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A Genestealer (Corporaptor hominis) is a bioform of the multispecies Tyranid race

that was genetically designed by the Hive Mind for the infiltration of other
intelligent species' settled worlds.

The Tyranids are a nomadic xenos species governed by a gestalt collective

consciousness known as the Hive Mind. The species comprises many different
genetically-engineered bioforms, of which the Genestealer is but one.

Genestealers are capable of using their unique, parasitic reproductive cycle and
psychic abilities to establish so-called "Genestealer Cults" on Imperial worlds.
These cults are used to support Hive Fleet assaults by infiltrating the human
world's society and military defences from within.

Genestealers serve as the vanguard organisms of the Hive Fleets. The first Tyranids
to be discovered by the Imperium, their true nature is obscured by a confusing
multitude of legends. They are known as "Snatcher-devils" on some Imperial worlds,
"Cave Nightmares" on others and "Clawed Changelings" on yet more.

Every conceivable interpretation of the Genestealer Curse has been posited across
Mankind's domain, but even the most outlandish story does no justice to the awful
truth behind these creatures and the reproductive cycles of genetic damnation they

By spreading their genetic curse in secrecy, these creatures multiply the threat
they pose in the manner of a virus. Even a single Purestrain Genestealer, borne
across the stars by an unwitting pilot who lands upon a fertile planet, can spawn
enough tainted progeny to take that world over from the bottom up. Such potential
disasters are seeded across the Imperium in great measure.

The spread of infestations has become even more rampant since the opening of the
Great Rift, with countless refugee craft in desperate flight providing ideal
transportation for the xenos beasts.

Genestealers are also used by the Hive Mind as a primary shock assault unit for
Tyranid swarms during surface and void battles.

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