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Multimedia in Advertising & marketing

Multimedia advertising is the process of using animation and graphic design to market and sell
a product or service. Companies are likely to appeal to a broader audience

In advertising, promoting products require an effective medium able to catch the interest of
the targeted market.

Multimedia plays a vital role in advertising. The more forms of multimedia used, the higher the
exposure of the product to the market thereby increasing sales, creating a huge influence in the
market and gaining popularity.
Television, radio and print ads are the most common medium used, with one supporting the
other. The advancement in the field of technology has created a positive impact in multimedia,
creating a more entertaining and advanced modes of advertising ranging from print ads to
interactive programs wherein human participation is required. All these lead to popularity of
products in the market creating either a positive or a negative reaction from the consumers

What is Multimedia Anyway?

Multimedia is exactly what it sounds like – using different types of media to advertise your
products and create brand awareness. It covers traditional media such as television, radio,
newspaper ads, and direct marketing letters, as well as technology-based media such as e-mail,
websites, mobile and social media.

Technology-based media is becoming even more important as cell phones and smart phones
become ubiquitous

Multimedia has the following uses in advertisement :-

1) For the graphics of print and media ads.

 Attractive visuals and exciting relevant videos keep the content interesting which
keeps your customers engaged.
 Attractive visuals help in retaining brand image in customer’s mind and improves
customer loyalty.

2) Creating Animations and engineering sounds of the ads to give it an appropriate

aesthetically appealing look and feel.

According to the research. 22%of people visited the advertiser’s website after having
watched a video ad. 52%of internet marketers consider video to be the content with the
highest ROI. Animations and videos have great impact in creating brand awareness in digital

3) Television Commercials

With huge television audiences , Television commercials are the most common advertising
mechanisms for a variety of products and the television commercials are designed using
multimedia tools only for better reach & effectiveness

Example: case study

As an example of multimedia advertising, imagine a car company that is starting a

new promotion offering low sales prices in a particular month. The car company can start with
national or local television commercials, depending upon the size and breadth of the company,
and accentuate those commercials with radio ads. Newspaper and magazine ads can also
promote that particular sale, and the website of the company can also feature the sale
information on the main page, with further details included in specific links.
Since computer technology is constantly improving, multimedia advertising is often conducted
using the most up-to-date graphics and computer effects to enhance the message of the
promotion. While company websites are vital in this process, a company may place digital ads
on other sites that are frequented by its target customers. Computer graphics have also
revolutionized the process of outdoor advertising, turning conventional billboards into vehicles
for ads with animation, special effects, and colorful graphics.

Multimedia in Marketing

Understanding Your Market

To understand your market, first break your customers into segments. For example, if you own
a chain of restaurants, you might find that your primary customer segments include empty
nesters, adults with children, single women, and young professionals. You can then study those
segments to learn more about their characteristics. One method for doing this is
using infographics for different market segments to help you understand how people spend
their money and time, what they do online and, most important, steps your business can take
to attract them.

Developing a Multimedia Campaign

With your market segments in hand, you can build a campaign using different media to reach
different segments. A multimedia campaign might include a direct market mailing to reach
empty nesters, an e-mail to reach married couples with children, and a website combined with
social media to reach single women and young professionals.

The content of your marketing materials will likely need to change for each segment as well.
Long headlines packed with information might work for a direct marketing letter, but since the
customers you target with e-mail will likely read that e-mail on their phone, you need to keep
the subject line short or they may miss your main topic. If you’re offering a 2-for-1 deal on
something, say that in the first few words to grab their attention. Likewise, according to a New
York Times special report, don’t go for the hard sell with Millennials. They prefer a website or
social media experience that entertains them as much as it informs them. Video is a big hit with
this generation.

Even if you market primarily to one segment, you may still want to consider a multimedia
campaign. For example, if you reach your segment primarily through newspaper advertising,
you may want to also establish an online presence and consider utilizing newspaper publisher’s
digital options – website, mobile apps, etc. as well. The interactivity of the digital medium is
definitely going to add better engagement with your message and encourage users to seek out
more information about you and your products. Combined they provide access to a wider set of
eyeballs and also provide more exposure for your advertising message, thereby leading to
better return on your investment.

Multiple Solutions with Multimedia

Regardless of your marketing needs, there has never been a better time to market your
business than now. The diversity of solutions available by combining traditional and technology-
based media means you can find a marketing campaign that perfectly fits your budget,
customer base, and business goals.

Multimedia in Business

1. Creating Online presence

Organisations can Enrich their Web design project with multimedia elements to captivate and
inform Web page visitors, regardless of which browser they are using. Sound files, pictures,
animations and video footage are considered forms of multimedia that you can combine to
enhance a website

Embedded Video Footage

Embedded video is an advantage of using multimedia in a Web design. Such videos can contain
an array of footage to serve not only a website's mission but also its visitors. Multimedia of this
variety is useful to site visitors who have literacy challenges and those with visual, audio or
cognitive disabilities.
Informative Images

The advantage of using photos in a multimedia Web design goes beyond the use of images as
decoration. Images in a multimedia context consist of slide shows or galleries that a website
visitor can view.

Sound can enhance your Web design project. The sound clips you incorporate can be short or
long. You may use them to deliver website visitors information in the form of recorded speech.
If you incorporate multimedia of this type into your design, embed descriptions within your
HTML code and consider linking to a transcript. These extra steps enable site visitors to review
the contents of featured sound files in the event that an accessibility issue arises.

2. Information dissemination

Multimedia is used in Designing Pamphlets and product Brochures. With the use of graphics
and relevant images the product information becomes attractive

Animated Information

Flash objects are multimedia elements that you can use in your Web design as well. The
advantages of adding Flash animations to your design include featuring scalable,
dynamic and media-rich content that stays within one container on a Web page. This
content can illustrate how things work or present information in entertaining ways.
Consider including an alternative animation file type that a visitor can view in the event
that your Flash animation fails to load in the browser they are using.

3. Product Design

Various Multimedia tools are used to design product and Product packaging. One can Choose
from multiple color options and attractive design to create a unique and useful product design

4. Advertising (Add advertising content)

5. Marketing (Add marketing content)
6. Product Review
Various multimedia based applications may be used to get the review of products from experts
and users. The application’s interface with graphics is user-friendly and it is easier for the
reviewer to submit a suitable and correct review

7. Performance review

Powerpoint presentations with graphs and charts are used for Weekly, Monthly , quarterly and
yearly review in organizations. Various animated tools may be used to enhance the look an feel
of the presentation creating a good impact on the audience

8. Online Marketing

Multimedia, such as mobile marketing, livecasting and podcasting, photo, video and file
sharing, can spread the word about your company and help build brand awareness in a very
unique and powerful way.

9. Kisoks To market and sell products

An interactive kiosk is a computer terminal featuring specialized hardware and software that
provides access to information and applications for communication, commerce, entertainment,
or education.
Integration of Multimedia technology allows kiosks to perform a wide range of functions,
evolving into self-service kiosks. For example, kiosks may enable users to order from a shop's
catalogue when items are not in stock, check out a library book, look up information about
products, issue a hotel key card, enter a public utility bill account number in order to perform
an online transaction, or collect cash in exchange for merchandise. Customised components
such as coin hoppers, bill acceptors, card readers and thermal printers enable kiosks to meet
the owner's specialised needs.

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