Team Profile

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When to create a Team profile

Create a Team profile to:

 outline what a team does, who its members are and how to contact them
 provide details about the teams that make up an organisation or group
 list the members of a committee

Don't create a Team profile:

 if the team isn’t an official academic or professional team within an organisation or group
 to promote the activities of a high-profile unit like a graduate school, working group or
research group – create a Group landing page instead
 to provide details about a committee's duties and work – this should go on the
committee's Group landing page instead

Selecting a subtype
Choose one subtype on the list that best describes the type or function of your team.

For example, the subtype for 'International Mobility' is 'Professional service team'.

Naming your Team profile

Use the name of the team as your page title. Don't include the word 'team' unless this
is part of the official name.

Adding labels
We use labels to pin content items onto Topic pages. Only add a label if you know
that your content item is going to be part of a Topic.

Labels are not typical website 'tags'. Don't add a label just because you think it might
be relevant. You must know what labels the Topic uses. If you don't know, ask your
Faculty Web Editor or contact the Digital team at

To add a label to a content item, select from the drop-down list in the Labels section
and click 'Add label'. You can add a maximum of 12 labels to a single content item.

Writing a Team profile summary

Use the summary to describe the team's main responsibilities.

Write with an active tone in the first person plural, for example:

Title: Research Marketing

Summary: We promote the University’s research and help researchers to publicise
their own work.

If your Team profile page is just to list members of a particular committee, your
summary should be 'A list of members of the (NAME) Committee'.

The summary should be no more than 160 characters.

Writing a Team profile overview

Use the 'Duties' field to expand on your summary.

Describe which services the team provides and to whom. This could be as a bulleted
list of services or responsibilities or as a more detailed explanation, split into sections
with subheadings if required, for example:

We promote the work of researchers:

 at conferences and events

 to the press
 to the University community
 to external audiences including policy makers, industry and the public

We help researchers:

 draft their Pathways to Impact funding proposal

 announce new research funding
 advertise for new research staff or look for collaborators through digital media
 provide advice on using social and digital media to reach new audiences for their research
 engage the public, other researchers, industry and policy makers in their work
 find suitable speaker opportunities, conferences and events to attend

Things to remember when writing your Team

profile overview

 write concisely and in plain English

 break content up into sections that are easy to read
 structure your content so that the most important information is at the top


 include technical terms in headings unless unavoidable - and then only if you've
explained them on the page

Resources to help you write your Team profile

The University's style guide will help you make sure you're using the same
terminology, style and tone as the rest of the website. This is important so that
website users can understand us easily through the consistency of our content.

Our formatting guide will help you create appropriate headers, links, lists and other
formatting for your page. This is important because it makes the information we
provide clearer to website users.

Selecting the right team type

Choose which type of team you need to create, either 'select from Person Profiles' or
'create manually'.

Select from Person Profiles

To use this type, every team member must have a Person Profile page.

First, select names from the drop-down menu. This will display the name, role,
summary and profile picture (if available) of the individual.

You can change the order of the members by dragging and dropping them in the order
you want them.

If you don't have Javascript enabled in your browser, you will have to order the team
by adding a number in the Order field next to their name. If you leave the Order field
blank, those members will be ordered alphabetically based on their first name. You
can choose to order your members using a mixture of manual and alphabetical

Create manually
Use this for:
 a team that has members who don't have an individual Person Profile
 a team with a more detailed structure, such as a sub-committee, which will need an
additional subset
 a team that has different types of members, such as elected members, who will need
separate subsets

Enter staff names and roles manually, linking to their Person Finder page. This allows
you to list each person's role within the team if it is more relevant than their official
job title.

You can add titles for team subsets. These are optional, but useful if there are
different subgroups within a team, for example:

Subset 1 - Leadership

 Richard Prowse, Head of Digital

 Tom Trentham, Development Manager
 Rhian Griggs, Digital Content Manager

Subset 2 - Content

 John Fox, Digital Editor

 Dr Miao He, Digital Editor (Internationalisation)

Subset 3 - Development

 Dan Dineen, User Experience Designer

 Tegan Male, User Experience Designer
 Chris Howlett, Developer
 Justin Keevill, Developer
 Lizz Jennings, Developer

Subset 4 - Digital Support

 Rosie Hart, Digital Supporter

Once you've added content for each subset, select 'Save' to open up a new subset field
to fill out.

Adding responsible organisations and

After you have added all your content - including any images, media and contact
details - you will be able to select an owner or associated group for your page. This
allocates permissions for who in the organisation is able to maintain the content.

A guide for adding responsible organisations and groups is available to help you do

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