Offline Finals

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Offline Finals:


Event Time: 10/27 - 10/29 (Will be lived streamed online!)

Final 8 squads will qualify for the offline finals, for more information please subscribe to the official

Squad Registration:

1. All players must enter as part of a squad, to be registered by the squad leader via the registration link.
Each squad should be made up of 5 formal members and 1 back up member.

2. All participating players must exist ingame, all participating squad members must be within the same
ingame squad

3. All participating players must display the Philippines flag, or you will forfeit your competitive rights,
please help each other by checking

4. Squad Leaders must write down registration details like this so: Squad Name + Squad ID + Squad
Member ID + Contact Details, incorrect details will be under your responsibility

5. All squads have must have the correct 6 squad members with the correct details when participating in
a match or they will automatically forfeit

6. Each contestant can only battle for one squad in total, only for the squad stated at the time of
registration. A player cannot change squads part way through tournament and cannot play for two
squads at the same time.

7. Squad Leaders, please make sure you have enough space on your friends list before matches so that
you can friend the opposing squad's leaders to coordinate the match.

8. All participating squad members may not interchange names between other squad members as well
as not leave mid game, players will be responsible for their actions

Tournament Rules:

8. In the Group stage, each round of matches should be set up Custom Mode, as a 5v5 Match Up battle.

9. The Group stage will adopt a single elimination format. One game will determine whether you win or

10. The quarterfinals and semifinals will adopt a best-of-three series format, and the finals will be best-
of-five. Each match will be live streamed on the official platform.

11. All members must only use their own game account to take part in matches.
12. There are no restrictions on account level, heroes or skins used.

Match Prep:

13. Once registration ends, the official MLBB team will make a post announcing the first-round
matchups and match times. (Group division and matchups between participating squads will be done at
random by official team.)

14. Matchup charts for each round will include the squad leader IDs for both sides. squad leaders should
use these IDs to find the opposing teams captain and add him/her as a friend. (Please make sure the ID
is correct. Any mistakes are your responsibility.)

15. Two opposing squad's captains should confirm a specific time within the tournament specified time
period to carry out a custom match and alert their teammates.

16. For any problems encountered when adding friends, playing a match, or submitting match results,
please see the "Special Notes" section below.

Match Start:

17. At the arranged time, one of the squad leaders should set up the game as a Match Up game under
Custom Mode, and invite the other squad's captain to join;

18. After both side's captains have joined, each captain should invite their squad members to join the
battle. Please ensure that all player flags and account IDs are correct.

19. After the two sides have confirmed the identity of the opposing team, then they can begin the
match and start battling until the match ends.

Match Result Submission:


20. Please post a screenshot of the result of each match to the comments section under the matchup
announcement post made by the MLBB team. Remember to include your squad name for convenience.

21. Please submit a screenshot of the result of each match to the specified location before the
submission deadline. Missed deadlines resulting in the inability to collect match results are the player's

Special Notes:

22. If on the day of battle there are major server problems, the MLBB team will reschedule the match. If
there is no official announcement, then matches will be carried out as normal. Players must bear
responsibility for a loss resulting from the lag on the player's end. Before the match, please ensure your
network connection has no issues.
23. If both sides are unable to confirm a match time, or if a team cannot compete in the match and the
match result submission deadline expires, then the match will be invalid and the team(s) not
participating in the match will be eliminated (must provide a screenshot explaining the situation).

24. If a squad leader does not receive a response after adding the opposing squad's captain as a friend,
or if the squad leader's friends list is full and cannot add another friend, please take a screenshot to
explain the situation. If the match is not complete within the allotted time, the unresponsive opposing
squad will be eliminated.

25. If there is a data syncing problem during the match that results in inconsistent match results for both
sides, then the MLBB dev team must confirm this issue, and both sides' captains will decide whether
there needs to be a rematch.

26. No player shall perform any cheating with regards to match results. If any photoshopping of results
or similar actions are discovered, that squad will be automatically disqualified from the tournament.

27. Both sides should ensure that the network connection and devices will function normally during the
battle, and try to battle under Wi-Fi conditions as well as with enough power. In the case where any
contestants are disconnected or drop out during battle, the battle cannot be restarted.

28. The tournament strictly forbids users insulting or disrupting the other team using voicechat or
unsuitable language, if found doing so users will be disqualified or banned from tournament

29. Players are not allowed to use 3rd party tools or hacking tools. If found doing so, those players will
be banned permanently.

After each round of the tournament, MLBB officials will tally up the results as soon as possible and
announce the next round's list of matchups, and so on. Thank you!

Right of final interpretation over this event is reserved by the Mobile Legends Official Operations Team.
If you have any questions, please contact us right away!

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