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2019 Marketing Plan to promote KDU B.

Bus Degree program

a) Marketing Promotion Aids:

1. Proper individual brochure which consist of:
our alumni & current student testimonials
Riamtec Diploma Pathway leading to KDU Business Degree
Entrepreneurship competition championship photo
Reasons of studying KDU Business Degree
Course subject, entry requirements.

2. Stand up bunting to focus promote KDU business degree at Riamtec.

3. Advertisement Insertions at Local Newspaper: Sin Chew & See Hua
Expected month: April and August 2019
4. 2x6 roadside bunting installation: Expected month March & April 2019.

b) Business Career Talk for Form 6 & UEC students

We would like to invite speaker from KDU to deliver a talk for form 6 students.
Time & Date: As advised by KDU University, we can help to arrange with secondary
school side.
List of Schools in Miri that offers Form 6 classes
 SMK Baru
 KolejTunDatuTuanku Haji Bujang
 SMK Loepng Tengah
 SMK Merbau
 SMK Lutong
 SM Pei Min (UEC Students)

c) Secondary Schools Education Exhibition

 24th June: SMK Riam
 25th June: SMK Pujut
 26th June: SMK Lutong
 27th June: Kolej Haji Bujang
 28th June: SMK Merbau
 3rd July: SMK Baru
 11th July: SMK St. Columba
(There are few schools are still pending for their exhibition dates, probably will be held in
1st or 2nd week of July.)

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d) March Education Roadshow at Hotel
 22nd March: GES GLOBAL Education at Pullman Hotel
 23rd March: L&P Education Fair at Pullman Hotel
 24th March: Unicentre Education Fair at Unicentre

e) Other matters
 To further enhance collaboration between KDU and RiamTec, access to Riam Road
Secondary School will be granted to KDU with 2 -3 visits per year.
 request one full KDU business degree stand up bunting for display at RiamTec

Prepared by : Chua Min Fui

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