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~ Subject : Teaching Writing

~ Teacher Trainer : Chandra Hadi Asmara, M.Pd
~ Teacher Trainee : Zahira Jihan Amir
~ Day and Date : Wednesday 3th July 2019
~ Room : H1.01
~ Time : 19.00
~ Sub Topic : Narrative Text
~ Teaching Strategy : Color Codding and Group Discussion.
~ Objectives : 1. General Objectives : - Student are able to understand about Narrative Text.
2. Specific Objectives : - Student are able to know and understand about the Generic Structures of narrative text.
- Student are able to compose a story in the genre of Narrative.
- Student are able to create Narrative Text using good structure and grammar.
Pre - Teaching Observing 1st 1. The teacher asks the students about some story they have ever read or heard. 3 minutes
2. The teacher asks the students to read a story related to narrative text.
3. The teacher makes the students to be a critical thinking and analytically.
Questioning 1. The teacher gives an opportunity to the students to ask some questions related with the 3 minutes
materials given.
2. The teacher encourages and inspiring the students to make question actively
3. The teacher gives clear answer to the student question, until made them understood
with the material (Narrative Text).
Whilst – Experimenting 1. The teacher devides the students into a group 6 minutes
Teaching 2. The teacher gives some random sentences to the students.
3. The teacher asks the students to arrange the sentences to be a good story.
4. The teacher discuss the answer together by choosing one of them.
Associating 4th 1. The teacher asks the students to make narrative text and discuss with their friends in a 6 minutes
2. The teacher asks the students to read the story in front of the class
Post – Communicating 1. The teacher gives some review material to the students related to Narrative text. 2 minutes
Teaching 2. The teacher ask one of the student to explain what is the conclusion and what have
they been gotten and disscussed from the material.
3. The teacher end the class.


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