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Reprint No.

7 of 1988



(P.U. (A) 279/75)

(P.U. (A) 279/75)




1. Citation, application and commencement.

2. Interpretation.
3. Appointment of Director General Rukun Tetangga and other officers and
4. Delegation of powers.
5. Minister’s power to make Orders.
5A. Designation of Rukun Tetangga Area.
5B. Appointment of Rukun Tetangga Area Committee.
5C. Functions and duties of a Rukun Tetangga Area Committee.
6. Designation of a Registration Sector and submission of particulars by
6A. Designation of a Security Sector.
6B. Revocation of designation under regulation 5A, 6 or 6A and re-designation.
7. Appointment of a Sector Committee.
8. Functions and duties of Sector Committee.
9. Powers of Sector Committee.
10. Member of a Committee deemed to be police constable with duties and
powers as such constable.
11. Meeting of Committee, quorum and minutes.
12. Establishment of Rukun Tetangga Trust Fund, and collection and receiving of
moneys for Rukun Tetangga purposes.
13. Residence Units and Ketua-Ketua Jiran.
14. Functions, duties and powers of a Ketua Jiran.
14A. Area Residence Units and Ketua-Ketua Jiran Kawasan.
14B. Functions and duties of a Ketua-Ketua Jiran Kawasan.
15. Area or Sector Centre.
[Arrangement of Regulations]

4 P.U. (A) 279/75


16. Record of non-residents entering or remaining in a Sector after midnight.

17. Restriction with regard to saying overnight in a Sector.
18. Sector patrols and guards.
19. Roster of duties.

20. Non-qualified residents may volunteer for patrol or guard duties.

21. Special provisions relating to self-employed qualified residents.
22. Limitation regarding patrol or guard duty.
23. Command of party on patrol or guard duty.
24. Weapons which patrolman or guard may have.
25. Duties and powers of patrolman or guard.
26. Participation by members of armed forces, etc., in the duties of a Committee,
Ketua Jiran or qualified residents.
27. Relationship of patrol or guard duties and employment.
27A. Application for operating a Voluntary Patrolling Scheme.
27B. Approval of a Scheme, its commencement, and responsibility of every
member of a Scheme Committee in relation to the Scheme.
27C. Restriction as to participation in a Scheme.
27D. Register of Volunteer residents.
27E. Maintenance of record of patrolling.
27F. Identification of patrollers under a Scheme.
27G. Command of party whilst on patrol.
27H. Weapons which volunteer resident may carry whilst patrolling.
27I. Duties, powers and immunities of a volunteer whilst patrolling.
27J. Compensation for injury.
27K. Offences by volunteer resident.
27L. Regulations 27 and 28 not to apply in relation to a Scheme.
27M Regulations 35 and 36 to apply to a volunteer resident and a Scheme
. Committee or a member thereof.
27N. Inclusion of new volunteer resident, and withdrawal of volunteer residents.
27O. Expenses of operation of scheme to be the responsibility of the Scheme
27P. Director General’s power to revoke the approval of a Scheme, or suspend it
or modify it, or direct cessation of participation by a particular volunteer
27Q. Director may perform functions, etc., of Director General
28. Employee not to suffer loss of remuneration or any detriment.
[Arrangement of Regulations]



29. No remuneration payable to a resident in respect of the performance or any

duty or function under these Regulations.

30. Compensation for injury.

31. Offences by a patrolman or guard against discipline.

32. Exemptions.

33. Duty of residents of Sector.

34. Duty of resident in relation to activities prejudicial or injurious to Sector


35. Director’s power to give directions or instructions to any Committee, Ketua

Jiran or resident.

36. Director’s power to require attendance of members of Committee, Ketua

Jiran or residents for instruction, training, etc.

37. Diretor’s power in relation to report and information from a Committee or an

Area Committee, Ketua Jiran or a Ketua Jiran Kawasan or resident.

38. Power of arrest, seizure, investigation and prosecution in respect of offences

under these Regulations.

39. Power to enter premises.

40. Co-ordination between Committees.

41. Offences of obstruction, assault, incitement to offence, etc.

42. Personation.

43. False statement.

44. Penalty.

45. (Repeal by P.U. (A) 389/82).

[Arrangement of Regulations]

Regulation P.U. (A) 297/75

46. Joinder of offences.

47. Penal Code.

48. Public authorities protection.

49. These Regulations to Prevail.


(P.U. (A) 279/75)

In exercise of the powers conferred under section 2 of

the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No. 1 P.U. (A) 146/69.
1969+, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong hereby makes the
following regulations:

1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Citation,

Essential (Rukun Tetangga) Regulations 1975, and application and
shall have application throughout Malaysia.
P.U. (A) 389/82.

(2) These Regulations shall come into force on

such date as the Minister may, by notification in the
*Gazette, appoint, and different dates may be
appointed for different States or parts of Malaysia.

2. (1) In these Regulations, unless the context Interpretation.

otherwise requires -
“Area” means a Rukun Tetangga Area designated P.U. (A) 389/82.
under regulation 5A;
“Area Committee” means a Rukun Tetangga area P.U. (A) 23/88.
Committee appointed under regulation 5B (1);
“Area Residence Unit” means a Area Residence P.U. (A) 23/88.
Unit designated under regulation 14A (1);
“Assistant Director” means an assistant Director
Rukun Tetangga appointed under regulation 3 (2);
“Centre” means an area Centre or a Sector P.U. (A) 389/82.
Centre, as may be applicable, established under
regulation 15;
“Committee” means a Registration Sector P.U. (A) 23/88.
Committee or a Security Sector Committee, as may
be applicable;

+ Valid by virtue of section 13 (2) of Act 2216. ≠ P.U.(A)

* 12-9-1975 – P.U. (B) 370/75; 1-2-1988 – P.U. (B) 13/88.
[R. 2]
8 P.U. (A) 279/75

“Deputy Director” means a Deputy Director

Rukun Tetangga appointed under regulation 3 (2);
“Deputy Director General” means the Deputy
Director General Rukun Tetangga appointed under
regulation 3 (2);
“Director” means the Director General Rukun
Tetangga and includes the Deputy Director General
Rukun Tetangga, a Deputy Director Rukun Tetangga
or an assistant Director Rukun Tetangga;
“Director General” means the Director General
Rukun Tetangga appointed under regulation 3 (1);
“Form” means a form as set out in the Schedule
to these Regulations;
P.U. (A) 389/82. “Ketua Jiran” means a Ketua Jiran appointed
under regulation 13 (1);
P.U. (A) 23/88. “Ketua Jiran Kawasan” means a Ketua Jiran
Kawasan appointed under regulation 14A (1);
“Minister” means the Prime Minister;
“Officer” means a Director and includes any other
officer or staff appointed under regulation 3 (2);
“Order” means an Order made by the Minister
under these Regulations and published in the Gazette;
“Permanent Resident” means a person who has
permission, granted without limit of time under any
Federal law, to reside in Malaysia, and includes a
Fed. L. N. 151/60 person lawfully issued with a red bordered identity
card under regulation 5 (2) of the National
Registration Regulations 1960;
“Qualified resident” means any male person who
has attained the age of eighteen years but has not yet
attained the age of fifty-five years who is a resident of
a sector and is not a person exempted under
regulation 32;
“Registration Sector Committee” means a
P.U. (A) 23/88. Committee appointed under regulation 7 in respect of
a Registration Sector designated under regulation 6;
[R. 2]

“resident” in relation to a Sector, means any P.U. (A) 389/82.

person who is ordinarily resident in a Sector and P.U. (A) 23/88.
includes a person who has been residing continuously
in a Sector for a period exceeding one month in an
hotel, lodging house, boarding house, hostel or other
establishment providing accommodation, and in
relation to an area, means any person who is
ordinarily resident in the Area;
“Residence Unit” means a Residence Unit
designate under regulation 13 (1);
“roster” means the roster prepared under
regulation 19;
“Scheme Committee” means an Area Committee P.U. (A) 23/88.
or a Registration sector Committee, as the case may
be, in relation to a Voluntary Patrolling Scheme
operated by it in an area or a Registration Sector, as
the case may be;
“Sector” means a Registration Sector designated Sub/P.U. (A)
under regulation 6 or a Security Sector designated 389/82.
under regulation 6A, as may be applicable;
“Security Sector Committee” means a Committee P.U. (A) 23/88.
appointed under regulation 7 in respect of a Security
Sector designated under regulation 6A;
“Volunteer resident” means -
(a) a person who has made a request in Part A of P.U. (A) 23/88.
Form Six to participate in a Voluntary
Patrolling Scheme, is named in the List under
Item (F) of Form Six, and has signed against
his name in the said List; or
(b) a person who has been included as a
participant in a Voluntary Patrolling Scheme
under paragraphs (1) and (2) of regulation

and who has not withdrawn form such participation

or otherwise ceased to participate or to be qualified to
participate in the Voluntary Patrolling Scheme.
[R. 2-3]
10 P.U. (A) 279/75

(2) For the purpose of these Regulations and of

any Order, the time at which a person attains a
relevant age or is of a relevant age shall be deemed to
be the commencement of the relevant anniversary of
the date of his birth.
Appointment of 3. (1) There shall be a Director General Rukun
Director General Tetangga who shall be appointed by the Minister
Rukun Tetangga and
form members of the public service and who shall,
other officers and
staff subject to the control and direction of the Minister, be
the authority responsible for, and have the duty of
administering, carrying out and giving effect these
Regulations and all Orders.
(2) The Minister may appoint for the purpose of
these Regulations and the Orders, from officers in the
public service, a Deputy Director General Rukun
Tetangga, and such Deputy Directors Rukun
Tetangga, Assistant Directors Rukun Tetangga, and
other officers and staff, as he may consider necessary.
(3) All officers and staff appointed under
paragraph (2) shall be subject to the direction and
control of the Director General.
(4) A Director, other officers appointed under
these Regulations and such public officers as may be
specified under these Regulation or any Order shall
have the powers provided under these Regulations
and such other powers as may be provided under any
Order, and powers provided under an Order may
include power of arrest, investigation into offences,
prosecution of offenders before a court, entry into
premises or other places, search of person or
premises, seizure, forfeiture and taking possession of
articles, sale and disposal of articles seized, forfeited
or taken possession of, inspection of premises, places,
books, equipment, and taking possession of premises
and other places and the facilities, equipment and
articles therein, as may be specified in an Order, and
provision may be made in an Order for the delegation
of such powers to any person of authority.
[R. 4-5B]

4. (1) A Director may in writing delegate all or any Delegation of

of his powers under these Regulations or under any powers.
Order to any other officer appointed under regulation
3 (2) and the exercise of powers under such
delegation may be limited by a Director to any
particular area or areas or in such other manner as a
Director may deem fit.
(2) A Delegation made under this regulation may
at any time be modified or revoked by a Director.
(3) No delegation made under this regulation
shall be deemed to divest a Director of any of his
powers and he may, if he thinks fit, exercise those
powers notwithstanding such delegation.
5. (1) The Minister may make such Orders as he Minister’s power
deems necessary or expedient for the purpose of to make Orders.
carrying out or giving effect to these Regulations.
(2) An Order made under these Regulations may
provide for admissibility or non-admissibility of
evidence, burden of proof, the inclusion of any
evidence as a defense, protection of informers,
accused or any other person, or any other matter
whatsoever relating to evidence, for the purpose of
any proceedings under these Regulations or under
any Order.
(3) Am Order may relate to the whole or a part of
(4) An Order shall be published in the Gazette.
5A.The Director General may, from time to time, by Designation of
notice publicized in such manner as he deems fit, Rukun Tetangga
designate any area to be a Rukun Tetangga Area.
P.U. (A) 389/82
5B. (1) A Director shall, within one month of the
designation of an Area under regulations 5A, or Appointment of a
Rukun Tetangga
within such longer period as the Director General
Area Committee.
may specify, appoint in respect of the Area a Rukun P.U. (A) 389/82.
Tetangga area Committee which shall consist of such
numbers of residents if the area as he deems fit.
[R. 5B-6]
12 P.U. (A) 279/75

(2) Paragraphs (2), (3), (5), (6) and (7) of

regulation 7 shall apply to the Rukun Tetangga area
Committee in the same manner that they apply to a
Sector Committee.
(3) A member of the Rukun Tetangga Area
Committee may at any time resign from such office
by letter addressed to the Director.
(4) The Rukun Tetangga Area Committee shall
meet not less than once in two months, and
paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of regulation 11
shall apply to the Rukun Tetangga Area Committee in
the same manner that they apply to a Sector
Functions and 5C.The Rukun Tetangga Area Committee shall carry
duties of a out within the Area in respect of which it is appointed
Rukun Tetangga
Area Committee. (a) Such activities as promote, develop or
P.U. (A) 389/82. maintain, or are conducive to the promotion,
development or maintenance of -
(i) neighborliness, goodwill, co-operation,
harmony and mutual trust and confidence
among the residents of the area;
(ii)the welfare, well-being, health, safety and
security of the residents of the Area; and
(b) Such other activities as the Director may, from
time to time, request it to carry out.
Designation of a 6. (1) The Minister may, from time to time, by
Registration notice published in the Gazette, designate any Rukun
Sector and
Tetangga Area or any part of such Area, or any other
submission of
particulars by area which is not designated as a Rukun Tetangga
residents. Area, to be a Registration Sector.
P.U. (A) 389/82.
(2) Where the Minister designates a Registration
Sector, every resident of the Sector who is above the
age of fifteen years shall submit to such officers as
may be specified in the notice of designation of the
Sector the particulars in Form One within such period
as may be specified in the notice of designation.
[R. 6-6A]

(3) Where a person attains the age of fifteen

years, or where a person commences to reside in a
Sector after the designation of such Sector, he shall
submit his particulars in Form One to the officer
specified in the notice of designation of the Sector
within a period of thirty days after he attains the age
of fifteen years or after he commences to reside in
such Sector, as the case may be.
(4) Whenever there is any change in any of the
particulars submitted by a resident in Form One, he
shall, within thirty days of such change to the officer
to whom the particulars in Form One were submitted
under paragraph (2).
(5) A Director may at any time direct a resident P.U. (A) 389/82.
of the Sector in writing to submit particulars in Form
One within such period as he may specify in the
direction, and a Director may make such direction
regardless whether or not the resident as submitted
particulars under paragraph (2), (3) or (4), and
regardless whether or not the resident has been
prosecuted for an offence under this Regulation, and
where the resident as been so prosecuted, regardless
of the result of such prosecution.
(6) any person who contravenes or fails to P.U. (A) 389/82.
comply with paragraph (2), (3), (4) or (5) shall be
guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
(7) Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) shall apply in P.U. (A) 389/82.
relation to a Security Sector in the same manner as
they apply to a Registration Sector.
6A.(1) The Minister may, from time to time, by Designation of a
notice published in the Gazette, designate any Security Sector.
P.U. (A) 389/82.
Registration Sector, to be a Security Sector, and upon
such designation coming into force, the Sector
Committee appointed in respect of the Registration
Sector shall be deemed to be the Sector Committee
appointed in respect of the Security Sector so
[R. 6A-6B]
14 P.U. (A) 279/75

(2) Regulation 16 to 25 (both inclusive) and of

regulation 27 shall apply only in relation to a Security
sector, and shall nor apply in relation to a Rukun
Tetangga Area or a Registration Sector.
Revocation of 6B. (1) The Minister may, at any time, by notice
designation published in the Gazette revoke any designation
under regulation
under regulation 6 or 6A, and the Director General
5A, 6 or 6A and
redsignation. may, at any time, by notice publicized in such manner
P.U. (A) 389/82. as he deems fit, revoke any designation under
regulation 5A.
(2) Any revocation under paragraph (1) shall be
without prejudice to the power to include,
immediately upon such revocation, or at any time
thereafter, any area or part of an area in respect of
which such revocation has been made in a fresh
designation under regulation 5A, 6 or 6A.
(3) Where any designation under regulation 5A, 6
or 6A revoked, or any area or part of an area in
respect of which such revocation has been made is
included in a fresh designation under regulation 5A, 6
or 6A there may be included in the notice making
such revocation or such designation such provisions
of a transitional, consequential or incidental nature as
may be necessary or expedient.
(4) Without prejudice to the generality of
paragraph (3), where a designation of the whole or
any part of an area as Registration Sector under
regulation 6 or as a Security Sector under regulation
6A is revoked under regulation 6B, and the whole or
any part of the area in respect of which such
revocation is made is include in a fresh designation of
a Sector under regulation 6 or 6A, the notice making
the fresh designation may, of the Minister deems it
expedient to do so, provide that -
(a) the registration of the residents of the whole or
any part of the area so included which had
been effected under regulation 6 (2) in respect
of the earlier designation which ad been
revoked; and
[R. 6B-7]

(b) all particulars of the residents furnished under

regulation 6 (3) and 6 (4) in respect of such
earlier designation.
shall be deemed to be registration of the residents
under regulation 6 (2) and particulars furnished under
regulation 6 (3) and 6 (4) in respect of the fresh
7. (1) after the expiry of the period specified in the Appointment of
notice of designation of a Sector for the submission a Sector
of particulars in Form One under regulation 6, a
Director shall appoint a Committee of such number
of residents of the Sector as he deems fit to be known
as the Sector Committee.
(2) The Director shall appoint a Chairman, a P.U. (A) 389/82.
Deputy Chairman, a Secretary, an assistant Secretary
and a Treasurer of a Sector Committee from among
the members of the Committee after consultation
with the members thereof.
(3) The following persons shall be disqualified
from being appointed or being a member of a
(a) a person who has not attained the age of
twenty-one years;
(b) a person who has at any time been adjudicated
a bankrupt or against whom there has been
made at any time a wage-earner’s
administration order;
(c) a person who has been convicted of an offence
and sentenced to a fine of five hundred ringgit
or more or to imprisonment for any term;
(d) a person against whom a charge for an offence
has been proved and who has, in consequence,
been ordered to execute a bond under any
written law relating to criminal procedure;
(e) a person against whom any form o detention
order as been made under any written law
relating to children, juveniles or young
[R. 7]
16 P.U. (A) 279/75
(f)a person who has been the subject of any order of
detention, supervision or restricted residence
under any written law relating to preventive
detention, internal security, prevention of crime or
restricted residence;
(g) a person who has been the subject of a banishment
order, or of a banishment order which as been
suspended on his executing a bond under any
written law relating to banishment;
(h) a person who is not a citizen or who is not a
permanent resident; and
(i)a person who is of unsound mind or is otherwise
incapable of performing his duties.
P.U. (A) 389/82. (4) Where a person is appointed a member of a
Committee, or a Chairman or a Deputy Chairman , or a
Secretary, or a Assistant Secretary, or Treasurer of a
Committee, he shall accept such appointment, serve as
such member, Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary,
assistant Secretary or Treasurer, as the case may be, for
the term of is appointment, and carry out the functions
and duties and exercise the powers of a member of a
Committee, or a Chairman or a Deputy Chairman or a
Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary or Treasurer of a
Committee, as the case may be, and if he fails to comply
with or contravenes any of these requirements he shall be
guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
P.U. (A) 389/82. (5) A member of a Committee shall be appointed for
a term not exceeding three years and may be reappointed
for a further term or terms of not more than three years
(6) The appointment of a member o a Committee may
be revoked at any time by a Director.
P.U. (A) 389/82. (7) A member of a Committee shall carry such
identification card as the Director General may direct
to be carried by such member, and he shall produce
such card on demand by any person when performing
any duty or carrying out any function or exercising any
[R. 7-8]
power under these Regulations or under any Order in
relation to such person the identification card shall be
surrendered to a Director immediately upon termination
or revocation of the appointment of a member of a
8. (1) A Committee shall have the following functions Functions and
duties of
and duties: Sector
(a) to generally maintain observation of all aspects of
the security, safety and the well-being of residents
and of the Sector community as a whole;
(b) to actively enquire into matters relating to the
prevalence of any form of any unlawful activity
within the Sector and convey information in
relation thereto to a Director;
(c) to receive information in respect of any unlawful
activity that may be tendered to it or to any o its
members by any person, make an appraisal of such
information, make such enquiries as may be
necessary in relation to such information, and
convey such information to a Director, together
with its appraisal and the result of its enquiry;
(d) to maintain observation of, enquire into, and
receive information in respect of, matters relating
to the provision and maintenance of an adequate
supply of articles essential to the life of the Sector
community, and to report to the Director activities
which are prejudicial to the maintenance of such
supply, such as the withholding of the supply of
such articles from the public or the charging of
excessive prices in respect o such articles;
(e)to maintain observation of, enquire into, and
receive information in respect of, matters
relating to the provision and maintenance of
services essential to the life of the Sector
community, and to report to the Director
activities which are prejudicial to the provision
of such services, such as the charging of
[R. 8]
P.U. (A) 279/75
excessive prices in respect of such services, or
failure by any person or body, including a local
authority or statutory body, to fulfill its legal
obligations to provide any such service;
(f)to take such steps as may be necessary or
desirable to enable the residents to protect
themselves against all forms of subversive or
other criminal activities and against flood, fire,
landslide, or other occasion of emergency or
(g) to maintain observation of and enquire into
matters which may have an injurious effect on
the economic life, health or morals of the
(h) to maintain and keep up-to-date a register of
residents as supplied to it by a Director;
(i)(Repeal by P.U.(A) 23/88.)
(j)(Repeal by P.U. (A) 389/82.)
(k) (Repeal by P.U. (A) 23/88.)
(l)to provide its good offices or of any of its
members to arbitrate, conciliate or otherwise
settle any dispute or deference amongst any of
the residents which may be referred to the
Committee by any of the parties to such dispute;
P.U.(A) 389/82 (l)to carry out such activities as promote, develop
or maintain, or are conducive to the promotion,
development or maintenance of, neighborliness,
goodwill, co-operation, harmony or mutual trust
and confidence among the residents of the
Sector, or their welfare;
(m)to perform such other functions or duties as the
Committee may be required to perform under
these Regulations or under any Order or as a
Director may from time to time require the
Committee to perform.
[R. 8-10]
(2) The functions and duties which attach to a
Committee as set out in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to
also attach to every individual member of the Committee.
9.(1)The Committee shall have the following powers: Powers of
(a) the power to require, either orally or in writing,
any person in the Sector to attend at the Centre
before a meeting of the Committee to enable the
Committee to make such enquiry as may be
necessary for the purpose of the performance of
the functions and duties of the Committee;
(b)to require any person to answer any question in
relation to the carrying out of the Committee’s
functions and duties under regulation 8;
(c)to require any person to answer any question
regarding such person’s knowledge in respect of
any unlawful activity;
(d)the power to require any resident to give
assistance by the provision of services or use of
any property in the event of any fire, flood,
landslide, public disorder or other circumstance
whatsoever which renders such assistance
(e)such other powers as are provided under these
Regulations or under any Order.
(2) The powers exercisable by a Committee under
paragraph (1) may be exercised by any
individual member of a Committee, except the
powers under paragraph (1) (a) which may be
exercised only at a meeting of the Committee.
10. A member of a Committee shall be deemed to be a Member of a
police officer of the rank of constable, and shall have all deemed to be
the duties, all the powers and all the immunities of such a police
police officer within the Sector in respect of which he is constable with
a member of the Committee, provided that in the duties and
powers as
performance of such duties and in the exercise of such such
powers he shall be subject to the direction and control of constable
a Director and shall perform such duties and exercise [P.U.(A)
20 P.U. (A) 279/75

Such powers in compliance with such directions,

instructions, conditions, restrictions or limitations as a
Director may specify orally or in writing either
generally, or in the case of any particular member of a
Committee, or in respect of any particular circumstance.

Meeting of 11. (1) A Committee shall meet not less than once in
Committee, forty-five days, and every meeting of the Committee
quorum and
shall be called by the Chairman, or, in his absence, by
minutes P.U.(A)
389/82 the Deputy Chairman.
(2) The quorum of a Committee shall be two-thirds of
its members.

P.U.(A) 389/82 (3) The Chairman shall preside at a meeting of a

Committee, and, in his absence, the Deputy Chairman
shall preside, or, if the Deputy Chairman is also absent,
a Committee may elect one of the members present to
preside at the meeting.

(4) The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of

meetings of a Committee, and a copy thereof shall be
submitted to a Director whenever required by him.

P.U.(A) 389/82 (5) The Treasurer shall maintain proper accounts of all
monies and other property whatever provided by the
Government to a Committee for the carrying out of its
functions, the discharge of its duties, and the exercise of
its powers, and he shall also carry out such other
functions as he may be required to carry out by a
Committee or a Director.

P.U.(A) 389/82 (6) A Committee may, from time to time, with the
approval in writing of a Director, appoint from among
its members such sub-committee as may be necessary
for the purpose of enquiring into any particular matter
and making its report or recommendations thereon to the
[R. 12]
12. (1) There may be established by the Director Establish-
General a fund to be known as the Rukun Tetangga ment of
Trust Fund into which shall be paid all donations
received for the purposes of the carrying out of these Trust
Regulations and any Order, not being moneys collected Fund, and
or received under paragraph (4). collection
(2) The Rukun Tetangga Trust Fund shall be operated receiving
of moneys
under section 10 (1) (a) of the Financial Procedure Act
for Rukun
1957 and for this purpose the following new item is Tetangga
hereby incorporated into the Second Schedule to the said purposes.
Act - P.U.(A)
“The Rukun Tetangga Trust Fund”. 389/82
Act 61
(3) The Rukun Tetangga Trust Fund shall be operated
by the Director General in accordance with any Order
relating thereto.
(4) A Rukun Tetangga Area Committee or a Sector Add.
Committee may collect or receive within the Area or the 389/82.
Sector, as the case may be, monies for purpose of
carrying out its functions, and discharging its duties,
provided it has applied for and obtained the prior written
approval of the Director General and makes such
collection or receives such monies in accordance with
the rearms and conditions set out in the approval granted
by the Director General.
(5) The approval of the Director General under P.U.(A)
paragraph (4) shall contain directions providing for the
maintenance, administration and utilization of the
moneys so collected, for the keeping of the accounts
thereof, and for the auditing so such accounts by a
public officer or public officers authorized in writing by
the Director General.
(6) Where a Rukun Tetangga Area Committee or a P.U.(A)
Sector Committee, as the case may be, has obtained the
approval of the Director General under paragraph (4) it
shall be its duty collectively, and of every member
thereof individually, to comply with the terms and
conditions set out in the approval and with the
directions contained therein.
[R13 ]
22 P.U. (A) 279/75

Residence 13. (1) A Director shall, after consultation with a

Units and Committee, designate by notice the Residence Units of
the Sector and appoint a head, who shall be known as
P.U.(A) the Ketua Jiran, in respect of each such Residence Unit.
(2) Such notice of designation shall be published in
such manner as a Director deems fit for bringing it to the
attention of persons who reside in the Residence Units
which are so designated, and shall have effect from the
date specified in the notice, without publication in the
(3) The persons disqualified from being appointed or
being members of a Committee under regulation 7(3)
shall also be disqualified from being appointed or being
a Ketua Jiran.

(4) A Ketua Jiran shall be appointed in writing for

such term as may be specified in the appointment
andmay be re-appointed for a further term or terms as
may be specified in the re-appointment.

[P.U.(A) (5) Where a person is appointed a Ketua Jiran he shall

389/82.] accept such appointment, serve as such Ketua Jiran for
the term of his appointment, and carry out the functions
and duties and exercise the powers of a Ketua Jiran, and
if he fails to comply with or contravenes any of these
requirements he shall be guilty of an offence against
these Regulations.

(6) The appointment of a Ketua Jiran may be revoked

at any time by a Director.

[P.U.(A) (7) A Ketua Jiran shall carry such identification

389/82.] card as the Director General may direct to be carried by
the Ketua-Ketua Jiran, and he shall produce such card
on demand by any person when performing any duty or
carrying out any function, or exercising any power
under these Regulations or under any Order in relation
to such person; the identification card shall be
surrendered to a Director immediately upon
termination or revocation of the appointment of a
Ketua Jiran.
[R. 14]

14. (1) A Ketua Jiran shall have the same Functions,

duties and
functions,duties and powers in relation to the Residence powers of a
Unit of which he is the Ketua Jiran as a Committee or a Ketua Jiran
member of a Committee has in relation to a Sector under P.U.(A)
regulations 8, 9 and 10, except the power under 23/88
regulations 9 (1) (a), and shall generally assist the
Committee in such manner as the Committee may from
time to time require in the performance of its duties, or
the carrying out of its functions, or the exercise of its
power, under these Regulations in the Residence Unit of
which he is the Ketua Jiran.
(2) A Ketua Jiran shall perform such other
functions and duties and exercise such other powers as
may be conferred on him in writing by a Director, or by
the Committee with the approval of a Director, provided
that the functions, duties and powers so conferred are
not inconsistent with or in excess of the functions, duties
and powers of a Committee or a member of a
(3) A Ketua Jiran shall also perform such other
functions and duties and exercise such other powers as
may be provided for a Ketua Jiran under these
Regulations or under any Order.
(4) The Ketua-Ketua Jiran of two or more P.U.(A)
Residence Units, whether contiguous or not, may with
the approval in writing of a Director, coordinate their
activities in such manner as may be necessary or
(5) A Director may direct in writing two or more P.U.(A)
Ketua-Ketua Jiran to act in coordination in accordance
with and to the extent specified by the Director in such
direction, and, in such case, it shall be the duty of the
Ketua-Ketua Jiran concerned to administer, carry out,
and give effect to such direction, and anything done by
any person in pursuance of such direction shall be
deemed to be lawful.
[R. 14A-14B]
24 P.U. (A) 279/75

Area Residence 14A. (1) A Director may, where he deems it fit to do so

Units and in respect of the whole or part of any Area, but after
consultation with its Area Committee –
Jiran Kawasan
23/88 (a) designate by notice the Area Residence
Units of the whole or part of the Area, as the
case may be; and
(b) appoint a head, who shall be known as the
Ketua Jiran Kawasan, in respect of each of
such Area Residence Units.
(2) Paragraphs (2), (3), (4) and (6) of regulation
13 shall apply in relation to an Area Residence Unit and
a Ketua Jiran Kawasan in the same manner that they
apply to a Residence Unit and a Ketua Jiran.
(3) A Ketua Jiran Kawasan may at any time
resign from such office by letter addressed to the
(4) A Ketua Jiran Kawasan shall carry such
carry such identification card as the Director may
furnish him with and he shall produce such card on
demand by any person when performing any duty or
carrying out any function under these Regulations or
under any Order in relation to such person; the
identification card shall be surrendered to a Director
immediately upon the cessation of the appointment of a
Ketua Jiran Kawasan.

Functions and duties 14B. (1) A Ketua Jiran Kawasan shall have the same
of a Ketua Jiran functions and duties in relation to the Area Residence
Units of which he is the Ketua Jiran Kawasan as an
P.U.(A) 23/88.
Area Committee has in relation to an Area under
regulation 5c, and shall generally assist the Area
Committee in such manner as the Area Committee may
from time to time require in the performance of its duties
or the carrying out ot its function in the Area Residence
Unit of which he is the Ketua Jiran Kawasan.
(2) A Ketua Jiran Kawasan shall perform such other
functions and duties as may be conferred on him in
writing by a Director, or by the Area Committee with
[R. 14B-16]
The approval of a Director, provided that the functions
and duties so conferred are not inconsistent with or in
excess of the functions and duties of an Area
(3) A Ketua Jiran Kawasan shall also perform such
other functions and duties as may be provided for a
Ketua Jiran Kawasan under these Regulations or under
any Order.
(4) Paragraphs (4) and (5) of regulation 14 shall
apply in relation to Ketua-Ketua Jiran Kawasan and
Area Residence Units in the same manner that they
apply to Ketua-Ketua Jiran and Residence Units.”

15. The Director General shall provide every Rukun Area or

Tetangga Area Committee and every Sector Committee Sector
with such premises as he may deem appropriate for the
use of the Rukun Tetangga Area Committee or the 389/82.
Sector Committee, as the case may may be.
16. (1) A person who, between the hours of midnight Record of
and five o’clock past midnight, enters a Sector of which non-
he is not a resident shall, immediately upon entering that
entering or
Sector, furnish his particulars in Form Five to a qualified remaining in
resident on duty at the Centre. a Sector after
(2) A person who enters before midnight a Sector
of which he is not a resident and remains in that Sector
after midnight shall, before one o’clock past midnight on
the same night, furnish his particulars in Form Five to a
qualified resident on duty at the Centre.
(3) This regulation shall not apply in the case of a
person who, during the hours referred to in paragraph
(1), is a guest in an hotel or lodging house or other
similar commercial establishment where the particulars
of guests are required to be registered under
any written law.
[R. 16-18]
26 P.U. (A) 279/75

P.U.(A) (4) The foregoing provision of this regulation shall

389/82 apply in Sector only where a Director notifies in the
Gazette after consultation with the Committee that the
said provisions shall apply in that Sector.
Restriction with 17. (1) The person who is not a resident of a Sector
regard to shall stay overnight in that Sector except as a visitor
staying in the residence of a resident of the Sector or in
overnight in a
Sector an hotel, lodging house or other commercial
establishment which can lawfully provide temporary
(2) Any person staying overnight in a Sector in
contravention of paragraph (1) shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations
(3) A person shall be deemed to stay overnight
in a Sector if he is found in the Sector at any time
between the hours of midnight and five o’clock past

Sector patrols and 18. (1) A Committee shall arrange for qualified
guards. residents to carry out –
(a) patrol duties in the Sector;
(b) guard duties at the Sector Centre at all times
or during such hours as may be determined by
a Director after consultation with the
Committee; and
(c) guard duties at such premises, places or
locations in the Sector as may be required by
a Director,
in such shifts as may be required by a Director being, in
any case, of a duration of not more than four continuous
hours each.
(2) The qualified residents on patrol or guard
duty shall be required to carry out their duties in patrol
parties or guard parties of not less than two qualified
residents in each such party.
P.U.(A) (3) A Committee shall be responsible for the
389/82 supervision, direction and control of the performance of
patrol or guard duties under this regulation, and shall
arrange for one or more of its members, as it may
[R. 18-20]

Consider appropriate, to be present at the Sector

Centre at such times as the Committee may deem
necessary or expedient, or as a Director may require,
for the better exercise of such supervision, direction
and control.

19. (1) The Committee shall prepare monthly, or in Roster of

respect of such longer period not exceeding twelve duties
months as the Committee may determine, a roster of
duties under regulation 18 and exhibit such roster in
the Centre.
(1A) A member of the Committee authorized P.U.(A)
by the Committee to do so may, from time to time, 389/82.
amend the roster prepared under paragraph (1), and
every such amendment shall be exhibited at the
(2) Every person required to perform duties
under such roster shall attend and perform such duties
accordingly, and if he fails to comply with or
contravenes such requirements he shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations
(3) It shall be the duty of every qualified P.U.(A)
resident to ascertain from the roster or the Committee 389/82
the date and time of every occasion when he would be
liable to attend and perform such duty on any
occasion he may, not less than seven days before the
date of such occasion, apply to the Committee for its
permission to substitute another date and time in
place thereof; if he fails to receive such permission he
shall attend and perform duty as specified in the
Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be P.U.(A)
construed as derogating from the power of the 389/82
Committee under paragraph (1A) to amend the roster.
20. A resident who is not a qualified resident may Non-qualified
apply to a Committee to be placed on a roster under residents may
volunteer for
regulation 19(1), and where the Committee approves
patrol or guard
the application and places him on such roster he shall duties.
be deemed to be a qualified resident for the purpose
of these Regulations.
[R. 21-22]
28 P.U. (A) 279/75

Special provisions 21. (1) In preparing a roster of duties under

relating to self- regulation 19 the Committee shall, as far as
employed qualified
practicable, ensure that no self-employed qualified
resident is required to perform patrol or guard duty
during the hours when he would, in the normal course
of his self-employment, be engaged in performing the
work in respect of this self-employment.
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1) “self-
employed qualified resident” means -

(a) a qualified resident engaged in any

business, profession, occupation,
agricultural work, or other under-taking
whatsoever, carried on solely by himself
for together with the members of his
family, in respect of which he does not
receive any wages from an employer; or
(b) a qualified resident whose sole means of
live hood is to offer his services as a
casual workers on a contract entered into
Provided that in no case shall “self-employed
qualified resident” include a qualified resident who
employs any other person.
P.U.(A) (3) Where any question arises under any of
389/82 these Regulations as to whether a person is a
“self-employed qualified resident” the question
shall be decided by a Director whose decision
shall be final.
Limitation 22. A qualified resident shall not be required to
regarding patrol perform patrol or guard duty on more than two days
or guard duty.
in a month, and on not more than one day in month
P.U.(A) 389/82.
on such duty in a shift which extends beyond
midnight or commences after midnight:
P.U.(A) Provided that the Director General may, where
389/82. he deems it necessary or expedient to do so in the
case of any particular Sector, direct that the qualified
residents in that Sector be required to perform patrol
or guard duty on not more than three days in a month.
[R. 23-25]

23. (1) Where a party of qualified residents is on Command of

patrol or guard duty, it shall, during the period or such party on
patrol or
duty, be under the command of such member of the
guard duty.
party as may be designated by a Committee or a
member of a Committee.
(2) A qualified resident on patrol or guard duty
shall obey and comply with all lawful directions,
instructions or orders of his commander as designated
under paragraph (1).
(3) Such commander shall obey and comply with
all lawful directions, instructions or orders of the
Committee or any member thereof.

24. (1) A qualified resident shall, whilst on patrol Weapons

or guard duty, be entitled to have in his possession which
only such weapon, not being a fire-arm, as may be
or guard
approved by a Director. may have
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a Director
may authorize any qualified resident, whilst he is on
patrol or guard duty, to have a fire-arm in his
possession in accordance with such written direction
as a Director may give.

25. A qualified resident shall, whilst on patrol or Duties and

guard duty in the area of his duty, be deemed to be a powers of
police officer of the rank of constable and shall have
or guard.
all the duties, all the powers, and all the immunities of P.U.(A)
such police officer, provided that in the performance 389/82.
of such duties and in the exercise of such powers
he shall be subject to the direction and control of the
Director, or the Committee and each of the
members of the Committee, and shall perform such
duties and exercise such powers in compliance
with such directions, instructions, conditions,
restrictions or limitations as a Director or the
Committee or a member of the Committee may
specify orally or in writing either generally, or in
the case of any particular qualified resident, or
in respect of any particular circumstance.

[R. 26-27A]
30 P.U. (A) 279/75
Participation by 26. A Director may authorise members of the armed
members of forces, the police force, the Ikatan Relawan Rakyat
armed forces,
established under the Essential (Pasukan Kawalan)
etc. in the duties
of a Committee, Regulations 1966, any auxiliary or volunteer police
Ketua Jiran or force, or any other organization, body or group of
qualified persons, to participate in the performance of duties by
residents a Committee, a Ketua Jiran, or qualified residents,
Fed.P.U.33/66. subject to and in accordance with any directions
which he may give.
Relationship of 27. (1) Where a qualified resident is an employee
patrol or guard of any person, the qualified resident shall be deemed
duties and
to have been granted leave of absence from his
employment by his employer for the hours during
which that the qualified resident is required to
perform patrol or guard duty under these Regulations.
(2) Where a qualified resident who is an employee
of any person performs a stretch of patrol or guard
duty for any length of time after midnight he shall be
deemed to have been granted leave of absence from
his employment by his employer for the twenty-four
hours following the completion of such stretch of
Application for 27A. (1) An Area Committee or a Registration
operating a Sector Committee may apply to the Director-General
to operate in the whole or part of the Area or
Scheme. Registration Sector, as the case may be, a Voluntary
P.U.(A) Patrolling Scheme (hereinafter in these Regulations
23/88. referred to as a “Scheme”) if requested to do so by a
group of not less than twenty residents of the Area or
the Registration Sector, as the case may be, of not less
than eighteen years of age.
(2) A request by volunteer residents under
paragraph (1) shall be made by completing Part A of
Form Six and submitting Form Six to the Area
Committee or the Registration Sector Committee of
the Area or the Registration Sector, as the case may
be, of which they are residents.
(3) An application by an Area Committee or a
Registration Sector Committee under paragraph (1)
shall be made by completing Part B of Form Six and
submitting Form Six to the Director-General.
[R. 27A-27B]

(4) Where an Area Committee or a Registration

Sector Committee decides not to accede to a request
by volunteer residents in Part A of Form Six it shall
complete Part C of Form Six and submit Form Six to
the Director-General.
(5) A Director may require the Chairman of the
Area Committee or the Registration Sector
Committee or any of the volunteer residents, to
furnish such other information or particulars as the
Director may require in relation to all or any of the
volunteer residents, or the proposed Scheme, or
otherwise howsoever in relation to the application,
and he may require all or any of the volunteer
residents to appear personally before him to be
interviewed by him and to answer all such enquiries
as he may deem necessary to make in relation to the
(6) The Director-General may before giving his
decision on the application, propose for the
consideration of the Area Committee or the
Registration Sector Committee such modifications or
alterations to the proposed Scheme as may, in his
opinion, be necessary, desirable, expedient or

27B. (1) Where an application under regulation 27A Approval of a

is approved by the Director-General, he shall when Scheme, its
conveying the approval to the Chairman of the Area
nt, and
Committee or the Registration Sector Committee, as responsibility
the case may be, require the operation of the Scheme of every
to be commenced before such date as the Director- member of a
General may specify, and the Chairman shall, Scheme
thereafter, inform the Director-General in writing of Committee in
relation to the
the date on which the operation of the Scheme has
commenced within seven days after the date of the P.U.(A)
commencement. 23/88.
(2) If –
(a) the operation of the Scheme is not commenced
before the date specified by the Director
General under paragraph (1); or
[R. 27B-27D]
32 P.U. (A) 279/75

(b) the Chairman fails to inform the Director

General of the date of the commencement of
the operation of the Scheme within the time
specified under paragraph (1);
the Director-General’s approval of the application
shall lapse, unless he extends such date or such time
either at his own instance, or on an application by the
(3) Where an application to operate a Scheme has
been approved, and its operation has commenced,
under the foregoing provisions of this regulation,
every member of the Scheme Committee shall be
responsible for the implementation of the Scheme in
accordance with these Regulations and he shall,
accordingly, carry out his functions and duties and
exercise the powers of a member of the Scheme
Committee in relation to the Scheme, and paragraph
(4) of regulation 7 shall apply in relation to the
carrying out of such functions and duties and the
exercise of such powers.
Restriction as 27C. Without prejudice to the powers, duties and
to participation functions of a Scheme Committee and of each of its
in a Scheme
members under these Regulations, where an
23/88. application to operate a Scheme has been approved,
and its operation has commenced, under regulations
27B, no person other than a volunteer resident shall
participate in patrolling under the Scheme, or in any
other manner howsoever under the Scheme.
Register of 27D. (1) A Scheme Committee shall maintain a
volunteer register of all volunteer residents under a Scheme
which has been approved under regulation 27B which
23/88. shall be made available for inspection by, and a copy
whereof shall be supplied to, a Director or an officer
authorised by a Director whenever such inspection or
copy, as the case may be, is required by a Director or
such officer.
(2) The Director General may direct either
generally or in any particular case the manner in
which the register under paragraph (1) shall be
maintained and the particulars and information which
it shall contain.
[R. 27E – 27G]

27E. (1) A Scheme Committee shall maintain a record Maintenance

of the patrolling which is organized to be carried out, of record of
and which is actually carried out, by the volunteer
P.U. (A)
residents under a Scheme which has been approved 23/88.
under regulation 27B in such form as the Director
General may direct, and such record shall be made
available for inspection by, or a copy thereof supplied
to, a Director or an officer authorized by a Director
whenever such inspection or copy, as the case may be,
is required by a Director or by such officer.

(2) A Scheme committee shall furnish a Director

with all such particulars and information in relation to
the operation of a Scheme as a Director may, from time
to time, require.

27F. (1) A volunteer resident shall at all times while Identifica-

carrying out patrolling – tion of
(a) wear such uniform, badge, band, or other under a
identification, as may be required by a Scheme.
Director after consolation with the Scheme P.U. (A)
Committee; and 23/88.
(b) carry such card or other document of
identification as may be issued by a Director,
and shall produce the same on demand by any
person whenever exercising any power in
relation to such person under these

(2) The card or document of identification referred

to in paragraph (1) (b) shall be surrendered to a Director
immediately upon the person to whom it is issued ceasing
to be a volunteer resident.

27G. (1) A party of volunteer residents shall, whilst on

patrol, be under the command of such member of the Command
of party
patrolling party as may be designated by the Scheme whilst on
Committee to be the head of the patrolling party, and patrol.
every other member of such party shall whilst on patrol P.U. (A)
obey and comply with all lawful director, instructions 23/88.
or orders of such head.
[R. 27G – 27J]
34 P.U. (A) 279/75

(1) Such head and other members of such party shall

obey and comply with all lawful direction, instructions
or orders of the Scheme Committee or any of its

27H. (1) A volunteer resident shall, whilst patrolling in the
which locality in which he is authorised to patrol under a
volunteer Scheme, have in his possession only such weapon, not
resident may being a firearm, as may be approved in writing by the
carry whilst Director General either generally or in respect of a
patrolling. particular volunteer resident;
Provided that the Director General may, in any
particular case, authorised in writing a particular
volunteer resident to carry on his person whilst so
patrolling a firearm which is lawfully in his possession
Act. 206.
under the Arms Act 1960.

Duties, 27I. A volunteer resident shall, whilst patrolling in the

powers and locality in which he is authorised under the Scheme to
patrol, be deemed to be a police officer of the rank of
of a volunteer
resident constable and shall have all the duties, all the powers
whilst and all the immunities of such police officer, provided
patrolling. that in the performance of such duties and the exercise
P.U.(A) of such power he shall be subject to the direction and
23/88. control of the Director, the Scheme Committee and
each of the members of the Scheme Committee, and shall
perform such duties and exercise such powers in
compliance with such directions, instructions,
conditions, restrictions or limitations as the Director, or
the Scheme Committee, or a member of the Scheme
Committee, may specify orally or in writing either
generally, or in respect of any particular volunteer
resident or any particular circumstance.

Compensa- 27J. Where a volunteer resident has sustained any

tion for injury during the course of carrying out patrolling in the
locality in which he is authorised to do so under the
23/88. Scheme (whether or not such locality is within or
[R.27J – 27M]

outside the security area), regulation 30 shall apply to

him mutates mutandis in the same manner that they
apply to a resident who has sustained and injury during
the course of duty.

27K. Regulation 31 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Offences

by volunteer
volunteer resident in a Scheme whilst he is patrolling in
the locality in which he is authorised to patrol under the P.U.(A)
Scheme in the same manner that they apply to a 23/88.
qualified resident whilst he is on patrol or guard duty,
with the reference in the regulation to –

(a) “his Commander” substituted by a reference

to “the head of the patrol party”;
(b) “Committee” substituted by a reference to
“Scheme Committee”;
(c) “a Sector” substituted by a reference to “an Area
or a Registration Sector”.

27L. (1) For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby Regulations

27 and 28 not
declared that regulation 27 shall not apply to a
to apply in
volunteer resident in relation to patrolling by him relation to
under a Scheme, or in relation to the performance of a Scheme
any other duty or function by him under a Scheme. P.U.(A)
(2) Regulation 28 shall not apply to an employee
who is a volunteer resident or who is a member of a
Scheme committee in relation to such volunteer
resident or member having to perform any duty or
function, or carry out or comply with any direction or
instruction, under a Scheme, including patrolling by a
volunteer resident under a Scheme.
27M. Regulation 35 and 36 shall apply to a volunteer Regulations
resident, and also to a Scheme Committee or a member 35 and 36 to
apply to a
thereof, in relation to a Scheme, in the same manner that
they apply to a resident, or a member thereof. resident and a
or a member

[R. 27N – 27O]

36 P.U. (A) 279/75
Inclusion 27N. (1) A Scheme committee may include as a participant
of new in a Scheme operated by it any resident of
the Area or the Registration Sector concerned who
residents, and
with-drawl of applies in writing to be so included.
residents. (2) The Chairman of the Scheme Committee shall
P.U.(A) send to the Director-General in or Seven the
23/88. particulars of every volunteer resident included in the
Scheme under paragraph (1) within seven days of his

(3) Any volunteer resident may at any time

withdraw from participation in the Scheme by letter
addressed to the chairman of the Scheme Committee
and the Chairman shall, within seven days of such
withdrawal taking effect, inform the Director General
of such withdrawal by forwarding to him the particulars
thereof in Form Eight.

(4) A volunteer resident shall cease to participate in

a Scheme immediately upon ceasing to reside in the
Area or the Registration Sector in which the Scheme is

(5) The Chairman of a Scheme Committee shall

inform the Director General within seven days of a
volunteer resident ceasing to reside within its Area or
Registration Sector, as the case may be, by forwarding to
the Director General the particulars thereof in form Eight.
Expenses of 27O. The expenses of operating a Scheme shall be the
operation responsibility of the Scheme Committee and shall be
of Scheme
paid and met by the Scheme committee, and to meet
to be the
resopnsibi- such expenses it may collect or receive within its Area
lity of the or Registration Sector, as the case may be, monies for
Scheme the purpose of operating the Scheme in accordance
committee. with paragraphs (4), (5) and (6) of regulation 12, which
P.U.(A) shall in this respect apply to the Scheme Committee or
the same manner that they apply to an Area Committee
or a Registration Sector Committee, as the case may

27P. (1) The Director General may, if he deems it fit Director
to do so, by written notice addressed to the Chairman General’s
power to
of a Scheme Committee and without assigning any
revoke the
reason therefore – approval
(a) revoke his approval of a Scheme and terminate of a Scheme,
the operation f the Scheme; r suspend
it or modify
(b) suspend the operation of a Scheme indefinitely it, or direct
or for a definite period;
of participa-
tion by a
(c) modify a Scheme approved by him in such particular
manner as he may specify in the notice, either at volunteer
his own instance, or on application by a resident.
Scheme Committee, and such modification P.U.(A)
may relate to any aspect of the Scheme,
including the area of the locality in which the
Scheme is operated; or

(d) direct that any volunteer resident cease to

participate in the Scheme.

with effect from such date as may be specified in the

notice, and the Chairman, the Scheme Committee, and
every volunteer resident shall give effect to such notice
with effect from the date specified in the notice.

(2) Where the Director General suspends the

operation of a Scheme under paragraph (1) for an
indefinite period, he may, if and when he deems it fit to
do so, by written notice addressed to the Chairman of
the Scheme Committee, and without assigning any
reason therefore, revoke the suspension and permit
operation of the Scheme with effect from such date as
may be specified in the notice.

(3) A notice under paragraph (1) or (2) may contain

such ancillary, incidental, or consequential directions
or provisions as the Director General may deem
necessary, expedient or appropriate to give or provide,
including directions in relation to any monies held by
the Scheme Committee for he operation of the

[R. 27Q – 30]

38 P.U. (A) 279/75
Director 27Q. Any of the functions, powers and duties of the
may perform Director General under regulations 27A to 27P may be
performed, exercised or discharged by a Director
etc. of
Director authorised by the Director General, subject to such
General. restrictions, limitations or conditions as the Director
P.U.(A) General may specify.
Employee 28. (1) An employer shall not subject an employee to
not to suffer any loss of remuneration or to any detriment
loss of
whatsoever by reason of such employee having to
or any perform any duties or functions, or carry out or comply
detriment. with any directions or instructions, under these
regulations or any Order.

(2) For the purpose of this regulation any question

as to whether an employee has incurred any loss of
remuneration or any detriment shall be decided by a
Director whose decision shall be final.

No remunera- 29. No resident shall be paid any remuneration or

tion payable payment whatsoever in respect of the performance of
to a resident
any duty or function under these Regulations or any
in respect
of the perfor- Order.
mance of any
duty or
under these
Compensation 30. Where a resident has sustained any injury during
for injury. the course of his duty in any place within Malaysia
(whether within or outside the security area),
the Internal Security (Civilian Injuries Compensation)
L.N. 193/60 Regulations 1960 shall apply as if such injury had been
cause in a security area as a direct result of and was
attributable to the declaration of such an area as a
security area by proclamation under section 47 of the
Internal Security Act 1960, and the resident sustaining
Act. 82
that injury or, if he has died as a result thereof, his
dependent or dependants, may accordingly make a
claim and such claim shall be dealt with under the
aforesaid Regulations.
[R.31 - 32]
31. (1) Any qualified resident who whilst on patrol or Offences
guard duty: by a patrol-
man or guard
(a) willfully gives false information pertaining to
any matter; discipline.
(b) disobeys the lawful order of his Commander or
of a Committee or of any member of a
Committee or of a Director;
(c) uses obscene, abusive, or insulting language
whilst on duty;
(d) sleeps or gambles whilst on duty;
(e) absents himself without reasonable cause from
(f) is found to be under the influence of alcohol or
any drug whilst on duty;
(g) negligently or without reasonable cause
discharges any firearm whilst on duty; or
(h) acts in any manner not herein specified
prejudicial to the welfare of a Sector,
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
32. The following persons shall be exempted from Exemption.
liability to be appointed to serve as a member of a
Committee or as a Ketua Jiran or to do patrol or guard
duty under these Regulation:

(a) accredited diplomatic or consular repre-

sentatives and diplomatic or consular
employees who are not domiciled in Malaysia;

(b) mentally disordered persons within the

meaning of any written law in force in
Malaysia relating to mental disorders or
persons found to be of unsound mind under
the provisions of Chapter XXXIII of the
Criminal Procedure Code of the Federated F.M.S.
Malay States, so long as such mental disorder Cap.6
or unsoundness of mind persists;

[R. 32 – 34]]
40 P.U. (A) 279/75
(c) persons certified by two registered medical
practitioners to be blind; and
(d) any other persons o categories of persons
exempted from the operation of these
Regulations or under any Order.
Duty of 33. (1) It shall be the duty of every resident of a Sector
residents to give to a Ketua Jiran or to a Committee or a member
of Sector.
of a Committee or to a Director any information that
he may have –
(a) with regard to the commission of any offence, or
any attempt or preparation to commit any
offence, by any resident of the Sector at any
place, whether such place is within or without
the Sector; or
(b) with regard to the commission of any offence, or
any attempt or preparation to commit any
offence, in the Sector, by any person, whether
such person is from within or without the
(2) Where a family resides together in the same
premises in a Sector and here is proved against any
member thereof a charge for any offence of the
commission of which or of the attempt or preparation
for the commission of which the other members of the
family so residing would, in the ordinary course of
events, have had knowledge, each of the other
members of the family who is above the age of fourteen
years shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence of
having failed to comply with paragraph (1) unless he
can prove that the offence in respect of which the
charge is proved was committed or the attempt or
preparation to commit the offence was made without
his knowledge.

Duty of 34. Where a resident has any knowledge of any activity

resident in in the Sector or an Area which, though not constituting an
relation to
offence under any law, is, nevertheless, prejudicial or
prejudicial injurious to the economic , moral, social, or physical
or injurious well-being of a Sector community, it shall be lawful for
to Sector him, and it shall also be his duty,to give to a Ketua Jiran or
[R.34 - 37]
a Ketua Jiran Kawasan or to a Committee or
an Area Committee or a member of a Committee or to
a Director such information as he may have in respect
of the persons involved in such activity.

35. A director may, from time to time, give such Director’s

directions or instructions to any Committee, Ketua Jiran power to
give direc-
or resident as he may deem necessary or
tions or
expedient, not being directions or instructions instructions
inconsistent with these Regulations or any Order, and to any
it shall be the duty of the Committee or the Ketua Jiran Committee,
or the resident, as the case may be, to administer, carry Ketua Jiran
out and give effect to such directions or instructions. or resident.

36. A Director may require any member of a Director’s

Committee, or a Ketua Jiran, or a resident, to attend, power to
either individually or collectively, before a Director or
before such person as a Director may specify, for such of members
purpose as a Director may deem necessary or of
expedient to give effect to these Regulations or any Committee,
Order, including, for the purpose of receiving direc- Ketua Jiran,
tions, instructions, or training with regard to the or residents
for instruc-
performance of duties and functions or the exercise of
powers under these Regulations or any Order, and such training,
requirement of a Director shall be duly complied with. etc.
37. (1) Where a Director receives any report or Director’s
information from a Committee or an Area Committee or a power in
relation to
member of a Committee, or from a Ketua Jiran, or from a
report and
Ketua Jiran Kawasan, or from a resident, in respect of any information
matter falling within the functions and duties of a from a Com-
Committee or an Area Committee or a member of a mittee, or
Committee, or a Ketua Jiran, or a Ketua Jiran, or a Ketua an Area
Jiran Kawasan, or a resident, as the case may be, or where Committee,
a Ketua
he receives any report or information otherwise in respect
of a Sector or an Area, the Director shall take such action Kawasan
in relation thereto as may be appropriate, and may transmit or a
such report or information or any part thereof to any public resident.
officer, or the officer of any local authority or statutory
body, as may be empowered to take action in relation to the
report or information.

[R. 27Q – 30]

42 P.U. (A) 279/75
(2) Where a report or information is transmitted under
paragraph (1), it shall be the duty of the public
officer, or the officer of the local authority or statutory
body, as the case may be, to take, as soon as is
practicable, all such measure as it may be reasonable
or expedient to take in relation thereto, and,
thereafter, to inform the Director of the measures so

(3) Where a report or information has been

transmitted under paragraph (1), the Minister may direct
the public officer, or the officer of the local
authority or statutory body, as the case may be, to take
such action in relation thereto as the Minister may deem
appropriate to specify in the direction, and such direction
shall be duly complied with.

Power of 38. (1) For the purose of any law relating to criminal
arrest, procedure an offence against these Regulations shall be
deemed to be a seizable offence, and a Director or any
gation police officer may –
and (a) arrest without warrant any person whom he
has reason to believe to have committed an
in respect
of offences offence against there Regulations:
under these Provided that when any person has been
Regulations. arrested as aforesaid he shall be thereafter
dealt with as provided by the law relating to
criminal procedure for the time being in force;
(b) seize anything which he considers it necessary
to seize in relation to the evidence necessary to
establish the commission of any such offence.
(2) A Director, or any police officer not below the
rank of Sergeant, or any officer in charge of a police
station, may in relation to any investigation in respect
of any offence against these Regulations without order
of the Public Prosecutor exercise the special powers in
relation to police investigations given by the law
relating to criminal procedure in any sizable offence.
(3) Any prosecution respect of any offence against
these Regulation may be conducted by a Director.

[R.39 - 40]
39. Where a Director or any police officer - Power to
(a) has reasonable grounds for believing that an
offence against these Regulations has been
committed; or

(b) seeks to test the accuracy of any Form

completed by any person under these
Regulations or the accuracy of any
information or report given to a Director under
these Regulations; or

(c) seeks to obtain any information for the

purpose of these Regulations,

he may enter any premises and may carry out such

inspection and examination as he may consider necessary
and may seize or detain any article or document found in
such premises which may furnish evidence of an offence
against these Regulations.
40. (1) The Committees of two or more Sectors, Co-ordination
whether contiguous or not, may co-ordinate their Between
activities in such manner as may be necessary or

(2) Where the Committees of two or more Sectors

consider it desirable that in the co-ordination of their
activities it is necessary for all or any of the Committee
Members, Ketua-Ketua Jiran, or the qualified residents
whilst carrying out patrol or guard duties, to perform
functions or duties or exercise powers within a Sector
or Sectors other than their own respective Sector, it
shall be lawful for them to do so subject to a resolution to
such effect having been passed by each of the
Committees concerned with the approval in writing of a
Director and subject to compliance with such directions
as a Director may give in the matter.

[R. 40 - 41]
44 P.U. (A) 279/75
(3) A Director may direct in writing two or more
Committees to act in co-ordination in accordance with
and to the extent specified by the Director in such
direction, and, in such case, it shall be the duty of the
Committees concerned to administer, carry out, and
give effect to such direction, and anything done by any
person in pursuance of such direction shall be deemed
to be lawful.

Offences of 41. (1) A any person who obstructs, dissuades or deters,

Obstruction or attempts to obstruct, dissuade or deter, or assists in
obstructing, dissuading or deterring, any person from
to offence, performing his functions or duties or exercising his
etc. power under these Regulations or under any Order,
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.

P.U.(A) (2) Any person who use any abusive or insulting

words, language, sign or gesture against, or assaults any
person who is carrying out any of his duties or functions
or exercising any of his powers under these Regulations
or under any Order or any person acting in the aid or
assistance of the person performing such duty or
function or exercising such power shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations.

(3) Any person who rescues or endeavors to rescue

or causes to be rescued anything which has been duly
seized shall be guilty of an offence against these

(4) Any person who before or after any seizure

destroys or in any manner damages the thing seized to
prevent the seizure thereof or the securing of the same
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.

(5) Any person who causes, incites, or induces, or

attempts to cause, incite or induce, or does any act
calculated to cause, incite or induce, or conspires with,
any person to commit an offence against these
Regulations shall be guilty of an offence against these

[R.42 - 44]
42. Any person who pretends to be or falsely Personation.
personates a person entitled to perform any function or
duty or exercise any power under these Regulations or
any Order, whether or not he does or attempts to do
any act under such assumed character, shall be guilty of
an offence against these Regulations.

43. Any person who in giving any information for the False
purpose of these Regulations knowingly or recklessly statement.
makes any statement which is false in a material
particular shall be guilty of an offence against these

44. (1) Any person who commits an offence against Penalty.

these Regulations for which no other penalty is P.U.(A)
specified shall, on conviction, be liable to be punished
with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year,
or with fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit or both.
(2) In this regulation “offence against these P.U.(A)
Regulation” includes - 389/82.

(a) any contravention of, or any failure to comply

with, any provision of these Regulations, or of
any Order, which is not already specified in
these Regulations or in the Order, as the
case may be;

(b) any offence under any Order; or

(c) any contravention of, or any failure to comply

with, the terms and conditions of any
permission or authority granted under these
Regulations or uner any Order; or

[R. 44 - 49]
46 P.U. (A) 279/75
(d) any failure to comply with any request,
requirement, direction or instruction lawfully
made or given under these Regulations or under
any Order.

45. (Repeal by P.U. (A) 389/82)

Joinder of 46. When a person is accused of more than one offence

offences. against these Regulations he may be charge with and
tried at one time for any number of these offences.

Penal Code. 47. A Director or an officer appointed under these

P.U. (A)
23/88. Regulations, a member of a Registration Sector
Committee, a Security Sector Committee, and Are
Committee, or a Scheme Committee, or a Ketua Jiran, or a
Ketua Jiran Kawasan, or a qualified resident or volunteer
resident whilst on patrol or guard duty, shall be deemed to
be a public servant within the meaning of the Penal Code
Cap 45. in force in Malaysia.

Public 48. The Public Authorities Protection Act 1948 shall

protection. apply to any action, suit, prosecution or other proceedings
Act. 198. against a Director, or any officer appointed under these
P.U. (A) Regulations, or any member of Registration Sector
23/88 Committee, a Security Sector committee, an Area
committee, or a Scheme Committee, or a Ketua Jiran, or a
Ketua Jiran Kawasan, or a qualified resident, or a
volunteer resident, in respect of any act, neglect or default
done or committed in relation to these Regulations or any

These 49. These Regulations and any Order shall prevail not
to prevail. with standing any law, other than the Emergency (Essential
Act 216. Powers) Act 1979 to the contrary.
(Regulation 6)


(Regulation 6)
(1) Name of Sector …………………………………………………………..
(2) Address at which resident is residing in the Sector …………………..

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)









[To be com pleted by each such resident in respect of
himself and signed and dated by him in Column (9).]

[Schedule, Form 1]
[Schedule, Form 1]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

P.U.(A) 279/75







[To be com pleted by each such resident in respect of
himself and signed and dated by him in Column (9).]

*indicate with ( √ )
Requirements to be complied with in completing this Form


1. Part I of this Form is to be completed by each resident above the age of 15 years individually in respect of himself and signed by him in Column (9) and
the date of so singing entered in that Column. He shall be responsible for the truth and correctness of the particulars in respect of himself.

2. This Form may be completed and submitted separately by each of the persons above the age of 15 years residing at the above address or jointly by two
or more persons above the age of 15 years residing there.

3. In Column (7) the resident should state whether he is the head of the house, and if he is not the head of the house he should state his relationship with
the head of the house. For the purpose of Column (7) –

“head of the house” means head of other members of his family residing with him at that address, or employer or landlord of other persons
residing with him at the address, or otherwise being in the position of the head of other persons residing with him at that address; and

4. Part II of this Form shall be completed by the head of the house, and he shall be responsible for the truth and correctness of the particulars in respect of
each resident named in this Part.

[Schedule, Form 1]
[Schedule, Form 2 – 5]

50 P.U. (A) 279/75


(Repeal by P.U.(A) 23/88).


(Repeal by P.U.(A) 389/82).


(Repeal by P.U. (A) 23/88.

(Regulation 16)


(Regulation 16)

…………….. Community Self-Reliance Sector

NAMA ………………………………………………………………………………….
ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………..
N.R.I.C. No. ……………………………… DATE OF BIRTH ………………………
PLACE OF BIRTH ……………………………………………………………………
OCCUPATION ………………………………………………………………………..
Name and Address of Host:

Name Address
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
…………………………………………. ………………………………………….
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..

Period of Intended Stay:

From ………………………………….. To ………………………………………….
Date and Time of Arrival .. .. ………………………………………….
Date and Time of Departure .. ..

Date ……………………………….. ………………………………….

Signature of Visitor
[Schedule, Form 6]

(Regulation 27A)


(Regulation 27A)




Request by Residents to *Rukun Tetangga Area Committee/

*Registration Sector Committee

We, the residents of the *Rukun Tetangga Area specified below

*Registration Sector

in paragraph 3 (A), whose name, particulars and signatures are

set out in the List under Item (F) below, wish to request the

* Area Committee to operate a Voluntary

*Registration Sector Committee

Patrolling Scheme as proposed below.

2. Each of us hereby undertakes to carry out the patrolling and in all

other ways participate in the Voluntary Patrolling Scheme in the
manner proposed below, and in accordance with -

(a) any modifications thereto that may be made from time to

time by the Director General, or by the

*Area Committee and approved by the

*Registration Sector Committee

(b) the provisions of all these Regulations or any Order

thereunder for the time being in force which are applicable to
the Voluntary Patrolling Scheme.

3. Each of us certifies that the particulars given in respect of himself

in the List Under Item (F) below are true and correct.
[Schedule, Form 6

52 P.U. (A) 279/75


(A) Name of Rukun Tetangga Area/Registration Sector:


(B) State whether patrolling is to be carried out in the whole of

the Rukun Tetangga Area or the Registration Sector or only
in a part of it, and if it is to be carried out in a part of it
describe the locality in which it is to be carried out, state the
boundries, and attach a sketch plan, of the locality:

(C) Reasons for operation of the Scheme:

……………………………………………………………... .

(D) (i) Day of the week on which patrolling is to be carried out:

(ii) Hours during which patrolling is to be carried out on
each day:
(iii) Number of shifts in which patrolling is to be carried out
and the hours of the day of each shift:
(iv) Number of patrollers in each shift:

(E) Address of patrolling center which shall be within the Rukun

Tetangga Area or the Registration Sector in which the
patrolling is to be carried out, or if the Rukun Tetangga Area
or Registration Sector, within the locality in which it is to be
carried out:
(F) Particulars and Signatures of Residents making this Request:

Serial Name National Date of Sex Occupation Residential Address of Place Citizenship Signature
No. Registration Birth or Address of Occupation and Date
Identity Card Business or Business


Number Colour

[Schedule, Form 6]
[Schedule, Form 6
54 P.U. (A) 279/75

(Application to Director General by *Rukun Tetangga Area
Committee/*Registration Sector Committee)

1. The * Area Committee of the above Rukun Tetangga Area

*Registration Sector Committee of the above Registration
hereby applies for the Voluntary Patrolling Scheme proposed
in part A to be approved *without any modification :
with the following modifications
(State in full the modifications proposed)

2. The reasons why the *Rukun Tetangga Area Committee

*Registration Sector Committee
*for approval of
makes the application the proposed Scheme
*and for the above modifications
are as follows:

Date: ………………………… Signature ………………………….

*Area Committee
*Registration Sector Committee
(To be completed by the Rukun Tetangga Area Committee or
Registration Sector Committee where it does not wish to apply for
Approval of the proposed Voluntary Patrolling Scheme)
The *Rukun Tetangga Area Committee does not wish to
*Registration Sector Committee
apply for approval of the Voluntary Patrolling Scheme proposed
under Part A for the following reasons:

Date: ………………………… Signature ………………………….

*Area Committee
*Registration Sector Committee
*Delet if not applicable
[Schedule, Form 7]

[Regulation 27N (2)]


[Regulation 27N (2)]



1. Name of *Rukun Tetangga Area / *Registration Sector:


2. Particulars of new volunteer resident:

(a) Name ………………………………………………….
(b) N.R.I.C. No. ………………………………………….
(c) N.R.I.C. Colour ………………………………………
(d) Date of Birth …………………………………………
(e) Sex ……………………………………………………
(f) Occupation/*business ………………………………..
(g) Residential Address ………………………………….
(h) Address of place of occupation/business:
Citizenship ……………………………………………
Passport No. (if volunteer resident is not a Malaysian
Date of commencement of becoming a volunteer
I confirm that the above particulars are true and correct and that
I undertake to carry out the patrolling and in all other ways
participate in the Voluntary Patrolling Scheme in respect of
Rukun Tetangga Area
above in accordance with the Scheme
*Registration Sector
as it stands at present, and in accordance with –
(a) any modifications thereto that may be made from time to
time by the Director General, or by
*Area committee
the and approved by
*Registration Sector Committee
the Director General; and
[Schedule, Form 7 –8]
56 P.U. (A) 279/75

(b) the provisions of all these Regulations or any Orders there

under for the time being in force which are applicable to the
Voluntary Patrolling Scheme.

Date: ………………………… ……………………………………..

Signature of Volunteer Risident

Date: ………………………… ……………………………………..

*Rukun Tetangga Area Committee
*Registration Sector Committee

*Delet if not applicable

[Regulation 27N (3) and (5)]


[Regulation 27N (3) and (5)]



Name of volunteer resident ……………………………………………….

N.R.I.C. No. ………………………..…………………………………….
The above-named volunteer resident in the Voluntary Patrolling
*Rukun Tetangga Area
Scheme in the of …………………………….
*Registration Sector
has with effect from ………………………………………………………

*(a) withdrawn from participation in the said Scheme.

*Rukun Tetangga Area
*(b) ceased to reside in the and
*Registration Sector

Date: ………………………… ….………………………….

*Rukun Tetangga Area Committee
*Registration Sector Committee
*Delet if not applicable
[List of Amendments]





(P.U. (A) 279/75)


Amending Law Short Title In force From

P.U.(A) 389/82 Essential (Rukun Tetangga) 1-1-1983

Regulation (Amendment) 1982

P.U. (A) 23/88 Essential (Rukun Tetangga) 9-6-1988

Regulations (Amendment) 1988

F: essential (rukun tetangga) regulation 1975 (1 – 57)

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