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Lesson Plan in Science Grade 9

Hannah May A. Guiling

Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School

Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the

relationship among heat, work, and efficiency

Performance Standards: The learners should be able to analyze how power

plants generate and transmit electrical energy

Learning Competency and Code: The learners should be able to explain why
machines are never 100-percent efficient (S9FE-IVf-44)

Quarter: 4 Week: 6 Day: 1-2 a

I. Objective: At the end of 120 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to:
a. Describe heat engine
b. Differentiate the two kinds of heat engine
c. Give examples of internal and external heat engines

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Heat Engines
ENGLISH: Qualitative measurement, reporting and doing synthesis
MATH: Use of equation in calculating heat engines efficiency
Strategies: Inquiry-Based Learning, Cooperative Learning
Materials: Laptop
Marker Pen
Manila Paper
• Science 9 Teacher’s Guide. (2015). Department of
Education Instructional Materials Council Secretariat
(DepEd-IMCS). Pasig City, Philippines
• Science 9 Learner’s Module. (2015). Department of
Education Instructional Materials Council Secretariat
(DepEd-IMCS). Pasig City, Philippines

III. Learning Tasks:
ELICIT (Access prior knowledge ) Materials
DAY 1 Box
To elicit students’ prior knowledge, the teacher will: Pictures containing
 Use modified oral recapping (Curious assorted questions in
brain) relation to the past
Mechanics of the Game:
1. The teacher will divide the class into two
2. Questions related to previous topic on the
heat pumps are given to the students.
3. The groups can only choose one
representative to answer the question. They
need to decide within their groups their
answer. The representative of the group will
raise their answer after 5 seconds.
4. The group that has more correct answers will be
declared the winner.


1. It is a process which does not require any

external energy to occur. Heat flows normally
from higher temperature to lower
temperature. (Ans: Spontaneous)
2. Give an example of spontaneous
process. (Ans: Waterfalls)
3. This process happens when heat flows from
lower temperature to higher temperature. It
needs mechanical energy to occur.
(Ans: Nonspontaneous)
4. Give an example of nonspontaneous
process. (Ans: Making ice)
5. Second law of thermodynamics states that
heat will never flow itself from a cold
temperature to a hot temperature object,
but we can reverse the flow of heat by using
a ________. (Ans: Heat Pump)


 Applying modified “Set me free” (Group

 The class divided into two groups.
 Each group should have one opener, one
whistler and one member to say the word in
the class.
 The opener in the group will open the
covered box (containing the said topic & a
pulboron) as fast as they can.
 Then, one member will say the word after the
whistler made his/her signal when he/she is
done eating the pulboron.

Given words:
Group 1
Group 2



The teacher will show pictures about heat engine

and the two types of heat engines.

Q1. Based from the illustration, how will you

describe a heat engine?


Answer: A heat engine is a device that transforms

thermal energy into mechanical energy.
Heat engines – transfer heat from hot reservoir to
cold reservoir. It converts some of the thermal
energy into work.

Q2. What is its possible effect to the
Answer: It can contribute to the increase of the
carbon concentration to the atmosphere.

Q3. Based from the illustration, how will you describe

an internal combustion engine?

Answer: Internal combustion- If the fuel is burned
inside the engine chamber.
Ex. gasoline, diesel engine and our human body

 In a typical car engine, for example, there are
something like four to six separate cylinders
inside which gasoline is constantly burning
with oxygen to release heat energy. The
cylinders "fire" alternately to ensure the
engine produces a steady supply of power
that drives the car's wheels.

Q4. How will you describe an external combustion


 External combustion- When the fuel
combustion takes place outside the engine
Ex. steam, piston engine and the atmosphere

 A steam engine is a good example: there's a
coal fire at one end that heats water to make

 This is an external combustion engine
because the coal is burning outside and
some distance from the cylinder and piston.
 The steam is piped into a strong metal
cylinder where it moves a tight-fitting plunger
called a piston back and forth. The moving
piston powers whatever the engine is
attached to (maybe a factory machine or
the wheels of a locomotive).

Group Activity- Students will perform the given Activity sheet/LM

activity Stop watch
• Divide the class into 3 groups. Each group will Rubrics
choose their leader, secretary, reporter,
encourager and time keeper
• Instruct them to conduct the Activity entitled
“Heat Engines’’
Guide questions:
Group 1
1. What is Heat engine?
2. Describe a heat engine. How does it work?
Make a flow chart to explain how the heat
engine works.

Group 2
1. How will you describe an internal combustion
2. Give an example of internal combustion

Group 3
3. How will you describe an external combustion

4. Give an example of external combustion

Manila Paper
Presentation of Group Outputs Pen
Rubrics rating

 Throwing direct questions, the discussion
process has to do with the presentation Students will watch the
activity video
 For us to visualize the types of heat
engines, let us watch a video Power Point Presentation
1. How will you differentiate the types of
heat engines?
(ANS.) In Internal heat engines the heat
source occurs inside the engine in its own
combustion chamber, like in jet engines
while external combustion occurs outside
the engine like in a steam engine

2. In the cycle of a heat engine, what are

the three things that happen?
(ANS.) Heat is added, some of the energy
from that input heat is used to perform
work and heat is removed at a relatively
cold temperature.
 Teachers will now synthesize and
conceptualize the lesson
 Interactive activity, letting someone
briefly generalized the discussion, whether
to be agreed by the others or not.

Key concept:
 Heat engines are devices that use heat to
do work. A basic heat engine consists of a
gas confined by a piston in a cylinder. If
the gas is heated, it expands, moving the
piston. This wouldn't be a particularly
practical engine, though, because once

the gas reaches equilibrium the motion
would stop.
 A practical engine goes through cycles;
the piston has to move back and forth.
Once the gas is heated, moving the
piston up, it can be cooled and the piston
will move back down. A cycle of heating
and cooling will move the piston up and
 A necessary component of a heat
engine, then, is that two temperatures are
involved. At one stage the system is
heated, at another it is cooled. In a full
cycle of a heat engine, three things
1. Heat is added. This is at a relatively high
temperature, so the heat can be called
2.Some of the energy from that input heat
is used to perform work (W).
3.The rest of the heat is removed at a
relatively cold temperature (QC).

 Heat Engine Efficiency - relates how

much useful work is output for a given
amount of heat energy input.

(Note: Units K or °R)

PART A Paper and Pen
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct
1. A heat engine converts heat energy from
fuel combustion or any other source into
which type of work
a) Electrical work
b) Mechanical work
c) Pressure work
d) None of the mentioned

(Answer: b)
Explanation: A heat engine gives
mechanical work as output.
2. A steam engine comes under the category
a) External combustion engines
b) Internal combustion engines
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
(Answer: a)
Explanation: A steam engine is an External
combustion engine.
3. Which of these is a power absorbing heat
a) Steam engine
b) Petrol engine
c) Air compressor
d) None of the mentioned
(Answer: c)
Explanation: An air compressor is a power
absorbing heat engine.
4. Which of these is a type of reciprocating
steam engine
a) Simple
b) Compound
c) Uniflow
d) All of the mentioned
(Answer: d)
Explanation: Simple, compound and uniflow
are types of reciprocating steam engine.
5. The maximum possible efficiency of a heat
engine is determined by
A. its design
B. the amount of heat that flows. C. the
maximum and minimum pressure.
d. the maximum and minimum temperature.
(Answer: D)

Part B.
Modified True or False. Study each
statement. Write True if it is correct and if
not, change the underlined word/s to
make it true.

6. Heat engine is any device that converts
thermal energy into mechanical work.
(Ans. TRUE)
7. In every heat engine, some of the heat
can be converted into work.
(Ans. TRUE)
8. Mechanical work takes place in the
piston of a gasoline engine.
(Ans. TRUE)
9. There is no ideal heat engine, making
some heat exhaust in the environment.
(Ans. TRUE)
10. Thermal pollution is brought about by the
accumulated exhaustion of heat from
diesel, gasoline and industrial engines.
(Ans. TRUE)


Projected on screen: Projector/LED TV

Research about the four cycle-stroke of a HDMI/CGA connector
gasoline engine Extension wire
1. How will you describe a four cycle-stroke of
a gasoline engine? Activity notebook

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me
solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to
share with other teacher? ___

Rubrics for Group Dynamics

Rubrics adapted from

Rubrics for Reporting
Criteria 4 3 2 1
• Captures •Captures the • Displays • The
the attention of interest of the minimal eye entire report is
the entire audience, but contact with read from
audience and still returns to audience, notes and
seldom looking notes • while reading does not
at notes mostly from the engage
• Speaks notes audience
fluently but
Delivery fluently and • Speaks • Speaks
maintain in uneven in low volume,
audience’ volume with and
interest while little or no monotonous
interest and
stressing key inflection tone, which
misses some
points causes
key points.
audience to
• • Reads • Is • Does not
Demonstrates answers on uncomfortable have grasp of
full knowledge notes and with information
Content/ by answering able to answer information and cannot
Organization all raised some and is able to answer
questions questions, questions
answer only
with elaboration without about subject
• • Shows • Shows • Shows no
Demonstrates some little or mixed interest in
strong enthusiastic feelings about topic
enthusiasm feelings about the topic being presented •
about the topic presented Fails to
topic during • Raises • Raises increase
entire audience audience audience
presentation • understanding understanding
Significantly understanding
and and of knowledge
Enthusiasm/ increases
awareness of knowledge of of topic
Audience audience
most points some points
knowledge of
convinces an
audience to
recognize the
validity and
of the subject
Total Score

Activity Worksheet

a. Describe heat engine
b. Differentiate the two kinds of heat engine

Illustration of the heat engines and examples

1. Study the illustrations.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3


1. What is heat engine?

2. Describe a heat engine. How does it work? Make a flow chart to
explain how the heat engine works.
3. How will you describe an internal combustion engine?
4. Give example of internal combustion engine.
5. How will you describe an external combustion engine?
6. Give an example of external combustion engine.


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