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‘Artificial Intelligence’ for humanity | General Science & Ability


Q: What is ‘Artificial Intelligence’?

How is it helpful for humanity? (CSS-2018)
Artificial Intelligence is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a
software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think.

AI is accomplished by studying how human brain thinks, and how humans learn, decide, and
work while trying to solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this study as a basis of
developing intelligent software and systems.

‘Artificial Intelligence’ for humanity

Artificial intelligence helps farmers, doctors and rescue workers make a positive impact on

Artificial intelligence (AI) powers many gadgets, like smartphones, smart thermostats and
voice-activated virtual assistants that bring modern conveniences to daily life. Increasingly,
AI is also being used to tackle critical social challenges.

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AI is a branch of computer science where machines can sense, learn, reason, act and adapt

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‘Artificial Intelligence’ for humanity | General Science & Ability

to the real world, amplifying human capabilities and automating tedious or dangerous tasks.

Artificial Intelligence is already able, as many of us have seen for ourselves, to drive
vehicles and negotiate obstacles. This is being used in modern civilian life, and has
applications for military operations and space exploration.

Serious success is being seen in the trials of new machinery designed to identify tumours on
CT scans and X-rays, and they have performed with at least 50 per cent more accuracy than
human experts have so far.

Mining and managing Big Data, as well as discovering important correlations within it, is
possible with e-discovery software. This technology is also being used to get through huge
mountains of legal documents more effectively and efficiently than human paralegals can.
Some journalism jobs like sports summaries and market reports are also already within the
scope of AI, as are certain middle management tasks.

As AI continues to develop, it is not only able to take on tasks that can be broken down into
smaller, easily learnable steps. There is growing concern that AI may become properly
sentient and super-intelligent, displacing humans and rendering them obsolete. Elon Musk,
Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking have all opined that this reality is not so far off. The debate
on AI’s risks and benefits has strong voices on both sides.

Reframing Farming

One of AI’s greatest impacts could be in food production — an industry challenged by a

rapidly growing world population, competition for natural resources and plateauing
agricultural productivity. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) estimates that the earth’s population will balloon to 9.7 billion people on by 2050. At
a time when the agricultural land available for farming is shrinking, farmers will need to
grow approximately 50 percent more crops.

Improving Cancer Diagnosis

Cancer is a frightening diagnosis, impacting 1.65 million people in the U.S. in 2015. Waiting
for biopsy results can be stressful, but AI may help accelerate the diagnosis and treatment
process. Working with healthcare industry leaders, by 2020 Intel aims to create one-day
precision medicine for cancer patients — that means going to the doctor, getting a diagnosis
and receiving a personalized treatment plan, all in 24 hours.

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‘Artificial Intelligence’ for humanity | General Science & Ability

Keeping Kids Safe

Digital technology makes it easier for predators to create, access and share child sexual
abuse images worldwide. While fear of the negative consequences remain, AI is proving it
can bring about enormous societal benefits.

Our response to AI

The response that human society formulates now to Artificial Intelligence is very important.
The technology is a tool that could enhance our lives in many ways, but we need to continue
to discuss its possibilities for subjective experiences and human emotions, its job
displacement potential and other important issues, and to manage them responsibly.

The United States National Science and Technology’s Subcommittee on Machine Learning
and Artificial Intelligence delivered a report to the White House on AI and employment in
2016, acknowledging job loss but also emphasising potential new careers and opportunities.
Economists, anthropologists and other experts are also teaming up with AI scientists to
explore its impact more, such as at a conference to discuss “beneficial AI” held in California
in January 2017. Such active awareness and engagement with the issues will remain
essential as we move into the future.

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