Digestive System

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Digestive system questions

The structure that traverses the space between the aorta and first part of the superior mesenteric
artery and is vulnerable to the nutcracker-like compression by these two vessels is the:
a. Duodenum
b. Jejunum
c. Pancreas
d. Splenic vein

The ‘pit’ in the posterior midline of the tongue is known as the foramen __________
a. Cecum
b. Frenulum
c. Lingulum
d. Magnum

What attaches the inferior aspect of the tongue to the oral mucosa?
a. Magnum
b. Frenulum
c. Lingulum
d. Cecum

Which nerve is responsible for the majority of taste sensation?

a. Lingual nerve
b. Trigeminal nerve
c. Facial nerve
d. Glossopharyngeal nerve

Which of the following borders the sublingual glands laterally?

a. Sublingual fossa
b. Mandible
c. Genioglossus muscle
d. Tongue

The inferior mesenteric artery is often occluded by atherosclerosis without symptoms; its normal
area of distribution therefore must be supplied by collateral blood flow between which arteries?
a. Ileocolic and right colic
b. Left and middle colic
c. Left colic and sigmoidal
d. Right and middle colic

The anastomotic artery running along the border of the large intestine is called the:
a. Arcade
b. Arteriae rectae
c. Coronary
d. Marginal
The spleen normally does not descend below the costal margin. However, it pushes downward
and medially when pathologically enlarged. What structure limits the straight vertical downward
a. Left colic flexure
b. Left suprarenal gland
c. Ligament of Treitz
d. Pancreas

The professor was having difficulty identifying the base of the appendix. Eventually she
identified the cecum and was able to localize the base of the appendix. What anatomical
structure(s) on the cecum would she have used to find the base of the appendix?
a. Omental appendages
b. Haustra coli
c. Ileal orifice
d. Teniae coli

Meckel's diverticulum:
a. is an abnormal persistance of the urachus
b. is a site of ectopic pancreatic tissue
c. is caused by a failure of the midgut loop to return to the abdominal cavity
d. is an abnormal connection of the midgut to the duodenum

Occlusion of the inferior mesenteric artery is seldom symptomatic because its territory may be
supplied by branches of the:
a. Gastroduodenal
b. Ileocolic
c. Middle colic
d. Right colic

The presence of which feature distinguishes small from large bowel?

a. Circular folds of the mucosa
b. Circular smooth muscle layer in the wall
c. Mucosal glands
d. Longitudinal smooth muscle layer in the wall

Regarding the 2nd portion of the duodenum, all are correct EXCEPT:
a. It is crossed by the transverse colon.
b. It is thin walled and circular folds are absent in its interior.
c. It has the opening for the common bile duct and pancreatic duct on its posteromedial wall.
d. It is secondarily retroperitoneal.

The blockage of a main bile duct in the quadrate lobe will likely cause reduced flow of bile
secretion in the: A
a. Left hepatic duct
b. Right hepatic duct
c. both
d. neither

Orally ingested contrast medium opacifies all of the following structures except the:
a. colon
b. duodenum
c. esophagus
d. gall bladder

The division between the true right and left lobes (internal lobes) of the liver may be visualized
on the outside of the liver as a plane passing through the:
a. gallbladder fossa and round ligament of liver
b. falciform ligament and ligamentum venosum
c. gallbladder fossa and inferior vena cava
d. falciform ligament and right hepatic vein

To stop hemorrhaging from a ruptured spleen, it was necessary to temporarily ligate the splenic
artery near the celiac trunk. The blood supply to which structure is least likely to be affected by
the ligation?
a. Duodenum
b. Greater omentum
c. Body of pancreas
d. Tail of pancreas

Which of the following is NOT in contact with the spleen?

a. Colon
b. Diaphragm
c. Duodenum
d. Pancreas

Which is not a boundary of the epiploic (omental) foramen?

a. Aorta
b. Caudate lobe of the liver
c. First part of the duodenum
d. Hepatoduodenal ligament

The spleen contacts all of the following organs EXCEPT:

a. Jejunum
b. Kidney
c. Left colic flexure
d. Tail of the pancreas

Which ligament is a derivative of the dorsal mesogastrium?

a. Coronary
b. Falciform
c. Hepatoduodenal
d. Gastrocolic
Which of the following structures does not lie at least partially in the retroperitoneum?
a. adrenal gland
b. duodenum
c. kidney
d. spleen

Which is a derivative of the dorsal mesogastrium?

a. Falciform ligament
b. Hepatoduodenal ligament
c. Hepatogastric ligament
d. Greater omentum

Which muscle largely controls the diameter of oral fissure?

a. Buccinator
b. Orbicularis oculi
c. Orbicularis oris
d. Masseter

Which of the following best describes the internal anal sphincter?

a. Surrounds the upper 1/3 of the anal canal, made of striated muscle
b. Surrounds the upper 2/3 of the anal canal, made of striated muscle
c. Surrounds the upper 1/3 of the anal canal, made of smooth muscle
d. Surrounds the upper 2/3 of the anal canal, made of smooth muscle

Which structure does not form part of the anorectal ring?

a. Internal anal sphincter
b. External anal sphincter
c. Puborectalis
d. Coccygeus

At which vertebral level does the rectum begin?

a. S2
b. S3
c. S4
d. S5

Which part of the rectum relaxes to accommodate feces?

a. Sacral flexure
b. Anorectal flexure
c. Ampulla
d. Anus

Which anatomical pouch is formed by a reflection of peritoneum between the rectum and
posterior vagina?
a. Rectovesical pouch
b. Rectovaginal pouch
c. Pouch of McBurney
d. Pouch of Douglas

A surgical intern is performing (with assistance!) a left hemicolectomy. How can she
differentiate large bowel from small bowel?
a. Large bowel is located centrally in the abdominal cavity
b. Tenia coli are present on small bowel
c. Small bowel has a much wider diameter
d. Large bowel is marked by small pouches of peritoneum filled with fat

Which part of the colon is enveloped by visceral peritoneum?

a. Ascending colon
b. Transverse colon
c. Descending colon
d. None of the above

The left colic flexure is located at which organ?

a. Liver
b. Spleen
c. Pancreas
d. Stomach

The gallbladder lies in which region of the abdomen?

a. Right flank
b. Umbilical
c. Right hypochondrium
d. Left flank

In which part of the gallbladder are most gallstones likely to lodge?

a. Fundus
b. Body
c. Neck
d. Pylorus

Which structures join to form the common bile duct?

a. Cystic duct and common hepatic duct
b. Common hepatic duct and pancreatic duct
c. Cystic duct and pancreatic duct
d. Left hepatic duct and right hepatic duct

Where in the abdomen is the liver predominantly located?

a. Right hypochondrium
b. Epigastrium
c. Right flank
d. Subhepatic space
Which organ does NOT lie in contact with the liver?
a. Stomach
b. Duodenum
c. Spleen
d. Right kidney

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