Pile Loads - Tubular - 25.4m - CH 1501 - LUM 191 N

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AXIAL N(x)-->N(y)

Elem Load Part Component Axial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k

4 ULS1 I[5] Axial -297.21 0 9.32 0
5 ULS1 I[6] Axial -297.29 0 -9.33 0
4 ULS2a I[5] Axial -241.65 -135.9 -398.43 0
5 ULS2a I[6] Axial -243.21 0.1 -10.61 0
4 ULS2b I[5] Axial -243.12 -135.9 413.86 0
5 ULS2b I[6] Axial -241.74 0.1 -4.84 0
4 ULS3X I[5] Axial -241.86 0 3.26 0
5 ULS3X I[6] Axial -243 0 -12.18 0
4 ULS3Y I[5] Axial -242.38 -7.56 7.72 0
5 ULS3Y I[6] Axial -242.48 -7.72 -7.73 0

Shear V(y)-->V(x)

Elem Load Part Component Axial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k

4 ULS1 I[5] Shear-y -297.21 0 9.32 0
5 ULS1 I[6] Shear-y -297.29 0 -9.33 0
4 ULS2a I[5] Shear-y -241.65 -135.9 -398.43 0
5 ULS2a I[6] Shear-y -243.21 0.1 -10.61 0
4 ULS2b I[5] Shear-y -243.12 -135.9 413.86 0
5 ULS2b I[6] Shear-y -241.74 0.1 -4.84 0
4 ULS3X I[5] Shear-y -241.86 0 3.26 0
5 ULS3X I[6] Shear-y -243 0 -12.18 0
4 ULS3Y I[5] Shear-y -242.38 -7.56 7.72 0
5 ULS3Y I[6] Shear-y -242.48 -7.72 -7.73 0

Shear V(z)-->V(z)

Elem Load Part Component Axial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k

4 ULS1 I[5] Shear-z -297.21 0 9.32 0
5 ULS1 I[6] Shear-z -297.29 0 -9.33 0
4 ULS2a I[5] Shear-z -241.65 -135.9 -398.43 0
5 ULS2a I[6] Shear-z -243.21 0.1 -10.61 0
4 ULS2b I[5] Shear-z -243.12 -135.9 413.86 0
5 ULS2b I[6] Shear-z -241.74 0.1 -4.84 0
4 ULS3X I[5] Shear-z -241.86 0 3.26 0
5 ULS3X I[6] Shear-z -243 0 -12.18 0
4 ULS3Y I[5] Shear-z -242.38 -7.56 7.72 0
5 ULS3Y I[6] Shear-z -242.48 -7.72 -7.73 0

Moment M(y)-->M(x)

Elem Load Part Component Axial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k

4 ULS1 I[5] Moment-y -297.21 0 9.32 0
5 ULS1 I[6] Moment-y -297.29 0 -9.33 0
4 ULS2a I[5] Moment-y -241.65 -135.9 -398.43 0
5 ULS2a I[6] Moment-y -243.21 0.1 -10.61 0
4 ULS2b I[5] Moment-y -243.12 -135.9 413.86 0
5 ULS2b I[6] Moment-y -241.74 0.1 -4.84 0
4 ULS3X I[5] Moment-y -241.86 0 3.26 0
5 ULS3X I[6] Moment-y -243 0 -12.18 0
4 ULS3Y I[5] Moment-y -242.38 -7.56 7.72 0
5 ULS3Y I[6] Moment-y -242.48 -7.72 -7.73 0

Moment M(z)-->M(z)

Elem Load Part Component Axial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k

4 ULS1 I[5] Moment-z -297.21 0 9.32 0
5 ULS1 I[6] Moment-z -297.29 0 -9.33 0
4 ULS2a I[5] Moment-z -241.65 -135.9 -398.43 0
5 ULS2a I[6] Moment-z -243.21 0.1 -10.61 0
4 ULS2b I[5] Moment-z -243.12 -135.9 413.86 0
5 ULS2b I[6] Moment-z -241.74 0.1 -4.84 0
4 ULS3X I[5] Moment-z -241.86 0 3.26 0
5 ULS3X I[6] Moment-z -243 0 -12.18 0
4 ULS3Y I[5] Moment-z -242.38 -7.56 7.72 0
5 ULS3Y I[6] Moment-z -242.48 -7.72 -7.73 0

XL Sheet

Change Axis & Sign Convention NY VX

Moment-y Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenAxial (kN) Shear-y (k
-53.39 0 4 ULS1 I[5] Axial -297.210 0
53.27 0 5 ULS1 I[6] Axial -297.290 0
579.86 238.9 4 ULS2a I[5] Axial -241.650 -135.9
121.33 1.1 5 ULS2a I[6] Axial -243.210 0.1
-668.28 238.9 4 ULS2b I[5] Axial -243.120 -135.9
-33.16 1.1 5 ULS2b I[6] Axial -241.740 0.1
-6.25 0 4 ULS3X I[5] Axial -241.860 0
82.04 0 5 ULS3X I[6] Axial -243.000 0
-44.21 299.57 4 ULS3Y I[5] Axial -242.380 -7.56
44.08 306.98 5 ULS3Y I[6] Axial -242.480 -7.72

Change Axis & Sign Convention VX VZ

Moment-y Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenShear-y (k Shear-z (kN
-53.39 0 4 ULS1 I[5] Shear-y 0 9.32
53.27 0 5 ULS1 I[6] Shear-y 0 -9.33
579.86 238.9 4 ULS2a I[5] Shear-y -135.9 -398.43
121.33 1.1 5 ULS2a I[6] Shear-y 0.1 -10.61
-668.28 238.9 4 ULS2b I[5] Shear-y -135.9 413.86
-33.16 1.1 5 ULS2b I[6] Shear-y 0.1 -4.84
-6.25 0 4 ULS3X I[5] Shear-y 0 3.26
82.04 0 5 ULS3X I[6] Shear-y 0 -12.18
-44.21 299.57 4 ULS3Y I[5] Shear-y -7.56 7.72
44.08 306.98 5 ULS3Y I[6] Shear-y -7.72 -7.73

Change Axis & Sign Convention VZ VX

Moment-y Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenShear-z (kNShear-y (k
-53.39 0 4 ULS1 I[5] Shear-z 9.32 0
53.27 0 5 ULS1 I[6] Shear-z -9.33 0
579.86 238.9 4 ULS2a I[5] Shear-z -398.43 -135.9
121.33 1.1 5 ULS2a I[6] Shear-z -10.61 0.1
-668.28 238.9 4 ULS2b I[5] Shear-z 413.86 -135.9
-33.16 1.1 5 ULS2b I[6] Shear-z -4.84 0.1
-6.25 0 4 ULS3X I[5] Shear-z 3.26 0
82.04 0 5 ULS3X I[6] Shear-z -12.18 0
-44.21 299.57 4 ULS3Y I[5] Shear-z 7.72 -7.56
44.08 306.98 5 ULS3Y I[6] Shear-z -7.73 -7.72

Change Axis & Sign Convention MX VZ

Moment-y Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenMoment-y Shear-z (kN
-53.39 0 4 ULS1 I[5] Moment-y 53.39 9.32
53.27 0 5 ULS1 I[6] Moment-y -53.27 -9.33
579.86 238.9 4 ULS2a I[5] Moment-y -579.86 -398.43
121.33 1.1 5 ULS2a I[6] Moment-y -121.33 -10.61
-668.28 238.9 4 ULS2b I[5] Moment-y 668.28 413.86
-33.16 1.1 5 ULS2b I[6] Moment-y 33.16 -4.84
-6.25 0 4 ULS3X I[5] Moment-y 6.25 3.26
82.04 0 5 ULS3X I[6] Moment-y -82.04 -12.18
-44.21 299.57 4 ULS3Y I[5] Moment-y 44.21 7.72
44.08 306.98 5 ULS3Y I[6] Moment-y -44.08 -7.73

Change Axis & Sign Convention MZ MX

Moment-y Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenMoment-z Moment-y
-53.39 0 4 ULS1 I[5] Moment-z 0 53.39
53.27 0 5 ULS1 I[6] Moment-z 0 -53.27
579.86 238.9 4 ULS2a I[5] Moment-z 238.9 -579.86
121.33 1.1 5 ULS2a I[6] Moment-z 1.1 -121.33
-668.28 238.9 4 ULS2b I[5] Moment-z 238.9 668.28
-33.16 1.1 5 ULS2b I[6] Moment-z 1.1 33.16
-6.25 0 4 ULS3X I[5] Moment-z 0 6.25
82.04 0 5 ULS3X I[6] Moment-z 0 -82.04
-44.21 299.57 4 ULS3Y I[5] Moment-z 299.57 44.21
44.08 306.98 5 ULS3Y I[6] Moment-z 306.98 -44.08
Shear-z (kNTorsion (k Moment-y Moment-z (kN*m) Max Ny Min Ny
9.32 0 53.39 0 VX -135.9 0
-9.33 0 -53.27 0 NY -241.65 -297.29
-398.43 0 -579.86 238.9 VZ -398.43 -9.33
-10.61 0 -121.33 1.1 MX -579.86 -53.27
413.86 0 668.28 238.9 Torsion NA NA
-4.84 0 33.16 1.1 MZ 238.9 0
3.26 0 6.25 0
-12.18 0 -82.04 0
7.72 0 44.21 299.57
-7.73 0 -44.08 306.98

Torsion (k Moment-y Moment-z Axial (kN) Max Vx Min Vx
0 53.39 0 -297.210 VX 0.1 -135.9
0 -53.27 0 -297.290 NY -243.21 -241.65
0 -579.86 238.9 -241.650 VZ -10.61 -398.43
0 -121.33 1.1 -243.210 MX -121.33 -579.86
0 668.28 238.9 -243.120 Torsion NA NA
0 33.16 1.1 -241.740 MZ 1.1 238.9
0 6.25 0 -241.860
0 -82.04 0 -243.000
0 44.21 299.57 -242.380
0 -44.08 306.98 -242.480

Torsion (k Moment-y Moment-z Axial (kN) Max Vz Min Vz
0 53.39 0 -297.210 VX -135.9 -135.9
0 -53.27 0 -297.290 NY -243.12 -241.65
0 -579.86 238.9 -241.650 VZ 413.86 -398.43
0 -121.33 1.1 -243.210 MX 668.28 -579.86
0 668.28 238.9 -243.120 Torsion NA NA
0 33.16 1.1 -241.740 MZ 238.9 238.9
0 6.25 0 -241.860
0 -82.04 0 -243.000
0 44.21 299.57 -242.380
0 -44.08 306.98 -242.480

Shear-y (k Torsion (k Moment-z Axial (kN) Max Mx Min Mx
0 0 0 -297.210 VX -135.9 -135.9
0 0 0 -297.290 NY -243.12 -241.65
-135.9 0 238.9 -241.650 VZ 413.86 -398.43
0.1 0 1.1 -243.210 MX 668.28 -579.86
-135.9 0 238.9 -243.120 Torsion NA NA
0.1 0 1.1 -241.740 MZ 238.9 238.9
0 0 0 -241.860
0 0 0 -243.000
-7.56 0 299.57 -242.380
-7.72 0 306.98 -242.480

Shear-z (kNShear-y (k Torsion (k Axial (kN) Max Mz Min Mz
9.32 0 0 -297.210 VX -7.72 0
-9.33 0 0 -297.290 NY -242.48 -297.21
-398.43 -135.9 0 -241.650 VZ -7.73 9.32
-10.61 0.1 0 -243.210 MX -44.08 53.39
413.86 -135.9 0 -243.120 Torsion NA NA
-4.84 0.1 0 -241.740 MZ 306.98 0
3.26 0 0 -241.860
-12.18 0 0 -243.000
7.72 -7.56 0 -242.380
-7.73 -7.72 0 -242.480


AXIAL N(x)-->N(y)

Elem Load Part ComponenAxial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k Moment-y

4 SLS1 I[5] Axial -220.15 0 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS1 I[6] Axial -220.22 0 -6.91 0 39.46
4 SLS2X I[5] Axial -219.94 0 5.12 0 -24.36
5 SLS2X I[6] Axial -220.43 0 -8.69 0 54.64
4 SLS2Y I[5] Axial -220.15 -2.93 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS2Y I[6] Axial -220.22 -3 -6.91 0 39.46

Shear V(y)-->V(x)

Elem Load Part ComponenAxial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k Moment-y

4 SLS1 I[5] Shear-y -220.15 0 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS1 I[6] Shear-y -220.22 0 -6.91 0 39.46
4 SLS2X I[5] Shear-y -219.94 0 5.12 0 -24.36
5 SLS2X I[6] Shear-y -220.43 0 -8.69 0 54.64
4 SLS2Y I[5] Shear-y -220.15 -2.93 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS2Y I[6] Shear-y -220.22 -3 -6.91 0 39.46

Shear V(z)-->V(z)

Elem Load Part ComponenAxial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k Moment-y

4 SLS1 I[5] Shear-z -220.15 0 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS1 I[6] Shear-z -220.22 0 -6.91 0 39.46
4 SLS2X I[5] Shear-z -219.94 0 5.12 0 -24.36
5 SLS2X I[6] Shear-z -220.43 0 -8.69 0 54.64
4 SLS2Y I[5] Shear-z -220.15 -2.93 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS2Y I[6] Shear-z -220.22 -3 -6.91 0 39.46

Moment M(y)-->M(x)

Elem Load Part ComponenAxial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k Moment-y

4 SLS1 I[5] Moment-y -220.15 0 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS1 I[6] Moment-y -220.22 0 -6.91 0 39.46
4 SLS2X I[5] Moment-y -219.94 0 5.12 0 -24.36
5 SLS2X I[6] Moment-y -220.43 0 -8.69 0 54.64
4 SLS2Y I[5] Moment-y -220.15 -2.93 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS2Y I[6] Moment-y -220.22 -3 -6.91 0 39.46

Moment M(z)-->M(z)

Elem Load Part ComponenAxial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k Moment-y

4 SLS1 I[5] Moment-z -220.15 0 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS1 I[6] Moment-z -220.22 0 -6.91 0 39.46
4 SLS2X I[5] Moment-z -219.94 0 5.12 0 -24.36
5 SLS2X I[6] Moment-z -220.43 0 -8.69 0 54.64
4 SLS2Y I[5] Moment-z -220.15 -2.93 6.9 0 -39.54
5 SLS2Y I[6] Moment-z -220.22 -3 -6.91 0 39.46

XL Sheet

Change Axis & Sign Convention NY VX VZ

Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenAxial (kN) Shear-y (k Shear-z (kN
0 4 SLS1 I[5] Axial -220.150 0 6.9
0 5 SLS1 I[6] Axial -220.220 0 -6.91
0 4 SLS2X I[5] Axial -219.940 0 5.12
0 5 SLS2X I[6] Axial -220.430 0 -8.69
113.69 4 SLS2Y I[5] Axial -220.150 -2.93 6.9
116.49 5 SLS2Y I[6] Axial -220.220 -3 -6.91

Change Axis & Sign Convention VX VZ

Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenShear-y (k Shear-z (kNTorsion (k
0 4 SLS1 I[5] Shear-y 0 6.9 0
0 5 SLS1 I[6] Shear-y 0 -6.91 0
0 4 SLS2X I[5] Shear-y 0 5.12 0
0 5 SLS2X I[6] Shear-y 0 -8.69 0
113.69 4 SLS2Y I[5] Shear-y -2.93 6.9 0
116.49 5 SLS2Y I[6] Shear-y -3 -6.91 0

Change Axis & Sign Convention VZ VX

Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenShear-z (kNShear-y (k Torsion (k
0 4 SLS1 I[5] Shear-z 6.9 0 0
0 5 SLS1 I[6] Shear-z -6.91 0 0
0 4 SLS2X I[5] Shear-z 5.12 0 0
0 5 SLS2X I[6] Shear-z -8.69 0 0
113.69 4 SLS2Y I[5] Shear-z 6.9 -2.93 0
116.49 5 SLS2Y I[6] Shear-z -6.91 -3 0

Change Axis & Sign Convention MX VZ VX

Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenMoment-y Shear-z (kNShear-y (k
0 4 SLS1 I[5] Moment-y 39.54 6.9 0
0 5 SLS1 I[6] Moment-y -39.46 -6.91 0
0 4 SLS2X I[5] Moment-y 24.36 5.12 0
0 5 SLS2X I[6] Moment-y -54.64 -8.69 0
113.69 4 SLS2Y I[5] Moment-y 39.54 6.9 -2.93
116.49 5 SLS2Y I[6] Moment-y -39.46 -6.91 -3

Change Axis & Sign Convention MZ MX VZ

Moment-z (kN*m) Elem Load Part ComponenMoment-z Moment-y Shear-z (kN
0 4 SLS1 I[5] Moment-z 0 39.54 6.9
0 5 SLS1 I[6] Moment-z 0 -39.46 -6.91
0 4 SLS2X I[5] Moment-z 0 24.36 5.12
0 5 SLS2X I[6] Moment-z 0 -54.64 -8.69
113.69 4 SLS2Y I[5] Moment-z 113.69 39.54 6.9
116.49 5 SLS2Y I[6] Moment-z 116.49 -39.46 -6.91
Torsion (k Moment-y Moment-z (kN*m) Max Ny Min Ny
0 39.54 0 VX 0 0
0 -39.46 0 NY -219.94 -220.43
0 24.36 0 VZ 5.12 -8.69
0 -54.64 0 MX 24.36 -54.64
0 39.54 113.69 Torsion NA NA
0 -39.46 116.49 MZ 0 0

Moment-y Moment-z Axial (kN) Max Vx Min Vx
39.54 0 -220.150 VX 0 -3
-39.46 0 -220.220 NY -220.15 -220.22
24.36 0 -219.940 VZ 6.9 -6.91
-54.64 0 -220.430 MX 39.54 -39.46
39.54 113.69 -220.150 Torsion NA NA
-39.46 116.49 -220.220 MZ 0 116.49

Moment-y Moment-z Axial (kN) Max Vz Min Vz
39.54 0 -220.150 VX 0 0
-39.46 0 -220.220 NY -220.15 -220.43
24.36 0 -219.940 VZ 6.9 -8.69
-54.64 0 -220.430 MX 39.54 -54.64
39.54 113.69 -220.150 Torsion NA NA
-39.46 116.49 -220.220 MZ 0 0

Torsion (k Moment-z Axial (kN) Max Mx Min Mx
0 0 -220.150 VX 0 0
0 0 -220.220 NY -220.15 -220.43
0 0 -219.940 VZ 6.9 -8.69
0 0 -220.430 MX 39.54 -54.64
0 113.69 -220.150 Torsion NA NA
0 116.49 -220.220 MZ 0 0

Shear-y (k Torsion (k Axial (kN) Max Mz Min Mz
0 0 -220.150 VX -3 0
0 0 -220.220 NY -220.22 -220.15
0 0 -219.940 VZ -6.91 6.9
0 0 -220.430 MX -39.46 39.54
-2.93 0 -220.150 Torsion NA NA
-3 0 -220.220 MZ 116.49 0
Pile Loading data Sheet - Input for Pier-Pile Geotechnical Design

Piling Details
Design Package LR2SD
Bridge Element Tubular Gantry - CH 1501
Top of Pile RL
Estimated Pilecap thickness (m) - (if applicable)
Pile size and description 1.05m circular
Scour depth (if applicable)

Sign Convention: (Right hand rule)

orientated to pile
X-Axis: Direction of travel
Y-Axis: Vertical
Z-Axis: Normal to direction of travel

Positive directions shown

Maximum reactions at top of Pile (ULS)

(Top of Pile)

(Scenario 1)
Design Action MAX - V [X]
Longitudinal Force in direction of travel V [X} - ULS (kN) 0.10
Vertical Axial Force N [Y] - ULS (kN) -243.21
Transverse Force perpendiculat to travel direction V [Z] - ULS (kN) -10.61
Transverse moment about x-axis M [X] - ULS (kN.m) -121.33
Moment about y-axis M [Y] - ULS (kN.m) N/A
Longitudinal moment about z-axis M [Z] - ULS (kN.m) 1.10

Maximum reactions at top of Pile (SLS)

(Top of Pile)

(Scenario 1)
Design Action MAX - V [X]
Longitudinal Force in direction of travel V [X} - SLS (kN) 0.00
Vertical Axial Force N [Y] - SLS (kN) -220.15
Transverse Force perpendiculat to travel direction V [Z] - SLS (kN) 6.90
Transverse moment about x-axis M [X] - SLS (kN.m) 39.54
Moment about y-axis M [Y] - SLS (kN.m) N/A
Longitudinal moment about z-axis M [Z] - SLS (kN.m) 0.00

Reaction Scenarios:
Scenario 1 - Maximum Longitudinal Force on Pile with Corresponding values
Scenario 2 - Minimum Longitudinal Force on Pile with Corresponding values
Scenario 3 - Maximum Axial Compression on Pile with Corresponding values
Scenario 4 - Minimum Axial Compression on Pile with Corresponding values
Scenario 5 - Maximum Transverse Force on Pile with Corresponding values
Scenario 6 - Minimum Transverse Force on Pile with Corresponding values
Scenario 7 - Maximum Bending about pile X-axis with corresponding values
Scenario 8 - Minimum Bending about pile X-axis with corresponding values
Scenario 9 - Maximum Bending about pile Z-axis with corresponding values
Scenario 10 - Minimum Bending about pile Z-axis with corresponding values

Geotechnical Design Output

Table 1 Bored Piles Schedule

Location Pile No. Pile type

Table 2 Horizontal Soil Stiffness - Individual Piles

Subgrade React.
Depth Range: Modulus
Depth range 1: from RL to RL
Depth range 2: from RL to RL
Depth range 3: from RL to RL
Depth range 4: from RL to RL
Table 3 'Pile Group" Eqivalent Stiffness
Location Vx (kN/mm) Vy (kN/mm)

Table 4 Maxima of Pile Load Components (ULS)

Piglet load case Pile No.
Notation: (axes follow RH rule - Z down)
to AJJV axes (as shown above) load case Pile No.

Max N*
Min N*
Max Vx
Max Mz
Max Vz
Max Mx

Table 5 Pile Group Layout *

Pile No. x z

* Load applied at (0,0)

Blue by AJJV

ositive directions shown

ULS Load Case (Geotechnical)

(Scenario 2) (Scenario 3) (Scenario 4) (Scenario 5)
MIN - V [X] MAX - N [Y] MIN - N [Y] MAX - V [Z]
-135.90 -135.90 0.00 -135.90
-241.65 -241.65 -297.29 -243.12
-398.43 -398.43 -9.33 413.86
-579.86 -579.86 -53.27 668.28
238.90 238.90 0.00 238.90

SLS Load Case (Geotechnical)

(Scenario 2) (Scenario 3) (Scenario 4) (Scenario 5)
MIN - V [X] MAX - N [Y] MIN - N [Y] MAX - V [Z]
-3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-220.22 -219.94 -220.43 -220.15
-6.91 5.12 -8.69 6.90
-39.46 24.36 -54.64 39.54
116.49 0.00 0.00 0.00

MAX - V [X]
MIN - V [X]
MAX - N [Y]
MIN - N [Y]
MAX - V [Z]
MIN - V [Z]
MAX - M [X]
MIN - M [X
MAX - M [Z]
MIN - M [Z]

Ground Surface Estimated Top of ϕg Design Ultimate

Level Rock Level Load per Pile
RL (m) RL (m) N* (kN)

* provided on drawings
Vz(kN/mm) θx (kN.m/rad) θy (kN.m/rad) θz (kN.m/rad)

Axial Lateral Moments Lateral

Loads Loads (x) (x to z) Loads (y)
N Vx -Mz Vz

Geotechnical Strength Reduction - Refer AS2159 Section 4.3.1

basic geotechnical reduction factor phi-gb =
intrinsic test factor phi-tf =
percentage of piles tested p =

testing benefit factor K =

geotechnical reduction factor phi-g =


S Load Case (Geotechnical)

(Scenario 6) (Scenario 7) (Scenario 8) (Scenario 9)
MIN - V [Z] MAX - M [X] MIN - M [X] MAX - M [Z]
-135.90 -135.90 -135.90 -7.72
-241.65 -243.12 -241.65 -242.48
-398.43 413.86 -398.43 -7.73
-579.86 668.28 -579.86 -44.08
238.90 238.90 238.90 306.98

S Load Case (Geotechnical)

(Scenario 6) (Scenario 7) (Scenario 8) (Scenario 9)
MIN - V [Z] MAX - M [X] MIN - M [X] MAX - M [Z]
0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.00
-220.43 -220.15 -220.43 -220.22
-8.69 6.90 -8.69 -6.91
-54.64 39.54 -54.64 -39.46
0.00 0.00 0.00 116.49

Required Ultimate Prescribed

Geotechnical Minimum testing
Strength Regime
Rug (kN)

on drawings
Moments Torques
(y to z) (x to y)
Mx -My

ection 4.3.1
(Scenario 10
MIN - M [Z]

(Scenario 10
MIN - M [Z]

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