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Auditing Operating Systems and

Importance, Tools and Techniques


AUGUST 4, 2012
Information technology (IT) auditing is the process
of collecting and evaluating evidence to
determine whether an information system:-
• Safeguards assets
• Maintains data integrity
• Achieves organisational goals effectively and
• Consumes resources efficiently

 Review of soundness and adequacy of various operational controls, and
promotion of these controls at a reasonable cost in the organisation

 Ascertaining the extent of compliance with the policies, plans and procedures
of the organisation

 Ascertaining the extent to which the corporate information systems resources

are accounted and safeguard for various loss exposures

 Ascertaining the correctness and the completeness of the information

processed through the information systems in the organisation

 Recommending various internal controls for maintaining data integrity in the

information systems

 Ascertaining the effectiveness and the efficiency of various information and

communication technology hardware and software in the organisation

The basic elements of security and control are:
 Identification and authentication
 Access control
 System, or file and process integrity



 The Operating System kernel interacts directly with hardware and provides
the basic functions of i/o, scheduling, memory management, security
protection, interrupt error handling, and system accounting.
 The file system provides a hierarchical structure of directories and files with
the capability of file level security.
 The UNIX shell is a command interpreter that interacts and controls user
and acts as primary user interface.
 In the Linux shell will typically be a graphical user interface to give a
Windows lookalike environment.
 Tools and utilities are standard programs and used for common tasks such
as printing, copying files, editing text, and developing software through
graphics and communications support. Utilities in any form are typically very
powerful and may prove a significant security threat to standard operating
environments if not used appropriately.

 Network Information System (NIS) permits multiple computers to share
password and other system files over network. If badly configured, this
can lead to potential vulnerabilities.
 Network File System (NFS) allows computers to share files over
 UNIX uses a variety of special programs to support the Kernel (the
central part of the operating system). These programs, called daemons,
stay resident within the memory of the machine and operate in
conjunction with the Kernel. Given the comprehensive nature of these
programs, modification access should be severely restricted to systems
administrators. Examples:- initd, crond, sendmail etc.

Critical aspects of maintaining computer security is the
monitoring of the system. Auditors must ensure that this
monitoring is carried out on regular basis.
 Auditing checks must be made for:-
 Inappropriate access permissions to sensitive files ?
 Login failures ?
 Failed access to sensitive files ?
 Successful logins from unknown hosts ?
 Unexpectedly mounted file systems ?
 Unexpected changes in permissions and ownerships ?
 System reboots and shutdowns ?
 Changes to the system date and/or clock ?
 Existence of a valid password file ?

Owned by root ?
 Read permissions for other ?
 Password field for every account ?
 Only root having the UID of 0 ?
System usage totaled by user ?
 Unusual messages from system daemons ?
 Account and activity ?
 Error messages and the system log files ?
Unexpected users logged on ?
 Unexpected host’s access ?
 Normal users logged on and unexpected times ?
 Unexpected system processes running ?
 Normal system processes not running ?


 Windows Server 2008 is a network operating system designed for
enterprises, servers, and workstations.
 Networks running Windows Server 2008 are designed to share key
information and resources throughout an organization.
 NTFS, offers access restrictions by user and by a group of users.NTFS is
extended to support encrypted files, mounted volumes, linked files, and
 Active Directory is a set of directory services for locating and accessing
resources over the network. Active directory can be shared across LANs
and WANs.
 Like the parameters held within the registry, the active directory is protected
by access control lists (ACLs), which limit access.

 Windows Server 2008 has a comprehensive auditing function that
enables the administrator to determine which events will be
recorded, and then to audit these events at a later date.

 The first stage of the audit is to identify hardware, software,

network, people, and administrative issues within the operating
 The second stage is to determine the uses to which the system is
 The third stage is to match the users of functionality within the
systems against the requirements of their jobs

 From an audit perspective, the auditor must determine that:
◦ NTFS is in use in all partitions
◦ Simple file sharing is disabled whenever possible
◦ Guest user accounts have been disabled
◦ Unnecessary user accounts have been eliminated
◦ All user accounts use passwords, particularly the Administrator
account and any users with Administrator privileges
◦ The Administrator user account has been renamed
◦ Passwords are not “remembered” by Windows
◦ A minimum number of users have been added to the Administrator
◦ Unnecessary services are disabled on startup
◦ Service / System accounts use one time configured password
◦ Antivirus and anti-spyware software is installed and up-to-date on all
◦ Microsoft service packs and hotfixes are kept up-to-date, particularly
for security fixes

 An effective password security policy has been implemented by the
 Last logged in username is not automatically displayed in the login dialog box
 File shares are not granted to the Everyone group
 The remote desktop is disabled
 Appropriate auditing is enabled on all servers and workstations
 Hidden administrative shares used by the operating system are disabled
(preventing the shares on startup is a highly technical control involving the
editing of the registry and should not be attempted by inexperienced users)
 The ability to boot from a floppy, CD-ROM, USB device, or the network is
disabled and physically secured systems are used
 Autorun is disabled on all CD/DVD drives
 The page file is automatically cleared on system shutdown

 There are many auditing tools commercially
available. However, the most common, popular
and free tool used for Windows auditing is
Microsoft Baseline Security analyzer (MBSA).


 Scrutiny of logs for various system activities and
tasks is most important part of an IT audit
 Log files are commonly kept of user access,
incidents, file access attempts, and so on.
Maintaining these logs is an overhead on the
system and worthless unless they are frequently
and regularly scrutinized and the appropriate
action taken based on the contents.

 Planning and setting up for an audit
 • Selecting a target
 • Interview key staff (DBA)
 • Software versions and patches
 • Enumerate users and find passwords
 • File system analysis
 • Network analysis
 • Database configuration

 Install only what is required
 Lock and expire default user accounts
 Change default user passwords
 Change passwords for administrator accounts
 Enforce Password Policy:-
 • Password must be complex but, simple to remember, difficult to guess
 • A complex password should contain:-
 • At least 10 values in length
 • A mixture of letters and numbers
 • Contain mixed case (Supported in Oracle Database 11g)
 • Include symbols (Supported in Oracle Database 11g)
 • Little or no relation to an actual word
 Password must expire after a set period as per policy
 Don't allow same password usage repeatedly (minimum last 7 passwords)

 Secure batch jobs
 Monitor Audit Logs
 Follow the principle of least privilege
 Restrict permissions on RUN-TIME facilities
 Authenticate clients
 Restrict Operating System access
 Secure the listener
 Prevent RUN-TIME changes to listener
 Check network IP address
 Harden the operating system
 Encrypt network traffic
 Apply all security patches

 Most business applications are using relational database
management systems. These include:
◦ Oracle
◦ MS SQL Server
◦ Sybase
◦ PostgreSQL
 Audit and control issues for each type of database are similar
but need to understand specific architecture and technology
 Business Logic may also be held in database
◦ Stored Procedures

 A database environment is essentially a data repository
or data store
◦ Operational Data (e.g.Financial Data; Personnel Data)
◦ Data Warehouse Data
◦ Security Data
 Need to understand security requirements for data in
terms of
◦ Confidentiality
◦ Integrity
◦ Availability
 Need to understand compliance and regulatory
requirements based on business environment

 Database security mechanisms include:
◦ Identification and authentication mechanisms
◦ Access controls
◦ Audit trail mechanisms
 Network security and host operating system security are
required in addition to database security
 Database systems are “TCP/IP services” and can be
compromised even when the operating system is not
◦ Database compromise can also result in operating system

 Direct Interface to Database Server
◦ SQL*PLUS (Oracle)
◦ SQL Query Analyzer (SQL Server)
 ODBC Interface
◦ Allows use of standard software tools
◦ Excel; MSQuery; Microsoft Access
 JDBC Interface

 Need to understand network and application system
architecture and design
 Need to identify and understand database connections
in relation to the following access paths to the database
◦ On-line transaction processing
◦ Batch processing (application and database)
◦ Business user ad-hoc access
◦ Database Administration
◦ Developer and Application Support access

Web Servers

Internet Router

Web-Based Clients Firewall

Application /
Servers 24
 Understand application system and network
 Identify Database Administrators
 Identify Database environments and versions
◦ Operating system hosts
◦ Database configuration files / documentation
◦ Database Schemas
 Arrange database access
◦ Select access to system tables/views
 Run initial sql queries to obtain database security

Client Server

Application Layer
Application Layer
Host -to-
to-Host Transport Layer Host-
Host -to-
to-Host Transport Layer
Internet Layer Internet Layer
(IP) (IP)
Ethernet Ethernet

◦ TCP 1521
 SQL Server
◦ TCP 1433; UDP 1434
◦ TCP 3306

 Bugs in database software components (e.g.
buffer overflows) left un-patched
 Lack of network isolation (external and internal)
 Improper security configuration
 Use of default user accounts and passwords
 Use of null passwords
 Excessive privileges

 Use of Generic & Shared User Accounts
 Use of OS Authentication
 Application Connections to Database
 Default / weak passwords
 Hard-coded passwords in application code and scripts
 Lack of Password Controls
 Control over Administrative Users
◦ dba (technical and application support)
◦ developers
 System Privileges and Authorities
 Object Privileges required for Production environment
 Public Access to Production Schemas
 Default access provided to PUBLIC

 Security Events and Audit Trails
 System Access
 Logins – Success / Fail
 Account / Role / Permissions Changes
◦ Data Access
 SELECT – Success / Fail
◦ Data Change
◦ Schema / Object Changes
◦ Privileged User Activity
 Monitoring, Analysis and Follow-up Processes

 Configuration Parameters
 Oracle User Accounts and Passwords
 Oracle Roles
 Database System Privileges
 Database Object Privileges
 Oracle Audit Trails
 Network Security

 Obtain listing of all Oracle user accounts
◦ select * from sys.dba_users
 Identify purpose and use of each Oracle account
◦ identify generic accounts
 Review password policies
◦ defined in Oracle profiles
 Check for open default accounts and default

 Oracle “roles” provide a mechanism to group
 Roles can be granted to users or other roles
 Enabling a role can be password protected
 Need to review the following views:
◦ dba_roles (roles defined)
◦ dba_role_privs (roles granted)
◦ dba_sys_privs (privileges granted)

 Auditing enabled in init.ora
◦ audit_trail = NONE | DB | OS
 Audit activities based on:
◦ Statement executed
◦ Privilege used
◦ Object accessed
 Limit audit recording based on user, success of failure
 Use AUDIT statement to start a particular auditing task
◦ AUDIT SESSION (all connections)
 Use of queries to view Audit Trails (SYS.AUD$)

 SQL Server Security Configuration
 SQL Server Logins
 Server Roles
 SQL Server Databases
 Security Logs and Audit Trails

 Configuration Parameters
◦ exec sp_configure
 System Tables
◦ Stored in master database, and
◦ Stored in each individual database (including master

 Generic & Group User-ids (OS)
 Membership of OS Admin Groups
 Trust Relationships (Domains)
 Password Crackers
 Null password for sa account
 Lack of Password Controls

◦ sysadmin - can perform any activity in SQL Server
◦ serveradmin - can set server-wide configuration options, shut
down the server
◦ setupadmin - can manage linked servers and startup procedures
◦ securityadmin - can manage logins and CREATE DATABASE
permissions, read error logs and change passwords
◦ processadmin - can manage processes running in SQL Server
◦ dbcreator - can create, alter, and drop databases
◦ diskadmin - can manage disk files
◦ bulkadmin - can execute BULK INSERT statements

 SQL Server databases comprise:
◦ Master Database
◦ Default Install databases - tempdb, msdb, pubs & model
◦ Sample databases - e.g. Northwind
◦ Application & User databases

 Master Database
◦ exec sp_helpdb
◦ select * from sysdatabases

 Need to identify databases subject to audit

 Should always include Master database

 OS Application Event Log - Logins
 SQL Error Log - Logins
 Profiler – Events based on selected criteria
 Snort IDS – specific attacks

 MySQL (Version 5.x)
◦ OS Configuration
◦ File System Permissions
◦ Logging
◦ MySQL Configuration
◦ MySQL Permissions
 PostgreSQL (Version 8.2.x)
◦ Local Trust Authentication
◦ Brute Force User Accounts
◦ Privilege Escalation

 Implementing Database Security & Auditing
◦ Ron Ben Natan (Elsevier Digital Press)
 The Database Hacker’s Handbook
◦ Litchfield, Anley, Heasman, Grindlay (Wiley)
 Oracle Security Handbook (Oracle Press)
 Oracle Database Administration (O’Reilly)
◦ Many useful resources and scripts
◦ scanner.sql (security and audit test script)
◦ Exploiting and Penetrating Oracle whitepaper (SCORE section – Oracle Audit Checklist)
 SQL Server Security – Andrews/Litchfield
◦ McGraw Hill / Osborne
 SQL Server Audit Checklists and Tools
◦ Audit_Tools_Checklists.xlsx
 Center for Internet Security – Benchmarks
◦ (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL)

 Database security design
 Database hardening
 Security alert monitoring
 Patch management
 Network isolation
◦ Not exposed to Internet
◦ Not exposed in internal network
 Encryption in transit
 Database Encryption
 Secure Application Coding (e.g. to address SQL
Injection issues)

 Security and control of database environment
involves audit of a number of key areas:
◦ Network Security
◦ Operating System Security
◦ Database Security
◦ Application System Security
 Key is to understand and evaluate the placement
of security and control features

Thank You


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