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Text Game Cheat Sheet [/r/trpgame repost]

205 upvotes | 22 November, 2014 | by bsutansalt

Originally posted by /u/DCLdit.

(entry from dcllive)
I remember getting into long text conversations with women that really ended up going nowhere.
I thought that if I could just come up with the best message to send her she would be hooked.
I eventually learned, even if a woman likes you, trying to build attraction through text message is quite
Text messages should be used for logistics for when to meet up. Also used for short bursts of flirty banter
that eventually lead to a steamy meet up.
Here are some resources that have helped me:

How To Text A Girl

What to Text Girls to Get Dates
What If She Doesn't Have Time? (and Other Contingencies)
Text Message Flirting
Text Girls to Success: Phone Secrets
How to Text Girls: 20 More Tips and Techniques
Secrets to Getting Girls: Nicknames and Callback

Paul Janka

The full 27 page TextGame.pdf can be downloaded here.


If you send vague texts, you not only avoid rejection, but also avoid putting the girl on the spot

Chateau Heartiste

Non Sequitur Game

Ambiguity Is The Psyche Of Game
Should You Confirm Dates?
Trail Texting
Text Game Is Now Big Business
The Unique Challenge Of Entitlement Whores (And The Four Types Of Girl Texts)
Alpha Assessment: Big Tease Edition
Comment Of The Week: Her Lady Lumps
Reader Mailbag: It’s Not The Venue, It’s You

Page 1 of 4
How To Outgame Manipulative Women
James Franco’s Text Game: ‘Thirsty’ or Direct?

Christian McQueen

My Biggest Issue with Game: Texting

The 5 Most Common Text Messages Girls Send (And How To Respond To Them) via ROK

Black Dragon Blog

Text Game Part 1

Text Game Part 2
Text Game Part 3
Text Game Part 4

Roosh V

The Restart Text

Good luck boys! -dcl

Archived from

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30 upvotes • DCLdit • 22 November, 2014 11:03 PM

I was wondering why all of a sudden the traffic for my personal blog blew up!
Thanks for the re-post bsutansalt.

13 upvotes • [deleted] • 22 November, 2014 09:56 PM

[permanently deleted]

3 upvotes • phil619 • 22 November, 2014 09:31 PM

Having used girls chase text recipe I can attest to its effectiveness.
1 upvotes • [deleted] • 23 November, 2014 11:41 PM
Where can I find that? Searched page and got no hits, is it in one of the other links?

2 upvotes • [deleted] • 23 November, 2014 03:29 AM

That's just an amazing resource right there. Why isn't this on the sidebar?

2 upvotes • Varrian • 23 November, 2014 06:29 AM

These last few posts of yours have been an absolute gold mine of information and contain great
content. Wish I had some of this a few years ago.
1 upvotes • DCLdit • 29 November, 2014 06:19 AM
Hey Varrian.
Thanks for the kind words bro.

2 upvotes • [deleted] • 23 November, 2014 06:47 AM

Holy fuck! Girlschase is overwhelming! It could keep me reading for weeks. Good resource though.
Probably the best I've ever seen.

2 upvotes • SultanSuleyman • 23 November, 2014 07:23 AM

The Non Sequitur Game approach always strikes me as dubious. Won't most girls just see straight
through it? Especially if you go on to totally fake a story to explain it instead of just not explaining it at

2 upvotes • [deleted] • 23 November, 2014 05:58 PM

i haven't gone true it all, but good post! really helpfull

1 upvotes • RealityIsAHypothesis • 24 November, 2014 07:37 PM

The ROK / Christian McQueen link is dead.
3 upvotes • bsutansalt • 24 November, 2014 09:14 PM

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-17 upvotes • StarDestinyGuy • 22 November, 2014 09:13 PM

God, why does every single interaction and after aspect of romance and relationships require deep
analysis and strategy?
EDIT: I know that that's the point of this sub and i appreciate that. The information and discussion
provided here has been very useful.
I'm just saying, why can't these things be genuine and real? Why does it have to involve so much
planning and strategizing? Why does it need to be a game? It's so frustrating.
12 upvotes • bsutansalt • 22 November, 2014 09:20 PM
Read the sidebar. This sub's reason for being is the discussion of male sexual strategy.

6 upvotes • DCLdit • 22 November, 2014 11:01 PM

Some people are not as good looking as you. They need help.

6 upvotes • Whisper • 23 November, 2014 03:26 AM

Oh, god why does the astronomy subreddit have to talk about stars all the time?
Why can't we have a bunny-picture thread?

2 upvotes • Dokkobro • 23 November, 2014 09:34 PM

You know, I believe the timeless adage "life's a bitch, then you die" has never found a more
applicable place.

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