify the /ei/ critical sound of the English Language.
204. lollop /ˈläləp/ verb
 Familiarize the critical sound through word, phrase, and sentence drills.
205. longbow /ˈlôNGˌbō/ noun
 Classify words with /ei/ sound.
206. lowness /lōnəs/ noun  Complete the sentence using the words with ei/ sound.
207. lungfish /ˈləNGˌfiSH/ noun
208. malform /malˈfôrm/ adjective
209. mara /MA-ruh/ noun II. Pre -Test
210. mawkish /ˈmôkiSH/ adjective
211. megaton /ˈmeɡətən/ noun Directions: Read the following words. Encircle the words that have /ei/ sound.
212. mélange /māˈlänj/ noun
1. bed bade bread get mad
213. mihrab /ˈmirəb/ noun
214. milkweed /ˈmilkwēd/ noun 2. fell rest pen race rise
215. millpond /ˈmilˌpänd/ noun 3. tech test tell met taste
216. millwright /ˈmilrīt/ noun
4. date pent meant main men
217. mischance /misˈCHans/ noun
218. misspeak /misˈspēk/ verb 5. breast bed shade sent shell
219. moa /ˈmōə/ noun
Complete the sentence with correct word. Box the correct answer.
220. moleskin /ˈmōlˌskin/ noun
221. neckcloth /ˈnekˌklôTH/ noun 1. Elena puts (jam, gem) on the sandwiches.
222. nester /ˈnestər/ noun 2. The live of the protagonist will never be the (same, seam) after finding the truth.
223. newel /ˈn(y)o͞owəl/ noun
3. Jack fetched the (fell, pail).
224. nightlight /nītlīt/ noun
225. nightwear /ˈnītˌwer/ noun 4. He added some (label, level) on the signage.
226. nostrum /ˈnästrəm/ noun 5. Jerry went to the (main, mean) campus.
227. oilcloth /ˈoilˌklôTH/ noun
Listen to the recorded audio. Put a check (√) after the word with /ei/ sound.
228. outfox /ˌoutˈfäks/ verb
229. outgas /ˌoutˈɡas/ verb 1. cockade- _____ 2. jammed- _____ 3. hayloft-_____ 4. joggle- _____ 5. lameness-_____
230. overlong /ˈōvərˌlôNG,ˌōvərˈlôNG/ adjective
231. overprint /ˈōvərˌprint/ verb
232. owlish /ˈouliSH/ adjective III. Let’s Learn It
233. packhorse /ˈpakˌhôrs/ noun
234. palfrey /ˈpôlfrē/ noun
235. pater /ˈpādər,ˈpädər/ noun
236. pathbreaking /ˈpaTHˌbrākiNG/ adjective
237. pelisse /pəˈlēs/ noun
238. pertly /pərtlē/ adverb To produce the /ei/ sound, start by widening your mouth. Afterward
239. phobic /ˈfōbik/ adjective move your jaw and your tongue up a bit. To learn more how to pronounce the
240. pica /ˈpīkə/ noun
/ei/ sound and its examples, you can visit the link:
241. piebald /ˈpīˌbôld/ adjective
242. pinwheel /ˈpinˌ(h)wēl/ noun
243. pion /ˈpīˌän/ noun
244. pisser /ˈpisər/ noun
245. plainness /plānnəs/ noun
41 16
144. factsheet /ˈfak(t) ˌSHēt/ noun
IV. Drills 145. fakery /fākrē/ noun
146. fanlight /ˈfanˌlīt/ noun
Listen as your teacher reads aloud to you the words with /ei/ sound in initial, medial, and final
147. feedlot /ˈfēdlät/ noun
sounds position. Remember to pronounce the words clearly and accurately with correct accent. Also
148. fervid /ˈfərvəd/ adjective
in the drills are the parts of speech of the given words. The words are also used in phrase and sen-
tences. 149. fieldfare /ˈfēldfer/ noun
150. fishtail /ˈfiSHˌtāl/ noun
Word Drill 151. flambeau /ˈflambō/ noun
nd 153. flextime /ˈfleksˌtīm/ noun
abase /əˈbeɪst/ final 2 verb
154. flutist /ˈflo͞odəst/ noun
jape /jeɪp/ initial 1st noun 155. footpad /ˈfo͝otpad/ noun
cockade /käˈkeɪd/ final 2nd noun 156. foxtrot /ˈfäksˌträt/ noun
hayloft /ˈheɪˌlôft/ initial 1st noun 157. froggy /ˈfrôɡē/ adjective
lameness /leɪmnəs/ initial 1st noun 158. fustian /ˈfəsCHən/ noun
159. fusty /ˈfəstē/ adjective
plainness /pleɪnnəs/ initial 1st noun
160. garrotte /ɡəˈrät,ɡəˈrōt/ verb
plainsong /ˈpleɪnˌsôNG/ initial 1st noun 161. gentian /ˈjen(t)SH(ə)n/ noun
tamely /teɪmlē/ initial 1st adverb 162. giantess /ˈjīən(t)əs/ noun
aphasic /əˈfeɪzēək/ medial 2nd adjective 163. giftware /ˈɡiftwer/ noun
babyish /ˈbābeiSH/ initial 2nd adjective 164. gimlet /ˈɡimlət/ noun
165. gloaming /ˈɡlōmiNG/ noun
Phrase Drill
166. goatskin /ˈɡōtˌskin/ noun
Left Collocates Right Collocates 167. godchild /ˈɡädˌCHīld/ noun
abasing chastisement by abasing 168. gooseneck /ˈɡo͞osnek/ noun
169. griffon /ˈɡrifən/ noun
witty jape for japes
170. gristmill /ˈɡris(t)mil/ noun
black cockade with a cockade 171. guardroom /ˈɡärdˌro͞om,ˈɡärdˌro͝om/ noun
large hayloft into the hayloft 172. guider /ɡīdər/ noun
lameness problems from lameness 173. guiltless /ˈɡiltləs/ adjective
extreme plainness in the plainness 174. halide /ˈhalīd,ˈhāˌlīd/ noun
175. halvard /ˈhɑlvəɹd/ noun
medieval plainsong on the plainsong
176. hardtop /härdtäp/ noun
tamely surrender to tamely 177. harrumph /həˈrəmf/ verb
Aphasic examination of aphasic 178. hassock /ˈhasək/ noun
babyish face with babyish 179. hayloft /ˈhāˌlôft/ noun
180. headrest /ˈhedˌrest/ noun
Sentence Drill
181. hireling /ˈhī(ə)rliNG/ noun
182. holist /hōˈlist/ noun
Surely Allah has prepared abasing chastisement Did I commit a sin by abasing myself so that you
183. horseflesh /ˈhôrsˌfleSH/ noun
for the disbelievers. might be exalted, because I preached God's gos- 184. horsetail /ˈhôrsˌtāl/ noun
185. hotspur /ˈhätspər/ noun
Still these biker boys made out such things were All grooms know that a stag night is a fair cop for 186. houseclean /ˈhousˌklēn/ verb
mere pranks, a witty jape for a Sunday afternoon. japes and antics, but what we also know is that if 187. hussar /həˈzär/ noun
188. hyoid /ˈhīˌoid/ noun
The commanders adopted the black cockade A black felt tricorn, decorated with a cockade and 189. icefall /ˈīsˌfôl/ noun
190. inkstand /ˈiNGkstand/ noun
which then changed color to black and white. button, was worn very low over the eyes.
191. jello /ˈjelō/ noun
There was a large hayloft and grain room over the Once all the bales were lifted into the hayloft, the
192. jetsam /ˈjetsəm/ noun
stable itself and the head coachman had a five- elevator was pulled back up for storage. 193. joggle /ˈjäɡəl/ verb
194. knobby /ˈnäbē/ adjective
17 40
94. cloven /ˈklōvən/ verb He also stated that overcrowded confinement The majority of milking cows suffer from lame-
95. clownish /ˈklouniSH/ adjective housing may contribute to lameness problems. ness, mastitis or reproductive disorders.
96. cochair /ˈkōCHer/ noun
Those destined for emigrants on the Union Pacific Their humility may be shown in the plainness of
97. cockade /käˈkād/ noun
98. cockeyed
are only remark- able for their extreme plainness their domestic garb.
/ˈkäkˌīd/ adjective
99. compote /ˈkämˌpōt/ noun
In medieval plainsong and in monophonic reper- The composer bases the work on the plainsong
100. concha /ˈkäNGkə/ noun tories such as the 13th-century Cantigas collec- melody proper to the words.
101. condole /kənˈdōl/ verb tion of Alfonso El Sabio.
102. coney /ˈkōnē/ noun Even fearsome wolves and cougars tamely sur- And none are required to tamely and blindly sub-
103. corbel /ˈkôrbəl/ noun render their kills when a grizzly comes looking for mit to a man because he has a portion of the
104. couchette /ko͞oˈSHet/ noun food. priesthood.
105. cowrie /ˈkourē/ noun Aphasic examination revealed aphasia in 17 cases To explore the neurological basis of aphasic
106. coxswain /ˈkäks(ə)n/ noun
with dominant thalamic stroke. agraphia, 20 patients with it were selected for
107. coyness /ˈkoinəs/ noun
108. crackly /ˈkra-k(ə-)lē/ adjective
He got a babyish face, yet has deep-seated wrin- When we see a living creature with babyish fea-
109. croceipe /kro-sep/ noun
kles. tures, we feel an automatic surge of disarming
110. crosser /krôsər/ noun
111. crouton /ˈkro͞oˌtän,kro͞oˈtän/ noun tenderness.
112. cruet /ˈkro͞oət/ noun
113. cubit /ˈkyo͞obət/ noun V. Post - Test
114. cuboid /ˈkyo͞oboid/ adjective
115. cumbrous /ˈkəmbrəs/ adjective
116. curragh /ˈkərə(KH),ˈkərək/ noun Direction: Shade the circle that has words with /ei/ sound.
117. cycad /ˈsīkəd,ˈsīˌkad/ noun
118. dancehall /ˈdans ˌhôl/ noun
119. dandle /ˈdandl/ verb pay lay mad tight maid
120. daphnia /ˈdafnēə/ noun
121. dauphin /ˈdôfən,dōˈfan/ noun flies ceiling play eight
122. deadness /dednəs/ noun fried meet cry might late
123. decile /ˈdeˌsīl/ noun
124. diggings /ˈdiɡiNGz/ noun witness stag surely bring binge
125. dogfish /ˈdôɡˌfiSH/ noun
126. doggedness /ˈdôɡədnəs/ noun
127. dogleg /ˈdäɡleɡ/ noun
Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer inside the box.
128. doorjamb /ˈdôrjam/ noun
1. A horse says ____________.
129. dotage /ˈdōdij/ noun
130. dourly /daʊərlē/ adverb 2. Nine comes after ___________.
131. daʊn /ˈdaʊndraft/ noun
3. I lift ___________s to get strong.
132. dreamland /ˈdrēmˌland/ noun
133. duckboard /ˈdəkbôrd/ noun 4. A ___________ is used in the snow.
134. dugong /ˈdo͞oˌɡäNG,ˈdo͞oˌɡôNG/ noun
5. A bride might wear a ___________.
135. dukedom /ˈd(y)o͞okdəm/ noun
6. A scale shows how much you ___________.
136. dulcet /ˈdəlsət/ adjective
137. durian /ˈdo͝orēən,ˈdo͝orēˌän/ noun 7. ___________ are animals that live in the cold.
138. earmuff /ˈirˌməf/ noun 8. ___________s are part of our bodies.
139. emend /əˈmend/ verb
140. epee /epā/ noun
weight vein sleigh eight
141. expiate /ˈekspēˌāt/ verb
142. eyepatch /ˈīˌpaCH/ noun reindeer neigh veil weigh
143. eyestrain /ˈī ˌstrān/ noun
144. factsheet /ˈfak(t) ˌSHēt/ noun
39 18
44. bareness /ˈbernəs/ noun
Lesson 6 45. barouche /bəˈro͞oSH/ noun
46. barrette /bəˈret/ noun
/æ/ 47. bathos /ˈbāTHäs/ noun
48. beauteous /ˈbyo͞odēəs/ adjective
49. bedbug /ˈbedˌbəɡ/ noun
50. beery /ˈbirē/ adjective
I. Objectives
51. bellbird /ˈbelbərd/ noun
52. bellboy /ˈbelˌboi/ noun
 Identify the /æ/ critical sound of the English Language. 53. bestir /bəˈstər/ verb
 Familiarize the critical sound through word, phrase, and sentence drills. 54. betimes /bəˈtīmz/ adverb
 Classify words with /æ/ sounds. 55. bigram /ˈbīɡram/ noun
56. bigtime /ˈbiɡ ˈˌtīm/ adverb
II. Pre -Test 57. biller /ˈbi-lər/ noun
58. birdcage /ˈbərdˌkāj/ noun
59. bloodlust /ˈblədˌləst/ noun
Directions: Listen as the teacher reads the words. Box the words that the teacher enunciated.
60. blowhole /ˈblōˌhōl/ noun
1. bland blend 61. blowsy /ˈblouzē/ adjective
62. blowtorch /ˈblōˌtôrCH/ noun
2. cattle kettle
63. bollworm /ˈbōlwərm/ noun
3. dab deb 64. bonbon /ˈbänˌbän/ noun
4. flax flecks 65. bookplate /ˈbo͝okˌplāt/ noun
66. boron /ˈbôrän/ noun
5. frat fret 67. boto /boh-toh/ noun
6. rabble rebel 68. bounder /ˈboundər/ noun
69. bowstring /ˈbōˌstriNG/ noun
7. tamp temp 70. brainwave /ˈbrānˌwāv/ noun
8. tamper temper 71. braveness /brāvnəs/ noun
72. broadcloth /ˈbrôdklôTH/ noun
Listen to the recorded audio. Put a check (√) after the word with /æ/ sound. 73. brownout /ˈbrounout/ noun
74. bulrush /ˈbo͝olˌrəSH/ noun
1. track- _____ 2. merry- _____ 3. land-_____ 4. dead- _____ 5. gas- _____ 75. camber /ˈkambər/ noun
76. cambric /ˈkāmbrik/ noun
77. canker /ˈkaNGkər/ noun
78. caret /ˈkerət/ noun
III. Let’s Learn It 79. careworn /ˈkerˌwôrn/ adjective
80. carful /ˈkärˌfəl/ noun
81. cashless /ˈkaSHləs/ adjective
82. catlike /ˈkatlīk/ adjective
83. cession /ˈseSHən/ noun
84. chancy /ˈCHansē/ adjective
To produce the /æ/ sound, position your tongue low in your mouth, 85. charnel /ˈCHärnl/ noun
and shift it toward the front. The muscles of your lips and mouth should be 86. chary /ˈCHerē/ adjective
relaxed. Vibrate your vocal cords with your mouth in this position. This vowel is 87. checkmate /ˈCHekˌmāt/ noun
made lower in the mouth than the /ɛ/ vowel. To learn more how to pronounce 88. chinless /ˈCHinlis/ adjective
the /æ/ sound and its examples, you can visit the link: 89. chino /ˈCHēnō/ noun 90. chukka /ˈCHəkə/ noun
91. citrine /ˈsitrēn,ˈsitrən/ noun
92. clansman /ˈklanzmən/ noun
93. classwork /ˈklasˌwərk/ noun
94. cloven /ˈklōvən/ verb
19 38
New General Service List IV. Drills

28, 000– 28,999 Listen as your teacher reads aloud to you the words with /æ/sound in initial, medial, and final
sounds position. Remember to pronounce the words clearly and accurately with correct accent. Al-
1. adze /ædz/ noun so in the drills are the parts of speech of the given words. The words are also used in phrase and
2. bast /bæst/ noun sentences.
3. clunch /klʌntʃ/ noun
Word Drill
4. corm /kôrm/ noun
6. crump /krəmp/ noun adze /ædz/ initial 1st noun
7. dirk /dərk/ noun bast /bæst/ initial 1st noun
8. fells /fels/ noun capsular /ˈkæpsəlär/ initial 1st adjective
9. fez /fez/ noun craftily /kɹæftəlē/ initial 1st adverb
10. grog /ɡräɡ/ noun
Phrase Drill
11. grok /ɡräk/ verb
12. gulch /ɡəlCH/ noun Left Collocates Right Collocates
13. hasp /hasp/ noun inferno adze by an adze
14. jape /jāp/ noun bast shoes at the bast
15. jird /jərd/ noun capsular bag for capsular
16. kea /kēə/ noun craftily edited with a craftily
17. meed /mēd/ noun Sentence Drill
18. plash /plaSH/ noun
19. raj /räj/ noun It's more effective to use inferno adze with fire mak- At Mangaia, Tane, the patron of artists, is symbolised
20. rem /rem/ noun ing brawlers. by an adze, with its blade fixed to a monumental han-
21. rill /ril/ noun dle.
22. seel /ˈsē(ə)l/ verb There was so deep in his bast shoes, and thanks espe- The principal stream is the Little Swatara creek, which
23. shim /SHim/ noun cially to catch a swallow if it had improved. rises at the bast of the Kittatinny - or Blue mountain -
in Upper Tulpehocken township, Berks county.
24. tilth /tilTH/ noun
I viscodissect open the capsular bag and place the Some surgeons have interpreted this to mean that at
25. twixt /twikst/ preposition
haptic inside the capsular bag. the time of a reoperation for capsular contracture the
26. veld /velt/ noun implants may have to be discarded, once they are
27. verst /vərst/ noun removed.
28. wight /wīt/ noun Every one of those amazing trades is little more than We are currently undergoing a similar problem with a
29. wog /wäɡ/ noun a craftily edited movie with the sole intent of appeal- craftily worded contract, only our problem is with
ing to people desperate for money. Home Security of America.
30. abase /əˈbeɪst/ verb
31. abrade /əˈbrād/ verb
32. acme /ˈakmē/ noun V. Post - Test
33. adjure /əˈjo͝or/ verb
34. alkyd /ˈalkid/ noun Listen as the teacher reads the words. Put if the word has /æ/ sound and if not.
35. armload /ˈärmlōd/ noun
36. astir /əˈstər/ adjective _____1. bag _____2. beg _____3. lend
37. athwart /əˈTHwôrt/ preposition _____4. land _____5. brace _____6. brass
38. axil /ˈaksəl/ noun
39. backless /ˈbakləs/ adjective Directions: Below is a word pool. Encircle all the words with /æ/ sound.
40. bandsaw /ˈbandsô/ noun
41. banyan /ˈbanyən,ˈbanˌyan/ noun gem jam band bend
42. bardic /ˈbär-dik/ adjective bat bet dad dead
43. bareback /ˈberbak/ adverb
44. bareness /ˈbernəs/ noun flash flesh gas guess

37 20
Lesson 7

I. Objectives

 Identify the /ər/ critical sound of the English Language.

Recognize words with /ər/ sound.

 Familiarize the critical sound through word, phrase, and sentence drills.


 Determine the words with initial, medial, and final /ər/ sound.

II. Pre - Test

Directions: Listen as the teacher reads the words. Box the words that the teacher enunciated.


1. heard hard


2. ton turn

Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
3. skirt script

Republic of the Philippines


Department of Education
4. hair her

Aguilar, Pangasinan

5. curl coil


Below is a popular icon Facebook wave. Write the words with /ər/ sound in the hands.

farm burn splurge charge church lark carton

heart dirt curtain store stir pour purr
born form firm bird cord curd course




Listen to the recorded audio. Write whether the /ər/ sound of the word is in initial, medial, or final.
1. dirk- _____ 2. gird- ____ 3. astir- _____ 4. bellbird- _____ 5. biller- ____

Determine the words with initial, medial,

Determine the words with initial, medial,

Recognize the /ə/ critical sound of the

Recognize the /ə/ critical sound of the

Classify words with /ə/ sounds.

Classify words with /ə/ sounds

III. Let’s Learn It

English Language.
English Language.

Stressed syllabic r and syllable onset r are rounded, commonly
at least, as in "bird", "bred". Unstressed syllabic r and syllable offset r are
unrounded, as in "better", "lard". This is for an r-full dialect. To learn more how
to pronounce the /ər/ sound and its examples, you can visit the link:

21 36
IV. Drills

Listen as your teacher reads aloud to you the words with /ər/sound in initial, medial, and final
sounds position. Remember to pronounce the words clearly and accurately with correct accent.
Also in the drills are the parts of speech of the given words. The words are also used in phrase and

Word Drill


dirk /dərk/ initial 1 noun


gird /gərd/ initial 1st noun
astir /əˈstər/ initial 2nd adjective
bellbird /ˈbelbərd/ initial 2nd noun


5 biller /ˈbi-lər/ initial 2nd noun

camber /ˈkambər/ initial 1st noun
canker /ˈkaNGkər/ initial 2nd noun

guider /ɡīdər/ initial noun


nester /ˈnestər/ initial 2nd noun

Schools Division Office I Pangasinan


pisser /ˈpisər/ initial 2nd noun

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Aguilar, Pangasinan


Phrase Drill


Left Collocates Right Collocates

sturdy dirk with a dirk
Girds Creek to the gird
Astir Beach already astir
crested bellbird to Bellbird Junction
party biller on the biller's


negative camber on a camber




canker sores for a canker


axis guider in the guider

nester house with nester
Identify the /ər/ critical sound of the Eng-

Determine the words with initial, medial,

Identify the /ər/ critical sound of the Eng-

Determine the words with initial, medial,

real pisser into the pisser

Recognize words with /ər/ sound.

Recognize words with /ər/ sound.

Sentence Drill

and final /ər/ sound

and final /ər/ sound

Macleary was given a leather belt with a sturdy The king planned to stab with a dirk.
lish Language.

lish Language.

dirk attached.


There are also cross routes uphill from the west Takuma Sato, formally of F1, also takes to the

Astir Beach in Vouliagmeni has cabanas, umbrel- We were beginning to come among continuous
las, beach-chairs, showers, a cafe-bar. streets, where laborers and dockmen were al-

The family Pachycephalidae includes the crested Only a single track of the line remains in Bellbird
bellbird. Junction.

35 22
If your urgent care uses a third party biller, your Review your biller's information in Payment Cen-


billing company has the ability to transfer or hold ter by clicking on the biller's name.
funds as desired.
Negative camber is when the top of the wheel is If you started snowboarding 7 or more years ago,
leaning into the car. undoubtedly you started on a camber board.
It is also used for treating and bringing relief to In most cases it is not necessary to seek a doc-
sore gums and canker sores. tor's advice for a canker sore, for they typically
fade within two weeks.
Calibration feature is invaluable when using a I have verified in the guider setup menu that all
German equatorial mount, or an off axis guider. directions are selected.


Right here, you can see one of our empty nester Thanks for sharing and being friends with nester.

house plans
The new trend of disposable gear is a real pisser. Be corrected if I am wrong, but the water hose
should feed into the pisser that is on the side of
the hull.


V. Post -Test


Directions: Read the following sentences. Encircle the words with /ər/ sound.


Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
1. The dirty birds squirmed when Kurt perched on the birch tree.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Aguilar, Pangasinan
2. I heard Burt cursed when he burned his dirty shirt.


3. Is it worth the work to reword the first bird story?

4. The third bird in the pearl shirt is a turkey.

5. Bernie learned to stir the firm worms.

6. The bird works on Thursday on 33rd Street.



7. Betty Botter bought some butter.

8. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Identify the /æ/ critical sound of the Eng-

Identify the /æ/ critical sound of the Eng-

9. Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Classify words with /æ/ sounds.

Classify words with /æ/ sounds.

10. A proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffeepot.


Put a √ before the number if the word has the correct initial, medial, and final /ər/ sound.

lish Language.

lish Language.
_____1. biller– initial


_____2. camber–final

_____3. canker– final

_____4. guider– initial

_____5. nester—medial
23 34
Lesson 8



I. Objectives

 Recognize the /ə/ critical sound of the English Language.

 Familiarize the critical sound through word, phrase, and sentence drills.

 Classify words with /ə/ sounds.

 Determine the words with initial, medial, and final /ə/ sound.

II. Pre -Test


Directions: Read the words aloud. Encircle the words with different sound.

1. cut fern bun hut
2. bird fool pool wooed



3. shooed luke fool stood

Schools Division Office I Pangasinan

4. cut crude hull girl


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Aguilar, Pangasinan

Analyze each pair of words. Encircle the words with /ə/ sound.

1. sullen accepted

2. cult alien
3. pummel aluminum
4. capital luncheon
5. carbon hunk
6. sunken colloidal





Identify if the /ə/ sound is found in initial, medial, or final position. Write your answer on the space
______1. athwart _______2. axil _______3. backless _______4. banyan _______5. bareness
Identify the /ei/ critical sound of the Eng-

Identify the /ei/ critical sound of the Eng-

Complete the sentence using the words

Complete the sentence using the words

Classify words with /ei/ sound.

Classify words with /ei/ sound.

III. Let’s Learn It


with ei/ sound.

with ei/ sound.

lish Language.

lish Language.


To produce the ə sound put your tongue in the middle and in the center
of your mouth and make a short voiced sound. To learn more how to pronounce
the /ər/ sound and its examples, you can visit the link:

33 24
IV. Drills
Listen as your teacher reads aloud to you the words with /ə/sound in initial, medial, and final
sounds position. Remember to pronounce the words clearly and accurately with correct accent.
Also in the drills are the parts of speech of the given words. The words are also used in phrase and
Word Drill


athwart /əˈTHwôrt/ final 1 preposition

axil /ˈaksəl/ initial 2nd noun



backless /ˈbakləs/ initial 2nd adjective
banyan /ˈbanyən/ initial 2nd noun
bareness /ˈbernəs/ initial 2nd noun

beauteous /ˈbyo͞odēəs/ initial 2nd adjective

bestir /bəˈstər/ medial noun
cashless /ˈkaSHləs/ initial 2nd adjective
cession /ˈseSHən/ initial 2nd noun

dauphin /ˈdôfən/ initial noun


2nd, 3rd

doggedness /ˈdôɡədnəs/ initial noun

Schools Division Office I Pangasinan

duckboard /ˈdəkbôrd/ initial 1st noun

Republic of the Philippines
/ˈd(y)o͞okdəm/ 2nd

Department of Education
dukedom initial noun

/θ/ and /ð/

Aguilar, Pangasinan
emend /əˈmend/ final 1st verb

fustian /ˈfəsCHən/ initial 1st, 2nd noun

Phrase Drill

Left Collocates Right Collocates

baton athwart to slide horizontally athwart
upper axils in their axils
backless design on a backless


banyan tree under a banyan



stark bareness with the bareness

beauteous face to the beauteous
cashless card on the cashless

Recognize the /θ/ and /ð/ critical sounds

Recognize the /θ/ and /ð/ critical sounds

land cession for a cession

Identify the proper stress of the words

Differentiate words with /θ/ and /ð/

Identify the proper stress of the words

Differentiate words with /θ/ and /ð/
Dauphin counties by the Dauphin


of the English Language.

emend standards to emend


of the English Language.

with /θ/ and /ð/ sound
fustian weavers of fustian

Sentence Drill


During practice, we learned how to throw the ba- Simultaneously the frame as a whole tends to
ton athwart so we could catch it crossways in our slide horizontally athwart the rails,.

The numerous, greenish-white flowers of Polygo- Leaves on the ovary ovate to lanceolate, fleshy,
num cuspidatum are borne in panicles from the naked in their axils, except some of the upper

25 32

Mules have made its grand sartorial comeback Did you have your heart set on a backless dress
featuring its flat version with a backless design for a glamorous holiday party?
that made everyone in the fashion industry jump
The setting, a thatch-roof bar tucked under a sa- A man of many hopes but few resources spends

cred banyan tree in the corner of Sairee isn't bad his time under a banyan tree dispensing financial
either. advice to those willing to pay for his knowledge.

Aberdeen, who suggested to his- fellow directors The well-defined forms of the building are con-

that some pictures would relieve the stark bare- trasted with the bareness of the natural sur-

ness of- the xwalls. roundings, inducing a mood of wonder and reflec-
tion in the viewer.


She stooped down and she saw her beauteous Your resemblance to the beauteous Matilda suffi-

face mirrored in the flood. ciently proclaims it.


We may make these times better, if we bestir our- When sinners are careless and stupid, it is time
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Republic of the Philippines

selves. Christians should bestir themselves.

Department of Education

Aguilar, Pangasinan

Post-Test To make it easier for you to manage your money, Jobseekers who test positive will have their in-

/ dʒ/

we also offer our cashless card scheme, Eating at come quarantined - they're placed on the cashless
Warwick. debit card.

The land cession treaties made between the Federal Government, had charge of the negotia-
Crown and various groups of Indians in Canada tions and was pressing the Cherokees for a ces-
implied the recognition. sion of land in Georgia in exchange for a tract be-
tween the Arkansas and White Rivers.


These papers shed light on the Weidman family In 1675, this dog breed was declared by the Dau-


and other families in Lebanon and Dauphin coun- phin from King Louis XIV's court, the Royal Dog of
ties, including Hoke, Lineaweaver, and Mitchell. France.
Determine the words with initial, medial,
Determine the words with initial, medial,

Frame and emend standards and management An editor’s job is to emend written pieces, catch-
Identify the /dʒ/ critical sound of the
Identify the /dʒ/ critical sound of the

Classify words with /dʒ/ sounds.

Classify words with /dʒ/ sounds.

system. ing typos and mistakes before it is published.


It was used as the headquarters of the fustian The once considerable manufacture of fustian has
and final /dʒ/ sound
and final /dʒ/ sound

English Language.
English Language.

weavers during their strike in 1906-7. declined.


To conceal this lock, draw the string through the Common mass-produced lag bolts from 3/4
gimlet hole and fasten a nail on the string. diameter and smaller come with a gimlet point,
but they are often unnecessary.
She feared she would join the dead chorus of Au contraire, the history of ebooks is littered with
human jetsam. jetsam of people (and companies) who didn't
know what they were doing.
31 26

V. Post - Test

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Listen to the recording. The /ə/ in the word violate is placed in____?

a. initial b. medial c. final

2. Which among the following words has /ə/ sound?



a. foreword b. divers c. earn

3. Which among the following words has an initial /ə/ sound?


a. athwart b. dauphin c. cashless



4. Listen to the recording. Which of the following words has /ə/ sound?



a. level b. cute c. tame

Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
5. Which of the following words does not have /ə/ sound?

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Aguilar, Pangasinan
a. capable b. habitual c. tilth


Read the sentences aloud. Encircle the words with /ə/ sound.

1. I want you to answer one question.

2. Don't you find it very peculiar that they invited us to dinner?

3. She was always braver than I was.



4. The book was rejected by the publishers several times.




5. Madam Lisa moderates the moderately elaborate graduate's survey.

Place proper stress on the words with /v/

Place proper stress on the words with /v/

Put a √ before the number if the word has the correct initial, medial, and final /ər/ sound.

Identify the /v/ critical sound of the

Identify the /v/ critical sound of the

Recognize words with /v/ sound.

Recognize words with /v/ sound.

_____1. dukedom– initial


English Language.

English Language.
_____2. emend– final


_____3. fustian– final

_____4. gimlet– initial

_____5. jetsam—medial

27 30
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Aguilar, Pangasinan




Identify the /z/ critical sound of the 10 10

Classify words with /z/ sounds. 5 5

Total 15 5 10



Identify the /z/ critical sound of the 10 10

Classify words with /z/ sounds. 5 5

Total 15 5 10


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