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Department of Computer Science

OBE Based Course Outline
Course Name: Computer Organization and Assembly Language.
Course Code: CS – 203
Credit Hour: 02 + 01
Faculty Name: Engr. Muhammad Farooq Shibli
Office Hours: Wednesday 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm

Mapping of Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
S.No Course Learning Outcome Mapped PLOs Cognitive-Domain
Gain a COMPREHENSION of the variety,
CLO-01. theoretical nature, implementation and PLO2 C2: Understanding.
practical uses of Assembly.
DESIGN and USE efficient assembly based C3: Applying.
CLO-02. PLO2
code on the CPU architecture. C6: Creating.
DEMONSTRATE the ability to APPLY,
C3: Applying.
ANALYZE, DESIGN, and use assembly
CLO-03. PLO3 C4: Analyzing.
language and to solve hardware level issues
C6: Creating.
using the CPU architecture and peripherals.

Assessment Criteria

Total Marks Distribution

Assessment Tools
Marks CLO1 CLO2 CLO3
Assignments (3) 10 5 3 2
Quizzes (3) 10 5 3 2
Mid Term Exam 30 10 10 10
Final Exam 50 20 10 20
Total 100 40 26 34

CLOs Assessment Mechanism

Assessment Tools CLO-1 CLO-2 CLO-3

Assignments 12.5% 11.54% 5.88%
Quizzes 12.5% 11.54% 5.88%
Mid Term Exam 25% 38.46% 29.5%
Final Exam 50% 38.46% 58%

Reference Text Books:

1. Assembly Language for Intel Based Computers 4th Ed. by Kip R. Irvine.
2. Computer System Architecture 4rd Ed. By M. Morris Mano.
3. Computer Organization and Design 5th Ed. By David A Patterson, John L. Hennessy
4. Structured Computer Organization 6th Ed. by Andrew S. Tanenbaum.
Course Contents

CLOs Topics Lec-Hrs

Pointers in C with memory understanding.
Converting simple equations in Assembly instructions.
CLO1, CLO2 2
Assignment of Von Neumann Architecture.
Conversion of For and Do While loop in Assembly lang.
Understanding OPCODE Variable address in Memory.
CLO2 Von Neumann Slides and Harvard Architecture. 2
How RAM works? How data move in RAM and CPU.
CLO2 Shift Left Right, Circular Shift Left Right. 7-Segment Decoder 4bit input. 2
Concept of 2's Complement, Add, Sub, Mul, conversion of points numbers
CLO2, CLO3 2
into binary. Practice of Arithmetic and Hex-to-decimal and decimal-to-hex.
CLO2, CLO3 CPU Performance, Clock Cycle, Clock Rate, Instruction Per cycle. 2
CLO2, CLO3 Instruction Format: 3-Address, 2-Address, 1-Addres, 0-Address (Stack). 2
CLO2,CLO3 Polish Notations: Infix to Postfix and stack operation 2
CLO2, CLO3 Addressing Modes (Direct, Indirect, Relative, Immediate, Indexed, Register) 2
Mid-Term Exams
CLO2, CLO3 Data Transfer Instructions (Store, Load, MOV, Push, Pop, IN, OUT). 2
Program control Flow: Branch, Jump, SKIP, Call, Return, CMP, Test.
Status Bit Register: Carry, Zero, Sign, and Overflow.
CLO2,CLO3 Examples and Revision of Unsigned to Sign Conversation, Status-Bit values. 2
Program Interrupt concept, Interrupt Handling Cycle.
CLO1, CLO2 4
Program Interrupt types, Internal, External and Software.
Pipeline Processing: Understanding Laundry case study.
CLO1, CLO2 4
Pipeline Processing: Understanding Segments, Registers, Clock Cycles.
CLO1, CLO2 Pipeline Processing: Solution of Equation with 5-values using Pipeline. 2
Final Exam 32

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