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The researchers focus on studying the effects of depression to the

Academic Performance of the students. This chapter includes the

background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the

study, scope and delimitation and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Health is important as without good health we will not be able to live

properly. Mental health is a state of well being in which an individual

realizes his or her abilities and can cope with normal stresses of life. If

these stresses overcome our abilities to cope up, this can lead to


Depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how a

person feel, think and act. Some people may not feel sadness at all but

more irritable or lost interest in things they usually do.

Academic performance becomes relevant at very young age. During

grade school, children are given report card to inform their parents on their

class standings. In high school, students who perform well academically

will increase their chances to go to their dream school.

Adolescent depression in school is increasingly common. Today’s

teens face perennial adolescent issues, as well as issues that were

unknown to past generations. Among the biggest contemporary problems

for teens are technology in general, and social media in particular. For

various reasons, adolescents are at great risk for depression during high

school. Some of the salient problems specific to students are peer

pressure, fear of failure, relationship breakdown and family problems.

According to National Institute of Mental Health (NIHM), an

estimated 3.1 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 in the United States had

at least one major depressive episode in 2016. This number represents

12.8 percent of the US population in that age group and only 19 percent

of these teens received care from a health professional. According to a one

undercover student in a documentary series called Undercover High, teens

become depressed when they compare.

The Philippines has one of the highest cases of depression in

Southeast Asia, affecting more than three million Filipinos, a lawmaker in

the House of Representatives said. Rep. Rida Robes of San Jose del Monte,

Bulacan expressed alarm over depression becoming as prevalent as the

common cold in the country, affecting around 3.3 million Filipinos. Citing

a 2017 World Health Organization report, Robes said eight in every

100,000 Filipinos commit suicide. Of this figure, six are males, while two

are females, aged 15 to 29 years old.

We, the researchers, are alarmed in this increasing rate of depressed

students so we decided to conduct this study to know the effect of

depression to their academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the Effects of Depression to the Academic

Performance of the 11ABM 05 students of Phinma University of

Pangasinan. This research wanted to answer the following:

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in the term of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Frequency of being stress

1.4 Cause of depression

2. How does depression affect the academic performance of the

students in relationship with:

2.1 Class participation

2.2 Hours spent on studying

2.3 How well the students perform on school work (exams, quizzes,

performance task, etc)

Significance of the Study

This study determines the Effect of Depression to the Academic

Performance of Grade 11 ABM 05 students of Phinma University of


Beneficiaries of this study are as follows:


The direct recipients of this research are the students to be guided

on what are they going to do if they suffer from depression. To keep them

aware that depression can affect their academic performance. Also, to keep

them inform on how studies increase their depression.


Parents will also benefit on this study to keep them aware on how

their child’s depression can affect the academic performance of the child

in terms of their scores in exam, recitations and performance task.


The teachers will benefit from this research in terms of making them

aware that a student who is suffering from depression may affect their

performance in school. Also, to make them aware on how can they help

the student who is suffering from it.

Future Researchers

The result of this study will be very helpful to give them interest to

conduct related studies about the topic and give them additional

informations about it to improve their works.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the Effects of Depression to the Academic

Performance of the Grade 11ABM05 students of PHINMA-University of

Pangasinan. The respondents for this study are the Grade 11ABM05
students who are currently enrolled in PHINMA-University of Pangasinan

for the school year 2019-2020. This study will be conducted in PHINMA-

University of Pangasinan, Arellano St. Dagupan City Pangasinan from

November 2019 to March 2020. The researchers will gather information

related to the study with the use of survey questionnaire.

This study is mainly concern and limited only with the effects of

depression to the Academic Performance of 11 ABM05 students.

Definition of Terms

The following terms that will be used in this study are defined

operationally to give the reader a clearer and better understanding on how

these terms will be used

Depression- refers to the emotion which can result to change of mood by

the respondents

Adolescence- refers to the stage where the respondents starts to feel

different stresses that leads to depression

Academic Performance- it is how the respondents perform in the class

Absenteeism- is a habitual absence of a student who may feel depressed

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