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S. Diemente", B . S . , C.G. Lewis*, M.D. , M.D. Nowak*+, D.SC.,

and D.J. Leone+, PhD.
*Department of Orthopaedics
University of Connecticut Health Center
10 Talcott Notch
Farmington, CT 06032
+Department of Civil Engineering
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
Work done over the past twenty years Object Definition: When the data
establishes finite element modeling (FEM) as manipulation software on the pc first
a valuable tool for structural analysis in generates the image from the CT scan
orthopaedic biomechanics. However, most data, each of the sixteen colors represents
groups build models by manual measurement a range of gray level values. This image
and data entry, or by hand-digitizing may be adjusted and redisplayed, until the
radiographic images. This paper describes user produces a well-defined image of
an automated method for building finite background, bone, and prosthesis.
element models. The algorithm obtains
binary image data from CT scans taken on an Edae Detection: Once the user defines the
Elscint Exel 2400 Elite scanner, and objects, the algorithm sets all of the
manipulates the data into a format accepted pixels that are in the gray ievel ranges for
by PATRAN. The data manipulation algorithm background to zero, and the pixels in the
runs on a 2 8 6 pc, and PATRAN is used on a bone and prosthesis ranges to fifty and two
VaxStation 3100. It took an experienced hundred, respectively. By looking at the
user less than one hour to import over 750 differences between pixels on each line, the
grid points into PATRAN. algorithm may detect edges if it finds
non-zero gradients. The x and y coordinates
of an edge point are the corresponding
Utroduction column and row of the image.
An edge is assumed to exist at a
Finite element modeling is a very non-zero gradient if differences of zero
valuable tool for structural analysis in exist for five pixels before, and five
orthopaedic biomechanics. Since 1972, many pixels after the non-zero gradient. The
researchers have built models to study specific value of the gradient determines
various physiological conditions [l]. the interface type.
However, three-dimensional models sometimes
require a prohibitive number of man hours to Point Selection: In the next step, the
build, because of the complex geometries program displays the edges on the screen,
encountered in the human anatomy. This and prompts the user to enter the number of
paper describes a method of automating data points to be converted to the PATRAN
acquisition and entry, by using CT scan format. The algorithm then chooses the
data. specified number of evenly spaced points
When a CT scan is produced on a computer from the edges by using the ratio of the
screen, every pixel of the image has an total number of edge points to the number of
associated gray level, correlating with the points to be selected.
density of the scanned object [ 2 ] . Because
finite element modeling software accepts Data OutDut:Finally, the software obtains
(x,y,z) coordinate data, the CT scan gray the true x and y coordinates by multiplying
level data has to be manipulated into the the x and y coordinates of the selected edge
correct format. points by the image scale. The scale, as
The set of data described in this paper well as the z value for every CT scan slice,
is a cylinder, with a smaller cylinder of a are part of the header information that is
different density inserted in one end. This associated with the CT scan gray level
geometry is a very simplified approximation data. Once the user has extracted data for
of the femur/implant scenario. all of the CT slices, the algorithm
concatenates all of the coordinate data and
outputs it to a file. This file is in the
Methods neutral file format for "grids" (i.e.,
points) accepted by PATRAN.
Fauioment; CT scan data was generated on an
Exel 2400 Elite scanner (Elscint, Inc.,
Haifa, Israel). The program for data Discussion
manipulation runs on a 2 8 6 pc. The pc
program outputs the data onto a diskette, The main advantage of using this
which the user copies onto a Vaxstation 3100 automated technique to input points in
IDigital Equipment Corp.) by running it in PATRAN is that it saves time. A n
the soft pc mode. PATRAN (PDA Engineering, experienced user created the first model
Palo Alto, CA) also runs on the Vaxstation with this software by selecting twenty
3100. points from the edges detected in fourteen

Authorized licensed use limited to: S.J.B. Institute of Technology. Downloaded on August 09,2010 at 05:35:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
CT scan slices, resulting in more than 750
points. Data extraction took approximately
one half hour, and it took only a few
seconds to import the file into PATliAN. In
addition, this technique eliminates most of
the potential for human error associated
with data measurement and entry.
The disadvantage of this system is that
the model is only as accurate as the user’s
ability to define the edges. If the
materials scanned are similar in density,
the user will rely on his or her eye to
determine the ranges for the edges.
However, this generally should not be a
problem for large objects.
Work still to be done on this project
includes creating a finite element model of
an epoxy model of the human femur with an
implant, using the automated method. This
model will be compared to a finite element
model of the same object, created by
digitizing images produced by the CT
scanner. In addition, models will be built
with increased numbers of CT slices,
resulting in an increased number of grid
points, in an effort to get the results of
the analyses to converge.

111 R. Huiskes and E . Y . S . Chao, “A Survey
of Finite Element Analysis in Orthopedic
Biomechanics: The First Decade,”
J.Biomechanics. vol. 16, pp.385-409, no.6,
[ 2 ] A . Macovski, Medical Imauina. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
1983, ch.7, pp.106-144.


Authorized licensed use limited to: S.J.B. Institute of Technology. Downloaded on August 09,2010 at 05:35:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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