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GEO-102 Introduction to Physical Geography Semester II
Session: Total Marks: 05
Time Allowed: 10 Min Test-I

Note: Cutting, Overwriting, Use of Ink Remover and Lead Pencil are not allowed.

Name: - ___________________ Roll. No: - _____________

Q.1 Encircle the correct answer 05

1. Which of the following vary with increasing latitude

a) Increasing day length in summer
b) Decreasing day length in winter
c) Decreasing insolation with decreasing sun angle
d) Decreasing noon sun angle
2. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the seasons?
a) Earth’s orbit takes the northern hemisphere closer to the Sun during summer and farther
away during the winter
b) Earth’s axis is pointed toward the same spot in space throughout the year
c) Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5° away from the plane of the ecliptic.
d) Earth rotates about its axis once every 24 hours, creating days and nights of varying length
at varying latitudes
3. Earth is tilted at an angle of -------------.
a) 73 b) 23.5 c) 32.5 d) 24
4. Earth completes one cycle around its axis in -------------.
a) 365 days b) 365.2 days c) 24 hours d) 12 hours
5. Rotation of Earth is responsible for -------------.
a) Tides b) Spring & Fall Day & Night b) Rain Fall

Geo-102 Introduction to Physical Geography Semester II
Session: Total Marks: 05
Time Allowed: 10 Min Test-II

Note: Cutting, Overwriting, Use of Ink Remover and Lead Pencil are not allowed.
Name: - ___________________ Roll. No: - _____________

Q.1 Fill in the blanks 05

1. In point mode digitizing points are added automatically at set time or distance intervals as
the user moves the cursor across the map
a) True b) False
2. An experienced user should be able to digitize data with an accuracy equal to the width of
the line they are digitizing
a) True b) False
3. _____ are used to represent features that are too small to represent as areas
a) Polygon b) Line c) surfaces d) None of these
4. _____ and _______ describes the geometric relationships which exist between area features
a) Connectivity, Containment b) Containment, Adjacency c) Adjacency,
connectivity d) None of these
5. Spatial entities can move
a) True b) False

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