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G.R. No. L-59956 October 31, 1984

Nature of the Case: Petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the respondent Court of

S.C. Decision: Petition is GRANTED. The decision of the respondent Court of Appeals is hereby

Legal Doctrine: Article 1797 of the Civil Code provides:

The losses and profits shall be distributed in conformity with the agreement.
If only the share of each partner in the profits has been agreed upon, the share of
each in the losses shall be in the same proportion.

Being a contract of partnership, each partner must share in the profits and losses of the
venture. That is the essence of a partnership. And even with an assurance made by one of the
partners that they would earn a huge amount of profits, in the absence of fraud, the other partner
cannot claim a right to recover the highly speculative profits.

Petitioner Isabelo Moran Jr. and private respondent Mariano Pecson entered into an
agreement with the following terms: (1) that they will contribute P15,000.00 each; (2) that the
money will be used to print 95,000 posters featuring the candidates of the 1971 of the
Constitutional Convention; (3) that Moran will supervise the work; (4) that Pecson would receive
a commission of P l,000 a month; and (5) that on December 15, 1971, a liquidation of the accounts
in the distribution and printing of the 95,000 posters would be made.

Pecson partially gave P10,000 for which the latter issued a receipt. However, of the 95,000
posters agreed upon, only 2,000 were actually made. In May of 1971, Moran executed a
promissory note in favor of Pecson in the amount of P20,000 payable in two equal installments.
However, the whole sum becoming due upon default in the payment of the first installment on the
date due, complete with the costs of collection.

Pecson filed an action for the recovery of a sum of money with the Court of First Instance
of Manila. The court ruled in favor of Pecson and ordered Moran to return to Pecson the sum of
P17,000.00 with interest at the legal rate from the filing of the complaint on June 19, 1972, and
the costs of the suit. Both parties appealed to the respondent Court of Appeals, who rendered a
decision setting aside the decision of the lower court, and ordered Moran to pay Pecson P47,000
for the amount that could have accrued to Pecson under their agreement, P8,000 for the
commission for eight months, P7,000 as a return of Pecson's investment for the Veteran's Project,
and legal interests.

Whether or not petitioner Moran is liable to private respondent Pecson of the supposed
expected profits due to him from their partnership.


No. The rule is, when a partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum of money fails to
do so, he becomes a debtor of the partnership for whatever he may have promised to contribute
(Art. 1786, Civil Code) and for interests and damages from the time he should have complied with
his obligation (Art. 1788, Civil Code).

In the instant case, there is no evidence whatsoever that the partnership between the
petitioner and the private respondent would have been a profitable venture. In fact, it was a failure
doomed from the start. There is therefore no basis for the award of speculative damages in favor
of the private respondent.

Article 1797 of the Civil Code provides:

The losses and profits shall be distributed in conformity with the agreement. If only
the share of each partner in the profits has been agreed upon, the share of each
in the losses shall be in the same proportion.

Being a contract of partnership, each partner must share in the profits and losses of the
venture. That is the essence of a partnership. And even with an assurance made by one of the
partners that they would earn a huge amount of profits, in the absence of fraud, the other partner
cannot claim a right to recover the highly speculative profits. It is a rare business venture
guaranteed to give 100% profits. The failure of the Commission on Elections to proclaim all the
320 candidates of the Constitutional Convention on time was a major factor. The petitioner
undesirable his best business judgment and felt that it would be a losing venture to go on with the
printing of the agreed 95,000 copies of the posters. Hidden risks in any business venture have to
be considered.

It does not follow however that the private respondent is not entitled to recover any amount
from the petitioner. This net profit of P6,000.00 should be divided between the petitioner and the
private respondent. And since only P4,000.00 was undesirable by the petitioner in printing the
2,000 copies, the remaining P6,000.00 should therefore be returned to the private respondent.

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