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Take each chart. You determine the marks of your house based on each point given in
the chart frankly and without bias. Put the marks for each and every chart. Then add ala
the marks. The total marks decide the FORTUNE of the house! If your present house
gets more than 60 marks, then you can continue to stay there. If it is less, you should
vacate or change the house immediately. If you have more than 75 marks, it is a very
fortunate and a lucky house! You are assured of continued development through the
house. So kindly study the tables twice or thrice and understand them well. If you want
to shift to another house, then also you should evaluate the marks in the same manner.
If you want to purchase a constructed house or apartment, there also you could
determine the mark to the proposed house or flat according to those tables. If the marks
are more than 60, then you can purchase it without least hesitation or occupy the house
as a tenant. If it is less than 50 marks, you should not purchase or take lease of the
house! Ill-luck and troubles are expected from that house!
These tables will give you courage and confidence to decide the fate of a house / flat. You can
understand whether the house is having LUCK or ILL-Luck in a systematic manner.
No. Description of the house Total marks

1 Location of the Kitchen 8

2 Location of the master Bedroom 8

3 Location of the bore well / underground tanks 8

4 Location of Toilet and Bath room 8

5 Flooring level of the house 8

6 Location of the house with reference to the plot 8

7 Location of Hall and Drawing Room 8

8 Bed room for children guests 8

9 Location of the garage and workers quarters 8

10 Location of main gate and main door 8


External factors deciding the fortune of the house 20

Total Marks 100

Table No. 1 Location of the Kitchen
Direction of kitchen Marks awarded

South-east 8

North-west 7

East 6

West 5

South 4

North 3

South-West 2

North-East 1
Table No. 2 – Location of Master Bedroom
Direction of Bedroom Marks awarded

South-west 8

South 7

West 6

North-west 5

North 4

East 3

south-east 2

North-east 1

Table No. 3 – Location of bore well/underground tanks

Direction of bore well/ tank Marks awarded

North-east 8

East 7

North 6

North-west 5

West 4

South 3

South-east 2

South-west / Centre 1

Table No. 4 – Location of Toilet and Bathroom

Direction of Toilet/Bathroom Marks awarded

South-East 8
North- West 7

South 6

West 5

North 4

East 3

South-west 2

North-east 1

Table No. 5 – Flooring level of the house

Direction Marks awarded

North-east side down South-west side up 8

North-east side down South side up 7

East side down West side up 6

All sides are at same level 5

South-west side is up and elevated than all other sides 4

North-west side is up and Elevated than all other sides 3

Depression in the South-west/ South-east 2

North-east side is up South-west side is down 1

Down - Depression or Lower level Up - Elevated or higher level

Table No.6 – Position of the House with reference to the plot.

Direction Marks awarded

South-west 8

South 7

West 6

North-west 5
South-east 4

North 3

East 2

North-east 1

Table No.7 – Location of the Hall and Drawing Room

Direction Marks awarded

North - East 8

North 7

East 6

South-east 5

North-west 4

West 3

South 2

South-west 1

Table No.8 – Bedroom for children and Guests

Direction Marks awarded

North-west 8

West 7

South 6

North-east 5

South - East 4

North 3

East 2

South-west 1
Table No. 9 – Location of the Garage and Workers Quarters
Direction Marks awarded

North-west 8

South-east 7

West 6

South 5

East 4

North 3

South - west 2

North-east 1

Table No.10 – Location of the Main Door or Main Gate

Direction Marks awarded

North-east 8

East 7

North 6

West 5

South 4

North-west 3

South-east 2

South-west 1

Table No. 11 – External Factors influencing the fortunes of the house

SI.No. Particulars Marks

1 The size of the building either Rectangle of Square 3

2 The house has positive or good schools 3

3 The building has roads on the North or East side or on all the sides 3

4 The building is elevated than the road 3

5 Compound wall is provided around the house 3

6 The main door is not afflicted by opposite trees, poles, or wells etc., 3

7 The plot where the house is located is in a rectangular or square shape 2

Total 20

If the external factors are otherwise, then deduct the marks (Negative marks to be
given) accordingly. Then arrive at the final marks for evaluation of the house.
Suppose if the main door is against a big tree/pole, then 3 marks to be deducted in the
total of 80, since it will reduce the luck of the house and so on. The maximum marks
awarded is 100. The tables are carefully designed to cover the internal and external
factors which decide the FORETUNE of the houses / buildings. You should allocate the
marks to your present house, proposed house (or flats) and total the marks that are
allotted. Now you can easily determine the fortune of the house by yourselves as
SI.No. Marks Fortunes of the building/house

1 91-100 Excellent one. You can flourish well by continuing or purchasing

the house.

2 71-90 Good one. This will also bring you fortunes. You can continue or
purchase the home without hesitation.

3 51-70 Moderate house. You should improve the marks by altering the
house as per vaastu. You may continue or purchase the house
after the rectification.

4 Below 50 Run away from the house. The fate is awaiting there to pull you
down. This house should not be considered even as an alternative
dwelling arrangement even for a shorter time. The ill-luck of the
house will spoil all your fortunes and ideas. Misery is imminent.
Vastu Directions
In Vastu shastra directions are the very most important subject. Without knowing the directions
we cannot find out the mistake as per vaastu shastra at the premises. Directions are nothing but
heart of a human body. Heart is most important to a human body, like wise directions also
important to the vastu shastra. How to find out the directions, its very simple.

Stand before Sun, that is the East, i.,e you are viewing east direction, our back side is West, our
left hand side is North and our right hand side is South. Here you may got one doubt, at some
places we cannot see the sun because of clouds then how to find out the directions, yes you are
almost right, and your doubt is very valuable, at this moment we must have compass, compass
is like this way., the below is the compass, from this instrument we can easily find out directions
at morning and night also, at any season we can easily find out the directions. For more
information on compass, click here

Have you seen this above compass, its very useful for finding the directions. Here see this
below picture, how the compass is rotating. For more information on compass, click here
The above compass is rotating, this is for your information only, please see the below moving
flash file, so that you can easily find out the directions. Sun is raising that is East Direction,a
man is standing in front of the sun, the left side of the man is North Direction and right side of
the man is South Direction, man back side is West Direction. This flash file helps you how to
know the directions. For more information on compass, click here

The above flash sun raising picture is only for your information about directions.

As you already know that we have four directions and each direction has its own specific
significance. Different planets are attributed to different directions and since each planet has its
distinctive colour thus each direction also gets its auspicious colour.

North direction - Green

East direction - White
South direction - Red
West direction - Blue.

See this below picture to know about directions and auxiliary directions.

Observe some numbers in the above map...45, 90, 135, 180 etc means "degrees". Now we will
know some thing about directions and its lords etc.

Vaasthu Couplet: Vaastu offers not only wealth on earth, but also bliss in the celestial world

The meeting of two directions is called as "Junction", "Corners" or "Meeting Points", generally
people called it as 'Corners'. A corner or a junction is more powerful than any direction. The
corner has mixed forces of two directions. Hence the corners should be properly planned during
construction of your beloved properties for better results. Similarly every house has got the
same eight directions, but their effect differ, depending upon their usages and managements. If
every direction is perfectly used and maintained according to the rules of Vasthu, the house
safeguards the resident, like a mother who secures her child. If we done opposite for direction
rules then the residence will become hell ( Devils den ). You please to understand the hidden
meaning of it., the effect of directions depends upon on how the person is utilizing them. For
Example take one northeast (eshan) corner, if at one house northeast corner is in good position
according to vaastu shastra he will enjoy prosperity, richness, successful life. If the northeast
corner is closed, or it disturbed we cannot think about his position, he will loose every thing or
he may be loosed ( disappears ), not knowing the truth behind the Vastu many people are
inviting troubles and tensions, unnecessarily. There is certain impact of Vaastu on human
existence and this is a totally fact and proved one. By knowing certain principles of vastu man
lives and tastes the richness of happy. Vastu shastra is a mighty ocean.

The importance of orientation of a building is not only for saving energy but also to have a better
house design, which not only gives comfortable living but also gives good health, prosperity and
wealth to the house owners/occupiers and these families. There lies a co-relation between the
rotational scenario of the planets and the house design and their different directions with respect
of NORTH. The building of any type and its construction meets the purpose if proper orientation
has been given using suitable local building material. It increases not only its life span but also
improves the condition of occupants. There are instances where buildings are not planned
according to required local orientation were lost or deteriorated much faster then the buildings
having built with proper studies of orientation.

The proper orientation means the proper knowledge of all the eight directions. It is a common
knowledge that the direction from where the Sun arises is known as east and where it sets as
West and when one faces the East direction, towards one's left is north and towards one's right
is south. The corner where two directions meet obviously is more significant since it combines
the forces emanating from both the directions. SO in all there are eight directions, North,
Northeast, East, Eastsouth, South, Southwest, West, Westnorth. Every direction has its own
significance and has its own construction. The basic rules of vaastu Shastra are based on
these eight directions.

Please observe the side moving flash file, in this picture one's house or plot is appearing, here
East is above side and North is at left side. In between i.e. the corner of the East and North
directions is called “Eshan Corner” or “Ishan” or “Northeast” Direction, in other words the
junction in between east and north is called Eshan corner. This Eshan corner place is most
important at Vaastu shastra. This Eshan blesses inmates, development in their respective fields.
So every house owner has to take care on Eshan corner, Eshan should not loss. If so the entire
family development system will spoils. If Eshan rises at one’s house we can clearly observes
improvement in his day to day life. If you feels that Eshan has any defects at your house, then
immediately get suggestion from one experienced vastu expert.

Observe this Agneya Corner flash picture, its called as Agneya or southeast corner., here
Agneya starts from next to east and towards south as shown with red line is moving from east to
Agneya. This portion is called East Agneya, its very dangerous. There is another one South
Agneya., this south Agneya starts from next to south towards Agneya Corner, its also shown
with one second red mark line, moving from south to Agneya, this is called as South Agneya.
Most of the people suffers with this Agneya Dhoshas, if we correct Dhoshas at these places
most of the problems will solve,. Agneya corner problems, except death everything has to be
done to inmates. Cheated by others, Money loss, tensions, quarrels at home or with outsiders,
unnecessary headaches from others, court cases, fire accidents, accidents, thefts, self pity,
womanizing , drinking, angriness , untimely decisions, playing cards, bad habits, smoking etc., If
we left Agneya Dhoshas, later it will show what its power. Be care of Agneya as it’s a severe
impact on human.
Observe this Nairuthi Corner flash picture, it’s called as Nairuthi, Nirruthi, Rakshasa Moola or
southwest corner., here Nairuthi starts from after South to Nairuthi as shown with Yellow line is
moving from South to Nairuthi. This portion is called South Nairuthi. There is another Nairuthi is
also there, that is West Nairuthi., this west Nairuthi starts from after west to Nairuthi Corner, and
this is also shown with one second lighted green mix blue mark line, moving from West to
Nairuthi, this is called as West Nairuthi or Southwest Nairuthi towards West. If Nairuthi disturbs,
death may occurs, severe health problems, always health troubles unexpected losses, this
Nairuthi is more powerful than the other directions , it brings good or bad results immediately to
the occupants. If Nairuthi is strong enemies are destroys instantly. Nairuthi is highly tempered.
Always bold results good or bad.Nairuthi character if greediness, stubbornness, domination,
cruelty etc. we should more cautious while handling this direction.

Observe this Vayavya Corner flash, it’s called as Vayavya or Northwest corner., here Vayavya
starts from after North to Vayavya as shown with Red line is moving from North to Vayavya.
This portion is called Northvayavya. Another Vayavya is there it starts from next to west towards
Vayavya corner it also shows with red mark. This direction is more vital and important to all.
This direction is capable of making a man Rich o

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