Thesis Proposal 3.edited

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Education is very important to man, informal and much more formal education. People go

to school to learn things. A child spends most of the day in school together with his teacher and

classmates. There he learns new things that will help him improve his life. The level of education

a person receives can help him earn respect and recognition from the society. Levels of education

in modern societies can go from preschools to colleges and universities. A person might learn

things by watching television but he becomes more useful and civilized if formally educated.

Education determines the civilization of the human society. It is absolutely beneficial for the

society as a whole. It is a life-long process. However, to achieve more benefits from it, we must

have free education and a good educational system.

a. Background of the Study

The Philippines has a literacy rate above 90 percent. It has a free basic education. It also

have schools, elementary and high school, in almost every barangay around the country. The 1987

Philippine Constitution gives education a special attention and even provided it with the highest

budget. Article XIV, Section 1, states: “The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens

to quality education at all levels.” Article XIV, Section 5.(5) orders the state to “assign the highest

budgetary priority for education.” However, even with these provisions, statistics shows a poor

picture of Philippine Education. Its performance in both the national and international assessment

tests are evidently poor and it also has a high dropout rate.

As said by the Department of Education (DepEd), this sad situation can be partly blamed

to the ten-year basic education program. It is a program in basic education which is composed of

six (6) years of elementary education and four (4) years of high school education. Elementary

education is compulsory for every child of school age, but with the consent of the parents.

According to the DepEd, the said program made the curriculum congested; most of the

foreign countries learn the same curriculum for twelve (12) years. The DepEd proposed that this

problem will be solved if the Philippines adopts to the basic educational program of the foreign

countries. So, with the help of the Republic Act No. 10533, the DepEd implemented the so-called

K to 12 Program, a program which is composed of one (1) year of kindergarten, six (6) years of

elementary education, six (6) years of secondary education which is divided into four (4) years of

junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school.

The implementation of this enhanced basic education program faces many challenges.

Some people question what would the K to 12 Program do to improve education here in the

Philippines, where will the funds come from, how will the government solve the lack of teachers,

classrooms, chairs, books and many more, while others state their support to the enhanced basic

education. Valuable results can be found in foreign countries who had already carried out this kind

of educational system. However, in the Philippines debates are still held.

Not known to many, there are Filipino philosophers, with the exemption of Jose Rizal, who

had notions about education. Among these Filipino philosophers that tackle education is Manuel

Luis Quezon. The Philippines has six (6) years of elementary education because of him. Originally,

it had seven (7) years, but because of increasing demand for public elementary instruction and his

want to accommodate more children, he reduced it to six (6) years. Likewise, the researcher

suggest that he greatly influenced the Article XIV, Section 3. (2) of the present constitution.1

It states that, “They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human
rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country, teach the rights and
duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral character and personal discipline,
encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific and technological knowledge, and promote vocational
efficiency.” cf. 1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV, Section 3. (2)

This study is made because the researcher wants to know what the late Manuel Luis Quezon

y Molina will most probably say to this enhanced basic education program if he is still alive. Is he

against it or not and why? This study will give a defense or a critic to the enhanced basic education

program or K to 12 depending on the outcome.

b. Statement of the Problem

The main problem the researcher desires to explain in this research is whether if Manuel

Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine Education is compatible with the Enhanced Basic Education

of 2013 or not. This study believes that Manuel L. Quezon is a philosopher and not just a mere

president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. What the researcher wants to do is to find if

Quezon approves or disapproves this Enhanced Basic Education of 2013 using his Philosophy of

Philippine Education.

This study also aims to answer questions which will help the author in this research. These

questions will also assist the author in the gathering of data to help him find the compatibility of

Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine Education to the Enhanced Basic Education of 2013. These

questions will serve as the main chapters of this research. They are stated below.

What kind of education should the Philippines have according to Manuel Quezon?

What does the Enhanced Basic Education of 2013 or K to 12 Program offers?

What are the similarities and dissimilarities between Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine

Education and the Enhanced Basic Education of 2013?

c. Significance of the Study

This study is significant to every Filipino educator and students who are affected by this

Enhanced Basic Education of 2013. This is also significant to every Filipino because the future of

the country, Philippines, is in the hand of these young students under the said program; as what

Jose Rizal said “Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan”. This study is likewise significant in

amplifying the approval or the disapproval of the people to this enhanced basic education.

The contribution of the researcher in this study is the proving or negating of the

compatibility of Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine Education to the Enhanced Basic Education

of 2013. The researcher supposes that no one had ever done this study. This study will help the

Filipinos realize that there are Filipino philosophers who have notions that will help improve the

quality of education of the country.

d. Objectives of the Study

As stated lately, the implementation of this enhanced basic educational program faces

many challenges. This study is not made to solve all those challenges but only to help find some

answers to those challenges. The main objective of this study is to prove or negate the

compatibility of Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine Education to the Enhanced Basic Education

of 2013.

The objective of the first chapter is to expose, explain, and elaborate the Philosophy of

Education of Manuel Quezon as what is written by Rolando Gripaldo in his book Filipino

Philosophy: Traditional Approach. The objective of chapter two would be to expose, explain, and

elaborate the Enhanced Basic Education of 2013 or commonly known as K to 12. The third one

would be to know and identify the similarities and dissimilarities of the two.

e. Scope and Limitation

Philosophy of Education is quite a broad topic. In this study, the researcher will try to

discuss everything discussed in Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine Education and of what is

discussed in the Enhanced Basic Education of 2013, but not broadly for he only wanted to see the

compatibility of the two. He will solely focus on the Philippine educational system though he may

cite the effects of this kind of educational system to the foreign countries who have already had

this kind of educational system. This study is limited only to the view of Manuel L. Quezon in the

present educational system here in the Philippines. The researcher will not tackle views of different

philosophers of education regarding this Enhanced Basic Education of 2013 which would be

outside of the study's scope. Another limitation of this study is that it only drew most of its data

from the online version of the Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines and not from the

Presidential Museum and Library or from the National Library of the Philippines for some reasons.

f. Review of Related Literature


Gripaldo, Rolando M. Filipino Philosophy: Traditional Approach. Part I, Section I 3rd

Edition. Manila: De La Salle University Press, 2000.
This book contains the philosophical thought of Manuel Quezon that the researcher will

use for this study.

Quezon, Manuel. The Good Fight. New York: W. Morgan Shuster, 1944.
This is an autobiography of Manuel Quezon. This autobiography will help the researcher

in understanding the life of Manuel Quezon.

Quezon, Manuel L. President Quezon: His biographical sketch, messages, and speeches.
Edited by Eulogio E. Rodriguez. Manila: Publishers, 1940.
This book contains speeches and messages of Manuel Quezon that is important and

relevant for the study of the researcher.



EDUCATIONAL LANDSCAPE.” Baybayin (August 2015): 48-67. (accessed November 17,
2015 10:42 AM)
This article contains a critical discourse analysis of what the Enhanced Basic Education

Act of 2013 can do to the postmodern perspective of education, with the use of philosophy.

“K to 12: Key to Quality Education?” Policy Brief: Senate Economic Planning Office. Pasay:
Senate Economic Planning Office. (June 2011): 1-12
%20K%20to%2012%20The%20Key%20to%20Quality.pdf. (accessed November 17,
2015 10:27 AM)
This is a report done by the Senate Economic Planning Office to show the pros and cons

of the K to 12 program.

Mulkey, Heather. “The importance of Mother Tongue literary in your child’s education.”
FOCUS The Magazine, January/February 2012, 22-23.
Part of the implementation of the K to 12 program is the implementation of mother tongue

as the medium of instruction from kindergarten until grade three (3), this article will aid the

researcher in understanding the mother tongue

Quezon, Manuel L. “Address of President Quezon on National Defense, January 18, 1937.”
Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.
18-1937/ (accessed January 14, 2016 3:00 PM)
One of the goals of education for Manuel Quezon is to develop the love of country, and to

have this, one must be always ready to defend his country.

Quezon, Manuel L. “Quezon’s Code of Citizenship and Ethics.” (accessed January 14, 2016 3:01 PM)
For Quezon, education must lead to the development of the citizen, here is a list how to

become a good citizen

Quezon, Manuel L. “Speech of President Quezon on Woman Suffrage, September 30, 1936”
Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.
september-30-1936/. (accessed January 14, 2016 3:00 PM)
Women are not slaves, they have the right to vote. Education will help them choose the

right candidate

g. Methodology

This study is a library research although the researcher might interview personalities

involved or related to the study like teachers. In this study, the researcher will use books, articles,

journals, and other written materials, printed, published or unpublished, online or not, that are

about Manuel Quezon’s Philosophy of Education. He will also use the recorded speeches of the

said philosopher. Furthermore, the researcher would also interpret these speeches. For the

Enhanced Basic Education, the researcher will use articles, commentaries, and executive orders

about enhanced basic education. He will drew most of the data he needed from the online version

of the Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, which he can easily access anytime he

needed and not from the Presidential Museum and Library or from the National Library of the

Philippines for he does not have an access to these facilities. Then he will compare Manuel

Quezon’s philosophy of education and enhanced basic education.

h. Definition of Terms

BASIC EDUCATION; n. Intended to meet basic learning needs which provide the

foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. It encompasses kindergarten,

elementary and secondary education as well as alternative learning systems for out-of-school

learners and those with special needs.2 This is the kind of education a person should have

before entering to college

COMPATIBILITY; n. Compatible, harmonious, able to exist, live or work together

without conflict3

EDUCATION; n. The imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and

learning, especially at a school or similar institution.4

ENHANCED BASIC EDUCATION; n. The enhanced basic education program

encompasses, at least, one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of elementary

education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that sequence. Secondary education

includes four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school


Republic Act No. 10533 Section 3
Microsoft® Encarta Dictionaries® 2009 [DVD], s.v. "Compatible". Redmond, WA: Microsoft
Corporation, 2008.
Ibid. s.v. "Education"
Republic Act No. 10533 Section 4

i. Thesis Structure in Narrative Form

Chapter I: This chapter is to expose the notion of Manuel Quezon on the kind of education

the Philippines should have during the time of the commonwealth as it is relevant today. This

chapter will be about the aims of Philippine Education according to Manuel Quezon, the revision

of the public elementary school system, the creation of the national language, and the idea of

Manuel Quezon with regards to the higher education.

Chapter II: This chapter will be about the Enhanced Basic Education of 2013. This chapter

will be about the present kind of education the Philippines have. This chapter includes the problems

of the past curriculum, the additional years added to the basic education, the use of mother tongue

as the medium of instruction, and the senior high school.

Chapter III: This chapter will be about the similarities and the dissimilarities of the two

kinds of education the Philippines. In this chapter, the researcher will compare the two kinds of

education. The purpose of this chapter is to help the researcher to know or judge if the two are

compatible or not with each other.

Conclusion: This part would be about how compatible or not the two kinds of education

may be.

II. Bibliography

Primary Sources:
“Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013.” Official
Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. 2013 (accessed November 16, 2015
1:54 PM)
“Republic Act No. 10533” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. 2013 (accessed January 12, 2016 10:43

Gripaldo, Rolando. “Quezon's Philosophy of Philippine Education (2009, 2015)” Academia.Edu.
9_2015_. (accessed January 11, 2016 4:12 PM)
Quezon, Manuel L. “Speech of President Quezon on Reforms in the Public School System and
Cooperation of School Teachers with the Government.” Official Gazette of the Republic of
the Philippines.
school-system-and-cooperation-of-school-teachers-with-the-government/. (accessed
January 14, 2016 3:01 PM)

Secondary Sources:

“Executive Order No. 19, S. 1936.” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. (accessed January 14, 2016
3:06 PM)
Steinberg, David Joel. "Republic of the Philippines." Microsoft® Encarta® 2009 [DVD].
Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008.

Online Sources:


MORE” Wordpress. 2013
development-in-the-philippines-k12-and-more/ (accessed November 20, 2015 3:06 PM)
Philippine Education Research Journal. (accessed November 20, 2015 3:08
PHILIPPINES” Blogwatch. 2011
education-system-in-the-philippines/ (accessed November 20, 2015 3:26 PM)
Rivera, Rodrigo. “Dekonztruktschon” Wordpress. (accessed November 20,
2015 3:11 PM)
Bocobo, Deany, “On the Proposed K-12 Basic Education System” Blogspot. 2010
system.html (accessed November 20, 2015 3:15 PM)

III. Thesis Outline

a. Background of the Study

Some people have a strong dislike to the Enhanced Basic Education of 2013. While

some are pleased that it was implemented. This study will give a defense or a critic to the enhanced

basic education program or K to 12 depending on the outcome.

b. Statement of the Problem

Does Manuel Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine Education compatible with the

Enhanced Basic Education of 2013?

c. Body
Chapter I: Manuel Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine Education
a. Aims of Philippine Education
b. Education for All
c. Common Language
d. Higher Education
Chapter II: Enhanced Basic Education of 2013
a. Problems with the Past Curriculum
b. Additional Years in the Basic Education
c. Mother Tongue – Based Multilingual Education
d. Senior High School
Chapter III: Similarities and Dissimilarities of Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine

Education and the Enhanced Basic Education of 2013

d. Conclusion
Manuel Quezon’s Philosophy of Philippine Education is compatible with the

Enhanced Basic Education of 2013 but not in its totality. In this case, Manuel Quezon is not purely

against it and he could even support it if revisions will be made.

IV. Personal Information Form

Sem. Jess Ronald R. Sevilla

AB-III St. Catherine of Alexandria

Birthdate: October 16, 1995

Age: 20
Home Address: Washington St. Brgy. Ipil II, Palompon, Leyte
Name of Parents:

Father: Geronimo V. Sevilla Occupation: Teacher

Mother: Delia R. Sevilla Occupation: Clerk

Educational Background:
Kindergarten 1: Morningside School
Palompon, Leyte (2000-2001)
Kindergarten 2: Palompon South Central School
Palompon, Leyte (2001-2002)

Elementary Education:
Palompon South Central School
Palompon, Leyte (2002-2008)

Secondary Education:
Palompon Institute of Technology – Laboratory High School
Palompon, Leyte (2008-2012)

Tertiary Education:
Sacred Heart Seminary
Brgy. Salvacion, Palo, Leyte
Bachelor of Arts Philosophy


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