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Bucklands Beach Intermediate- Developing the IB Learner Profile- PD Session 30/11/10

Developing the IB Learner Profile

PD 30/11/10
Bucklands Beach Intermediate- Developing the IB Learner Profile- PD Session 30/11/10


(Refer to Tactical Teaching, Critical Thinking Booklet)

You will need;

-Sticky post-it notes (Apprx 2-3 per student)
-Large sticking area (whiteboards are excellent)
-Posters of each of the LP attributes
-Refill/ note paper will be useful

Students would benefit from working in mixed ability groups.

Part 1
-Sticky post-it notes (Apprx 2-3 per student)
-Large sticking area (whiteboards are excellent)
-Refill/ note paper will be useful

Distribute the post-it notes around the groups and pose the challenge...
What are some of the things people will do in our class and school this year to be
successful? Students may start with some of the ʻrulesʼ and expectations they had in
previous classes/ schools BUT stress that you are looking to collect some thoughts about
the things students will DO (positive) in order to be successful in your room.

Once the students have the idea of the activity, ask them to discuss as a group these
things. They can record their thoughts on refill first because they need to limit their
responses- only one response/ thought is allowed on each post-it.
What commonalities do their responses have? Are any connected or duplicated in any
Challenge the students to create 5 categories for their responses and give each a title
which summarises the category. Leave the post-it groups on display for students to digest
and discuss before moving on to part 2.

Part 2
-Completed ʻgroupedʼ behaviours/ actions/ attitudes from Part 1
-Posters of each of the LP attributes

Review some of the groupings/ connections from Part 1 and allow children to air their
opinions about what they came up with.

Introduce the IB Learner Profile attribute statements and allow the students to look at
them. Challenge the students to reorganise their own statements on the post-it notes
beneath each of the LP attributes and descriptions. Whilst doing this, the students should
begin to see any gaps in their original responses. Which of the LP attributes are over
represented or under represented?

Students should then begin to use responses to develop their class versions of the LP
attributes and the actions that represent them in their room.
Bucklands Beach Intermediate- Developing the IB Learner Profile- PD Session 30/11/10

ʻAnd the Winner is...ʼ

(Refer to Tactical Teaching, Critical Thinking Booklet)

You will need;

-Selection of ʻfamousʼ names and personalities
Try this list for starters;
John Key
The Mad Butcher
The Queen
Mrs Parkinson
Justin Bieber
Homer Simpson
Daniel Carter
Barack Obama
Harry Potter
-Copies of the LP attributes and statements

This activity can be enjoyed by the entire class or in groups, with responses shared and
compared afterwards.

Using one of the LP attributes, begin by ʻdrawingʼ the list of famous people and organising
their names on a grid where they will ʻcompeteʼ against each other about who is the best
example of a person displaying the chosen LP attribute.
John Key
John Key
The Mad Butcher
Mrs Parkinson
The Queen
Mrs Parkinson
Mrs Parkinson

This activity can be repeated with the same people but alternative LP attribute and
description OR students can each nominate a famous person who they think is the
embodiment of a particular LP attribute.
This activity also leads well to brainstorming of the actions and behaviours displayed by
people who live out the different LP attributes, attitudes or skills.
Bucklands Beach Intermediate- Developing the IB Learner Profile- PD Session 30/11/10

ʻLooks like, feels like, sounds like...ʼ

You will need;

-Copies of the LP attributes
-Copies of the LP attribute ʻLooks like, feels like, sounds like...ʼ sheets

This activity is a good extension of ʻThis goes with thatʼ because students begin to
explore the attributes and consider what they could do in order to demonstrate the
attributes of the LP. The activity also provides some material from studentsʼ thinking and
discussion which can form part of the class essential agreement, and permanent displays.

Students can work on the collective attributes in groups or each group can be given an
attribute to investigate, sharing back after the session.

Students will need to consider what they will see, hear and feel like as an IB PYP learner.
Under the heading of ʻLooks Like...ʼ they need to consider what visible evidence and
actions they will recognise (and what others would see from them). For ʻSounds Like...ʼ
students need to think about what would be said from a learner demonstrating this
attribute. ʻFeels Likeʼ requires the students to reflect on what they would experience
emotionally when demonstrating the attribute in question, in different situations.

The grids allow for clear recording, and a summary statement at the top of the page is a
visible reminder of the attribute they are exploring.
Bucklands Beach Intermediate- Developing the IB Learner Profile- PD Session 30/11/10

ʻWORDLE Word Cloudsʼ

You will need;

-Data projector
-Collaborative online w/processing document (Such as Google docs)

This activity follows on well from ʻLooks like, feels like, sounds like...ʼ activity.

Wordle is a free, online word application which organises and presents collections of
words in a visual fashion, modifying the size of the words in proportion to the amount of
use in the passage of text you submit. (Wordle also removes the most common English
words to improve the effect). Users copy a passage of text from any compatible document
(Word, Open-Office, Pages, website text, etc) and paste it into Wordleʼs text box.

Wordle then seeks repeated words and develops word clouds based on frequency. Users
can change layout style, text, colour, background etc before printing or converting into pdf
documents for later use.

Students should work in collaborative groups. If students are in groups with laptops,
creating a collaborative online document (such as a Google doc) beforehand will speed
the process and power of collaboration.

Ask students “What does this attribute look like to you? What would you see, hear, feel
from this attribute?” Allow time for discussion and argument! Collect their contributions on
the collective text document. (This could be done through the day with a saved document
on a class desktop if Google docs is not available). Once all contributions have been
submitted, copy the text from the document and paste it into the paste box on

After choosing ʻCreateʼ, Wordle will develop your word clouds. Spend some time looking at
the clouds, identifying common words and phrases.

Extension; These clouds can help when developing essential agreements when all
stakeholders need to have their views and contributions recognised in the collective effort.

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