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CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH Pea nao san co Complete Key for Schools Teacher’s Book RU ee) CAMBRIDGE ‘University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 885, United Kingtom ‘Cambridge University Press i part ofthe Univesity of Cambridge Ie farthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge inthe purl of ‘eueaton, Tearing and research at the highest internabonal levels of exeelence, won cambridge og Teformation on thse: wor cambridge.on/ 9780521124744 ‘© cambridge Univesity Poss 2013 “This publeaton is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and tothe provsogs of evant colleesveLcesing agreements, ‘no reproduction of any part may take place without he writen ‘permission of Cambridge University Press. rst published 2013 Sih pining 2015 Printed in Dubai by Oental Poss ‘catalogue eon fortis publleaton i available fom the Brith Library ISBN 978-0521-124704 Students Book without Answers with CD-ROM ISHN 978-0521128718 Stdent's Book with Answers with CD-ROM ISN 978-052-12474-4 Teacher's Book ISBN 9784521-124781 Class Audio CDs (2) ISBN 976-391-1242 0 Students Pack (Sue's Book without Answers with CD-ROM. ‘Workbook without Answer with Audio CD) ISBN 976:0-51-124362 Workbook without Answers wit Audio CD ISBN 978:-591-12438.3 Workbook wilh Answers with Audio CD Universy Pres has no responsibilty forthe perssience or accuracy ‘TUR for external oe thi party interact websites refered in this publication, Sn doesnot garatee that any content on sich websites or wil ema ‘Eeurte or appropvate. Information egaing prices, ravel imelble, and other {etal inrmacon given in his work is correct at thé me of rst printing but CCambrge Unversity Pres dacs na uarante the acuray of such information thereat EE ———— ee Contents Intioducton Kes for Sehcols content and overview 11 hat’ your namo? Phetocopiale activity: Nice to meet you! ‘rt is: Unie | 2 Arwyou coming tothe party? Phoencopishleactiy: What wi? Word ist: Ua 2| Progress ts ni 31 m hungry Phetoeopiabescivity: Whats in your rdget ‘Word ist Ual’3 ‘You look great! Photocopiabe activity: 1 ike some information, pease! ‘Word iat: Unie ¢ Progress test Unis 3-4 5 She's the winner Posocopible activity: Sports day Word lst: Ut | {thee to do my homework Photecoplable activity: My perfect schoot ‘Word lis: Unit 6 Progress tet Lats 5-6 7 Let's goto the mountain Photocopiaie activity: had a great holiday ‘Word ist: Unit? ‘8 You have one now message Phoiocopiable activity: Spe the diference! Word ist Unt 8| rogres est Units 7-8 9 Let's have some fun! Photocoplable activity Can 1 ak you a question? ‘Wont it: Unie 9 10 What a sunny day! Photocopible activity: Are you going to. ‘Word at: Uni 1D Progress ts Units 9-10 Ive got a cold ‘Photeapisbe scivty: What will you do iit xin? ‘Word ist Unt It 12 Has he been on holiday? Phoocoplabie activity Have you ever 2 ‘Word ist: Unie 12 Progress test Units 1-12 19 She might be a vet Photneopiable activity: Making new friends Word list Unit 13 14 Can you repeat that please? ‘Photocoplabe aetlvity How much do you know? Word ist: Uni 14 Progress es Units 13-14 Progress tests: Answer key Grammar reference: Answer key Vocabulary and grammar review Answer key (Ceed exam Answer key Guided exam: Recording script Pravee tet Praciee tests Answer key Practice test: Recording sript La 2 1B 4 a a » io a 38 » 0 a ” 58 66 a 2 a 7 0 a a 88 2 >” 31 99 1a uM us 6 a 13 Le 125 126 135, 1a Le ° 158 cones @ Introduction Who this book is for Complete Key fer Schools a stinlatng and thorough repatationcoutse for students who wish tke the {Cambridge English: Key (KET) fr Schools, I feaches you ‘the reading, weting, listening and speaking skills which are necessary forthe exam, a8 well as essential grammar {and vocabulary. For those who are not plang wake ‘the exam in the nar future the book provides skills and language highly relevant to an elementary level of English {Conimon Europes Pramowork of ferent for Languages (CEPR) level 22. What the book contains In the Student's Hook there are: ‘+ Wunkts for eassroom study. Each unit contains * examples of exch ofthe three papers inthe Key for Sthools exam. The units provide language input and Shilspracice wo help you del succesfully withthe taeks in each part, sential nformation on what each part ofthe exam Involves, and the bast way to approach each ask 2 wide range of enoyable and stimulating speaking Beliiis designe fo Increae yout sen ae yor ability to express yourself. ‘gammar and vocabulary activities an energies for the grammar and vocabulary you need 10 know for the exam. When you are doing these exercises you wil sometimes see this symbol: @). These exereses ‘are based on research frm the Cambridge Learner ‘Corpus and they deal wit te areas which otter ‘cause prottems for candidates inthe exam. ‘Seven unit reviews. These contain exercises which :evlse the grammar and vocabulary that you have ach nit ‘+ AGrammar reference section which stay explains all the main aess of grammar which you will need to know forthe Key for Schools exam. ‘+A Key exam paper fr you wo practise with. This uid test, wth ext practice, to help you withthe ses of language you need foreach task + ACD-ROM whicn provides you with many interictive exercises, incuding further listening practice exsisive 'o the CD-ROM (please use the class ausho Ce fr the Student's Book listening exercises) All these extta veces are linked to te topis inthe Student's Book © sodeon Alen avaiable are: unis ofthe Students Bok pls the Listening Paper for the guided rest and the practice et inthe Teacher's Book. The listening materials indeated by diferent ‘sioured Icons in the Sden"s Book: (>) grea for CD 1, Sn purple for CD 2 [A Teacher’ Book containing + Step-by-step guidance for handling the activities in theses Rode + number of suggestions fr alternative treatments ‘of activiios inthe Student's Book and suggestions fr + Extra photaeopiable activities for each unt ofthe Stents Book to practise and extend language abilities ouside the requirements ofthe Key exam, + Complete answer key including recording srits for allthe listening materia. Al sections of text which Provide answers listening tasks ate underlined ‘+ Seven photocoplable progress tests, one for every ‘wo Stents Book unite. ‘+ 14 photocoplable wor tists (one foreach unit) containing vocabulary found in the units Eich ‘oeabulaty Kem inthe ward lists accompanied by a definion supplied by the corpus informed Cambridge Learner's Dietonary 1+ One ‘lean’ practice test with snaer key and Student's Workbook containing ‘M4 wnits for homework and seltstudy, Fach unit contains farther exarstyie exercises to practise te reading, writing ad listening skill need in the Key or Schools exam. In addition, they provide further peactce of grammar and voenbulary, which also use information about common exam candidate errors rom the Cambridge Learner Corpus @D. + "Nocabulary xu" sections at the end of each unit hich eoatin further eevsion and practice ofthe essential Key fr Schools exam vocabulary in the ‘Students Bank unis ‘+ An audio CD conaining al the listening material for the Workbook. Key for Schools content and overview a ea ‘Apprasimatey 1 Reading and | Reading Writing Part 1 Fle sentences to match with eight notices, Part 1: Candidates mast understand the hour to Part Five gapped sentences each with three-option | let of real mold notices minutes uliple-choie ems, Part 2: Caneldates are asked to Meaty Part 3a Five gape conversations exch with three: | appropriate vocabulary. ‘ption multiple-choice responses, 3: Candidates must read and Part 3b 4 continuous dialogue with ve matching identity appropriate responses items, selecting fom eight posible responses. Pata: Canddstes mist ead for Part 4 One long or three stor text, with seren etlled understanding aad main eas three-option multiple-choice items, OR seven Right/ | art S: Candidates are expected to Wrong/ Doesn't say eme, identify appropiate stuetutal words, arts Short ext asa three-option multiple choice | art 6 Caddates must read and cloze. Eight questions; candidate select the coect | enlfy appropriate words and spel ‘word from each question to complete the text thom correctly. Part 7: Candidates mat iteiy Wiking appropriate words in contet. Part 6 Five dictionary defnitiontype sentences with | Part 8: Candidates are expect to word completions, accurately identity and wt arget Part 7 Short ext with ten spaces to ll wth ane word. | information. Part Two short texts, and an ‘ouipt text’ wlth five | art 9: Candates must write a short spaces ofl extol 25-35 word Part 9 Either a short input text ora three-part rabeie to prompt a writen response 2 Listening Part 1 Five short dialogues with three-option mutipe- | Parte 1-3: Candidates are expected to oie questions with pletues, art 2 Longe informal ciolgie with five ems to match from eight options, listen and identify key information Parts 4-5: Candiate are expected (0 identify and write down key Part 3 Longer informal dlalgue with five thnee-option | information muliplechoie em Part $ Longer dalogue. Five gaps tl with words or ‘numbers, Part § Longer monalogue. Five gaps toll with words emumbers. a Speaking Part 1A short conversation with the inteloewor. The | art 1: Candidates are expected to 8-10 minutes | interocuir asks the candidates questions in turn, | produce language naraallyassctated per pair of using standardised questions, With meeting peopl er the it ime, andldaes Part 2 Candidates interact with each other, asking and | giving factual personal information, answering questions using prompt materi, | petsnal factual information Part 2: Candidates exciange now Key lr Stat content and overview @) Unit 1 |What’s your name? Unit objectives © Topics: introducing yourself ‘© Listening Part listening for numbers ‘Reading Part 3a: thinking about the answer Speaking Part: spelling your name ‘Writing Part 9: answering the three questions (Grammar: present simple, adverbs of frequency Vocabulary: family members Extonsion idea Py to ooording again an ask the students to repeat the dialogue line byline wit the ‘correct pronunciation, © Model this exercise with a strong Student fist, eg. “Teacher: Hey. Whats your name? Student: My name's David, Extension idea Encourage the pairs to memorise thelr slalogue ard then te perform Rn font of the class. Starting off ‘Asa warmer this & new cass, Itvoduce yourself ‘by saying your name and something you ke doing. Ask the stucents for hee names and ask them they ke ‘doing dierent activites eg, seni to misc playing footbalte © Point our shat the boy and the ge have just met. Use the photos to check thatthe students know what sireet dancing is. Encourage the students to think (of questions you might ask someone when you meet ‘thom forthe frst te; thelr name, age, interests et, Listening Part 1 ‘Read through the exam information asa class and check that the students have understood by asking questions: How many conversations are there? (live) Wil you hear cach conversation once (no, twee) How many eorect letures mus you choose (one fr each conversation) © Point out to the students that in several parts of ‘he Key Listening paper, they will have to listen to conversations and write down numbers. Check that the students have spelt the numbers correctly Answers | Suggested answers [i Daneing and talking. | 2 See answers in Exercise 2 below, @ Nionitor the pars and help with meaning, in particular Nice to meet you and Yes, sre 2Nice to meet you. 3 Yes, do, 4'm 13, '5Do you want to meet my friends? OQ Pay the recording at eas: wice. If necessary, ‘Stop the CD after each gop. Recording script coi tes? Carl; Hey. Wists your sae lena! My name's Elna, Cart: Fn Car. Nice amaets9s. Do you ke sect dancing? lea: Yes Cart, How ald are you? Elena: Lm 18 What sbout you? Gar {m 13, too. Doyou ant tomest myliends? ena: Yes. sue, Thank! © vw 12,13, sateen, seventeen, twenty-one, 32, forty- four, 60, seventy, 88, ninety nine, 100, 121 Recording script 048 ‘eve, tele, teen sheen, seventeen, twenty-one, thiy-two, forty-four ity seerty, ight, nnety- rine, oe hundred, one ued ad twenty-one | @0 Point out that in the Key Listening paper, Students are not expected to write doves nubers In words so in this exercise they should write the numbers in figures. Do the first conversation as an example and check that the stents understand what they have to do Answers = Tis 16,12 2.90,61, 13. 3 168 Recording seript costs One ‘Woman: How oc ave you, Saz Ave you a Sez Nom sixteen, and ny beater heh wo 3 What is Sazs favourite anima A W's a cat. Be Boy. _Itve at number ninety Moore Steet. and my horse. C18 a dog. tunel ves atrumber atv. Where do you 4¢ Which s Steve’ famll’ A: Dadi short and blond, ver ‘Mum is tall with dark hai, their son stale than Gir: Nunberhineen, Bank treet thelr daughter. Dad is tall and bload, Mum is short and blonce, ad their children are the same Three height C: Dad is tll with dark alr, Mam is short Gif: ene hundeed and sys centimetres a and blonde their daughter is taller than thei son, Boy: Tm onehundiedand savanty centimetres Thats 5 How much is a ticket tothe dance shaw? A It's twenty centres Sherer han my ad Eat eet Extension idea Swiients stent the conversations @C Play the recording once and allow the students ‘again twice. The fist time, the listen and epeat. When time to compare and give reasons for their answers in they listen forthe second tim, they should change the pas, Play The reearding again so students can check Information so its tive for thom eg. Are you teen? No, ‘their answers met. Pim thirteen and my sister tte, men = © Ask the students to read the question carefully and 2A3B 4c SA lunderine the key words; Where does Cat li? Point Dutt students the pietres provide the answer tothe | Regording seript co ack fuestion, i. we kuow that Carl lives at number 42, creed rare rurber 40 or number 25. Cart: Look thats ry sister ovr there Answers Elena Is that her with the short black har? 125,240 342 (Car: Tats her fend My sster has et long hal ar ———~ lena: Oh, yes. se er: She oot lass on tks yours, @©OQ Poi out tna wey witt near all dhree numbers in Sanaa ne si the conversation but only one ofthe numbers answers the question, “Tore, Whar See acute anit? dine ark What’ your eur aria az? tke dogs. ‘Answer Sar: quite the dogs. But love horses more ten any, 5 __| ‘lhe nina (Gen Horses ar oo big. They re not good pes, Sax Wehovert got one! ust ke them, Wevegot «cat Recording script co1imxs ues see Sais To mai ‘Woman: In the blue house? Number forty-two? Dine meta ee seme oie at oma eae oe ea el Extension iden Play te recording agnin and askthe Stee Yes. sh yeu younger But she's 160. ‘students to listen for what the other two numbers refer creme et Lp a a Soe bree ee ee Steve les at umber twenty-five lena: So, how much sa ticket tothe stret dance show? © Provide the students with the vocabulary they need (Man: They're usually five pounds, but you're a student 20 ‘know how to say the three prices in Question 5. {Blena: Oh good! I've only got four pounds. Ii! have one, i a a oon 2 Which is Carl's sister A There's a gil with long back hair and glasses. B There's pic with short black hair and glasses C There's a girl with long, ‘black alr and no glasses. What's your amet @) Grammar Present simple ‘As a warmer Books closed, Write te names Elena, Cal {and Saz on the board. Chalenge teams of students to write ‘as much information as they can about each one. They dont have to write complete sentences, eg Elena 13, in sbwet dancing club wit Cart ete © Books open. Encourage the students to check their answers by looking atthe first pages ofthis unit ‘They should also corset any false information | Answers [TT Gx page 8) 2F she's 16 (x 2 page 9) 3 T(x page 9) OO Encourage the students to listen to the ‘complete recoding before they start completing the conversation, Play the recording atleast twice; f recesiary stop the recording ater each ga. Answers 2Do 31s dist Sdont 6plays 7 play 8m Alternative treatment 800%s closed. Ask the Students to istn to Sz talking to Elena and answer ‘the questions: Hes Elene got any brothers or sisters? (@ brane) What does her dad do? (a musician). Books ‘open, Students complete the conversation Recording seript co ask Sex Whore ara youfrom, Sena? ‘lon i rom tay, Sex Doyoulke our schoo? , Elena: Yes, 1d. Sax gyeur bother atte schoo tac? Elona: No.he st H's ols. ‘Sax He's uly dant ke shoal mich Wet does your ‘ed oo? Elona: Hels a musician. He pigs tho plano. Sex: Cool! lena: Ana play th gut But Ln not very good at @ Refer the students to the grammar reference section and focus their attention onthe question, short nsuter and the negative form af be or do, | answers: [315,18 4.Are,"m not § Does, does 6 Do, don't |7are. sont @ Encourage the students to read the text first elore they start completing Remind the students to use short forms does etc © om Alternative treatment Nok the students ta ook st Deters photo and to meke some preditions about his ‘Answers 2is Blsnt loves Sdoxt like Gare 7 lve B go 9 dovsn'thave/hasn't got Oare 1 work laare Extension idea Encourage the students to wit thet ‘own description of her best end using the tex as 3 model © Mode! this exercise first. Tel the students something ‘bout yourself and invite them to ask you questions lung the ideas In the book, Correct the students questions where necessary. —— | B Is he funny? . aoa Alri Extonsion idea Student thnks bout a student inthe class, Student B can ak ve yes/no questions to find out wo this students Vocabulary Family members © Begin the exercise as a class to make sure everybody. understands the family tee and what they have to tl, Point out that both ie ist letter bs given and the ‘number of eters ae given (s in the Key Reading Part 6) Answers - 7 2erandiather 3 husband 4 wite S uncle Gaunt 7 cousin son Odaughter 10 sister A brother 12 grandson 13 granddaughter Extonsion idea Tes: the students memory by asking them questions sbout Carts famiy Wee eg Wo is Janet? (She's Car's randmather) Who is Tom? (He's Carts grandfather) ete © suggested answer faher: Mark 45; mother Ellen 43; Lucy 10; Jake 16; ob 47; Laura 40; Brenda 75; Chee 78; Max 12 Alternative treatment Ask he students to éraw tele ‘nn fail tee bere they sek the questions. Reading Part 3a Read through the exam information asa class and asc ‘questons to highlight the most important information What do you need to complet? (conversations) How ‘many? (live) Do you wnte your ewn answers} (No, you are given five possible answers to choose frm). he first ine of the conversation atways a question? (ND, i's fometimes a sentence) Ask the students to read 1-5 and say whether they are all questions. 2 is a sentence) Hep the students with ny new voeabulary Answers 2d 3b 4c Sa Alternative treatmont Boks closed. Read out each {queston or statement and ask for possible answers or responses. Students then apen ther books and do Exercise | @ Encourage the students to undertine the key words in each question, Ask te students o cover the answers [A-C so they don Just copy the answers given. Point ut that thinking about the answer without looking at the choles is good exam technique @ Encourage the students to choose the answer whlch ‘is most similar to thelr predictions in Exercise 2 Nelp the studeats with the meaning of any new expressions, Answers 1c 2B 3c 4B SA ‘Extension idea 1 Encourage the student to keep alist ‘of camman everyday expression used inthis part of the ‘eam, eg, Ofcourse iis, Nice to meet you, Yes, eure ee. Extension idea 2 As. clas, think abut posible |quesions o sentences fore ncorect answers, 26, IA ove staet dancing B: 1 Monday today? et. Grammar ‘Adverbs of frequency ‘Asa warmer Revise the days of te week by asking the ‘students write them down. Check their sgeling In pais, the students take turns to ask War's your favount doy? Why? What's your last favourite dy Wy? © Look atthe table asa class and make sure the students understand it by asking questions, e, When does Elena get up at ? amt (Monday, Tuesday, ‘Wednesday et). After correcting the sentences, ask the students to highlight the frequency adverb inthe Sentences and check they understand the difference in meaning, Answers [TSP ar st Extension idea Ask the students to correct sentences Sand, @O Point out thatthe students need to complete the table. Ask the students to listen to the whole conversation first without writing anything. When they listen forthe second time, stop the veording so the students have time to tick the corect boxes, en ela | sn mar] Sioa” | et Starts |} = ~ | v “ shopping does tne | washing: w Recording script co 7x8 Man: So, Stave Tellme about your week Whetine do you getup? ‘Steve: | guys atl uptight oock nthe morning | never getup tere that, How ftan da yeu do your homework the ‘evenings? Stevie: | usual tn the moming Exceot.n Fay. ‘sohomewnck ev Friday eveong, Man: Are you ever late for schoo? ‘Steve: malvayslatecn Monday mamngs. Not ery te Man ust abt ae Mar: How often do you go shopping? Stevie ‘apshanning oo Wednesdays ‘Man: How often do you do the washing-ug? Steve: Lneva-do the vesting! © Point out thatthe students need to complete these sentences wit frequency adverbs. Answers never 2 usually Sever always 4 sometimes whats sour numer @ © Anowers Latter 2 before © Point out that as in all exercises marked with 2 these are real mistakes taken from Key for ‘Schools exam papers. Answers - 2 drinesometimes sometimes drink 3 havenevee never have 4 ofterss soften 5 fergetsnever never forgets 6 wettiy-am am usually @ check thatthe students understand all the words before they start. Monitor eaefully to make sure the Students write the adverb inthe cortet place ia the ‘Suggested answers | Tam often happy. 2m always hungry at 2 pm. 3 sometimes do sport. 41 never do the washing ‘up. SI sometimes ridea bicycle. 61 often send lexis, 7Tnever write email © Point out that we use the question How often ...? to ask about frequency. Check thatthe students can make the questions with bath to fe and other verbs correctly before they work in pairs ‘Answers ow often re you happy How ten are you hungry How atten do oud sport How fen. do Youde the washngp How often do you idea bie! How eften do you send ext How len do You walk schol How often do you wc ena | Speaking Part 1 Read through the exam information a 3 dass, Check that the stant has understood by asking question: How many part are here wo) What wl the enainer ask you about in Fat 1 aame, school, hobble ete and how to spell your name) 07 Poin out tnt the tudes need tlisten relly wo the speling ofthe names. Anwers omnna 2 Stefan Recording script 00 exe One Git J-0-A-doubleN-A, Pronunciation ‘The alphabet OO Repeat this exercise two or three times, Recording script. co m1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ © Make sure the students understand the able. If they ‘nave not seen the phonemie seript before, you will ‘eed to point out that these are symbols or sours Encourage the students to say the letters aloud a8 they do this exercise, Answers ie jan LK fad Qu, w wzne camp ze @ Model this exercise rst with two or tree strong students OQ Ask te students to read the questions and ‘answer fist before they iste, Answers 2g 3a 4d 5b Recording script corm amines: What's your name? of 76 Stefon: Myname Stefan Monier Examiner: How do you spel yur surane? Stef: M-Q=ouble NIE. Examiner: Where ereyou fem Stefan? Stofen: timfiom Se Pada In Braz Examiner: Do you study Engst? ‘Stefan: Yes Lda Examiner: How often co you have English lessons? ‘Stefan: Threetimesa nec Examiner: Da you le spor? ‘Stefan: Yes Love sport Examiner: How often co you de spor? Stefan: Lavays oly basketball schoo! ‘Alternative treatment Play the recording again anc Stop after eech queston. Inve the student to give Extonsion idea Students swap partners and do the exercise again Writing Part 9 Read through the exam information asa class and check that the stents have understood the information by asking questions: Whar do you need to write? (an email 2 ppostard ora note} How many dungs do you need 0 write ‘about (hee) How many words? (between 25 and 35) (© Ask the students to glance at the texts and say ‘whether they are emails, postcards or notes. Find the first question asa class before the students work on ther on, @ Point out thatthe email needs to answer Alex's three ‘questions. Encourage the students to underline Juan's Uhree answers in the email ‘Anwer ] Email A Hello Alex ‘My name is Juan. Love football. Lolay tevery, Saturday for my sehool team. [ve got two bothers. and one sister a, — © Point out tothe students that they should open thelr email Hi/ Hello Ales and they should close it with their name. Remind the students tha they should answer Alex's three questions, ‘Suggested answer Hialex | uy name fy Ana Love sport and my favourite | sports tennis. usually pla it on Saturday with my father. 've got one brother aad no sisters. ‘Ana Extension idea Encourage the students to read each ‘other's emails and check that these emails answer Alex’s thee questions. Unit 1 photocopiable activity: Nice to meet you! Vin». 20 sues | Objectives “Toreview the present simple, in parular question formation ‘To practise asking and answering questions —_ Before class “Make enough copies of the role cards so that each student as one each. Make one copy of the Part 2 questionnaire fr each student in your class Part t: Whole class mingle activity © 7a the students to imagine they have just moved to anew street and they are going to meet some very International neighbours. ASk them to think about ‘how they might begin the conversation, eg. Av Hit PmJock. What's your name? Hi, Jack! I'm Kevin, ‘4: Nice to meet you! @ ive each seudent a role-card, Expla that each sudent has information about their name, age, home {oven and sports and encourage the students to think ofa question foreach, eg. What's your name? How ‘ld are yu? Wher are you from? Have yo gota ig Family How often do you play sport Vii these ‘questions on the board © Give the students some time to memorise their {information and callet inthe role cards. @ The whole class should stand up. Each stadent should {ind 2 partner and ask ad answer the questions on the board. When they have finished, they should look for anew partner Allow the students enough time 0 Interview al the others. Then stop the class, Part 2: Pair work activity. © tn pairs, the students try to complete the Part 2 questionnaive @ Aor about three minutes, the students should wark with a new partner to help complete the missing Information on the questionnaire @ 45a whoke class, check the answers tothe ‘questionnalte 1 Jack plays cushy, 21s M-E-V-E-R 3 Yes, she does, She has two brothers and sixteen Cousins. 4 Amiloften goes swimming. § She’ 12.) | 60, he hast. He has a younger brother | 1 she's fom Manchester, England. 8 Pattck hasnt got any sisters. 9 Yes, she does. 10s Davies. 11 She plays tennis on Sat 12 Yes, he is ays Whats your amet @) Unit 1 photocopiable activity Nice to meet you! Part One Role-cands Dine acide Teme: Dainese 6 gli “Nein i Te ny Hane Cape Tove [Some Roe, Usa ita has eae Family: 2 oder sisters _ Family: No brothers or 16 cousins ‘Sport: Usually, Rugby ZN sisters Sport: Neve! | Sport: Sometimes. Football Was A han 03) Fiome: Kate Moreh GL) ‘ame: Bawoon Charge ome: Mumbal, India ome: Auckland, New 05) Family 3 sisters and a Zealand ome: Toronto, Canada rota Family: brothers, 3 Family A younger ane cousins rote “Swimming Sport Tennis ater sehol _ Sport Sometimes, Fotball ‘Name: Beth Reed (13) ‘Name: Patrick MeShane (4) | Name: Olivia Henson (15) | Home: Manchester, Home: Dublin, treland. ‘Home: Glasgow, | England Family: No brothers or Seotland “ami: A younger |sser, Fornly 3 sisters siner Sport: Neves Sport: Usual Sport Someries. Tennis. / Swimming ‘ame: Rachel Baie Ga) | Nome: ona Pace (8) "Name: Kevin ie (i) = ome: Cardi, Wales ome: Valletta, Mata Home: Singipore { Fan: A brother and Family {brother _ amy An older sister a sister Sport Typnis on fu spore Usa. rootar LS ‘Sport: Never Saturdays | * Part Two Student questionnaire How many of these questions can you answer? 1 What sport oes Jack play? 2 How do you spell Dominic surname? 3 Has Sandra gta big amily? 4 How often does Ami go swimming? Howe old is Kate Marsit 6 Has Damon got an older sister? 7 wher is eth from? 8. How many sisters has Pack got? 9. Doce Olivia ive in Scotland? 10 Whats Rache!ssurnamet 11. What does Elena pay on Saturdays? 12 Is Revin younger han his iste? © compe kotor Seats Eons Heyman Conte Uneoy Pe 2s ET Word list Unit 1 "Note the numbers show which page the word o phrase frst appears in the unit. ‘aunt (1) the sister of your mother ar father, or the wite of your uncle bicyole n (12) a vehicle with two wheels that you sit on and move by turning the two pedals (~ parts you press with your fee) {cool exci (10) used when you like semething or agree ta something ‘cousin (11) the child of your aunt or uncle ‘exam 1 () an oficial test of how muck you know about something, or how wel you can do something forget» (12) to not remember something ‘granddaughter n (11) the daughter of your son or daughter ‘grandfather n (11) the father of your mother or father ‘grandmother (1) the mother of your mother or father ‘grandson i: (1) the soa of your son or daughter happen v (8) if an event or situation happens it exists or starts tobe done Jucky ad) (10) having good things happen to you ‘nusietan (10) someone who plays a musical Instrument, often asa job ppenfriend (13) someone who you waite to regularly but Ihave never met plano (10} abig wooden musical instrument with ‘lack and white bars that make sounds when you press them pity (11) If something is deseribed as a pity itis isappointing or not satisfactory ‘show n (9) atlevison or radio programme or a theatre performance ‘sound (18) something that you hear poll» (13) to write or tell someone the letters which are ‘sed to make a word sure ad) (8) certain ‘team 2 (13) a group of people who play a sport or game together text (10) the written words in a book, magazine, et, not the pictures ‘me 7 (13) an eccasion when something happens tunel (1) the brother of your mother or father, othe Inusband of your aunt usually adv (1) inthe way that most often happens ‘washing-up n (12) when you wash the dishes, pans, ang other things you have use for cooking and eating a meal you're weleome pase (12) «pote answer when someone thanks you for doing something Complete Koy fo Schoey oe een Cnt Uesy Ps 5 ET) Unit 2 |Are you coming to the party? Unit objectives | Topies: homes (© Listening Part 3: listening for times ‘© Reading Part 4: looking atthe three types of answers, underlining important words ia the ‘questions and underlining the answers in the text ‘© Speaking Part 1: answering ihe last patt of Part 1 with along answer © Writing Pact 6: undertining key words in the eserptions| ‘© Grammar; present continuous and have got Vocabulary: homes, rams and furniture Starting off ‘Asa warmer Bainsiom ist of types of Homes orto the boar Make sure thelist includes the Kinds of homes the stant vei his wil hep wth Eris 3) end same of the types of homes in Exercise @ students try to match the types of homes on the board with the hoates inthe photo. Encourage the students to give reasons for their choice. © [Siggestad vers . fren: ht mansion, yar, caravan and hte forage: mansion, a Hock ft, one 2 fi sloor:a mansion, ck ats and a house aro al Malm: a masion, a block of fats, a cravan (to go in, house indo af 2 gate: a manson, a house 2 or all @ Encourage the students to take turns to ask and answer using fll questions and ful answers, eg Student 1: Whar kind of home do you tive int Student 2: Tein a flat, Student I: Has igo a garage te. Listening Part 3 Read through the exam information with he clas nd ask questions ta check the students have understond, (eg, How many people wil you hen? (80 oF more) Cn @ ume you choose tw answers? (no, only one) Ave the answers aoays numbers (No, they ean be numbers ar ward). @ Encourage the students to read the text carefully nd say what iti before they answer the questions. Explain sthat a house party is Background In Englsh-specking countries, people (especialy young people often have parts in their ‘houses. They normaly vite several quest to chal, ston to muse, and eat snacks, Parties re ald to celebrate brthdays, the end ofa school year and often wen people move into a new house Answers - 23 Lord Sueet; a house party @O) teat te question gtr asa case, Pt out toute tha ey weal ie tines Bt eh meetinecaeney linea eae Sidbgue cesar [answer | tanta 200, A173, the mans gong othe [py td at. te gt he pt Roa mach Extension idee Ask: stucent to wie the questions forthe other two times; What ime is the man going to ‘the party? (8: 730) What time has the gi got 8 football match? (C:3:30) Recording script coy tia 1 Boy: Ateyou going tothe Marat’ party on Saturiy2 Girt Whettine does tsar? Ive gota football atch at 4.30 tat dy. Boy: Zslock But gong at720 becouse dont went tobecary. © win a weaker class, you may need wo revise how to tel the time before they do this exercise Answers 2A 36 46 SD 6c Alternative treatment Ask te students In paso ‘sk nd answer questions abeut the clock fabas (A-F) before they ead 1-6 OO Encourage the students read the questions ‘arellly and underine the key words, Clear up any vocabulary problems before they listen. Answers 2B 3A 4A SC 6C Recording seript co tixk ‘Man: What re you doing Jenny? Girt Fmwritng an ema to Wendy. Shes naved oa ne oust in Milan Steel Man: Oh, aes er family ving in Brook Rose now? Git No They moved on Wednesday. They having. house party on Saturday evening Can! ao? Man: Youve got oat mit on Suny Jen. Wat time does his pty tar? Girt Sica, but dont wantto be early go ata ‘est six Ipromse ibe home before eleven Man: OK. Areyou gong to wear those jars? Gi Theyrea itty and lalwaya woera Fahirt LE ‘uLonm bie dees ova change Mar: Bo you reed to tke anything tothe party? Git Therewa be oso eat an drink there. Hust ake some ofmy Ds dance Man: Are you geting @ present for Wendy? Girt |wanttsghve her a CVD uz tcasts.£15 Cou ‘nave some many pees, Dac? Mar: Bet ga yout pound ose! itt Ikon, but onlyneed anther ve pounds Man: OK. here youre Git: Thanks, Dad Grammar Present continuous ‘Asa warmer Ask the students about the sorts of things poople ean do eta party. Try to elt some ofthe vorbein pictur, eg at, st dance, sng etc. © Answers BT 41 SE 6T 7F @ Encourage the students to lock back at the sentences in Exercise 1 to help them complete the rules. “Answers Tare happening now 210 be © Before the students do this exercise, look at the ‘ratimar reference section withthe class and, Fighlight how we form the present continuous, in particular the negative. Encourage the students to use ontractions and check that they spell the -ing form correctly, in particular writing, swomuming, listening and crying Answers 2 She ist writing. She's reading | 3 They aren't swimming. They're walking | 4 She isnt watching TV. Shes listening 10 music, | 5 "They arent laughing. They'te cryin. Alternative treatmant Before the stidents begin this txereise ask and answer questions about the pictures round the class. What ste gir doing in 7? she vriting? ec ©O sake sure the students understand al the vers fa the questions. Point out tat they will hear sounds and not a conversation Answers 2 3A 46 SA Recording script co rack « 1 she unring? (Sound af an ening) 2 Arothey dancing? (Sound ofr sammng) sane wnitng? (Sound af ping) 4 Ise poyng? (Sound af snoring) 8 Arcthey sing? (Sound oF chai) (© Look at Exercise 4 again withthe students and elicit ‘how we form questions and short answers in the present continuous from the students. f necessary, fefer the students hack to the grammar reference sestion. Suggested answers 2 are you sitting down? Yes, Tam. 3 Are your friends siting near yout Yes, they are. 41s your teacher helping you? No, she ist § Is taining? Na It lsu 6 Are you weurlg a hat? No, Tm net. © Bere the students work in pales, model this activity ‘sa class, Adal he students to close thelr book and ask questions around the class. Encourage the “Students to give complete answers. Fast finishers ‘aa describe the dferencer between the pitire in Exercise Land this picture. Areyoucoming tte prt @ | Suggested answers ] is Emily drinking? | Yes, she is, Shes drinking 2 cup of tea, Is Jenny arriving atthe party? No, she isn't. She's leaving the party, Js Mark dancing? No, he sn. He's sleeping. Is Suzy watehing TV? No, she in. she's playing a game | Simon singing? [Noy he isn't, He's dancing, ‘Are Wendy and Tom iting on the table? [No they aren. They're sitting onthe flor. Is the cat sleeping? No, it ism. i's ating | Extonsion idea The siden ake uns oak and answer questions about people they know ef aur teacher dancing? ts your mus ttking on the pone? ee. Vocabulary Rooms. ©) Answers 7 | 2bathroam 3 living room 4 dining room | kitchen 6 garage 7 hall 8 garden Atiornative treatment The students ty lel the oom without looking at the words @O Remind the susdents that they wil listen to Sounds and nota conversation. Pont ct that one of the sounds isnot a room inside the house | Answers 2 dining oom 3 garage 4 bedioom 5 ball Gkitehen 7 ving room Recording script co: tase 1 1 Gomeone unraing nthe shower) 2 the clekng of cuter, andthe sound ofeaing) 3 (ocarstarting ph ' (ar lon abe going of beh sthed of andthe sour of orig) 5 (oor opening aksing ard someone shouting Yn ame) 8 (cooking Ong) 7 (churns ing changes) © boel this exercise rst by telling the students what you are doing @ vnwe Reading Part 4 © Answer tree house Background in te UK ard the USA, where people ive in houses with gardens, t's quite comm fo the family to bul small tree housein one ofthe tres, @ Encourage the students to predict the answers tothe jguestions before they fea the text Answers 11 He builds tree houses 2 Heid tee house. 3 It's got five rooms (¢wo bedrooms, a living tom, a kllchen an 2 bathroom) © When the students underine their answer in the ‘ext, encourage them to write the question number In the margin, This will help wien they go back sid check thet work tthe end of the exam, Answers 1A; Bulling tee houses is a great jab for me 2B: He learned alt from his uncle when he sworked with him in the summer holidays 3.C:I've got alent, and sometimes I camp next to the tree until finish he jab ‘© nderine the fest few asa class to make sure the students don’t just underline every word Suggested answers 1 All the tree houses James builds are for cildten. 2 James uncle aught him about working with. ‘won 3 James thinks building ice houses fs ea, 4 James never seems in is tree houses 5 James can cook and sleep in Hs Thee House 6 James likes meting his customers. 7 James has gota tree house in his awn garden. Extension idea Now toll students 0 read the tex. ‘areal and ansuor the questions Tel thm to. ‘underline the parts ofthe text which gre them the answers. Encourage the students to compare their swers with a partner befora you check then a @ lass, Answers 1B ie builds tree houses of all shapes and sizes, for people of all ages. 2 A Ever since James was a child he loved making things with weod. He learned ot fom his voncle {3B but I's also hard work 4C I've go a tent, and sometimes I camp next to the tree unt finish the job 5 A It is an arta’ studio with two bedrooms, 2 Living room, 2 kitchen, anda bathroom {6A So what is the best part about building tree hoses? For James, tis the people 7 CW ike the best birthday present inthe world ~ 4 new house in your garden! Extonsion activity Ite bie discussion on whether ‘the students would tke 9 tree house. theres ntres, ‘encourage the students to design the umn wee house ‘and produce a brofdesriptien of it using the pew room vocabulary. Grammar have got © Answers 1A 28 Atornative treatment Ask te stents ta ook atthe pictures and describe what they can see before reading the sontences © Answers 2hasn' got 3Have haven't $Has, has © Make sure the students use has got with the third person sings Alternative treatment The sudents workin sal ‘groups. Each student chooses one of the objects in Exorese 3. They draw it intel notebook and wre a label ‘ve got a (computer without showing the others ‘The others have to find aut what tis by asking and answoring questions with have got Vocabulary Furniture ‘Asa warmer Ask te students o close thei eyes and ‘imagine they are hack in thelr bedrooms. They shoud lok round ther bedroom at tha funiture end try to name 35 ‘many items as possible in English The students then open thelr eyes and brainstorm a Ist onto the board. © answers Acurtains Blamp Cesk D bookshelf Eehair Peatpet bed Alternative treatment /sk the students to read ‘though the desertion in Exersse 1 again, Then they ‘can use this text as « model to write a description of their own room. In pis they take tums oak and answor questions cbout thr bedroam. Extonsion activity The stents choose a different rom thelr house ane wre or give a presentation on that Pronunciation on Answers chair, Birt, wB kitchen, child, bool Recording script coi necks ‘chal shirt. wash, kitchen cic. bookshelf eno Answers and recording sript co 11st Ugaron is in the tchen Gip's wing mye, | 2 Charli siting on a chair. He's watching a | football match | Speaking Part 1 Read through the exam information with the students and make sure that everybody has understoed by asking ‘questions, eg. How will he exarineresk yon to speak ‘about someting? (Tell me something about ..) How ‘many things shout you say about cis (atleast three) OK Remind the students that in this part examiner wil ask them Tell me something about. ‘question and they should say a least three things bout this subject. Encourage the clas to listen to both students answering 2 Tall me something abou question and to say who does this ask better (Guudent 1 becuase she says mare tha three things. Sndent 2 dacsn’ say enough) “Answers Student I: 1 Herhome 2 fve things Student 2:1 His home 2 4wo things Exionsion activity + Ask Ue students olsen tote gt again, As they ston, thay should ty toreconstuet har answer. They ‘may noed to Histen to her several times Aeyonconing oie pt @) ‘The students wre thelr own answer using he it's answer a8 a moda. ‘Than in pats te stars take turns tobe the ‘amine and the student, Recording script co tack » Examiner: elma tout your tore. Gir: Liveinannuseswin myfamis tsa house, Teresa dring room anda ktchon ‘owmstars There er hres bedreoms unsiais Weve gota garden Examiner: Tel me about your name. Boy, Ale. tke @ Encourage the students to write at east three diferent things Alternative treatment White the suggested soswers ‘below an the board ina diferent order Ak the students tomatch the Tellme abou." question with these answors. The students then writ ther own answers using the modal sertonces as support. Suggested answers 1 it's bg schoo. I's gota swimming pool and i's | gota lage playground, 2 Robert. He's from Manchester in England, He's a ‘very good teacher, | 3 My favourite hobby is playing computer games. [Tv gota computer in my bedroom. Its on my | desk, 441'e gota big family ve got thre brothers and 3 sister. We ive in a big fla, ¥ @ Brainstorm a st of oer things the examiner could ask studems about an the board befare the students begin, eg. your bestfriend, your daily route, food ‘nat meal, sports ee. Alternative treatment Ask he students to ook ‘the Map ofthe units atthe font of thelr book. The list of topies there wil tl tem what srt of areas the ‘examiner might ask them about. @ ume Writing Part 6 Read through the exam infomation a a las, Alternative treatment Ask te sents to begin tis ‘socton by ooking at tho exam quoston in Exeele 3 but NOT to doit Elect from the students what they nave to do In this par. You may need to provde prompts, 9, How many sentonces are there? Do we know how many ltes there {arin each word? Do you thnk your speling needs fo be Conger ee. @ Attrative treatment i you dent have cctionaies to hand, write te six cores answers and two wrong answers (eg. bed ad dosh) on the boar. Ask the ‘Students find sie of the words onthe board inthe picture. | answers - 2 wall cock, a table, a fridge, a cooker, a cupboard, alight @ suggested answers 3 food and drinks, cold_4 dark, turn this on 5 plates bowls, neve 6 it chal, eat meals a this @ remind the students that they must use the spaces given (not more and not fewer) and thei spelling inst be correct Answers 1 Zolock 3 fridge 4 light Scupboard 6 table © Aternative wreatment Wr a wesker cass, 23k the students to write descriptions ofthe bedroom furiture inthe vocabulary secon on page 18 Extension iden + Give each group of students one of the rooms inthe house rom this unt (out nt bedroom or kitchen. ‘They should preduce a Wrting Part 6 question fo that room. You may need o provide the vocabulary tems for weaker groups Display the students" work on the classroom walls ‘The stuons should walk around the clesroom and ‘ny to enswer the questions, Unit 2 photocopiable activity: What is it? fine 15 minutes Objectives 4 Toreview house and furniture vocabulary To practise giving and interpreting definitions Before clas “Make enough copes of the crossword fr each student imclass {© write the following words on the board: bedroom 2door 3 100! Encourage the students to give you a definition for tach one. Tell them that they ar going to write definitions for more words in pals @ Divide the class into two groups: Student As and ‘Student Bs. Ask pais of As and pales of Bs to work together frst @ Tell the students that they are going to complete a ‘crossword. Give crossword Ato the pals of AS and crossword Bo the paits of Bs. The stents should notice that some ofthe words are veo and there is space for them 10 waite clues. in pairs, the As have to write the definitions for the across words and the Bs have to write the definitions {or the down words © When the students are ready, regroup the class 80 ‘that an A works witha. Student A begins by asking SudentB fora clue. eg, What's T dou? and Student Breads out the definition eg. e's... . When Student A hhas guessed the answer, they write ito the correct space on the erosswerd © the stadents take turns to ask for clues and give their definitions ul they have completed ther crossword. Suggested answers ‘Across: 3 You put the plates, cups and glasses in here |4 These are in front ofthe window. 5 We've got a red... the floor. 6 We cook ad eat in this room, 91 was inthis room, 1 This is similar toa door. t opens and closes, 12 This isa table for studying, Down: 1 You need to open this ogo into the house 2 We put milk, cheese, meat een this cold place. 3 You ston this, 4 You lok at this to tll he time, 7 We eat our food at this. '8 We cook our fod on this. 40 This iste first room i our house, We pu our shoes, coats and hats here. Complete crossword: Ayu camigo het @) Unit 2 photocopiable activity What is it? Crossword A ‘In pais write the across cues “Then ind a student with eessword 6, Take tars to ask for and give lus, Across 3 4 s 9 n 2 Inpais, write the down cues. + Then fo student wth erosoerd Toe to ask or and give clues, Boveune® a @ cmos tay br een ea ey he 2 Word list Unit 2 Note: the numbers show which page the word or phrase fist appears tn the unk, bookshelf n (18) a shel for holding books bow n (19) a ound, dep dish usd for holding soup and other food build» (18) 19 make something by putting materials and parts together camp » (17) to stay in atent or temporary home carpet (18) thick material for covering foors, often sade af wool ‘comfortable a (18) relaxed and without pain ‘cooker n (19) 2 plece of equipment used to cook food ‘ery (6) to produce tears from your eyes because you are sad cupboard n (15) a piece of furniture with a door onthe front and shelves inside, used for keeping things ‘curtains (18) pieces of material whieh hang across 2 ‘window to make a room dark or private ark ad (19) with no light or not much ight fire (17) a pile of wond or coal that is burning 10 produce neat floor m (1) a particular level af building feidgo n (19) a large cupboard that uses electricity to keep food cold garage 1 (4) 2 small building where you put your eat ‘ten (14) a door ina fenee or outside wall hall (17) a roam whieh leads to other rooms Invitation » (18) winen someone asks you if you would like toda something amp 7 (18) an object that makes light laugh » (16) o smile and make sounds with your voice because something is funny Wight 1 (19) an object that produces lit ‘match n (18) a sports competition in which two people ‘or teams compete against eachother next to prep (17) very else to something or someone, with nothing in beteeen ‘rosent 1 (17) something that you give to someone, tsually on a special day eal adj (17) at false roof (14) the surface that covers the tap of building cor vehicle ‘shape 1 (17 the physical form of something made by the line around its outer edge ‘l2e 1 (17) how big or small something is stairs n (1) 2 set of steps from one level in a building to another tont 1 (17) a structure for sleeping in made of eoth fixed to metal poles tiring aa (17) making you fee sed turn on» (19) to move the switch on a machine, tight, ‘ete 80 that it starts working oo start the supply of| ‘water, electricity te wood (17) the hard material that trees are made of cams ayer chy na Hr Cone nen Pr EE. @) [PROGRESS TEST Units -2 Grammar ‘Ocomplete these sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in the box. teach play be love wash have ver Saturday we. otal in the park 1 My aunt is a teacher. she in my school. 2 My name's Clara and 1 thirteen years ol, 4 The girls in my class op musi but | dd ke 4 My grandather his ear on Sunday mornings. 5 Our teacher... thtee bothers and ta sisters, @ Write complete answers using the frequency adverb in rackets, 1 How often do you write emails (sometiznes) F.sonelimes. write emails, 1 How often does your grandfather ride a bike? (never) 2 How often does it rain on your birthday? (often) {3 How often am late for school? (sometimes) 44 How often do you have maths lessons in ‘Wednesdays? (usually) 5 How often are your friends hungry at school? (always) © complete Jack's email using the present continuous form of the verb in brackets. HINiek, How are yout m bored. 1 (0).0m.sting. (a) at my Point out that Becky, Mark an Tina are taking Shout the inches in Exercise 1 “Answers Becky Cy Mark A, Tina 8 Extonsion idea Encourage the students to use the healthy eating plate in the Starting off section to say which of the three has the healthiest neh. Recording seript co 3 1 ‘Man: Beck wht do you usaly have for lunch st schoo? Becky My mum makes myluneh every day Se gaays ivesmesondches, ond it = sualy#henana ‘And hve orangejuice to donk Sometimes Ihave cake. (Man: Mark, whet about you. Does yourmem make your net Mork: Yes, she does. | hove sansuiches 00 and hese ove cheese She ao gives me 2 annie. some bscuts.ond a sal ote of mingle, ‘Man: And, Tie. Wheto you usualy hae for lunch? Tins: | buy abot nea nthe schoo eae ts trent rer day | usualy nave met andvegetabes. On Fridays we have ih and his, ink mena with my mea, nd have an ie ream efterwards © Atternative treatment Play the recording again ‘and ask the students o write down the interviewer's ‘questions: Wher do you usual have forlunch a shoe? ‘Does your mum mak your lurch? What do you usally ‘hae for lnc? Then, they use these questons to ask and answer questions about what they have for anch @ ums Pronunciation © kemind the students that they should listen forthe finals’ sounds only, Read the sentence to the class two or three times, highlighting the three differents sounds: anda Encourage the students 1 say the sentence to themselves to. Introduce the symbols for these thre diferent sounds, [Answer cb 20 ‘The dog wants ithe boy's! sandwiches hat OO Encourage the students to both listen to and. ‘epeat the final sound a8 this wil help them to ‘near the difference between the three Answer ‘chips likes; 2 apples, ontons fridges, dishes Extension activity 1 appropriate, pont out that we use feurwoiee when we say or, bute do use aU ‘ice when we sy 8 Students ean fee this by puting their hand on their voice bax and fein if i brates Recording script. co1nask21 pps hips, hes, ges, hes, crons Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns ‘As a warmer Quiz the stents onthe food and dak \ocabulary studied so fr, eg. san orange vegetable ‘Rabbits eat these. (a cared). you think our students have ‘the language todo this, they could quiz eachother in smal ‘rau, © Point out to the students that they need to match the two fridge tothe two sentences below. Answers Fridge A: John, Fidge B: Jane @ Make sure that the students understand what ‘ountable and uncountable mean before doing this ‘exercise Students somtimes have problems with luncountable words like mk, bread and cheese ‘because in their own language these words can be used as countable nouns. In Spanish, fr example, ‘un pan’ (one bread) is acceptable. Anewere {Countable food: John, ‘Uncountable fod: ane “Alternative treatment Ask to stunts to read the {ovo sontances again and to tell you what cifferences they can se. They might notice the use of paras, ‘numbers, arcs (aan or some) and te students might ‘tice that Jane's fond is uncauntable while hs fod ‘s countable. @ Encourage the students to lookback at Jane and Johts sentences todo this, Remind students that ‘we use an with countable nouns wich begin with a ‘vowel sound, “Answers (Countable nouns: have a singular anda plural, form, can take a/an or a number ‘Uncountable nouns: do not have a plural form, do not take a/an or a number © Aliow the ststonts time to rea the grammar reference section and complete the ttle. “Answers ‘Countable: grape, biscuit, carrot UUncountable: mil, ea, rice Extonsion activity Ask tbe students copy his Countable / uncountable table int tel notebooks and {o 8d al the food acl rink words inthis uri ti If ‘countable / uncountable nouns exist inthe student's ‘own language, encourage them to highight thoso nouns ‘which are ferent in English, eg, bread ts uncountable In English and countable in Spenish {© Read the dialogue asa class and ask the students to ‘demify which words ate in bold. Answers Tany 2some 3 any ‘Altemative treatment Road te cslogue tothe ‘students, practise the pronunciation of the dificult word sounds, ag. iscuts and chocolate and encourage the student 1 ue the corectintnation, Ask the students {o perorm the dialogue in pas. ©O Encourage the students say why the word is ‘wrong. TIMI is uncountable, 2 some = any the [Sentence isin the negative)" Sapele = an ape | (ppt is countable and begins with vowel sound) any = some (he sentences aliomative)_ 5 ate =e eam is uncountable) 6 sendwich ~ Sandwiches Gondtchs 3 counabie nour) | 7jeies = juice (ice is uncountable) C1 Ask the students to read through the complete ‘conversations first and decide whether the nouns in bold are countable (and then singular or plural) or ‘uncountable, Answers 2some Sany some $a Gsome 7some Bany Ssome 102 ‘with a weaker clas, it may be necessary to stop the recording after each answer and check. Recording seript cay tz Boy: Imhungy. Woman: Would yu ihe an app? Boy: Notharks. | dont ke apples. Con have some ‘cheese? Woman: Sor. no. We haver't got any cheese. But there ‘ese biscuits in te cupboard, Boy: Geet have @ becut, posse Git titra. Mor: Theres some mikin the fridge (Git dont Ikemik. Con Rave sore lemonade? Mor: Nowe havent got any lemonade. But hers sone miner waterin he rege. Git OK. Thavea gles ofmineal water @ Encourage the students to write down thelr new ‘conversations first. They can use the food words alven In the exercise or thei own words Extension idew Allow the students time 1 memarise their ew dialogues and pracise saying them. Then invite pars of students ta perfor ther dialogue. Listening Part 5 © Encourage the students to think about things they do at lunettime, after school and during the school haldays ‘Background In some soos inthe UK, students aro taught haw to run home and how to cook. This subject inealled Home Eeonamis. Read through the exam infermation with the students, Ask the students shout what sorts of things {hey may need fo write down inthis part (words, ‘numbers, prices ete) @ do the srs one asa clas. As the students what they will have t write after start tne and ask for possible ‘examples, eg. 2 pm but probably not 11pm because ‘tsa school cb. rmaunet @ Answers food: 3,¢ name: 5, d-number 2, ete: 1, A price: 4 @O Poin out w the smadens that thay will need to ‘spell the name (Question 5) correctly asthe spelling isgiven onthe recording. Allow the students fo listen tothe recording at least wie | Answers a |1345pm 2r00m 135 sbread 442 | srs Yule Recording script co \nax25 "Naw here's ome nfomation about cur new schoo ‘ooking ct wl begin onthe ie of Mare ard wal meet every Monday ure the ene ofthe school term, Ie after shel starting at guar 1a four Yeu ‘spend about an how and eal cooking. you fish by halt pct ve. ‘The ub willbe in room 135, naxtto the ding roon. There |S cooker nthere an everything els you need Yaxteam hon to cook imple dese pizz and pasta, Andi youve ever ware to bake your aw brad yu ean leer howto do there: ‘Suen can pay teen pounds forthe whee tem. or pounds each wack. And youl get eke your fos home ‘with you ‘ur new history teacher Ms Yue, that YUE runing the cb. She's brit cook so seek ther _soon f you went iojonbecause tis cus goingra be ‘very popular end there ren vay many oes! Grammar How much / many, 2 few, a lite, a lot OL Use the photo to pre-teach mushrooms and chilies. Pay the recording at least twice. Once the students have completed the dialogue, ask them to read it again and answer the question about the food Becky needs Answers 2alot 3some 4many Safew Galitle Panwch Sa lot Recording script coy 1aci2s Girt Dec, | want to make a pizza tomereow a te afte school ovokng cb. Dac: Wt do you nee Girt Let's see tomatoes Dad: How my tmstes 6 you need? @ ons Git Ines quite alt! About eight, think. Anat need feng mustroors and som ofies Dad: Chiles? Are you sure? How many? Git: usaf cies. dont wan te paze tobe oo hat Dac: OX. ark you wi eed alla chess os wel. o putontep. Gert. Yes, good dee. How much cheese wil need? Dad: You ont need alot Azout 50 rans | think @ Answers Becky’ needs a ot of tomatoes (1), afew chilis (6) and not lot of theese (6). Altonative treatment ‘The students cover the conversation nok at the photos and say what tree pictures Booy wil need, +The student stan again and read the conversation * Inpairs,te students complete the conversation with the words given Extonsion activity Students undetine the countable {od nouns and cle the uncourtale food nouns. This will help them with Exerise 2. @ Encourage the students tolook back atthe ‘conversation and look at which expressions go with cues and tomatoes (countable) and which expressions go with cheese (uncountable Answers countable 2 uncountable 3 countable ‘uncountable $ countable and wncourtable {in any order) @ Encourage the students to justify their answers eg, 1 1s many because brothers countable. Pot out that ‘hone (Question 4) means not any and iis used with ‘ath countable and uncountable nuns, Answers ] Talot 2much, litle 8 many, A few 44 imuch, None $ many, afew ‘Extonsion idea Books closed. Read ou the mini- tdsiogues again wihout the quantifiers. Encourage the stunts to provide the correct word e.g. How BEEP” ‘raters have you gor? © check tnat the students know how to form questions with eat and drink, eg How much fat do you eat? “How many bottles of water do you drink? Read through, the examples and point out that quite is used with a loc and itmeans a litle ess than alt. Suggested answers Flow many Books have you got A few. ow much music have you got? A la ow much fruit do you eat? A lot | How many biscuits do you at A few How much chocolate do you eat? None. | ow much mitk do you drink None. How many botls of water do you drink! A fe | How much tea do you drink None Remind the students to make note of their partner's “answers in the table. Provide an example fr how ihe students can report back othe las, pointing ft that if the answer is one, they need to use the hegatve form of the ver, Suggested answer ‘My partner ha gota few books and alt of music. Heeate a lot of fruit and a few biscuits but he doesn't eat any chocolate. He doesn't drink any ‘milk or tea bute cris a fw botles of wate. Vocabulary Food phrases ‘As a warmer Revive the times of the day andthe names ‘ofthe meals. In pais the student take tums to ask and answer questions about the times they eat What te do {you have breakfast /lunch/climer? and thee favourite ‘meal Whats your favourte mea? In Exercise 4, they wl tlk bout what they have for breakfast. © | suggested answer | raltke to eat cereal and toast and I like to drink juice Alternative treatment in prs, students take tums to ask and answer the questions; Wat woud you tke fo (a0? What would you ike to chink? QO Point ou thatthe stents will listen tthe three people in oder. Answers Becky eggs. milk and cheese ‘Tina: toast, cereal, coffee Mark: frit, mineral water, cereal Recording seript co tisk2s Mari Becky. whet do you usualy have for reeks? Becky: {haves ols of milk andsome eons Man: How many eggs do you rave? Becky: Two usualy Ad sometines a plece of sees Man: Tia, what do you usualyhave for brooks Tina! | sal have sce oftast ends bow of cata ‘Man: Ando eink? Tina: Colle ‘Mar: Hew many cups? Tina: stone. ‘Man: Mark, how mich coffee do you dink at reakst? ‘Mark: None. dont érk cafe. have eat breaklast. ‘Man: What do you usualy ea? ‘Mare A plat of fu and abot of nwa water ‘Sometimes mam buys «box of esa sd have ool ofthat 0 © Peint out to the students that they need to identify the container + food/drink words in the picture and net just write down possible combinations. They will do ‘this n the second part ofthe exercise. ‘Answers ‘cup of coffee, a plate of meat, a bow of frult, a box of cereal, slice of bread, a plece of cake, a can ef cola, a glass of milk, a bottle of water More possible word phrases are: a cup of tea or nik; 2 plate of brea, toast, biscuits, fruit orice cream; a bow! of cereal, water (or an animal), soup {oF ce cream: a ox of coffe, tea or biscuits (NOT nik or range juice ~ we use carton’); a sie of toast, men, ie cream or cake; a piece of bread, toast, rut or meat; a glass of orange juice, cola or water, a bottle of orange juice, cola or milk Extension idea Students iste to the recorcing aga in Exercise 2 and wit down the food phrases they nes @ Encourage the students to use the question What ‘do you usually have fr breakfast! and the new word phrases Extonsion idea Students also ask questions about ‘what they have at diferent times ofthe day. eg. What do {yu havea break /for lunch / ater schoo! / fer dinner / ‘efore you go 0 bed? Writing Part 7 Read through te exam information and highlight that the eaens canon wre one word (ntact 0g furtare two word) and ths oe wor mst be ape correct @ Point out that although the answer is in the ittrcton, ‘Complete thes ltr students should Blvaye read though the tents it belre wing 3 ronment © laters Answers verb 2.quantifier 3 ver> 4 verb 5 verb verb 7 preposition 8 pronoun 9 preposition 10 question word @ Make sute the siudents spell the words correctly. Answers a | like’ 2few 3.are abe S have/need 6 drink |7of sme 9far 10 What “Alternative treatment With weaker les. 09d the Jeter out withthe answers while the students ust tn. Then f necessary. write the answors onthe board Ina diferent order Speaking Part 2 Read hough the eam Infomation a cas (© ering the students that in this pact ofthe Speaking Paper, one student will have the information eard and the other student will have some question prompts and NOT complete questions. Answers 25 3B 4F sc 6D ‘Alternative treatment With a songer class, write the {answers A-Fon the board With books elsed, vite the ‘students o provide the questions. @ With a monolingual class, ask the students forthe translation in thei own language, 2who Swhere Show Show J Extension idea Encourage the students to write ‘example questions ad answers for each rule, eg. TIME: Whacuine does schoo! start starsat 9 am When is Inet ns at 1230 pm. © ti necessary, revise present simple questions, ia particular word order before the stents do this fevercse. Question 4 is an example ofa subject ‘question with who it doesn" need the auxiliary do Answers 12 What time does the lesson start a3 How much does it cos e 4 Who teaches the dass? ¢ 5 When is your birthday? b 6 What day is the competition? f Extension idea Challenge te students in teams to think ofthe or four neve questions for each one by ‘ther changing the noun or the verb 92 What dine ‘des the fancy ces party start? Wht tine does the Iesson fini? te @® vows @ Allow the Student As time to compete the role- cards and Student time to write questions. Make sure the studens complete thelr ole-cards with appropeiate information. Remind the students that in the Speaking paper. although the students will have to form thelr own questions rom prompts, they won have to complete the role-cad fr themselves, | Suggested answers Student A Where: Truman High Schoo! Day: Thursday Time: 330 pm Prize: £100 Cost: £2 10 enter Student B Where isthe competion? What day is Itt What time does it start? What’ the prize? How such does it ost? ‘Alternative treatment Fist. Student As work together to complete the role card and Student Bs work together to write complete questions. Extonsion idea 1 The sudents swap oles (Student A is now Student Band vice vers) and they do the activy agsin, ‘Extension idea 2 Encourage the steno bring Inleaflets and ivormation about cerent clubs and actives happening i thar schoo or where the ive In pairs. they can ask and answer the questions ths soeton about those clubs and acts Unit 3 photocopiable activity: What's in your fridge? 1: Objectives: ‘© To:eview food and drink vocabulary © To practise asking and answering questions with a/are some, any, afew, ite and alot and countable and uncountable nouns. Before class ‘Make enough copies ofthe grids foreach student Incase ten the ciass that they are going to play Whar's (a your fridge, whieh isa variation onthe game Battleships. Ask the class it ey play this game in thee country. (eg, “hundir la flo” Spanish) @cive each student a copy ofthe feidges and ask them to read the rules (@ Ech student should deaw the food on their fridge ‘They can decide how much they have, eg. they can have two cans of cola, thre betes of water et On paits, the students take turns to ask and answer ‘question about their fridges. Encourage them to use {ull anawers with a/an, some, afew, lle ad alot of Unit 3 photocopiable activity What's in your fridge? Rules 1 2) 3 4 T/)Choose six items of food and drink. Brae them in your — fridge 2 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions aout your fridge: A: Have you go any food or drink tn 832 1B: Yes, ve goa tle cheese in B3, there ay food or drinkin ale # A: No, there isnt any food or drink in A '3- rave your partners fod in ther fridge or SJ = no food. 44 The winner isthe fst person to find all heir partner's food c Bec Your fridge Your partners fridge 1 2 a 4 1 2 a 4 A Sf al | Complete Koo Schoey Ee Hyco 8 Cntr UnvsyPes 3 SIE) Word list Unit 3 "Not: the numbers shaw which page the word or phrase fist appears inthe unt agree v (28) wo say you will do something that someone asks you to do, ‘bacon (26) meat from a pig cut nto long thin slices bbarn 22) a substance that has been made into a solid, rectangular shape bottler (25) container for liquids, usually made of 11a or plastic, witha narrow top burger (22) meat ina round, flat shape, that you eat between bread can (24) a metal container for fond or liquids carrot 1 (24 long, thin, orange vegetable that grows in the ground ‘colebrationn (2) chon you celebrate ‘cereal (26) food that is made from grain and eaten ‘with milk, especially inthe morning ‘chicken (2) the meat ofa chicken ‘hie 25) a small, thin, red or green vegetable that is added to food in order to make t hot and spi desert v (23) to say what somcone ox something is like dish 2 23) a container fr food that you eat from and nak fod in doughnut x (2) 2 small, round, fied cake ‘rape (28) 2 siall, round frat that grows i ange froups and is used to make wine headteacher 1 (25) the person in charge of 2 schol healthy ad) (22) g00d for your health ‘hobby n 23) an activity that you like and often do when you are not working hope v (26) to want something o happen or be true Aemon (24) an oval, yellow fruit that has sou julce emonadle (23) a cold drink that tastes of lemon lovely ac) (23) very attractive ‘mineral water n (23) water which is taken from the round ‘mushroom 1 (25) a type of fungus (~ organism lke a plant with a short stem and around top, some types of ‘which can be eaten ‘onion (28) around vegetable with layers that has 2 strong tase and smell plece n (23) an amount of something, ora part of something prefer v (23) co like someone or something more than another person or thing pre n (27) something valuable that s given to someone ‘who wins a competion sausage n (26) a mixture of meat and spices pressed into a long tube ‘Slice » (26) an amount of something, ora part of something ‘special a (22) better or more important than usa things thirsty adj (24) wanting or needing a drink toast » (26) bread that has been heated to make it brown Complete Key or Sshoos nea Haysonan © Conger ess 2 TT ‘Unit 1 ‘¢ Topics: clothes and shopping 4¢ Listening Part 2: choosing the correct answer from ‘io possible answers ‘¢ Reading Part 5: linking wor’ ‘© Speaking Part 2: listening ro the examiner's ‘¢ Writing Part 9: punctuation and capital letters ‘© Grammar: present continuovs and present simple, too and enough {2 Vocabulary clothes. shops Starting off (Ara warmer loa bri tics on sicepira r Clothes ty aking Where do yo usb yore? Hove you pote out obthar phe sens val Conte taking abot spp or ces ree © check that the students understand the meaning of ‘market. shop and department stove by asking whether they have these places wehere they live Answers 1 market: €_ shop: A department store: 8 @ answers Db boots 7 dress 6d hat 5 e jacket 3, jeans, ‘gshiet 2, b shoes 4, ainets 1, jtrusers 1, K sweater © check he students undetsand the questions. With a strong class, encourage the students to answer with complete sentences but accept single word ansivers {rom weaker students, Monitor carefully and provide extra vocabulary if necessary ‘Suggested answers (Stronger answers in brackets) 1 {go shopping for clothes) every weekend. Yes, (Uke it because 1 ike buying new things) 2.) Arthe weekend {usually wear jeans and | ainers. bj Tusually wear a uniform at school. | ©) Lusuaiy wear jeans at home | | 3 He's wearing a shirt, jeans and shoes. | Unit 4 \You look great! Listening Part 2 © Check that students understand that fancy dress is costume is nol smart clothes fora party ara Special itt fora special occasion °g you don't ‘wear fancy dress ata wedding ‘Background inthe UK itis quite common to have fancy res parts to celebrate rte. the end af school year the opening of anew cinema, cso, shopping centre (Prizes re sometimes given forthe best cosumes. susgsed answers Tae boy in the eu and jens People wer fancy Tpesia my say toe Cantal lee tloween Extonsion idea Ask the students to wite down the ‘names ol the clothes inthe cartoon, © Encourage the pairs to use the questions What are you wearing! or Are you wearing jeans? ©O Astethe students to look atthe exam question Jn xereise 4, as you read through the exam ‘information. his wil help them to understand the ‘formation, Check the stadents understand the ‘meaning ofthe clones (A-H) before they isin, | Answers | Dress and hat are mentioned, Sam is wearing a hat Recording script cor incizs Sam Hi Sue Nice dress. Are you having fare ‘ue: Hi Sam Yes, an love your fancy ess parts. Thats great hat! Same Thanks ©O Remind the students tha they will hear the ames ofthe people in the same order as in the exercise. Once they have found an answer, they ‘should eros i ut. may be necessary to ply the recording several imes, perhaps stopping ater the answer is given, Answers You took great! @) Recording script co 17x27 ‘Sam: Hi Sue Nie dress. Are you having ure ‘Sue: Hi San. es, lam. love your ancy cess parti, Thats great! Sam: Thanks Hee you seen Les? Sue: Ise wearing ast and ve 2s us? Sam: Not tonight He's pot is te’ Hue his on He's came ss Superman! ‘Sue: | dori beloe it Lock that Anyi the ylow dress? ‘Sem: conthink so. Any/s come a # cowboy she's ‘wearing ans apd one of her brother’ shits ‘Sue: Oh right ~ and ter's Dri. He oaks lke bea rate with that a carton his hod. That bit ferent his .sualjsans and si. But why sn. he wearng bool? rates cys wesr boots, ‘Som: Maybe he hon got ar think Debbie looks fantastic a Lay Goge Sve: Hm. The dss emacing but her shoes ae t high. Theyre dangerous! ‘Sam: And therés Tory over the ~ wy doesnt he ake that big coat offs0 we can see wht hes weaning? ‘Sue: Oh, Tony's nt wearing fany ress. Ho aways reses ke that Grammar Present continuous and present simple © Encourage the students to read the complete ‘conversatfon first and eheck they understand the context by asking Where's David? Whar he tuoaring? Before the stems focus on the ver’ forms ‘make sure they know how to recognise a present eontiauous verb form an 3 present simple vr form. Answers Undestne is having, ae you wearing, ‘m wearing Circle: has, love Attomative treatment * As abow, the students read through the complete ‘conversation quay. Check that they have understood the context esd out the conersaton as class and tl the “students what vesbs (e.g. faving) to undertine and what to circle (as) BUT dont them why. © Invite the stunts to axplsin wiry some verbs are tndeined (present continuous) and others are led (present simp) @ Print out thatthe students will need 0 ead the conversation again to answer these question, Answers iT 2F aT at @ ums Extension idea Encourage the students to keep a Ist of state verbs (verbs which are used inthe present Continucus in their notebooks. @ Refer the students to the grammar reference section ‘on page 35 and highlight the form of the present Answers Lis playing 2 don't usually wear 3 Do you know rehaving Som understand. 6 shaving @ Allow the students enough me to write the ‘questions and answers before they start speaking. Remind students that in he present continuous, the short answer is Yes, amv and NOT Yes, wearin of Yes wearing, Suggested answers 2 Does your da often wear jeans? No, he doesn’, 3 Are you enjoying this exercise? Yes, Iam. or Do you enjoy doing exercises! Yes, do. 4 What time do you usualy goto be usualy go | to bed at 10pm, 5 What are you thinking about atthe moment! Fin thinking about my lunch, {6 What is the teacher doing now She's writing on the boar, Extonsion idea Ask the stusens 0 look athe ‘questions again and to underine the time adverbs: usualy ody. often, atthe moment. ght now. Ask them whether we normally use thes with the prsont ontsus or simple. Encourage the student to keep & list of adverbs whch go withthe present continuous and those wich go withthe present simple. Vocabulary Adjectives © check thatthe stents understand the meaning of fe any mice ‘Answers expensive ~ cheap, short new = old, small Tange long, dirty - dean, © answers 2old Ssmall 4dinty S dark Gexpensive Extonsion idea Ask the swsdens to say te opposite of each adjective. ‘Altorative treatment As the student tooo at he pictures rst (without reading the sentenced) and to ‘escrive what they can seein each one. @ Brainstorm alist ofebjects inthe class frst. This may ‘bea good opportunity to revise some ofthe recently Tearat clothes and frniture vocabulary. Suggested answers ‘My chalr I small My desk sity. ve got new trainers. My partner is wearing dark jeans Extension iden in pir students havot guess the object ‘stn thinking ofan cbject. 8: ist smate AN tient seb? Mas, tis fe write? A Yoo tis Is tthe tacher’ table? Pronunciation Aland fit © 1 Students often find it difficult to distinguish between these two sounds, fnacessary, you should repeat the sentence yourself, emphasising the short and the longer “Answer sisters | 2 Recording script ora My big ster’ jens are clean OO Say these words several times to the students emphasising the short! and the longer Encourage the students 1 repeat the words afer ‘you. Pot ou that they should Took atthe sound ‘wnderined only. Tanwers an recording srgt_GD won Wig ares ehe pt ts ‘ihn se hap hl Reading Part 5 Asa warmer Brainstorm ait of superberoes and encourage a very bie ciscussion on their superheroes tse © Encourage the students to give complete answers, eg. He's wearing red boots tather than red boos. Suggested answers 1 Spiderman, Superman and Batman, | 23 Spiderman is wearing a tight blue and red ‘bdyeuis Superman fs wearing ared cape and a_| hie shir with an’ on i; Batman fs wearing 8 back sult black eape and a mask over his lee. @ cheek that students know what ‘linking words are ‘by abking for examples. “Answers th 2a ad 4e Alternative treatment ‘= White the four sentences (1-8) on the boar vt the liking word. + Ask the students to complete the sentences with @ ‘aitabie word + Ask what these words hae in common hey ‘connecting sentences) + Ask questions about these words, ¢9. Which word tals us why? (oocause) Which word gies us opposite Inforration? (ou et © tt appropriate, demonstrate these words by asking Individual students to put on oe take off a iter of clothing. e.g Marta: Takeoff your sweater Jon: Pur ‘on your coat Preseach enpe and mask. Encourage the Students to describe Picture 228 fully as posible. Suggested answers HOS taking off his jeans, sweatshirt and trainers, os putting an seme tighs,ared cape anda black mask {@ kead through the exam information with the cass Point out that in both Parts 5 and ? they have to ‘complete a short text. However, in Pat they have to choose the correct answer, whereas in Part 7 they have to provide the answer Answers | ajo @ Encourage the students to think of the correct answer before they read the options A, B and C Answers 14 2B 3C 4C SB 6A 7A 8C ‘Extension idea Dung a subsoquent clas, ask th ‘students to ty to complet again without looking at the answers. Grammar foo and enough ©O check thatthe students undersiand the meaning ‘of shop assistant and party shop. Answers Temall 2 big Atwornative treatmant Ask he students to ead through the calogue look at the pictures In Eercse 2 and preict possible answers. Then listen and check. roo ok eat @ Recording script co 1 tack Git Oh ear | tinkthishatisio0 smal Man: Youre rig stb enough © Answer 5 © Answers WA, the hat isto big Isn't small enough. Alternative treatment The students do ths exercise fatter they have looked atthe rules in Exercise 4 hte sentences with too ion in Exercise | fies stand the meaning of Answers before: ator Extonsion idea Point out the diference between t00 and very by aking the students to compare these two sentences 8) These shoes ae foo smal. cat wear them to the ary. 12) Those shoes are vry smal but can wear than tothe ary. © check tho the students understand the meaning of fl, fas and hea. Remind the studenis about word forder. Refer them back to Exercise 4 if necessary. “Answers: * Zold enough 3 too heavy 4 fast enough St00 expensive 6 clean enough Extonsion idea Ask to students to say what the opposites are of colt fst and hea. @ introduce some useful phrases for ths exercise first, 2g, Let's by ., Why dont we buy? I don’ agre, £ td hin oo ete. and make sute the students know the meaning of horse and motorbike Suggested answers Student A: Let's buy 2 bananal Student B: No, 2 banana is too small | Student A: Le’ buy a motorbike! Student B: No, Peer in old enough | Student A: Le’ buy 2 house! | Student B: No, 2 house i too expensive | © ves Vocabulary Shops ‘Asa warmer Ask he studons to think ofa shopping street or centr where they lve and ir to name al the shops there. Encourage them to use the typeof shop (29. Dookshop, clothes shop et) rather than the actual name (eg. Zara, MeDona's ete). Ask the students to say what things they can see in e ‘the photos first. “Answers ‘A depariment store B supermarket Dehemist C bookshop Extonsion dea lnite bret ciscusion about whether ‘hess shops are inthe students town, @ Encourage the students to think of at least three more ‘words foreach photo. Suggested answers ] ‘A jeans a table, shoes B biscuit, cheese, a can of ela ‘C magazines, diaries, posters D toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush @ Encourage the pairs to use the two questions in the {structions to ask about ll four places in Exercise 1 ‘They should also answer in complete sentences. ‘Suggested answers ] 11 Sometimes go to a bookshop. | usually buy books for schoo. 2 often go the chemist. usally buy shampoo, 131g to the supermarket every Saturday. We buy | ‘ir food there 4 We sometimes go tthe department sore, We sometimes buy Our shoes there Extansion idea Write these questions on the board for fest rahe 1 Whats your favourite shop in your ton? Why? Where |s te What do you usualy buy there? 2 What yout leas fevourte shop in your town? Why? Whereis it? Speaking Part 2 Read through the exam information with the clas. Alternative treatment Books closed, Ask te students f they can raomber what they have to de in this part ofthe Specking Test. Encourage ther to check their answers with the exam infermation ven. © Facourage the students to read through the Instructions first and try to predict hat the missing words ae. Point out that these are the real Instructions that the Speaking Test examiner will give Answers ] Tpart 2 information 3 know 4 help | S understand ‘Alternative treatment With a weaker class wit the rissing words en the board inthe wrong order. Recording script co: tees: "Man: ne next pa you" going t ako each thes Moree bere’ som ofrmaticn about seston Shove Maria you dont know nytingsbout he ‘aahion show 80 ask Marea seme questions about Use these werd ta help you, Ooyou undessine? @ Read trough the advertisement asa class and help with any new vocabulary, 6g, fahion show, designs land designer, shopping contre an tickets. Suggested answers 1 Where isthe fashion show? 2 Who isthe designer? | 5 Wha day itt 4 What time does i finish '5 How much ist / How much does i ost? [6s there any food? / Can 1 buy food there? ©O) stodents should correct their questions where recessiry Answers (on recording) ] 11 What day isthe fashion show? | 2 Whereis itt 3 Who isthe designes? ‘4 What time does it inisht 5 1s there any food? {6 How much fs it? Extension idea In pairs the students tke turns to ask ‘and answor the questons about the Fashion Show. Recording script cos axkse Girt haa ie shin show Boy: ison Saucy, ah Sit were it? Boy. Kar Wee Shorig Cone 4 Boy: Alle clothes are signed by student a StHenrys, Gir: Wha tme des tis? Boy. Itfrishes a3 Girt isthe any food? Boy: Yes, there's acaéthatslscinks ad sancwehes Gir: How much i? Boy: The tickets ae four pounds Girt Thankyou Allow the students some time to think about thelr ‘questions although you should point out that they vill not be given very much Uiaking time inthe real exam. Encourage the students to give complete answers when they answer the questions. (NB In the teal exam, the students aven't expected to give full answers but they will reate 2 beter impression if they do) ‘Suggested answers 1 Where si I’ inthe Cartoon Museum, | 2Isitopan on Sunday? No, i iu, 3 Isic expensive! Na, isnt,’ re. ‘4 What an I see? You can see Art and Costumes fiom the Usa, '5 Whats the closing imet What time does it love? I elses at 5 pn, Writing Part 9 Read through the exam advice asa class and explain that capitalisation i using a capital eter. ‘Altornative treatment * Whit he following sentonce a the bosrd: ‘im wearing an american hat (Ym wearing an American hat) + Askathe students to identity typical student mistakes in ‘the sentence (wo capita ters and afl ston) + Point cut that they cou lose mark inthe exam by ‘making these mistakes s0 they should elveys chock their work bafoe they finish, Extension idea Encourage the students to keep ait of thei own typical mistakes. ©) Answers 1 with people's names: Suzi, ula, Sally 2 with names of paces: Landon 3 with countries: America 44 at the star ofa sentence: Hi, Do you want. tm looking». Her birthday, Her parents, | 5 with days Saturday 6 with months: Marek You bok gent’ @ Extonsion idea tnvite a bie discussion on whother ‘these rls for capital etors are the same inthe student ov language @ Encourage the students to read the message through first before they start t correct tt may help tl them there are nine mistakes with capital letters and three missing ful stops. fant | ein | ‘mm in macy's Macy's department store in tow) | mm with my rend sally Salsbe She's looking fora new pair of shoes and Fm Im helping hi oveLove ‘seri Suzi @ Ask the students to read the instructions carefully {and cheek that they have understood by asking: Whar ‘re they doing? (hopping) Where? (in town) Who ‘ute (friend) Who are they writing to? (mum) and to say what thre things they need io writen thei owen newer where are you, who are you with? and what ‘are you dong tee? Voint out that Suzt's message Exerlse2is in acta medel answer for thls question Focus on how Suzi begins and ends her message: Hi Julia and Love Suzi and encourage the students to do the same. Remind the students te cheek thee work before they hand it in, especially their full tops and pital eters Model answer HiMun, min a bookshop in town, I'm with my friend larry. Hes looking fora present fr his dad's Diethdsy and I'm helping hin. | Love | eas Unit 4 photocopiable activity: 'd like some information, please ‘Objectives: ‘© To evlew clothes and adjective vocabulary and 100 J enough ‘© To practise asking and answering questions {© To give practice inthe Speaking Part 2 Before class ake enough copies ofthe information grid for ll the Student As, Make enough copies ofthe role-cards so that Student Bs have one ole card exch, In class @ et the students that they are going to take turns to ask for information about fou different activites, @ Divide the class into Stent As and Student Bs 8} Give the Stent As the information grids, Tell them that they will have to stand up and visit the four activites an their grids. They will noed to ask ‘questions and compete the inforinaton 1 Give each Student B one of the roles. Tell them they should stay in their seats and wait fora Student & to approach and ask questions, © Allow the class about 10 minutes to complete this exercise. tn small groups (mix As with Bs), the students look at the information on the grids and decide what they are going to co together on Saturday. Encourage them to Use te clothes and adjective vocabulary from Ualt 4 and wo / enous. eg. [A: What about the Saturday Club? B: No it stars too earl on Saturday afternoon and it's too expensive. What do you think? @ cis feedback: each group should tll the whole class ‘what hey are going to do together on Saturday and why. (Cty Market: 1 Where? City centre carpark _2 When? Saturday 3 What time! 9.30 am —4.30 pm 4 How mucht | Free 5 Anything else Music from Toms jazz | band at | tom, | Saturday Club: 1 Where? Jack's Café 2 Whent Saturday 3 What timet 10 am ~ 1 pm or 3.18 pm ~ 615 pm 4 How much! £10 5 Anything else Contact Kelly fon 7234655 Film Exhibition: 1 Where? City Museum 2 When? Tuesday Saturday 3 What time 9.5 am ~ 545 pit ‘How much! 16s and aver: £8, under 168 £5 5 Anything else Free i you're wearing a film Street Party: 1 Where? Lake Road 2 When Saturday 3 What time! 6.30 pm 8 pm 4 How much? ‘Adulis £3.50, students €2 "5 Anything elset Prizes for est costumes Unit 4 photocopiable activity I'd like some information, please! sadn A ‘oware looking for something to do on Saturday afternoon, Vist these places and complete the information below. iy Market Saturday Chib [Film Exhibition | Sret Party 1 Wheret 2 Whent ‘ity Market Saturday Club | City Market in the SPECIAL! Learn to city centre car park. make your own clothes. Cheap fashion for all the Saturday 10 am - 1 pm or family. 3.15 pm ~ 6.15 pm (ack's Saturday 9.30 am ~ 430 Cale) pm. (Entrance free) 220 (includes everything Music from Tom's jazz you need), band atl pm, Contact Kelly on 723 4655 Film Exhibition ‘Street Party m Don't miss this great ‘We're having a Street exhibition: Party on Lake Road! Objects and costumes Saturday 6.30 am ~ 8 pm from your favourite films. Prizes for the City Museum: best costumes. Tuesday ~ Saturday ‘Adults £3.50. 9.15 am ~ $45 pm, 165 and over: £8, Under 168 £5 (ree i you're wearing a costume from a film) Students £2. Complete Ky fr chy ina Hes 8 Cnbreoe ey Pe STE” @) Word list Unit 4 Note: the numbers show which page the word or phrase fist appears in the uni, ‘bolt x (28) 2 thin pice of leather or plastic that you wear around the mide ot your body bookshop 1 (32) a shop that sells books ‘boots n(28) 3 type of shoe that covers the foot and the lower part of the leg building » (30) a structute with walls anda roof such as «a house a factory, or the business of making these chemist (32) someone who prepares ad sells drugs in shop limb v (30) 1 go up something ‘comic (30) a magazine with stories old in pietures concert (30) performance of muse and singing ‘costume (29) all the elothes that you wear atthe same UUme, usually special clothes cowboy 1 (28) a man whose jab isto lok after cows in {he US, and who rides a horse ‘department store (32) a large shop wich gels, Alffereat types of things . slirty adj (0) not clean ‘exercise 1 (29) 2 pce of writen work that helps you learn something ‘exhibition 33) when things such as paintings are shown to the public fancy dress 1 (2) special clothes that people wear for party, which make them look lke a diferent person fashion x (32) a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, et hate v9) to dislike someone or something very much heavy ac (32) heavy objects weigh @ ot large aj (30) big ‘market (28) a place where people goto buy or sell ‘things often outside ‘motorbike (32) a vehicle with two wheels and an engine pirate n (23) someone who attacks ships and steals rom them ‘quickly adv (31) fast orn a short time ‘save (31) 0 stop someone or something from being Kelle of destroyed scarf n 29) a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck or head to keep warm or for decoration ‘ck (30) something that you wear on your foot inside your soe ‘sweater 1 (28) a warm piece of clothing which covers the top of your body and is pulled on over your head. ‘take off v (31) to remove something, especially clothes ‘on (29) along thin plece of cloth that a man wears around his neck with 2 shirt tights 1 29) apiece of womens clothing made of very thin material that covers the legs and bottom Arainers n 28) shoes made specially fr doing sport win v (31) 1 get the most paints oF succeed in 3 competition, fight or war @ compete Key fr Sooke Ena Hoymen © Cantos Unies Fes: 20 TT PROGRESS TEST Units3-4 Grammar circle te correct wor. ave you got some /GP a brothers or sites? 1 Would you tke a/an any apie? 2 Wehaven' got any / some /a milk. 2 There's a any / some bread onthe able 4 How many / much /any cans of lemonade do you dina dye We cant make pizza, We've oaly go alto ie afew Cees. @ Weite complete sentences inthe present simple or Pretent continuous © We / usually / do / our homework together / but today / we / do ale. ie seen de emenert. eget, bat fedny mee dang. i alone. 11 /lewe/yoursboes / but /1/ no ie / Ss ots. 2 Greg /have /a pary /now / but /1/ not have / un, 3 My sister / often / wear / Jeans atthe weekend / but / she / not wear / dresses. 4 1/ sometimes / write / emails / and now /1/ write / an emall/to my cousin, 5 My mum / not cook the dinner today / because my dad / usually / make / pizza on Friday © complete the conversation using (00 or enough; the adjectives in brackets and a form of be. William: Mum! Where are you? ‘Mum; rim. the garden but (0). 'st9".¢4, cody tse now. William: Are you reeding? Mum: No, 'm not. It’ late and it a ‘ghd ‘William: Can I wear these jeans? Mum: No, you can't. They @) (Gin), Why dont you wear your biack onest \wittiam: 08 a0, they 3) (mal. cant ot the disco? Mum: No, you can". You (@) oa) William: What about the cinema? Can I go? Mum: No, you cant. I (5) (expensive) Vocabulary (© compete these words with the missing vowels ‘Ten write Food) oD fink wf: ° a mined Wis aS “ng bac © compete he sentences wih the words below. can bottle cup slice box bow! ai My teacher always asa. rt H..of mineral outer on her desk 1 My dad aways has a 2 When its cold, we often have a for luneh, 3 Have you gota 4 Tusually have a trom school 5 There ent a ° 1 A a ‘ 5 of tea for breakfast son Of SOUP of cola in the fidget “of toast then I get home of biscuits in the ewpboare, @ Read the descriptions of some clothes and write the ‘word, Ong ga et on 1 You wet these shoes od spon 4: Romenwea pies and wen 4 ar ananes roe ae ‘Conplote Koyo Schl Hdran © Conve UnerstyPes 2 EINE ) Unit 5 |She’s the winner Unit objectives © Topics: sports 4 Listening Part Is understanding prices ‘© Reading Part 3a: thinking about where the conversation is happening and possible answers. © speaking Part 1: answering questions abot things you like with complete sentences, ‘© Writing Part 6: fading and choosing the correct information © Grammar: comparatives and superlatives, prepositions of time at, in, om ‘© Vocabulary: do / play / go with sports atonalites Starting off Asawarmor "ooks cose, Inte brief decusson an the Ome ‘ow ofen are the? Whon and where vere est ‘Ohmaes? When and wheel the next Opes be? ‘Than change the student to nae on Oye sports. + Books opan The students read the rmaton about the Youth Olympic Games ond compare tiem wth the Ojmpce. They shoud ry to td to diferncee and one sai 5 ‘Background The Youth Olympics started in 2010 whereas the fist modem Olympics were in Athans, Greece in 1805. ‘The Youth Olympics are for young people aged 14-18 wile for the Olympes, the age int depends on the spor. Some sports have minimum age limits. eg. 18 for ing oF 16 for ‘ymnasics and some sports have maximum lini, en {ootbal al the players excop thre) must be under 23. The ‘events ae similar because they happen evry four years @ Excourage the students to name the sports without ooking at the words Answers 7 Yeycling 2.gymnastics 3 judo 4 table tennis STooiball G basketball 7 badminton QO Astetne students to read the information and ta Dredit the missing information before they listen, Point out that Xuan is 3 gi “Answers most popular spor: table tennis favoutite sport: badminton @ vos Recording script co rocks0 [Mant Xuan, where ae you for? Get: (mean China ‘Man: What soarts ae poplin your country? Git We playa lot of sports table tennis the most oul: ‘Manz Whats your ovourte sport? Get Like badminton Extension idea Students produce information fai-les about ther favourite sportspeople. They should incite lustraions or photos © Biicit some questions from the students, eg, Whar's your favourite sport? Why do you Uke i? Do yon ike cyt et ‘Suggesied answers ‘Av What's your favourite sport? B ike Footbal. A. Why do you Tike it B_ Because I play it with my fiends, Reading Part 3a Remind the students what they have todo inthis part. Read through the exam advice and eheck the stents have understood by asking: What's the best way todo ‘the Reading Part 3a? (Read the question and think about here the conversation is happening. Then ty to think fof tae answer without looking at the options © Encourage the students to undesine the information ‘whieh tells them where the conversation is happening “Answers 1b 24 3f 42 Se Ge © Suggested answers 1s at the end ofthis street 2 Where do you want to got 3 Telt mine at home, 41 cheek for you. S enjoyed i 6 Yes. Who's speaking? ‘Alternative treatment With a stronger group, students ‘tke tens to sik nd answor 1-6 a Execise 1. The ‘student who answers hast improvise a reply. @ Remind the students to do this without looking atthe tee options, Suggested answers 1 Ata football match. 2.At school talking about 9 nev teacher. 3 Walking o sports centre. 4 AL ‘home, making plans. 5 In asports shop / shoe shop. @ Encourage the students to choose the answer which is ‘most similar to thelr predietion in Exercise 3 Answers lic"ac an 4c sa Extonsion idea Students look at the Incorect ations and ty to think of suitable questons or sentences for Grammar Comparatives and superiatives @ Encourage the students to ask and answer these ‘questions in pais @C> bet the sense, ake oak at the carton and say wha they ow about Cha and Sal cls lve athe td Sali loves oo, Check thatthe students understand the meaning ofthe ats Eheorae este ite tothe cpl caatbn ese bears icy oat comping Zbest a faster 4 iteresting § harder 6 popular 7 cooler Recording script co tosis Chri Why cl you ke football 20 much? Baskets bate. No tir. Footbal isthe past gametn the wer Butbestetbel is tster and more extn. Youre icking! Footbal isa much more interesting gare than basket Ha ha Wty do soma fetal gas fish 0-0? Because scoring a Gols aa in oobal tran in basketball ‘nbaskatbal hey oan acre mate han 0 pints inonegaret "Yes, ut footballs the most papular game inthe woe | donituncerstand wy Basketballs cooks. Saly: Orvis: Saly: Cri: Sally: nn Sal crv Extension idea Students ston othe clalogue again and repeat it @ Look at the diagram together and decide which picture compares one sport another and which Dieture compares one sport all others, Then ask the ‘students to highligh the seven adjectives in Exercise 2 anid decide what they compare. | Answers [ener one oerspot 134.5,7 ove sport taal ober sports 2.6 @ encourage the students to look atthe labels ‘comparative’ and ‘cupertatve' in the diagram to do nis | Answers 7] Teomparatves 2 supedatives @ O ook ase grammar reference scion fist Focus on how we for the comparative and superaive adjectives, the speling ofthese adjectives and the other words (bigger than and the bes) we eed to us, ‘Answers 2 gli s easier to lear than Chine, 53 Amanda has the most beautiful eyes 4 children’ tickets are eheaper than adults '5 I think this the bes hotel in the cy | 6 aario isthe slowest runner in the clas. | Alternative treatment With » stronger class, ak the ‘students todo this exereise frst and then to check the answers by using the grammar reference section, Pronunciation schwva © 07 Point oat that the sehwa isa very common vowel sound in English. cis used when the vowel Sound isnot stressed in the sentence (a weak sound) Recording script 00 ross Chris: Basketbo is beta. Sally: Scoring a gol is harder feobal than in besketbal Sally: Footballs th ost popular game int worl O17 Pray the recording two or three times. @ Encourage the students to say these sentences aloud ‘while they do this exercise. I will als help ther if you model the sentence frst sce the winner @) [Answer - [1m faster runner than your brother | 2 Danis a better basketball player than you @ brainstorm ast of adjectives onto the boar first (eg. smal, big fas, low, ft, prety, beauiful, happy. ‘old, young, good, had, interesting, et) Allow the sdent time on their own to complete thelr clue Model the conversation with a strong studert firs. [Sosgeind answers Uy favourite. Me My partner setor Megan Fox Penelope Cruz (erty) bea anger dustin Biber Lay Gaga fod sod sport footall = fennis fost interes school aubect PE nt ierening easy football team Barina Manchester ity good wee show Thesimgsons Mato ofthe Day L funny intersting Vocabulary «io play / go with sports ‘Asa warmer Brainstorm alist of sports Write them on the beard in thee columns according to whathor wo we the ‘ver ply, doo go wt ther, Dat tll the students why yet they wil tl you in Exercise 2 © Look atthe photos fist and ask the students to ‘dentify the sports [Answers 1A 2 3B © Encourage the students to think of the rules for themselves before Ioking st 1-3 Answers a play 2go 30 Extonsion idea i you wrote list of sports on the board in three colurns 2 a warmer sk the students to ell yu which verb (ply. do or ge) you use with each ‘column. © Answers play: baseball, volleyball do: gymnastics, yoga >: running, surfing @© ums Extension idea Encourage tho students to ook back at the Starting off section and ad these sports to their fst. ‘ADDo you go running? B Yes, do. Do you go surfing? A. No, don ‘Extension idea Brainstorm ast of flow up questions: How oft Where? Who .. with? Wy? ete 2nd ‘encourage the students to produce a more complete conversation, 29. Do you gorunning? 18: Yes: dove gong running. ‘A: How often da you go runing? 8:1 usualy go running on Monday and Wednesday. ‘A: Who do you go with? oc Listening Part 1 Read through the exam advie a a cas, Point out that this section wil focus on prices and that these are always given In pounds, {© Poin: ou: tat tne pound symbol (8 goes before the mbes, Encourage the students 0 say these prices aloud Answers 1d 21 3¢ 4b Sa Ge | OK ase students to entity the words inthe pictures: badminio racket, baseball bat and football. Encourage the students to say the prices aloud and then to predict the answer. [answers RTS sp Recording seript co tax» 1 Bor Thebarton reset net Get Tatschep! Woman: Tas ce bathe bat Hon mich wait Boy: £60.50 3 Get Excuse me How much sthisfoatbal Mor: £8, @ Ask the students to look atthe exam questions in Exercise Asie them how many questions there are (five) and what they should de first (Read the ‘question carefully and undertine the key words), Refer them back othe exam advice if necessary. Suggested answers 1 what is Simon doing nose? 2 When will they play tennis? ‘3 What time does Tina's football match stax? 44 Whereis Toms hockey sick? '5 How much did Simon's skateboard cost? © Remind the students that before they listen, they should also lok at the pitures and think about the English words forthe things they see. Do the ist ‘question together asa class to make sure the scents Understand wha they have todo. Go through the answers as a class and make the stadents say the words aloud, in partiular the times and prices as this ‘will help them 0 understand the conversations Suggested answers TA play volleyball, hic a ball estuay 2ASam-12pm Bi2pm-6pm | 6 pm ~10 pm 3 Analf past twelve B quarter past one Chall past one. Another word for start ~ begin “4 Aunder the bed B under the table Con the hack seat ofa car 5.A £99.50 B45 C16. Verbs which mean ‘give ‘money for something ina shop’ ~ pay and buy B watch football, TV ©O Renin the students tha they will hear al three answers on the recording but only one of them, answers the question correctly. Answers TA 2B 3C 4A 5B Recording script. co vecis7 (ne. Whats Simon ding now? Mon: Were Sime? she st watching TV? ‘Woman: Hes playing vba with iin nthe park, Man: He has a teen Monday Why ev he etodying? ‘Woman: |r kraw' phone Fim, Tw. hen wil they ply tennis? Boy: | eat ley tris wth youin the marin, Ive goto guitar lesson. Git: Why dort we play inthe evening? Boy: Thealtecoan ste. isi too busy ten, nd its easer toca cour. Git OK Then yc can came tomy house fo nee atervards ‘Three. What ine does To's fot math start? Girt Doyouwantto ome and watch me payin a ‘ootba match oday? Boy: OK, Tina What tine sail ome? Girt Te.gamebepins at 190, but have tobe there ate, ata cuter past one Can you meet me at inhouse at 12302 Box; _OK.No problem, See you then Four here Ts okey stk? Boy: etn ne my hockey ik anywre ‘Woman: Did you lak tn the oe when you gothore yesterey, Tor? Boy: Tye looked tere Ants not under the ae the ha where it usualy. Woman: | remember now. Kunde Bills hed He was playing wt, Five. How much i he boy's skateboard cas? Boy. Linen ssf aound.n this. new-skstehna Girt Mine was moe expensive than hat, Sion, My dot paid riety nine pours ity or Boy: Therewas ofr steen pounds, but Rei look very good, Girt You cant buy a good sateboed for sitar pounds! Extension iden ¥ The students ston again and soy wat the incorrect petures refer to, Extonsion idea 2 Thare ace five new sports equipment ‘word inthis ection, Ask the student to lnok back st. ths section and wri them dove. (badminton racket ‘basebol bat, fotba, hockey sick, skateboard Grammar Prepositions of time af, in, on © cieck he students understand tain by asking the ‘questions inthe bok © ak the students to look a the photo of Krista fest ‘and predict the answer. | Answers “Twice a day (Everyday at 5am she goes into her parents’ oom to ask who staking her he. ‘swimming paolo cain . Inthe afternoon she 02s back othe poo) Sx days a week (Crain every day, except on Friday) © Ask the students to look at the words in bold and say ‘what they are (prepositions) and how many different ‘ones they can find (on at and in), Answers Lat 2in 300 sts the winner @) Alternative twoatment * Write-on/t/in onthe board in thee calm * Callout the time expressions in the text and ask for Volunteers to weit these words onthe board inthe Correct column. ‘+ Check the answers and then ask the students to provide some ries. ‘Students check their rles against the rules inthe book Extension den Books closed. Read out the et in Everise 2 without the prepositions and ak the students to sy the correct proposition. The students eau also do this ctv in pais. © doce! this with a strong student firs. Remind the students give complete answers and use te correct preposition ‘Alternative treatment Wie the fewingcalogue co ‘the board ‘AWhen do you wake up? usualy wake up at 7 am. ‘ACALT aL usualy wake up at 8 am, When do you go tw bed? Bften go to bed at 10pm. AAC IO pm? Practize th dslogue around the cass, Encourage the ‘ludents ose this as a model forthe other questions. Vocabulary Nationalities ‘Asawarmer Ask he students to lok beck atthe photos ‘of people inthis unit and take tums to ask and qnswer ‘questions abeut them, 2g. Whar’ her name? How oa is ‘he? Wheros she fram? What sports does shed? ete © Poin out shat China isa country and the missing ‘word isa ational | Answers Chinese 2 Latvian, Australian @ check tha the students can both spel] and pronounce these words correctly. Remind them tha English uses ‘capital letter for bath countries and nationalities ‘Answers Vindian 2italy 3Mexican 4 China S Japanese 6 Portuguese 7 British 8 sh 9 Spain 10Swedish 11 France 12 Greek Alternative treatment Ones the stents have ‘completed the table, ask the to check thei answors in pais by asking: Whar eve you got fr number 1? How you spit? © vows @emind the studonts that we use Where ore you fom? to ask about nationality Extonsion idea Think ofa fomous sports person. The students can ask ou five wh-question (ba not What's {your name?) to dseover your Wentty, eg. Roel Nada Where are you ram? What spar do you ply? Did you ‘win an important tenis championship lest month? ee Writing Part 8 © cek he students understand the mesning of these words by miming the sport. Revise do pla / go ‘ith spots by aking te tunis to say which of the ‘et ge withthe spots inthis exerelse Suggested answer ] Télike to try badminton, golf and sking butt | ‘would ike to try baseball, fishing, rugby oF surfing Read through the exam information as a class Alternative treatment Ack the sudems to read {rough the exam question and to tell you what they have odo inthis part before they ead the exam information © Ask the students to read through Jack's notes first And to tell you what information Jack is looking for {information about a sport class, 2asport name 3.a day of the week 4.atime 5 aprice 6a phone number © Answers Underline the fltseing words in both texts: ‘A sport name: badminton, rugby ‘day ofthe week: Wednesday, Saturday ‘Atime 10m, 6pm, 11am? pm | A price: 10, 1s ‘Aphone number: 76349807, 034658934 @ Point out that in Exercise 3, the sudents found at least two possible answers. Although there often appears to he two possible answers, only one is correct. Also point out thatthe students may find the Information in one ofthe texts (2,3 and 5) or they may need to contrast information in both (eg. 4) "Encourage the students to say why the other answer Answers a 2 rugby (Let's doughy) 3 Wednesday (We'll have to go.on Wednesdays) 4 11 am (Let's choose the cheapest ime. 5 £10 6 76349807 Extonsion idea Tel the student that they have decided to lear badminton at the sports cenve. They should ‘write anew emal to Jack suggesting a day and s tine. They can use Sam’ ema as a moda other wnting. Speaking Part 1 ‘Ask the students ta say what they remember about Speaking Part 1. Read through the exam advice asa ‘lass, Encourage the students to brainstorm a list of these things, 8 sport, Robes, ood, places et. © Axkthe students o ook at the words in 1-$ and 10 tell you what the topic of these questions is (sports you ike). Point out that the word with a capital letter [5 the first word Answers 1 What sports do you lke? 2 Why do you lke it 3 Do you play fontll?_ 4 How often do you play? ©0) Maye recording once and ak ie sens wo nce te anowers a Esere 1 They wil sen far the anowes In acre Alternative treatment Students lent the fist part ‘ofthe recording (the examiner and Paul) fist and check their questions. vite a brief clscussion on whether they think Paulo gives good answers. Athough Paulo ‘obviously understands tho examiner ane his answers are ‘correct they ae all ne-word enswers). Encourage the ‘Students to suggest better answers. Recording script coi now: avo. What spots da you ke? Footbal Whedo wou i> Batting Dawu olaooibal? Yes examiner Boy: Examiner: Boy: Examiner: Boy: amine Boy: Braminer: Gi: Examine: Gir Examine: Git amine: Gir Hoven do you ay? vey ey ‘Sebra What sports do yu he? ont tke sports Wy nor? Because thnk sports te brig Do you pay oot? Ip at schoo but doi ny nwnten do sou ola? I py every Fria, nthe sfteroon, 0 Encourage the stents to see how much they an complete befare they listen again. Answers | Paulo Sabrina [what sport? football none | wnt exciting boring | play? yes yes, a school | | ow oftent every day on Friday afternoons | Extension idea Ply the recording again. Stop the recording ster ever question and invite students to ‘ke an answer © Remind the students that they should try to give ‘complete answers nd where possible say why, -Extonsion idea Invite pairs of students to perform thee ‘conversation in rot ofthe eas, The other etonts ‘should Usten and say whether the student wo answers ‘the questions gives complete answers, Unit 5 photocopiable activity: Sports day \: ifthe students Write their on Objectives © Toreview sports vocabulary and countries and nationalities ‘¢- To practise answering questions using comparatves nd superlatives Refore class Enlarge the board on t A3 card. Make enough capes for the elas to playin groups of fur “Make one set of question cards foreach group of four In clase © organise the class in small groups of thee or four ‘and hand out one board per group. @ ead through the rules and make sure each group ‘knows how to play @ cive out the question cards and ask the groups to mix ‘them well Point ovt thatthe answes othe questions areon the question cards [Extension activity In pis, sents wite some ‘more sports questions. Encourage the stents 1 use ‘ompartve and superaive adjectives afar ax posnble fnd remind the stents tre the answer a wel, YOu night choose to set ths activity for homework so thatthe ‘Students can lok fr formation on the ntemet. Make tough copes of al these new questions so that he students can ply the game again in smal groups sex ihe winaer @ Unit 5 photocopiable activity Sports day The Game Boar Fou win aback bel Forward 5 spaces, False sa aes: Play in groups of thre of fou, 2 Put your counters on START, 3 The youngest player stats. 4 The person on bis oer left turns ‘over a card and asks the payer the 0 back 4 spaces, Cee 3 Spolnts Worval 3 spaces, ‘FINISH No wind! START EH aise tua, ‘question. Ifthe the player moves forward three squares but i the answers wrong, the player moves back two squares 51 he payer Jnds ona sports person, follow the 6 the first person to css FINISH isthe ‘Oi sine! Co back to stat GOAL orwand 6 spaces We raining }/— @ compere Key tor Scot Ena Heya © CantigeUreaty es 203 EERE Unit 5 photocopiable activity Sports day flow many rings [lsUsain Bot | Arethe Winter [Iva goliball [Wheres the | How many fae there onthe | fromJamaicaor | and Summer |smalierthana | largest rugby | teams playin the Ovympic age S| he USAt Olympic games |tabletennis batt | stadium inthe | reotball world or? ‘Answer: Jamaica inthe same | answer: no | world? Australia| cup? 32 or 36t Answer: § year or diferent or Britain, ‘supose years! newer: Britain Answer: diferent years [Which ofthese [In arate, isa | Whats the | Whereisthe | lsaugby match | What's the sports NOT an | purple belt beter | longest worl’ longest |longerthan a | shortest running JOvympie sport? | than.a black belt | swimming race | golf eourset In| football match? | rece inthe Footbal, tennis | Answer:no | the Olympics? |Austraiaorin | Answer:no | Olympics som or orgolft 400m or Oki Tndiat 100m? ‘Answer: golt Answer: Ik | Answer: “Answer: 100m ‘Australia L | _ L Ts Michael Phelps [I FIPA interested | How often isthe Ts table tennis an [Whereis the | One ofthe most Jaswimmer ora_|infoball or | Women’s Football| Olympic sport?” | NBA (National | popular games in basketball payes | rugby? World Cup? Every | Answer: yes | Basketball USA is baseball, Anawer: a “Answer oothall | 4 Years oF every & Assocation) | Whereis it also ‘swimmer vyearst from? Britain or | popular In Japan Asewerconay3. usa? rin ieland? years Answer: USA | Answer: In ‘pan | Tsthe eons | How offen isthe | Ie Brtah football [Who arethe | which spor’ | Isa beach player Venus | Work Skiing | often called Chicago Bulls? A |are there not | volleyball larger Williams alder | Championshipt | soccer or cricket? | basketball eam | cleven players on | than an indoor than her sister | very year or | answers soccer |2F football | the amt volleyball Serena? every two yearst team? Footbal, baseball | Answer: yes Answer: yes | Answer: every “Answer: a orhockey. two years basketball team | Answer: baseball sa mountain [Inthe Olympis, | How often Which sport [What isthe [isthe best, bike fasicrthana | arethere the | arethe World | does not have | Ameriea's counry in racing bike? | same numberof | Surfing Camest | penalties! Cupi A saiing | gymnastics atthe JAnswer: no | swimming races. | Every year, every | Footbal, rughy, | competition or | Olympics China formen and for |2 years orevery 4 hockey or tennis. |2 gymnastics | or Russia? women years ‘Answer: tennis | competition’ — | answer: Russla Answer: yes | Answer: every Answer: year | sailing ‘competition Compl Ray fr Scoot rns een © Cnt Unventy es TE) i a " Word list Unit 5 Note: the numbers show which page the word or phrase ist appears inthe unt actor m (38) someone, especially a man, who performs in plays and films athlete (3) someone who is good a spors such as running, jumping, or throwing things ‘autumn (40) the season of the year between summer and winter, when leaves fall fom the tees bbadminton n (36) a sport in which two or four people hit 2 light objec with featers over a net Dbasoballn (38) a game in which two teams ty to win points by hitting a ball and running around four fixed points biology (37) the study of living things ‘buey adj (1) working hard, or giving your attention to a pantcula activity ‘champion n (£0) a person or animal that wins a ‘competition ‘check v (36) to find out information about something ‘compete v (40) 0 uy to win competition ‘competitor (36) someone wis is trying to win a competition 6001 aj (37) good or fashionable ‘eyeling (36) the sport or activity of riding a bicycle fishing (at) the sport o ob of catching fish {goal n (37) a point scored in sports such as football. ‘when a player sends a ball into a particular area, such as between two posts olf n (41) « game on grass where you ty to hit a small ball into holes using a Tong, chin stick ‘gymnastics n (36) a sport in which you do physical exerises on the loo and on diferent pieces of equipment hockey (38) a game which two teams play in which a smal ball isi with along stick hockey stick n (39) long, thin plece of wood that you use when you are playing hockey © compre Er Hern 9 Con Joke v (37) 10 say funny things, or aot be serious judo 1 (36) sport rom Japan in which two people try to throw each other to the ground arate n 38) 2 sport from Japan in which people fight with the hands r feet ‘moan v (35) 1 have a particular meaning popular adj (36) liked by many people rock climbing 1 (38) the spor of climbing rocks rugby 1 (38) a sport played by two teams with an oval bull and shaped goals runner n (37) someone who runs 19” 38) a sport using boats with salls ‘score v (7) to get points in 2 game or test ‘sger 1 37) someone who sings ‘skateboard n (8) a board with wheols on the batter, ‘hat you stand on and mave fora by pushing ane foot fn the ground ‘skating n (38) the activity or spor of moving on skates ‘skiing (4) the sport of moving ever snow on skis ‘pring » (0) the season of the year between winter and smimer, when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to grow again ‘stadium r (36) a large, open area with seats around it, ‘used for playing and watching sports ‘surfing 1 (38) the spor of riding on 2 wave on 8 special board table tonnis x (36) a gamein which two ot four people Inca small ball over alow net on a large table train (38) to practise a sport ar exercise inorder to prepare fora sporting event volleyball (36) a game in which 1wo teams use tele Inands to hit a ball over a net eye 2 ES Unit objectives ‘© Topies: schoo! ‘Listening Part 3 deciding what information to listen for ‘¢ Reading Part 4: looking atthe tle and photos, underining key information ‘¢ Speaking Part 2: answering your partner's {questions in full sentences ‘6 waiting var 6: learning what technique to use for completing this task ‘¢ Grammar: hve 20, object pronouns ‘© Vocabulary school subjects, classracm objec, _sducaton verbs Starting off ‘Asa warmer Ack he students to think about thelr own ‘ehoal timetable and sae how many of Ue abject Deyo ‘ay in English. They wl tk about heir favour subjects in Fsercise @ Encourage the students to take turns to ask the (questions and then to answer them in fll sentences, Inrouce some useful language todo this, eg 2 think t's. Tm not sure, 'dont ticks, Wha do you think? et ithe Nile 2 the Aftican elephant 3ran 49 | 5 They fall atthe same speed. 6 salt @ choc tha the sds understand the picaces of {he school subjects, Pint aut thatthe students sould think about in which eo! subject the woul ask the queens. Do Question an example at Tecaphy 2 kgy 3 Engh 4 Mas | Shaya & chem © check that the students spell these two subjects comrectly and check thatthe students pronounce all eight subjects well Pay atention to the word sess | Answers: [An Music Unit 6 |I have to do my homework Extension idea Ask the students to wie out their school timetable in English @ Encourage the students to take turns to ask the ‘questions and tne should give complete answers Suggested answer ‘Which s your best school subject ove Musi Why do you lke itt Because I'm good at it and ike the teacher Which s your worst? {dont like Maths, whyt Because i's dificult, |je>eouoee Listening Part 3 ‘Asa warmer fk the stents they have ever moved to ‘nether city and hd to change school How did Ue feel on the fit day? © check thatthe students understand nervous, happy and sad, Encourage the students to give complete answers: {funk he feos. Boeause Suggested answer nervous (although he may also fel happy to meet new people and sad to leave his ad schoo) @ Brainstorm the firs two suggestions and write them ‘on the board, Encourage the students to write alist of atleast three more, some of your friends | 2Give him a tour ofthe school. | 3 Ask him to sit next to you in class and at lunch. 44 Talkto him during the break 5 tnvite hm wo play fotbal afterschool. Suggested answers esd the exam advice as a elass and ask the stents to read the exam question in Exercise 4, Pict out that there are thee possible answers and the students ‘must choose the cortect one. Remind them that if they are noc sure about an answer, they should guess Stunts don't lose marks for incorrect answers inthe Kes exam. have ro do my bomewark @) © tacourage the stems tread the questions and Underline the key words. However. pst out it the three anseers AC wil ll he what sot of information they are listening fo, ©C> Proiotouc that ne stucens wit near al hee newer athe recording but only ene of hem wi newer the question, The questions lo he onder ce the recording Answers ] 2c 3A 4C SB O6R Attornative treatment Books closed (.e. Sudents ont look atthe questions). Ask the students to Isten to the recording and say what Simon i going to do to help. ‘Acro on his fst da. The students then do Esercis 4 Extension ides Pay the recording again an stop ater each section. Encourage the students to say what ne ther two answorsrefer to, eg. Tuesday - Ak’ family ismoving here Recording script 00 rock3e Teacher: Son, con you lokafer anew student next ‘woek? His name’ Ako. ‘Seman: Yes. suf. On Mendy? Teacher: Hs femiy's meungnere on Tuesday, Aras. ‘sartng school on Wecnesay ‘Simon: OK Where ram? Akira sounds ke 2 Chinese name ‘Teacher: He's actualy Engl but his mum is from Japan, ‘Simon: Oh see. Ise the same egees me? Teacher, Youte fourteen arr you? Aéasthiseen His ‘ste’senteen- shes gong to colege. Simon: Oh ight What tne she coring? Teacher: His parents ae bringing him here a 915 fora tour ofthe schaol and e's sexing the head at olf past. Con youmeet him a.acusnectoten sida he schoc fice? ‘Simon: No problom Shall take him stright to our cassraor? Teacher They ben the mde of lesson: gota the. lnacy ut it’s timer you fotbo lesson, Hel moot his new lassatos then, ‘Simon: No obom Is Akio goad at sports? Wernced nor players or nxt week's atch Teacher: | dnt know about tba but he vas the. ‘anion chamgio ts oe schoo ‘Simon: Gat Does e pay tenis, 00? Teacher: Maybe. Akt unite Grammar rave to © Ask questions about the photo 10 pre-teach schoo! uniform and te, Who are the boyst What are they ‘wearing! Do you have to wear a school uniform and ‘te? Encourage the students to read through the tonvesation fi Answers n't have to get: have to getup; Does everyone hhave to wear i don't have to @ ake sure the students understand the meaning ‘of nevesary. Point out thatthe students il find {he answers by looking st the phrases they have “underlined. Answers IP aT 37 4T ® Answers necessary 2 not necessary Refer the students tothe grammar reference section and focus on the form. Remind students that ater he? ‘heft we use has to and does have wo and that have is always fllowed by fo and then an infinitive. cies @ ti necessary fis focus onthe question form with the students in the grammar reference section. | Suggested answers ] 2 Do you have to wash the dishes? No, [don't 3 Do you have to clean your sont Yes, Ido, 44 you have ogo shopping? No, | don'. | ' Does your mum have to wake you up in the rmarning! Yes, she does Extonsion idea in pairs the students ask nd answor those questions. Encourage them to use Youre fcky oF oor yout You my preter tho students todo this exercise ‘ater the pronunciation activity, Pronunciation wand if ©O) Atternatve treatment sie the two sentences on the board and then ask te students to listen and repeat.

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