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Script: Respondent:

After hearing the prayer for preliminary
injunction to restrain public respondent MeTC
Judge from proceeding with Criminal Case No.
[ G.R. No. 154207, April 27, 2007 ] 00-1705 pending the Certiorari proceedings, the
FERDINAND A. CRUZ, PETITIONER, RTC, in a Resolution dated May 3, 2002, resolved
to deny the issuance of an injunctive writ on the
VS. ground that the crime of Grave Threats, the
ALBERTO MINA, HON. ELEUTERIO F subject of Criminal Case No. 00-1705, is one that
can be prosecuted de oficio, there being no claim
GUERRERO AND HON. ZENAIDA for civil indemnity, and that therefore, the
LAGUILLES, RESPONDENTS intervention of a private prosecutor is not legally
the respondent regional trial court abused its
discretion when it resolved to deny the prayer for
Petitioner: the writ of injunction of the herein petitioner
despite petitioner having established the necessity
Ferdinand A. Cruz filed before the MeTC a of granting the writ;
formal Entry of Appearance, as private
prosecutor, where his father, Mariano Cruz, is Issue:
the complaining witness.
whether the petitioner, a law student, may
The petitioner, describing himself as a third appear before an inferior court as an agent or
year law student, justifies his appearance as friend of a party litigant.
private prosecutor on the bases of Section 34 of
Rule 138 of the Rules of Court and the ruling of Ruling:
the Court En Banc in Cantimbuhan v. Judge
Cruz, Jr. that a non-lawyer may appear before
The rule, however, is different if the law student
the inferior courts as an agent or friend of a
appears before an inferior court, where the
party litigant. The petitioner furthermore avers
issues and procedure are relatively simple. In
that his appearance was with the prior
inferior courts, a law student may appear in his
conformity of the public prosecutor and a
personal capacity without the supervision of a
written authority of Mariano Cruz appointing
lawyer. Section 34, Rule 138 provides:
him to be his agent in the prosecution of the said
criminal case.
Sec. 34. By whom litigation is conducted. — In
the court of a justice of the peace, a party may
However, in an Order dated February 1, 2002,
conduct his litigation in person, with the aid of
the MeTC denied permission for petitioner to
an agent or friend appointed by him for that
appear as private prosecutor on the ground that
purpose, or with the aid of an attorney. In any
Circular No. 19 governing limited law student
other court, a party may conduct his litigation
practice in conjunction with Rule 138-A of the
personally or by aid of an attorney, and his
Rules of Court (Law Student Practice Rule)
appearance must be either personal or by a duly
should take precedence over the ruling of the
authorized member of the bar.
Court laid down in Cantimbuhan; and set the
case for continuation of trial.
Thus, a law student may appear before an
inferior court as an agent or friend of a party
without the supervision of a member of the bar.
(Emphasis supplied)
Five J Taxi and/or Juan Armamiento vs. Sometime in 1989, Maldigan requested petitioners
NLRC for the reimbursement of his daily cash deposits for
235 SCRA 556 2 years, but herein petitioners told him that not a
single centavo was left of his deposits as these were
FACTS: not even enough to cover the amount spent for the
repairs of the taxi he was driving. This was allegedly
Petitioner: the practice adopted by petitioners to recoup the
expenses incurred in the repair of their taxicab units.
My client, Five J Taxi and/or Juan S. Armamento When Maldigan insisted on the refund of his deposit,
filed this special civil action for certiorari to annul petitioners terminated his services. Sabsalon, on his
the decision 1 of respondent National Labor part, claimed that his termination from employment
Relations Commission (NLRC) ordering them to pay was effected when he refused to pay for the washing
private respondents Domingo Maldigan and of his taxi seat covers. On November 27, 1991,
Gilberto Sabsalon their accumulated deposits and private respondents filed a complaint with the
car wash payments, plus interest thereon at the legal manila Arbitration Office of the National Labor
rate from the date of promulgation of judgment to Relations Commission charging petitioners with
the date of actual payment, and 10% of the total illegal dismissal and illegal deductions.
amount as and for attorney's fees. In less than 4
months after Maldigan was hired as an extra driver Issue:
by the petitioners, he already failed to report for
work for unknown reasons. Petitioners learned that Whether or not non-lawyers may appear before the
he was working for Mine of Gold Taxi Company. NLRC or any labor arbiter.

In January, 1987, Sabsalon was re-admitted by Ruling:

petitioners as a taxi driver under the same terms and
Article 222 of the Labor Code, as amended by
conditions as when he was first employed, but his
working schedule was made on an alternative basis Section 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1691, states that
where he drove only every other day. However, on non-lawyers may appear before the NLRC or any
several occasions, he failed to report for work during labor arbiter only (1) if they represent themselves, or
his schedule. On September 22, 1991, Sabsalon failed (2) if they represent their organization or the
to remit his boundary of P700.00 for the previous members thereof. While it may be true that
day. Also, he abandoned his taxicab in Makati Guillermo H. Pulia was the authorized
without fuel refill worth P300.00. Despite repeated representative of private respondents, he was a non-
requests of petitioners for him to report for work, he lawyer who did not fall in either of the foregoing
adamantly refused. Afterwards it was revealed that categories. Hence, by clear mandate of the law, he is
he was driving a taxi for Bulaklak Company. not entitled to attorney's fees.
Furthermore, the statutory rule that an attorney
Private respondents Domingo Maldigan and shall be entitled to have and recover from his client
Gilberto Sabsalon were hired by the petitioners as a reasonable compensation for his
taxi drivers and, as such, they worked for 4 days services 7 necessarily imports the existence of an
attorney-client relationship as a condition for the
weekly on a 24-hour shifting schedule. Aside from
recovery of attorney's fees, and such relationship
the daily boundary of P700.00 for air-conditioned cannot exist unless the client's representative is a
taxi or P450.00 for non-air-conditioned taxi, they lawyer. 8
were also required to pay P20.00 for car washing,
and to further make a P15.00 deposit to answer for WHEREFORE, the questioned judgment of
any deficiency in their boundary, for every actual respondent National Labor Relations Commission is
working day. hereby MODIFIED by deleting the awards for
reimbursement of car wash expenses and attorney's
With respect to Sabsalon, while driving a taxicab of fees and directing said public respondent to order
petitioners on September 1983, he was held up by his and effect the computation and payment by
armed passenger who took all his money and petitioners of the refund for private respondent
thereafter stabbed him. He was hospitalized and Domingo Maldigan's deposits, plus legal interest
after his discharge, he went to this home province to thereon from the date of finality of this resolution up
recuperate. to the date of actual payment thereof.
(21.) IN RE CUNANAN (94 Phil 534) In the judicial system from which ours
March 18, 1954 has been evolved, the admission, suspension,
disbarment and reinstatement of attorneys at
law in the practice of the profession and their
supervision have been disputably a judicial
Congress passed Republic Act Number function and responsibility. Even considering
972, commonly known as the “Bar Flunkers’ Act the power granted to Congress by our
of 1953.” In accordance with the said law, the Constitution to repeal, alter supplement the
Supreme Court then passed and admitted to the rules promulgated by this Court regarding the
bar those candidates who had obtained an admission to the practice of law, to our
average of 72 per cent by raising it to 75 percent. judgment and proposition that the admission,
After its approval, many of the unsuccessful suspension, disbarment and reinstatement of
postwar candidates filed petitions for admission the attorneys at law is a legislative function,
to the bar invoking its provisions, while other properly belonging to Congress, is
motions for the revision of their examination unacceptable. The function requires (1)
papers were still pending also invoked the previously established rules and principles, (2)
aforesaid law as an additional ground for concrete facts, whether past or present, affecting
admission. There are also others who have determinate individuals. and (3) decision as to
sought simply the reconsideration of their whether these facts are governed by the rules
grades without, however, invoking the law in and principles; in effect, a judicial function of
question. To avoid injustice to individual the highest degree. And it becomes more
petitioners, the court first reviewed the motions undisputably judicial, and not legislative, if
for reconsideration, irrespective of whether or previous judicial resolutions on the petitions of
not they had invoked Republic Act No. 972. these same individuals are attempted to be
revoked or modified.
Laws are unconstitutional on the
ISSUE: following grounds: first, because they are not
Whether or not RA No. 972 is within the legislative powers of Congress to
constitutional. enact, or Congress has exceeded its powers;
second, because they create or establish
arbitrary methods or forms that infringe
HELD: constitutional principles; and third, because
their purposes or effects violate the Constitution
No. It is not constitutional. or its basic principles. As has already been seen,
By its declared objective, the law is the contested law suffers from these fatal
contrary to public interest because it qualifies defects.
1,094 law graduates who confessedly had
inadequate preparation for the practice of the
profession, as was exactly found by this Tribunal
in the aforesaid examinations. The public
interest demands of legal profession adequate
preparation and efficiency, precisely more so as
legal problem evolved by the times become
more difficult. An adequate legal preparation is
one of the vital requisites for the practice of law
that should be developed constantly and
maintained firmly.
SOPHIA ALAWI vs. ASHARY M. ALAUYA, “konsehal” or the Maranao term “consial,”
Clerk of Court VI, Shari'a District Court, connoting a local legislator beholden to the
Marawi City mayor. Withal, he does not consider himself a
[A.M. SDC-97-2-P. February 24, 1997]

Facts: Whether or not Alauya, a member of the Shari’a

bar, can use the title of Attorney.
Sophia Alawi was a sales representative of E.B.
Villarosa & Partners Co., Ltd. of Davao City, a He can’t. The title is only reserved to those who
real estate and housing company. Through pass the regular Philippine bar.
Alawi’s agency, a contract was executed for the
purchase on installments by Alauya of one of the
housing units of Villarosa. In connection, a As regards Alauya’s use of the title of “Attorney,”
housing loan was also granted to Alauya by the this Court has already had occasion to declare
National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation that persons who pass the Shari’a Bar are not
(NHMFC). full-fledged members of the Philippine Bar,
hence may only practice law before Shari’a
courts. While one who has been admitted to the
On learning of Alauya’s letters, Alawi filed an Shari’a Bar, and one who has been admitted to
administrative complaint against him. One of the Philippine Bar, may both be considered
her grounds was Alauya’s usurpation of the title “counsellors,” in the sense that they give counsel
of “attorney,” which only regular members of or advice in a professional capacity, only the
the Philippine Bar may properly use. latter is an “attorney.” The title of “attorney” is
reserved to those who, having obtained the
Respondent: necessary degree in the study of law and
successfully taken the Bar Examinations, have
Ashari M. Alauya is the incumbent executive been admitted to the Integrated Bar of the
clerk of court of the 4th Judicial Shari’a District Philippines and remain members thereof in
in Marawi City, They were classmates, and used good standing; and it is they only who are
to be friends. authorized to practice law in this jurisdiction

Not long afterwards, Alauya addressed a letter

to the President of Villarosa & Co. advising of
the termination of his contract with the
company. He claimed that his consent was
vitiated because Alawi had resorted to gross
misrepresentation, deceit, fraud, dishonesty
and abuse of confidence. He also wrote similar
letters to the Vice President of Villarosa and the
Vice President of NHMFC.

Alauya justified his use of the title, “attorney,”

by the assertion that it is “lexically synonymous”
with “Counsellors-at-law.” a title to which
Shari’a lawyers have a rightful claim, adding
that he prefers the title of “attorney” because
“counsellor” is often mistaken for “councilor,”
BARRIOS V MARTINEZ convicted by final judgment of a crime involving
moral turpitude. He is hereby DISBARRED.
November 12, 2004

The respondent was convicted of the crime

involving BP 22. He was also involved in another
estafa case pertaining to his legal services
rendered on the victim of Dona Paz tragedy. The
victim he represented filed a complaint because
of the compensation that the victim had
received from Sulpicio Lines which was later
deducted by Atty. Martinez. On Sept. 27, 2003
the IBP board of governors passed a resolution
approving the report and the recommendation
of its investigating commissioner. On Dec. 3,
2003 respondent filed a reinvestigation.

1) Is violation of BP 22 a crime involving moral
2) What is the appropriate penalty?

1)YES. Moral turpitude “includes everything
which is done contrary to justice, honesty,
modesty, or good morals. Conviction of a crime
involving moral turpitude might not relate to
the exercise of the profession of a lawyer;
however, it certainly relates to and affects the
good moral character of a person convicted of
such offense. The act of a person in issuing a
check knowing at the time of the issuance that
he or she does not have sufficient funds in, or
credit with, the drawee bank for the check in full
upon its presentment, is a manifestation of
moral turpitude. It shows a lack of personal
honesty and good moral character as to render
her unworthy of public confidence.

2) In Co. vs. Bernardino and Lao vs. Medel,

we upheld the imposition of one year’s
suspension for non-payment of debt and
issuance of worthless checks, or a suspension of
six months upon partial payment of the
obligation. However, in these cases, for various
reasons, none of the issuances resulted in a
conviction by the erring lawyers for either estafa
or BP 22. In the instant case, however, herein
respondent has been found guilty and stands

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