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yxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK

ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È


bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK 15th Year No. 60

‫ ـוףם‬ዓ‫ ُא‬qÜ_R ^
yÞZB twµ×C MKR b¤T «ÆqEnT ywÈ ADDIS ABABA 9th September, 2009
ዲ ‫ ֹו‬ጳጉ‫ ה‬4 qN 21 ዓ.‫ו‬


xêJ qÜ_R 6)#9/21 ›.M Proclamation No. 649/2009

¾›=ƒÄጵÁ ôÈ^ָ S”ÓYƒ ¾Ó»“ ¾”w[ƒ The Ethiopian Federal Government Procurement and
›e}ÇÅ` ዋጅ……. ገጽ 4¹þ8)$8 Property Administration Proclamation …Page 4858

xêJ qÜ_R 6)#9 PROCLAMATION NO. 649/2009.

¾›=ƒÄåÁ ôÈ^ָ S”ÓYƒ ¾S”ÓYƒ WHEREAS, to achieve better transparency, efficiency,

Ó» Y`¯ƒ” KS¨c”“ }q××] ›?Ë”c=¨<” fairness and impartiality in public procurement and to enable
KTssU ¾¨×¨< ›ªÏ Y^ Là uªKv†¨< the utilization of the large sum of public money spent on
¯Sƒ u›ðíìU ÁÒÖS< ‹Óa‹” uTe¨ÑÉ procurement in a manner that ensures greater economy and
efficiency by addressing problems encountered in the course
¾S”ÓYƒ ¾Ó» Y`¯ƒ ÃuMØ ÓMፅ' kM-
of implementation of the proclamation determining the
×ó' õƒ ©“ ›ÉM− ¾K?Kuƒ ”Ç=G<U procedures of public procurement of the Ethiopian Federal
KÓ» ¾T>¨<K¨< Ÿõ}— ¾S”ÓYƒ Ñ”²w Governmemt and establishing the Supervisory Agency during
u}hK ›"D%E” lÖv” “ ¨<Ö?T’ƒ” T[Ò- the years in which it was enforce;
ÑØ uT>Áe‹M Y`¯ƒ ØpU Là ”Ç=¨<M
TÉ[Ó ›eðLÑ> J• uSÑ–~፤
WHEREAS, it is necessary to ensure that an
organization enabling the realization of the economic
ŸØpM Ó» ¾T>Ñ–¨<” ›=¢•T>Á© Ök
benefit and efficiency flowing from bulk purchase is in
T@ “ kM×ó ›W^` T[ÒÑØ ¾T>Áe‹M
›Å[Í˃ ”Ç=•` TÉ[Ó ›eðLÑ> uSJ’<፤

Ÿõ}— Gwƒ ¾T>ðeuƒ ¾S”ÓYƒ ”w WHEREAS, to ensure that public property in which a
[ƒ KS”ÓYƒ ¾}hK ØpU uT>Áeј ›"D%E” significant amount of public money is invested, is utilized in
ØpU Là ”Ç=¨<M “ ›e}ÇÅ\U ²S“© such a manner as to enable the government device maximum
benefit therefrom and modernize the administration thereof, it
”Ç=J” KTÉ[Ó ¾T>Áe‹M ¾}k“Ë Y`¯ƒ
is necessary to introduce an integrated public property
K=²[Ò ”ÅT>Ñv ¾S’uƒ ‫א‬J፤ administration;

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article

u›=ƒÄåÁ ôÈ^L© Ç=V¡^c=Á© ]øw
55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
K=¡ QÑ-S”ÓYƒ ›”kê fi∞(¡) SW[ƒ
Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as
¾T>Ÿ}K¨< ¨<Í;M::

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA 4¹þ8)$9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4859

‫ו‬ዕ‫ף‬ፍ  ድ GENERAL
Ö p L L
1. Short Title
1/ ›ß` `°e
This Proclamation may be cited as “The Ethiopian
ÃI ›ªÏ #¾›=ƒÄâÁ ôÈ^ָ S”ÓYƒ Federal Government Procurement and Property
¾Ó»“ ¾”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` ›ªÏ lØ` Administration Proclamation No.649/2009”.
6)#9/2ሺ1$ }wKA K=Öke ËLM::
2. Definitions
2/ ƒ ` Õ T@
In this Proclamation unless the context requires
የ#ִ ገ‫ֹו‬% ֶַ ُ‫ץ‬ጉ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ያ‫ר‬ጠው otherwise:
እካֲָ1 ድ‫ נ‬u²=I ›ªÏ ¨<eØ:-
1/ «Goods» mean raw material, products and
1/ #°n
°n TKƒ uÖ×`' uðXi ¨ÃU equipment and commodities in solid, liquid
uÒ´ SM¡ ¾T>ј Ø_ °n' U`ƒ' or gaseous form, marketable software and
SX]Á' gkØ ' 
  live animals as well as installation, trans-
' E c=J”' ከT>ѳ¨< °n Ò` port, maintenance or similar obligations
Ó”–<’ƒ ÁK¨<” “ Ÿ°n−‡ ªÒ related to the supply of the goods if their
ÁMuKÖ ªÒ ÁK¨< ¾}ŸL' ¾ƒ^”e- value does not exceed that of the goods
þ`ƒ ¾ØÑ““ K?L }Sddà ›ÑMÓ- themselves;
2/ «Services» mean any object of procure- ment
2/ #›ÑMÓKAƒ$
#›ÑMÓKAƒ TKƒ Ÿ°n' ŸÓ”v other than works, goods and consult- ancy
²`õ Y^ “ ŸU¡` ›ÑMÓKAƒ services: such as maintenance, security,
¨<Ü ÁK c=J”' ¾'  ' - janitorial, electricity, telecomm- unication
 A !"' #$%&% '( ' and water supply services;
)$*+,-. E /H A01
23K<ƒ” ÃÚU^M፤
3/ «Works» mean all work associated with the
3/ #¾Ó”v
¾Ó”v ²`õ Y^$
Y^ TKƒ ŸQ”í' ŸS- construction, reconstruction, up grading,
”ÑÉ ¨ÃU ŸSW[}-MTƒ Y^ Ò` demolition, repair or renovation of a building
u}ÁÁ² ¾T>Ÿ“¨” ›Ç=e ¾Ó”v' ¾SMf road, or structure, as well as services
Ó”v'456 74!' ¾Tõ[e' ¾ØÑ“' incidental to works, if the value of those
¾TÅe Y^ ”Ç=G<U }Õǘ ¾J’“ Ÿª-
“¨< Y^ ÁMuKÖ ªÒ ÁK¨< ›ÑMÓKAƒ services does not exceed that of the works
c=J”' ¾SÑ”vƒ' uvKu?ƒ’ƒ ¾SÁ´' themselves and includes build-own-operate,
Y^¨<” ¾T”kdke' ¾Te}LKõ' ¨ÃU build- own-operate-transfer and build-
¾SÑ”vƒ' ¾T”kdke' ¾Te}LKõ operate-transfer contracts;
¨ÃU ¾SÑ”vƒ' uvKu?ƒ’ƒ ¾SÁ´ “
¾T”kdke ¨<KA‹” ÃÚU^M፤
4/ «Consultancy Service» mean a service of an
4/ #¾U¡`
¾U¡` ›ÑMÓKAƒ$
›ÑMÓKAƒ TKƒ ›T"]−‹
ÁL†¨<” S<Á© ¡IKAƒ uSÖkU ¾T> intellectual and advisory nature provided by
cÖ<ƒ ¾Ø“ƒ' ¾Ç=³Ã” E 8' consultants using their professional skills to
¿ ፕaË¡„‹” ¾TÅ^˃' KÅ”u study, design and organize specific projects,
™‹ U¡` ¾SeÖƒ' YMÖ“ ¾SeÖƒ advice clients, conduct training and transfer
“ °¨<kƒ” ¾Te}LKõ ¾›T"]’ƒ vI] knowledge;
ÁK¨< ¾›°Ua ›ÑMÓKAƒ ’¨<፤
5/ «Procurement » mean obtaining goods, works,
5/ #Ó»
Ó» TKƒ °n9‹”' ¾Ó”v ²`õ consultancy or other services through
Y^9‹” “ ›ÑMÓKA„‹” uÓ»' purchasing, hiring or obtaining by any other
uŸ=^à ¨ÃU uT“†¨<U K?L }Sd- contractual means;
dà ¨<M TÓ–ƒ ’¨<፤
gA 4¹þ8)% ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4860

6/ #¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ$ TKƒ S<K< 6/ «Public Body » mean any public body, which is
uS<K< ¨ÃU uŸòM uôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ partly or wholly financed by the Federal
Government budget, higher education institutions
u˃ ¾T>}ÇÅ` ¾S”ÓYƒ S‫עם‬ያ
and public institutions of like nature;
u?ƒ' Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ }sU #“ }Sd-
dà ›sU ÁK¨< ›"M ’¨፤
7/ «Public Fund » mean any monetary resource
7/ #¾S”ÓYƒ Ñ”²w$ TKƒ ŸôÈ^M S”- appropriated to a public body from the Federal
ÓYƒ ÓUÍ u?ƒ ¨ÃU ¾ôÈ^M S”Ó- Government treasury or aid grants and credits put
Yƒ "Ñ–¨< ¾¨<ß °`ǁ“ wÉ` KS”- at the disposal of the public bodies by foreign
ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ ¾}SÅu Ñ”²w ¨ÃU donors through the Federal Government or
¾m‫עם‬ያ b@~ ¾¨<eØ Ñu= ’¨<፤ internal revenue of the public body;

8/ #¾S”ÓYƒ Ó»$ TKƒ uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á 8/ «Public Procurement » mean procurement by a

u?ƒ uS”ÓYƒ Ñ”²w ¾T>Ÿ“¨” Ó» ’¨<፤ public body using public fund;
9/ #›p^u=
›p^u= TKƒ KS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ °n 9/ «Supplier » mean a natural or juridical person
¨ÃU ›ÑMÓKAƒ KTp[w ¨ÃU ¾Ó”v
²`õ Y^ KTŸ“¨” ¨<M ¾Ñv c¨< ¨ÃU under contract with a public body to supply
Å`σ ’¨፤ goods, works or services;

0/ #°Û
°Û }¨ÇÇ]$
}¨ÇÇ] TKƒ uS”ÓYƒ 10/ «Candidate » mean a natural or juridical
Ó» ”Ç=d}õ ¾}Òu² ¨ÃU KS"- person invited to take part in public
ðM ÁSKŸ} c¨< ¨ÃU É`σ procurement or seeking to be so invited;
11/ «Bidder » mean a natural or juridical person
01/ #}Ý^‹
}Ý^‹ TKƒ ¾SÝ[‰ Gdw submitting a bid;
Ák[u c¨< ’¨<፤
12/ « Bidding Documents » mean a document
02/ #¾Ú[
¾Ú[ c’É TKƒ E; <&-
¾Ú[ c’É$ prepared by the public body as a basis for
9= ¾2>5? 3@ KT²Ò˃ #”Ç-= preparation of bids; which contains a
‹K< uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ ¾T>²ÒÏ specification of the desired object of
AA !B CD E  c’É procurement;
13/ «Bid Proposal» mean a document submit- ted
03/ #¾SÝ[‰ c’É$ TKƒ 2!F by bidders to participate in a bid on the basis
2‫עם‬ያ GH !B/ I / J- of the bid document prepared by a public
5K 3@ 2L }Ý^‹ !B/ body in respect of that procurement;
2  E
M / c’É ’¨<፤

04/ #¾Ó»
¾Ó» SS]Á
SS]Á$ TKƒ u²=I ›ªÏ 14/ «Procurement Directive » mean the directive
SW[ƒ uÑ”²w“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ T>’>eƒ\ to be issued by the Minister of Finance and
¾T>¨× SS]Á ’¨<፤ Economic Development in accordance with
this Proclamation;

05/ #T>
T>’>eƒ` #“ T
‚`$ TKƒ #”ÅpÅU 15/ «Minister or Ministry» mean the Minister or
}Ÿ}K< ¾Ñ”²w“ ¾›=¢•T> MTƒ T>’>eƒ` the Ministry of Finance and Economic
#“ T>’>e‚` ’¨<፤ Development respectively;

06/ #c¨
c¨ TKƒ ¾}ðØa c¨< ¨ÃU uQÓ 16/ «Person » mean a natural or juridical person;
¾c¨<’ƒ Swƒ ¾}cÖ¨< ›µM ’¨<፤
gA 4¹þ8)%1 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4861

07/ #M¿
M¿ Ó»$
Ó» TKƒ ›Ñ^© ÖkT@ 17/ «Special Procurement» mean a procurement
ÁL†¨< uSJ’< U¡”Áƒ uT>’>eƒ\ of sizable volume carried out in bulk by a
¨<X’@ uØp ¾T>ðìS< Ÿõ}— decision of the Minister on account of the
Ó»−‹ ¨ÃU ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á national significance of that procurement or
u?„‹ ÁL†¨<” }Sddà ¾Ó» õL to fulfill similar requirements of various
ÑAƒ ”Ç=G<U ›”É ¾S”ÓYƒ public bodies or requirements of a public
SY]Á u?ƒ u}¨c’ Ñ>²? ¨<eØ u} body within a given period of time;
ÅÒÒT> ¾T>•[¨<” ¾Ó» õLÑAƒ
KTTELƒ ¾T>ðìU Ó¸ ’¨<፤

08/ #¾T°kõ eUU’ƒ

’ƒ TKƒ ¨Åòƒ 18/ «Framework Contract» mean a general agreement
of procurement establishing unit price and other
uT>ðìU ´`´` ¨<M KEN< A0
terms and conditions of contract which serves as a
1 SW[ƒ uSJ” ¾T>ÁÑKÓM' uOC
basis for supplies to be delivered under future
ªÒ “ uK?KA‹ ¾¨<M G<’@−‹ LÃ
specific contract;
uSSe[ƒ ¾}ðìS ›ÖnLÃ ¾J’ ¾Ó¸
eUU’ƒ ’¨<፤

09/ #¾T°kõ eUU’ƒ ›p^u=$

›p^u TKƒ 19/ «Framework Contract Supplier» mean a
uT°kõ eUU’ƒ °n ¨ÃU K?KA‹ supplier who has entered in to a contractual
›ÑMÓKA„‹ KTp[w ¨<M ¾Ñv obligation to supply goods or services under
›p^u= ’¨<፤ a framework contract;

!/ #x`É
x`É TKƒ uôÈ^M S”Óeƒ 20/ «Board» mean an entity established under
¾Ó¸ ›ðíìU “ ¾”w[ƒ ›¨ÒÑÉ this Proclamation to review and decide on
H>Ń Là u°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ ¾T>k- complaints from candidates in regard to the
`w” ›u?~ S`Ua ¨<d’@ ”Ç=cØ conduct of procurements and disposal of
u²=I ›ªÏ ¾}ssS¨< ›"M ’¨<፤ property of the Federal Government;

!1/ #¾S”Óeƒ ”w[ƒ$

”w[ƒ TKƒ ŸS”Óeƒ 21/ «Public Property» mean any property of the
Ñ”²w “ S_ƒ ue}k` ¾ôÈ^M Federal Government other than public fund
S”Óeƒ Nwƒ ¾J’ T“†¨<U and land;
”w[ƒ ’¨<፤

!2/ #¾Øun Lò’ƒ$

Lò’ƒ TKƒ uS”ÓYƒ 22/ «Custodial Responsibility» mean the
SY]Á b@T yb§Y `§ð wYM `§ðW
responsibility conferred on a civil servant by
bwklW y|‰ m¶½ ymNG|T NBrT
XSk¸wgD wYM kmZgB XSk¸\rZ the head of a public body or by a person
wYM bl@§ \‰t¾ wYM m‫עם‬ያ b@T delegated by him to protect and maintain
_b” |R XNÄ!WL XSk¸t§lF DrS public property until it is disposed or written
ymNG|T NBrT lmÃZÂ lm-bQ½ off, or transferred to the custody of another
KmNG|T \‰t¾ y¸s_ `§ò’ƒ nW፤ civil servant or public body;

!3/ #sT>
sT> ”w[ƒ$
”w[ƒ TKƒ Gz#ÍêE hLãT
23/ «Fixed Asset» mean tangible asset the value
ÃlW½ ytÂ-L êUW ¸n!ST„ b¸Ã
wÈW mm¶Ã y¸wsN½ kxND ›mT of which is determined by a directive to be
b§Y lçn g!z@ ¾-q»¬ c?ƒ y¸ñrW issued by the Minister, that is in operational
XÂ xgLGlÖT bmS-T §Y y¸g" use and that has a useful economic life of
NBrT s!çN½ XNd yb!é :”½ ÷M more than one year, such as furniture,
pEWtR½ kÆD mœ¶Ã½ t>kRµ¶½ computers, heavy equipment, vehicles, ships
mRkB½ xWéP§N½ ?NÚ½ mNgD½ and aircraft, buildings, roads, sewers,
yFú> mSmR½ DLDY½ mSñ XÂ bridges, irrigation systems, dam and the like;
GDB ymúsl#TN Y=M‰L፤
gA 4¹þ8)%2 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4862

!4/ #¾Qèƒ ²S” Y`¯ƒ$

Y`¯ƒ TKƒ km 24/ «Life- Time Approach» mean a system of
NG|T NBrT UR ytÃÃz# tGÆéC XÂ effective management and control of public
wÀãCN y¥qD½ ymÃZ½ ymrkB½ property which takes in to account all
ym-qM½ y_g½ yFí¬ wYM
associated activities and costs, namely,
y¥SwgD wYM kmZgB ym\rZ
}GƉT kGMT WS_ b¥SgÆT ¾S planning, acquisition, receipt, use,
”ÓYƒ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` “ lØØ` maintenance, consumption or disposal or
wnƒ vK¨< S”ÑÉ ”Ç=S^ KTÉ[Ó deletion of public property;
¾T>Áe‹M Y`¯ƒ ’¨<፤
25/ «Supplies» means all public property other
!5/ °n TKƒ k̸ :” WÀ yçn
#›Lm °n$ than fixed assets, which can be consumed
¥ÂcWM ymNG|T NBrT s!çN½ within one year of use and the value of which
0P C( 2Q N25  RS AT is determined by a directive to be issued by
eŸ xND ›mT A !" U3 E the Minister;
= X êUW ¸n!ST„ b¸ÃwÈW
mm¶Ã y¸wsN NBrT /፤
26/ «Disposal» mean the transfer of public
!6/ #Te¨ÑÉ
Te¨ÑÉ TKƒ ¾S”ÓYƒ” ”w[ƒ property to another person by sale or other
uiÁß ¨ÃU u´ውው` KK?L ¨Ñ” means or the act of getting rid of public
Te}LKõ ¨ÃU Spu` ¨ÃU property by burning or burying;
TnÖM ’¨<፤
27/ «Public Private Partnership» mean investment
!7/. #¾S”ÓYƒ“ ¾ÓM i`¡“$ TKƒ through private sector participation by a
uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ “ uÓM contractual arrangement between a public body
vKGwƒ S"ŸM uT>Å[Ó ¨<M uÓK< and a private sector enterprise, as the
vKGwƒ }dƒö ¾T>Å[Ó ›=”‌eƒ concessionnaire, in which the concessionnaire:
S”ƒ c=J” ¢”c?i’` }wKA ¾T>
¨k¨< ¾ÓM vKGwƒ፡-

9/ ¾Ó”v ýaË¡„‹” ¨ÃU ›ÑM a) undertakes to perform or undertake any

ÓKA„‹” ¨ÃU u¢”c?i” Ÿ=^à construction project or service or lease
¾T>cÖ< Y^−‹” KTŸ“¨” Óȁ concession;

ֳ/ ¾S”ÓYƒ }Óv` ¾J’< Y^−‹” b) assumes substantial financial, technical and

ŸTŸ“¨” ¨ÃU ¾S”ÓYƒ” ”w[ƒ operational risks in connection with the
Y^ Là ŸTªM Ò` u}ÁÁ² performance of a public function or use of
uóÓ”e' u‚¡’>¡ “ uY^ government property; and
”penc? [ÑÉ ¾T>•\ Lò’„‹”
u›S³–< ¾T>¨eÉuƒ'
c) receives consideration for performing a public
ּ/ ¾S”ÓYƒ }Óv` ¾J’< Y^−‹”
uTŸ“¨” ¨ÃU ¾S”ÓYƒ” ”w[ƒ function or utilizing government property, by
Y^ Là uTªM KT>cÖ¨< ›ÑM- way of fees from any public funds, user
ÓKAƒ ŸS”ÓYƒ ¡õÁ ¾T>Áјuƒ levies collected by the concessionnaire from
¨ÃU u}ÖnT>−‹ Là ŸT>×M users or customers for a service provided by
¡õÁ Ñu= ¾T>cuewuƒ ¨ÃU uG<K it, or a combination of such consideration.
~U S”ÑÊ‹ K›ÑMÓKA~ ¡õÁ ¾T>Á
јuƒ' ¨<M ’¨<::
28/ «Concessionaire» mean a person who enters
!8/ #¢”c?i’`$ TKƒ ŸS”ÓYƒ into a contract with a public body under a
SY]Á u?ƒ Ò` ¾S”ÓYƒ“ ¾ÓM public private partnership;
i`¡“ ¨<M ¾T>Ñv c¨< ’¨<፤
29/ "Regional States" mean member states of the
!9/ «y¡MM S”ÓYƒ´ ¥lT <ُዮጵያ
«y¡MM S”ÓY
ፌዴ‫ֶף‬ዊ ዲ‫ז‬ክ‫תף‬ያዊ ‫ע‬ፐ%ֵክ QÑ-
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
S”ÓYُ ›”kê #7 ¾}²[²\ƒ listed under Article 47 of the Constitution of
¾›=ƒÄåÁ ôÈ^L© Ç=V¡^c=Á© the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
]øwK=¡ ›‫ֹו‬Lƒ c=J’<' K²=I ›ªÏ and for the purpose of this Proclamation
›ðíìU ¾É_Ǫ “ ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T include the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa City
›e}ÇÅa‹” ÃÚU^M:: administrations.
gA 4¹þ8)%3 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4863

3. ¾}ðíT>’ƒ ¨c” 3. Scope of Application

1/ ÃI ›ªÏ uT“†¨<U ¾ôÈ^M 1/ This Proclamation shall apply to all Federal

S”ÓYƒ Ó» “ ”w[ƒ አስተዳደር Government procurement and property
LÃ }ðíT> ÃJ“M:: administration.
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /¡/ ¾}ደ’Ñገ¨< 2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article
u=•`U፡- (1) of this Article:
a) the Minister in consultation with the
G/ T>’>eƒ\ ›Óvw "L†¨< ¾S”ÓYƒ
heads of the relevant public bodies may
S‫עם‬ያ ቤ„‹ ¾uLà Lò−‹ Ò`
uSS"Ÿ` uwN?^© ÅI”’ƒ “ in the interest of national security or
u›Ñ` SŸLŸÁ U¡”Áƒ Ó» “ national defense decide to use a different
¾”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` u}K¾ ²È ”Ç=- procedure of procurement and property
ðìU ¨<X’@ K=cØ Ã‹LM:: ÃI uT>- administration in which case the
J”uƒ Ñ>²? T>’>eƒ\ Ó» እG ¾ %- Minister shall define by a directive the
‫ـ ُנ‬ዳደ‫ ץ‬ulÖv“ ¨<Ö?T method of procurement and property
uJ’ S”ÑÉ ”Ç=ðì‫ <ו‬KTÉ[Ó administration to be followed in order to
¾T>Áe‹M ¾}K¾ ¾Ó» እG ¾ %‫ُנ‬ serve the interest of economy and
‫ـ‬ዳደ‫ ץ‬²È uY^ Là KTªM efficiency;
¾T>Áe‹M SS]Á Á¨×M=፤

K/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ :”ã-

b) this Proclamation does not apply to
CN½ yGNƬ zRF |‰ãCN½
contracts a public body enters into with
wÀ uSgð” ŸK?KA‹ ¾S”ÓYƒ another public body for the provision of
goods, works, consultancy or other
SY]Á u?„‹ K¥GßT u¸Ãd
services at cost.

4. ¾ï
¾ï ›ÑLKî 4. Gender Reference
bz!H xêJ WS_ u¨”É ï ¾}Å’ÑѨ< Provisions of this Proclamation set out in
¾c?ƒ”U ï Á"ƒM'
masculine gender shall also apply to the feminine
5. ¾S”ÓYƒ Ó» E Z5 A 4 S`
5. Principles of Public Procurement and
Property Administration
¾S”Óƒ Ó» ›ðíìU እG ¾ %‫ ُנ‬
}ዳደ‫¾ ץ‬T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” S`J−‹ SW[ƒ Public procurement and property administration
TÉ[Ó Ã•`uM:-
shall have to comply with the following
1/ uÓ» ›ðíìU [ÑÉ ¾S”ÓYƒ Ñ”
²w K=Áeј ¾T>‹K¨<” ØpU
1/ ensure value for money in the use of public
fund for procurement;
2/ u²=I ›ªÏ u}ðkŨ< M¿ ›e}Á¾ƒ
"MJ’ ue}k` u²?Ó’ƒ ¨ÃU ŸS 2/ non discrimination among candidates on
¨ÇÅ]Á Seð`„‹ Ò` vM}ÁÁ²< grounds of nationality or any other criteria
K?KA‹ U¡”Á„‹ u°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ not having to do with their qualification,
S"ŸM ›ÉM− ÁKSÅ[Ñ<”፤ except in cases of preference specifically
provided for in this Proclamation;
3/ T“†¨<U ¾Ó» ¨<X’@ ¾T>cØuƒ
Seð`ƒ “ uÁ”Ç”Æ Ó» Là 3/ transparency and fairness of the criteria on the
¾T>cÖ¨< ¨<X’@ Ñ<Ç¿ KT>SKŸ basis of which decisions are given in public
‰¨< G<K< ÓMî E [\ procurement as well as of decisions in each
2X]፤ procurement;
gA 4¹þ8)%4 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4864

4/ accountability for decisions made and

4// ¨<X’@−‹ #“ ¾}¨cÆ #`UÍ−‹ measures taken with regard to public

m’ƒ ¾T>ÁeŸƒK< SJ’<”፤ procurement and property administration;

5/ 2! Z5 ^ 2

A 5/ careful handling and proper use of public
K2 AC7 2Q_፡፡ property.

6. ¯KU ®kõ Óȁ

Óȁ−‹ 6. International Obligations

1/ ÃI ›ªÏ ¾ôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ Ÿ›”É 1/ To the extent that this Proclamation conflicts
¨ÃU Ÿ›”É uLà ŸJ’< S”ÓYƒ with an obligation of the Federal Government
¨ÃU Ÿ¯KU ®kõ É`Ï„‹ Ò` under or arising out of an agreement with one
vÅ[Ѩ< ¨ÃU uT>ÁÅ`Ѩ< eUU’ƒ or more other states or with an international
¨ÃU ŸeUU’~ ŸS’Ú Óȁ Ò` organization, the provisions of that
¾TÃ××U ŸJ’ ueUU’~ agreement shall prevail.
¾}SKŸ}¨< Ãì“M::
2/ Where an agreement referred to in sub-article
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /¡/ ¾}SKŸ (1) of this Article contains a preference or
}¨< eUU’ƒ K›=ƒÄåÁ ¨ÃU u›=ƒ preferences in favour of national and resident
ÄåÁ ’ª] KJ’< }Ý^Œ‹ M¿ bidders, the public body shall ensure that the
›e}Á¾ƒ ¾T>ðpÉ uT>J”uƒ Ñ>²? applicable preference or preferences are
¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ }ðíT> ¾T>
J’¨<” M¿ ›e}Á¾ƒ uÚ[ c’É clearly stated in the bidding documents.
¨<eØ uÓMî TSMŸƒ ›Kuƒ::

7. ¾Ó» c’Ê‹” Q´u< ”Ç=Á¨<p

”Ç=Á¨<p eKTÉ[Ó 7. Public Accessibility of Legal Texts

ÃI ›ªÏ “ u²=I ›ªÏ SW[ƒ uT>’> This Proclamation and the procurement and
ƒ\ ¾T>¨Ö< ¾Ó» “ ¾”w[ƒ SS]Á- property directives to be issued by the Minister as
ዎ‹ “ K?KA‹ ¾Ó¸ “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` well as other documents pertaining to public
c’Ê‹ Q´w ”Ç=Á¨<n†¨< SÅ[Ó “ procurement and property administration shall be
K›ÖnkU ›Sˆ uJ’ S”ÑÉ SÁ´ promptly made accessible to the public and
›Kv†¨<:: systematically maintained.

8. ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ ¾uLà Lò Lò’ƒ 8. Responsibilities of Heads of Public Bodies
Public bodies shall have overall responsibility for
¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ eKT>ÁŸ“¨<’<ƒ
procurements they carry out and the property they
Ó» #“ ֳ‫ג‬Áe}ÇÉ\ƒ ”w[ƒ ÖpLL
administer. In particular, the head of a public
Lò’ƒ ÁKv†¨< c=J”' u}KÃU ¾S”-
ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ ¾uLà Lò T>’>eƒ\ body shall apart from those specified in the
uT>Á¨×¨< SS]Á Là ŸT>ÑKì<ƒ directives to be issued by the Minister, have the
´`´` Lò’„‹ u}ÚT] ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ following responsibilities:
›ÖnLà Lò’„‹ Õ\M፡-

G/ u}Ñu=¨< ¾c¨< ÃM ¾}‫¾ ֶח‬Ó»“ a) cause to be established an adequately staffed

”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` ¾Y^ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףֹו‬ unit for procurement and property
¾T>ÁŸ“¨<” ¾Y^ ¡õM
4`6 ፤ administration;

/ Ÿõ}— ¾Ñ”²w SÖ” ÁL†¨<”

Ó»−‹ S`Ua ¾T>ÁìÉp ¢T>‚ b) setup a procurement endorsing committee
ÁslTM' ¨<ewew KJ’< Ó¸−‹ which approves procurements of higher
Ñ>²?Á© ¾Ó» ÑUÒT> ኮT>‚ K=ÁslU value; it may also setup ad hoc evaluation
ËLM፤ committee for complex procurement;
gA 4¹þ8)%5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4865

N/ uÓ» እG u”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` Y^ LÃ

c) ensure that staff and officials assigned in the
¾T>SÅ‫¨ ּש‬ÃU ¾}SÅu< c^}™‹
”Ç=G<U ¾ÓZ ›îÇm ¢T>‚ ›vLƒ procurement and property administration and
those assigned as members of the
ÃI”” ›ªÏ፣ ¾›ðፃፀU SS]Á¨<”፣
procurement endorsing committee receive
¾ÓZ T’<ªM፣ SÅu— ¾Ú[ c’É
training to enable them acquire knowledge of
“ K?KA‹ }Ñu= pፆ‹ òƒ “
the content and application of this
›ÖnkU ”Ç=Á¨<l TÉ[Ó ¾T>Á-
e‹M eMÖ“ TÓ–†¨<” “ ¾S”- Proclamation, the directives to be issued in
accordance with this Proclamation, the
Óeƒ ÓZ እG %‫ـ ُנ‬ዳደ‫ץ‬
procurement and property administration
KSðፀU um ¡IKAƒ ÁL†¨< SJ’<”
manuals, the standard bidding documents and
other relevant forms;
S/ ¾S”Óeƒ Ó» upÉ LÃ ¾}S
c[} “ u²=I ›ªÏ ¾}SKŸ~ ¾Ó» d) ensure that the procurement of the public
S`J−‹” ¾Öuk SJ’<” body is preplanned and complies with
Á[ÒÓ×M፤ procurement principles enshrined in this
W/ ¾Ó» ¾e^ ¡õM½ ¾Ó» ›îÇm
¢T>َ “ K?KA‹ Ó»” ¾SðìU e) ensure that the procurement department, the
Lò’ƒ ¾}c׆¨< ›ካLƒ }Óv^ procurement endorsing committee and other
†¨<” u}Ñu=¨< STٍ S¨× sections of the public body involved in
†¨<” Á[ÒÓ×M፤ procurement discharge their duties properly;

[/ ”Å ›eðLÑ>’~ ¾Ó» e`›ƒ” ¾T> f) where necessary, enter into a contract with third
ÁeðîS< Ze}— ¨Ñ•‹” ÃkØ^M፤ parties which support the public body in the
process of procurement;
c/ ¾S”Óeƒ ”w[ƒ ›=¢•T>Á© “
¨<Ö?T uJ’ S”ÑÉ ›ÑMÓKAƒ Là g) ensure that property at the disposal of the
SªK<” Á[ÒÓ×M፤ public body is used in such a manner as to
achieve economy and efficiency;
g/ uS‫עם‬ያ u?~ Y` ¾T>Ñ–¨<
¾S”ÓYƒ ”w[ƒ uT>Ñv ¾}S²Ñu h) ensure that property at the disposal of the
“ ¾¡ƒƒM Y`¯ƒ ¾}²[ÒKƒ' public body is duly registered and traceable,
}Ñu=¨< Øun“ ”¡w"u? ¾}Å[ properly handled and looked after and
ÑKƒ' ›ÑMÓKAƒ ¾TÃcØ J• c=ј disposed off when it is no longer useful.
u¨p~ ”Ç=¨ÑÉ SÅ[Ñ<”

9. ¾Ó» ¾Y^ ¡õM }Óv`“ “ Lò’ƒ 9. Duties and Responsibilities of Procurement

and Property Administration Unit
uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ ¨<eØ ¾T>‫ּהּה‬ The procurement department in a public body
S¨< ¾Ó¸ Y^ ¡õM uÓ» SS]Á“ shall, apart from the responsibilities assigned to it
uSY]Á u?~ uT>²Ò˨< ¾Y^ ´`´` by the procurement directives and the job
ŸT>cÖ<ƒ }Óv^ƒ u}ÚT] ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ
description prepared by the public body have the
›ÖnLà }Óv^ƒ Õ\M፡-
following duties and responsibilities:

G/ ¾S”Óeƒ Ó»” u}TEL ¾S<Á

a) execute public procurement in a perfectly
e’UÓv` “ ¡IKAƒ ÃðîTM፤
ethical and skillful manner;
K/ ÃI”” ›ªÏ፤ ¾›ðíìU SS]- b) carry out public procurement in accordance
Á¨<”፣ ¾Ó» T’<ªM፣ የSÅu— with this Proclamation, the procurement
¾Ú[ c’É “ ¾›ðíìU pï‹” directives, the procurement manual , the
“ ¾Ó» ¨<K<” SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó standard bid documents, the forms and the
¾S”ÓYƒ Ó»” ÃðîTM& procurement contract;

N/ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kፅ !3 u}Å’ÑѨ< c) maintain complete record for each

Sc[ƒ K¾Ó»¨< ¾}TEL S[Í procurement in accordance with Article 23 of
ÃóM& u}Ö¾k Ñ>²?U Ák`vM፡፡ this Proclamation.
gA 4¹þ8)%6 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4866

10. Duties and Responsibilities of Procurement

0. ¾Ó» ፅዳ‫ ּׂש‬¢T>‚ }Óv`“ Lò’ƒ
Endorsing Committee
The procurement endorsing committee shall have
የግZ አፅዳቂ ኮሚቴ የሚከተሉት ተግባርና ሃላፊነቶች the following responsibilities:

ሀ/ uÓ» SS]Á¨< Là ¾}kSÖ¨< a) ensure that public procurement is executed in

ÑÅw ”Å}Öuk J• ¾S”ÓYƒ Ó» compliance with this Proclamation, the
ÃI”” ›ªÏ፣ ¾›ðíìU SS]Á¨<”፣ procurement directives, the procurement
¾Ó¸ T’<ªM፤ SÅu— ¾Ú[ c’É manual, the standard bid document and the
“ K?KA‹ pፆ‹” SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó forms;
¾}ðፀS SJ’<” Á[ÒÓ×M፤

ለ/ uÓ» SS]Á¨< Là ¾}kSÖ¨< b) review and endorse procurements within the

ÑÅw ”Å}Öuk J• ¾Ú[ ¨ÃU financial limits set by the directive;
¾Ó» ÓUÑT ]þ`„‹” S`Ua

ሐ/ ¾S”ÓYƒ Ó»” ¨<Ö?T

KTÉ[Ó uT>Áe‹K< ²È−‹ Là c) advise the head of the public office on
¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~” ¾uLÃ methods of achieving effective procurement.
GLò ÁT¡^M፡፡

01. }ÖÁm’ƒ 11. Accountability

Procurement and property administration staff or
uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ KÓ» “
”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` Y^ ¾}SÅu< W^}™‹ heads of procurement and property
¨ÃU ¾S”ÓYƒ Ó»” “ ”w[ƒ” KT administration units and members of the
e}ÇÅ` ¾}jS< Lò−‹፣ የግዥ ፅዳ‫ּׂש‬ procurement endorsing committee in public
ኮ‫ֹֹו َג‬٤ u²=I ›ªÏ “ T>’eƒ\ bodies shall be accountable for their actions in
accordance with this Proclamation and the
uT>Á¨ጣ†¨< SS]Á−‹ SW[ƒ eKT>
¨eÇD†¨< `UÍ−‹ }ÖÁm ÃJ“K<:: directives to be issued by the Minister.

¾S”ÓYƒ Ó» “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` ›?Ë”c

02. ¾›?Ë”c=¨< SssU

12. Establishment

1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ Ó» “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` 1/ It is hereby reestablished the Public Procurement

›?Ë”c= /Ÿ²=I u%EL #›?Ë”c=$ ¾}vK and Property Administration Agency (hereinafter
¾T>Ö^/ ^c<” ¾‰K“ ¾QÓ c¨<’ƒ referred to as the "Agency") as an autonomous
ÁK¨< ¾ôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ SY]Á Federal Government organ having its own
u?ƒ J• u²=I ›ªÏ ”ÅÑ“ juridical personality.

2/ ›?Ë”c=¨< }Ö]’~ KT>’>eƒ\ ÃJ“M:: 2/ The Agency shall be accountable to the

03. ª“ SY]Á u?ƒ
13. Head Office
¾›?Ë”c=¨< ª“ SY]Á u?ƒ ›Ç=e ›uv
J• ”Å›eðLÑ>’~ uT“†¨<U Yõ^ The head office of the Agency shall be in Addis
p`”Ýõ SY]Á u?„‹ K=•\ƒ ËLM:: Ababa and may have branch offices else where as
may be necessary.
gA 4¹þ8)%7 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4867

04. ¾›?Ë”c=¨< ¯LT−‹ 14. Objectives of the Agency

¾›?Ë”c=¨< ¯LT−‹ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ “†¨<:- The objectives of the Agency are:

1/ õƒ ©' u¨<ÉÉ` LÃ ¾}SW[}' 1/ ensure the application of fair, competitive,

ÓMî' ›ÉM− ¾K?Kuƒ' KS”ÓYƒ transparent, non-discriminatory and value for
Ñ”²w }S××–<” ªÒ TeÑ–ƒ ¾T>Á money procurement and modern public
e‹M ¾Ó» ›ðíìU zmÂêE ymNGST property administration;
NBrT xStÄdR S•\” T[ÒÑØ፤
2/ follow up compliance of public bodies with the
2/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ u²=I ›ªÏ provisions of this Proclamation in conducting
¾}²[²\ƒ” Öwk¨< SY^†¨<” procurement and administrator property at their
SŸ}M፤ disposal;

3/ uôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ ¨<eØ ÁK¨<” 3/ build the capacity of procurement and property
¾Ó» ›ðíìU “ ¾”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` administration with in the Federal
›pU TdÅÓ፤ Government;
4/ G AM 456 bb2 2! 4/ work for the prevalence of uniform and consistent
!B Z5 A 4 ዓ Ec system of public procurement and property
d Ø[ƒ TÉ[Ó፤ administration at national level;

5/ 2! !B Z5 A 4 ዓ 5/ endeavor to harmonize the system of public
MI( eCf/ AP AM AT=  procurement and property administration with the
bb2 EcX Ø[ƒ TÉ[Ó፡፡ internationally recognized standards.

0 5. ¾›?Ë”c=¨< }Óva‹ 15. Functions of the Agency

›?Ë”c=¨< Ÿ²=I u‹ ¾}²[²\ƒ” }Óva‹ The Functions of the Agency are to:
1) advise the Federal Government on all public
1/ uS”ÓYƒ Ó» “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ`
procurement and property administration
þK=c=−‹' S`J−‹“ ›ðíìV‹ LÃ
¾ôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ” TTŸ`' policies, principles and implementation and
provide technical assistance to the regional
K¡MKA‹ እG ֳከ‫ـ דـ‬ዳደ‫צ‬٤
¾‚¡’>¡ ÉÒõ SeÖƒ፤ governments and city administrations;

2/ uôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ ¨<eØ ÁK¨<” 2) monitor and report to the Minister the
performance of the public procurement and
¾S”ÓYƒ Ó» ›ðíìU “ ¾”w[ƒ
property administration systems in the Federal
›e}ÇÅ` Y`¯ƒ }Óv^©’ƒ SŸ
Government, initiate amendments on laws and
}M' KT>’>eƒ\ ]þ`ƒ TÉ[Ó “
implementation system improvements;
uQÓ“ u›ðíìU Y`¯~ Là ¾ThhÁ
GXx‹ Tp[w፤

3/ ›Óvw’ƒ "L†¨< ›"Lƒ Ò` uS}vu` 3/ in collaboration with competent authorities

¾Ó» “ ¾”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` YMÖ“ ensure the setting of training standards,
”Ç=G<U የግZG የ %‫ـ ُנ‬ዳደ‫› ץ‬ð competence levels, certification requirements
íìU” KSU^ƒ ¾T>ÁeðMѨ< ‹KA' and professional development paths of public
uS<Á¨< KSWT^ƒ }ðLÑ> ¾J’¨< procurement and property administration;
Te[Í ¯Ã’ƒ “ ¾S<Á¨< °Éу K=Ÿ}M
¾T>Ñv¨< H>Ń S¨c’<” T[ÒÑØ፤
4/ prepare, update and issue authorized versions
4/ SÅu— ¾Ó» c’Ê‹' ›W^\” ¾T> of the standard bidding documents,
S\ pï‹ “ K?KA‹ KÓ» ና ”w[ƒ procedural forms and any other attendant
›e}ÇÅ` ›Óvw’ƒ ÁL†¨<” c’Ê‹ documents pertaining to procurement and
T²Ò˃' Y^ Là ”Ç=¨<K< “ property administration;
¨p© ”Ç=J’< TÉ[Ó፤
gA 4¹þ8)%8 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4868

5/ Ÿ}ðkÆ SÅu— ¾Ó» ²È−‹' 5/ consider and decide on request from public
c’Ê‹' ›W^\” ŸT>S\ pï‹ “ offices to deviate from the prescribed methods of
K?KA‹ KÓ» ›ðíìU ›Óvw’ƒ procurement, the standard bidding documents,
"L†¨< c’Ê‹ ¨<Ü Ó» KSðìU procedural forms and any other attendant
¨ÃU Ÿ}ðkÆ ¾”w[ƒ ›¨ÒÑÉ documents in effecting procurement or use other
Y`¯„‹“ eM„‹ ¨<ß ”w[ƒ systems or methods of disposing of public
KTe¨ÑÉ uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ property than those authorized by law;
ØÁo c=k`wKƒ ØÁo¨<” S`Ua
¨<X’@ SeÖƒ፤

6/ uS”ÓYƒ Ó» KSd}õ õLÑAƒ ÁL 6/ introduce an efficient system of listing under

†¨< ›p^u=−‹ ¾T>S²Ñu<uƒ” ¾}k which suppliers who are interested to
LÖð Y`¯ƒ S²`Òƒ' u›p^u=−‹ participate in public procurement are
´`´` ¨<eØ KSS´Ñw ¾T>k`u< registered; receives, reviews and records
TSMŸ‰−‹” SkuM' SS`S` applications by candidates for registered
“ SS´Ñw' “ ¾U´Ñv¨<” supplier status and distribute the suppliers
´`´` TW^Úƒ፤ list;
7/ u°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹“ u›p^u=−‹ Là 7/ review and decide on complaints submitted
¾S”ÓYƒ S‫עם‬ያ u?„‹ ¾T>Ák` by public bodies on the conduct of bidders or
vD†¨<” ›u?~−‹ S`Ua ¨<X’@ suppliers, and send copies of such decision to
SeÖƒ' ¾¨<X’@¨<” pÍ= KT>SK the concerned organs;
Ÿ†¨< TW^Úƒ፤
8/ maintains and distributes a list of suppliers
8/ ŸS”ÓYƒ S‫עם‬ያ u?„‹ Ò` vÅ[ who by reason of having seriously neglected
Ñ<ƒ ¾Ó» ¨<M SW[ƒ Óȁ†¨<” their obligations under a public procurement
vKS¨×†¨<' eKwn†¨< Gc}—
contract, or having provided false
S[Í uTp[v†¨<< ¨ÃU u²=I ›ªÏ
information about their qualifications or
›”kê 06(3) “ "2(2) ¾}²[²\ƒ”
É`Ñ>„‹ uSðìT†¨< U¡’Áƒ ›?Ë” having committed the act of the kind referred
c=¨< uS”ÓYƒ Ó» ›ðíìU ”Ç to in Article 16(3) and 32(2) of this
Ãd}ñ ÁÑdž¨<” ›p^u=−‹ ´`´` Proclamation have been debarred from
SÁ´“ TW^Úƒ፤ participating in public procurement by the
9/ ¾Ó» ›ðíìU “ ¾”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ`
tGƉT ÃI”” ›ªÏ “ K?KA‹ 9/ conduct audit to ensure that procurement and
¾S”Óeƒ Ó» “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` property administration activities of public
y¸m‰ÆcWN c’Ê‹” Öwk¨< bodies are in accordance with this
¾}Ÿ“¨’< SJ’<” KT[ÒÑØ ¾Ó» Proclamation and other documents governing
*Ç=ƒ TÉ[Ó፤ public procurement and property
0/ KÓ» xfÚ[M “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ`
¾T>ÁÑKÓM ¾S[Í Tc^Ý “ 10/ set up, develop, maintain and update a data
¡U‹ƒ TssU' TÑAMuƒ' SÖup base that covers the entire spectrum of public
“ ¨p©’~ ¾}Öuk ”Ç=J” procurement and property administration;
11/ develop policies and maintain an operational
01/ ¾}sU “ ¾c¨< ÃM ›pU plan on capacity building both for
KTÑAMuƒ ¾T>Áe‹M ¾›pU Ó”v institutional and human resource
þK=c=“ °pÉ ”Ç=•` TÉ[Ó፤ development;

12/ establish and maintain institutional linkages

02/ ¾S<Á“ ŸS<Á Ò` u}ÁÁ²< ›Óvw’ƒ with entities working for the development of
vL†¨< Ñ<Ç¿‹ Là ¾}WT\ J’¨<
a profession and related matters who have an
uS”ÓYƒ Ó» “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ`
KSd}õ õLÑAƒ "L†¨< ›"Lƒ Ò` interest to participate in public procurement
}sT© Ó”–<’ƒ SõÖ` “ TÇu`፤ and property administration;
gA 4¹þ8)%9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4869

03/ eKS”ÓYƒ Ó» ›ðíìU “ ”w[ƒ 13/ undertake public procurement execution and
›e}ÇÅ` Ø“ƒ T"N?É' yxQM property administration research and surveys,
GNƬ TBBR XNÄ!ñR ¥DrG፤ and establish cooperation in the area of
capacity building;

04/ ÃI ›ªÏ“ u›ªÌ SW[ƒ ¾T>¨Ö< 14/ administer and enforce compliance with all the
Å”x‹“ SS]Á−‹ ”Ç=G<U uT>’>e provisions of this Proclamation, regulations and
ƒ\ ¾}cÖ<ƒ K?ֹ‹ }Óva‹ uƒ¡¡M directives to be issued in accordance with this
Y^ Là SªL†¨<” T[ÒÑØ፤ Proclamation and other functions given to it by the
05/ ŸS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ ¾T>k`w
Kƒ” S[Í SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó 15/ submit quarterly and annually report to the
¾S”ÓYƒ Ó» “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` Minister regarding the overall functioning of
Y`¯ƒ uT>Ñv ¾T>W^ eKSJ’< the public procurement and property
KT>’>eƒ\ የ‫ס‬% ዓ‫ُא‬G ¯S© ]þ administration system based on information
`ƒ Tp[w' T>’>eƒ\ uT>ÖÃk¨< provided to it by public bodies and provide
´`´` SW[ƒ uÁ”Ç”Æ ¾S”Ó such data as the Minister may request
Yƒ SY]Á u?ƒ eK}Ÿ“¨’¨< Ó» regarding the nature and volume of public
¯Ã’ƒ “ SÖ” ”Ç=G<U ”w[ƒ procurement handled by each entity; as well
›e}ÇÅ` Ñ<ÇÄ‹ M¿ S[Í−‹” as on matters of property administration;

06/ ዚֱ ዋጅ ‫ א‬ግُ G™ xfÚ[MÂ 16/ provide office facilities and technical support
%‫ ُנ‬ወጋገድ ֶይ ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ for the board established by this
ዎ٤ የ‫ ּשץׂשג‬xb@t$¬ዎ٤ እ ዲያይ Proclamation to review complaints of
ֳ‫אּהּהـ‬ው Wún@ sÀ ïRD የጽ candidates in public procurement and
ֱፈُ b@TÂ yt&Kn!K DUF xgLGlÖT disposal of public property and follow up the
mS-T yïRÇN Wún@ãC tGƉ implementation of the decisions of the board;
êEnT mk¬tL፤

07/ ›Óvw’ƒ vL†¨< የB/@‰êE KL§êE 17/ cause any supplier barred by the decision of
mNGS¬T xµ§T bKLl# ymNGST competent authorities of a regional
G™ xfÚ[M §Y XNÄYútF y¬gd government, from participating on
XŒ twÄĶ wYM xQ‰b! bØÁ‰L procurements of such region, not to
mNGST mሥ¶Ã b@èC G™ XNÄYú participate in procurements of federal public
tF ¥DrG፤ bodies;

08/ ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ xgLG 18/ set a standard for major items of public
lÖT §Y l¸Wl# ê ê ̸ bodies representing important fixed assets
NBrèC dr© ‫ד‬ውጣُ½ xfÚ[ÑN and follow-up adherence to such standards.

06. ¾›?Ë”c=¨< YM×” 16. Powers of the Agency

›?Ë”c=¨< Y^¨<” uT>ÁŸ“¨<”uƒ Ñ>²? In the exercise of its functions, the Agency shall
¾T>Ÿ}K¨< YM×” Õ[ªM:- have the power to:

1/ T“†¨<U ¾S”Óeƒ SY]Á u?ƒ

¨ÃU ›p^u= QÓ ŸT>Á²¨< ¨<Ü 1/ require any information, documents, records
eKSðìS<' Ó» uƒ¡¡M eLKTŸ“ and reports in respect of any aspect of the
¨’<' ¾Ó»¨<” ›W^` uƒ¡¡M eLK public procurement process where a breach,
SðìS< ¨ÃU eKSSdÖ\ ØqT wrongdoing, mismanagement or collusions
¾k[u ”ÅJ’ ŸÓ»¨< ›ðíìU Ò` has been alleged, reported or proven against
¾}ÁÁ²< S[Í−‹' c’Ê‹፣ S´Ñx‹
any public body;
“ ]þ`„‹ ”Ç=k`u<Kƒ ¾T²´፤
gA 4¹þ8)& ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4870

2/ Ue¡a‹” ¾SØ^ƒ' Ue¡a‹“ 2/ summon witnesses, call for the production of

Ó»¨< ¾T>SKŸ†¨< ¨Ñ•‹ nL† books of accounts, plans, documents and
¨<” uSGL ”Ç=cÖ< ¾TÉ[Ó' ¾H> examine witnesses and parties concerned on
dw S´Ñw' ýL”' c’É ”Ç=k`w oath;
Kƒ ¾TÉ[Ó፤

3/ ŸÑuÁ Ò` ¾TÃ××U ªÒ uT>Ák`u< 3/ give warning to or suspend for a definite or

“ K?KA‹”U ¾²=I” ›ªÏ “ uT>’> indefinite period of time from participating in
eƒ\ ¾T>¨×¨<” SS]Á É”ÒÑ@−‹ public procurement፡ candidates, suppliers or
¾T>n[’< }Óv^ƒ ¾T>ðîS< °Û persons involved in the disposal of public
}¨ÇÇ]−‹' ›p^u=−‹ ¨ÃU uS”
property where it proves that they have
ÓYƒ ”w[ƒ Te¨ÑÉ H>Ń }d
offered a price higher than the market or
ò−‹ ֶይ ‫ נׂש‬iًٍ ‫א‬1p1ُ
committed an act contravening the provisions
TeÖ”kmÁ ¾SeÖƒ' K}¨c’ ¨ÃU
of this Proclamation and the directives to be
LM}¨c’ Ñ>²? u‫”א‬ÓYƒ Ó» ¨ÃU
issued by the Minister;
¾”w[ƒ Te¨ÑÉ H>Ń ”ÇÃd‫ـ‬ñ
4/ conduct audit on its own program or cause
4/ uS”ÓYƒ Ó» “ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` audit to be conducted where it receives
›ðíìU Là u^c< ፕaÓ^U ¨ÃU allegations of misconduct warranting such
uT>Å`c¨< ØqT S’h’ƒ ኦዲُ audit on a process of public procurement and
‫א‬ካ‫׀‬ድ ወይ‫ ו‬እ ዲካ‫׀‬ድ ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ፤ property administration;

5// um U¡”Áƒ ÁK SJ’<” c=[Ç u²=I 5/ upon the request of public bodies,
›ªÏ“ uÓ¸ SS]Á¨< Ÿ}ðkÆ exceptionally and when justified on sound
¾Ó¸ Y`¯„‹ ¨<Ü Ó¸ KSðìU grounds, may permit the use of a procedure
ŸS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ uT>k`u<
which is not consistent with the procedures
ØÁo−‹ SW[ƒ ”Ç=ðìU
laid down by this Proclamation or the
procurement directive.

07/ ¾›?Ë”c=¨< É`ρ© 17. Organization of the Agency

É`ρ© ›sU

›?Ë”c=¨<:- The Agency shall have:

1/ uS”ÓYƒ ¾T>jU ›”É ª“ ÇÃ_- 1/ a Director General and Deputy Director General to
be appointed by the Government; and
¡}` “ U¡ƒM ª“ ÇÃ_¡}`'
2/ the necessary staff.
2/ ›eðLÑ> W^}™‹'


08. ¾ª“¨< ÇÃ_¡}` YM×”“ }Óv` 18. Powers and Duties of the Director General

1/ ª“¨< ÇÃ_¡}` ¾›?Ë”c=¨< ª“ Y^

›eðíT> J• ŸT>’>eƒ\ uT>cÖ¨< 1/ The Director General shall be the chief executive
›ÖnLà SS]Á SW[ƒ ¾›?Ë”c= officer of the Agency and shall, subject to the
general directives of the Minister, direct and
¨<” Y^−‹ ÃS^M' Áe}ÇÉ^M::
administer the activities of the Agency.

2/ Without prejudice to the generalities of the

2/ ²=I  ‫ׂש‬ጽ u”®<e ›”kê /1/ ¾}Ök
c¨< ÖpLL ›’ÒÑ` ”Å}Öuk J• provisions of sub-article (1) of this Article,
ª“¨< ÇÃ_¡}` ፡- the Director General shall:

G/ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê 05 “ 06 ¾} (a) exercise the powers and functions of the
SKŸ~ƒ” ¾›?Ë”c=¨<” YM×”“ Agency specified under Articles 15 and
}Óva‹ Y^ Là Á¨<LM፤ 16 of this Proclamation;
gA 4¹þ8)&1 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4871

K/ uôÈ^M c=y=M c`y=e QÓ SW b) employ, administer and dismiss personnel of

[ƒ ¾›?Ë”c=¨<” W^}™‹ Ãk the Agency in accordance with the Federal
Ø^M' Áe}ÇÉ^M Ác“wM፤ Civil Service Proclamation;

N/ ¾›?Ë”c=¨<” ¾Y^ ፕaÓ^U“ c) prepare the work program and budget of

u˃ ›²ÒÏ„ Ák`vM' c=ðkÉU the Agency and implement the same
Y^ Là Á¨<LM፤ upon approval;

S/ ¾›?Ë”c=¨<” ¾Y^ ክ”¨<”“ ¾H>- d) prepare and submit to the Minister

dw ]þ`ƒ ›²ÒÏ„ Ák`vM፤ operational and financial report on the
activities of the Agency;

W/ ŸZe}— ¨Ñ•‹ Ò` uT>Å[Ñ< Ó” e) represent the Agency in all its relations

–<’„‹ G<K< ›?Ë”c=¨<” è¡LM:: with third parties.

3/ The Director General may delegate part of

3/ ª“¨< ÇÃ_¡}` K›?Ë”c=¨< ¾Y^ his powers and duties to employees of the
pMØõ“ uT>ÁeðMÓ SÖ” YM× Agency to the extent necessary for the
”“ }Óv\” uŸòM K›?Ë”c=¨< ‫ـףט‬ effective management of the functions of
t٤ u¨<¡M“ K=Áe}LMõ ËLM:: Agency.

19. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Director General

09. ¾U¡ƒM ª“ ÇÃ_¡}` YM×”“ }Óv`

1) Subject to directions given from the Director

1/ U¡ƒM ª“ ÇÃ_¡}\ Ÿª“¨< ÇÃ_ General, the Deputy Director General shall assist
¡}` uT>cÖ¨< SS]Á SW[ƒ ¾›? the Director General in planning, organizing,
Ë”c=¨<” }Óv^ƒ uTkÉ' uTÅ^ directing and coordinating the activities of the
˃' uSU^ƒ“ uTe}vu` ª“ Çà Agency. assist the Director General in planning,
_¡}\” ÁÓ³M:: organizing, directing and coordinating the
activities of the Agency.

2/ ª“ ÇÃ_¡}\ uTÕ`uƒ Ѳ? Kª“ 2) The Deputy Director General shall act on
ÇÃ_¡}\ ¾}cÖ<ƒ” }Óv^ƒ ‫ו‬ክ behalf of the Director General in his absence.
ָُ ዋG ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ סـ‬ÁŸ“¨<“M::
20. Source of Budget
!. ¾u˃ U”ß
The budget of the Agency shall be allocated by
¾›?Ë”c=¨< u˃ uS”ÓYƒ ¾T>SÅw the Government.
21. Books of Accounts

!1. ¾H>dw S³Ówƒ

1/ The Agency shall keep complete and
accurate books of accounts.
1/ ›?Ë”c=¨< ¾}TEL“ ƒ¡¡K— ¾J’<
¾H>dw S³Ówƒ ÃóM:: 2/ The books of accounts and other financial
documents of the Agency shall be audited
2/ ¾›?Ë”c=¨< ¾H>dw S³Ówƒ “ K?KA‹ annually by the Auditor General or by an
Ñ”²w ’¡ c’Ê‹ uª“¨< *Ç=}` auditor designated by him.
¨ÃU uª“¨< *Ç=}` uT>c¾U
*Ç=}` u¾¯S~ ÃS[S^K<::
gA 4¹þ8)&2 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4872

SW[© ¾Ó» É”ÒÑ@−

22. Procurement Plan

!2 ¾Ó¸ °pÉ

1) Public bodies shall have to prepare an annual

1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ uu˃
¯S~ ¾T>ðîS<ƒ” Ó» ¾T>Ádà procurement plan showing their procurement
“ T>’>eƒ\ uT>Á¨×¨< SS]Á for the concerned budget year and containing
Là ¾T>ÑKፁƒ” ´`´` Ñ<Ç¿‹ Áካ}} such details as are stated in the directive to be
¯S© ¾Ó¸ °pÉ 7  issued by the Minister.
(dIfQ YY
2) The procurement plan to be prepared by
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /1/ SW[ƒ
public bodies in accordance with sub-article
/< ¾Ó» °pÉ uSY]Á u?~ (1) of this Article, shall have to be approved
¾uLà Lò ì@g E2NKf/ by the head of the public body concerned and
2‫עם‬ያ GH F` %"= E communicated to the relevant departments of
#h/ u¾¯S~ EN NUK? " the public body and the Agency until Hamle
SL¡ Õ`uMYY 30 of the Ethiopian Calendar.

!3. ¾Ó» c’Ê‹

!3. 23. Records of Procurement

1/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ ከ‫ א‬ግ 1/ Public bodies shall have to maintain records
‫ ُם‬ግZ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ـ‬ያያዙ ‫א‬ዝገy٤ እG and documents regarding their public
‫ר‬1ዶ٤ ግZው ከ‫ـ‬ፈፀ‫ ׂש ُא‬ procurement for such period of time as is
ِ ‫ג סُ{ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ determined by the directive to be issued by
ֶይ እከ‫ג‬ገֳፀው ጊዜ ድ‫ּבד נ‬የُ the Minister from the date of concluding any
ֳ‫ֹْו‬ው፡፡ ዚֱ ዓይ1ُ የ‫ג‬ያዙُ procurement proceeding Such informations
‫נא‬ጃዎ٤ የ‫ג‬ከ‫ ִُـ‬ይጨ‫ִףו‬፡- shall include the following:

G/ የ‫ג‬ገዙُ ዕ#ዎ٤፣ የግ ‫ףם ֹٍו‬ዎ٤ a) a brief description of the goods works or

ወይ‫ ו‬ገָግֹِ٤ ጭ‫א ץ‬ግֳጫ፤ services to be procured;

K/ የጨ‫ٍד ٍנ‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያ፤ b) the invitation to bid;

N/ የጨ‫א ٍנ‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ወይ‫ ו‬የዋጋ c) the names and addresses of suppliers that
‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ ያ‫ּת ף… ּשנׂש‬ዎ٤ ‫ו‬G submitted bids, proposals or quotations,
ድ‫ף‬p እ ዲS‫ ו‬ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ₪Gፊ and the name and address of the winning
የֲ ‫ـ‬ጫ‫ ף‬٥٤ ‫ו‬G ድ‫ף‬p፤ suppliers;

S/ ֳጨ‫ ٍנ‬ግ‫ו‬ገ‫ ד‬የ‫ـ‬ዘጋጀው ‫א‬ d) the evaluation criteria stipulated and

ፈ‫ ُץ‬እG ‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ ג‬የ‫ـ‬ደ‫נ‬ገُ applied and a summary of the evaluation
STٍ፣ የጨ‫ ٍנ‬ግ‫ו‬ገ‫ד‬G የውድ ድ‫ס‬ and comparison of bids, proposals and
ፈፃፀ‫ ו‬እG ከ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ የ‫נׂש‬ው quotations received;
የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% እG የዋጋ ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ
የ‫ג‬ያ„ይ ጭ‫א ץ‬ግֳጫ፤
e) information on the proceeding of any
decision rendered where a complaint
W/ AGHK M1 NX /i A3b against a procurement process is lodged;
j4H E
( 256፤

f) the grounds for using a procurement

‫נ‬/ ከግָፅ ጨ‫ ٍנ‬ውጪ ַֹ٤ የግZ procedure other than open bidding.
ዘዴዎ٤ ‫א‬ከ‫ ָـ‬የ‫נאـ‬ጠُ
‫ו‬ክ ያُ፡፡
gA 4¹þ8)&3 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4873

2/ Ÿ›g“ò¨< Ò` ¨<M Ÿ}ð[S ¨ÃU 2/ The record concerning any proceeding shall
uT“†¨<U U¡”Áƒ ¨<K< Ÿ}s[Ö on request, and once the proceedings have
u%EL ¾Ó»¨<” ´`´` ›ðíìU ¾T> resulted in a contract or have otherwise been
Ád¾¨< S[Í uÚ[¨< °Û }dò terminated, be made available to candidates
¾J’< }¨ÇÇ]−‹ c=ÖÃl ”Ç=Á¿ƒ who participated in the proceedings.
SÅ[Ó ›Kuƒ:: ይS እ ጂ ׁግ However, except when ordered to do so by a
‫ָם‬ጣ ‫רـ‬ጠው ካָ ወይ‫ ו‬ፍ‫ץ‬ድ competent court or other body authorized by
u?ƒ "M²² ue}k` ¾S”ÓYƒ law and subject to the conditions of such an
SY]Á u?~ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” S[Í−‹ order, the pblic body shall not disclose:
SeÖƒ ¾KuƒU፡-

G/ የ‫נא‬ጃው ይፋ ‫ׁ ֲא‬ግ የ‫ד‬ይፈ a) information if its disclosure would be

‫ׂש‬ድ፣ የׁግ ፈጻጸ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ያ‫ר‬G contrary to law, would impede law
ክָ፣ የׁዝ% ጠ…‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬#‫ נ‬፣ enforcement, would not be in the public
የ‫ـ‬ዋዋዮ٤ ׁጋዊ የ ግድ ጥ…‫ו‬ interest, would prejudice legitimate
እ ዲS‫ׂש ו‬G ውድድ‫ ץ‬የ‫ג‬ጐዳ commercial interest of the parties or
ከֲ1፤ would inhibit fair competition;

K/ u²=I ›”kê u”®<e ›”kê (1) (S) b) information relating to the examination
u}SKŸ}¨< SW[ƒ uTdÖ` ¾}²Ò and evaluation of bids, proposals or
˨<” c’É "MJ’ ue }k` Ÿ}Ý^ quotations and the actual content of bids,
Œ‹ ¾k[u¨<” ¾S¨ÇÅ]Á Gdw ŸS
S`S` “ ŸSÑUÑU }Óv` Ò` proposals or quotations, other than in the
¾}ÁÁ²< S[Í−‹”' “ }Ý^Œ‹ summary record form referred to in sub-
Ák[u<ª†¨<” ¾S¨ÇÅ]Á Gdx‹ “ article (1)(d) of this Article.
¾Ú[ c’Ê‹ òƒ ¾T>ÑMì< S[Í

!4. ›ÉM−
!4. ›ÉM− ÁKTÉ[Ó
24. Non-discrimination

u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê !5 ¾}Å’ÑѨ<

”Å}Öuk J• u²?Ó’ƒ' u²` ¨ÃU Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 25
ŸS¨ÇÅ]Á Seð`„‹ Ò` vM}ÁÁ²< of this Proclamation, candidates shall not be
K?KA‹ U¡”Á„‹ uS”ÓYƒ Ó» discriminated against in the proceeding of public
ፈፃፀ‫” ו‬ደُ ‫ ד‬ው‫ ו‬ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ procurement on the basis of nationality, race or
ֶይ ድָዎ K=Å[Ó ›Ã‹MU:: any other criterion not having to do with their
!5. M¿ ›e}Á¾ƒ
25. Preference
1/ uT>’>eƒ\ uT>¨×¨< SS]Á uT>¨
c’¨< SW[ƒ uÚ[ ÓUÑT ¨pƒ 1/ A preference margin which shall be
u›=ƒÄåÁ K}S[~ °n−‹' u›=ƒÄ determined by a directive to be issued by the
åÁ Ÿ<v”Á−‹ KT>Ÿ“¨’< ¾Ó”v Minister for goods produced in Ethiopia, for
²`õ Y^−‹ “ Ilm
works carried out by Ethiopian nationals and
9= KEN<] P% A !" for consultancy services rendered by
F`9= M¿ ›e}Á¾ƒ ÃÅ[ÓL†ªM፡፡ Ethiopian nationals be granted in the
evaluation process.

2/ u›’e}— “ Ønp” }sTƒ ›ªÐ‹ 2/ In addition to the preference provided for in

SW[ƒ ¾}ssS< ›’e}— }sTƒ sub-article (1) of this Article, further
u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /1/ ¾}Ö preference of such margin as to be
determined by the directive to be issued by
kc¨< ”Å}Öuk J• ¸n!ST„ b¸
the Minister may be allowed for small and
ÃwÈW mm¶Ã m\rT }ÚT]
micro-enterprises established in accordance
L† xStÃyT K=Å[ÓL†¨< ËLM::
with Small and Micro-Enterprises
gA 4¹þ8)&4 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4874

3/ y:”ãC½ xgLGlÖèC wYM yGNƬ 3/ Where in the evaluation of bids for

|‰ãC _‰T êU tmúúY çñ procurement of goods, services or works
tʼnÓC bGMg¥ Xk#L n_B s!à equal percentage points are resulted for
gß# lxgR WS_ MRèC½xgLGlÖèC bidders offering similar price and quality,
wYM k#ÆNÃãC QD¸Ã Y\ÈL፡፡ preference shall be given to local goods,
services or companies.
4/ K²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /1/ ›ðíìU
T“†¨<U °n ŸªÒ¨< Ÿ"5 S„— 4/ For the purpose of sub-article (1) of this
uLà u›=ƒÄåÁ ¨<eØ ¾ŸK ŸJ’ Article any good to which more than 35% of
u›=ƒÄåÁ ¨<eØ ”Å}S[} ÃqÖ the value added occurs in Ethiopia shall be
^M:: deemed as one which is produced in
!6. ¾Ó”–
!6. ¾Ó”–<’ƒ eMƒ
26. Form of Communications

1/ uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹“ u°Û 1) Communications between candidates and

}¨ÇÇ]−‹ S"ŸM ¾T>Å[Ñ< Ó”–<’ public bodies shall be in writing. Any
„‹ uîOõ SÅ[Ó ›Kv†¨<:: uîOõ communications not made in written form
ÁM}Å[Ñ< T“†¨<U Ó”–<’„‹ uTŸ shall be subsequently referred to and
}M uîOõ S[ÒÑØ ›Kv†¨<::
confirmed in writing.
2/ ‫¾ סُ{ג‬S[Í M¨<¨<Ö<” ƒ¡¡K—
2) Subject to necessary safeguards with regard
’ƒ “ uUeÖ=` SÖul” T[ÒÑØ
¾T>Áe‹K< Y`¯„‹ S²`ҁ†¨<” to authenticity and confidentiality, and when
“ u‚¡’>¡ [ÑÉ }ðLÑ> G<’@−‹ technical conditions so permit, the Minister
STEL†¨<” c=Á[ÒÓØ ŸîOõ may issue a directive to determine the extent
u}ÚT] ¨ÃU uîOõ Uƒ¡ by which communication by electronic
u›?K?¡ƒa’>¡e ²È Ó”–<’ƒ TÉ[Ó means may be used in addition to or instead
¾T>Áe‹M ‫עאא‬ያ K=Á¨× ËLM:: of writing.

!7. oo
!7. 27. Language

1/ ዓֳ‫ׂש ו‬ፍ ‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٥٤ የ‫ـ„ג‬ፉُ

1) Except where a procurement proceeding
ግዢ ካֲָ1 ‫ ץׂשـ‬የገ‫ ץ‬ውጥ
involves international bidders, for national
‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٥٤ %٢ ֳ‫ـ„ג‬ፉُ %‫ף׀‬ዊ
bids in which only local bidders participate,
ጨ‫ ٍנ‬የጨ‫ר ٍנ‬1ድ የ‫ג‬ዘጋጀው እG the bid document shall be prepared and the
ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው የ‫ג‬ካ‫׀‬ደው ‫ּה ּה ץד‬ bid process shall be conducted in the
1ው፡፡ ֲ˜‫ֳ ו‬ግZው ካ‫׀‬ድ ‫א‬١ Amharic language. However, if it is found to
‫ ֲא‬ከٍ‫א‬1ُ የ‫ ֶחـ‬ውድድ‫ץ‬ facilitate the procurement process, the public
እ ደ‫ד‬ይገድ% ‫נـ‬ጋግጦ የገ‫ ץ‬ውጥ body concerned may authorize the use of
‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٥٤ ֳ‫ـ„ג‬ፉُ የገ‫ ץ‬ውጥ English language in the preparation of bid
ጨ‫ٍנ‬፣ የጨ‫ٍנ‬ ‫ר‬1ድ G documents and bid proposals in a national bid
የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ው ‫ר‬1ድ እ ግֵዘ ‫ּה ּה‬ in which only local bidders participate,
እ ዲዘጋጁ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً provided that such an act is not prejudicial to
ֵፈ…ድ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ fair competition.

2/ l›lM xqF G™ ጨ‫ ٍנ‬7VpE

2) For procurement to be conducted by means
E q 7f/P ‫ר‬1ዶ٤ እ ግֵ of international competitive bidding, all
ዘ ‫ ֲא ּה ּה‬ይ˜‫ֹْוץ‬ዋָ፡፡ documents shall have to be prepared in
English language.
gA 4¹þ8)&5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4875

!8. ¾°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹

!8. }¨ÇÇ]−‹ wnƒ 28. Qualification of Candidates

1/ uT”—¨<U ¾S”ÓYƒ Ó» KSd}õ 1/ In order to participate in public procurement,

°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ Ÿ²=I u‹ የ}²[ candidates must qualify by meeting the
²\ƒ” “ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ following criteria and such other criteria, as
ŸÓ»¨< M¿ vI`à uS’dƒ ¾T>Á the public body considers appropriate under
¨×D†¨<” K?KA‹ Seð`„‹ TTELƒ the circumstances:
a) that they possess the necessary
G/ uT>Ñu<ƒ ¨<M SW[ƒ KSðìU professional and technical qualifications
¾T>Áe‹M ¾S<Á“ ¾‚¡’>¡ and competence, financial resources,
wnƒ' ¾óÓ”e ›pU' SX]Á equipment and other physical facilities,
“ K?KA‹ ¾SÑMÑÁ Yõ^−‹' managerial capability, experience in the
Ó»¨< uT>ðìUuƒ }Óv` ¾Y^ procurement object, reputation, and the
›S^` ‹KA' SM"U ´“ “ personnel, to perform the contract;
¾c¨< ÃM ÁL†¨<፤

K/ ውָ ֳ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ያ٤ָ የׁግ b) that they have the legal capacity to

٤ֹٍ ያֳው፤ enter into the contract;

N/ ዕዳ ያָ‫ـ‬ያዘ፣ ያֳከ‫ נר‬ወይ‫ו‬ c) that they are not insolvent, in receivership,
የ‫ ףם‬እ …#‫ױ‬ው ያֶ‫נּה‬ጠ፣ bankrupt or being wound up, their business
activities have not been suspended, and
የ ግድ ‫ ףם‬እ …#‫ױ‬ው ያָٍ they are not the subject of legal
ገደ፣ ወይ‫ ו‬እ1ዚֱ ‫ו‬ክ ያِ٤ proceedings for any of the foregoing;
‫ـ‬ከ‫ ׳‬ክ‫ץ‬ክ‫ֶ ץ‬ይ ያֲָ1፤
d) subject to the directives to be issued by
S/ ‫ג סُ{ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ the Minister, that they are registered in
የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው እ ደ‫ـ‬ጠ‫˜ֲ ׂש‬፣ the suppliers list;
…‫ּתף‬ዎ٤ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ ץ‬ውጥ የ‫אـ‬
ዘገ፤ e) that the period for which they were
suspended from participating in public
W/ 2! !B E(  K!r procurement is over;
¾’u[ ŸJ’ K4  RS
ÁÖ“kk፤ f) that they have renewed trade license
and fulfilled their obligations to pay
[/ ¾Åc ¾”ÓÉ Y^ ðnÉ ÁK¨<“ taxes according to Ethiopian tax
u›=ƒÄåÁ ¾Ów` QÑA‹ u}Å’Ñ laws;
Ѩ< SW[ƒ ¾Ów`“ ¾¡e ÓÈ
¨<” ¾}¨×፤ g) that they have a bank account.

c/ ¾v”¡ H>dw ÁK¨<፡፡

2/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ °Û 2/ The public body may require candidates to

}¨ÇÇ]−‹ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê provide such appropriate documentary
/1/ ¾}²[²\ƒ” Seð`„‹ ¾T>ÁTEK< evidence or other information as it may deem
SJ’<” KT[ÒÑØ ›eðLÑ> ¾J’< useful to satisfy itself that the candidates are
¾c’É S[Í−‹” ¨ÃU K?KA‹ S[Í- qualified in accordance with the criteria
−‹” ”Ç=Ák`u< SÖ¾p ËLM:: referred to in sub-article (1) of this Article.

3/ u²=I ›”kê SW[ƒ °Û }¨ÇÇ]- 3/ Any requirement established pursuant to this

−‹ ”Ç=ÁTEK< ¾T>Öulƒ Seð Article shall be set forth in the bid documents
`„‹ uÚ[ c’É ¨ÃU ¾}Ý or other documents for solicitation of
^Œ‹” ¾S¨ÇÅ]Á Gdw KSÖ¾p proposals, and shall apply equally to all
uT>²ÒÌ c’Ê‹ ¨<eØ SSMŸƒ candidates.
ÁKv†¨< c=J”' uG<K<U }Ý^Œ‹
LÃ uŸ<M’ƒ }ðíT> SJ”
gA 4¹þ8)&6 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4876

4/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ u²=I ›”kê 4/ The public body shall evaluate the
”®<e ›”kê /£/ SW[ƒ ¾T>k`u<ƒ” qualifications of candidates in accordance
c’Ê‹ “ ¾SS²— Seð`„‹” with the criteria and procedures set forth in
SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó ¾°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹” the documents referred to in sub-article (3) of
wnƒ SÑUÑU ›Kuƒ:: this Article.

5/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ wnƒ

ÁL†¨< SJ’<” KTe[ǃ Gc}— 5/ The public body shall disqualify a candidate
S[Í ¾Á²< c’Ê‹” Ák[u< °Û who submits a document containing false
}¨ÇÇ]−‹ ¨ÃU wn†¨<” information for purposes of qualification; it
KT[ÒÑØ Ák[u<ƒ S[Í SW[© shall disqualify a candidate if it finds at any
eI}ƒ ÁKuƒ ¨ÃU ÁM}TEL SJ’< time that the information submitted
uT“†¨<U Ñ>²? ¾}[ÒÑÖ‫ֹْו‬ው °Û concerning the qualifications of the candidate
}¨ÇÇ]−‹ ŸÚ[ ¨<Ü ”Ç=J’< was materially inaccurate or materially
ያደ‫ץ‬ጋָ፡፡ incomplete.
!9. ¾)%,% CD 2!>
29. Technical Specification
1/ eKÓ»¨< U”’ƒ ƒ¡¡K—“ ¾}TEL
1/ Technical specifications and descriptions
SÓKÝ ”Ç=•` ”Ç=G<U °Û
laying down the characteristics of the goods,
ተ¨ÇÇ]−‹ õƒG©“ ÓMî uJ’
›W^` S¨ÇÅ` ¾T>‹K<uƒ” G<’@ works or services to be procured shall be
KTS‰†ƒ Ó» ðíT> ›"Lƒ prepared for the purpose of providing a
¾T>Ѳ<ª†¨<” °n−‹' ¾Ó”v correct and complete description of the object
Y^−‹ ¨ÃU ›ÑMÓKA„‹ vI`à of procurement and for the purpose of
¾T>Ádà ¾‚¡’>¡ ፍֶጎُ SÓKÝ creating conditions of fair and open
T²Ò˃ ›Kv†¨<:: competition between all candidates.

2/ ¾‚¡’>¡ ፍֶጎُ SÓKݨ< የ‫ א‬ግُ 2/ The technical specifications shall clearly

‫עםא‬ያ iً K=ѳ ¾T>ðMѨ<” °n describe the public body’s requirements with
Ø^ƒ' ÖkT@' ‫ـ‬ገ‫ ּת‬ጥ #Ÿ' respect to quality, performance, safety and
እ ደፈֶጊ1ً SKŸ=Á¨<”' SKÁ where necessary dimensions, symbols,
¨<”' SÖ]Á¨<”' ›e}hgÑ<”' UM¡ terminology, packaging, marking and
~”' ¨ÃU ¾›S^[~” H>Ń“ ²È labeling or the processes and methods of
”Ç=G<U }ðLÑ> ¾J’¨<” vI`à ¾T> production and requirements relating to
ÁTEL SJ’< ¾T>[ÒÑØuƒ” Y`¯ƒ conformity assessment procedures.
¾T>ÑMî SJ” ›Kuƒ::

3/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ ¾T>Á²Ò˨< 3/ Technical specification prescribed by public

¾‚¡’>¡ ፍֶጎُ ‫א‬ግֳጫ እከ‫ـ‬٢ֳ bodies shall, as far as possible:

G/ uÇ=³Ã” ¨ÃU vQ]Áƒ” uS² a) be in terms of performance rather than

`²` Là dÃJ” uÖkT@ LÃ፤ design or descriptive characteristics;

K/ ገ‫ף‬ዊ ደ‫נ‬ጃ የወጣֳُ ‫ ֲת‬ደ‫נ‬ጃ b) be based on national standards, where

ው ወይ‫ ו‬ዓֳ‫ ו‬ዐ‫ׂש‬ፍ ‫ֹוׂשـ‬ይ1ُ such exist, or otherwise on
ያֶْው ደ‫נ‬ጃዎ٤ ወይ‫ ו‬የግ ‫ֹٍו‬ internationally recognized standards or
ኮዶ٤ ‫ ُנטא‬ያደ‫נ‬ገ፤ building codes;

N/ ‫ר‬ፊ ውድድ‫ ץ‬የ‫ג‬ጋ%ዝ እG ውድ c) inviting open competition and devoid of

ድ‫ץ‬ ֵገድ‫ ּש‬የ‫ג‬٤ִ ‫א‬ግֳጫ any statement having the effect of
ዎ٤ ያָ‫ـ‬ካ‫ֳُ ֲא ًُـ‬፡፡ restricting competition.
gA 4¹þ8)&7 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4877

4/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ፍֶጐُ ُክ 4/ There shall be no requirement or reference in

ክָ ֳ‫א‬ግֳፅ ْጋ‫ ע‬ካֲָ1 ወይ‫ֶַ ו‬ the technical specifications to a particular
ዘዴ ካָٍጣ ‫ ץׂשـ‬የَክ{ክ ‫א‬ግֳጫ trademark or name, patent, design or type,
የ‫ֳـ‬የ የ ግድ ‫ָו‬ክُ ወይ‫ו ו‬፣ ፓ‫ـ‬ specific original producer or service provider,
ُ፣ ዲዛይ ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ـ‬ወ‫ר‬1 ‫ףו‬٤ unless there is no sufficiently precise or
ወይ‫ ו‬ገָግֹُ ‫ר‬ጪ የ‫ג‬ጠ… ‫ֲא‬ intelligible way of describing the
የֳُ‫ו‬፡፡ ገዳጅ STٍ ‫ג‬ያጋጥ‫ُו‬ procurement requirements of the public body
ጊዜ “ወይ‫„„אـ ו‬ዩ ” የ‫נּ ָג‬ግ ዕ and provided that words such as“or
#G ገָግֹُ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ ס‬ውጥ ‫ٍא‬ከָ equivalent” are included in the specifications.

". Ú[ ”' ¾S¨ÇÅ]Á Gdw” “ ¾ªÒ
30. Rejection of Bids, Proposals and Quotations
Tp[u=Á” ¨<Ép
¨<Ép eKTÉ[Ó

1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ ŸT>Ÿ}K<ƒ 1) Public bedies may for one or more of the
u›”Æ ¨ÃU Ÿ›”É uLà uJ’< U¡”Á following reasons reject in whole or in part
„‹ Ú[”' ¾S¨ÇÅ]Á Gdw” “ ¾ªÒ bids, proposals or quotations at any time
Tp[u=Á” ¾Ó» eUU’ƒ ŸSÅ[Ñ< uòƒ prior to the conclusion of procurement
uT“†¨<U Ñ>²? S<K< uS<K< ¨ÃU uŸ contract where:
òM ¨<Ép TÉ[Ó Ã‹LK<:-
a) there is proof of error in the procurement
G/ uÓ» ›"N?Æ Là ¨<Ö?~” K=Á³v proceeding which could affect the
¾T>‹M eI}ƒ SðìS< Ÿ}[-
outcome of the bid;
b) it is ascertained that the procurement has
ֳ/ ‫ ףם‬ዕ…ድ ‫ׂשא‬የ‫ו ץ‬ክ ያُ
no use in enabling the public body to
ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫עםא‬ያ iً ፍֶጎً obtain a better technical or economic
ֳ‫ ֶַ ֶُחד‬የ‫ـ‬pֳ ‫ףד‬ጭ ‫א‬ advantage as a result of a change of work
ፈጠ‫ו ס‬ክ ያُ ግZው ‫ד‬ካ‫׀‬ድ plan or another alternative representing a
ֳ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً የ‫ـ‬pֳ better option to meet the requirement of
ٌክ{ካָ ወይ‫< ו‬ኮ˜‫ג‬ያዊ ጥ…‫ו‬ the public body;
የֳַው ‫נת ֲא‬ጋገጥ፤
c) bidders fail to meet the minimum criteria
N/ ¾k[u<ƒ }Ý^Œ‹ uÚ[ c’Æ set forth in the bid document;
LÃ ¾}kSÖ¨<” ´p}— Seð
`ƒ ¾TÁTEK< c=J”፤
d) the minimum price offered in the bid
S/ uÚ[ ¾k[u¨< ´p}— ªÒ ኤ=Ë does not match with the market price
”c=¨< ŸT>Ác^Ú¨< ¾ÑuÁ ªÒ circulated by the Agency and the public
uLÃ c=J”' “ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY body expected that it can get a better
]Á u?~ ÉÒT> Ú[ uT¨<׃
price advantage by re-advertising the
¾}hK ªÒ ¾T>ј SJ’<” c=Ñ

W/ uÚ[¨< ›g“ò ¾J’¨< }Ý^‹ e) the price offered by the successful bidder
¾cÖ¨< ªÒ ¾Ó» ðíT> S‫עם‬ያ exceeds the budgetary allocation made
u?~ KÓ»¨< ŸÁ²¨< u˃ uLà for the procurement and the public body
c=J” “ ‫ֳֹו‬ጀُ S‫עם‬ያ u?~ cannot make up for the deficiency from
¾uË~” M¿’ƒ ŸK?L U”ß TTE any other source;
Lƒ ¾TËM c=J”፤
f) it is proved that the bidding is not
[/ °Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ ¾Ó» ›"N?Æ” sufficiently competitive as a result of
KT³vƒ uSSdÖ^†¨< um connivance among candidates.
¨<ÉÉ` ›KSÅ[Ñ< c=[ÒÑØ፡፡
gA 4¹þ8)&8 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4878

2/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ፅ 2) Public bodies shall have to give notice to
 ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ /1/ ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው ‫ُנטא‬ candidates forth with disclosing the reasons
ጨ‫ ٍנ‬፣ የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ፣ የዋጋ for rejecting bids, proposals or quotations
‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ ‫ ִב ִב‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከፊָ wholly or partially in accordance with sub
‫נטת‬ዙ ‫ו‬ክ ያً የ‫ג‬ገָፅ ‫ٍד‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያ article (1) of this Article. However, they shall
ֳዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ወዲያው እ ዲደ‫ץ‬ not be required to justify the reasons.
‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ֳ‫ֹْו‬ው፡፡ ֲ˜‫ ו‬የ‫ו‬ክ ያِ٠
ግ‫ֹו‬%1ُ እ ዲያ‫נ‬ዱ ይገደዱ‫ו‬፡፡
3) If the decision to reject all bids results before
3/ Ú[¨<” ¨<Ép ¾TÉ[Ñ< ¨<X’@ ¾}
the opening date and time, the bids received
cÖ¨< Ú[¨< ከ‫א‬ከፈً ፊُ ከֲ1 shall be returned unopened to the candidates
¾SÝ[‰ c’Ê٠ እ ደٍ₪ጉ K°Û submitting them.
}¨ÇÇ]−‹ SSKe ›Kv†¨<::

4// ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ፅ

4) The procuring entity shall incur no liability
u”®<e ›”kê /1/ u}SKŸ}¨< SW[ƒ
Ú[”' ¾S¨ÇÅ]Á Gdw”' ¾ªÒ towards candidates solely by virtue of its
Tp[u=Á” ¨<Ép uTÉ[Ò†¨< U¡”Áƒ invoking sub-article (1) of this Article.
U”U ¯Ã’ƒ }ÖÁm’ƒ ›Ã•`v†¨<U::

"1 ¾›?K?¡ƒa’>¡e Ó»
"1. 31. Electronic Procurement

T>’>e‚\ Ó» ¨Ü q×u=፣ ÓMî “ To achieve economy, transparency and

²S“© ”Ç=J” KTÉ[Ó ”Ç=‰M H>Å~ modernization in public procurement, the
u›?K?¡ƒa’>¡ ²È ”Ç=ðìU K=ÁÅ`Ó Ministry may authorize the use of electronic
ËLM፡፡ ÃI”” Y^ Là TªM means as a method of procurement. In order to
”Ç=‰M:- implement this:
1/ ›?Ë”c=¨< Ñ]~ KUƒÑ˜uƒ ¾°Éу 1) the Agency shall conduct a study and submit
Å[Í }S×ט ¾J’ Ó»” u››? proposal on a system of conducting procurement
K?¡ƒa’>¡ ¾S[Í M¨<¨<Ø ²È ¾Sð by means of electronic exchange of information
ìU ›c^`” uTØ“ƒ Ák`vM፤ which is appropriate to the level of development
of the country;

2/ ›?Ë”c=¨< uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„ች፣ 2) the Agency shall ensure that public bodies,
›p^u=ዎ‹ “ u}q××] ›"KA‹ suppliers and supervising entities develop the
›c^\” KS}Óu` ¾T>Áe‹M ›pU capacity required to implement the system;
SðÖ\” Á[ÒÓ×M፤
3) upon due consideration of the proposed system of
3/ T>’>eƒ\ ¾k[u¨<” u›?K?Ÿ}a’>¡ effecting procurement by means of electronic
¾S[Í M¨<¨<Ø ²È Ó»” ¾SðìU exchange of information and where he is satisfied
›c^` uSS`S` “ ›ÖnLÃ that the overall system and capacity of public
¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ “ bodies and suppliers allows the carrying out of
¾›p^u=−‹ ›c^` “ ›pU Ó»” procurement through electronic exchange of
u›?K?¡ƒa’>¡e ¾S[Í M¨<¨<Ø information, the Minister may authorize the
KSðìU ´ÓÌ ’¨< wKA c=ÁU” implementation of the electronic system in all or
}Ñu=¨<” ¾›c^` e`›ƒ uS²`Òƒ certain public procurement proceedings by
Y`¯~ u}¨c’< ¨ÃU uG<K<U establishing the appropriate framework for the
¾S”Óeƒ Ó»−‹ }ðíT> ”Ç=J” operation of the proposed electronic system.
gA 4¹þ8)&9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4879

"2 ¾2! Ó» E Z5 A 4 Y’-

"2. Y’- 32. Rules of Ethics in Public Procurement and
UÓv` Property Administration

1/ AA AVWp7f/ E,s E

1) Subject to the details to be specified in the
<b/ 22&
E Xd !» directive to be issued by the Minister,
Z5 A 4 Y^ C( 37s personnel engaged in public procurement or
t` u= EN _  P!I property administration shall have to observe
2X9= N/ !I`f/ the following rules of ethics in the discharge

N/_Y- of their duties:

a) the obligations to notify any actual or possible

G// ¾}ðÖ[ ¨ÃU K=ðÖ` ¾T>‹M conflict of interest and isolate oneself from
¾ØpU Ó߃” ¾Td¨p “ any processes involving such conflict;
^e” ŸN=Å~ ¾TÓKM፤
b) to give candidates and suppliers equal
K/ K°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ “ ›p^u=−‹
Ÿ<M ¾S¨ÇÅ` “ ¾SðìU opportunity of competition and
ÉM ¾SeÖƒ፤ performance;

c) keep in secret any confidential information

N/ ` ›Ò×T>
<f/ ¾S”Ó concerning the public body, candidate or
Yƒ SY]Á u?~” E E; supplier which he/she came to know on
<&9= <(P A0`v9= account of his/her duty;
256 E 2O 0፤
d) to reject any gift or offer of an
S/ ጦٍ ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ ףם‬ዕድָ ወይ‫ו‬ employment opportunity or anything of
የገ ዘ% ዋጋ ያֳው 1ገ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ו‬ monetary value or service;
ገָግֹُ ֳ‫ָׂשא‬፤

W/ ‫־ ףם‬ደُ ያወ#ْው ֵፈጠ‫ס‬ e) to report to the law enforcement agencies

የٍ‫ ּשר‬ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ـ‬ፈጠ‫ ס‬የ‫ב‬G any intended or completed action of
‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףֹו‬ ֳׁግ ፈፃ‫ ג‬ካֶُ corruption and contribute to the effort to
የ‫„ד‬ወ… እG ‫ב‬G እG %ָ­ ‫ףר‬ fight corruption and malpractice;
‫ץ‬ ֳ‫א‬ዋጋُ የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ገው ጥ‫ُנ‬
f) demonstrate concern to public resource
[/ ֳׁዝ% %ُG %‫עּהץּבـ ُנ‬ and property.
‫ ֲא‬፡፡
2) Any candidate or supplier shall have to refrain
2/ T”—¨<U °Û }¨ÇÇ] ወይ‫ו‬ from any act contravening the process of
…‫¾ ּתף‬S”Óeƒ ¾Ó» ›ðíìU እG public procurement and property disposal.
%‫ ُנ‬ወጋገድ K=Á³v ከT>‹M Without prejudice the provisions of Chapter
ŸT”—¨<U }Óv` ^c<” TÓKM Fifteen of this Proclamation, any candidate or
›Kuƒ፡፡ u²=I ›ªÏ U°^õ ›Y^ supplier shall have the responsibility:
›Ueƒ ¾}SKŸ}¨< ”Å}Öuk J•፡-
a) with an intention to influence the
G/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~” Lò decision or action of the head or staff
¨ÃU W^}— }Óv` ¨ÃU ¨<X’@ member of the public body or persuade
KT³vƒ ¨ÃU ŸÓ»¨< ›ðíìU እG the public body to change its established
%‫ ُנ‬ወጋገዱ Ò` u}ÁÁ² S‫ם‬- practice of procurement and property
‫ע‬ያ u?~ K=Ÿ}K¨< ¾T>Ñv¨<” ›W- disposal, not to give directly or indirectly
^` KTeK¨Ø uSÅKÁ SM¡ uk- gifts of any kind in the form of
؁ ¨ÃU u}²ªª] S”ÑÉ T“†-
¨<”U ¯Ã’ƒ eف ֳ‫א‬ጠُ
inducement, not to promise to give gifts,
¨ÃU eف KSeÖƒ nM ֳ‫א‬ not to offer employment opportunity or
ግ‫¨ ֹُו‬ÃU ¾Y^ °ÉM ¨ÃU K?L anything of monetary value or service;
T“†¨<”U ¾Ñ”²w ªÒ ÁK¨<” ’Ñ`
¨ÃU ›ÑMÓKAƒ ֳ‫א‬ጠُw
gA 4¹þ8)' ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4880

K/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬ግZ ፈፃፀ‫ ו‬ወይ‫ו‬ b) with an intention to mislead a procurement

%‫ ُנ‬ወጋገድ ֳ‫ד‬ዛ‫רד ֹُו‬% proceeding not to present a falsified
document or not to withhold information
የּ‫נד ُר‬ጃ ֳ‫נ…ד‬% ወይ‫ו‬
he/she should have disclosed;
‫א‬ግֳፅ የ1‫נא ُנ‬ጃ ֳ‫א‬-
ደ…፤ c) not to connive with another candidate in
an act of false competition in order to
/ v
X 0P 7!x 7- get unfair advantages;
3Z NַC E; <&  2-
2O [3 /@@ A7 d) to report to the law enforcement agencies
@5!፤ any intended or completed action of
2/ F` j4
<f/ UVOs corruption which he came to know
K3y <(P VOs + during the procurement proceedings and
!I` z! AVWE AeC contribute to the effort to fight
7<0 E + E Z{ corruption and malpractice.
A3` 2Q E45/
5 7Aw
33. Methods of Procurement
٪ֶፊ1ُ ֳُ፡፡

"3. ¾Ó» ²È−‹ 1) The following methods shall be used in

public procurement:
1/ b2! !B xfÚ[M EN _
!B |9= ` C( (/C_Y-
a) Open Bidding;
}/ !  J5Kw b) Request for Proposals;
K/ 2<4&
[Z 2O ~
EV c) Two stage Tendering;
pP !Bw

N/  456 J5K EVpP d) Restricted Tendering;

e) Request for Quotation;
S/ / J5Kw
f) Direct Procurement.
W/ Q 705v
EVpP !Bw
2) Except as otherwise provided in this
[/ NA@ A0`v EVpP !™፡፡ Proclamation, public bodies shall use open
bidding as the preferred procedure of
2/ ዚֱ ዋጅ ‫ـ‬ፈ‫ׂש‬ደው STٍ ካֲָ1 ‫ـ‬- procurement.
‫ ץׂש‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ ‫ד‬Gْ-
ው ‫ ו‬ግZ ግָፅ የጨ‫ ٍנ‬ዘዴ ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ו‬
3) Public bodies may use a method other than
open bidding only where conditions for use
3/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ ከግָፅ ጨ‫ٍנ‬
of such other method stipulated under this
ውጪ ַֹ٤ የግZ ዘዴዎ٤ ግZ ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ו‬
Proclamation are satisfied.
የ‫ג‬٤ִُ ዚֱ ዋጅ የ‫ـ‬ገֳፁُ STٍዎ٤
ከ‫ ִחـ‬%٢ ይֲGָ፡፡
4) Public bodies shall not split procurement
requirements for a given quantity of goods,
4/ ዚֱ ዋጅ ወይ‫ ו‬ግZ ‫עאא‬ያው
works or services with the intention of
የ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ጉ የግZ ‫ץם‬ዓِ٤ ֳ‫א‬₪¯
avoiding the preferred procurement
የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤  ድ1ُ
procedure stated under this Proclamation or
ֵፈፀ‫ ב‬የ‫ג‬ገ‫ֹْו‬ው የዕ#፣ የግ ‫ֹٍו‬ in the procurement directive.
ወይ‫ ו‬የገֳግֹُ ግZዎ٤ ‫א‬ከፋፈָ
gA 4¹þ8)'1 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4881

"4 ¾S”ÓYƒ“ ¾ÓM ¯`¡“ 34. Public Private Partnership

T>’>eƒ\ ¾S”ÓYƒ“ ¾ÓM i`¡“ ¾T>- The Minister may issue directive prescribing the
Sc[ƒuƒ” G<’@ “ ¾i`¡“¨<” ´`´` rules governing the formation of Public Private
›ðíìU ¾T>¨e” SS]Á Á¨×M:: Partnership and the modes of implementation of
such partnership.
‫ו‬ዕ‫ף‬ፍ ‫ُף‬
¾ÓMî Ú[
"5 ¾Ú[
"5. ¾Ú[ Te¨mÁ
35. Advertisements

1// የጨ‫ٍד ٍנ‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያ የጨ‫ר ٍנ‬1ዱ

‫ـ‬ዘጋጀُ ‫ וـٍג ּה ּה‬እG 1) Invitation to bid shall be advertised in at least
ገ‫ף‬ዊ ¯ፋ ‫ֳֹו‬ው ጋዜጣ ‫ּת‬ያ   ድ one times in a national news paper of general
ጊዜ ‫א‬ውጣُ ֳُ፡፡ circulation which is published in the
language the bidding document is prepared.
2/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ፈֶጊ ֲ˜
‫ת‬ያገ°ው የጨ‫ٍד ٍנ‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያው ዚֱ  2) Where the public body finds it necessary, it
‫ׂש‬ፅ ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ፅ /1/ ከ‫ـ‬ጠ‫רׂש‬ው ‫ـ‬ጨ‫עד‬ may, in addition to the medium mentioned in
%‫ף׀‬ዊ የ‫פ‬ዲዮ እG የַَ±Z ጣ‫ּת‬ያ sub article (1) of this Article, advertise the
‫ٍד‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያው ֵያ1ግ‫ ץ‬ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ bid on a national radio and television.

3/ ֳዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ֳጨ‫ּתנ…ד ٍנ‬ያ 3) The time allowed for preparation of bids shall
የ‫רג‬ጠው ጊዜ ግZ ‫עאא‬ያ ከ‫ג‬ወ- not be less than the minimum number of days
‫ר‬1ው 1‫ ـ‬የ‫ ׂש‬%ዛُ ያ1‫ֲא ר‬ stated in the procurement directives.

"6/ ¾Ú[
"6 ¾Ú[ Ø]
Ø] 36. Invitation to Bid

¾Ú[ Ø] ŸT>Ÿ}K<ƒ u}ÚT] u›?Ë”c=¨< Apart from containing the following particulars, the
¾T>¨×¨<” SÅu— ¾Ú[ c’É SW[ƒ invitation to bid shall be prepared in accordance with
uTÉ[Ó S²Ò˃ ›Kuƒ:- the standard bidding document to be developed by the

G/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ‫ו‬G a) the name and address of the public

ድ‫ף‬p፤ body;

K/ የዕ#ው ፣ የግ ‫ףם ֹٍו‬ው እG

b) a brief description of the goods, works or
የገָግֹً ጭ‫א ץ‬ግֳጫ፤
services to be procured;
N/ የጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ‫ר‬1ድ ֳ‫ד‬ግ°ُ ‫חא‬
c) the means and conditions for obtaining
ֶُ ያֳ‫ֹْו‬ው …ድ‫א‬-STٍዎ٤ the bidding documents and the place
እG የጨ‫ר ٍנ‬1ዱ የ‫ג‬ገ²ُ from which they may be obtained;
d) the place and deadline for the submission
S/ የጨ‫א ٍנ‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ „% የ‫ץׂשג‬%- of bids; and
ُ yٍ G የ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያው የ‫א‬ጨ‫נ‬p
ጊዜ፤ እG
e) the place and time for opening of bids,
W/ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው የ‫ג‬ከፈُُ yٍ እG ጊዜ
እ ዲS‫ـ ו‬ጫ‫ף‬٥٤ ወይ‫ـ ו‬ወካዮ٤
along with an announcement that bidders
ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ‫ת‬ከፈُ ‫א‬ገ°ُ የ‫ג‬٤ִ or their representatives are allowed to
‫ ֲא‬የ‫ג‬ገָፅ ‫ּתר„ד‬ያ፡፡ attend at the opening of bids.
gA 4¹þ8)'2 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4882

"7 ¾Ú[
¾Ú[ c’É
c’É 37. Bidding Documents
u}Ý^Œ‹ S"ŸM ¾T>Å[Ѩ< ¨<ÉÉ` u}- The bidding documents shall contain sufficient
TEL' ÑKM}—“ }Úvß SW[ƒ vK¨< G<’@
”Ç="H@É KTÉ[Ó ¾Ú[¨< c’É u›?Ë”c=¨<
information to enable competition among the
¾}²Ò˨<” SÅu— ¾Ú[ c’É SW[ƒ bidders to take place on the basis of complete,
uTÉ[Ó um S[Í uÁ² SMŸ< ¾}²ÒË SJ” neutral and objective terms. In particular, bidding
›Kuƒ:: u}KÃU c’Æ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” K=Á"ƒƒ documents must include:

G/ የ2>5? ‫ר‬1@ 7  705Z a) instructions for the preparation and

AVCR X] 22&
9=፤ submission of bids;
K/ የ2>5? ‫ר‬1ዱ ‫נד‬ከ‫ּת‬ያ የ‫א‬- b) information about the final date for receipt of
ጨ‫נ‬p ‫ ׂש‬፣ የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ ‫ר‬1ዱ የ‫ג‬- bids, the address to which bids must be sent,
ֶክُ ድ‫ף‬p፣ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው የ‫ג‬ከ-
the date, hour and place of opening, as well
ፈُُ ‫ ׂש‬፣ ‫ר‬ዓُ እG yٍ፣ እ ዲ-
as an announcement that bidders or their
S‫ ו‬የ‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٥٤ ወኪֹ٤ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው
representatives are allowed to attend the
‫א‬ክፈ٢ ‫ם‬1-‫ץם‬ዓُ ֶይ ֵገ´ የ‫ג‬
٤ִ ‫ ֲא‬የ‫ג‬ገָፅ ‫נא‬ጃ፤
opening ceremony;

N/ የጨ‫א ٍנ‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ c) bid submission forms and, where applicable,
…ፆ٤፣ እ ዲS‫ ו‬ግ‫ֹו‬%1ُ ካֳው forms of bid security to be provided;
ድ‫ נ‬የጨ‫ד ٍנ‬ከ‫ע‬ያ …ፆ٤፤

S/ ከዋGው የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ ‫ר‬1ድ ጋ‫…א ץ‬ d) the number of copies to be submitted with the
‫נ‬% ያֳ‫ֹْו‬ው ‫ـ‬ጨ‫ עד‬ኮፒዎ٤፤ original bid;

W/ የውִ ጠ#ֶይ እG ָዩ STٍ e) the general and specific conditions of the

ዎ٤፤ contract;

[/ እ ደግ‫ֹו‬%1ً ዕ#ው ֳ‫נ…ד‬% f) specification of requirements, including time

ወይ‫ףם ו‬ው ֳ‫ד‬ጠG‫ …ׂש‬ይወዳָ limit for delivery or completion of the task,
‫ـ‬%ֹ የ‫ג‬ገ‫ـא‬ው የጊዜ ገደ% as appropriate;
ጨ‫ـ צו‬ፈֶጊው የዕ#G ገָግֹُ

c/ ‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٠ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ֳ‫ـ„א‬ፍ %#ُ g) evidence to be provided by the bidder to

ያֳው ‫נדֳ ֲא‬ጋገጥ የ‫ג‬ያ‫ֹוץׂש‬- demonstrate its qualifications as well as its
ْው ‫נא‬ጃዎ٤ ዓይ1ُ እ ዲS‫ו‬ fiscal and legal standing;
የፋG  ‫ בּה‬እG ׁጋዊ1ً ֳ‫נד‬-
ጋገጥ ‫נ…ד‬% ያֳُ ‫נא‬ጃ፤

g/ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ፀ ِ የ‫ּבג‬ይُ ጊዜ፤ h) the period during which the bid remains in force;

k/ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ֳ‫א‬ገ‫ו‬ገ‫ ו‬እG ጨ‫נ‬- (i) the criteria and the points given to each
ٍው ₪Gፊ የֲ1ው ֳ‫ٍד‬ወ… criterion for evaluation of bids and award of
የ‫ג‬ያገֳግִ ‫א‬ፈ‫ِץ‬٤ እG ֳ- the contract;
ያ ዳ ዱ ‫א‬ፈ‫ ُץ‬የ‫רـ‬ጠው
u/ ግZው የ‫ג‬ፈፅ‫א‬ው የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ (j) a reservation to the effect that the public
‫עםא‬ያ iُ የጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ₪Gፊ body may reject all bids at any time prior to
ይፋ ከ‫א‬ደ‫נ‬ጉ ፊُ ‫ד‬Gْው‫ו‬ the notification of award; and
ጊዜ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ‫ ִב ִב‬ወይ‫ו‬
ከፊָ የ‫נרא‬ዝ ‫א‬%ُ ያֳው
‫ ֲא‬፤ እG
gA 4¹þ8)'2 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4883

}/ E’>s E
<b/ 22&
iK  VM !B9= / (k) the price adjustments that may be made
AVWpP <0 Q 7 eN
K=Å[Ó during contract implementation and the
¾T>‹M 2X] E Q 7 e conditions and the manner under which such
/ E45!  iK E AVW price adjustments can be made to special
p+YY procurements prescribed by the Minister.

"8/ ¾Ú[
"8 ¾Ú[ c’É iÁß 38. Provision of Bidding Documents

1/¾Ú[ c’É ¾SgÝ ªÒ KÚ[¨< 1) Bid documents shall be made available to

c’É ´Óσ “ c’Æ” K°Û candidates at a price not exceeding the cost
}¨ÇÇ]−‹ KTp[w Ÿ¨×¨< ¨Ü of reproduction and delivery of such
vMuKÖ S}S” Õ`uM፡፡ documents to candidates.

Ú¾2/ ¾Ú[ c’Æ Ú[¨< Ÿ¨×uƒ Ñ>²? 2) The bidding document shall be delivered to
ËUa Ú[¨< eŸT>²Òuƒ Ñ>²? candidates on working days between the date
É[e vK<ƒ ¾e^ k“ƒ “ uÚ[ of publication of the invitation to bid and the
Te¨mÁ¨< u}ÑKì¨< ›"D%E” K°Û closing date of the bid and in the manner
}¨ÇÇ]−‹ ”Ç=Å`e SÅ[Ó ›K- specified in the invitation to bid.

3/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ A!IZ Xd 3) Where it deems it to be appropriate the public

x/ J5K 3 W Ecc body may make the bidding document
available to candidates free of charge.
UV0@ (=C YY

"9 uÚ[
uÚ[ c’É Là eKT>Å[Ó ThhÁ 39. Modifications to Bidding Ddocuments

1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ u^d†¨< 1) At any time prior to the deadline for submission of
¨ÃU ¾Ú[ c’É ŸÑ²< °Û bids, the public body may, on its own initiative or
}¨ÇÇ]−‹ uT>k`u< ØÁo−‹ in response to an inquiry by a candidate having
S’h ¾‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ c’ድ Tp[u=Á Ñ>²? purchased the bidding documents, modify the
ÑÅw ŸTKñ uòƒ ¾Ú[ c’Ê‹” bidding documents by issuing an addendum,
òƒ KThhM ËLK<:: which becomes an integral part of the bidding
2/ ¾}Å[Ѩ< ThhÁ uîOõ }²ÒÏ„ 2) Any addendum shall be communicated
¾Ú[ c’Ê‹” KѲ< °Û }¨ÇÇ]- promptly to all candidates having purchased
−‹ 9<K< ‫„„אـ‬ይ ጊዜ ‫ֶא‬ክ the bid documents at the same time.

3/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ ¾Ú[ 3) If the public body considers it necessary to

c’Æ” òƒ ThhM ›eðLÑ> J• ÁÑ– amend the bidding documents and if it
¨< “ uThhÁ¨< ¾}SKŸ~ determines that there is no enough time to
Te}"ŸÁ−‹” KTÉ[Ó um Ñ>²? ¾K?K incorporate the modification, it may postpone
SJ’<” ¾}[Ç ”ÅJ’ °Û }¨ÇÇ]- the closing date by a number of days,
−‹ ThhÁ¨<” SW[ƒ ›É`Ѩ< depending on the procurement object, which
¾Ú[ c’Æ” KT²Ò˃ um Ñ>²? is sufficient to enable the bidders to take the
”Ç=•^†¨< KTÉ[Ó ¾Ó»¨<” addendum into account in preparing their
vI`à SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó ¾Ú[¨<”
Tp[u=Á Ñ>²? K}¨c’< k“ƒ K=Á^´U
gA 4¹þ8)'4 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4884

V#. ¾Ú[
¾Ú[ TeŸu]Á
TeŸu]Á 40. Bid Security

1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ uT>Á²Ò̃ 1) Public bodies shall include in the bidding
¾Ú[ c’É }Ý^Œ‹ Ÿ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ c’ʉ- documents a condition that bids must be
†¨< Ò` ¾Ú[ TeŸu]Á ¾Tp[w accompanied by a bid security. The amount
Óȁ ”ÇKv†¨< SÓKî ›Kv†¨<:: of such bid security shall be sufficient to
¾Ú[ TeŸu]Á¨< SÖ” uÚ[¨< discourage irresponsible bidders.
Lò’ƒ u}VL¨< G<’@ ¾TÃd}ñƒ”
KTek[ƒ ¾T>Áe‹M ‫ ֲא‬ይ˜‫ָٍץ‬፡፡

2/ ‚ƒ AM U AM /1/ p/ 2) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-article

vdP J5K 7N &
A (1) of this Article, procurement in respect of
V !If/ !B ›Ã’„‹ E which bid security is required and the
J5K TN &
¨< 2O E,s amount of bid security thereof, is to be
<b/ 22&
èe“MYY prescribed by the directive to be issued by the
3/ ¾Ú[ TeŸu]Á¨< 씄 uT>qÃuƒ
Ñ>²? ¨<eØ }Ý^‡ ^c<” Ÿ¨<ÉÉ\ 3/ A bid security will be forfeited if a bidder
"ÑKK ¨ÃU ›g“ò¨<” }Ý^‹ withdraws his bid within the validity period
uT>SKŸƒ ›g“ò’~ Ÿ}ÑKìKƒ u%EL thereof or in the case of a successful bidder,
¨<K<” KSð[U ðnÅ— J• "M}Ñ– if the bidder repudiates the contract or fails to
¨ÃU ”Ç=Ák`w ¾}Ö¾k¨<” ¾¨<M furnish performance security, if so required.
TeŸu]Á "Lk[u ¾Ú[ TeŸu]Á¨<
¨<`e ÃÅ[ÒM::

#1. ¾SÝ[‰ c’É eKTp[w“ eKSkuM

#1. 41. Submission and Receipt of Bids

1/ ¾SÝ[‰ c’É uîOõ }²ÒÏ„“

}ð`Vuƒ ugÑ ›?”yKAፕ ¨<eØ 1/ Bids shall be submitted in writing, signed and
J• uÚ[ Te¨mÁ¨< Ÿ}SKŸ- in a sealed envelope, to the place and before
}¨< ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw uòƒ u}ÑKì¨< x the deadline stated in the invitation to bid.
Ñu= SÅ[Ó ›Kuƒ::

2// ¾SÝ[‰ c’Æ ƒMp uSJ’< uÚ[ 2/ The public body shall give a receipt to the
XØ” ¨<eØ K=kSØ ¾TËM ŸJ’
bidder indicating the time and date on which
የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ ‫ר‬1ዱ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~
the bid document was submitted, where it
የÓ» ‫ ף‬ክፍָ ‫נـ‬ክy Ñu= ¾}Å[Ñuƒ”
k”“ c¯ƒ ¾T>Ádà T[ÒÑÝ KÛ becomes impossible to put the bid document
}¨ÇÇ]¨< SeÖƒ ›Kuƒ:: in a bid box due to its large size.
3/ Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-
3/ ዚֱ AM U AM /2/ የ‫ـ‬ደ1- article (2) of this Article, a bid document
ገገው E4 O M Xd 2>5? recieved after the deadline for submission
3 705v
N <3/ RS 'C shall be returned unopened to the bidder.
M5 3@ MI( A(d5/PYY

#2. Ú[”
#2. Ú[” eKS¡ðƒ
eKS¡ðƒ 42. Opening of Bids
1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ uÚ[ 1/ At the time stipulated in the bidding
c’Æ ¾}SKŸ}¨< ¾SÝ[‰ c’É document for opening of bids, which should
Tp[u=Á ¾}¨c’¨< ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw ”Å- follow immediately after the deadline for
}Ö“kk ¨Ç=Á¨<’<' ¾SÝ[‰ c’É submission of bids, the public body shall
ŸTp[u=Á ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw uòƒ ¾‫ּשנׂש‬ open all bids received before the deadline.
¾SÝ[‰ c’Ê‹ S¡ðƒ ›Kuƒ::
gA 4¹þ8)'5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4885

2/ ¾}Ý^‡ eU “ uÁ”Ç”Æ 2/ The name of the bidder and the total amount
¾SÝ[‰ c’É ¾k[u¨< ¾SÝ[‰ of each bid, discounts offered and any such
ªÒ' ¾}cÖ p“i “ ¾S”ÓYƒ information as the public body deems
SY]Á u?~ እ ደ ግዥው STٍ necessary to let the bidders know their
}Ý^Œ‹ ›”í^© Å[͆¨<” KT¨p relative rank shall be read out aloud and
Ã[džªM wKA ¾T>ÁU”v†¨< K?KA‹ recorded and a copy of the record shall be
S[Í−‹ Ÿõ vK ÉUî S’uw “ made available to any bidder on request.
SS´Ñw ”Ç=G<U }Ý^Œ‹ uÖ¾l
Ñ>²? ¾}S²Ñu¨<” ´`´` ”Ç=ÁÑ–<
3/. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub –
SÅ[Ó ›Kuƒ::
article (2) of this Article, the envelope
3/// u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /2/ containing the price offered by the bidder
¾}Å’ÑѨ< u=•`U ¾‚¡’>¡“ ¾óÔ“e shall be read after the evaluation of the
S¨ÇÅ]Á Gdw uG<Kƒ ፖe ¾k[u technical proposal where technical and
uT>J”uƒ Ñ>²? ¾SÝ[‰ ªÒ¨< financial proposals are submitted in two
¾T>’uu¨< ¾‚¡’>¡ ÓUÑT¨< Ÿ}Ö“- separate envelops.
kk u%EL ÃJ“M::

#3. ¾SÝ[‰ c’Ê‹” eKSS`S` “ eKS

#3. 43. Examination and Evaluation of Bids
1) The public body may ask bidders for
1/ Ú[¨<” KSS`S`“ ÓUÑT¨<” clarification of their bids in order to assist in
KTŸ“¨” ¾T>[Ç J• c=ј' ¾S”Ó- the examination and evaluation of bids;
Yƒ SY]Á u?~ }Ý^Œ‹ vk[u<ƒ however, no change in the substance of the
¾SÝ[‰ c’É LÃ Tw^]Á እ ዲ bid, including changes in price, shall be
cÖ< K=ÖÃp ËLM:: J•U ¾ªÒ sought, offered or permitted.
K¨<Ø” ÚUa ¾SÝ[‰ c’Æ LÃ
SW[© K¨<Ø ¾T>ÁeŸƒM Gdw
Tp[w ¨ÃU SõkÉ ›Ã‰MU::
2) Notwithstanding sub-article (1) of this
2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /¡/ ¾}S- Article, the public body shall correct
KŸ}¨< u=•`U ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á arithmetical errors that are discovered during
u?~ uÚ[ U`S^¨< ¨pƒ ¾}Ñ–< the examination of bids. The public body
¾H>dw eI}„‹” KT[U ËLM:: shall give prompt notice of any such
¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ ’²=I” correction to the bidder that submitted the
Te}"ŸÁዎ‹ ¾SÝ[‰ c’Æ” bid.
Lk[u¨< }Ý^‹ u›óט SÓKî
3) Without preicdice to sub-article (4) of this
3// ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ /¢/ የ‫ֳאـ‬-
Article, the public body may regard a bid as
ከ‫ـ‬ው እ ደ‫ـ‬ጠ‫˜ֲ ׂש‬፣ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ responsive only if it conforms to salient
‫עםא‬ያ iً ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው የ‫ ֶחـ‬1ው requirements set forth in the bidding
%ֹ ֵ‫ׂש‬ጥָ የ‫ג‬٤ֳው ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው documents.
‫ר‬1ድ የ‫ֳאـ‬ከًُ ‫ـ‬ፈֶጊ STٍዎ٤
‫ ִב ִב‬የ‫ג‬ያ‫ת ˜ֲ ֶח‬ያገ°ው
4/ uÚ[¨< c’É Ÿ}²[²\ƒ vI]Áƒ' 4) The public body may regard a bid as responsive
¾¨<M nKA‹' G<’@−‹ “ K?KA‹U even if it contains minor deviations that do not
}ðLÑ> ’Øx‹ Ò` u}¨c’ Å[Í M¿’ƒ materially alter or depart from the characteristics,
u=•[¨<U SW[© ¾J’ K¨<Ø “ terms, conditions and other requirement set forth
M¿’ƒ eŸK?K¨< É[e ¨ÃU ¾Ú[¨< in bidding documents or if it contains errors or
lU’Ñ` dÃK¨Ø K=[U ¾T>‹M Ønp” oversights that are capable of being corrected
eI}ƒ ¨ÃU ÓÉðƒ u=•[¨<U ¾S”Ó
without touching on the substance of the bid. Any
Yƒ SY]Á iً Ú[¨<” ”Å}TEL such deviations shall be quantified, to the extent
›É`ÑA K=kuM ËLM:: T“†¨<U M¿’ƒ
possible, and appropriately taken account of in the
eŸ}‰K É[e u›G´ }ÑMï uÚ[
ÓUÑT “ ¨<ÉÉ` ¨pƒ ŸÓUƒ ¨<eØ evaluation and comparison of bids.
SÓvƒ ›Kuƒ::
gA 4¹þ8)'6 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4886

5/ T“†¨<U ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ 5) Any public body shall not award a contract
Ÿ²=I u‹ ¾}²[²\ƒ” ¾TÁTEK< when:
}Ý^Œ‹” ›g“ò ›É`Ô SU[Ø
a) the bidder has failed to demonstrate, in
G/ }Ý^‡ ዚֱ ዋጅ u›”kê the manner provided in Article 28(1) of
!8(1) የ‫ـ‬ጠ‫ُשׂש‬ ‫א‬ፈ‫ِץ‬٤ this Proclamation, that it is qualified;
‫ ֶُחד‬የ‫ד‬ይ٤ָ ֲ˜ ‫ת‬ገ²፤

K/ ‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٠ ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ ዑ b) the bidder does not accept a correction

 ‫ׂש‬ጽ /2/ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ـ‬ደ‫נ‬ገው of an arithmetical error made pursuant to
የ”„% ‫ـד‬ካከያ የ‫ד‬ይ‫˜ֲ ָׂש‬ sub-article (2) of this Article;

N/ የ‫נׂש‬ው የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ ‫ר‬1ድ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ c) the bid is not responsive.

‫ר‬1ዱ የ‫ֳאـ‬ከًُ STٍዎ٤
የ‫ד‬ያ‫ת ˜ֲ ֶח‬ገ²፡፡

6/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ u²=I ›”kê 6) In the process of selecting the successful
”®<e ›”kê /8/ u}Å’ÑѨ< SW[ƒ bidder, the public body shall only consider
›g“ò¨<” }Ý^‹ KSU[Ø uÚ[ substantially responsive bids for further
c’Æ u}SKŸ}¨< ¾ÓUÑT Seð`ƒ evaluation and comparison, as defined in sub-
SW[ƒ }ðLÑ>¨<” ÁTEK< ¾SÝ[‰ article (8) of this Article in accordance with
c’Ê‹” SÑUÑU“ T¨ÇÅ` ›Kuƒ:: the criteria set forth in the bidding
uÚ[ c’É ÁM}SKŸ} ¾T¨ÇÅ]Á documents. No criterion shall be used that
Seð`ƒ uØpU LÃ K=¨<M has not been set forth in the bidding
›Ã‹MU:: documents.
7// 7f/P >`= 2>5? 3 N 2- 7) No bidder may be required to change the
N / /… J5K/ A†‡ 2X price offered in his bid or otherwise modify

M5 / 2>5? Q Ec/ his proposal or to assume obligation to do so
M5 / 2<4&
[Z Ec- except as set forth in the bidding document.

L. <(P (ƒ 2VpP !|K
EcI UO 0 <(P U4@ A(= PYY
8) The successful bid shall be:
8/ uÚ[ ›g“ò J• ¾T>S[Ö¨<፡-
a) the bid that is found to be responsive to
G/ uÚ[ ÓUÑT ¾‚¡’>¡ SS²—-
the technical requirements and with the
−‹” TTEL~ ¾}[ÒÑÖ “ ›’e-
lowest evaluated price;
}— ªÒ Ák[u }Ý^‹፤

K/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ uÚ[- b) if the public body has so stipulated in the
¨< c’É ¨<eØ ›g“ò¨< }Ý- bidding documents, the bid offering
^ች ¾T>S[Øuƒ” Seð`ƒ ¾Ñ better economic advantage ascertained
Kì ŸJ’' uÚ[ c’Æ ¾Wð[ on the basis of factors affecting the
¨<” ¾Ú[¨<” ›=¢•T>Á© c?ƒ economic value of the bid which have
¾T>¨e’¨<” Seð`ƒ SW[ƒ been specified in the bidding documents,
uTÉ[Ó uT>"H@É ÓUÑT ¾} which factors shall, to the extent
hK ›=¢•T>Á© ÖkT@ ÁK¨< practicable, be objective and
¾Ú[ Ndw Ák[u¨< }Ý^‹ quantifiable, and shall be given a relative
›g“ò ÃJ“M:: J•U Seð`~ weight in the evaluation procedure or be
u}Úvß G<’@ Là ¾}SW[}' expressed in monetary terms wherever
u› ´ K=ÑKî ¾T>‹M J• practicable;
uÓUÑT¨< H>Ń ›”í^© ¡wŃ
¾T>cÖ¨< “ eŸ}‰K É[e uÑ”
²w ¾T>ÑKî SJ” ›Kuƒ፤
gA 4¹þ8)'7 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4887

N/ T>’>eƒ\ uT>Á¨× ¨<´`´` c) where it is ascertained in post evaluation of

SS]Á uT>¨c’¨< Sc[ƒ u²=I bids that the legal, financial and technical
”®<e ›”kê uòÅM (G) ¨ÃU (K) standing of the candidate selected as the
Sc[ƒ ¾}S[Ö¨< }Ý^‹ IÒ- successful bidder in accordance with
©’ƒ' ¾óÓ”e “ ¾‚¡’>¡ ›pU paragraph (a) or (b) of this sub-article
uSÝ[‰ c’Æ LÃ u}kSÖ¨< conforms to the requirements stated in the
Sc[ƒ SJ’< uÉQ[ ÓUÑT bidding document.

9/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ ¾ÓUÑT¨<” 9) The public body shall prepare an evaluation
¨<Ö?ƒ u›ß\ ¾T>ÑMî ¾ÓUÑT report, containing a summary of the
]þ`ƒ T²Ò˃ ›Kuƒ:: examination and evaluation of bids.

#4. uT>eØ` eKT>Á²< ›W^a‹

#4. 44. Process to be Confidential

Ú[¨< Ÿ}Ÿð}uƒ Ñ>²? ›”e„ ŸÚ[ After the opening of bids, information relating to
U`S^' ŸTw^]Á' ŸÓUÑT “ ›g“ò¨<”
}Ý^‹ uT>SKŸƒ Ÿk[u¨< ¾¨<X’@ Gdw Ò`
the examination, clarification, and evaluation of
¾}ÁÁ²< S[Í−‹ uT>eÖ=`’ƒ SÖup bids and recommendations for award must not be
ÁKv†¨< c=J”' ›g“ò¨< }Ý^‹ eŸT>ÑKî disclosed to bidders or other persons not officially
É[e K}Ý^Œ‹ ¨ÃU ŸY^¨< H>Ń Ò` concerned with this process until the award of the
Ó”–<’ƒ KK?L†¨< c−‹ SÑKî ¾Kv†¨<U:: contract is announced.

45. Matters subject for Negotiation with the

#5. ከ₪Gፊ ‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٤ ጋ‫ ץ‬ድ‫ץ‬ድ‫גָ ץ‬ደ‫נ‬
#5. Successful Bidder
ግ‫ֹْו‬ው ጉዳዮ٤
1) The public body may negotiate with the
1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ Ÿ›g“ò¨< successful bidder on matters of contract
}Ý^‹ Ò` ¾Ú[ c’Æ Là performance not dealt within the bidding
vM}Ökc< ¾¨<M ›ðíìU Ñ<Ç¿‹ Là document.
É`É` K=ÁÅ`Ó Ã‹LM፡፡
2) Except in a single source procurement
2// ዚֱ ዋጅ u›”kî $ LÃ u}Ökc¨<
Sc[ƒ Ÿ›”É ›p^u= uk؁ KT>ðìU
provided for in Article 50 of this
Ó¸ "MJ’ ue}k` ›g“ò¨< }Ý^‹ Proclamation the public body may not
vk[u¨< ªÒ “ ŸªÒ Ò` Ó”–<’ƒ negotiate on the price offered by the
vL†¨< Ñ<ÇÄ‹ Là ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á successful bidder and on other issues related
u?~ Ÿ›g“ò¨< }Ý^‹ Ò` É`É` to price.
TÉ[Ó ›Ã‹MU፡፡

#6. ›g“ò’ƒ” eKSÓKî“ ¨<M eKSð^[U

#6. 46. Notification of Award and Signing of Contract
1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ ከ‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٠
1) Prior to the expiry of the period of bid validity, the
የ‫נׂש‬ው የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ ‫ר‬1ድ 씄 ¾T>qÃuƒ public body shall notify the successful bidder that
k” ŸTKñ uòƒ uÚ[¨< ›g“ò KJ’¨<
its bid has been accepted. The notification of
}Ý^‹ ›g“ò’~” SÓKî ›Kv†¨<::
¾›g“ò’ƒ SÓKÝ Te¨mÁ¨< ¨<K< award shall specify the time within which the
¾T>ð[Uuƒ” k” ¾T>ÑMî ÃJ“M:: contract must be signed. The unsuccessful bidders
uÚ[¨< }g“ò KJ’< }Ý^Œ‹U shall also be informed as to who the successful
¾›g“ò¨<” eU “ ¾}g’ñuƒ” U¡”Áƒ bidder is and why they have lost the bid.
¾T>ÑMî Te¨mÁ ደ%ዳi K=Å`d†¨<
2) The existence of a contract shall be
2/ uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ “ confirmed through the signature of a contract
u›p^u=¨< S"ŸM ¨<M }Se`…M document incorporating all agreements
¾T>vK¨< uG<K~ }ªªÃ ¨Ñ•‹ between the parties.
eUU’ƒ ¾}Å[cv†¨<” Ñ<ÇÄ‹
uS<K< ¾T>ò¨< ¾¨<M c’É c=ð[U
gA 4¹þ8)'8 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4888

3/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ K}g“ò−‡ 3) The contract shall not be signed by the public
}Ý^Œ‹ }g“ò’†¨<” ¾T>ÑMì¨< body prior to the receipt of the notice by the
Te¨mÁ< ŸSÉ[c< “ ‫סُ{ג‬ unsuccessful bidder and before the period
‫ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ ֶይ ¾}SKŸ}¨< specified in the directive to be issued by the
¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw ŸTKñ uòƒ ¾Ó»¨<” ¨<M
Sð[U ¾KuƒU:: Minister has lapsed.

4/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ ¾¨<M ›e}- 4) The procedures that public body has to follow
ÇÅ`” uT>SKŸƒ K=Ÿ}M ¾T>Ñv¨< in administering the contract shall be
›W^` T>’>eƒ\ uT>Á¨×¨< SS- prescribed by a directive to be issued by the
]Á èc“M:: Minister.

V#7. ¾¨<M TeŸu]Á 47. Contract Security

›p^u=¨< u¨<K< SW[ƒ vKSðìS< A supplier shall provide the public body with a
uS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ LÃ KT>Å`c¨< contract security to make good any damage the
Ñ<ǃ T""h ¾T>¨<M ¾¨<M TeŸu]Á public body may sustain as a result of default by
K‫ֳֹו‬ጀُ ‫עםא‬ያ iً SeÖƒ ›Kuƒ:: the supplier under the contract. The type of
¾¨<M TeŸu]Á ¾T>Ö¾pv†¨< ¾Ó» procurement for which contract security is
¯Ã’„‹' ¾¨<M TeŸu]Á¨< ¯Ã’ƒ“ required and the type and amount of contract
SÖ” T>’>eƒ\ uT>Á¨×¨< SS]Á security shall be determined by a directive to be
èc“M:: issued by the Minister.

48. Advance Payment

#8. ¾pÉT>Á ¡õÁ
1) The amount of advance payment that may be
1/ uS”ÓYƒ Ó» ›ðíìU K›p^- allowed to suppliers in public procurement
u=¨< ¾T>cÖ¨< ¾pÉT>Á ¡õÁ and the manner in which it is made available
SÖ” እG ፈፃፀ‫ ו‬T>’>eƒ\ shall be determined by the directive to be
uT>ያ¨×ው SS]Á ‫ُנרא‬ issued by the Minister.
‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ ג‬ይֲGָ፡፡

2/ ¾pÉT>Á ¡õÁ K=ðìU ¾T>‹K¨< 2) Advance payment may be effected only where
›p^u=¨< upÉT>Á ¡õÁ SM¡ a supplier furnishes advance payment
ŸT>¨cŨ< Ñ”²w SÖ” Ò` guarantee in an amount equal to the advance
Ÿ<M ¾J’ ªeƒ“ c=Ák`w payment.
U°^õ ›Ueƒ
¨<e” Ú[
49. Conditions for use of Restricted Tendering
#9. u¨<e” Ú[
#9. Ú[ KSÖkU STELƒ ÁKv†¨<
Public bodies may use restricted tendering as a
¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ u¨<e” Ú[ method of procurement only where the following
Ó» SðìU ¾T>‹K<ƒ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ conditions are satisfied:
G<’@−‹ c=TEK< w‰ ’¨<:-

1/ °n¨<' ¾Ó”v ²`õ Y^¨< ¨ÃU 1) it is a ascertained that the required object of
›ÑMÓKA~ Ÿ}¨c’< ›p^u=−‹ w‰ procurement is available only with limited
¾T>ј ‫נת ֲא‬ጋገጥ፤ suppliers;

2/ የግዥው ‫א‬ጠ T>’>eƒ\ uT>Á¨×ው 2) the cost of procurement does not exceed the
SS]Á ከ‫אׂשـ‬ጠው የገ ዘ% ‫א‬ጠ threshold specified in respect of restricted
ያֳָጠ ‫ ֲת‬፤ ወይ‫ו‬ tendering in the directive to be issued by the
Minister; or
gA 4¹þ8)'9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4889

3/ AA AVˆp+ 22&

E 3) where a repeated advertisement of the
Xd 4E J5K <T invitation to bid fails to attract bidders in
x hX፡፡ respect of a procurement subject to the
directive to be issued by the Minister.

$. ¾¨<e” Ú[ ›ðWpU

Ú[ ›ðWp 50. Procedure for Restricted Tendering

¾¨<e” Ú[ Y`¯„‹ ŸÓMî Ú[ Restricted tendering procedures are the same as
Ò` }Sddà c=J’<' ¾¨<e” Ú[ those applied in open tendering, except that:
¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” M¿ ›W^a‹ ß}LM:-

1/ ዚֱ ዋጅ u›”kî #9(1) SW[ƒ 1) where the object of procurement is available
°n¨<' ¾Ó”- v ²`õ Y^¨<' only with limited suppliers in accordance
¾U¡` ¨ÃU }ðLÑ>¨< K?L ›ÑMÓKAƒ with Article 49(1) of this Proclamation the
¾T>Ñ–¨< Ÿ} ¨c’< ›p^u=−‹ w‰ invitation to bid shall be sent to all such
c=J” ¾Ú[¨< Ø] K’²=G< ›p^u=- suppliers;
−‹ uS<K< ÃLካM፤

2/ ¾¨<e” Ú[¨< ¾T>"N?Ũ< ዚֱ 2) if restricted tendering is used for the reason stated
ዋጅ u›”kî #9(2) ¨ÃU (3) Là in Article 49 sub-articles(2) or (3) of this
u}Ökc¨< U¡”Áƒ ŸJ’ ¾Ú[ Paroclamation, the invitation to bid shall as far as
Ø]¨< eŸ}‰K É[e u›p^u=−‹ possible be sent to limited suppliers chosen from
´`´` ¨<eØ Ÿ}S²Ñu<ƒ ›p^u=−‹ among those registered in the suppliers list on the
S"ŸM ¾T>Ÿ- }ֳ¨<” SW[ƒ basis of the following consideration:
uTÉ[Ó ÃðìTM፡-
a) any selection shall allow opportunities
G/ ›S^[Ö< u›p^u=−‹ ´`´` ¨<eØ for suppliers on the list,
K}S²Ñu<ƒ õƒN© ¾J’ °ÉM
¾T>Áeј SJ” Õ`uM፣
b) the number of suppliers to whom the
K/ Ø] ¾T>Å[ÓL†¨< °Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ invitation to bid is sent shall be such that
w³ƒ ¨<Ö?T ¨<ÉÉ` ”Ç=•`
it is sufficient to ensure effective
ÁKuƒ c=J”' eŸ}‰K É[e ¾}¨Ç competition and shall not as far as
Ç]−‹ lØ` Ÿ5 T’e ¾KuƒU፡፡ possible be less than five compitators.

3/ K‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ c’É ´Óσ ¾T>ðkŨ< 3) the time allowed for preparation of bids shall
Ñ>²? K²=I ¾Ó¸ ²È uÓ» SS]Á¨< not be less than the minimum number of days
Ÿ}¨c’¨< ›’e}—¨< ¾k” w³ƒ Á’c stated in the procurement directive for this
K=J” ›Ã‹MU:: J•U KÚ[¨< method of procurement. However, if all
Ø] ¾}Å[ÑL†¨< }Ý^Œ‹ uS<K< suppliers invited to participate in the bid have
¾SÝ[‰ c’dž¨<” ŸÚ[¨< S´- submitted their bids before the closing date,
Ñ>Á k” uòƒ "eÑu< ¾S”ÓYƒ the public body may open the bid ahead of
SY]Á u?~ K}Ý^Œ‹ um ¾pÉT>Á schedule by giving bidders prior notice;
Te¨mÁ uSeÖƒ Ú[¨<” uÚ-
[ Te¨mÁ¨< Là Ÿ}kSÖ¨< k”
›ekÉV K=Ÿõƒ ËLM፤
4) if the public body uses restricted tendering for
4/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ ው the reason stated on Article 49(1) of this
ጨ‫ ٍנ‬ግዥ የ‫ג‬ፈፅ‫א‬ው ዚֱ ዋጅ Proclamation, it shall determine whether it is
›”kî #9(1) Là }ÑKì¨< ‫ו‬ክ ያُ necessary to require the candidates to submit
‫¾ ֲת‬Ú[ TeŸu]Á Tp[w ¾T>- bid security.
ÁeðMÓ SJ” ÁKSJ’<” èe“M::
gA 4¹þ8)( ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4890



$1. Ÿ›”É ›p^u= Ó» KSðì

$1. KSðìU STELƒ 51. Conditions for use of Direct Procurement
ÁKv†¨< G<’@−

1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ Ÿ›”É 1) Public bodies may use direct procurement
›p^u= Ó» SðìU ¾T>‹K<ƒ ¾T>Ÿ-
}K<ƒ G<’@−‹ c=TEK< w‰ ’¨<:- only where the following conditions are
G/ ዕ#ው፣ የግ ‫ ֹٍו‬ዘ‫ץ‬ፍ ‫ףם‬ው፣
a) when in absence of competitions for
የ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ـ ו‬ፈֶጊው ֶַ ገָ-
technical reasons the goods, works
ግֹُ የ‫ג‬ገ°ው ከ ድ ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወ- consultancy or other required services
ዳዳ‫ ע‬%٢ ‫ו ֲא‬ክ ያُ ‫ד‬ወ- can be supplied or provided only by one
ዳደ‫ ץ‬የ‫ד‬ይ٢ָ ‫נת ֲא‬ጋገጥ፤ candidate;
K/ ֳዕ#ዎ٤፣ ወይ‫ـֳ ו‬ገጣ‫ג‬ዎ٤ ‫ـ‬ጨ- b) for additional deliveries of goods by the
‫ֳא עד‬ዋወጫ ዕ#ዎ٤ ወይ‫ـ ו‬ጨ-
original supplier which are intended
‫עד‬ ገָግֹِ٤ ከ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያው
either as parts of replacement for
…‫א ּתף‬ግዛُ ‫ת‬ፈֳግ፣ ወይ‫ ו‬ከֶַ
…‫ ּתף‬ግZው ‫ּת‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ገዛው ‫ـ‬ገ-
existing supplies, services or
ጣ‫עכא ג‬ያ ወይ‫ ו‬ገָግֹُ የ‫ א‬- installations or as the extension of
ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ከ‫ג‬ጠ‫ُוׂש‬ existing supplies, services or installation
‫עכא‬ያ ወይ‫ ו‬ገָግֹُ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ד‬ይ- where a change of supplies would
ጣጣ‫א ˜ֲ ו‬ገ°ً ከ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያ compel the public body to procure
…‫ֳא ּתף‬ዋወጫዎ٤ ፣ ገָግֹ- equipment or services not meeting
ِ٤ ወይ‫ـ ו‬ገጣ‫ג‬ዎ٤ ‫א‬ግዛُ requirements of interchangeability with
ፈֶጊ ‫ ֲת‬፤ already existing equipment or services;

ּ/ ግZ ‫עאא‬ያ የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ገው ገደ% እ ደ- c) within limits defined in the procurement

‫ـ‬ጠ‫˜ֲ ׂש‬፣ ያָٍ‫ ּשר‬STٍዎ٤ directive, when additional works, which have
‫ד‬ጋጠ‫ْד‬ው ‫ו‬ክ ያُ ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያው been not included in the initial contract have,
ውָ ውጥ ያָ‫ـ‬ካ‫ـ ًـ‬ጨ‫ עד‬የግ - through unforeseeable circumstances,
‫ ֹٍו‬ዘ‫ץ‬ፍ ‫ףם‬ዎ٤ ‫ ُףרד‬ፈֶጊ become necessary since the separation of the
ֲ˜ የ‫ـ‬ገ° እ ደֲ1 እG َክ{ክ additional works from the initial contract
would be difficult for technical or economic
ወይ‫< ו‬ኮ˜‫ו ג‬ክ ያِ٤ እ1ዚֱ
‫ـ‬ጨ‫ עד‬የግ ‫ףם ֹٍו‬ዎ٤ ከ‫א‬ጀ‫א‬-
‫ע‬ያው ውָ 1ጥֹ ‫ ُףרד‬የ‫ד‬ይ٢ָ
ֲ˜ ‫ת‬ገ²፤

‫א‬/ ግZ ‫עאא‬ያ የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ገው ገደ%

d) within limits defined in the procurement
እ ደ‫ـ‬ጠ‫˜ֲ ׂש‬፣ ₪Gፊው ከ‫ـ‬- directives, for new works consisting of
‫נא‬ጠ ¹ֶ ‫ـ‬ፈ‫ אנ‬ውָ የ‫א‬ጀ- the repetition of similar works which
‫עא‬ያው ግZ የ‫ـ‬ከGወ1‫ֹْו‬ው ዓይ1ُ conform to a basic project of which an
‫„„אـ‬ይ ‫ףם‬ዎ٤ ወይ‫ץ… ו‬yِ٤ initial contract has been awarded on the
ድጋ‫ ג‬እ ዲ‫ סר‬ወይ‫ ו‬እ ዲ‫ּשץׂש‬ basis of open or restricted bidding;
‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ‫ד‬ፈֳጉ ‫ـ‬ጨ‫ עד‬ውָ
‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬ፈֶጊ ‫ ֲת‬፤
e) within limits defined in the procurement
‫ט‬/ ግZ ‫עאא‬ያ የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ገው ገደ% directives, for continuation of consultant
እ ደ‫ـ‬ጠ‫ׂש‬ ֲ˜፣ የ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያው services, where the original contract has
የ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ַֹ ו‬٤ ገָግֹِ٤ been satisfactorily performed and the
ውָ ጥጋ‫ֲ ּת‬1 STٍ ‫א‬ጠG‫ ּׁשׂש‬እG continuation is likely to lead to gains in
ውִ እ ዲ‫ף‬ዘ‫ד ו‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ‫ּׁש‬ጠ‫ ֹו‬G economy and efficiency;
…ָጥፍG የ‫ג‬ያገ² ‫נא ֲא‬ጋ-
ገጡ ገָግֹً ‫ׂשא‬ጠָ ፈֶጊ
ֲ˜ ‫ת‬ገ²፤
gA 4¹þ8)(1 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4891

‫נ‬/ ጣ‫ْ ו‬ኳይ ከ‫ ֲא‬የ‫ـ‬1„ f) the head of the public body has
ከ‫ֹו‬ድ ٤ግ‫ ץ‬የ‫ג‬ፈጥ‫ץ‬G ‫עםא‬ያ determined that the need is one of
iً ‫ ףם‬ፈፃፀ‫ֶ ו‬ይ ጉዳُ pressing emergency in which delay
የ‫ג‬ያከָُ ‫ו ֲא‬ክ ያُ would create serious problems and
‫עםא‬ያ iً የֶይ ٪ֶፊ therefore injurious to the performance of
የ‫ـ‬ፈ‫ׂש‬ደ ግZ፤ that public body;

g) where situations arise in which shopping

3/ AA AVWp+ E,s E
becomes necessary to meet the special
<b/ 22&
E<3 Xd procurement needs of public bodies. The
2! 2F&
GT= Ed- manner of implementation of this
`f/  !B CD 7‰
provision shall be prescribed by the
M7 !B 2VpP E
- directive to be issued by the Minister;
@ iK9= hVOsw

†/ K›ß` Ñ>²? ¾T>qà “ KS”ÓYƒ h) for purchase of goods made under

SY]Á u?~ M¿ ØpU uT>Áeј exceptionally advantageous conditions
G<’@ ¾T>ðìU ¾°n Ó» c=J” ’¨<:: which only arise in the very short term.
ÃI ”®<e ›”kê ¾T>ÁÑKÓK¨< uS-
Åu— ›p^u=’ƒ ÁM}WT\ c−‹ This provision is intended to cover
KT>gÖ<ª†¨< °n‹ c=J”' uSÅu— unusual disposals by firms, which are
›p^u=’ƒ Ÿ}WT\ ›p^u=−‹ ›² - not normally suppliers. It is not intended
¨<ƒ[¨< ¾T>ðìS< Ó»−‹” ›ÃÚ- to cover routine purchases from regular
U`U:: suppliers.
2/ 2! 2F&
GT= !B 22- 2) Public bodies may use direct procurement
/ NE<3  Z 2O

when the contract price does not exceed an
Ønp” !B9= NA@ A0`v EVpP
amount stated in the procurement directive.
!B | 2OMP 2!‹ (=C_YY

3/ ‚ƒ AM U AM /1//3/ E 3) It shall not be necessary to conclude a

/2/ 235 NA@ A0`v MK contract in respect of direct procurements
EVp+ !B9= / 2QQ effected in accordance with sub-articles (1)
AVCR A(XPYY (g) and (2) of this Article.

4/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ ÃI ¾Ó» ²È 4) Public bodies shall ensure that this method is
u°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ S"ŸM ¨<ÉÉ` not resorted to with a view to avoiding
”ÇÕ` ¨ÃU u°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ possible competition or in a manner which
S"ŸM M¿’ƒ KSõÖ` ex ØpU LÃ
ÁMªK SJ’<” ¾T[ÒÑØ Lò’ƒ would constitute a means of discrimination
›Kv†¨<:: among candidates.

¾T>N< Ó» ›ðíìU
$2. Ÿ›”É ›p^u= ¾T>N<
52. Procedure for Direct Procurement
1/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ ዚֱ ዋጅ
 ‫ׂש‬ጽ $1 ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ /1/ ‫ـ‬ደ1ገገው 1) When the public body engages in direct
‫ ُנטא‬ከ ድ …‫ ּתף‬ግZ ֳ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ו‬ procurement according to Article 51(1) of
‫ת‬ፈָጉ ግZው ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬ያፈֳገُ this Proclamation, it shall prepare a
‫ו‬ክ ያُ እG የ‫ג‬ገዛው ዕ# ወይ‫ו‬ description of its needs and any special
ገָግֹُ ጥ‫ُף‬፣ %ዛُ፣ የ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ requirements as to quality, quantity, terms
ጊዜG STٍዎ٤ የ‫ג‬ያ%‫א ףף‬ግֳጫ and time of delivery, and shall be free to
‫ד‬ዘጋጀُG ዋጋ ጨ‫ צו‬ከ…‫ּתף‬ው ጋ‫ץ‬ negotiate on price and conditions of offer
ግָፅ ‫א‬ደ‫ף‬ደ‫ֹْוֳ ץ‬ው፡፡ ዚֱ ዋጅ with the sole candidate. Without prejudice
 ‫ׂש‬ፅ $1 ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ /3/ የ‫ـ‬ደ1ገገው to the provisions of sub-article (3) of
እ ደ‫ـ‬ጠ‫ ˜ֲ ׂש‬ድ‫ץ‬ድ‫ ס‬ከ‫ـ‬ካְደ ¹ֶ Article 51 of this Proclamation, any
ግZ ֳ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ደ‫רנ‬ው ‫וו‬1ُ agreement reached to conduct the
Sֳً ‫ـ‬ዋዋይ ወገ˜٤ ‫ג‬ፈ‫ ונ‬ውָ procurement shall be confirmed by a
‫נא‬ጋገጥ ֳُ፡፡ contract signed by both parties.
gA 4¹þ8)(2 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4892

2/ ከ ድ …‫ׂש ּתף‬ጥٍ ֳ‫ג‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬ግዢ 2) The salient points to focus on in the

ድ‫ץ‬ድ‫ ץ‬የ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ጊያ ُኩ‫ـצ‬-1ጥy٤ negotiation of contracts for direct
ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ א ץ‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ procurements shall be approved by the
የֶይ ٪ֶፊ ፀድ‫ـֳ ּב‬ደ‫ף‬ዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ head of the public body concerned and
ֵ‫ר‬ጥ ይገ‫ָֹו‬፡፡ communicated to the negotiators.



$3. uS¨ÇÅ]Á Gdw SÖ¾mÁ Ó»

$3. KS 53. Conditions for use of Request for Proposal
ðìU STELƒ ÁKv†¨< G<’@
Public bodies may engage in procurement by
የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ means of request for proposals when it seeks to
9„% ‫א‬ጠየ‫ּׂש‬ያ ግZ ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬٤ִُ obtain consultancy services or contracts for which
ֳ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ገָግֹُ ወይ‫ ו‬ከውִ ጠ…ֶֶ the component of consultancy services represents
ዋጋ ውጥ የ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ገָግֹً ዋጋ ከ$ more than 50% of the amount of the contract.
‫ֶ ِא‬ይ ֳ‫ ֲג‬ግZ 1ው፡፡
54. Procedure for Request for Proposals
$4. ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ‫א‬ጠየ‫ּׂש‬ያ የ‫ג‬ከGወ
$4. ግZ


1/ የ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ገָግֹً የ‫ג‬ጠይ‫ׂש‬ው ወጪ 1) The selection of candidates for consultancy

‫עאא‬ያ ከ‫ג‬ወ‫ר‬1ው የገ ዘ% ‫א‬ጠ ֶይ services above a threshold to be determined
ከֲ1 ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ የ‫נאג‬ጡُ ው- by a directive shall be made after inviting
ዱዱ‫ٍ„ـ ס‬ፊ ֳ‫ ֲא‬የ‫ג‬ፈָጉ 9„‫ֹו‬- candidates to submit expression of interest.
ْው እ ዲገָፁ ‫ٍד‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያ ከ‫ـ‬ጋዙ
¹ֶ ይֲGָ፡፡
2) Requests for proposals shall be addressed to
2/ የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ‫א‬ጠየ‫ּׂש‬ያ ከ‫ُמ‬ not less than three and not more than seven
ֶֶ1‫ ש‬እG ከ‫ֳֶָ ֹُור‬ጡ ‫ א‬ግ candidates selected by the public body.
‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ֳ‫נאג‬ጡ ዕጩ
‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ‫ֶא‬ክ ይ˜‫ָٍץ‬፡፡

3/ የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ‫א‬ጠየ‫ּׂש‬ያ ‫ּת‬ያ  3) A request for proposals shall contain at least
የ‫ג‬ከ‫ִُـ‬ ‫נא‬ጃዎ٤ ‫א‬ያዝ ֳ the following information:

G/ የመንግሥት መሥሪያ ቤቱን ስምና አድራሻ፣ a) the name and address of the procuring

K/ የሚፈለገውን አገָግሎት የሚያሳይ የማጣቀሻ b) description of the services required,

ፅሑፍ፣ normally through terms of reference;

N/ የጥ…‫ ו‬ግጭُ ֵያከָُ የ‫ג‬٤ָ c) in the case of consultancy assignments

የ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ገָግֹُ ‫ ُ ֲג‬ጊዜ which may involve potential conflicts of
ֳዚֱ ዓይ1ً ውድድ‫ ץ‬የ‫ ּשץׂשג‬ዕጩ interest, a reminder that candidates for
‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ከ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ገָግֹً ‫ד‬- such assignments must exclude
ከ‫ ָـ‬ከ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ገֳግֹً ጋ‫ـ ץ‬ያ- themselves from procurement of goods
ያዘ ከ‫ג‬ከGወ የዕ# …‫ץ‬yُG የግ - and works which may follow as a result
‫ףם ֹٍו‬ዎ٤ ‫ْ„ף‬ው ‫ד‬ግֳָ የ‫ג‬ገ- of or in connection with the
‫ֹْו‬ው ‫ֲא‬ የ‫ג‬ገָፅ ‫ּתר„ד‬ያ፣ consultancy agreement;
gA 4¹þ8)(3 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4893

‫א‬/ የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„y٤ ‫א‬ገ‫ו‬ገ‫ג‬ያ d) the criteria for evaluating the proposals,
‫א‬ፈ‫ِץ‬٤ ፣ ֳዋጋG ֳַֹ٤ ‫א‬ፈ- the relative weight to be given to price
‫ِץ‬٤ የ‫רג‬ጠው 1ጥ%፣ ‫א‬ፈ‫ِץ‬٠ and other criteria, and the manner in
የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ‫ג‬ገ‫א‬ገ‫ُו‬ which they will be applied in the
ወ…ُ ጥ…‫ו‬ ֶይ የ‫ג‬ውִُ evaluation of proposals;
ኳ¹ ፣
e) place and deadline for the submission of
‫ט‬/ የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% የ‫ץׂשג‬%ُ proposals.
yٍG የ‫א‬ጨ‫נ‬p ‫ ׂש‬፡፡

4/ ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% 4) Candidates shall be given adequate time in

ֳ‫ד‬ዘጋጀُ የ‫ג‬ያ٤ֶْው ‫ ּׂש‬ጊዜ which to prepare their proposals; such time
ֵ‫ר‬ጣْው የ‫ג‬ገ‫ ֲת ֹו‬፣ የጊዜ ገደ‫ּש‬ frame shall be determined by the directive to
ግZ ‫עאא‬ያ ይወ‫ר‬Gָ፡፡ be issued by the Minister.

5/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً  ደ ֲ˜ 5) The public body may negotiate with the first
ከ‫נאـ‬ጠው ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ ע‬ጋ‫א ץ‬ወ- ranked candidate with respect to the nature,
ዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„‫ ּש‬ውጥ የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው የገָ- volume and organization of the services
ግֹً ‫עֱֹו‬፣ ‫א‬ጠ እG ደ‫נ‬ጃጀُ included in their proposals.
የ‫ֳאג‬ከُ ድ‫ץ‬ድ‫ד ץ‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡

6/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ከዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ- 6) Any award by the public body shall be made
‫ע‬ዎ٤ ‫א‬ካከָ ₪Gፊ1ُ ֵ‫ץא‬ጥ to the candidate whose proposal is most
የ‫ג‬٤ֳው ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ‫א‬ጠየ‫ּׂש‬ያ advantageous, determined in accordance with
‫ר‬1ድ ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው የ‫א‬ገ‫ו‬ገ‫ג‬ያ ‫א‬ፈ‫ُץ‬ the criteria and procedures for evaluating
‫ג ُנטא‬ካ‫׀‬ደው ግ‫ו‬ገ‫ ד‬ያ‫נׂש‬ው proposals set forth in the request for
የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ይָጥ ጠ#‫˜ֲ ג‬
የ‫ـ‬ገ°ው ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ ע‬1ው፡፡

U°^õ eU”ƒ

$5. uªÒ Tp[u=Á KT>ðìU Ó» STELƒ 55. Conditions for use of Request for Quotations
ÁKv†¨< G<’@−
Public bodies may engage in procurement by
የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ ዋጋ ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ means of request for quotations for the purchase
ግZ ֳ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬٤ִُ ግZው ‫סُ{ג‬ of readily available goods or for procurement of
‫ג‬ወጣው የግZ ‫עאא‬ያ ከ‫ג‬ወ‫ר‬1ው የገ ዘ% works or services for which there is an
‫א‬ጠ ያֳָጠ እG የ‫ג‬ገዙُ‫ֳ ו‬ገ%ያ established market, so long as the estimated value
የ‫ـ‬ዘጋጁ ዕ#ዎ٤ ወይ‫ ו‬የٍወ‫ ׂש‬ገያ ያֶْው of the contract does not exceed an amount stated
የግ ‫ ֹٍו‬ዘ‫ץ‬ፍ ‫ףם‬ዎ٤፣ የ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ַֹ ו‬٤ in the procurement directive to be issued by the
ገָግֹِ٤ ‫ ֲת‬1ው፡፡ Minister.

$6. uªÒ Tp[u=Á ¾T>"N?É Ó» ›ðíìU

$6. 56. Procedure for Request of Quotations
1/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ የ‫ג‬٢ָ 1) Public bodies shall request quotations from
እከֲ1 ድ‫ּתף… נ‬ዎ٤ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ץ‬ as many candidates as practicable, but from
ውጥ ከ‫אـ‬ዘገ‫ּתף… ּש‬ዎ٤ ‫א‬ካከָ at least three, if possible from among
‫ּת‬ያ  ‫ּתף… ُמ‬ዎ٤ የዋጋ suppliers registered in the suppliers list.
‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ እ ዲ‫ר‬ጡ ֵጠይ‫ ּׁש‬ይገ‫ָֹו‬፡፡
gA 4¹þ8)(4 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4894

2/ Q 705v
KT>ðìU A@ A( 2) In cases where procurements are made using
!B ›T^ß ›p^u=−‹ e"K< É[e request for quotation, as long as other
4E ¾ <3] A0`v9=” w‰ suppliers, who can supply the same goods,
uSÒu´ T¨ÇÅ` ›Ã‰MU:: services or works are available, the public
uSJ’<U ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ body shall not repeatedly invite the same
eŸ}‰K É[e Œ  37s suppliers to submit their quotations. The
$"= E; <&9= 2bb public body shall ensure that equal
¾S¨ÇÅ` E@ 23OH 75 opportunity of participation in public
A YY procurement is given to all candidates
engaged in the business.
3/ ዋጋ ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ ֳ‫ג‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬ግZ ֳዕጩ
‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ የ‫ֶג‬ከው ‫א‬ጠየ‫ּׂש‬ያ 3) The request shall contain a clear statement of
የ‫ץׂשג‬ው ዕ# ወይ‫ו‬፣ የግ ‫ףם ֹٍו‬፣ the requirements of the public body as to
ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ֶַ ו‬ገֳግֹُ quality, quantity, terms and time of delivery
ጥ‫ُף‬፣ %ዛُ፣ የ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ የውָ #ֹ٤ of the goods, works, consultancy or other
እG ጊዜ እ ዲS‫ַֹ ו‬٤ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ services as well as other special
‫עםא‬ያ iً ፍֶጐِ٤ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ ץ‬የ‫ג‬ገָፅ requirements.
‫ֳُ ֲא‬፡፡

4/ ግZ የ‫ג‬ፈፅ‫א‬ው የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ 4) The public body shall give adequate time to
ֳዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ የዋጋ ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ candidates in which to prepare their
ֳ‫ד‬ዘጋጀُ የ‫ג‬ያ٤ָ ‫ ּׂש‬ጊዜ ֵ‫ר‬ጣْው quotations.

5/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ 5) A purchase order shall be placed with the
ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ /3// የ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ـ ُס‬ፈֶጊ candidate who meets the requirements of the
STٍዎ٤ ‫ ָِח‬እG 1‫ ـ‬ዋጋ public body stipulated in sub- article (3) of
ֶ‫ـ נׂש‬ወዳዳ‫ ע‬የግZ ُዕዛዝ ይ‫ר‬ጣָ፡፡ this Article.


uG<Kƒ Å[Í Ú[

$7. uG<Kƒ Å[Í

$7. Å[Í Ú[
Ú[  Ó» KSðìU STE 57. Conditions for use of Two-Stage Bidding
Lƒ ÁKv†¨<
ÁKv†¨< G<’@−

የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ Sֳُ ደ‫נ‬ጃ

Public bodies may engage in procurement by
ጨ‫ ٍנ‬ግZ ֳ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬٤ִُ የ‫ג‬ከ‫ִُـ‬ means of two-stage bidding:
STٍዎ٤ ‫ـָחـ‬ው ‫ת‬ገ´ %٢ 1ው፡-
1/ ֳ‫ג‬ገዙُ ዕ#ዎ٤G ገָግֹِ٤ ‫ּׂש‬ 1) when it is not feasible for the public body to
ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ד ץ‬ዘጋጀُ ‫עםא‬ያ iً ደ‫נ‬ጃ formulate detailed specifications for the
የ‫ד‬ይ٢ָ ֲ˜ ‫ת‬ገ² ወይ‫ ו‬ገָግֹِ٤ goods or works and in the case of services, to
‫ֳאג‬ከُ ‫עֱֹו‬ያْው ֳይِ ֳ‫„ד‬የُ identify their characteristics and, in order to
የ‫ד‬ይ٢ָ ‫ ُ ֲג‬ጊዜ እG የ‫עםא‬ያ obtain the most satisfactory solution to its
iً የግZ ፍֶጋُ ከፍ‫ ـ‬ደ‫נ‬ጃ procurement needs;
ֳ‫ ֶُחד‬የ‫ג‬ያ٤ָ ‫א‬ፍُ‫אֳ ׀‬ፈֳግ፤
2) when the public body seeks to enter into a
2/ !B/ EeŽ4/ ገያ ֶይ ֵውִ contract for the purpose of research,
የ‫ג‬٤ִ ዕ#ዎ٤ 7P5 <(P experiment, study or development, except
PP E 7 <…9= 2 e where the contract includes the production of
Ee X @5 2!F 2F&
GH goods in quantities sufficient to establish
PP +N`  E 7 their commercial viability or to recover
F`9= 7N< E
= / research and development costs;
2VpP hV !፤
gA 4¹þ8)(5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4895

3/ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ እ ዲወጣ ‫ـ‬ደ‫ץ‬ጎ ‫ג‬ገዙُ 3) where bid proceedings are initiated but no
ዕ#ዎ٤፣ የግ ‫ ֹٍו‬ዘ‫ץ‬ፍ ‫ףם‬ዎ٤፣ የ‫ו‬ክ‫ץ‬ bids are submitted as a result of the nature
እG ַֹ٤ ገָግֹِ٤ ‫ץֹׁו‬ይ ወይ‫ו‬ of the object of procurement not being
‫ـ‬ፈጥ‫ צ‬ግָፅ ֳ‫ֲא‬ ‫ו‬ክ ያُ ዕጩ clearly described or where all bids are
‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ያָ‫ ּשנׂש‬እ ደֲ1 rejected due to failure on the part of the
ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ـ ּُשנׂש‬ጫ‫ף‬٥٤ ውድ… ‫ת‬ደ‫נ‬ጉ public body concerned to draw up a clear and
እG ይኸ‫ ו‬የֲ1ው ‫עםא‬ያ iً የ‫ֶחـ‬ complete specification;
ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ץ‬ ‫ד‬ዘጋጀُ ‫אֳֹו‬٢ִ ‫ֲא‬
‫ אٍת‬፤
4) because of the technical character of the
4/ E E9= !IK  required goods or works, or because of the
F`9= P% E $"= A !"T= nature of the consultancy or other services it
Iz( <(P V‘ A2 %T NE; is necessary for the public body to negotiate
<&9=  @@ 7@5!
with the suppliers.
V !፡፡
58. Procedure for Two-Stage Bidding
$8. ¾G<Kƒ Å[Í Ú[
$8. Ú[ ›ðíìU

1/ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው የ‫ג‬ከGወ1ው Sֳُ ደ‫נ‬ጃ

1) The solicitation documents shall call upon
የጨ‫ ٍנ‬ዘዴ ‫ ֲת‬፣ ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያው ዙ‫ץ‬ suppliers to submit, in the first stage of the
ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ ዋጋ ያָጨ‫נא‬ two-stage bidding proceedings, initial tenders
የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% እ ዲያ‫ ּשץׂש‬ግָፅ containing their proposals without a tender
ጨ‫ ٍנ‬ጥ‫ ע‬ይደ‫נ‬ጋָ፡፡ የጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ‫ר‬1ድ price. The solicitation documents may solicit
ከَክ{ክ ጋ‫ ץ‬ግ ´1ُ ያֶْው proposal relating to the technical, quality or
‫א‬ግֳጫዎ٤፣ ጥ‫ ُף‬ወይ‫ ו‬የዕ#ው other characteristics of the goods, works or
ወይ‫ ו‬የገָግֹً ַֹ٤ ‫ץֱֹו‬ያُ services as well as to contractual terms and
እ ዲS‫ ו‬የ…‫ץ‬yً ውָ #ֹ٤G conditions of supply, and where relevant the
STٍዎ٤ ֵይዝ የ‫ג‬ገ‫ֹו‬ ‫ ֲת‬፣ professional and technical competence and
ግ‫ֹו‬%1ُ እካֳው ድ‫ נ‬የዕጩ qualifications of the suppliers.
‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ የ‫ב‬ያ እG የَክ{ክ
٤ֹٍ እ ዲገָፁ የ‫ג‬ጠይ… ֲֵ

2/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ 22&

/ 2) The public body shall identify responsive
 M5y 2<4&
[1= N!B bids by evaluating the proposals submitted by
/ the bidders at the first stage of the bid
M5y >`’= proceeding against its requirements. The
YY ‚ƒ <0 የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ public body may without prejudice to their
‫עםא‬ያ iً E4AVCRH NE; intellectual property rights at this stage hold
<&9=  CM5y 2<4&
discussion with the candidates on the content
[Z <&9= J5K 256 E of their proposals.
IG 2Z OZg /(( U
(=C YY
3) The public body shall draw up a specification
3/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ 22&
/ which is more appropriate to its requirements
 M5y 2<4&
[1= N!B on the basis of the evaluation against the
CDH AW 2PP CDH L requirements of the proposals submitted to it
‰C E= A@ < X AA at the first stage of the bid proceeding. It

6 YY / AA 22- shall then proceed to communicate the
/  MI(
/ 2<4&
revised specification to the candidates who
[Z CM5y >`’= ֳ7<0 submitted responsible bids at the first stage
‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٥٤ ዋጋ JP‘ LL/ AA and invite such candidates to submit
235 2>5? [If/ E J5K proposals on the basis of the revised
7N &
እ ዲያ‫ ּשץׂש‬ይጋ%ዛָ፡፡ specification.
gA 4¹þ8)(6 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4896

4/ ‚ƒ AM U AM /3/ p/ 4) In formulating the revised specification in

2W5 ‫עםא‬ያ iً Ac ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ץ‬ accordance with sub article (3) of this
‫ת‬ያዘጋጅ ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያ የጨ‫ר ٍנ‬1ድ ውጥ Article, the public body may delete or modify
ከ‫אׂשـ‬ጡُ ‫ד‬Gْው‫ ו‬የዕ#ው ወይ‫ו‬ any aspect, originally set forth in the
የገָግֹً የَክ{ክ ወይ‫ו‬ የጥ‫ُף‬ solicitation documents of the technical or
‫ץֱֹו‬ያُ እG ‫ר‬1ዶ٠ ֳ‫א‬ገ‫ו‬ገ‫ ו‬እG quality characteristics of the goods, works
ֳ‫ד‬ወዳደ‫ ץ‬እ ዲS‫ ו‬₪Gፊው ֳ‫נוא‬ጥ or services to be procured and any criterion
ከ‫אׂשـ‬ጡُ ‫א‬ፈ‫ِץ‬٤ ውጥ ‫ד‬Gْው- originally set forth in those documents for
‫נראֳ ו‬ዝ ወይ‫דֳ ו‬ppָ ወይ‫ ו‬ከዚֱ evaluating and comparing bids and for
ዋጅ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ בדג‬ዳዲ ‫ץֱֹו‬ያُ G
ascertaining the successful bids and may add
‫א‬ፈ‫ِץ‬٤ ‫א‬ጨ‫ ץא‬ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ እ ደዚֱ
new characteristics or criteria that conform
ያִُ ‫ד‬Gْው‫נ ו‬ዛዎ٤፣ ‫ד‬ppያዎ٤
ወይ‫ ו‬ጭ‫עד‬ዎ٤ የ‫א‬ጨ‫נ‬p የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ
with this Proclamation. Any such deletion,
9„% እ ዲ‫ץׂש‬% ‫ֳֶـג‬ፍ ጥ‫ـֳ ע‬ጫ‫ף‬- modification or addition shall be
٥٤ ‫א‬ገֳፅ ֳ‫ֹْו‬ው፡፡ communicated to suppliers in the invitation
to submit final bids.

5/ LL/ AA 235 - 5) A supplier not wishing to participate in the

“/  J5K 2 
V second stage of tendering in accordance with
the reformulated specification may withdraw
>`’= `f/ N/@@s
from the proceeding.
7! (=C_YY

6/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~  “/ 6) The public body shall evaluate the bids
 M5y የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ ‫ר‬r= ዚֱ submitted at the second stage to ascertain the
ዋጅ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ #3 ‫ـ‬ደ1ገገው ‫טא‬ successful bidder pursuant to the provisions
‫ ُנ‬2PP A†‡/ (
YY of Article 43 of this Proclamation.

7/ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ያወጣው የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ

iُ ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ግ‫ו‬ገ‫ ד‬ከፍ‫ ـ‬ውጤُ 7) The public body may engage in negotiation
ካገ°ው …‫ ּתף‬ጋ‫ ץ‬ከዋጋ ‫ץׂשـ‬ with the first ranking bidder concerning any
ַֹ٤ ጉዳዮ٤ ֶይ ድ‫ץ‬ድ‫ֵ ץ‬ያደ‫ץ‬ግ aspect of its bid, except price.

U°^õ ›Y`

$9. ¯KU ®kõ Ó»

59. Open International Bidding
1/ ዓֳ‫ ו‬ዐ‫ׂש‬ፍ ግָፅ የጨ‫ ٍנ‬ዘዴ ጥ…‫ֶ ו‬ይ
ֵውָ የ‫ג‬٤ֳው የውጭ ኩ‫ ֹו‬ያዎ٤ 1) Open international bidding shall be used
ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ‫ٍ„ـ‬ፊ እ ዲS ካָ‫ـ‬ደ‫נ‬ገ whenever in national open bidding an
ገ‫ ץ‬ውጥ ግָፅ ጨ‫ ٍנ‬ውጤٍ‫ ד‬የֲ1 effective competition cannot be obtained
ውድድ‫ ץ˜ֵ ץ‬እ ደ‫ד‬ይ٤ָ የٍ‫א‬1ُ unless foreign firms are invited to bid or for
ወይ‫ ו‬ግZው ‫ג סُ{ג‬ያወጣው procurements above a threshold level for
‫עאא‬ያ ከ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው የገ ዘ% ‫א‬ጠ ֶይ national bidding to be determined by a
‫ ֲת‬1ው፡፡ directive to be issued by the Minister
2/ ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ፅ ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ፅ /1/ እ ደ‫אـ‬- 2) A procurement may be effected by means of
ֳከ‫ـ‬ው ግZው ‫ג סُ{ג‬ያወጣው national competitive bidding notwithstanding that
‫עאא‬ያ ከ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ው የገ ዘ% ‫א‬ጠ ֶይ the cost of the procurement exceeds the threshold
‫ ًץו ו ֲּת‬ወይ‫ ו‬ገָግֹً ገ‫ץ‬ established in the directive for national bidding if
ውጥ %٢ የ‫ג‬ገ² ‫ ֲא‬ከ‫נـ‬ጋገጠ ግZው it is ascertained that the required object of
ገ‫ ץ‬ውጥ ግָፅ ጨ‫ֵ ٍנ‬ካְድ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ procurement is available only locally.
gA 4¹þ8)(7 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4897

3/ ዓֳ‫ׂש ו‬ፍ ግZ ዚֱ ዋጅ ‫ו‬ዕ‫ף‬ፍ 3) Open international bidding shall respect the
‫ ُף‬የ‫ـ‬ጠ‫ ُשׂש‬እG ከዚֱ ٍ٤ provisions of Chapter Four of this
የ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ُס‬ ‫ץם‬ዓِ٤ ‫א‬ከ‫ָـ‬ Proclamation as well as the following
ֳُ፡- procedures:

G/ የጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ‫ٍד‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያ እG የጨ‫ٍנ‬ a) the invitation to bid and the bid

‫ר‬1ዶ٤ የዓֳ‫ ו‬ዐ‫ׂש‬ፍ ግድ ‫א‬ገָገያ documents shall be in the English
ֲ1ው እ ግֵዘ ‫א ּה ּה‬ዘጋጀُ language;
b) the invitation to bid shall be advertised in
K/ የጨ‫ٍד ٍנ‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያው ‫ـ‬ዘጋጀُ a news paper published in English
እ ግֵዘ ‫וـٍג ּה ּה‬፣ ‫ּׂש‬ language which has world wide
‫ץם‬ጭُ ‫ֳֹו‬ው እG ዓֳ‫ׂש ו‬ፍ circulation and attracts foreign
ውድድ‫ג ץ‬ጋ%ዝ ጋዜጣ እ ዲS‫ו‬ competition as well as on the Agency’s
‫עאא‬ያው ֶይ ‫ג‬ገֳፀው ‫ُנטא‬ website in the manner prescribed in the
ኤጀ ‫ת‬ው ድ‫נ‬ገፅ ֶይ እ ዲወጣ directive;
‫א‬ደ‫נ‬ግ ֳُ፤
c) the time allowed for submission of bids
N/ የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ ‫ר‬1ድ የ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ ጊዜው shall be sufficient for the invitation to
የጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ‫ٍד‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያ ֳዕጩ reach candidates and for enabling them
‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ እ ዲደ‫דֳ ץ‬ድ‫נ‬ግ እG to prepare and submit bids. In any case it
ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ የጨ‫א ٍנ‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ shall not be less than the time prescribed
9„‫ֹْו‬ው ዘጋጅ‫ـ‬ው ֳ‫נ…ד‬%
by the directive to be issued by the
የ‫ג‬ያፈָጋْው ‫ ּׂש‬ጊዜ የ‫ג‬ፈ…ድ
‫ֲא‬ ያֳُ ‫ ֲת‬፣ ‫סُ{ג‬
‫ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ ከ‫ג‬ወ‫ר‬1ው ጊዜ
ֵያ  ይ٤ָ‫ו‬፤
d) technical specifications of the goods, works
and services shall be compatible with
S/ የዕ#G የገָግֹُ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ ץ‬ከገገ‫ץ‬ national requirements, and conform as far as
ውጥ ደ‫נ‬ጃዎ٤ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ג‬ጣጣ‫˜ֲ ו‬ possible with international standards or
እከ‫ـ‬٢ֳ ድ‫ נ‬ዓֳ‫ ו‬ዐ‫ׂש‬ፍ standards widely used in international trade;
ደ‫נ‬ጃዎ٤ ወይ‫ ו‬ዓֳ‫ ו‬ዐ‫ׂש‬ፍ ግድ
ፋُ የ‫ ُףרג‬ደ‫נ‬ጃ ‫ُנטא‬
ያደ‫נ‬ገ ‫ֳُ ֲא‬፤ e) candidates shall be permitted to express
their bids, as well as any security
W/ ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ዎ٤ የ‫א‬ጫ‫נ‬٢ ዋጋْ- documents to be presented by them in
ው እ ዲS‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ያ‫ד ּُשץׂש‬G-
Ethiopian Birr, or in a currency widely
ْው ‫ ו‬የዋُG ‫ר‬1ድ <ُዮጵያ
used in international trade and stated in
%‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬ጨ‫ר ٍנ‬1ዱ ‫ֳאـ‬-
the bidding documents;
ከ‫ـ‬ው እG ዓֳ‫ ו‬ዐ‫ׂש‬ፍ ግድ
ፋُ ‫ ُףרג‬የገ ዘ% ዓይ1ُ
እ ዲያ‫א ּשץׂש‬ፈ‫ׂש‬ድ ֳُ፤
f) general and special conditions of
[/ ጠ#ֶይ እG ָዩ የውָ #ֹ٤G contract shall be of a kind generally used
STٍዎ٤ ዓֳ‫ ו‬ዐ‫ׂש‬ፍ ግድ የ‫ג‬- in international trade.
‫ֹْוףר‬ው ‫ ֲא‬ይ˜‫ֹْוץ‬ዋ ָ ፡፡
4) Without prejudice to the threshold to be
4/ E,s E
<b/ 22&
C( E- established in the directive to be issued by
M2O/ 4Z E4 O M Xd  !¸ the Minister and provided that conditions for
|/ M2Š iK9= h‰_ E using other methods of procurement than
/… nI
9= Ec Πe 45 open bidding are satisfied, public bodies may
/”K7 X /@@ Ud E47- conduct procurement through international
(= c=S”uƒ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á competitive bidding by means of restricted
u?„‹ / J5K 2<4&
[Z tendering, request for proposals, request for
2O ~
 Q 705v
<(P NA@ quotation or direct procurement where it is
A0`v uT>ðìU Ó» ²È uSÖkU ascertained that it is impossible to carry out
Ó¸¨<” u¯KU ®kõ ¨<ÉÉ` SðìU effective procurement with out the
ËLK<:: participation of foreign companies.
gA 4¹þ8)(8 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4898


M¿ Ó»

%. Ÿõ}—
Ÿõ}— Ó»−‹ 60. Large Value Procurement

1/ ገ‫ף‬ዊ ጠ‫ ٍהׂש‬ያֶْው ከፍ‫ـ‬ 1) There shall be established a central body, which

ግZዎ٤፣ ከ ድ ֶይ ֲ shall be in charge of the execution of large value
የ‫ א‬ግ‫עטא ُם‬ያ iِ٤ የ‫ג‬ፈָጉ procurements having national significance
…‫ץ‬yِ٤ ግZ እ ዲS‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ወገዱ procurements of supplies for which a demand is
shown by more than one public body and sale of
%‫ِנ‬٤ ¯ያጭ የ‫ג‬ፈፅ‫ ו‬ካָ public property to be disposed off, by a regulation
የ‫צُ{ג‬٤ ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬iُ ‫ג‬ያወጣው to be issued by the Council of Ministers.
ደ % ይ‫ָדּהּה‬፡፡
2) The Minister shall identify and update the
2/ ‫ סُ{ג‬ገ‫ף‬ዊ ጠ‫ ٍהׂש‬ያֶْው types of procurements to be executed on
‫ו ֲא‬ክ ያُ ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ ዑ account of their national significance by the
 ‫ׂש‬ጽ /1/ ‫ـ‬ደ1ገገው ‫ג ُנטא‬- central body which shall be established
‫אּהּה‬ው ካָ የ‫ג‬ፈፀ‫ ב‬ግZዎ٤ pursuant to sub article (1) of this Article.
ዓይ1ُ ይወ‫ר‬Gָ፡፡

%1 ¾T°kõ eUU’ƒ ›ðíìU

61. Procedure of Framework Contract
1/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ LL†¨< }SddÃ
¾Ó» õLÔƒ ¨ÃU ›”É ¾S”ÓYƒ 1) Framework contracts may be used to fulfill
SY]Á u?ƒ u}¨c’ Ñ>²? ¨<eØ similar procurement requirements of various
u}ÅÒÒT> KT>•[¨< ¾Ó» õLÔƒ Ó»” public bodies or recurrent procurement
uT°kõ eUU’ƒ SðìU ÉLM፡፡ requirements of a public body.

2/ Ÿ›”É uLà uJ’< Sሥሪያ u?„‹ u}¨c’ 2) The following procedure of framework
Ñ>²? ¨<eØ KT>N<] }Sddà A0- contract shall be followed to meet similar
1T= ¾T°kõ eUU’ƒ uT>Ÿ}K¨< G<’@ procurement requirements of public bodies
ÃðìTM፡- within a given time frame:

G/ ›?Ë”c=¨< ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ a) the Agency shall undertake a survey of the
¾T>•^†¨<” }Sddà õLÔƒ uTØ- similar requirements of public bodies, issue a
“ƒ ¾E A !"T= ´`´` Á¨- list of goods and services constituting such
×M፣ u¾Ñ>²?¨<U ´`´\” ÁÇw^M፤ requirements and update the list regularly;

K/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ ‫עםא‬ያ iِ٤ u²=I b) public bodies shall prepare a forecast of their
›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /2//G/ u}SK- requirements of goods and services falling
Ÿ}¨< ´`´` ¨<eØ K}"}~ƒ E under the list mentioned in sub-article (2) (a)
A !"T= ¾T>•^†¨<” õLÔƒ ƒ”uÁ of this Article and communicate the same to
›²ÒÏ}¨< Ó»¨<” #”Ç=ÁŸ“¨<” YM×” the body authorized to conduct large
K}cÖ¨< ›"M Ád¨<nK<፤ procurements;

c) the body to be established in accordance

N/ ዚֱ ዋጅ uAMê %/1/ 2W5
¾T>ssS¨< ›"M u²=I ›ªÏ u}SKŸ- with Article 60(1) of this Proclamation
}¨< #“ T>’>eƒ\ uT>Á¨×¨< SS]Á shall conclude and administer framework
LÃ uT>ÑKìው ´`´` Sc[ƒ ¾T°kõ contracts in the manner prescribed herein
eUU’ƒ Ãðî-TM፣ Áe}ÇÉ^M፤ and the directive to be issued by the
gA 4¹þ8)(9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4899

S/ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ ¾}ð[S¨<” d) public bodies shall on the basis of the
¾T°kõ eUU’ƒ SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó framework contract signed by the central
°n¨< ¨ÃU ›ÑMÓKA~ u}ðKÑ Ñ>²? body of procurement conclude the
¾Ó» }°³´ uTe}LKõ Ó»Á†¨<” procurement by making order with the
Ãðî7K<፤ suppliers of goods and services that they

W/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ ‫עםא‬ያ iِ٤ e) the order that public bodies place with the
suppliers for goods and services of their
ֳ‫ד‬ዕ‫ׂש‬ፍ eUU’ƒ ›p^u=¨< ¾Ó¸
requirements under the frame work contract
ƒ°³´ ¾T>Áe}LMñƒ ¾T°kõ shall confirm to the terms of the framework
eUU’~ Ÿ}ðìSuƒ ªÒ፣ ¾¡õÁ contract regarding price, terms of payment
#“ K?KA‹ ¾›ðíìU G<’@−‹ Ò` and other matters related to the execution of
u}××S G<’@ ÃJ“M፡፡ procurement.

3/ uÓ» ƒ°³´ Là ‚ƒ AQ• AM "7 3) Except in cases provided for in Article 37
‡4 ` / / 2N / iK paragraph (k) of this Proclamation, public
e X  M ŸT°kፍ eUU’H bodies shall not be allowed to vary unit
¾’ÖL ªÒ ¨ÃU Sc[© uJ’< K?KA‹ prices and such other fundamental terms of
¾eUU’~ ¾¨<M G<’@−‹ Là K¨<Ø the framework contract when placing order
TÉ[Ó ›ÃðkÉU፡፡ J•U uT°kõ for goods and services. However, the public
eUU’~ ÁM}"}~ #“ uT°kõ body and the supplier may agree on terms
eUU’~ Là Sc[© K¨<Ø ¾TÁeŸƒK< that have not been dealt with in the
Ñ<ÇÄ‹ ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?~ #“ framework contract or that do not materially
¾T°kõ eUU’~ ›p^u= uT>ÁÅ`Ñ<ƒ affect the frame work contract.
eUU’ƒ èc“K<::

4) The framework contract shall be awarded

4/ ¾T°kõ eUU’ƒ ¾T>ðìS¨< uÓMî
through open bidding procedure and may
Ú[ ¾Ó» ²È J•' EN –e ¯S- remain valid for three years.
ƒ @5 씄 K=qà (=C ::
5) In procuring goods and services under a
5/ ›”É ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ u}ÅÒÒT> framework contract to fulfill their recurrent
KT>•[¨< ¾Ó» õLÑAƒ Ó»” uT°kõ requirements, public bodies shall have to
eUU’ƒ K=ðîU ¾T>‹K¨< uT>’>eƒ\ adhere to the criterion of fixing prices of
uT>¨× SS]Á ¾}SKŸ}¨<” ¾°n
goods and services to be determined in the
¨ÃU ¾›ÑMÓKAƒ ªÒ ¾T>¨e”uƒ” ÓMî
Seð`ƒ SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó ÃJ“M:: directive to be issued by the Minister.



62. General
%2. ›ÖnLÃ
E’>es E
<b/ 22&
235 The head of each public body shall ensure that
 የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የֶይ property at the disposal of the public body is
٪ֶፊ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬%‫ ُנ‬A!Iy 2
A properly handled, used and where necessary,
E 2OMP፣ AVCR Xd hP disposed off in accordance with the directive to be
7<@ !I 2N<] 75 issued by the Minister.

%3. ”w[ƒ” eKSÁ´ 63. Acquisition

1/ ‫ד‬Gْው‫ ו‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ %‫ֳֹו ُנ‬i- 1) All acquisitions of public property shall be for
ُ1ُ የ‫א‬ያዝ %ْ ዓֶ‫ ד‬የፀደ‫ּׁُש‬ the sole purpose of facilitating the delivery
የ‫עםא‬ያ iً ፕ‫צ‬ግ‫זף‬٤ ֳ‫ד‬ፈፀ‫ו‬ and maintenance of approved programs as
እG ገָግֹً ‫ד‬ፋጠ ውጤٍ‫ד‬G %‫ּׁש‬ efficiently and effectively as possible.
ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ‫ֳُ ֲא‬፡፡
gA 4¹þ9) ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4900

2/ Ih/ ‫ד‬Gْው‫ ו‬የፌዴ‫ א ִף‬ግ- 2) The Agency shall account for, administer and
‫עטא ُם‬ያ iُ ‫ ץם‬ያֲָُ የፌዴ- where necessary, dispose off property of the
‫ִף‬ ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ %‫ِנ‬٤ ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ Federal Government which are not
%‫ُנ‬1ُ ይይዛָ፣ ያ‫ـ‬ዳድ‫ָף‬፣ ‫ـ‬ገ‫ּת‬ administered by any other public body.
ֲ˜ ‫ת‬ያገ²‫ ו‬እ ዲወገዱ ያደ‫ץ‬ጋָ፡፡

%4. ›ÖnkU “ ØÑ“ 64. Use and Maintenance

1/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የֶይ ٪ֶፊ 1) Heads of public bodies shall ensure that all
‫ד‬Gْው‫ ו‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬%‫ ُנ‬የ‫םא‬- public property is used as productively as
‫ע‬ያ iً ٪ֶፊ1ُ ውጤٍ‫ג ד‬ያ- possible in carrying out of the responsibilities
ደ‫ץ‬ግ ‫ָא‬ኩ ገָግֹُ ֶይ ‫א‬ዋִ of the public bodies.
‫נד‬ጋገጥ ֳُ፡፡

2/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የֶይ ٪ֶፊ

‫ג סُ{ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ ‫טא‬- 2) Heads of public bodies shall establish a
‫ ُנ‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬%‫< ُנ‬ኮ˜‫ג‬ያዊG proper maintenance system for all public
ውጤٍ‫ֲ ד‬1 ‫ א‬ገድ ገֳግֹُ property to ensure that it will operate as
economically and effectively as possible in
እ ዲ‫ר‬ጥ ‫ـ‬ገ‫ ּת‬የጥገG እG የእ ክ%ካi
accordance with the directive to be issued by
‫ץם‬ዓُ ‫א‬ዘ‫ץ‬ጋُ ֳُ፡፡
the Minister.
%5. ¾S”Óeƒ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ`
65. Management of Public Property
1/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የֶይ ٪ֶፊ 1) The heads of public bodies shall adopt a life-
የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ %‫ُנ‬ ֳ‫ـד‬ዳደ‫ץ‬ time approach to the management of public
የׁይወُ ዘ‫ץם א‬ዓُ ይከ‫ֶָـ‬፡፡ property.

2/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የֶይ ٪ֶፊ 2) Heads of public bodies shall ensure that
የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ %‫ ُנ‬ከ‫ـ‬ያዘ፣ ከገָግ- items of public property are recorded as to
ֹُ ዉጪ እከֲ1ُ ‫ ׂש‬ድ‫ נ‬%‫ًנ‬ date, description, quantity and cost from
ገָግֹُ ያ‫נּה‬ጠُ ጊዜ፣ የ %‫ًנ‬ acquisition to the end of their life-time.
ይ1ُ፣ %ዛً እG ያከ‫ֳـ‬ው ወጪ
የ‫ג‬ያ„ይ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ץ‬ ‫אـ‬ዝግy ‫א‬ያዙ
‫נד‬ጋገጥ ֳُ፡፡

3/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የֶይ ٪ֶፊ 3) Heads of public bodies shall ensure that the
የ‫עםא‬ያ iً ‫ד‬Gْው ‫ גּה ו‬%‫ُנ‬ custodial responsibility for each fixed asset
የ‫א‬ጠ… ٪ֶፊ1ُ ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያ ደ‫נ‬ጃ %‫נ‬- acquired is assigned primarily to persons
ً እ ዲገֳገִُ ٪ֶፊ1ُ ֳ‫רـ‬ጣْው using such fixed assets and that names of the
٪ֶፊዎ٤ ‫רא‬ጠً እG ‫גּה‬ %‫ُנ‬ custodians, and the locations of the fixed
‫א‬ዝገ% የጠ‫ּׂשֹו‬ዎ٠ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ ץ‬እG እ1‫שץ‬ assets under their custody are recorded in the
ጥ# ‫ ץ‬ያִُ ‫ גּה‬%‫ِנ‬٤ የ‫ג‬ገ´ُ register of fixed assets.
yٍ ‫א‬ፈ‫נד ס‬ጋገጥ ֳُ፡፡

4/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً የֶይ ٪ֶፊ 4) Heads of public bodies, shall ensure that
ወዲያው ጥ…‫ֶ ו‬ይ የ‫ד‬ይውִ ֶ‫ּׂש‬ supplies, not acquired for immediate
ዕ#ዎ٤ ‫עםא‬ያ iً የ‫ֳאג‬ከ‫ـ‬ው consumption, shall form part of supply
የ %‫ ףם ُנ‬ክፍָ ዕ# ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ץ‬ inventories and that custodial responsibility
‫א‬ዝገ% ውጥ ‫א‬ካ‫ٍْـ‬ው G ֳጥ- be assigned for such inventories.
#ْው ٪ֶፊ ‫אא‬ደ‫ּש‬ ‫נד‬ጋገጥ
5) All inventories of public property shall be
5/ ‫ד‬Gْው‫ ו‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬%‫ּת ُנ‬ያ  physically verified against records at least
ዓ‫  ُא‬ድ ጊዜ ‫ּבא‬ጠ‫ֳُ ץ‬፡፡ annually.
gA 4¹þ9)1 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4901

6/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ %‫ُ ُנ‬ክክֳ ዋጋ 6) Where the actual cost of public property is

ֳ‫א‬ወ‫„ ר‬ይ٢ָ ‫ ץׂשת‬ግ‫{ג ًו‬ not determinable, its cost shall be estimated
ُ‫ג ס‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ ‫ُנטא‬ in accordance with the directive to be issued
ይወ‫ר‬Gֳ፡፡ by the Minister.

7/ E,s E
<b/ AA 22&
7) Depreciation shall be calculated on fixed
235 EVpP Xd u2! oE assets in accordance with the directive to be
Z5 C( E• 0. (3C YY issued by the Minister.

%6.. SÖup“ S”ŸvŸw

66. Protection and Preservation
‫ד‬Gْው‫ ו‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የֶይ
٪ֶፊ እG ‫ـףט‬t٤ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ %‫ُנ‬
The heads and all employees of public bodies are
የ‫א‬ጠ…G የ‫ א‬ከ‫ֹו‬ከ% ٪ֶፊ1ُ ֳ‫ֹْו‬ው፡፡ responsible for the protection and preservation of
public property.
%7. Te¨ÑÉ
67. Disposal
1/ AA AVWp+ E,s E
b/ 22&
¾T>¨c” Xd የመንግሥት 1) Heads of public bodies shall ensure that fixed
assets which are not useful to the
መሥሪያ ቤት C( 'C‡ A !"
organization are disposed off in the manner
7(3Š Z5T= 2<f/ 75- to be prescribed in the directive to be issued
 A YY by the Minister.
2/ የ‫ـ‬ወገደ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ %‫א ُנ‬ግֳጫG 2) The description and amount received from all
%‫ًנ‬ ‫ד‬ወገድ የ‫ـ‬ገ°ው ገ ዘ%
public property disposed off shall be included
‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ ‫„־‬% ‫ע‬ፖ‫ُץ‬ ውጥ
in the public accounts.
‫א‬ጠ#ֳָ ֳُ፡፡

3/ uT>’>eƒ\ uT>¨× SS]Á ¾T>¨- 3) Without prejudice to the provisions of the

c’¨< ”Å}Öuk J•' 2!” directive to be issued by the Minister,
concerning the matter, proceeds from the
Z5 7<@ x v 7ENC\
disposal of public property shall be deposited
!P6 G v 245! A YY
into the account of the central treasury.
%8. SW[´
68. Deletion
1/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬%‫גֳ ُנ‬ገ²ُ የ‫ א‬-
1) Where public property is considered to be of
ግ‫עטא ُם‬ያ iُ ወይ‫ֳֶַ ו‬ no use in the public body or elsewhere, and
የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የ‫ד‬ይጠ- has no- scrap value, it shall be deleted in
…‫ו‬G ዋጋ የ‫ד‬ያወጣ ‫נת ֲא‬ጋገጥ accordance with the directive to be issued by
‫סُ{ג‬ ‫ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ the Minister.
‫ ُנטא‬ይ‫נר‬ዛָ፡፡

2/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬%‫¯ֶת ُנ‬፣ ከጥ…‫ו‬ 2) Deletion of public property shall be recorded

ውጪ ‫ ֲת‬፣ ‫ …נרת‬ወይ‫ד ו‬Gْ- when losses take place from inventory
ው‫„„אـ ֶַ ו‬ይ ‫ו‬ክ ያُ ‫ת‬ጎድָ shortages, destruction, theft or any other
ወይ‫ו‬ ‫ת‬ጠፋ ከ %‫ُנ‬ ‫א‬ዝገ% reason.
3) The description and book value of all public
3/ ‫ד‬Gْው‫ ו‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬%‫נרת ُנ‬ዝ property deleted shall be included in the
‫א‬ግֳጫውG የ %‫ ًנ‬የ‫א‬ዝገ% ዋጋ public accounts in accordance with the
‫ג סُ{ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ ‫טא‬- directives to be issued by the Minister.
‫ א ُנ‬ግ‫„־ ُם‬% ‫ע‬ፖ‫ ُץ‬ውጥ
‫ـ‬ጠ#ָֹ ‫ٍא‬የُ ֳُ፡፡
gA 4¹þ9)2 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4902

%9. Te}LKõ
%9. 69. Transfer

‫ֳ סُ{ג‬ፌዴ‫ א ָף‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ The Minister shall determine by directive the

iِ٤ ገָግֹُ የ‫ד‬ይ‫ר‬ጡ %‫ِנ‬٤ manner in which property which is not useful to
ֳ%‫ף׀‬ዊ ክֶָዊ ‫ א‬ግ‫ٍُם‬፣ ֳከ‫דـ‬ the Federal Government may be transferred gratis
‫ـ‬ዳደ‫צ‬٤ ወይ‫ֳַֹ ו‬٤ የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ to regional governments, city administrations or
٪ֶፊ1ُ የ‫ד‬ገዝ ‫ـ‬ግ‫גֳ ץֹו‬ያከGወ any other body carrying on activities
ካֶُ ጦٍ የ‫ֳֶـג‬ፉُ STٍ complementing the responsibility of the
‫עאא‬ያ ይወ‫ר‬Gָ፡፡ government.

U°^õ ›e^ –eƒ

uS”ÓYƒ Ó» እG %‫ـ ُנ‬ዳደ‫ץ‬
Là ¾T>k`w ›u?~”
&. eKx`Æ SssU
70. Establishment of the Board
1/ uS”Óeƒ Ó» ›ðíìU E Z5
1) A body (hereinafter referred to as the
A<@ Là ¾T>k`u< ›u?~−‹”
›×`„ ¨<d’@ ¾T>cØ ¾›u?~ ›×] x`É "Board") is hereby established which reviews
(Ÿ²=I u%EL #x`É$ #¾}vK ¾T>Ö^) and decides on complaints lodged in regard
u²=I ›ªÏ }slTEM:: to public procurement and property disposal
2/ x`Æ }Ö]’~ KT>’>eƒ\ ÃJ“M፡፡
2) The Board shall be accountable to the
&1. x`É ›vLƒ E ` 2
71. Board Members and Terms of Service
1/ ¾x`Æ ›vLƒ Ÿ”ÓÆ TQu[cw ›Óvw’ƒ
"L†¨< ¾S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ EcP 1) The Board shall be drawn from persons
N2! 7 @•T= ¨<- representing the private business sector, the
bŠ ÃJ“K<፡፡ relevant public bodies and public enterprises.

2/ ›?Ë”c=¨< ¾Ó¸ ›u?~ ›×] x`É ìNò 2) The Agency shall serve as the secretariat of
uSJ” ÁÑKÓLM፡፡ the Board.

3/ T>’>eƒ\ ¾x`Æ” ›vLƒ ÃcÃTM:: Kx`É 3) The Minister shall appoint the members of the
AIC ENV/ A 2O E Board. He shall determine the amount of
allowance to be paid to the members of the
¾¡õÁ AVWpP (< YY
Board and the mode of payment.
4/ ¾x`Æ ›vLƒ ¾Y^ ²S” Zeƒ ¯Sƒ
ÃJ“M:: J•U ¾}cÖ¨<” NLò’ƒ 4) The term of service of members of the Board
<b ›vM u7“/P shall be three years. However, any member
of the Board failing to properly discharge his
RS ŸY^ ²S’< SÖ“kp uòƒ uK?L
›vM K=}" ËLM:: duty maybe replaced at any time before his
term of service expires.
&2.. ¾x`Æ YM×”“ }Óv`
72. Powers and Duties of the Board
1/ T>’>eƒ\ x` e^¨<” ¾T>ÁŸ“¨<”uƒ”
Y`¯ƒ፣ x`Æ ¾T>•[¨<” eM×” #“ 1) The Minister shall issue and implement a
Lò’ƒ ¾Á² ´`´` SS]Á ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” directive setting for the procedure the Board
›ÖnLà G<’@−‹ uÖuk SMŸ< ›²ÒÏ„ has to follow in the exercise of its powers and
e^ Là Á¨<LM፡- duties; such directive shall adhere to the
following general rules:
gA 4¹þ9)3 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4903

G/ x`Æ Ÿ°Û }¨ÇÇ]−‹ ¨ÃU

Ÿ›p^u=−‹ ¾T>k`u< ›u?~9‹” a) the Board shall review and decide on
S`Ua ¨<d’@ Ãc×M፣ complaints from candidates or suppliers;

K/ x`Æ Y^¨<” KTŸ“¨” #”Ç=[Ǩ< b) the Board may in the exercise of its
Cf/ c’Ê‹ #”Ç=k`u< function require the production of
#”Ç=G<U T>SKŸ†¨< AeC relevant documents and the testimony of
c^}™‹ ¨ÃU NLò−‹ k`u¨< officials and employees of the concerned
#”Ç=Áe[Æ K=Á´ ËLM፣ bodies;
c) the Board may also seek professional
N/ x`Æ ›u?~ uT×^ƒ H>Ń }Ñu= assistance from governmental or non-
J• c=ÁÑ–¨< ŸS”Óe© ¨ÃU governmental entities where it finds such
S”Óe© "MJ’< ›"Lƒ S<Á© #ѳ assistance to be useful in reviewing and
SÖ¾p #“ TÓ–ƒ ËLM፡፡ deciding on a complaint submitted to it.

2/// 1 zV G A !" “

¾‚¡’>¡ ÉÒõ N#h/
“ YY 2) The Agency shall provide the Board with
office facility and technical assistance.

3/ AA AVWp+ E,s E

b/ 22&
E Xd x`Æ 3) Upon deliberation on a complaint submitted
¾k[uKƒ” ›u?~ SP‘ NEN _ to it, the Board may give one of the following
v / Z" E
P’/ /i decisions, which it deems to be appropriate,
U3 (=C Y- with the details to be prescribed in the
directive to be issued by the Minister:
}/ AGHK M5  !B H>Ń a) that the procurement proceeding in
”Ç=e}"ŸM ¨ÃU Eco5 respect of which a complaint was lodged
7 A፤ be rectified or terminated;
b) to dismiss the case where in its judgment
K/ M5 / AGHK v Xd e x the complaint is unfounded.
/@0 7@5!፡፡

4) The members of the Board shall discharge

4/ ¾x`É ›vC !I`f/ ‰C Y’ their duty in a perfectly ethical manner. They
UÓv` TŸ“¨” ÁKIf/ hX have the obligation to report any potential or
`f/ ›ðíìU VO5 <(P actual conflict of interest they may come
UVO E= 0P !—ƒ” across in the exercise of their functions and
7<0 E `f/ Nj4H to exclude themselves from any proceeding
7! [C‡ AIf/YY involving such conflict.
U°^õ ›e^ A`
›¨ÒÑÉ H>Ń ‫ץׂשג‬%
73. General
&3. ÖpLL
1) Without prejudice to the provisions of this Chapter,
1/ የዚֱ ‫ו‬ዕ‫ף‬ፍ ድ ጋጌዎ٤ እ ደ‫ـ‬ጠ‫ֲ ּׁש‬1ው፣ a candidate shall be entitled to submit a complaint
ግZው ‫ג‬ፈፅ‫א‬ው ወይ‫ו‬ %‫ًנ‬ to the head of the public body or to the Board
‫ג‬ያወግደው የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ against an act or omission of the public body in
የ‫ـ‬ከGወ1ው ወይ‫„ ו‬ይከGወ የ‫נׂש‬ው ‫ـ‬ግ‫ץֹו‬ regard to a public procurement or property
ይֱ ዋጅ እG የፈፃፀ‫עאא ו‬ያዎ٠ disposal proceeding where he believes that such
ይጥ„ָ %ֹ የ‫ג‬ያ‫ו‬ ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ an act or omission violates this Proclamation or
the directives.
ֳ‫עםא‬ያ iً የֶይ ٪ֶፊ ወይ‫ ו‬ደ‫נ‬ጃ
ֳy‫ץ‬ዱ iًٍ ֵያ‫ץׂש‬% ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
gA 4¹þ9)4 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4904

2/ ከዚֱ ٍ٤ የ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ ُס‬ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ 2) No complaint may be lodged in accordance

ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ /1/ ‫ـ‬ደ1ገገው ‫ُנטא‬ with sub- article (1) of this Article in respect
iًٍ ֵ‫ץׂש‬%‫ֹْו‬ው ይ٤ָ‫ו‬፡- of the following matters:

G/ ዚֱ ዋጅ ‫ـ‬ደ1ገገው ‫ُנטא‬ a) the selection of procurement method

የ‫ג‬ከGወ የግZ ዘዴዎ٤ ‫ץו‬ጫ፤ pursuant to this Proclamation;

K/ ዚֱ ዋጆ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ " ‫ُנטא‬

ጨ‫ ٍנ‬፣ የ‫א‬ወዳደ‫ע‬ያ 9„% ወይ‫ו‬ b) the rejection of bids, proposals or
የዋጋ ‫ּתנ…ד‬ያ ውድ… ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ፤ quotations pursuant to Article 30 of this
[/ 2! 2F&
7<@ 25O/ 7<6 |፤ c) the selection of method of property
2/ 2! Z5 A

C(፡፡ d) the handling and usage of public

3/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ጨ‫ٍנ‬ው ₪Gፊ 3) Complaints against an act or omission of a

ከֲ1ው ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ ע‬ጋ‫ ץ‬የግZ ውָ ከፈ‫אנ‬ public body pertaining to a proceeding
¹ֶ፣ ”ደً ከዚֱ ደ‫נ‬ጃ እከ‫ג‬ደ‫ ץ‬ድ‫נ‬ leading to an award may not be brought
‫עםא‬ያ iً ‫ـ‬ከGወ ወይ‫„ ו‬ይከGወ before the head of that public body or the
‫ـ סׂש‬ግ‫ו ُףֹו‬ክ ያُ የ‫ ּשץׂשג‬iًٍ - Board after the contract has been signed with
ዎ٤ ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ወይ‫ ו‬y‫ץ‬ዱ the successful bidder.
ֵٍዩ ይ٤ִ‫ו‬፡፡
4) The provision of sub- article (3) of this Article
4/ ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ፅ ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ /3/ የ‫ـ‬ደ1ገገው shall apply where the following conditions
‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ ג‬የ‫ֲג‬1ው የ‫ג‬ከ‫ ִُـ‬STٍዎ٤ are satisfied:
‫ ִחת‬1ው፡-
a) where the contract has been signed
G/ ‫ג סُ{ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ ֶይ without a complaint being filed with the
‫אׂשג‬ጠው ጊዜ ገደ% ውጥ public body within the time limit
ֳ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً iًٍ prescribed in the directive;
‫ ּשנ…אֳֹו‬ውָ የ‫ـ‬ፈ‫ אנ‬ከֲ1፤
b) where the public body responds to the
K/ iًٍ ‫ץׂש‬y የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ complaint lodged and a contract is
iً ‫ ¯ֶו‬የ‫ר‬ጠ እG ‫סُ{ג‬ signed because of the expiration of the
‫ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ ֶይ ₪Gፊው time limit for the signing of contract
ከ‫ـ‬ገֳፀ ¹ֶ ውָ ֳ‫א‬ፈ‫ונ‬ after the award without the candidate
የ‫אׂשـ‬ጠው ጊዜ ገደ% ‫א‬ጠG‫ּׁשׂש‬ pursuing its complaint further.
ውָ የ‫ـ‬ፈ‫ אנ‬ከֲ1፡፡
5) The procedure to be followed in resolving
5/ 2! !B Z5 7<@ C(
complaints brought in regard to public
EMZ AGHK E AA AVWpP procurement and property disposal shall be
E,es E
<b/ 22&
determined in accordance with the directive
(<3 YY to be issued by the Minister.

&4. KS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ ¾uLà Lò−‹

&4. 74. Review of Complaints by the Head of the Public
eKT>k`u< ›u?~
›u?~−‹ Body

1/ ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ‫ـ‬ከGወ1

ወይ‫„ ו‬ይከGወ ‫ـ נׂש‬ግ‫ו ץֹו‬ክ ያُ 1) A complaint against an act or omission by
የ‫ץׂשג‬% iًٍ ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያ ደ‫נ‬ጃ the public body shall in the first instance,
‫נ…א‬% ያֳُ ֳ‫עםא‬ያ iً የֶይ be submitted to the head of the public
٪ֶፊ ይֲGָ፡፡ body.
gA 4¹þ9)5 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4905

2/ ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ው iًٍው ֵያ‫ץׂש‬% 2) A candidate shall have to submit the

የ‫ג‬٤ֳው ֳiًٍው ‫ ُנטא‬የֲ1ው complaint within five working days
ው„T ካወ‫ ׂُש‬ወይ‫ד ו‬ወ… ይገ‫ֹו‬ው from the date he knew or should have
ከ1‫ ׂש ُנ‬ጀ‫ צו‬u/5 የ‫ ׂש ףם‬ጊዜ known the circumstances giving rise to the
ውጥ ይֲGָ፡፡ complaint.

3/ iًٍው Sֳً ወገ˜٤ ‫א‬ካከָ ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ግ 3) Unless the complaint is resolved by mutual
‫וו‬1ُ ካָ‫ـ‬ፈٍ ‫ ץׂשـ‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫ُם‬ agreement, the head of the public body shall
‫עםא‬ያ iً የֶይ ٪ֶፊ የግZው ወይ‫ו‬ suspend the procurement or property disposal
የ %‫ד ُנ‬ወገዱ ‫־‬ደُ ‫ד‬ገድ እG proceedings and shall, within 10 days after
iًٍው ከ‫ׂש ُנׂש‬  ِ ‫ץם‬ submission of the complaint, issue a written
የ‫ׂש ףם‬Gُ ጊዜ ውጥ፣ ው„Tው የ‫רـ‬ጠُ decision, stating the reasons, and, if the
‫ו‬ክ ያُ ወይ‫ ו‬iًٍው ‫ֹוׂשـ‬ይ1ُ ያገ° complaint is upheld, indicating the corrective
ከֲ1 የ‫ג‬ወ‫ר‬ደው የ‫ـד‬ካከያ እ‫וץ‬ጃ measures to be taken.
‫א‬ጥ‫ ׂש‬የፅֽፍ ው„T ‫א‬ጠُ ֳُ፡፡

4/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً የֶይ ٪ֶፊ 4) If the head of the public body does not
ዚֱ  ‫ׂש‬ጽ ዑ  ‫ׂש‬ፅ /3/ ‫ـ‬ወ‫ר‬1ው issue a decision within the time stated in
ጊዜ ውጥ ው„T ካָ‫ר‬ጠ ወይ‫ו‬ sub-article (3) of this Article, or if the
‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ው ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً candidate is not satisfied with the decision
የֶይ ٪ֶፊ ው„T ያָ‫נ‬ካ እ ደֲ1 of the head of the public body the
የ‫עםא‬ያ iً ው„T ֳiًٍ …‫ּתף‬ው candidate is entitled to submit a complaint
‫א‬ገֳፅ ከ1‫ ُנ‬የ‫א‬ጨ‫נ‬p ‫ ׂש‬ወይ‫ו‬ to the Board within five working days from
ው„T የ‫ר‬ጠ ከֲ1‫ ו‬ው„Tው ከ‫ـ‬ገֳፀֳُ the date on which the decision has been or
‫ּבג ِ  ׂש‬ጠ‫ ץ‬5 የ‫ ׂש ףם‬ጊዜ should have been communicated to the
ውጥ ֳy‫ץ‬ዱ iًٍ ֵያ‫ץׂש‬% ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ candidate by the public body.

&5. Kx`Æ< eKT>k`w ›u?~

&5. ›u?~ 75. Reviews by the Board

1/ y‫ץ‬ዱ iًٍ ‫ץׂשת‬%ֳُ ወዲያው ግ‫ֹו‬% 1) Upon receipt of a complaint, the Board shall
ֳֶው የ‫ א‬ግ‫עטא ُם‬ያ iُ iًٍ promptly give notice of the complaint to the
የ‫ ֲא נׂש‬የ‫ג‬ገָፅ ‫ٍד‬ወ‫ּׂש‬ያ ፅׁፈُ public body concerned. Such action
iُ ኩָ ይָካָ፡፡ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ automatically suspends further action by the
iً‫ ו‬y‫ץ‬ዱ ጉዳዩ ֶይ ው„T እከ‫רג‬ጥ public body until the Board has settled the
ድ‫נ‬ ‫ד‬Gْው ‫ו‬ ‫ׂש‬ጣይ እ …#‫ױ‬ matter.
ወዲያው ‫ֳُ וּבד‬፡፡

2/ y‫ץ‬ዱ የዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ע‬ው iًٍ ውድ… 2) The Board, unless it dismisses the complaint,
ካֶደ‫נ‬ገው ‫ץׂשـ‬:- may:

G/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ׁጉ a) prohibit the public body from acting or

ያָጠ‫ـ ׂש‬ግ‫ ץֹו‬እ ዳያከGው እG deciding unlawfully;
ው„T እ ዳይ‫ר‬ጥ ֵያግድ፤

K/ ₪Gፊው ‫ـ‬ጫ‫ף‬٤ ከ‫נוא‬ጥ ወይ‫ו‬ b) order the public body to proceed in a

ውָ ከ‫א‬ፈ‫ ונ‬ጋ‫ ץ‬ከ‫ـ‬ያያዙ ው„Tዎ٤ manner conforming to this Proclamation
‫ ץׂשـ‬የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً other than a decision to award or
‫ףם‬ው እ ዲያከGው ፤ conclude a contract;

N/ የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iً ከׁግ ውጪ c) annul in whole or in part, an unlawful act

ያከGወ1ው ‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץֹו‬ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ר‬ጠው ው„T or decision by the public body.
‫ ִב‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከፊָ ‫ עׂש‬እ ዲֲ ፣
ው„T ֵ‫ר‬ጥ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
gA 4¹þ9)6 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4906

3/ y‫ץ‬ዱ iًٍ ֶይ ው„T ከ‫רא‬ጠً 3) The Board shall, before taking any decision
ፊُ ֳiًٍው ‫ד‬ወ… ֳ‫ג‬ገ‫ֹْו‬ው regarding a complaint, notify relevant bodies
ካֶُ ‫„ד‬ወ…፣ ከእ1ዚֱ ካֶُ የ‫נׂש‬ of the complaint and shall take into account
‫נא‬ጃ እG ‫א‬ከ‫ף‬ከ‫ע‬ያ ּ„% ካֳ ይֱ  information and arguments received from
‫ֳُ ץאץאא‬፡፡ such bodies and from the public body.

4/ y‫ץ‬ዱ iًٍው ከ‫ِ  ׂש ֳُנׂש‬ 4) The Board shall issue its decision within 15
05 የ‫ׂש ףם‬Gُ ውጥ ֳው„Tው working days of receiving the complaint,
stating the reasons for its decision and
‫ ُנטא‬የֲُ ‫ו‬ክ ያِ٤ እG
remedies granted, if any.
የ‫ـ‬ወ‫ר‬ዱُ የ‫א‬ፍُ‫׀‬ እ‫וץ‬ጃዎ٤
‫א‬ጥ‫ ׂש‬ው„T ‫א‬ጠُ ֳُ፡፡
76. Review by the Agency
&6. #h/ EMZ AGHK
1) Where a public body believes that an
1// 2!Yƒ !B AVWpP E Z5 unlawful act or an act prejudicial to its
A<@ j4 2! 2F&
G legitimate interest has been committed by
NE; <&9= <(P NA0`v9= candidates, suppliers or by buyers of
<(P NE<@ Z5 B9= z < disposed property, it shall without prejudice
X <(P z\ X 0 ED to the measures it is entitled to take against
@R Vp2Z Z" h
P J5K such persons in accordance with the bidding
3 <(P / PPH 235 document or the contract, notify the matter in
E<f/ EP69= E4 O 8 Xd writing to the Agency.
€ #h/ ˜
2) Upon receipt of the complaint the Agency
2/ #h/ ŸS”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?„‹ shall send a written notice of the complaint
AGHK hMZ AGHK M5 2X] and the content of such complaint to the
E AGHK/ ™ [Z E 
candidate, the supplier or the buyer of
˜ 7K<~
disposed property against whom the
<& <(P A0`v <(P E<@
complaint has been lodged.
2! Z5 š ( e YY
3) Where the Agency finds it appropriate to the
3/ #h/ AGHK/ 222 E
resolution of the complaint it may require
/i 2O v Xd h
x/ €
persons concerned with the matter to appear
E2NKf/ AeC OT 7
in person and give evidence or seek
<(P 256 2O 0 E 7!x
EcP N7“/P Ae +
professional assistance from any appropriate
2O 0 E 7!x (=C YY body.

4/ #h/ M5  AGHK v/ 4) The Agency shall review and give decision
222 AGHK/ M5  05 on the complaint within 15 working days of
` M RS / /i (3b YY receipt of such complaint.

5/// ‚ƒ AM U AM /4/ 235

5) The decision to be rendered by the Agency in
#h/ E3O/ /i NEN _
accordance with sub-article (4) of this Article
A UX (=C Y-
may be one of the following:
9/ › “ Xd x/ E; <& a) suspend for a definite or indefinite
<(P A0`v <(P E<@ Z5
period the candidate, supplier or buyer of
B 7“/P 2! !B E
disposed property which it finds to be at
Z5 A<@ j4  <3 <(P
fault from participation in any public
C <3 RS E(  7@፤
procurement or property disposal;
K/ ˜ 7OM~
b) give a written warning;
N/ M5 / AGHK /@0 7@5!፡፡
c) dismiss the complaint.
gA 4¹þ9)6 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4907

6/ #h/ N2! 2F&

GT= 6) The Minister shall establish by a directive the
EMy AGHK9= E25P- procedure the Agency follows in reviewing
  E /i E3  A3` and deciding complaints submitted to it in
( 22&
E,s p@g accordance with this Article.
` C( (/C YY
M¿ M¿ É”ÒÑ@−‹

&7.. Øó„‹“ pׄ‹

&7. 77. Offences and Punishment

1/ ይֱ ዋጅ ֳ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ד ו‬Gْው‫ו‬ 1) Every person appointed to or employed by a

የ‫ א‬ግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ iُ የ‫ـ‬Ç‫א‬ public body in carrying out the provisions of
ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫אـ‬ደ ‫ר‬ው፡- this Proclamation who:

G/ ׁግ ‫ֵ ُנטא‬ከፈֳው ከ‫ג‬ገ‫ـ ֹו‬- a) receives any payment for the

‫ ץׂש‬የ‫אـ‬ደُ ‫ד ףם‬ከGወ performance of his official duty, except
‫ד‬Gْው ‫ ו‬ክፍያ ከ‫ֳׂשـ‬፤ as provided by law;

K/ ከ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬ግZ ‫ ץףט‬እG b) who defrauds a public body, conspires or

colludes with any person to defraud the
%‫ ُנ‬ወጋገድ ጋ‫ـ ץ‬ያያዘ
public body or provides an opportunity for
የ‫ד‬ጭ‫ـ ץץץ‬ግ‫ ץֹו‬ፈፅ‫ ז‬የ‫ـ‬ገ° any person to defraud the public body in
ወይ‫ר ֶַ ו‬ው እ ዲያጭ‫נ‬%‫ץ‬ regard to a public procurement or property
STٍዎ٤ ‫אד‬٢ُْ የ‫נֹוـ‬ disposal proceeding;
ወይ‫ ו‬ያ‫נױ‬፤
c) contravenes or intentionally permits any
N/ ׁጉ የጣ‫ ר‬ወይ‫ ד ֶַ ו‬ው‫ו‬ contravention of this Proclamation;
‫ר‬ው ׁጉ እ ዲጣ ֲ %ֹ የፈ‫ׂש‬ደ፤
d) willfully makes or signs any false entry
S/ ፈ#ደ²1ُ ‫ד‬Gْው‫ א ו‬ገድ 9‫ר‬- in any document or willfully makes or
‫ר ـ‬1ድ ֶይ የፈ‫ אנ‬ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫א‬ዘገ signs false certificates;
ወይ‫ ו‬9‫ ـר‬የ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫ ׂُשנ‬የ‫ר‬ጠ፤ is liable on conviction to a fine not less than
Ÿw` !5 /ከ ያ ‫ ֱ ُו‬%‫ץ‬/ Birr 25,000 and not more than 35,000 and to
‫ד‬ያ G ከ%‫" ץ‬5 /ከ‫ֱ ُו „ֶר‬ a rigorous imprisonment for a term of not
%‫ץ‬/ ‫ד‬ይָጥ የገ ዘ% ‫ׂשא‬ጫG ከ0 less than 10 years and not more than 15
ዓ‫ד ُא‬ያ G ከ05 ዓ‫ד ُא‬ይָጥ
ፅ እ‫ ُףט‬ይ‫ׂש‬ጣָ፡፡
2) A procurement and property administration
2/ የዚֱ ዋጅ ድ ጋጌዎ٤ ֳ‫ד‬ፈፀ‫ו‬
officer employed in carrying out the
የ‫ׂשـ‬ጠ‫ד נ‬Gْው‫ ו‬የገZ እG %‫ُנ‬ provisions of this Proclamation, except such
‫ـ‬ዳደ‫בֳֹו ץ‬ያ ዚֱ ዋጅ ይፋ- information required by this Proclamation to
እ ዲֲ ከٍዘዘው ዓይ1ُ ‫נא‬ጃ be official, who:

a) discloses to any person or that person’s

G/ ‫ֳֹו‬ው ‫ָם‬ጣ ወይ‫ ו‬٪ֶፊ1ُ representative, any matter in respect of
‫ו‬ክ ያُ ያወ‫ׂש‬ው የֶַ ‫ר‬ው another person, that, may, in the exercise of
‫ד‬Gْው ‫נא ו‬ጃ ֳ‫ד‬Gْው‫ֶַ ו‬ the procurement officer’s powers or the
performance of the procurement officer’s
‫ר‬ው ወይ‫ ו‬የዚֱ ‫ר‬ው ወኪָ ֲֳ1
duties come to the procurement officer’s
‫ר‬ው „ָፎ የ‫ר‬ጠ፤ knowledge;
gA 4¹þ9)8 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4908

K/ ዚֱ ዋጅ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫רـ‬ጠው b) permits any other person to have access

٪ֶፊ1ُ ֳ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ףם‬ to records in the possession or custody of
ግዴٍው ֳ‫א‬ወጣُ እ ዲያ٤ָ the public body, except in the exercise of
‫ֳֹו‬ጀُ ‫עםא‬ያ iً የ‫ג‬ገ°- the procurement officer’s powers or the
ው ‫ד‬Gْው ‫נא ו‬ጃ ፍ‫ץ‬ድ performance of the procurement officer’s
iُ ወይ‫ָם ו‬ጣ ‫רـ‬ጠው duties under this Proclamation or by
ካָ ُዕዞዝ ካֲָ1 ‫מֳ ץׂשـ‬- order of a court or any competent body;
‫ ـ‬ወገ „ָፎ የ‫ר‬ጠ እ ደֲ1፤ commits an offence and is liable on
ጥፋ‫ ֲא ـ‬ፍ‫ץ‬ድ iُ ‫נת‬ጋገጥ ከ%‫ץ‬
conviction to a fine of not less than Birr
0ሺ ‫ד‬ያ  የገ ዘ% ‫ׂשא‬ጫ እG ከ2 /ሁለት/ 10,000 and to imprisonment for a term of not
ዓ‫ד ُא‬ያ ፣ ከ5 /‫ُו‬/ ዓ‫ُא‬ less than 2 years and not more than 5 years.
‫ד‬ይָጥ እ‫ ُףם‬ይ‫ׂש‬ጣָ፡፡

3/ የዚֱ ዋጅ ድ ጋጌዎ٤ ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ 3) Every person appointed to or employed by a

ֳ‫ד‬ዋָ የ‫ׂשـ‬ጠ‫נ‬ ‫ ـףט‬ወይ‫ו‬ public body in carrying out the provisions of
٪ֶፊ:- this Proclamation who:

G/ ‫ׂש‬ጥٍ ወይ‫ׂש ו‬ጥ‫ֲָֹו ـ‬1 ‫ א‬ገድ a) directly or indirectly asks for or receives
የገ ዘ% ወይ‫ ֶַ ו‬ዓይ1ُ ክፍያ ወይ‫ו‬ in connection with any of his duties, a
ጦٍ እ ዲደ‫נ‬ግֳُ የጠየ‫ ׂש‬ወይ‫ו‬ payment or gift, whether pecuniary or
የ‫ֳ ֳׂשـ‬ክፍያው ወይ‫ֳ ו‬ጦٍው otherwise, or promise or security for that
‫ـ‬ፋ ወይ‫א ו‬ያዣ የጠየ‫ ׂש‬ወይ‫ו‬ payment or reward; or
የ‫ֳׂשـ‬፤ ወይ‫ו‬

K/ ግZ እG %‫ـ ُנ‬ዳደ‫ـ ץ‬ግ‫ץֹו‬ b) enters into or acquiesces in an agreement

ֶይ ‫ד‬ጭ‫ ץץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከዚֱ ዋጅ to do or to abstain from doing, permit,
ድ ጋጌዎ٤ ጋ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከ‫רـ‬ጠው conceal, or connive at any act or thing
٪ֶፊ1ُ ‫ָא‬ካ‫ו‬ ፈፃፀ‫ו‬ ጋ‫ץ‬ whereby the procurement or property
የ‫ג‬#‫ـ נ‬ግ‫אֳ ץֹו‬ፈፀ‫ו‬፣ ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ disposal is or may be defrauded or which
የ‫ג‬ገ‫ֹו‬ው ከ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ֳ‫ׂשٍא‬%፣ ‫ـ‬ገ‫ּת‬ is contrary to the provisions of this
ያֲָ1 1ገ‫אֳ ץ‬ፍ‫ׂש‬ድ፣ ግZ እG Proclamation or to the proper execution
%‫ـ ُנ‬ዳደ‫ֶ ץ‬ይ የ‫ג‬ፈፀ‫ו‬ of the procurement officer’s duty;
የ‫ד‬ጭ‫ـ ץץ‬ግ‫אֳ ץֹו‬ደ…፣ ወይ‫ו‬
commits an offence and is liable on
‫ג‬ጥ‫ـאֳ ץ‬ግ‫ ץ‬ውָ የገ‫ ֹו‬ወይ‫ו‬
conviction to a fine of not less than 50,000
‫ג‬ገ‫ֹו‬ው ውָ ውጥ ዚֱ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ץֹו‬
Birr and to imprisonment for a term of not
‫ סֹוـא‬የ‫ג‬ያ„ይ ‫וו‬1ُ የ‫ר‬ጠ፤
ጥፋ‫ ֲא ـ‬ፍ‫ץ‬ድ iُ ‫נת‬ጋገጥ ከ%‫ץ‬ less than ten (10) years and not more than
$ሺ የ‫ד‬ይָጥ የገ ዘ% ‫ׂשא‬ጫ G ከ0 twenty(20) years.
ዓመት ‫ד‬ያ  ከ! ዓ‫ד ُא‬ይָጥ ፅ
እ‫ ُףם‬ይ‫ׂש‬ጣָ፡፡

4/ ‫ ד‬ው‫ר ו‬ው ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬ግZ እG 4). Every person who, promises, offers or gives
%‫ـ ُנ‬ዳደ‫ֶ ץ‬ይ ֳ‫ـ‬Ç‫ר א‬ው any bribe to any person appointed to or
ወይ‫אـֳ ו‬ደ ‫ـףט‬፡- employed in any public procurement and
property administration with intent:

G/ የ‫ ֳُנׂש‬ው„T ‫א‬ጠ… ֶይ ያֳ-

ው ጉዳይ ወይ‫ ףם ו‬٪ֶፊ1ً a) to influence the decision or action of that
‫ו‬ክ ያُ ֵ‫ץׂש‬%ֳُ ‫ג‬٤ָ ጉዳይ person on any question or matter that is
ֶይ የ‫רג‬ጠው ው„T ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ወ- pending, or may be brought before him
ደው እ‫וץ‬ጃ ֳ‫ד‬ዛ‫ֹُו‬፤ ወይ‫ו‬ in his official capacity; or
gA 4¹þ9)9 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4909

K/ ‫ א‬ግ‫ ُם‬ግZ ፈፃፀ‫ ו‬እG %‫ُנ‬ b) to influence that person to commit, or

‫ـ‬ደደ‫ֶ ץ‬ይ የ‫ד‬ጭ‫ ץץ‬ድ‫ץ‬ጊُ aid or abet in committing any fraud on
እ ዲፈፀ‫ ו‬ወይ‫ ו‬ድ‫ץ‬ጊً ‫ת‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬እ - the procurement, and property
ዲ‫נ‬ዳ ወይ‫ ו‬እ ዲ‫ ץֹוـ‬ወይ‫ֳ ו‬ድ‫ץ‬- administration or to connive at, collide in
ጊً ‫א‬ፈፀ‫ ו‬STٍዎ٤ ֳ‫אד‬٢ُْ or allow or permit any opportunity for
እ ዲ‫דד‬፣ እ ዲ‫„א‬ጠ‫ ץ‬ወይ‫ ו‬እ - the commission of any such fraud;
ዲፈ…ድ ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ‫רד‬% ጉy ֳ‫א‬-
ጠُ #ָ ከገ‫ֳֹُו‬፣ ካ‫ ֳُנׂש‬ወይ‫ו‬ is guilty of an offence and liable on
conviction to a fine of not less than
ጥፋ‫א ˜ֲ ـ‬ገ°ً ‫נת‬ጋገጥ ከ%‫ ץ‬$
Birr50,000 and to rigorous imprisonment
ያֶ1‫ ר‬የገ ዘ% ‫ׂשא‬ጫ እG ከ0 ዓ‫ُא‬
የ‫ד‬ያ  እG ከ! ዓ‫ד ُא‬ይָጥ ፅ
for a term of not less than ten(10) years
እ‫ ُףט‬ይ‫ׂש‬ጣָ፡፡ and not more than twenty (20) years,

5/ ‫ ד‬ው‫ ו‬ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ـ ע‬ገ‫ ּת‬ያֲָ1 5) Any candidate who, with the intention of deriving
ጥ…‫דֳ ו‬ግ°ُ ‫רד‬% የּ‫נד ُר‬ጃ unlawful advantage, presents falsified
documentary evidence or conceals any evidence
ካ‫ נׂש‬ወይ‫א ו‬ግֳፅ የ1‫ُנ‬ ‫נא‬ጃ
which he should have disclosed or connives at an
ከደ‫ ׂש‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከֶַ ዕጩ ‫ـ‬ወዳዳ‫ ע‬ጋ‫ץ‬
act of fake competition shall upon conviction be
‫„אא‬ጠ‫ ץ‬የּ‫ ُר‬ውድድ‫ד ץ‬ድ‫נ‬ጉ punishable with fine not less than 20,000 Birr and
ከٍወ‫ ׂש‬ጥፋ‫א ˜ֲ ـ‬ገ°ً ‫נת‬ጋገጥ with rigorous imprisonment of not less than 5
ከ%‫! ץ‬ሺ ያֶ1‫ ר‬የገ ዘ% ‫ׂשא‬ጫ እG ከ5 years and not more than 10 years.
ዓ‫ ُא‬የ‫ד‬ያ  እG ከ0 ዓ‫ד ُא‬ይָጥ
ፅ እ‫ ُףם‬ይ‫ׂש‬ጣָ፡፡

&8.. Å”w“ SS]Á ¾T¨<׃ YM×”

&8. 78. Power to issue Regulation and Directives

1/ ÃI” ›ªÏ KTeðçU ¾T>’>eƒa‹ U¡` 1) The Council of Ministers may, where
u?ƒ #”Å›eðLÑ>’~ Å”w K=Á¨× necessary, issue regulation for the
ËLM:: implementation of this Proclamation
2/ ‫ סُ{ד‬የዚֱ ዋጅ ዓֶ‫ד‬ዎ٤ ከግ% 2) The Minister may issue directives enabling
ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫ נ‬እG የዋጁ ድ ጋጌዎ٤ the realization of the objectives and
‫ـ‬ግ‫ףֹו‬ዊ ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ የ‫נג‬ዱ ‫עאא‬- implementing the provisions of this
ያዎ٤ ֵያወጣ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ Proclamation.

3/ ›?Ë”c=¨< ÃI”” ›ªÏ “ T>’>eƒ\ 3) The Agency shall issue procurement and
¾T>Á¨×¨<” ¾›ðíìU SS]Á }Óv^©
property administration manuals, standard
KTÉ[Ó ¾T>Áe‹M ¾ÓZ “ ¾”w[ƒ
T’<ªM፣ SÅu— ¾Ú[ c’É፣ ¾ÓZ
bid documents, and forms that are necessary
›ðíìU” “ ¾”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ`” for the implementation of public procurement
¾T>S\ ָዩ ָዩ pï‹” Á¨×M፡፡ and property administration.

&9.. ¾}h\
&9. ¾}h\“ }ðíT> ¾TÃJ’< QÑA‹ 79. Repealed and Non-Applicable Laws

1/ ¾›=ƒÄ}Á ôÈ^L© Ç=V¡^c=Á© ]øw- 1) Determining the Procedures of Public

K=¡ S”ÓYƒ ¾Ó» Y`¯ƒ” KS¨c” Procurement and Establishing the Supervisory
“ }q××] ›?Ë”c=¨<” KTssU ¾¨- Agency Proclamation No 430/2005 is hereby
ר< ›ªÏ lØ` 4)"/09)(7 }ia u²=I repealed and replaced by this Proclamation.
›ªÏ }}¡…M::
2) No law, regulation, directive or practices
2/ ÃI” ›ªÏ ¾T>n[” T”—¨<U QÓ' inconsistent with this Proclamation shall have
Å”w' SS]Á ¨ÃU ¾›W^` MUÉ effect with respect to matters provided for in this
u²=I ›ªÏ u}gð’< Ñ<ÇÄ‹ Là Proclamation;
}ðíT>’ƒ ›Ã•[¨<U::
gA 4¹þ9)0 ØÁ‰L U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %  4 q
q N 21 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 60 9st September, 2009 …. page 4910

'. ዋጁ የ‫ג‬ፀGُ ጊዜ 80. Effective Date

ይֱ ዋጅ ፌዴ‫ ָף‬1ጋ‫ ُע‬ጋዜጣ ٍُ‫ז‬ This Proclamation shall enter into force up on the
ከወጣُ ‫ ׂש‬ጀ‫ צו‬የፀG ይֲGָ፡፡ date of publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

ዲ ‫ ֹו‬ጳጉ‫ ה‬4 ‫ׂש‬ 21 ዓ.‫ו‬ Done at Addis Ababa, this 9th t day of September, 2009

GR¥ wLdgþ×RgþS


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