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Organization and Management

Grade 11 Magnanimity
Direction: In your math notebook or any notebook available, copy and answer the following
questions/statements. Write the subject and the date. 5 points each item.

1. Think of a difficult task which you, as a student, must accomplish. What are the steps needed to
accomplish the said task? Will the management theorist discussed help you to be more efficient
in completing the task? Explain your answer.
2. How do organizations classify managers according to their functions? Describe the respective
functions of each type of manager.
3. What is the difference between the term “external business environment” and external
business environment”?
4. Why is customer satisfaction important in all type of businesses?
5. How would you describe Philippine culture? Do you think it would be easy for a foreign manager
to manage his or her company in the Philippines?
6. In your own opinion, is there a clear relationship between planning and performance?
7. Name and define the three planning types that take place in the hierarchical levels of
managerial planning.
8. What are the positive effect of delegating tasks?
9. Differentiate internal and external recruitment.
10. If you were a job applicant, which would you prefer, the one-one-one or the panel interview?
Explain your choice.
11. What is the relationship between Pay equity Theory and employee’s motivation to perform
12. What is the positive effect of giving rewards to employees?
13. Will you choose to be a talk-motivated or a relationship-motivated leader? What are your
present qualities that may be associated with your choice?
14. Enumerate and define the different barriers to communication. As a student, have you
encountered any of these barriers? Explain your answer.
 To all Grade 11 students who were not able to report in Per Dev, kindly submit your
reflection paper to teacher Joylene M. Suan. (Date of submission: October 8, 2019)

Organization and Management

Grade 12 optimism
Direction: In your organization and management notebook, copy and answer the following
questions/statements. 5 points each item.

1. Differentiate Filipino culture from Filipino organizational culture.

2. What are the three primary values of Filipinos? Are these related to the Filipino workers’ job
performance? Explain your answer.

 To all Grade 12 students who were not able to report, kindly submit your reflection paper to
teacher Joylene M. Suan. (Date of submission: October 8, 2019)
 Be ready for a recitation both in DRRR and Org. in the next meeting.
 Festival Dance: to be performed on October 18, 2019

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