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No nation can develop without advancing in the areas of science and technology. Science and
Technology are key drivers to development. Every nation endeavors to attain development. Everyone
desires development. Development may mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
To many countries, development is simply becoming in the future what industrialized countries are
today. Traditionally, development relates to the acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of
inequality, and the eradication of absolute poverty. Development is a multi- dimensional process, involves
the reorganization and reorientation of entire economic and social systems, involves major changes in
administrative , institutional, and social structures as well as involves major changes in popular attitudes,
customs and beliefs.
In essence, development must represent the whole gamut of change by which the entire social system
moves away from a condition widely perceived as unsatisfactory towards a condition of life regarded as
materially and spiritually better.

The Role Of Science And Technology In Development

Science and Technology are considered by many to be forces for improvement in the welfare of
developing states. On the other Science and technology are also equally feared by many to be potential
contributors to the dehumanization of man and to the degradation of his environment. With these two
opposing influences of Science and Technology in development, a more objective perspective must be
needed, that is to view science and technology in development.
 Should be directed towards reduction of inequalities between the advanced countries and the
developing countries and between various sections of population within a country.
 Should make the natural and social environment more harmonious without seriously endangering
the future.
 Science and technology should be inserted as separate packages of development techniques and
implemented in isolation from the rest of national evolution whether material or otherwise failure to
integrate development programs based on Science and Technology into national concepts and
ways of life may lead to their total rejection.
 The role of Science and Technology for development must be directed within the framework of the
fundamental social, cultural, and economic rights in a peaceful and cooperative world.


 Life sustenance
 Self-esteem -------------- self worth and self- respect
 Freedom from servitude

Life Sustaining Basic Human Needs

 Food
 Shelter
 Health
 Protection

Conditions for the Application of Science and Technology for development

 Creation of social climate favorable to the application of science and technology
 Role and responsibilities of the universities in the implantation of science.
 Technical and technological education and training
 Promotion of technological sciences and applied research.
 Agricultural educa5ion and research
 Infrastructure of auxiliary services.

1. Creation of Social Climate

The creation of the awareness of science in the common man is a most important aspect in
the creation of a social climate favorable to the application of science and technology to
development. The responsibility for the popularization of science rests with the
 Government ------ through the use of mass media technique, museum, extension lectures,
science fairs, simple experiments and the like.
 The scientists
 Governmental and non- governmental organizations
 Universities

2. Technical and Technological Education and Training

Primary aim is to develop a creative mind with a keen sense of feeling for the application of
knowledge and “know how”

Science and Technology are intimately bound up with three leading concerns of citizens and
governments in contemporary societies, military power, economic strength, and medical well being.


 Technology as Technics
 Technology as technology
 Technology as a form of human cultural activity
 Technology as a total societal enterprise


 Input
 Output
 Functions
 Kinds of human practitioners processes

Two Kinds of Characteristic Outputs of Technological Activity

 Technic ---------- material artifacts
 Technic related intellectual construct ---------- kinds of mental creations. Examples are plans and

Technology is already an inevitable part of the society. In one way or another, each person in the
society is directly or indirectly affected by Technology whether he wills it or not,. Most people survive their
everyday lives with great reliance to the different technological advancements already available to the
masses. Technology may be:
 Necessity or want
 Convenience
 Pleasure
 Happiness
 Communication

ETHICS ----------the principles of morality . It is also the field of study of moral or right conduct.

Ethical Controversies By Emerging Technical Advances

Issues involve
 Privacy
 Intellectual property
 Equity of access in relation to developments in computers, information technology and
 Issues on individual liberty and public interest in relation to advances in human reproduction and
 Issues on social responsibility and many more.

Ethical issues and conflicts whether or not they are associated with developments in Science and
Technology can be clarified into four kinds of considerations pertinent to :
 Ethical decision
 judgement about controversial actions
 practices
 policy
Two Kinds of decision making Theories
 Consequentialist ethical theory ------- determination of the rightness or wrongness of actions and
policies being exclusively on their estimated consequences.
 Deontological ethical theories --------- study of duty or moral obligation`
Ethical Dilemmas
 Make people lazy and unhealthy
 Freely exposed to different things
 Ethics of responsibility
 What to be allowed

Reasons Why Ethics Science and Technology is an important and indispensable factor in our everyday
life is because it helps us to think, rationalize , and weigh things and issues for the betterment of our

The United Nations and Contemporary Global Governance

There are many sources of global governance. States sign treaties and form organizations in the
process legislating public international law. International non- governmental organizations (NGOs )
though not having formal state power , can lobby individual state to behave in a certain way. Powerful
transnational corporations can likewise have tremendous effects on global labor laws, environmental
legislation, trade policy and many more. Even ideas such as the need for “global democracy” or the
clamor for “good governance “ can influence the ways international actors behave.

What is an International Organization?

Groups like UN or institutions like the IMF and the World Bank are usually called as International
Organization. In 1960’s and 19970’s, many scholars believed that IOs were just venues where the
contradicting, but sometimes intersecting, agendas of countries were discussed. However in the recent
years, IOs showed that this IOs can take on lives of their own. IOs thus become influential as independent
organizations. IOs can also be sources of great good and great harm. The most visible symbols of global

Powers of IOs
 Power of classification -----because they can invent and apply categories, they create powerful
global standards.
 Power to fix meanings-------- legitimate sources of information
 Power to diffuse norms

Five Active Organs of the UN

1. The General Assembly ----- (GA) UN’s main deliberative policy making and representative
organ. Its functions are the following:
 Decisions on important questions, such as those on peace and security
 Admission of new members
 Budgetary matters --- two thirds majority of the GA. Decisions on other questions are done
by simple majority.
 Annually , the Gener4al Assembly elects a GA president to serve a one year term of office.

All member states ( 193) have seats in the GA. Carlos Romulo was elected GA president from 1949 –
1950. GA is the most representative organization in the UN.

2. The Security Council (SC)

 The most powerful
 Consists of 15 member states
 GA elects 10 of these 15 to two- year terms
 The other five sometimes refer to as the Permanent 5 (P5) are China, France, Russia,
United kingdom, and the United States.
 P5 has been permanent members since the founding of the UN and cannot be replaced
through election.
 SC takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or an act of
aggression. Recommends methods of adjustment or terms or settlement.
 In some cases can resort in imposing sanctions or even authorizing the use of force to
maintain or restore international peace and security.
 Have permanent seat
 Holds veto power. One veto vote from P5 member can stop SC action dead in its track.

3. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

 Principal body for coordination
 Policy review
 Policy dialogue
 Recommendations on social and environmental issues.

 Implementation of internationally agreed development goals

 Has 54 members elected for three- year terms
 Currently it is the UN’s central platform discussions on sustainable development

4. International Court of Justice

 Settle in accordance with international law

5. The Secratariat
 Consists of Secretary- General and tens of thousands of International UN staff members
 Day to day work of the UN as mandated by the General Assembly
 They serve as UN employees and not as state representative.

The biggest challenge of the United Nations is related to issues of security

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