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10 Helpful Ways to Get Away from

Submitted by admin on Tue, 08/27/2013 - 08:48

Anger is one of the natural human emotions. But excessive anger could be harmful to our well-
being and to those around us. This article will teach you 10 helpful ways to get away from anger
in the heat of the moment, and reduce the overall amount of anger you feel in a day-to-day

1. Go away from the situation.

If you got angry in a room or office, go out and get some fresh air or try to have a walk.

2. Dink several cool (not icy) water to get rid your anger.
Especially in situations like this, cool water is still better than other drinks. Also avoid taking
sweet or fatty foods which increase blood pressure.

3. When fasting, engage in activities that give calmness.

Since the feeling of hunger may increase irritability, any food fasting should be combined with
exercises that provide calmness.

4. Think of something funny.

Try to imagine the best scene in your favorite comedy movie (like the Kug Fu Hustle).

5. Take ten deep breaths.

When you already feel that you are angry, take a pause. Take ten, slow deep breaths.

6. Surround yourself with optimistic people.

Hang out with friends who are positive thinker and have good sense of humor.

7. Don’t add to the hate in this world.

Always see beauty in the world. Count your blessings. Look at the positive side of every

8. Don't contain your anger.

If somebody does or says something that makes you angry, then tell them in a nice way. Holding
back negative emotions will only cause them to come back and haunt you later in life.

9. Remember that anger is natural.

While anger can feel overwhelming in the heat of the moment, remember that every human
being on earth experiences it from time to time. Accept that things can’t always go your way.

10. Properly deal with the people who have offended you.
If you are holding against anger toward a particular person, then consider talking to him or her
about it. You might be surprised to learn that this person has no idea that they have offended
Anger management is necessary as it helps us not to be stressed out very much and still have
a good outlook in life despite unpleasant occurrences.
Question for Discussion:
Share an experience in which you really got angry. Try to apply the ways given above on that
situation. What could have happen if you applied this Ways to get away anger?

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