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1. What's the riskiest​ thing you have done in life?

2. Choose between money or power? Why?

3. Are you usually more spontaneous or calculative? ​Why?
4. Do you usually strive for speed or perfection? ​Why?
5. What's more important - the institute name or the course you study? ​Why?
6. What are you most passionate about in life?
7. Why do you get angry? How often?
8. Why do you lose patience? How often
9. When was the last time you were intimidated?
10. When was the last time you had self-doubt?
11. What's the worst ​thing about you? No "I am a perfectionist" answers, please!
12. What's the one trait from your parents that you would like to ensure you (and your
kids, if you have them) have for the rest of your life?
13. How will your professors describe you?
14. List at least 3 things you have learnt about life
15. How old do you think you would be if you didn’t know how old you are?
16. If you had to choose to live without one of your 5 senses (taste, smell, sight, hearing,
touch), which one would you give up?
17. If you’re in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone cheer you
18. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
19. In what ways are you the same as your childhood self?
20. If you could see 24 hours into the future, what would you be doing?
21. If given a choice, would you like to work in a team or independently
22. Tell me how other people would describe you
23. What was the last tough decision you had to make in the past six months.

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