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Omkar Mhatre, 477




A technological change is an increase in the efficiency of a product or process

that results in an increase in output, without an increase in input. In other words,
someone invents or improves a product or process, which is then used to get a
bigger reward for the same amount of work.
 Invention - the creation of a new product or process.
 Innovation - the application of the invention for the first time.
 Diffusion - how fast others begin to adopt the innovation.


You wake up, pick up your phone and swipe through countless emails, calls and
app notifications. You get out of bed, get ready for work and with a few quick
swipes on your screen, a cab arrives at your doorstep. While you are at work, a
few more screen swipes and a vacuum cleaner cleans your home before you get
back. Get home, and there’s no need to cook because your trusty phone can also
have food delivered right to your doorstep. Whether we realize it or not,
Omkar Mhatre, 477

technology has seeped in deep into our lives and pervaded through most of our
daily tasks. In India as well, the technological revolution is well underway.
we’ve reached the stage where AI allows us to step inside the game and live it.
While vacuum cleaning has been here for a while, we now have Wi-Fi and AI
through which we can order vacuum cleaners to work with no human
intervention. Here, then, is a detailed analysis of how every aspect of the Indian
lifestyle has been impacted by technology.

1. Food Ordering and Delivery

A major transformation in the Indian food industry came about when restaurants
employed the internet and began taking orders online. The process further
evolved as companies such as Swiggy and Zomato rolled out technology
through which users could track their orders through an app. Partnering up with
digital payment methods, food delivery apps have now completely digitized the
food ordering and payment process so much so that we barely need to ever
make a call to the restaurant. We could be sitting in a meeting and ordering our
mom’s favourite pizza for her back at home or make dinner reservations while
on our way back from work, all with a few clicks and swipes.

2. Home Entertainment

As smart TVs merged television channels with online content, home

entertainment took a huge stride ahead. Instead of watching a small set of
television channels, Indian viewers upgraded to on-demand viewing. Home
theater. Everything from books to music is now available on streamlined apps
that are accessible and easy to use from the comfort of one’s home. Want to
watch a chick flick? Just browse through Netflix on your large LED screen and
you’ll get tonnes of recommendations. Feel like reading a mystery thriller in
the middle of the night your E-reader will sort you out in minutes
Omkar Mhatre, 477

3. Home Cleaning

Artificial Intelligence (AL) has ushered in an era where machines are able to
handle a huge chunk of human tasks. Home cleaning is one of these tasks that
can be completely transferred to robots. Home cleaning robots are equipped
with dirt sensing technology and can vacuum or mop floors independently.
These Wi-Fi enabled robots can be accessed remotely using mobile phone apps.
Consider a robot cleaning your house even when you’re not home and it sounds
just like a futuristic novella.

4. Communication

Evaluating technological revolutions, it appears that technology has had the

most impact on the way we communicate. The ubiquity of texting, video calling
and social networking is such, that it has made the humble landline phone
obsolete. With their high-speed data connections and unlimited mobile apps for
communication, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives.
Further, social media has ensured that we stay in touch with people across the
globe from the palm of our hands.
Omkar Mhatre, 477




The research ecosystem in India presents a significant opportunity for

multinational corporations across the world due to its intellectual capital
available in the country. Legions of Indian engineers working across the globe
highlight the highly trained manpower available at competitive costs.
Consequently, several MNCs have shifted or are shifting their research and
development (R&D) base to India. These R&D bases either develop products to
serve the local market or help the parent company overseas deliver new
innovative generation of products faster to the markets across the world.


• Intel India plans to invest Rs 1,100 crore (US$ 170.59 million) to expand its
research and development centre in Bengaluru, which would be the largest such
centre outside the US.
• Tata Motors has tied up with Microsoft for using its connected vehicle
technology along with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to improve the in-
car connected experience.
• Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI) has inaugurated its
new reliability testing laboratory in Naganathapura in Bengaluru, build for US$
3.5 million, and capable of testing Electronic Component Units (ECU) used in
automobiles, aircrafts, home appliances and similar other systems.
Omkar Mhatre, 477



Some of the major initiatives taken by the Government of India to promote

R&D sector are:

• The Government of India aims to develop India into a global innovation hub
by 2020 on the back of effective government measures taken to provide an
enabling environment for growing research and development in India, says Mr
Y. S. Chowdary, Minister of State for Science and Technology & Earth
Sciences, Government of India.
• India and Israel have agreed to enhance the bilateral cooperation in science
and technology in the next two years by providing Rs.7,17,81,000(1 million
US$) from each side to support new research and development (R&D) projects
in the areas of big data analytics in healthcare and cyber security.
•With the government’s support, the R&D sector in India is all set to witness
some robust growth in the coming years. According to a study by management
consulting firm Zinnov, engineering R&D market in India is estimated to grow
at a CAGR of 14 per cent to reach US$ 42 billion by 2020.
•India is also expected to witness strong growth in its agriculture and
pharmaceutical sectors as the government is investing large sums to set up
dedicated research centres for R&D in these sectors. The Indian IT industry is
also expected to add to the development of the R&D sector.

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