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This chapter contains available literature and studies both from foreign and local

authors which are related to the study of the Talisay (T. catappa) Leaf extract as an

Alternative Medicine for Illed Beta Fish.

Related Literature

A. Local Literature

Talisay was described by Stuart and it was scientifically called as Terminalia

catappa. It is believed to found throughout the Philippines along seashores. It is a

common inland tree preferred for its umbrella-type shade.

Talisay leaves has a strong brown dye that is full of organic acids that can be the

antibacterial agents in the leaves. The leaves contains humic acids and tannic acids that

makes the water become brownish. These maybe useful for inhibiting many types of

bacteria as well as to detoxify harmful heavy metals found in the aquarium. (Dbachelor’s

Planted Aquarium, 2017)

Indian almond leaf also known here in Philippine as Talisay leaf was used by beta

fish breeders as betta fish breeding stimulant, they use it also to treat sick betta fish and

groom betta fish coloration. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can cure

wounds of the betas. (Carlo, n.d.)

Keeping the leaves in an aquarium may lower the pH level and heavy-metal

content of water. It has been used in this way by fish breeders for many years, and is

active against some parasites and bacterial pathogens. It also believe to help prevent

fungus forming on the eggs of the fish. (Okee, 2018)

Catappa leaves are known to be one of the best water conditioners to promote

healing and breeding in Asian countries. They are also known to have antibacterial and

antifungal properties. Betas are known to be induced to spawn by just putting a few

leaves into the betta tank. It definitely benefited the fish that suffering fin rot and injuries

(such as spawning injuries) by having the leaves in the quarantine betta tank.

(Dbachelor’s Planted Aquarium, 2017)

Talisay leaves releases compounds from the extracted leaves which alter the

chemistry of the water. It releases tannins that lowering the pH level and are said to be

antifungal and antibacterial properties, which come very handy when you have a fish

suffering from fin rot or when you are raising vulnerable fry. (Carlo, n.d.)

B. Foreign Literature

The Indian Almond leaves contain many beneficial chemical to many organism, it

contains several flavonoids that can be the antioxidant, like kaempferol and quercetin,

and the numbers tannins, like punicalin and punicalagin, and a suite of saponins and

phytosterols, it were founded in the extracts of Indian Almond leaf that have shown some

effectiveness against bacteria in water and fish parasites, specifically, Plasmodium.

(Tannin Aquatics, 2016)

Indian almond leaves just like driftwood and peat that release ample amount of

tannins into the water. The tannins affect the pH value and the water turns dark just like a

black water in river. Water rich in tannins is appreciated by fish species that hail from

such environment in the wild. Black water habitats are formed when rivers flow slowly

through heavily forested area where falling leaves and other plant debris end up

decomposing in the water. (Pets & Pond, n.d.)

In Taiwan, they use the tropical almond trees leaf to treat liver disease and they use it

for herbal treatment, that leaf contains a substance that can prevent cancer and have

antioxidant content. The Indian almond leaf extract can fight the strains of plasmodium

falciparum chloroquine (CQ). (Health Benefits of Tropical Almond-Essential Nutrients,


The Terminalia catappa leaves are rich in flavonoid content. The dried fallen leaves

are used to treat hepatitis and liver diseases. Its extract also used in several skin diseases

and rheumatoid diseases. It is also used to treat intestinal parasite and eye problems. The

dried leaves are used to treat diseases caused by fish pathogens and it’s possesses anti-

carcinogenic property that can be used for chemo prevention of cancer. And it have also

antioxidant property that can prevent the breakdown of the chromosomes and exhibit

anticlastogenic effect. (Terminalia Catappa Herb Uses and Benefits, n.d.)

Indian almond leaves have traditionally been used by South East Asian breeders to

mimic the natural Betta habitat in captivity and make their fish stronger, healthier and

more is also believed that it prepares the betta fish before the fighting and

heal their wound after the battle. (Health & Techy, 2018)
Related Studies

A. Local Studies

Talisay leaf extract was traditionally used by South East Asian betta breeders to

mimic the natural habitat of betas and the breeders believed that the leaf extract of

Talisay can aid the bettas when fighting and heal the wounds of the bettas after the

fighting. (Bryan, 2016)

Many tropical fish breeders in the Philippines used Talisay extract to heal the

different diseases of fish like having a parasite, problems in gills, scales and fins and to

imitate their natural habitat because of the brownish color of the leaf.

The Talisay leaf extract can help to maintain the healthiness of the tropical fishes

in the aquarium and the extracted leaves was used to make ointment for the scabies,

leprosy, headache, and colic. That is caused by antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent

of the Talisay leaf. Based on their research, the leaf of Talisay might be alternative to the

chemicals and antibiotics in the industry of aquaculture. (Scotchie Kisse, n.d)

The Talisay leaves reduces the presence of fungus, bacteria, reduces stress,

boosted immune system, hardener of scales and helping skin problems as it contains

many beneficial chemical that can treat fish pathogens and diseases. It contains humic

acids and tannic acids, another paradoxical effect of humic acids is detoxification of

heavy metals that can detoxify different chemicals including zinc, aluminum, and copper.

(Indian almond Leaf or Talisay, 2014)

In fish keeping the leaves of Talisay are also used to lower pH level and heavy

metals of the water. It has been utilized in this way by betta breeders in Thailand for

many years. Hobbyists around the world also use them for conditioning the beta’s water

for breeding and hardening the scale. (Bryan, 2016)

B. Foreign Studies

The extract that came from the leaves of Indian almond have chemical substances

and anti-bacterial agents that can be an alternative as an treatment for bacterial infection

for fishes and the extract may treat the problems of chemical residues and antibiotic

resistance in fish cultures. (Chansue & Assawawongkasem, 2011)

Terminalia Catappa also known in English as Indian almond has been commonly

used by aquarist to promote the natural environment for better health of animals. The

extract of the T. catappa leaves were known to be able to reduce water pH and heavy

metals toxicity. (Chyau, KO, & Mau, 2006)

Terminalia catappa leaves has also been used in fish culture and breeders in

various ways and proved that Indian almond leaves can be applied to tilapia culture to

protect the fish against the pathogen, diseases, and fungus. (Chitmanat et. al, 2003)

The extract leaves have potential as herbal biomedicine to improve non-specific

defense mechanism of fish and elevate the specific immune response and the Indian

Almond leaves is responsible for lowering pH level, and treating water hardness (pH)
and it is proven all of the claims of its beneficial properties in scientific research.

(Pandey, 2013)

Indian almond leaves can be developed for safer treatment of bacterial infection in

fish because the treatment concentration against aquatic bacteria were much lower than

the lethal concentration. The water extracts of Indian almond leaves have potential to use

as an alternative of antibacterial agents and chemical substances. (Chansue &

Assawawongkasem, 2011)

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