Nitrogen - Syngas - Article - Controlling - The - Stresses - of The - Primary - Reformer - May - June19

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Steam methane reformers

Controlling the stresses

of the primary reformer
Risk associated with the primary reformer is highly dependent on its operation. In this article we
look at common problems associated with catalyst tubes, pigtails, operating close to material
limits etc. and discuss latest practices and new materials to prevent these issues and allow
plants to run at maximum output without unplanned outages.

Fig. 1: Steam methane reforming Fig. 2: Steam methane reformer

flue gas HP steam

process steam

recovery catalyst tubes
fuel gas flue gas
tail gas

gas syngas

syngas cooling pigtails

hydro- pre-reformer reformer
H2 pre-treatment boiler feed water manifolds

Source: Sandvik Source: Sandvik

team reformers used in hydrogen, furnace (Fig. 2) that provides the large endo- as the water gas shift reaction. Both reac-
ammonia and methanol plants thermic heat of reaction. tions are reversible and approach equilib-
are complex, energy intensive and The basic reactions of the steam rium. In addition to the desired reactions (1)
expensive. By nature their design is often reforming of methane are expressed by the and (2), other side reactions (3, 4, and 5)
aggressive, due to the need for harsh oper- following chemical equations. are under certain conditions also possible.
ating conditions and specialty materials. Selection of suitable catalyst and appropri-
A failure in the primary reformer typically Desired reactions: ate operating conditions will promote reac-
has large financial implications, often run- tions (1) and (2) and suppress reactions
CH4 + H2O → CO + 3H2  (1)
ning into millions of dollars, as significant 4 to 5. Reaction (3) takes place in steam
downtime is incurred alongside the costs CO + H2O → CO2 + H2  (2) reformers where CO2, available downstream
of tubes, engineering and catalyst. of the CO2 removal section, is recycled back
CH4 + CO2 → 2CO + 2H2  (3)
to the reformer in order to increase CO for-
The basics Unwanted reactions: mation in the syngas (methanol, oxo syngas
2CO → C + CO2  (4)
In a conventional steam reforming process The conversion is favoured by a high
(Fig. 1) hydrogen and mixture of CO/CO2 are CH4 → C + 2H2  (5) steam to carbon ratio (in excess of the
produced by reacting methane with steam stoichiometric quantity), high outlet tem-
CO + H2 → C + H2O  (6)
over a nickel catalyst at high temperatures. perature, low pressure and high catalyst
The catalyst is contained in the reformer Reaction (1) is known as steam methane activity. There are restrictions and limita-
tubes, which are located in a box type fired reforming, while reaction (2) is referred to tions for maximum conversion:

33 Nitrogen+Syngas  359 | May - June 2019

Steam methane reformers

l A steam to carbon ratio that is too high Fig. 3: Geometry of reformer furnaces
will make the process less energy effi-
cient, large quantities of excess steam
have to be condensed and high volumet-
ric steam flow will increase the equip-
ment cost. Low steam to carbon ratio
will improve the energy efficiency, but
can form carbon in the catalyst pores
and other undesirable byproducts.
l An operating temperature that is too
high poses problems of heat transfer
and lowers the mechanical strength
of the reformer tube material (metal
temperatures up to 960°C under pres-
sure of about 35 bar). Low operating
temperature reduces the conversion,
but sometimes this offers an attractive Top-fired furnace Terrace wall-fired furnace
possibility for conversion completion
under optimum conditions downstream
the primary reformer;
l An operating pressure that is too low
increases the cost of equipment and
makes the reforming process inef-
ficient, as it is always necessary to
compress the produced syngas at
higher pressures for further processing
(purification and synthesis). There are

Source: IKR Richter

mechanical limits for higher reforming
pressures, but in general higher reform-
ing pressure reduces the overall operat-
ing and investment cost.
l Catalyst with too high activity could at Side-fired furnace Bottom-fired furnace
first improve the conversion rate, but
because of its sensitivity, it may easily
lose activity due to feedstock impurities, tubes. The heat to the reformer tubes intermediate between the side-fired and
or because of maloperation. Small size is supplied by the radiating products of bottom-fired reformers. The reformer has
catalyst in a given total reformer tube combustion. The main advantage of this inclined walls with several terraces on which
volume will present a higher surface to configuration is the few burners relative to upward firing burners are installed. This
catalyst volume ratio and thus a higher the reformer tubes, the higher radiant effi- unique burner positioning makes it possible
conversion rate and a better approach to ciency, the presence of the high heat flux to adjust the heat flux in each zone.
equilibrium, but also gives a higher pres- zone in the “cold” inlet of the feedstock Bottom-fired furnaces have a rather con-
sure drop. Loss of activity may lead to and the very large reformer tube number stant heat flux profile along the reformer
reformer tube overheating, as reduced which can be accommodated in one radi- tube with high metal temperatures on the
conversion means less heat absorption ant box. The main disadvantages are the outlet side.
for the endothermic reforming reaction. limitation in the heat input control and the The high heat flux and the high reformer
hot operating level at the top. tube skin temperature at the upper part of
Primary reformer configurations The side-fired reformer has multiple the reformer is the main characteristic of
radiant wall burners along both side walls top fired reformers. In the side-fired and
Several configurations of reforming fur- and one row of reformer tubes in the mid- the terraced wall reformer the heat flux
naces are in use today, characterised dle of the box. The heat to the reformer along the reformer tube and the conversion
mainly by the disposition and position of tubes is emitted from the radiant walls. are more uniform. In Fig. 4 the respective
the burners. The most common types are The main advantage is the uniform heat profiles of reformer tube skin temperature,
top-fired, side-fired and terraced wall-fired distribution and the very good heat input heat flux, and methane conversion are
reformers. Bottom-fired reformers are not control. Disadvantages are the large num- shown for the two most common reformer
very common in modern syngas plants. ber of burners required, the lower radi- furnaces.
Fig. 3 shows the overall geometry of these ant efficiency and the size limitation of In a conventional reforming process
reformer furnaces. the fired box (single box for 100 to 150 only 40% of furnace duty is absorbed by
The top-fired reformer uses multi- reformer tubes). the endothermic heat of reaction. About
ple rows of reformer tubes with burners The terraced wall type, developed by 35% is recovered in the form of waste
located in the arch on each side of the Foster Wheeler may be regarded as an heat export steam, by utilising part of the

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Steam methane reformers

Fig. 4: Reformer furnace temperature and heat flux profiles

Top-fired reformer profiles Side-fired reformer profiles

0.14 1,300 0.14 1,300
heat flux, 103 kJ/m2s

heat flux, 103 kJ/m2s

0.12 1,200 0.12 1,200

temperature, °C

temperature, °C
0.10 1,100 0.10
heat flux 1,100
0.08 0.08
max tubeskin temp 1,000 heat flux 1,000
0.06 0.06
0.04 900 0.04 900
max tubeskin temp
0.02 800 0.02 800
0.00 process gas temp 0.00
700 700
600 1.0 600 1.0
process gas methane conversion
methane conversion 500 0.8 500 0.8
27 400 0.6 400 0.6
pressure, bar

pressure, bar
17 process gas
26 process gas pressure 300 0.4 300 0.4
25 200 0.2 16 200 0.2
24 0.0 15 0.0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 CH4 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 CH4
heated tubelength, % conv. conv.
heated tubelength, %
in out in out

Source: IKR Richter

latent heat of the syngas for CO2 removal ity. A modern reformer for an ammonia voids, which develop into large cracks with
and by preheating feed stock-combustion plant capacity of 1,000 t/d has less than time in service. Eventually the cracks will
air or boiler feed water in the convection 900 m2 heat exchange potential
The same propagate throughout the thickness of the
section of the reformer, where flue gas is reformer designed more than 30 years reformer tube such that process gas can
cooled from 900 to 950°C to about 125 to ago had a heat exchange area of more leak from the reformer tube into the flue
150°C. In the region of 20 to 25% of the than 1,300 m2. Together with the optimi- gas side of the reformer. This is illustrated
heat applied is lost in the stack, in cooling sation of the reformer tube pitch, i.e., the in Fig. 5, which highlights the progression
water and in heat losses. tube-to-tube distance and the tube row dis- of creep through a reformer tube with time.
tance, a very compact reformer design is Once cracks have reached the inner
Overview of reformer tubes available today. wall the reformer tube can be considered
to have failed. Although this will normally
The most critical item in a fired reformer Stress to rupture of reformer tubes take many years it can, in very specific pro-
are the reformer tubes in which the catalyst cess circumstances, happen in a matter
is placed. Reformer tubes constitute up The high operating temperature and pres- of minutes. As can be seen from Fig. 6,
to the 30% of the total reformer cost. For sure to which the primary reformer tubes stress to rupture is dependent on the tube
mechanical and process reasons, a typical are exposed mean that the reformer tubes wall temperature with modern micro-alloys
reformer tube is 10.0 to 14.0 m long, with are close to the metallurgical limits and offering significant benefits over older
ID of 75 to 140 mm and wall thickness therefore operate in what is commonly materials. As a result the tube wall thick-
between 8 and 15 mm. Reformer tubes known as the, “creep regime”. This means ness has been reduced considerably whilst
are usually centrifugally cast and machined that reformer tubes will suffer gradual keeping the same design tube life time as
in the internal borehole. The tubes are typi- plastic deformation, resulting in micro before (100,000 hour).
cally made in 3-4 sections consisting of
individual castings. Fig. 5: Progression of creep through a reformer tube
The size of the primary reformer has
increased step by step over the last dec-
ades due to increasing ammonia plant
capacities. Whilst a primary reformer for
a 400 t/d ammonia plant designed in the
1960s had less than 200 reformer tubes,
a reformer for a 3,300 t/d ammonia plant
designed nowadays is equipped with more
than 400 reformer tubes arranged in eight
rows. Although ammonia plant capacities
have increased considerably the num- cracks 30% cracks grow to cracks progress
ber of installed reformer tubes, i.e., the from inner wall break inner bore to outer wall
installed heat exchange area, has been
Source: IKR Richter
reduced continuously for a given capac-

33 Nitrogen+Syngas  359 | May - June 2019

Steam methane reformers

Fig. 6: Stress-to-rupture values of Fig. 7: Development of reformer tube materials

reformer tube materials
50 Source: IKR Richter tubes made by centrifugal castings, high carbon 0.4%
stress rupture, N/mm2



creep strength

10 Low carbon
stainless Microalloy
0 wrought 25/35/1 Cr/Ni/Nb

24/24 Cr/Ni
800 850 900 950 1,000 pipes HP modified
25/35/1 Cr/Ni/Nb plus additions

IN 519
temperature, °C HK 40
25/20 Cr/Ni
Microalloy: 35Ni/25Cr/additions
HP 50 modified: 35Ni/25Cr/Nb
1960 1974 1978 1995 2005
IN 519: 24Cr/24Ni/Nb
HK 40: 25Cr/20Ni/Nb Source: IKR Richter

Development of reformer tube finely distributed throughout the parent from these assumed design conditions
material. They prevent the movement of will clearly affect the achievable reformer
materials dislocations through the material and tube life time.
The materials used for reformer tubes in hence reduce the extent of creep dam-
recent decades are illustrated in Fig. 7. age. In HK 40 only the chromium forms New alloy materials for reformer
The first centrifugally cast reformer tubes carbides whilst for the later alloys, niobium
were made of HK 40, a material contain- forms secondary carbides.
outlet systems
ing 25% chromium and 20% nickel. Today Titanium, zirconium, tungsten and cae- Outlet systems are an important part of
micro­alloyed steels are used that contains sium are all strong carbide formers and steam methane reformers. Although these
25% chromium, 35% nickel, niobium and form finer carbides that last longer, there- elements are typically located outside of
traces of other elements like zirconium and fore providing higher strengths that are the reformer firebox, they operate at severe
titanium. As alloy strengths have increased, retained for longer. These higher strengths conditions up to the metallurgical limits and
tube wall thicknesses have decreased, thus allow for a reduction in reformer tube wall while significant research efforts have been
reducing the thermal stress, and process thickness when utilising modern alloys. made over the last 30 years in improving
volumes have increased, whilst keeping the By changing to an improved reformer alloys used for steam reformer catalyst
same design tube life time as before. tube material it may permit, for example, tubes, no major efforts were devoted to
A 14 mm thick reformer tube made of a reduction of the overall reformer tube improving outlet system materials.
microalloyed steel would have a wall thick- count could be reduced or an increase to Outlet manifold materials differ depend-
ness of approximately 17 mm if made the inside reformer tube diameter. ing on reformer designer preferences. Typi-
out of HP modified and more than 30 The generally accepted methodology cally, low temperature systems with design
mm if made out of HK 40. Clearly such for designing reformer tubes is to utilise temperatures below 829°C use either 800
thick reformer tubes do not represent the Larson-Miller plot with the appropriate HT or cast equivalent 20Cr-32Ni, while
an optimal design, and therefore reform- data for the metallurgy to be used. This designs targeted for higher temperatures
ers utilising older tube metallurgies will plot can be used to determine whether use cast materials 20Cr-32Ni almost
have a larger number of narrow diameter the assumed reformer tube dimensions exclusively.
tubes. The reformer tube inlet pressure, and operating conditions will deliver the 20Cr-32Ni alloy material supplied by the
the inside diameter of the tubes and the required reformer tube life time. The Schmidt+Clemens Group is named Cen-
peak tube wall temperatures, i.e. the tube reformer tube dimensions or operating tralloy® G4859. This alloy is a low carbon
design temperature, can be increased conditions can then be varied to achieve alloy designed to maintain good ductility
without having to utilise reformer tubes the required design life time. after ageing and a good creep resistance
with an unacceptably large wall thick- Most reformer designers or reformer in the range of 800°C to 1,000°C. Niobium
ness. Reformer tube inlet pressures have tube vendors design the reformer tubes is used as carbide forming element
increased from around 20 barg up to more to provide 100,000 hours (or circa 11 (20Cr-32Ni-Nb). A substantial benefit of
than 40 barg and the inner diameter of years) of continuous operation based on the cast alloy with Nb is that the creep
the reformer tubes has increased in steps the assumed design conditions. However, strength is about 50% higher than the
from 97.2 mm to 127 mm over the last this steady state approach does not take wrought alloy (800 HT) with Al and Ti.
decades. into account start-ups and shutdowns, New Schmidt+Clemens materials
The strength improvement between HK designers tend to use 75-85% of the mean have recently become available for out-
40 and later alloys is due to the increased stress to rupture values allowing for start- let header components as alternatives
amount of secondary carbides, which are up and shutdown transients. Deviations to standard material GX10NiCrNb32-20

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Steam methane reformers

Table 1: Typical composition of Schmidt+Clemens low carbon alloy materials for of 700-900°C might be related to the sta-
outlet components bility of brittle intermetallic phases like
G-phase, leading to a localised embrittle-
Composition, wt-% C Si Mn Cr Ni Nb Ti/Zr Fe ment of the alloy material.
Centralloy® G4859 0.1 1 1.5 20 32 1 - balance
Creep tests
Centralloy G4859 Micro 0.1 1 1.5 20 32 1 additions balance
Creep resistance is one of the major require-
Centralloy® H101 Micro 0.13 0.5 0.5 25 37 0.5 additions balance ments for these type of materials. Creep
Source: Schmidt+Clemens strengthening is accomplished by the forma-
tion of carbides in the microstructure. Mate-
rial creep resistance is typically shown in
or ASTM CT 15C (20Cr-32Ni-Nb). These has been regarded as the main drawback. Larson-Miller curves (parametric stress rup-
materials named as Centralloy® G4859 Therefore, material replacement in outlet ture strength). Minimum parametric stress
Micro and Centralloy® H101 Micro can manifold components was not advisable. to rupture values for a life time of 100,000
significantly improve creep resistance and Schmidt+Clemens has designed a hr is represented in Fig. 10.
ductility after ageing over the standard micro alloyed version of this low carbon
alloy 20Cr-32Ni-Nb. material, with an optimised chemical Fig. 8: 0.2% yield strength
The main advantage for plant opera- composition, capable of enhancing creep comparison
tors are wall thickness reduction of out- resistance and ductility after ageing over
let header components, with benefits in existing 20Cr-32Ni-Nb materials. Further- 250

0.2% yield strength, M/a

weight reduction, and increased resistance more, higher chromium and nickel con- H101 Micro
to thermal shock. Alternatively, maintain- tents would allow outlet components to 150 G4859 Micro
ing original wall thickness, lifetime of be designed for higher temperatures up to
100 G4859
such components can be substantially 1,050°C.
increased keeping the same design and The first reference in reformer outlet
operating conditions. components was supplied in 2016. 20 220 420 620 820 1,020
The nominal composition of these mate-
temperature, °C
rials is represented in Table 1. Characterisation and results
During the development of these new Source: Schmidt+Clemens
Centralloy G4859 Micro
materials, Schmidt+Clemens carried out
A logical improvement of 20Cr-32Ni-Nb is extensive characterisation of tensile prop-
the development of a micro alloy version – erties and creep performance. Additionally, Fig. 9: Elongation to rupture
Centralloy® G4859 Micro. Addition of small significant efforts were made on material comparison
quantities of elements like titanium and microstructural characterisation and accel-
composition optimisation has enhanced erated ageing tests in order to study the
significantly material performance. Like driving forces regarding material ductility 60 H101 Micro
elongation l=5d, %

standard material G4859, this alloy has a exhaustion. 50

maximum operating temperature of 1,000°C. 30 G4859 Micro
Centralloy® G4859 Micro has been Tensile tests 20
available in the market since 2011. Room temperature (RT) and high tempera- 10
Currently more than 102 outlet manifold ture tensile tests were performed on these 0
20 220 420 620 820 1,020
arms and 2950 outlet reducers have been three materials. 0.2% yield strength, ulti- temperature, °C
installed in service, together with more mate tensile strength and elongation to
than 40 T-pieces and transition cones. rupture properties were measured. Source: Schmidt+Clemens
Performance of these components in Results for 0.2% yield strength (Fig. 8)
operation has been regarded as excellent. showed that the addition of micro alloy-
ing elements has improved material yield Fig. 10: Minimum creep resistance
Centralloy® H 101 Micro strength in comparison with alloy G4859. comparison
Low carbon versions of HP-Nb (25Cr-35Ni- When comparing the ultimate tensile
Nb) were originally designed for operation strength (UTS) for these materials, no rel-
under severe corrosion conditions only evant differences could be seen between 100 minimum G4859 Micro
initial stress, M/a

minimum H 101 Micro

requiring a moderate ductility. These condi- G4859 and G4859 Micro, while H101 Micro
tions are typical in steam cracker applica- UTS values seem to be slightly inferior. 10
tions. Nevertheless, these materials were Elongation to rupture values results minimum G4859
described in the literature as a potential (Fig. 9) indicated a superior ductility of
replacement of 20Cr-32Ni-Nb materials, G4859 at low temperatures, while H101 650 750 850 950 1,050
especially in designs requiring higher oper- Micro has a better ductility at higher tem- temperature, °C
ational temperatures. peratures. G4859 Micro alloy has a slightly
Unfortunately, lower ductility after aging lower ductility. The relevant reduction on Source: Schmidt+Clemens
performance compared with 20Cr-32Ni-Nb ductility seen for alloy G4859 in the range

33 Nitrogen+Syngas  359 | May - June 2019

Steam methane reformers

Fig. 11: Ductility after aging comparison Fig. 12: Pigtails overview

50 catalyst tube

40 Centralloy H 101 Micro

elongation, %


20 Centralloy G4859 Micro

P=T(K)*(4.67 + log t)/100 Centralloy G4859
0.0 7.5 7.8 8.3 8.6 9.0 9.4 9.4
0 500 1,000 500 1,000 500 1,000 500
RT 750 750 850 850 950 950 1,000
main transfer line
Source: Schmidt+Clemens Source: Sandvik

Both microalloyed materials have a ation behaviour information is required. Life time predictions can be applied
superior creep resistance compared with Therefore, having a good creep behaviour into the model considering the Larson-
G4859. Small additions of strongly carbide modelling is imperative in providing good Miller curves for each material. Most
forming elements lead to the formation of FEA results. stressed portions of the outlet header are
stronger and more evenly distributed sec- Analysis results indicate that new materi- determining the lifetime of the component
ondary carbides in the austenitic matrix. als are improving time to rupture compared in operation.
with standard 20Cr-32Ni-Nb materials. Nev- According to the simulation, mate-
Ductility after aging ertheless, inadequate operation or main- rial G4859 will have a time to rupture of
Ductility after aging is a major requirement tenance of outlet header components can 133,000 hours in such an area. On the
for these types of materials. Material lead to overstressed zones that can lead to other hand, more creep resistant material
samples are aged in a furnace (controlled early component ruptures in operation, even like G4859 Micro (255,000 hours) and
temperature and time of ageing), and later if the entire header is securely designed H101 Micro (220,000 hours) will have a sig-
aged samples are tensile tested at room according corresponding standards. nificantly higher time to rupture in operation.
temperature to measure elongation to rup- Lack of maintenance or inadequate
ture. Ageing conditions and test results are Simulation study results alignment of header components (like arm
shown in Fig. 11. Two simulation steps were considered for supports) might add additional stresses
Considering all three materials, supe- all three materials. The first step consid- on the part and, consequently, reduce dra-
rior ductility after ageing performance ered a static structural simulation of just matically the lifetime of the outer header.
is achieved with alloys H101 Micro and one second, to evaluate stress/strain dis- Results of these simulation efforts
G4859 Micro in comparison with alloy tribution on the outlet header. The second show that material selection is the most
G4859. Such superior behaviour might be step considered a one-year simulation of critical part in ensuring that the outlet sys-
explained by the formation of more ther- the part under creep regime. Wall thick- tem is able to achieve the required design
modynamically stable primary carbides and ness of the component was estimated time.
due to delay/suppression of intermetallic using ASME B31.3 calculations for alloy In addition, components of the entire
phase formation. material G4859 considering a design time header system like tube supports, can
of 100,000 hours. also have a significant impact in the out-
FE modelling of outlet manifolds Some surprising results were obtained let header performance/ life if they are not
Finite element analysis (FEA) provides from the static structural simulation. working adequately.
the opportunity to test real components Even considering that reformer tube
simulating the continuous operation in the counterweight system was compensat- Pigtail material selection
furnace. FEA can be carried out on outlet ing all weight stresses over the material,
header systems, but the model accuracy significant part deflection was observed Pigtails are piping systems for the connec-
strongly depends on the quality of the on header tube arms due to the thermal tion of the catalyst tubes to the manifolds
creep model, boundary conditions, geo- expansion of the transfer line. in both the inlet and outlet of the reformer
metrical models and correct meshing. All material results showed that the are prone to different mechanical and ther-
Creep modelling is clearly the most outlet header tube support location has mal stresses and possible failures (Fig. 12).
complicated issue. Manufacturers like a strong impact on the stress distribu- Inlet pigtails are less critical as they work
Schmidt+Clemens provide stress to rup- tion in the component. Supported areas at lower temperatures (550-600°C), but
ture values parametrised in models like and T-piece/arm tube zones had the high- still require careful material selection. Out-
Larson-Miller. Such stress to rupture data est stresses in these models. Therefore, let pigtails, on the other hand, which carry
is not adequate for dynamic modelling these parts are the most susceptible to the reformed gas from the catalyst tubes
where creep elongation and stress relax- failure due to creep damage. to the collection manifold, must be able to

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Steam methane reformers

Fig. 13: High temperature corrosion The methodology is described in ASTM E

112, however, this specification does not
contain any requirement regarding the
T >500°C → diffusion of the gases protective
oxide layer tube surface grain size distribution. Consequently, the
manufacturing process of pigtails must be
adjusted in a manner that the properties
Oxygen: O2 Cr2O3 oxides (oxidation) and hence the behaviour of these tubes
lead to an increasing service lifetime.
Carbon: C, CO, CO2 Cr23C6 carbides (carburisation) The manufacturing process is of even
greater importance when it comes to the
Nitrogen: N, N2, NH4 CrN2 nitrides (nitriding) bending of pigtails. Based on the fact that
there are many different furnace designs,
Sulphur: S, SO2 Ni2S sulphides (sulphidation) pigtails come in different shapes, they
may be straight but may also have bends.
Molten salts: Na, K, V slag A high amount of strain is induced dur-
ing the bending process and it is impor-
tant to have appropriate control of the
Source: Sandvik
deformation, minimise ovality and avoid
scars or superficial defects. Depending
withstand much higher temperatures (800- Industry requirement for these par- on the degree of cold work induced dur-
950°C) and are subject to harsher high tem- ticular materials regarding grain size is ing the bending process, this will cause
perature corrosion mechanisms that require commonly found in standards and speci- the material to change its microstructure
higher alloyed grades. Materials such as fications as “average grain size 5 or which will then have an impact on the per-
20Cr32Ni grades or UNS N08810 or UNS coarser” according to ASTM E112. This formance during service lifetime. In order
N08811 are typically selected due to their specification does not, however restrict the to improve pigtail performance it is rec-
high creep strength. grain size distribution. It is known that the ommended to perform a final annealing
Since most of the major components upper and lower tail of the statistical distri- heat treatment.
of the primary reformer have advanced bution has a large influence on mechanical
over the years, pigtails are usually per- behaviour of materials. Reformer revamping
ceived as the weakest point, often requir- There is therefore a general need for
ing replacement much earlier than the precise grain size characterisation and Many critical components of the steam
reformer tubes or manifolds. In addition to grain size control, which has a strong influ- reformer unit, such as the catalyst tubes,
resisting the thermal expansion from the ence on creep strength. Restricted grain pigtails, intermediate tube sheets and
process system, pigtails must be able to size is also required in the bent portion of shield coils are inevitably forced to operate
withstand creep fatigue and stress relax- U-bends. Cold bending followed by anneal- very close to their material design limits
ation cracking. Hence, the overall objective ing may cause the grain size to fall outside and there is a time frame, before a point of
when selecting materials for pigtails is to the preferred grain size window. failure, when symptoms or warning signs
provide more reliable pigtails with a longer Research into grain size and grain size can be identified in time and with good
lifetime that allow the replacement of all control is ongoing at Sandvik, who can reliability, avoiding unplanned outages and
major parts at one time with no intermedi- provide narrow grain size windows upon potential risk to plant personnel.
ate shutdown period. request. A commonly used pigtail material is In many cases, conditions that were
In pigtails, due to the nature of the Sandvik Sanicro 31HT, an austenitic nickel- already critical can be exacerbated when
application, which brings some mechani- iron-chromium alloy characterised by: improvement modifications or revamping
cal fatigue to the tubes and the bended l high creep strength; activities are carried out, particularly when
shape they have, creep resistance is the l very good resistance to oxidation; the plant owner does not request a licen-
most important property. To prevent the l good resistance to combustion gases; sor assessment, which is fundamental to
material from cracking due to low creep l very good resistance to carburisation; minimise risks and avoid any subsequent
strength rupture, and consequently burst l good resistance to nitrogen absorption; surprises on plant consumption figures.
into the crack itself, it is important to have l good structural stability at high temper- The following two cases demonstrate
a resistant material. Ruptures can lead to atures; the importance of carrying out a detailed
hydrogen leaks with risk of explosion and l good weldability. data analysis of the whole reformer to
risk to the safety of personnel. identify where abnormal conditions or
The properties of stainless steels Sandvik Sanicro™ 31HT can be used at upset operating parameters are located.
are different when there is “diffusion” of temperatures up to about 1,100°C. In
gases into the protective oxide layer (Fig. order to have the best ductility, it should Revamp case 1
13). In these corrosive environments good be used above 700°C. In this first case, Casale was awarded an
resistance to creep and structure stability Referring to industry standards and the EP project for an ammonia plant revamp to
is required. The grain size of pigtails also most common specifications, an average reduce energy consumption and increase
has a huge influence on the mechanical grain size of 5 or coarser is required which plant ammonia production capacity from
behaviour of these materials. can be mainly derived from ASTM B 407. 1,700 to 1,900 t/d.

44 Nitrogen+Syngas  359 | May - June 2019

Steam methane reformers

Fig. 14: Original arrangement of primary reformer Fig. 15: Revamped arrangement of primary reformer
convection section convection section

burners burners

hot steam cold steam hot steam cold steam

superheating coil superheating coil superheating coil superheating coil

removed surface
process air coil feed preheating coil feed preheating coil
process air coil

BFW preheating coil cold process air coil

mixed feed coil BFW preheating coil
mixed feed coil
fuel gas coil fuel gas coil

flue gas from flue gas to ID fan flue gas from

radiant chamber flue gas to ID fan
radiant chamber

Source: Casale Source: Casale

A detailed assessment of the plant desired process stream outlet temperature internal plant use was decreased and
revealed many limitations in the primary despite the flue gas temperature from the optimised. In this way, it was possible
reformer convection section (Fig. 14) as it tunnel section being higher than required. to reduce the required duty of the BFW
had already been revamped many times. Based on Casale’s experience, this preheater coil, whose surface was partly
The reformer is an induced draft top fired primary reformer section is very critical replaced by a new coil, with the purpose to
type with an omega convection section con- and subject to mechanical degradation, “cold” preheat the process air so that the
figuration and an external auxiliary boiler. accelerated by operating conditions, which surface of the existing “hot” process air
In the past, the client decided to replace normally lead to minor or major underper- coil could be reduced (Fig. 15).
the mixed feed coil and process air coils formance of the coils. This phenomenon is These modifications allowed more heat
with new ones with the aim to reduce the made worse by the practice to compensate to be released in the hot leg available
fuel consumption to the reformer arch and for the temperature drop by increasing the downstream for steam, while reducing the
tunnel burners which was progressively tunnel combustion heat release. steam flow making the coil surface ade-
increasing. It was decided to proceed pro- The second point to be analysed was quate despite the plant capacity increase.
viding an increased surface on both coils related to the new geometry of the coils In the end, the original normal oper-
of about 50%. which, it turned out, affected performance ability of the steam superheating burner
Following this modification, the temper- of the cold steam super heating coil. This section was restored and the whole con-
ature of the flue gas stream coming from solution in effect moved a problem from vection section was rebalanced. As a con-
the reformer hot leg dropped so much that one section to another: the cold steam sequence of reducing the heat release
the steam superheating burners had to be super heating coil section. from the superheating burners, the oper-
operated at their maximum heat release The coil was found be operating well ating conditions of the superheater coil is
in order to reach the desired steam super- below the required performance and below milder, and stress is reduced.
heated temperature. However, this prac- the expected performance considering Since it was also found that the cold
tice can create issues with the steam operation aging. This was demonstrated steam superheating coil together with
superheater coil. by the hard firing of the steam superheat- intermediate tube sheets had lost most
ing burners. of their residual life, a new design was
Analysis provided that fitted the geometry of the
After data collection, an overall detailed Solution existing one but with upgraded materials
analysis of the primary reformer was per- The plant was revamped with the aim to pre- of construction.
formed, and the original reformer design serve the existing mixed feed and process
was verified. air coil geometries considering the project Revamp case 2
It was found that both the mixed feed targets and at the same time solving the bal- In this second case, Casale was requested
coils and the process air coil, before ance issues of the convection section. to assess the operation of a steam reformer
replacement, were significantly underper- The overall steam consumption unit for a 1,500 t/d methanol plant. The
forming and were unable to achieve the required for the reforming reaction and steam reformer had been revamped many

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Steam methane reformers

Fig. 16: Pressure distribution on the combustion air ducts worsened in term of dimensions, affecting
both the radiant chamber efficiency and
the catalyst tube skin temperature profile.
From the computational fluid dynam-
ics analysis, it was clear that the tunnel
extraction system was not adequate to
mitigate the poor distribution in the radiant
chamber, while the combustion air distribu-
tion was adversely affected by the ultra-low
NOx burners which require a much lower
Source: Casale pressure drop on the air side than conven-
tional low NOx burners.
Fig. 16 shows the pressure distribution
Fig. 17: Combustion system a) before modification; b) after orifice plate on the combustion air ducts.
installation; c) pressure drop before (blue) and after modification (orange). During the site survey, it was found that
Calibrated orifice plate located in position B. the entire system was balanced by regulat-
ing the firing of each burner throttling the
a) relevant combustion air damper and fuel
gas valve.
Of course, this practice relied exclu-
sively on the plant operators and is com-
monly applied to steam reformer units to
mitigate radiant chamber maldistribution
and provide a uniform catalyst tube skin
b) operating temperature. However, although
this approach is acceptable to reduce
stresses of the catalyst tubes, it can lead
to burners being operated with process
parameters far from the operability and
stability range.
From a mechanical point of view, the
c) 88.7 86.0 outlet pigtails proved to be the most criti-
86.5 80.1 cal components of the system. Despite
(A1 – A2):
combustion air sub-header the catalyst tubes operating at very high
A1 A2 temperatures, the new micro-alloy mate-
balancing damper
B rial together with the low design pressure
80.5 49.0
(B – outlet): of the tubes, provided sufficient safety
-5 mm H2O outlet burner damper to radiant margin on the tube thickness which can
chamber inlet
be converted to an extended tube life. The
Source: Casale outlet pigtails, on the other hand, were
manufactured of Alloy 800 HT and were
operating very close to the material design
times in the past, mainly in the convec- The plant process scheme is based on limit. In this case, the reformer outlet tem-
tion section, without any modifications to pure steam reforming technology, which perature variation had to be strictly con-
the radiant chamber. Some years later the makes the furnace operating conditions tained within a reasonable range.
catalyst tubes at the end of their life were very critical since it is requires a reforming
replaced by new ones manufactured with process outlet temperature of about 900°C. Solution
the latest generation microalloy material. From a preliminary analysis of the Some rectifications were proposed in order
During the same turnaround, it was decided recorded tube skin temperatures, a tem- to solve the issues on the combustion sys-
to change all primary reformer original low- perature deviation was found ranging from tem with the aim to preserve and extend
NOx burners with the new generation ultra- 30°C for the inner tube rows to 50 °C for the life of critical items.
low NOx burners. the outer tube rows. On the air side, a dedicated calibrated
The reformer is a very big (16 tube Due to the use of ultra-low NOx burn- orifice plate was designed and provided
rows) balanced draft top-fired type with a ers it was necessary to analyse the flue just before the burner damper to ensure
horizontal convection section. gas distribution inside the radiant cham- the required pressure drop for distribution
ber in greater detail, since this technology and the necessary air split ratio between
Analysis limits pollutant emissions by forcing the the inner and outer burners.
After data collection, an overall detailed analy­ burner to operate with inefficient combus- It should be noted that the modification
sis of the primary reformer was performed tion, staging the fuel into many zones (two itself does not have an impact on the overall
and the original reformer design verified. or more). As a result, the flame shape is duct pressure drop since the local damper

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Steam methane reformers

head loss is moved to the calibrated orifice Fig. 18: Crack in reformer tube l Fouling of foreign material at the outer
plate without affecting the combustion air and inner surface of the reformer tubes
fan operation (Fig. 17).
On the flue gas side, it was clear that, Localised overheating is defined as a
the uneven distribution was attributable small area (typically 1-2 m in length and
to the geometry transitioning from the can be isolated to 5-10 reformer tubes) of
huge radiant chamber to the small cross- the reformer tube being overheated. Again,
sectional area of the convection section, there are a number of different ways that
which led to some preferential pathways this can occur due to:
in the middle of the reformer. A new hole l Flame impingement due to poor align-
distribution pattern was provided for the ment of the burners or where the burn-
tunnel walls to balance the flue gas extrac- ers ports are blocked;
tion system and tighten the flow deviation. l Catalyst bridging which leads to void
formation and hence a reduction in the


The effect of these measure were: rate of reforming with the associated
l to reduce the temperature spread increase in tube wall temperature;
recorded on the skin temperatures and l Point problems such as the tunnel port
on the outlet pigtails by about 40%; effect;
l to operate the burners within a safe l Failure at welds or within the parent
and operable range; reformer tube material due to poor man-
l to have a straightening effect on the ufacturing techniques. With advances
flames to reduce the risk of tube impinge- in the metallurgy of weld materials this
ment. effect has made this less common;
however, there are still a large number
Reformer tube failure mechanisms in comparison to a controlled shutdown. of reformers that still utilise older weld
The most common failure mechanism of materials and are vulnerable;
There are two key operating conditions reformer tube is nearly always due to the l Fouling of foreign material at the outer
that must be considered in reformer creep of the reformer tube material; how- and inner surface of the reformer tubes.
tube design, the reformer tube operating ever, others do exist.
temperature and the tube-side operating A typical creep failure is longitudinal Pinched tubes
pressure. with the crack extending axially from the
Large temperature excursions reduce original failure point in both directions as Isolated hot spots and tube ruptures can
the residual reformer tube life time illustrated in Fig. 18. There are a number occasionally develop on radiant tubes dur-
because higher temperatures increase of different causes of reformer tube failure ing operation. Rather than shutting down
the rate of loss of secondary carbides depending on the location of the section of the furnace to replace these isolated
which reduce the strength of the parent reformer tube and the problems that can tubes, the tubes are externally pinched by
reformer tube material. As a rule of thumb, affect the reformer tubes in these different hot crimping both inlet and outlet pigtail
a 20°C rise in tube wall temperature will locations. The root cause of reformer tube tube ends of the damaged reformer tubes
halve the expected reformer tube life failure can be broken into two discrete when in service. Despite good crimping
time. For example, an excursion of 200°C groups based on whether the section of procedure, there is still a possibility of
for six hours will reduce the expected reformer tube has been overheated due to some leaks at the crimped locations. A
reformer tube life time by approximately a general or a local effect, i.e. generalised second crimping before the pigtail gets
nine months. Operation at higher pressure overheating or localised overheating. cold at 90° to the first crimping can be
than the design pressure, for example due Generalised overheating is defined as done if there is space in the straight leg
to higher than expected pressure drop a large area of the reformer tube being of both inlet and outlet pigtails. Some
downstream of the primary reformer, will overheated (typically greater than 2 m of users use a second crimping as a backup
increase the differential pressure across reformer tube which affects many tubes). against failure of first crimped locations.
the reformer tubes and therefore reduce Generalised overheating can be caused in If a leak persists there is no alternative
the reformer tube life time. Transients a number of ways, for instance: but to shut down the reformer furnace for
such as start-ups and shutdowns will lead l The normal overheating process that repair or replacement.
to the generation of thermal stresses occurs within a primary reformer due to
within the reformer tubes. These stresses the operating temperature required by Thermal shock
are cumulative and so will reduce the ulti- the steam reforming process;
mate reformer tube life time. The faster l Overheating during transients such as Thermal shock is very damaging to tube
the increase or decrease in reformer tube start-ups and shut-downs where the fuel life, it can even cause catastrophic effects
temperatures, the greater the stresses rate has not been sufficiently reduced; to the whole reformer. After a thermal
and therefore the greater the reduction l Low catalyst activity due to poisoning shock event it is important to perform an
in the ultimate reformer tube life time. A or carbon formation, reducing the rate inspection, check for damage and have a
rapid shut-down can reduce the life time of of hydrocarbon reforming and hence the good plan in place to deal with all inspec-
the reformer tubes by four to six months rate of heat absorption; tion findings. Ideally the inspection results

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Steam methane reformers

can be compared to a previous inspection. Monitoring tube wall temperature also very important to tube efficiency, as
Any damage that occurred during the excur- the flames must not impinge on the tubes
sion should be evaluated carefully, due Reformer tubes are highly valuable or wall. Proper alignment of the burner
to the rapid damage all indications are assets. A large reformer contains hun- is very important to avoid flame impinge-
of importance. After a thermal shock it is dreds of tubes, at an average tube cost ment, gas flow restriction, burner issues,
much more difficult to predict how the dam- of approximately $15k to $30k each, and external tube scaling and afterburning
aged areas will react when they are brought unplanned outages can result in signifi- (tube leaks).
back online. cant costs of $350k to $1m a day, so Significant operator experience is nec-
increasing tube life and reducing tube essary to fully understand basic reformer
Overfiring protection case study failures is essential asset management. construction, process flow, heat transfer
In early 2015, when Profertil was per- That means having an effective method principles, background radiation, and emis-
forming a hot restart of their ammonia of temperature measurement. sivity along with the cooling effects that
plant, an uncontrolled and rapid increase The monitoring of tube wall tempera- occur when the peep door is opened. Reg-
in flue gas temperature was noticed tures (TWT) can help optimise catalyst tube ularly opening a peep door can increase
in the primary reformer. After natural life and ensure longevity, energy efficiency stress on the tubes and potentially cool
gas feed was introduced to the primary and productivity. With better temperature those directly in front of the door by a vari-
reformer, it was observed that a rupture control, operators can increase profit by ance of 30°C. With that in mind, operators
of several catalyst tubes had occurred increasing output and lowering operating need data on the TWT that is accurate,
and the plant was tripped immediately. cost, resulting in better utilised feedstock, repeatable and reliable.
Profertil requested Haldor Topsoe A/S to catalyst and fuel. A 2% improvement in By continually monitoring readings,
take the lead technical advisor role in a output has the potential to save approxi- the operator will get an early warning of
thorough root cause analysis, performed mately $1 million a year. increasing tube wall temperatures, which
to identify the reason(s) for the tube rup- Issues with the burner, flue gas dis- can then be used to counteract potential
ture incident. tribution and the catalyst can all directly catastrophic failure. Continuous monitor-
The results of this thorough root cause affect TWT and lead to premature tube ing, likewise, will allow the operator to
investigation led to a solution that assures failure. To prevent this, most operators safely and confidently increase tempera-
such incidents will not happen again. tend to be overly cautious with TWTs. tures, with a view to increasing production.
The incident with ruptured tubes not only However, excessively cautious firing
impaired plant capacity utilisation until the reduces the reaction rate and thus leads TWT measurement methods
re-tubing of the furnace, but more impor- to lower production and/or higher energy
tantly, the leaked gas from the ruptured consumption – a 10 °C drop in tempera- In order to meet the demands for greater
tube could have resulted in unsafe condi- ture can result in 1% decrease in produc- production, efficiency and safety, continu-
tions. Therefore, the possibility of avoiding tivity. Even taking a cautious approach, ous 24/7 monitoring is required. Several
this type of incident is of paramount sig- tube failures can still occur due to hot different temperature measurement meth-
nificance to all plants operating with any spots on tubes and hot areas within the ods are available, two examples are given
type of tubular reformers. Following this convection box. Mechanical stress on below:
incident, an automated overfiring protec- the hot tubes increases exponentially, in l Handheld spot pyrometers enable
tion (OFP) management system that pro- worst cases causing tube ruptures. users to take routine spot measure-
vides four elements of protection against Even though producers may be run- ments to optimise steam reformers by
overfiring of primary reformer tubes was ning at a reduced rate, they are still not maintaining operation closer to design
developed. guaranteed to have a balanced, reliable temperatures and, in many situations,
The OFP management system addresses reformer. Reformer tube failure and pro- the pyrometers can provide adequate
both ‘local’ and ‘global’ causes of primary cess flow problems come about when tem- accuracy. However, with pyrometers,
reformer catalyst tube overheating. peratures are too high. Even operating at the operators are only able to view a
OFP does not allow fuel header press­ temperatures only 20°C above the design local spot on the tubes and may miss
ure increase during start-up and enforces temperature can cut a tube’s lifetime in hot spots in other locations.
a symmetric burner ignition pattern. Dur- half. Maintaining optimum temperatures is l Fixed thermal imaging provides more
ing start-up, these two protection elements therefore critical. accurate and repeatable results than
not only help to avoid catalyst tube over- A thermal gradient through the tube wall handheld pyrometers as they are less
heating but also ensures better heat distri- is more significant at the bottom or close liable to human error and enable opti-
bution inside the furnace. to the bottom of the tube, causing differen- misation of the TWT to ensure a long
Moreover, double protection elements tial creep strain, which is a primary cause tube life. Thermal imaging cameras
of duty and bridge wall temperature limi- of damage. A fifth of all incidents involve are inserted into the reformer, with
tation ensure parity in duty input and duty tube cracking. Operators are required to the end of the imager ¼" from the
uptake by adjusting fuel flow to the burn- have an in-depth understanding of reformer inside reformer wall refractory. Imag-
ers based on maximum estimated duty behavior and must also be able to analyse ers are water- and air-cooled to ensure
for the primary reformer at a particular data and make rapid decisions when faced accuracy in the hot atmosphere of the
capacity. with catastrophic failure. reformer. This method improves effi-
OFP is suitable and highly relevant for The burners, which fire directly inside ciency and minimises the risk of cata-
all types of tubular reformer designs. the fire box from the top, sides or both, are strophic failure.

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Steam methane reformers

Fig. 19: Thermal view inside and reformer tube furnace with data points AMETEK Land Image Processing Software
(LIPS) provided with NIR-B 3XR, for exam-
ple, the software will sound an alarm the
moment the tube wall reaches the maxi-
mum temperature in any region, identify-
ing the problem region and allowing the
operator to take corrective measures to
fix the issue.

Case study
Air Liquide, the world leader in gases,
technologies and services for industry and
health, understands the critical importance
of managing TWT and required a solution
to deliver highly accurate and more com-
plete measurement of the equipment and
process, compared to spot temperature
measurements, whilst operating in a haz-
ardous environment.
AMETEK Land recommended its Near
Source: Ametek Land Infrared Borescope (NIR-B) 3XR, which pro-
vides a high-resolution thermal image with
real-time high accuracy temperature mea-
Fig. 20: Thermal view inside and reformer tube furnace with data points surements of both the tube wall and refrac-
tory wall surface, allowing for background
With the AMETEK Land solution in
place, Air Liquide is now continuously
measuring the temperature of reformer
tube walls.
Gonzalo Navarro, Production Manager
at Air Liquide Ibérica de Gases, explains:
“Our main drivers in investing in AMETEK
Land’s NIR-B 3XR were to extend tube and
catalyst life, which we are achieving as a
result. We are continuously learning about
our reformer, which enables us to balance
it correctly and follow online our main and
critical asset.”
He adds: “Now, our teams can monitor
the temperature of the tubes continuously,
they are able to make more informed and
confident decisions implying greater plant
Source: Ametek Land reliability”.
Air Liquide’s Research and Development
team has since approved the NIR-B 3XR
AMETEK Land’s Near Infrared Borescope is certified for hazardous areas. The fixed thermal imager for potential installation in
(NIR-B) 3XR thermal imager delivers a high-resolution additional steam methane reformers.
image, with accurate real-time measure-
Accurate temperature measurement must ments of both the tube skin and refractory Clariant TWT monitoring
take emissivity into account. Within the surface (Figs 19 and 20). Clariant offers various technologies for
reformer environment, several objects can The image, combined with the 90° monitoring the tube wall temperature. The
reflect off the surface. Handheld pyrometers angle field of view, allows for multiple par- simplest of these, the pyrometer, allows
and visual inspection can wrongly interpret allel tubes to be measured simultaneously. reliable single-point readings of the tube
the reflections as real data, causing errors This can dramatically enhance efficiency wall temperature by measuring through
in temperature measurement. Thermal and safety, as well as provide better asset peepholes. As it is designed for ease of
imaging cameras that are mounted strategi- management and furnace optimisation. use, pyrometer measurements are limited
cally within the reformer do not allow this One of the major benefits of using to tubes which can be accessed through
to happen, such as AMETEK Land’s Near fixed thermal imagers like the NIR-B 3XR the peepholes. In addition, readings should
Infrared Borescope (NIR-B) 3XR – which is their rapid response time. Using the be corrected for background radiation.

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Steam methane reformers

A more advanced solution is Clariant’s Fig. 21: Tube scan 360-OD strain and crack detection are carried out
Thermal Scan, a high-resolution ther- simultaneously. Cracks can be detected in
mal imaging borescope which measures both the longitudinal and circumferential
temperatures from 600 to 1,100°C at a direction. Both scanner types offer repeat-
short, accuracy-enhancing wavelength. able accurate and fast inspection results,
The instrument presents a real-time, three- based on the collection of millions of data
dimensional heat profile of all tube rows points during each tube inspection. All
in the furnace, allowing easy detection recorded data is used for remaining life
of uneven heat distribution or hot spots. assessment.
Plant operators benefit from a comprehen-
sive temperature survey, which includes Fouling of reformer tubes
thermal images as well as recommenda-

photo: reformer services

tions for burner adjustments. Fouling has been described as the major
Alternatively, the Thermal Scan Plus unresolved problem in heat transfer. Foul-
Gold Cup has been developed for mea- ing is generally defined as the accumula-
surements using a golden reflector. This tion and formation of unwanted materials
method provides superior precision due on the surfaces of processing equipment,
to its near-perfect reflectance. The data which can seriously deteriorate the capac-
is used to calibrate the standard Thermal ity of the surface to transfer heat under
Scan, thus providing an extremely accurate the temperature difference conditions for
temperature profile of the entire furnace Fig. 22: Tube scan 360-ID which it was designed.
(dT < +/- 5°C). These instruments enable In the production of the syngas, fuel
more effective troubleshooting, and help combustion in the primary reformer can
operators achieve maximum reformer per- lead to dust deposits on the outer surface
formance and lifespan, without unneces- photo: reformer services
of the reformer tubes and prevent proper
sary and costly outages. heat transfer which diminishes the overall
performance of the primary reformer which
360° tube inspection is the main energy consumer in syngas
With today’s economy plants are pushing Major detrimental effects of fouling at
their reformers harder than ever to keep the reformer tubes in any primary reformer
up with production needs, this can lead to include loss of heat transfer as indicated
many issues such as flame impingement, by charge outlet temperature decrease and
flue gas distribution, catalyst damage and is integrated from the computer-controlled the lower value of emissivity which conse-
pinching tubes online. All of these can data acquisition system. quently increase the energy consumption.
lead to overheating of the reformer tubes The new inspection technology con- Where the heat flux is high, as in primary
around the complete circumference and sists of two reformer tube scanner types. reformers, fouling can lead to local hot
in the past, the focus has always been The outer diameter reformer tube scanner, spots resulting ultimately in mechanical
on inspecting just the fired side of tubes. Tube Scan-360-OD, (Fig. 21) volumetri- failure of the heat transfer surface. Such
These issues are also affecting the non- cally inspects 360° circumferentially as effects lead in most cases to production
fired sides of tubes and the industry has it advances along the length of the tube losses, higher energy consumption and
seen failures from overheating of these producing real time data with two different increased maintenance costs. Loss of
areas in the past. technologies while identifying the damaged heat transfer and subsequent charge out-
A new method from Reformer Services areas. Only 50 mm clearance is required let temperature decrease is a result of the
is now available for detecting damage between tubes. It provides 100% OD cover- low thermal conductivity of the fouling layer
mechanisms affecting the complete 360° age of each reformer tube and 360° crack or layers which is generally lower than the
circumference of the reformer tube wall, detection. thermal conductivity of the fluids or con-
as well as the full volume of the tube wall The internal diameter reformer tube duction wall. Reformer tubes continuously
thickness simultaneously. The focus is scanner, Tube Scan-360-ID, (Fig. 22) degrade due to the harsh environment of
the detection of damage mechanisms in also uses two different inspection meth- the furnace box from the moment they
the tube and the ability to size the dam- ods running concurrently to provide a are commissioned. The upper limit of the
age on the equipment being inspected. full 360° examination of the tubes. It reformer tube wall temperature is primarily
The state-of-the-art technology proprietary provides 100% laser ID coverage and governed by the reformer tube design tem-
crack detection system provides a full body 100% crack detection coverage of each perature. If the temperature is too high,
examination of tubes and is able to detect reformer tube. there is a high risk of premature creep
the earliest stages of creep and bulging to Both reformer tube scanner types damage and coke formation, resulting in
the most severe stage of creep to prevent are equipped with a powerful proprietary the reformer tube failure and process flow
catastrophic failure. This inspection tech- eddy current technique for sensitive crack restriction. The performance of the primary
nology is fast and very repeatable using detection in reformer tubes up to 23 mm reformer is of crucial importance to plant
multiple lasers. On-site reporting software wall thickness. Measurements for both efficiency and production because of the

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Steam methane reformers

reformer’s role as the single largest con- to prevent creep damage and in the same ture-based, and therefore it is not subject
sumer of energy. time reduce the energy consumption which to errors in temperature measurement.
As a result of this lower thermal con- will have direct impact to financial savings. Within the program, the operating
ductivity, the overall thermal resistance to temperature is back-calculated from the
heat transfer is increased and the effective- Reformer tube cleaning strain. This allows the effects of changes
ness and thermal efficiency of the reformer in operating conditions to be analysed.
tubes are reduced. The total thermal resis- Poor design or operation of reformer tubes In effect, the program can be used to
tance to heat transfer is decreased dur- can lead to premature tube failure. This develop integrity operating windows (IOWs)
ing the first stages of fouling due to the is very costly in terms of reformer tube depending on requirements in the future.
surface roughness resulting from initial replacement and lost production due to These IOWs may be based on corrected
deposition. After that and with deposits the downtime to replace failed reformer IR temperatures in conjunction with a tem-
building up, the thermal resistance returns tubes. In the worst case, a complete perature correction program such as Cor-
to increase again. Fouling affects approxi- reformer burn down, the cost can be as rectIR™, or based on relative changes in
mately 50 to 90% of reformer tubes, but high as $18 million based on the lost pro- uncorrected measurements provided the
multiple complex variables make it diffi- duction plus the cost of the catalyst and same tools and measurement techniques
cult to foresee. Scaling or corrosion from reformer tube replacement. If a failed tube are used.
particulates can limit the performance of is nipped (isolated on line), the production Historically the program has been pri-
primary reformer tubes, as can unfavour- rate may need to be reduced if the front marily used in order to determine remain-
able process conditions or malfunctioning end of the plant is pressure drop limited; ing life and fitness for service of reformer
upstream equipment. for example if 5% of the reformer tubes tubes. Recently however, the program has
Due to all mentioned and taking into are out of service the plant rate will be been utilised more and more in engineer-
consideration complexity of steam reform- reduced by approximately 2% decreasing ing decisions regarding the operation of
ing operation it is therefore extremely the plant profitability by $650,000 per the reformer. These decisions fall into
valuable to conduct regular primary year for a 2,000 t/d (420 reformer tubes) two categories: (1) intended changes in
reformer assessments that result in solu- ammonia plant. the operation to influence production, or
tions aimed at optimising parameters To prevent this, a very simple cleaning (2) non intended changes in operation,
for peak primary reformer performance. procedure of the reformer tubes can be for example analysing the effect of tube
Whether the catalyst is replaced or not, conducted by applying proprietary clean- hotspots caused by flame impingement or
the reformer tubes should be physically ing technology which will not only prolong local catalyst deactivation.
measured for creep growth during the last the lifetime of the reformer tubes, but also A case study from category (1) is
production run to back up the results of result in financial savings due to the direct described in the following section.
the temperature monitoring in terms of impact it will have on subsequent energy
whether any reformer tubes need replace- consumption. Case study – intended changes in
ment or a cleaning procedure. If the cata- To illustrate the benefits of the reformer operation
lyst is being changed out, it is always tube cleaning technology IKR Richter Group This case study relates to a steam
recommended to conduct an internal provides two examples showing the impact reformer operating in South East Asia, with
inspection of the reformer tubes using of IKR reformer tube cleaning technology in 156 tubes in two rows of 78. The plant
a different technique to determine the an ammonia plant and a methanol plant. In is currently hydrogen-constrained, and so
diametrical growth of the reformer tubes both cases the financial impact of clean- there is significant advantage to be gained
with subsequent reformer tube cleaning ing reformer tubes with different degrees in increasing its hydrogen output. The
technology of the outer or inner surface. of fouling, namely a fouling thickness layer reformer was commissioned in 2009 and
If the catalyst is not being removed, again of 1.0 mm, 1.75 mm and 2.0 mm, are first inspected internally using the Quest
reformer tube cleaning technology can be shown. Integrity LOTIS™ tool in 2016. At that time,
utilised to improve the condition of the significant diametric expansion was found,
reformer tubes and enhance energy con- An engineering methodology for however the damage was seen to be very
sumption with insuring higher reliability of localised. In particular, the damage was
the same. The cleaning technology can
understanding risk restricted to only a few tubes at either
reduce stress which is even more pro- Quest Integrity has a widely-used method end of each row. The majority of the tubes
nounced in case of fouled reformer tubes for determination of remaining life in showed very little damage. The strain dis-
with improvement of the process condi- reformer tubes based on inspection data, tribution from 2016 is shown in Fig. 23.
tions in the terms of better throughput. entitled LifeQuest™ Reformer. This program With reference to the balance described
Cleaned reformer tubes will not suffer due is based on over 20 years of research and in the introduction, this is obviously not an
to higher temperature regime to reach the creep testing of common reformer tube ideal scenario. The reliability in this case is
needed heat flux which is necessary for alloys. In particular it is designed to cap- controlled by the end tubes, which showed
achieving proper level of steam reforming ture the effect of material aging, which high damage, whereas the majority of the
reaction, while the energy consumption causes significant reduction in creep tubes were working beneath within their
will stay at the same level as is predicted strength during service independently from limits, thereby limiting production.
in design case. the accumulation of creep damage. The The first decision which was made
Simple regular cleaning procedure of major advantage of this approach is that related to the end tubes. Remaining life
reformer tubes will have beneficiary effect it is strain-based, as opposed to tempera- assessment performed at the time of

44 Nitrogen+Syngas  359 | May - June 2019

Steam methane reformers

Fig. 23: Distribution of creep strain within furnace Fig. 24: Incremental creep strain distribution 2016-2018

5.0 0.9
row 1 row 2 row 1 row 2
4.5 0.8

incremental strain, %
creep strain, %

2.0 0.4
1.5 0.3
1.0 0.2
0.5 0.1
0.0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
tube number tube number

Source: Quest Integrity Source: Quest Integrity

inspection showed that there were a few time the incremental strain (i.e. strain Following the inspection, another engineer-
tubes which were not fit for service through between 2016 and 2018) was calcu- ing decision had to be made concerning
the next operating period. These tubes lated. This is shown in Fig. 24. Note the the next operating period (2018-2020):
were predicted to exceed 80% calculated end tubes had been replaced prior to the l continue operation as per the 2016-
life during that time. It was therefore rec- inspection. 2018 period, or
ommended that some tube replacements l increase the allowable TMT by 18°C.
were made. However, due to turnaround Three findings are important here:
time constraints, this was not possible. It l No tubes showed significant damage, It was found that continued operation
was decided instead to continue to oper- indicating that the risk of online failure at the 2016-2018 limits resulted in four
ate these tubes but with reduced operat- was very low. All tubes subsequently replacements being required in 2020.
ing conditions for the next period, i.e. it passed a fitness-for-service remaining Increasing the allowable TMT was permis-
was necessary to calculate IOWs. As the life assessment for the next two year sible in terms of fitness-for-service until
critical tubes were grouped together at the period. 2020, however the result was that over
ends of the tube rows, it was decided that l The damage profile has been essen- 60 tube replacements would be required
this could be achieved through local adjust- tially inverted compared to the previ- in 2020. This allowed the plant manage-
ment of burners (in fact, just the burners ous profile. This has ensured that the ment to consider the economic impact of
at each end). tubes with lower damage as of 2016 each scenario and tailor the operation of
In order to calculate the allowable have been asked to work slightly the furnace with good information. n
operating conditions for these tubes, Life- harder in the following period (and vice
Quest™ Reformer, was utilised. The simu- versa). This was seen to be an effective
lated operating temperature for the next method for maximising production with
1. Richter P. and Zecevic N. (IKR Rich-
operating period was varied until it was negligible added risk.
ter Technology): “Reduce stress and
deemed that no tubes would exceed 80% l All tubes showed some damage. This
increase throughput of reformer tubes”,
life before the next major turnaround. The may seem a counter-intuitive statement. Nitrogen+Syngas 2019 Conference, Berlin
allowable limit corresponded to a reduc- However, when it is considered that both (Mar 2019).
tion of 30°C compared to the previous life consumption and production are tied 2. Cardin P., Imizcoz P., Mutilva I. and Jakobi D.
period. As a consequence, the reformer to temperature, it in fact is an excellent (Schmidt+Clemens Group): “New alloy mate-
was returned to service with a reduction of finding. The vast majority of reformer rials for reformer outlet systems”.
30°C in the allowable tube metal tempera- tubes inspected in furnaces globally 3. Vassiliadis G. and Spaghetti A. (Sandvik):
ture (TMT) limit on the end tubes only. The show zero damage, indicating that they “The importance of material selection in
allowable TMT for the remainder of the fur- are fully capable of higher production steam reforming”, Nitrogen+Syngas 2019
Conference, Berlin (Mar 2019).
nace was very slightly increased to main- (of course this is not always needed).
tain production. Note that these changes The fact that in this case the entire fur- 4. Fortinberry T. and Adams J. (Reformer Ser-
vices): “An innovative and external 360°
were reviewed as part of a Management of nace showed low, but not zero damage,
reformer tube inspection technology”,
Change (MOC) program. indicated that the operating conditions
Nitrogen+Syngas 2019 Conference, Berlin
Despite the significant damage in between the last two inspections were (Mar 2019).
2016, the unit ran without failure for two optimised for production at no significant 5. Drabble D.J.F. and Thomas C.W. (Quest
years until 2018, when it was shut down cost to reliability. In effect the furnace Integrity): “Balancing production and reliabil-
again for its scheduled turnaround. The was well balanced and all tubes had con- ity in a steam reformer”, Nitrogen+Syngas
LOTIS inspection was repeated and this tributed equally to hydrogen production. 2019 Conference, Berlin (Mar 2019).

Nitrogen+Syngas  359 | May - June 2019 44

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