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Final Exam in PE1

A. Y. 2019-2020
Course & Year:

TEST I- MULTIPLE CHOICE. (2points each)

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The development of power and endurance in the heart, lungs, heat-regulating mechanism, and digestive and
eliminating organs.

a. Neuromuscular b. Organic c. Interpretive

2. A type of development strengthens the thinking, interpreting and problem-solving processes of the individual.

a. Neuromuscular b. Organic c. Interpretive

3. It refers to the soundness of the heart and lungs which contributes to the ability to resist disease.

a. Organic Vigor b. Coordination c. Agility

4. The ability of the individual to change direction or position in space with quickness and lightness of movement while
maintaining dynamic balance.

a. Organic Vigor b. Coordination c. Agility

5. The ability to integrate the body parts to produce smooth motion.

a. Organic Vigor b. Coordination c. Agility

6. The positive state of well-being and capability of an individual to design personal fitness for improving and
maintaining optimum levels of health.

a. Physical Fitness b. Physical Wellness c. Physical Appearance

7. Interlace the fingers straighten and lift the arms to produce. Strength/stretch in the arms, shoulders and chest and
hold for 15 to 30 seconds. What warm-up/conditioning exercise it is?

a. Arm and Shoulder Stretch b. Triceps and Shoulder Stretch c. Calf Stretch

8. An activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously, and is rhythmic in nature.

a. Physical Fitness b. Warm-up Exercise c. Aerobic Exercise

9. It is a type of exercise that overloads the heart and lungs and causes then to work harder than at rest.

a. Physical Fitness b. Warm-up Exercise c. Aerobic Exercise

10. A type of exercise where the muscles are made to do some contraction and relaxation to gain tones.

a. Isotonic Exercise b. Isometric Exercise c. Aerobic Exercise

11. A type of exercise where the muscles are made to undergo tension and hold in a certain position for sometime in
order to develop muscle strength.

a. Isotonic Exercise b. Isometric Exercise c. Aerobic Exercise

12. A type of exercise which entail vigorous movements such as brisk walking, jogging, running and dancing.

a. Isotonic Exercise b. Isometric Exercise c. Aerobic Exercise

13. The ability to move against a resistance.

a. Flexibility b. Balance c. Strength

14. A type of improving physical fitness that opponents face each other, lock wrists, and pull to a designated spot.
a. Arm Pull/Strength b. Human Wheelbarrow c. Thread the Needle

15. A type of improving physical fitness that do the seal walk, in push up position and walk on hand and drag your legs.

a. Crab Walk b. Seal Walk c. Coffee Grinder

16. A type of improving physical fitness that execute prone lying position, hold the ankles at the back with both hands,
arch back and chin up. Rock oneself forward and backward.

a. Mad Cat b. Human Rocker c. Supine-Lying Leg Lifts

17. Who was the Father of aerobics?

a. Kenneth Cooper b. Albert Einstein c. Thomas Edison

18. It is one of the most powerful conscious influences you have on your nervous system.

a. Breathing b. Exercising c. Eating

19. The basis for the other mind-body therapies, and the soil that will nourish their use.

a. Sleeping b. Exercising c. Relaxing

20. A combination of medical fitness and dynamic fitness.

a. Physical Fitness b. Warm-up Exercise c. Aerobic Exercise

21. The primary specific objective in teaching Physical Education.

a. Physical Fitness b. Warm-up Exercise c. Aerobic Exercise

21. The ability to make successive movements of the same kind in the shortest period of time.

a. Balance b. Endurance c. Speed

22. The ability to sustain long continued contractions where a number of muscle groups are used.

a. Balance b. Endurance c. Speed

23. The ability to control organic equipment neuro-muscularly; a state of equilibrium.

a. Balance b. Endurance c. Speed

24. It refers to the ability of the muscles to release maximum force in the shortest period of time.

a. Flexibility b. Power c. Endurance

25. The quality of plasticity, which gives the ability to do a wide range of movement.

a. Flexibility b. Power c. Endurance

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