Pagbasa at Pananaliksik

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Eden, San Manuel, Isabela



Name: ______________________________________________________________ Grade: __________

Direction: Determine whether the statements are true or false. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_____1. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.

_____2. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
_____3. How you communicate reflects who you are as a person.
_____4. One way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal communication.
_____5. There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.
_____6. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
_____7. The use of too many fillers can distract your listeners.
_____8. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
_____9. When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the message
that you convey.
_____10. When you communicate, choose what you want to say and how you want to say it.

A. Direction: Identify the different barriers (emotional barriers, use of jargon, lack of confidence,
noisy environment) that hinder the communication process in the different situations below.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_____11. You are having a bad day or you feel frustrated.

_____12. You sit in a meeting or class where you think the speaker is boring.
_____13. You are a scientist discussing a certain weather phenomenon with your neighbor who does
not know much about the topic.
_____14. You are asked to share something about your day or weekend, but you are hesitant because
you are shy.
_____15. You are having a conversation with some friends when a song was played loudly.

B. Direction: There are five functions of communication (control, social interaction, motivation,
emotional expression, and information dissemination).Identify the function of communication
in each of the following situations. Write your answer on the space provided before each

_____16. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
_____17. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the holiday.
_____18. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
_____19. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler.
_____20. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
_____21. Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.
_____22. The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
_____23. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.
_____24. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
_____25. A tourist guide orients a group of tourists about a heritage site.

C. Direction: Identify the different elements of communication. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.

_____26. The source of information or message.

_____27. The information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions.
_____28. The process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the speaker
_____29. The medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or non-verbal, in which
the encoded message is conveyed.
_____30. The process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.
_____31. The recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message.
_____32. The reactions, responses, or information provided by the speaker.
_____33. The environment where communication takes place.
_____34. The factors that affect the flow of communication.
_____35.occurs between two or more people, the speaker and the receiver.


Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write your answer on the space provided before each
_____36. Mother of all communication models a. Transaction Model
_____37. A two way process with the inclusion b. Shannon-Weaver Model
of feedback as one element.
_____38. Communication functions to control behavior. c. Information dissemination
_____39. Communication functions to convey information. d. Control
_____40. Refers to interaction in which words are used e. Nonverbal Communication
to relay message.
_____41. Refers to an interaction where behavior is used f. Verbal Communication
to convey and represent meanings.
_____42. Describe things or feelings usually add color g. Vividness
and spice to communication.
_____43. The factors that affect the flow of communication. h. Barrier
_____44. The source of information. i. Context
_____45.the environment where communication takes place. j. Speaker

1. Compare and contrast Shannon-Weaver and Transaction Models of Communication using a
Venn diagram. (5pts)

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher Principal II

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