1st Quarter Exam 2019 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


1st Periodical Test in TLE 7-Agricultural Crop Production

Direction: Choose the word that best describes the test item. Write the letter of your choice on your answer
1. A farm tool used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of trees.
A. Crowbar B. Bolo C. Pick Mattock D. Grab hoe
2. A farm tool used for watering seedlings and young plants.
A. Pail B. Sprayer C. Sprinkler D. Wheel barrow
3. A farm tool used for removing trash or soil, digging canals or ditches and mixing soil media.
A. Spade B. Shovel C. Grab hoe D. Axe
4. A farm tool used for cleaning the ground and leveling the top soil.
A. Spading fork B. Pruners C. Rake D. Light hoe
5. The following tools are used for cutting EXCEPT;
A. Pruning shears B. Axe C. Bolo D. Hand trowel
6. Which of the following tools is used for loosening and leveling soil and digging out furrows for planting?
A. Light hoe B. Hand trowel C. Spade D. Rake
7. Which tool resembles the appearance of spoon and use for transferring soil?
A. Spade B. Shovel C. Spading fork D. Grab hoe
8. Farm tools are very important in agricultural crop production because they __________.
A. Make work difficult C. Save time and effort
B. Adds to the work of the farmer D. Provide money to farmer
9. Which of the tools is used for cutting bigger size posts?
A. Pruning shears B. Axe C. Bolo D. Hand trowel
10. Which of the following tools is used for cutting branches of planting materials and unnecessary branches of
A. Pruning shears B. Axe C. Bolo D. Hand trowel
11. Which of the following tools is used for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and herbicides?
A. Sprinkler B. Pails C. Sprayer D. cultivator
12. It used for hauling trash, manures, fertilizers, planting materials and other equipment.
A. Pail B. Sprayer C. Sprinkler D. Wheel barrow

Direction: Match item on Column A with Column B. Write your answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
_____13. A plow that is made of disc metal A. grass cutter
_____14. A farm implement pulled by a working animal B. rice harvest
_____15. A harrow made of wood with metal teeth C. hand tractor
_____16. A harrow made of metal mounted to a tractor D. disc harrow
_____17. An implement used for tilting and pulverizing the soil. E. native plow
_____18. A plow made of metal or wood usually pulled by animal F. wooden native harrow
_____19. Used to pull a plow or harrow in preparing large area of land G. water pump
_____20. Used to pull disc plow and disc harrow in H. disc plow
preparing large area of land
_____21. Used to draw irrigation water from a source. I. Four wheeled tractor
_____22. Used to remove the husk of a corn J. plow
_____23. Used to cut grasses K. corn dehusker
_____24. Used to harvest rice. L. harrow

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

_____25. It is advisable to use the stone in a stabilized way

_____26. Tools that are worn out should be separated and be fixed immediately to avoid accident.
_____27. When sharpening, try to maintain the original factory bevel or angle
_____28. Always push away the file across the blade in motion away from your body.
_____29. Clean accumulated rust and dirt off all metal surfaces with paint.
_____30. Insecticides are used to kill insects that are harmful to plants
_____31. Fertilizers do not help plant to grow healthy.
_____32. Market gardening is planting vegetable to produce seeds for selling.
_____33. Truck gardening is the opposite of market gardening.
_____34. Vegetable crops need 4-5 hours of sunlight daily in order to grow healthy
Direction: Choose the WORD in the word pool that best describes the test stem. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

Seeds Topography 6-7 hours Market gardening

Home/backyard gardening Vegetable forcing Vegetable growing for Processing Water

Soil insecticides Slightly sloping Fertilizers

35. A farm input that is produce by a plant from which a new plant can grow.
36. A farm input that is used to control pest and insects.
37. A farm input that is added to the soil to help the growth of the plants.
38. A type of gardening located near centers of population which are ready for market 39.
39. A type of gardening wherein vegetable produced are canned, pickled and frozen.
40. A kind of gardening that needs an intensive way of growing various vegetable adaptable to the
41A kind of gardening produces vegetable crops in “off-season”.
42. It is the best topography suited for vegetable production.
43. It is considered as the life-blood in vegetable production.
44. it is the ideal duration of sunlight per day in vegetable production.
45. It composed of mineral matter and decomposed organic matter.
46. It refers to the physical characteristics of the overall field site.

Direction: Arrange the following on its proper arrangement. Write LETTERS on your answer sheet.
Proper use of shovel
___47. Put weight on front foot. Use leg to push shovel
___48. Shift weight to rear foot. Keep load close to body
___49. Perform housekeeping.
___50. Keep feet wide apart. Place front foot close to shovel.
___51. Turn feet in direction of throw.

Labor requirements
___52. Harvesting
___53. Planting
___54. Clearing the land
___55. Fertilizer application
___56. Storing

How to prepare the land thoroughly

___57. Make furrows or plot
___58. Cleaning/Clearing
___59. Plowing/hoeing
___60. Harrowing

Prepared by:

Mrs. Gladys O. Francisco

TLE 7- teacher

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