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Instructional Planning

( The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and

managing the instructional process by using principles of teaching and
learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

DLP No.: Learning Area: Quarter: Duration: Date:
Shielded Metal
1 8 4rth 60 mins January 10,2020
Arc Work(SMAW)
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
. Identify standard alphabet of lines.
(Taken from the Curriculum
Key Concepts /
Demonstrates an understanding of the concepts and underlying principles in
Understandings to be
interpreting simple technical drawings.
D.O. No. 8, s.
Interpret simple technical drawings.


Analyzing Differentiate the different kinds of alphabet of lines and their uses.
Evaluating Describe the standard alphabet of lines in technical drawing.


Responding to Practice completing the work on time and hold interest in performing such
Phenomena activity.

Responding to
Values Makakalikasan: Discuss the uses of alphabet lines in drawing exercises

2. Content Alphabet of Lines

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology
And Livelihood Education
Learning Module
3. Learning Resources Shielded Metal Arc Work (SMAW)
Exploratory Course
Grade 7&8 (pp.110-112)

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory The teacher will request the students to please stand.And divided it into
Activity two(2).All they are going to do is to form a line and see to it that their
line starts from lowest to highest person.They will have an activity that
entitled “Orombal Toro”.So,be attentive!And enjoy the game!

Orombal Toro,Orombal Toro

5 minutes Arogata!Perogata!
Kawi-kawi po!Kawi-kawi po!

4.2 Activity
The same group on the first activity ,the class will play a game called
5 minutes ‘Memory Game’.All they are going to do is to open at least two pictures
in the illustration board . To those group who will be done first, and
may find it’s corresponding pair will have a prize afterwards.

4.3 Analysis At this point ,the students gather information regarding into the activity they
have engage.

1.What have you observe with the recent activity?

10 minutes 2.How would you relate those pictures into real life situation?
3.Do you have any idea of what is all about?.

Alphabet of Lines
4.4 Abstraction
Lines are the bases of all drawing. They are used even from simple drawings
to the difficult ones. Practice, exercise and correct use of techniques in the
making of lines will give student experience in technical sketching. Moreover,
constant practice will help students develop skills in making lines and use of
It should be remembered that the basic requirement for line construction is
clarity of line produced. In practice, the kind of line produced, depends on the
hardness of the pencil. For drawing using pencil, the medium and light lines
are more prepared. There are conventional lines used in drawing. These lines
are called alphabet of line and each line serves a particular purpose. These
lines may either be drawn freehand or they may be drawn mechanically.
There are several different types of lines used on a print and each has
different meaning. To be able to interpret a print, the reader should have
knowledge of these lines. These lines are called alphabet of lines.

20 minutes

1. Object Line. Thick solid line used to show the visible shape of the object.
2. Hidden Line. Broken line of medium thickness and used to show the edges
and outlines not visible to the eye
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----
3. Center Line. Fine, broken line made up of a series of short and long dashes
alternately spaced.
__ _____ __ _____ __ ______ __
4.Extension Line. Fine lines that extend from the object with a slight break
between and it is used to show dimensioning points.

5. Dimension Line. Lines used to indicate the measurement of objects. It

consists of three parts: arrowheads, fine line, and number or measurement.

6. Leader Line. Fine, straight line with an arrowhead or round solid dot at one
end and usually drawn at an angle.

Cutting Plane Line. A thick broken line made up of a series of one long and
two short dashes alternately spaced. The arrowheads are placed at right
angles to the cutting plane line.


7. Section Lines. Series of fine lines-solid or solid and broken-arranged in

specific patterns.

8. Chain Line. Heavy, broken line made up of a series of long and short
dashes alternately spaced.
. __________ ____ __________
9. Short Break Line. Heavy, irregular line drawn freehand used to show a
short break to conserve space on a drawing.

10. Long Break Line. Ruled, light line with freehand zigzags used to show a
long break to conserve space on a drawing.

11. Phantom Line. Light, broken line made up of a series of long and two short
dashes used to show alternate positions of a part; to show relationship of
existing part to new part; and to show machined surfaces.
__________ __ __ ________ __ __ __________
Follow up questions
1.What are the alphabet lines and their uses?
2.What is the importance of alphabet of lines?

The teacher gives his/her students a piece paper for them to answer by 4
4.5 Application members..

Direction: Identify the given lines on their construction and application .Write
your answers on the space provided .You may use the words inside the box.

5 minutes

4.6 Assessment Individual Task

Direction: Identify what is referred to in the statement, then write
only the letter of your answer on a separate sheet.
1. Fine lines with arrowheads usually touch the extension lines and
show distance given by the dimensions.
a.hidden lines c.extension line
b.dimension lines d.cutting plane lines
2.The purpose of this line is to indicate where an imaginary cut is
made through the object.
a.hidden line c.extension line
b.dimension line d.cutting plane lines
Tests 3.Series of fine lines -solid or solid and broken arranged in specific
10 minutes
patterns use to represent various kinds of materials.
a.chain line c.section line
b.break line d.phantom line
4.Fine lines that extend from the object with a slight break between
and it is used to show dimensioning points.
a.chain line c.section line
b.object line d.extension line
5.Used to show the visible shape of the object.
a.chain line c.section lined
b.object line d.extension line
6. Which is a thick solid line used to show the visible shape of the
a. Hidden line c. Extension line e. Short break line
b. Center d. Object line
7.Which is a heavy irregular line drawn freehand that is used to
show a short break to conserve space on a drawing?
a. Hidden line c. Extension line
b. Center line d. Short break line
8.Which broken line is made up of a series of short and long clashes
or alternately spaced, to show the center of circles, arcs, and
symmetrical objects?
a. Hidden line c. Extension line
b. Center line d. Object line
9. Which broken line of medium thickness is used to show the
edges and outline not visible to the eye.
a. Hidden line c. Extension line
b. Center line d. Object line
10. Which fine lines extend from the object with a slight break
between and is used to show dimensioning points.
a. Hidden line c. Extension line
b. Center line d. Object line

4.7 Assignment /
Research a procedure on how to apply alphabet in lines
Auto Cad.
the day’s

3 minutes
4.8 Concluding Activity “Life is made of over so many welded partings welded together.”
2 minutes Charles Dickens
5. Remarks Accomplished
6. Reflections
d by:
Name: Rechell Agsoy School: Vicente Cabahug NHS

Position: Student Teacher Division: CEBU PROVINCE

09285867672 Email address:

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