90 Day Kids Devotional

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Kids Devotional Bible - Reading Plan Kids (Ages 6-10)

Using the NIV Dramatized Audio Bible on 6 MP3 CDs, listeners will
“read” through the entire Bible in 88 days with 2 “grace” days allowed

during the period.

# Title # Title
1 Genesis 1 God Creates the World 38 Esther 4 Esther Helps the Jews
2 Genesis 3 Adam and Eve Sin Run Are Those Who Obey
39 Psalm 1 Blessed
Day Start Verse Start End Verse End Time
3 Genesis 4 Cain and Abel 40 Psalm 23 The Lord Is My Shepherd
1 Ge 1:1 Disc 1, Track 1 0:00 Ge 16:16 Disc 1, Track 19 2:09 (end) 58:22
4 Genesis 6 Noah 41 Psalm 100 Praise the Lord
2 Ge 17:1 Disc 1, Track 20 0:00 Ge 28:19 Disc 1, Track 31 2:49 53:33
5 Genesis 8 The Flood 42 Proverbs 1 The Purpose of Proverbs
3 Ge 28:20 Disc 1, Track 31 2:49 Ge 40:11 Disc 1, Track 43 1:16 50:56
6 Genesis 15 God’s Covenant with Abraham 43 Proverbs 10 Proverbs of Solomon
4 Ge 40:12 Disc 1, Track 43 1:16 Ge 50:26 Disc 1, Track 53 3:50 (end) 49:08
7 Genesis 21 Isaac Is Born 44 Ecclesiastes 3 A Time for Everything
5 Ex 1:1 Disc 1, Track 54 0:00 Ex 15:18 Disc 1, Track 69 3:11 61:27
8 Genesis 22 God tests Abraham 45 Isaiah 9 A Son Will Be Given
6 Ex 15:19 Disc 1, Track 69 3:11 Ex 28:43 Disc 1, Track 82 5:55 (end) 53:52
9 Genesis 24 A Wife for Isaac 46 Isaiah 53 The Suffering Servant
7 Ex 29:1 Disc 1, Track 83 0:00 Ex 40:38 Disc 1, Track 94 3:58 (end) 53:10
10 Genesis 25 Jacob and Esau 47 Daniel 1 Daniel in Babylon
8 Le 1:1 Disc 1, Track 95 0:00 Le 14:32 Disc 1, Track 109 4:54 61:45
11 Genesis 27 Isaac Gives Jacob His Blessing 48 Daniel 3 The Blazing Furnace
9 Le 14:33 Disc 1, Track 109 4:54 Le 26:26 Disc 1, Track 121 3:40 57:51
12 Genesis 37 Joseph and His Dreams 49 Daniel 6 Daniel in the Lion’s Den
10 Le 26:27 Disc 1, Track 121 3:40 Nu 8:14 Disc 1, Track 131 1:39 52:59
13 Genesis 41 Joseph in Egypt 50 Jonah 1 Jonah Swallowed by a Fish
11 Nu 8:15 Disc 1, Track 131 1:39 Nu 21:7 Disc 1, Track 144 1:06 54:39
14 Genesis 50 Joseph forgives his brothers 51 Jonah 4 Jonah Goes to Nineveh
12 Nu 21:8 Disc 1, Track 144 1:06 Nu 32:19 Disc 1, Track 155 2:33 49:57
15 Exodus 1 Slavery in Egypt 52 Matthew 1 Birth of Jesus
13 Nu 32:20 Disc 1, Track 155 2:33 Dt 7:26 Disc 1, Track 167 4:50(end) 59:32
16 Exodus 2 Moses Is Born 53 Matthew 2 Wise men
14 Dt 8:1 Disc 1, Track 168 0:00 Dt 23:11 Disc 1, Track 183 1:30 62:38
17 Exodus 14 Crossing the Red Sea 54 Matthew 3 John the Baptist, Jesus Is Baptized
15 Dt 23:12 Disc 1, Track 183 1:30 Dt 34:12 Disc 1, Track 194 1:54 (end) 61:28
18 Exodus 16 Manna 55 Matthew 4 Jesus is Tempted
16 Jos 1:1 Disc 2, Track 1 0:00 Jos 14:15 Disc 2, Track 15 2:32 (end) 56:09
19 Exodus 20 The 10 Commandments 56 Matthew 5 Sermon on the Mount
17 Jos 15:1 Disc 2, Track 16 0:00 Jdg 3:27 Disc 2, Track 29 3:38 56:26
20 Numbers 20 Water from a Rock 57 Matthew 8 Miracles of Jesus
18 Jdg 3:28 Disc 2, Track 29 3:38 Jdg 15:12 Disc 2, Track 41 1:52 51:10
1921 Deuteronomy
Jdg 15:13 10 New Tablets,
Disc 2, Track 41 1:52Respect
1Sa the
2:29 Disc 2, Track 58 Matthew 1351:49
55 4:36 Parables of Jesus
20 1Sa 2:30 Disc 2, Track 55 4:36 1Sa 15:35 Disc 2, Track 59 Matthew
68 5:14 (end) 1951:17
Jesus and the Children & Rich
Young Man
2122 1Sa
16:16 Jericho
Disc 2, Track 69 0:00 1Sa 28:19 Disc 2, Track 81 2:53 53:42
2223 Joshua
1Sa 28:2010 The Sun Stands Still
Disc 2, Track 81 2:53 2Sa 12:10 60 Matthew
Disc 2, Track 97 1:43 21 Jesus Enters Jerusalem
2324 2Sa
Judges 6 Gideon
12:11 Disc 2, Track 97 1:43 2Sa 22:18 Disc 2, Track 61 Matthew 2653:17
107 1:58 Jesus’ Arrest and Trial

2425 2Sa
Judges 16 Samson
22:19 and Delilah
Disc 2, Track 107 1:58 1Ki 7:37 Disc 2, Track 62 Matthew 2752:04
117 5:08 Jesus Dies on the Cross
2526 1Ki
1 Samuel
7:38 3 The
Disc Lord Calls
2, Track 117Samuel
5:08 1Ki 16:20 Disc 2, Track63 Matthew 2851:50
126 3:07 Jesus Rises from the Dead
26 1 Samuel
1Ki 16:21 17 David Kills Goliath
Disc 2, Track 126 3:07 2Ki 4:37 Disc 2, Track64 Mark 2 Jesus’
137 5:05 Miracles & Calling of Levi
2728 2Ki
2 Samuel
4:38 5 David
Disc 2,Becomes
Track 137 King
5:05 2Ki 15:26 Disc 2, Track65 Mark 3 Jesus
148 4:11 Calls the Disciples
2829 2Ki
2 Samuel
15:27 7 God
Disc Makes
2, Track a148
4:11 to2KiDavid
25:30 Disc 2, Track66 Mark(end)
158 4:50 9 The 51:29
2930 1 Kings
1Ch 1:1 3 Solomon’s Wisdom
Disc 2, Track 159 0:00 1Ch 9:44 Disc 2, Track67 Mark(end)
168 6:05 12 Jesus’ Teachings
3031 1Ch
1 Kings
10:1 17 Elijah
Disc 2,Fed by169
Track Ravens
0:00 1Ch 23:32 Disc 2, Track68 Luke(end)
182 4:28 1 Birth52:21
of John the Baptist
3132 1Ch
2 Kings
24:1 2 Elijah
Disc Is
2, Taken Up0:00
Track 183 to Heaven
2Ch 7:10 Disc 2, Track69 Luke 2 Birth52:40
196 1:47 of Jesus
3233 2Ch
2 Kings
7:11 4 Elisha’s
Disc 2,Miracles
Track 196 1:47 2Ch 23:15 Disc 2, Track70 Luke 8 Jesus’
212 2:54 Teachings and Miracles
34 2 Kings 12 Joash Repairs the Temple 71 Luke 9 Feeding the 5,000
35 2 Kings 25 Jerusalem Is Destroyed 72 Luke 10 Story of the Good Samaritan
36 2 Chronicles 3 Solomon Builds the Temple 73 Luke 15 Stories of the Lost Sheep, The Lost
37 Esther 2 Esther Becomes Queen Son & The Lost Coin

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Kids Devotional Bible - Reading Plan Kids (Ages 6-10)
Using the NIV Dramatized Audio Bible on 6 MP3 CDs, listeners will
“read” through the entire Bible in 88 days with 2 “grace” days allowed

during the period.

# Title
74 Luke 22 Jesus’ Betrayal, Arrest, Denial
75 Luke 23 Jesus Dies Run
Day Start Verse Start End Verse End Time
76 Luke 24 Jesus Rises from the Dead
1 Ge 1:1 Disc 1, Track 1 0:00 Ge 16:16 Disc 1, Track 19 2:09 (end) 58:22
77 John 1 Word Became Human
2 Ge 17:1 Disc 1, Track 20 0:00 Ge 28:19 Disc 1, Track 31 2:49 53:33
78 John 2 Jesus Turns Water into Wine
3 Ge 28:20 Disc 1, Track 31 2:49 Ge 40:11 Disc 1, Track 43 1:16 50:56
79 John 21 Breakfast on the Beach
4 Ge 40:12 Disc 1, Track 43 1:16 Ge 50:26 Disc 1, Track 53 3:50 (end) 49:08
80 Acts 1 The Ascension
5 Ex 1:1 Disc 1, Track 54 0:00 Ex 15:18 Disc 1, Track 69 3:11 61:27
81 Acts 2 Pentecost and the Early Church
6 Ex 15:19 Disc 1, Track 69 3:11 Ex 28:43 Disc 1, Track 82 5:55 (end) 53:52
82 Acts 12 Peter Escapes from Prison
7 Ex 29:1 Disc 1, Track 83 0:00 Ex 40:38 Disc 1, Track 94 3:58 (end) 53:10
83 Romans 12 Living for God
8 Le 1:1 Disc 1, Track 95 0:00 Le 14:32 Disc 1, Track 109 4:54 61:45
84 1 Corinthians 13 All About Love
9 Le 14:33 Disc 1, Track 109 4:54 Le 26:26 Disc 1, Track 121 3:40 57:51
85 Galatians 6 Do Good to Everyone
10 Le 26:27 Disc 1, Track 121 3:40 Nu 8:14 Disc 1, Track 131 1:39 52:59
86 Ephesians 6 Children Obey Parents & Armor
11 Nu 8:15 Disc 1, Track 131 1:39 Nu 21:7 Disc 1, Track 144 1:06 54:39
of God
12 Nu 21:8 Disc 1, Track 144 1:06 Nu 32:19 Disc 1, Track 155 2:33 49:57
87 Colossians 3 Rules for Holy Living
13 Nu 32:20 Disc 1, Track 155 2:33 Dt 7:26 Disc 1, Track 167 4:50(end) 59:32
88 Hebrews 12 God Trains His Children
14 Dt 8:1 Disc 1, Track 168 0:00 Dt 23:11 Disc 1, Track 183 1:30 62:38
89 James 1 Facing Trouble & Listen to the World
15 Dt 23:12 Disc 1, Track 183 1:30 Dt 34:12 Disc 1, Track 194 1:54 (end) 61:28
and Do What It Says
16 Jos 1:1 Disc 2, Track 1 0:00 Jos 14:15 Disc 2, Track 15 2:32 (end) 56:09
90 Revelation 21 The New Jerusalem
17 Jos 15:1 Disc 2, Track 16 0:00 Jdg 3:27 Disc 2, Track 29 3:38 56:26
18 Jdg 3:28 Disc 2, Track 29 3:38 Jdg 15:12 Disc 2, Track 41 1:52 51:10
19 Jdg 15:13 Disc 2, Track 41 1:52 1Sa 2:29 Disc 2, Track 55 4:36 51:49
20 1Sa 2:30 Disc 2, Track 55 4:36 1Sa 15:35 Disc 2, Track 68 5:14 (end) 51:17
21 1Sa 16:1 Disc 2, Track 69 0:00 1Sa 28:19 Disc 2, Track 81 2:53 53:42
22 1Sa 28:20 Disc 2, Track 81 2:53 2Sa 12:10 Disc 2, Track 97 1:43 52:26
23 2Sa 12:11 Disc 2, Track 97 1:43 2Sa 22:18 Disc 2, Track 107 1:58 53:17
24 2Sa 22:19 Disc 2, Track 107 1:58 1Ki 7:37 Disc 2, Track 117 5:08 52:04
25 1Ki 7:38 Disc 2, Track 117 5:08 1Ki 16:20 Disc 2, Track 126 3:07 51:50
26 1Ki 16:21 Disc 2, Track 126 3:07 2Ki 4:37 Disc 2, Track 137 5:05 53:18
27 2Ki 4:38 Disc 2, Track 137 5:05 2Ki 15:26 Disc 2, Track 148 4:11 53:49
28 2Ki 15:27 Disc 2, Track 148 4:11 2Ki 25:30 Disc 2, Track 158 4:50 (end) 51:29
29 1Ch 1:1 Disc 2, Track 159 0:00 1Ch 9:44 Disc 2, Track 168 6:05 (end) 52:06
30 1Ch 10:1 Disc 2, Track 169 0:00 1Ch 23:32 Disc 2, Track 182 4:28 (end) 52:21
31 1Ch 24:1 Disc 2, Track 183 0:00 2Ch 7:10 Disc 2, Track 196 1:47 52:40
32 2Ch 7:11 Disc 2, Track 196 1:47 2Ch 23:15 Disc 2, Track 212 2:54 53:32

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