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How to sizing a miniature circuit breaker?

 For electrical safety purpose

 To not over cost to purchase circuit breaker when we over sizing it. or not suitable
 To prevent the equipment from damage before it can use it.
 To easy when we want purchase the mcb,because we have all detail information about it.
 To make the design matter more effective and faster to complete.

How to select a suitable MCB for the

We must focus in 3 main points to choose a right MCB for electrical circuit :-
1) Ampere rating ( In )
2) Short circuit breaking capacity ( If )
3) Application type
Calculation for Miniature circuit breaker ( MCB ) sizing
Example : We want install 1 unit single phase motor.full load ampere is 20 ampere. Power supply
240VAC,50 Hz

1) Ampere Rating ( In )
Formula : In = Iz + (0.25 x Iz)

In = ampere rating Iz = Load ampere

Calculation :

In = 20 ampere + (0.25 x 20 ampere)

In = 25 ampere@ 32 ampere

* in market we cannot found 25 ampere of MCB,so we can used 32 ampere for our application.

Refer the ampere rated in technical data for MCB from manufacture

From the technical data,we selected the ampere rated for MCB is : 32 ampere

2) Short circuit breaking capacity ( If )

Formula : If = V / 0.276 (R cable)

If = short circuit breaking capacity

V = Voltage

R cable = resistance cable ( 0.276 )

Calculation :-

If = 240 / 0.276

If = 870 ampere

From the answer,we can decide to select rating for one ( 1 ) kA

3) Application type.
From application,it state the single phase motor,so we can choose TYPE C for MCB.It
forgeneral application and for small motor.Please refer the table below for MCB type for the

* For more detail,please refer the manufacture Technical data / user manual or contact the supplier.

ABB MCB Technical data

MCB Type,Instant trip and Application table


1 2.7 – 4 In Domestic and commercial

B 3 – 5 In


2 4 – 7 In

C 5 – 10 In General use,small motor

3 7 – 10 In


D 10 – 20 In High in rush equipment

4 10 – 50 In


K Frequent short duration


Z Semiconductor devices

So…the conclusion from the calculation,we get the specification for MCB to install on our application

1) Rated ampere is : 32 ampere

2) Short circuit breaking capacity is : 1 kA

3) Type of MCB is : Type C

For more detail,please contact the electrical engineer for their suggestion.This is a simple

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