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get the shock of one’s life We got the shock of our lives.

make someone jump The noise made him jump.

Surprised/Shocked jump out of one’s skin She jumped out of her skin when he appeared.

cannot believe one’s eyes I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my result.

be speechless He was speechless when he saw the cake.

tears slowly trickle down one’s cheeks Her tears slowly trickled down her cheeks.

Sad/E motional have a lump in one’s throat I had a lump in my throat when I heard the news.

be moved to tears She was moved to tears when she saw them hugging each other.

call someone names She started calling me names when she realized I had gossiped about her.

go berserk Mother went berserk when she found cigarette in my bag.

hit the roof He hit the roof when he realized his son had stolen his money.

seethe silently Peter seethed silently when he could not get leave from work.

be scared stiff The boys were scared stiff to go out at night.

as white as a sheet Susan went as white as a sheet when she realized that her car had disappeared.
one’s hair stand on ends Her hair stood on ends when a hand touched her from behind.

feel the hair on one’s arm stand I felt the hair on my arm stand when I suddenly heard a creak.

burst out laughing She burst out laughing when she heard my joke.

chuckle to oneself I was chuckling to myself when I remembered the embarrassing incident.
split one’s side laughing I nearly split my sides laughing at the clown.

laugh one’s head off Uncle John laughed his head off when he realized he had worn his pants backwards.

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