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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato


SHS Final Exam

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each question carefully. Circle the letter of the correct

1. It refers to presenting a particular topic clearly, truthfully and saying only what is relevant.
A. Restriction C. Nomination
B. Topic control D. Termination
2. Which of the following will not be affected if there is a change in speech context, style and
A. delivery C. message
B. relationship of the speaker D. the setting

3. Refers to a speech style where in the relationship of the speaker to the receiver is opposite to
intimate relationship because of not sharing common experiences or meaning.
A. casual C. consultative
B. formal D. frozen
4. The goal of this speech is to convince the listeners to change their opinion, attitude or belief
regarding a certain topic.
A. informative speech C. persuasive speech
B. entertainment speech D. expository speech
5. What is the first stage in speech writing that the writer must give importance?
A. determining the purpose C. selecting the topic
B. analyzing the audience D. rehearsing

6. One way of analyzing your audience is to know their age, gender, ethnic background,
occupation, economic and social status etc. What kind of audience analysis is being described
in the statement?

A. Affiliation C. Demographic Data

B. Interest in certain issues D. How they look at you as a speaker

7. Which of the following words must be avoided in speech writing?

A. jargon C. verbal cues

B. personal pronoun D. writing

8. One of the principles of speech delivery is the capability to adjust or manipulate the
resonance and timber of the vocal tone which refers to _________.

A. modulation C. stage presence

B. articulation D. Facial expressions
9. When the speaker’s words cannot be understood, the speech might as well not have been
delivered at all, that’s why the speaker should say the words correctly with clear diction which
refers to ______.

A. stage presence C. facial expressions

B. articulation D. modulation

10. The opposite of “stage fright”, the ability to own the stage and being able to fill the space
and project his personality refers to what principle of speech delivery?

A. stage presence C. facial expression

B. modulation D. articulation

11. The statement “gender equality promotes respect for both sexes. Do you believe in this? “is
an example of what kind of communicative strategy?

A. nomination C. termination
B. restriction D. Turn-taking

12. “I had a good time with you. Thanks for the company.” shows what kind of communicative

A. termination C. nomination
B. repeating D. restriction

13. What communicative strategy is used when the speaker said, “I was able to research the
correct word to be used, it should not be overhang but hangover.”?

A. repair communicative strategy C. termination

B. turn-taking D. topic control

14. Which of the following statement is NOT true in turn-taking communicative strategy?

A. Each speaker speaks whenever he/she wants to.

B. The speaker knows when to talk depending on the verbal and non-verbal cues
that signal the next speaker.
C. Others are given an opportunity to take a turn.
D. This strategy uses either an informal or formal approach.

15. The following statement is true EXCEPT

A. Without non-verbal elements, the Speaker may be judge as boring.

B. Facial expressions should be constant/permanent as the speech goes on.
C. Movement should allow the speaker to carry the speech around.
D. Movement should also direct the audience to follow the speaker and keep them
hanging on to his/her every word.

16. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

A. The audience is one of the major factors that determine the uniqueness of the
B. There is a speech that fits all Public Communication Situation
C. It is just as important to find out how your audience feels about the topic of
your speech.
D. The data of the audience may influence the way you will write the speech.

17. Using good sources of information such as newspapers, magazines, books journals and
any reading materials full of useful information is a manifestation of what kind of speech writing

A. Outlining and organizing C. Choosing the topic

B. Analyzing the audience D. Sourcing the information
18. When the speakers find it difficult to know the correct way of saying a word, whether they
are familiar or unfamiliar, he/she must develop more on his/her ________.

A. articulation C. modulation
B. stage presence D. facial expression

19. With or without a microphone, voices should not bombard our eardrums. The speaker’s
words will be heard clearly, and the message will be sent and received if the speaker developed
this principle.

A. articulation C. modulation
B. stage presence D. facial expression

20. Celine a youth leader, during her speech on the Barangay Fiesta felt shaky and nervous at
first but eventually overcome that nervousness and started to feel confident delivering her
speech up to the end. This best describes what principle of speech delivery?

A. articulation C. audience rapport

B. delivery D. stage presence

21. Which of the following is NOT a speech context?

A. Intrapersonal Communication C. Long Distance

B. Dyad Communication D. Mass Communication

22. If several rude listeners engage in a conversation while you are giving a speech, you should:

A. ignore them
B. confront them in a friendly way
C. denounce their rudeness and ask them to leave the room immediately
D. say you’re sorry

23. Reviewing your interest is a good step to take when you are:

A. Analyzing the audience.

B. Analyzing the speaking situation.
C. Choosing a topic.
D. Organizing your speech.

24. Which of the following statements about speech delivery is true?

A. Speech delivery is about pronouncing words perfectly

B. Public speaking is a talent and cannot be learned
C. effective speech delivery means connecting with the audience and
communicating the message.
D. Good delivery lies in the intellectual word used in the speech.

25. When you are choosing a topic for a speech, your text suggests it is best to

A. choose a topic about which you know nothing so your topic will be fresh
B. choose a topic in which you are not really interested, you can emphasize with
the audience and develop their interest
C. delay your choice as long as possible so that you spend as much time as you
can searching for a good topic
D. choose a topic that interests you so you can make it interesting for others
26. A speaker who believes that the time should be a part of an audience analysis would include
which of these considerations?

A. How much time has been allotted or assigned?

B. What world or local events might be occurring the same day as the speech
C. whether the speech will be in the morning in the lunch, at the beginning or end
of some shared segment, or a national or religious holiday
D. All of these are valid time consideration

27. Which organizational pattern is best to use when you want to present the development of
you topic from the beginning to end?

A. special pattern
B. cause and effect
C. chronological pattern
D. comparison and contrast

28. Concerning the question-and-answer period, which technique does the text consider a

A. Saying “That’s a good question.”

B. Saying “I don’t know when a difficult question is asked.”
C. Cutting of a questioner who tends to hog the question-and-answer period.
D. Declining to answer a question that applies to just one listener and not the
entire audience.

29. Lack of modulation gives an impression that you have no real interest in the topic, which of
the following lack proper modulation?

A. Speak normally at about 125 to 150 words per minute

B. Refrain from vocalized pauses and nasalization such as “er”, “ah”, “umm” etc.
C. pause for a moment in between sentences to control your speed and approach
D. none of the above

30. Which one of the following is not true?

A. When you walk to the lectern, start speaking immediately

B. You should never plan a gesture
C You should have a happy facial expression
D. Use physical movement, such as walking, emphasize a transition from one
point of you speech to another

31. The text advises that you begin purpose statement with an infinitive. Which one of the
following follows this advice ?

A. “How to my pyramids in Egypt were constructed.”

B. “ Explain to my audience hos the pyramids in Egypt were constructed.”
C. “ To explain to my audience how the pyramids in Egypt were constructed.”
D. “ Explaining to my audience how the pyramids in Egypt were constructed.”

32. All of the statements are true, except ___________.

A. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.

B. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
C. The use of too many fillers can distract your learners.
D. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.

36. Why is it important that a speaker must have a proper pacing in speech delivery?

A. to catch attention of the audience C. to be clearly understood by the audience

B. to feel comfortable in speaking D. to gain respect from the listeners
37. What is the best way of ensuring that a written speech is grammatically correct?

A. reread, edit and make revisions if necessary

B. write the speech and finalize it immediately
C. write the speech and practice how to deliver it
D. read your speech in front of the mirror

38. How can a speaker effectively modulate his voice?

A. speak in a monotone voice C. always use the microphone

B. master the voice and find the pitch D. speak loudly in order to be heard

39. What is the importance of interaction in communication?

A. it creates a harmonious relationship C. it clashes ideas of people

B. it establishes friendship D. it connects the speaker and the listeners

40. What is the most important role of a speaker?

A. to bring honor to himself C. to successfully deliver his message to the audience

B. to entertain his audience or listeners D. to lead them in right decisions

41. Why is planning vital to a successful speech delivery?

A. It will help in settings, directions and perspectives.

B. It will help in identifying roles in the event.
C. It will establish reliability and convenience.
D. It will guide the audience in the venue.

42. Why is speech writing a recursive process?

A. It involves planning, rehearsing, practicing and delivering.

B. It involves prewriting, drafting, revising and editing.
C. It involves listening, writing, reading and speaking.
D. It involves writing, practicing, critiquing and delivering.

43. Why should a speaker consider the length of speech delivery in his planning?

A. in order to make his delivery unique

B. in order to gain attention and fame
C. in order to sustain the interest of the audience
D. in order to be make the speaking engagement memorable

44. Which of the following may help in improving a speaker’s articulation?

A. always listen to eloquent speakers

B. read aloud all the time
C. memorize the entire speech
D. practice the tricky sound

45. Which of the following helps in the proper use of facial expression in a speech?

A. match your expression in your message

B. minimize your movements
C. use many props as possible
D. use varied utterances in your speech
46. In which way that you as a speaker can establish rapport with the audience?

A. wear a business attire

B. speak with authority
C. use persuasive words
D. maintain eye contact

47. When a speaker places his hands on his heart, what does it explain?

A. It shows importance of the issue.

B. It emphasizes emotions.
C. It shows politeness.
D. It is an arguable issue.

48. How can a speaker speak simply and with conviction?

A. look at the people all the time

B. use the podium
C. speak softly with emotion
D. speak a little louder than usual

49. All of the following tips will help build rapport with the speaker and audience except for one:

A. use anecdote to connect the audience

B. use humor to lower the tension.
C. use personal story to interest them
D. use strange words for impression

50. Which of the following describes a speaker who is a rapport builder?

A. relays his own personal achievements

B. expresses his sentiments about others
C. uses fillers in the speech
D. uses “we” rather than “I”

-End of Test-
(Review your answers.)

Prepared by:


MT1 / Banga NHS T3 / Lambontong NHS T2 / Teodoro P. Prudente NHS


T1 / Landan NHS T1 / Upper Klinan NHS

Noted by:


EPS 1 - English
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato


SHS Final Exam

1. C 18. A 35. D
2. D 19. C 36. C
3. C 20. C 37. A
4. C 21. C 38. B
5. D 22. B 39. D
6. C 23. C 40. C
7. A 24. C 41. A
8. A 25. D 42. B
9. B 26. D 43. C
10. A 27. C 44. D
11. B 28. 0 45. A
12. C 29. D 46. D
13. A 30. A 47. D
14. A 31. C 48. D
15. B 32. C 49. D
16. B 33. A 50. D
17. D 34. B
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato


Prepared by:


MT1 / Banga NHS T3 / Lambontong NHS T2 / Teodoro P. Prudente NHS


T1 / Landan NHS T1 / Upper Klinan NHS

Noted by:


EPS 1 - English

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