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6.5~7.0 Writing
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ra tháng 12 nhé
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-Ngọc Bách-

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 1
+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 2
+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 3
+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 4

The chart gives information about daily bodily salt intake in the US in 2000.



m 3.500
l 3.000
i males
g 2.000 females
a 1.500

under 6 age 11-13 age 15-18 age 19-25 age 26-40 over 60
Recommended daily amount for adults = 2,500 milligrams

Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: gives information about>compares;
intake>consumption; according to various age groups.
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) figures were higher among males (2)
the 19-25 age group consumed the most salt
 Paragraph 3: report and compare figures for ages under 6 to 15-18 year
olds. Note that after the age of 6, people of all ages consumed more salt
than the recommended daily amount
 Paragraph 4: report the peak figures for 19-25. Report the declining trend
and report the figures for the over 60s.


+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 5
The bar chart compares the daily salt consumption of males and females in the USA in
2000 according to various age groups.
Overall, it is clear that the bodily intake of salt was higher among males. The age
group 19-25 consumed more salt per day than people in other age categories.
Daily salt intake increased steadily from the age of less than 6 to the ages 19-25.
Under the age of 6, boys consumed 2,000 milligrams of salt per day compared with
1,750 milligrams for girls. The older age groups all consumed more than the
recommended daily amount for adults (2,500 milligrams) of salt. Among boys, the
figure rose from 3,250 milligrams for ages 11-13 to 3,500 milligrams for 15-18 year-
olds. The salt intake for girls, however, was slightly lower.
The consumption of salt reached a peak for ages 19-25, at 4,250 milligrams for boys
and 4,000 milligrams for girls. The daily intake then declined steadily, falling among
the over 60s to 2,750 and 2,500 milligrams for males and females respectively.
169 words

In most countries, prison is the most common solution to the problem of

criminals. However, a more effective way is to provide better education so that
they do not commit crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Essay Plan:
 Introduction: refer to the task question. My own opinion – better
education is the key to prevent crime, not imprisonment
 Paragraph 2: imprisonment is not the best way to prevent crime. Example:
the USA. Two reasons: (1) criminals often re-offend when they leave
prison (2) criminals who mix with other offenders make contacts and
become more expert criminals
 Paragraph 3: need for education to prevent crime. Example: the UK – (1)
in schools – using former prisoners to warn pupils of the dangers (2) in
prisons themselves – to help prisoners gain skills/qualifications to make a
new start in life
 Conclusion: education is more effective than imprisonment in preventing

It is true that in many countries, imprisonment is the most common punishment for
those who commit crimes. While this removes some dangerous and possibly violent

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 6
criminals from our streets, I completely agree that providing better education would
be more effective by preventing crime in the first place.
It is wrongly believed by policy makers that the conviction and imprisonment of
criminals is the best way to tackle rising crime rates. As a result, for instance, the
USA now has more prisoners than farmers, but this has not reduced the number of
offences which are committed in that country. There are two reasons why everyone
should question the effectiveness of a policy of imprisonment to act as a deterrent.
Firstly, without adequate training facilities, criminals who serve a prison sentence
will often simply return to a life of crime when they are released back into society.
Secondly, prisons are often places where criminal contacts and knowledge are shared
among offenders, so that they serve as schools of crime, not education.
On the other hand, I completely agree with those who argue for the need for
education in order to discourage criminal behaviour. One place where this could be
done is in schools. In the UK, for example, former offenders are sometimes used by
the police to give talks to pupils on the dangers of drug-trafficking or becoming
involved in other crimes. Another opportunity for education to combat crime is in
prisons themselves, to prevent re-offending by helping prisoners to reintegrate back
into society. Gaining qualifications and skills, criminals have a better chance of
rehabilitation and to make a fresh start in life.
In conclusion, I believe that education is a better way than imprisonment to prevent
crime and to stem the growing number of criminals.
295 words

Vocabulary from crime and punishment:

 to convict a criminal
Meaning: to find an offender guilty and to punish them
Example: Once the courts have convicted a criminal, the punishment should be

 to act as a deterrent
Meaning: a measure which makes somebody less likely to do something
Example: Longer prison sentences would act as a deterrent and would be one
useful measure to tackle rising crime.

 to serve a prison sentence

Meaning: to carry out confinement in prison as a punishment
Example: They are serving long prison sentences for their part in the

 to release back into society.

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 7
Meaning: to give freedom to prisoners who have finished their sentences.
Example: He was released back into society after serving two years of a five-
year sentence.

 drug trafficking
Meaning: importing and selling illegal drugs
Example: Some people argue that legalising drugs would put an end to the evil
of drug trafficking and the violence associated with it.

 to reintegrate back into society/ the community

Meaning: to restore someone through education or therapy
Example: There is an increasing focus among policy-makers and practitioners on
identifying programs and strategies that will help prisoners successfully
reintegrate back into their communities without re-offending.

 a chance of rehabilitation
Meaning: a chance of helping someone to have a normal life after serving a
prison sentence
Example: We should give ex-offerders a chance of rehabilitation and teach
them how to become useful members of society.

 to make a fresh start

Meaning: to try something new after making mistakes in one’s life
Example: I believe that people should have the opportunity to make a fresh start
after they are released from prison.

Other vocabulary:

 a policy maker [noun]:

Meaning: someone who creates ideas and plans, especially those carried out by
a business or government
Example: Policy makers in the USA must choose between spending on the
military and improving public healthcare.

 offence [noun]:
Meaning: an illegal action
Example: The new law makes it an offence to carry guns.

 to re-offend [verb]:

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 8
Meaning: If someone who has been convicted of a crime re-offends, they
commit a second crime
Example: Currently, almost half of adult prisoners re-offend within a year of

Đề 12/12/2019
Nguồn đề task 1 lấy từ Robert ielts town

Report Plan:

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 9
 Paraphrase paragraph: show>illustrate; the water supply system at the
present> the present system of supplying water
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) in future, no water will be discharged
into rivers (2) waste and storm water will be recycled
 Paragraph 3: report the present water supply system
 Paragraph 4: report the changes which will take place in the water
treatment plant.


The diagrams illustrate the present system of supplying water to shops, households
and factories in Australian cities, with proposed future changes.

Overall, it is clear that in the future no water will be discharged into rivers. Instead,
water treatment plants will treat waste water and storm water, ready for recycling to
consumers in the cities.

The first stage in the present water supply system is the collection and storage of
water in dams. This pure water is then delivered to factories, households and shops in
the cities. Waste water then goes to a treatment plant, after which it is discharged into
rivers. The excess of storm water in cities also goes into rivers.

In the future, while the supply of pure water to the cities is expected to remain
unchanged, a major change will occur in the treatment of waste and storm water from
the cities. Waste and storm water will go to the water treatment plant, and no water
will enter the rivers. It is planned to return the treated water to the cities as pure water
after treatment.

180 words.

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 10
Writing Task 2:

Across the world, a few languages have been increasing in use, but many other
languages have declined in use. Do you think that this is a positive or negative

Essay Plan:

 Introduction: refer to the task question. My own opinion: despite positive

aspects, it is a negative trend
 Paragraph 2: positive aspect – the worldwide transmission of knowledge
with the growth of a few major languages. It facilitates business, work,
study or get a visa (e.g. Australia)
 Paragraph 3: negative aspect – the loss of a language = the loss of a
culture. It marks the loss of traditional ways of life, story-telling, the bond
between generations
 Conclusion: the loss of traditional cultures indicates that this development
is largely negative


It is true that across the world, a few languages have come to dominate, resulting in a
loss of diversity in the languages in which people communicate. While this has some
positive aspects, I believe that it is a largely negative trend.

On the one hand, there is one major positive aspect of the growth of a small number
of languages which are in use worldwide. This is the transmission of knowledge as
people are enabled to communicate outside a small community. As a result of the
dramatic socio-economic changes in recent decades, English, Spanish and Mandarin
Chinese are now used internationally. The majority of English speakers, for example,
do not have English as their first language. However, they have learned English in
order to do business, to work, to study or even to acquire a visa. In a multicultural
society like Australia, the best way to integrate into society is to express oneself in

On the other hand, when a language is lost, then an important part of a culture is
lost. The modern world is shaped by such things as advances in technology and the

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 11
migration of labour, as people seek to have a better life. Yet the cost of greater social
mobility is often the abandonment of traditional communities and a way of life in
which people lived in harmony with one another. Within the community, everybody
spoke the same local language. A local language formed a bond between generations,
handing down oral traditions in the form of stories and local knowledge.

In conclusion, I believe that the world is a poorer place culturally with the
disappearance or decline in use of many languages with the growth of a globalised
culture and economy.

287 words

Vocabulary from education:

 transmission of knowledge
Meaning: the process of passing knowledge from one person to another
Example: I believe that the transmission of knowledge is more effective in face-
to-face interaction with teachers rather than online learning.

Vocabulary from society:

 socio-economic changes
Meaning: changes relating to the society and economy of a country
Example: Mass migration to cities is a result of socio-economic changes that
include the industrialisation of agriculture.

 a multicultural society
Meaning: a society which includes people of different origins, traditions and
Example: Immigration has led to the development of multicultural societies in the
US, Europe and Australia.

 to integrate into society

Meaning: to become accepted as a member of a social group, especially when a
person comes from a different culture
Example: Children from minority groups often find it easy to integrate into society
because they attend schools which are multicultural.

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các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 12
 the migration of labour
Meaning: the movement of workers from one place to another
Example: The migration of labour from the countryside to the cities is a feature
of modern society.

 social mobility
Meaning: the movement of individuals from one class in society to another
Example: Free access to education has resulted in greater social mobility in modern

Vocabulary from the arts:

 to express oneself
Meaning: to communicate some idea or emotion through speech, writing, painting,
music or some other form of art
Example: Schools should encourage pupils to express themselves through art,
music or creative writing in order to stimulate their imagination.

Vocabulary from technology:

 advances in technology
Meaning: the improvement or development in technology
Example: Recent advances in medical technology are making a great contribution
to the search for a cure for Aids.

Vocabulary from communication and personality:

 to live in harmony with one another

Meaning: to live with others in a way which avoids conflict or disagreement
Example: The students who share the house are all good friends and they are able
to live in harmony with one another.

Other vocabulary:

 to acquire [verb]:

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 13
Meaning: to obtain something by buying it, or being given it
Example: The supermarket has acquired a new site, near the motorway.

 abandonment [noun]:
Meaning: the act of giving up an idea or stopping an activity, with no intention of
returning to it
Example: The government announced the abandonment of its plans to increase

Đề 14/12/2019

Writing Task 1:
The maps show the plan of a city in 1950 and the city now.

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 14
Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: show>compare; plan>layout; now>today
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) population is larger today (2) a lake
passes through the centre of the business district
 Paragraph 3: report and compare – the population 1950 and now,
changes to the business district, the river/lake/bridges
 Paragraph 4: report and compare – the residential area 1950 and now, the
new road, changes to the government buildings and airport

The maps compare the layout of a city in 1950 and the city today.
Overall, it is clear that the population now is ten times larger than in 1950. The
business district is also larger today, with a large lake passing through the centre of
this district.
In 1950, the city had 20,000 inhabitants, compared with 200,000 people today. The
business district was located north of the river. Today, a dam has blocked the river,
creating a lake which divides the expanded business district into two sections. The
original bridge remains in place, but another bridge crosses the lake to the east.
The residential area has expanded greatly since 1950, now completely encircling the
business district to the north and south of the river. Four major roads intersected in
the business district in 1950, however a new road has been built south of the river.
Only one government building is on the 1950 map, but there are two government
buildings today, one in the business district and one in the residential area, both south
of the river. The airport to the south-east of the city has also been expanded.
190 words

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 15
Writing Task 2:
Some people believe children should begin formal learning at school as young as
possible. However, others feel children should not go to school until they are at
least 7 years old.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

Essay Plan:
 Introduction: refer to the task question. My own opinion – children
should start school as young as possible.
 Paragraph 2: (view 1) – children will not learn much at school before they
are 7. It is better for them to be at a nursery/at home when they are young
 Paragraph 3: (view 2) – school is essential for young children (1) they learn
basic skills – reading/writing/numbers – a good basis for later learning (2)
many young children cannot be looked after at home – single
parents/working mothers, and they are better going to school
 Conclusion: it is better for children to go to school before the age of 7.

It is true that many people are in favour of children starting to learn formally at school
at a very young age. While others argue that it is better to wait until children are at
least 7, I agree with those who believe that formal education at school should start as
early as possible.
On the one hand, it is unrealistic to expect children to assimilate much knowledge
when they are very young. Therefore, it may be better for young children to spend
most of their time at home, in a safe and protective environment with a great deal of
parental involvement in their upbringing up to the age of 7. Up to age 7, children
could still spend some hours for example at a nursery, creche or kindergarten. There,
they might develop social skills by playing with other children of the same age. This
kind of informal learning through play would be very useful during their formative
On the other hand, formal learning at school is essential for young children for two
important reasons. Firstly, they learn to study under supervision. Even from the age
of 4 upwards, children are able to master the basic skills of literacy and numeracy.
+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 16
They then have a solid foundation for a broad education in their later years at school.
Secondly, many homes are single-parent households, or homes where working
mothers have to organise child-minding services to look after young children. Such
children would surely benefit more from being at school than neglected at home.
In conclusion, I think that children should attend school before the age of 7 in order
to have a better start in life.
276 words

Vocabulary from communication and personality:

 to assimilate knowledge
Meaning: to absorb and understand knowledge
Example: Some people claim that children assimilate knowledge more easily than
adults, citing studies into the way that young children learn.

Vocabulary from family and children:

 parental involvement
Meaning: the act or process of parents when taking part in their children’s activities.
Example: Parental involvement allows parents to monitor school and classroom
activities, and to coordinate their efforts with teachers to encourage acceptable
classroom behavior and ensure that the child completes schoolwork.

 formative years
Meaning: A period of a person’s life, usually childhood, that has a big influence on
the person they become later in life
Example: UNICEF states that the early childhood years from birth through age 8
are formative years in terms of intelligence, personality and social behavior.

 a single parent household

Meaning: a family in which one person takes care of their child or children without
a husband, wife or partner
Example: As a result of changes in society, single parent households are no longer
considered unusual.

 working mothers
Meaning: women who have a job and also have to take care of their children
Example: As more and more women have entered the workforce, working mothers
have to balance the demands of home and work.

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 17
 child-minding
Meaning: caring informally (not in schools) for children when parents are busy or
Example: Working mothers with very young children face the problem of
organising child-minding while they are away from home.

Vocabulary from education:

 to work/study under supervision

Meaning: work/ study under the direction of a responsible person
Example: At college, I discovered I did not have to work under supervision all
the time, and I was free to do independent research.

Other vocabulary:

 creche [noun]:
Meaning: a place where small children are taken care of while their parents are
Example: In my city, there are creches where working mothers can take their
young children.

 kindergarten [noun]:
Meaning: a place where children aged 4 or 5 are prepared for school
Example: James is in kindergarten now, but he will move to the infant school next

 to master [verb]:
Meaning: to learn or understand something completely
Example: Unfortunately, I never mastered French at school.

 neglected [adjective]:
Meaning: not receiving enough care or attention
Example: Neglected children sometimes have physical or mental problems later in

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 18
(Đề 18/12/2019)

Writing Task 1:
The charts show data on online games in terms of age and gender of players and
the most popular types of games.

Players by age

23% under 18
over 35

Players by gender

28% male

Best selling types of games

21% sports

40% action
7% historical

5% educational


+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 19
Report Plan:
 Paraphrase paragraph: show data>give information; (make 2 sentences,
with a new sentence for the third pie chart)
 Overview/summary paragraph: (1) most gamers are males under 35 (2)
sports are the best selling online games
 Paragraph 3: report and contrast figures for the ages and gender of
players (pie charts 1 and 2)
 Paragraph 4: report and compare figures for the best selling types of
games (pie chart 3).

The first two pie charts give information about the ages and genders of players of
online games. The third chart compares the percentage of sales of different types of
Overall, it is clear that by far the largest proportion of gamers are males under the age
of 35. The most popular type of online games are those related to sports.
The proportion of players under 18 and those aged 18-35 is almost the same, at 38%
and 39% respectively. On the other hand, less than one quarter of online gamers are
aged over 35. While 72% of players are males, only 28% are females.
The highest proportion of online games sold have a theme connected to sports. These
account for 40% of total sales, followed by action games with 27%. By contrast,
historical and educational games are less popular, with just 5% and 7% respectively.
Other categories of games account for the remaining 21%.
155 words

Writing task 2:

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 20
If people could choose between a life without working or a life spending too much
time working, people would choose a life without work. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Essay Plan:
 Introduction: refer to the task question. My own opinion – most people
would choose not to work, they only work because they have to survive
 Paragraph 2: a few jobs are satisfying and people enjoy doing them – e.g.
organic farmers
 Paragraph 3: most jobs are pointless – people are not satisfied with them
– e.g. increase in sick leave and early retirement in the UK. They would
prefer to do something more useful with their time
 Conclusion: although some jobs are exceptions, most jobs are not fulfilling
and people would avoid doing them if they had the opportunity

Most people do not have the option of spending a life without working because they
need to earn a living in order to survive. While some people enjoy their work, I agree
that the majority would choose a life without working if they had the opportunity.
On the one hand, some people want to work, even if their job involves a heavy
workload. A few occupations offer a great deal of job satisfaction. For example,
organic farmers have no career ambitions, but they take pleasure in producing healthy,
fresh food sustainably, living in harmony with nature. The working hours are
sometimes long, and on the farm the work is often labour-intensive. However, work
which offers this type of fulfilment is hard to find.
On the other hand, I agree that most people would not want to work today because
most jobs seem pointless. They are neither stimulating nor motivating, and seem to
offer no benefit to the community. An indication of this is the increase in the number
of days of sick leave taken by employees or the growing number of people, in the UK
for instance, who volunteer to take early retirement. If they have just enough income
to get by, then they are only too happy to spend their time doing things that are more
rewarding in terms of their physical and mental well-being. Thus, it is not the case
that most people are inherently lazy, but that most work today is neither satisfying nor
useful, and people would avoid it given the chance.
In conclusion, although some types of work are exceptions, most people in our
modern corporate world would prefer not to work and to do something more fulfilling
with their lives.
286 words

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 21
Vocabulary from business and money:
 to earn a living
Meaning: to earn money
Example: I used to earn a living as a teacher, but now I sell used cars.

Vocabulary from work:

 a heavy workload
Meaning: a lot of work that an individual employee has to perform
Example: While some people enjoy the challenge of a heavy workload, others
find too much work very stressful.

 job satisfaction
Meaning: the good feeling that you get when you have a job that you enjoy
Example: A high salary is not necessarily the most important factor in job

 to have no career ambitions

Meaning: to have no desire to be successful or to move up the career ladder
Example: Those who are content to do the same job and have no career
ambitions are often happier in their work and do not suffer from stress.

 labour-intensive
Meaning: (of work) needing a lot of people to do it
Example: New technology has replaced the need for workers to do many labour-
intensive jobs, such as producing cars.
 sick leave
Meaning: permission to stay away from work because of illness or injury
Example: Important factors when choosing a job include holiday entitlement, sick
leave and a company pension scheme.

 to take early retirement

Meaning: to stop working before reaching the age at which people usually stop

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 22
Example: Older employees should take early retirement to give young people a
better chance to find work.

Vocabulary from communication and personality:

 to live in harmony with something/somebody

Meaning: to avoid conflict with the environment/with people
Example: She prefers to live in harmony with nature by renting a small house on
the beach.

Other vocabulary:
 fulfilment [noun]:
Meaning: the act of doing or achieving what was hoped for or expected
Example: Her holiday in Australia was the fulfilment of a dream.

 pointless [adjective]:
Meaning: having no purpose; not worth doing
Example: After many weeks of searching for the missing couple, the police
decided that it was pointless to continue looking.

 stimulating [adjective]:
Meaning: making people feel enthusiastic about something
Example: The college provides a stimulating environment in which to study.

 to get by [phrasal verb]:

Meaning: to manage to live or to do a particular thing, using the money,
knowledge, equipment etc that you have
Example: I don’t know how she gets by on such a small salary.

 inherently [adverb]:
Meaning: because of the basic nature of somebody/something
Example: I don’t believe that John is inherently stupid – he just refuses to study!

 corporate [adjective]:
Meaning: connected with a corporation or business
Example: The football stadium has luxury corporate rooms for businesses to use
on match days.

+ Để tìm hiểu thông tin về khóa học, bộ sách mới nhất của thầy Bách,
các bạn truy cập: , vào mục “Khóa học” nhé
+ Liên hệ với IELTS Ngoc Bach, các bạn vào mục “Liên hệ.” 23

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