Criterian 1 Curricular Aspects

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1.1 Curriculum Planning, Design and Development

1.1.1 Does the institution have clearly stated goals and objectives for its educational
Goals and Objectives of the Institute are as follows:-
 Producing Homoeopaths who consider the patients holistically by providing
Homoeopathic Medical Education, aiming at maintaining a balance between
humanistic medicine and technology.
 To promote a holistic approach towards curative, preventive and rehabilitative
aspects of Homoeopathic Medicine by ensuring quality, comprehensive,
continuous and personalized care to patients & community at large thereby
contributing to nation building through Homoeopathy.
 To imbibe upon the staff and students the spirit of research in Homoeopathy.
 Education in the institute not only aims at producing trained professional
Homoeopaths but also inculcating in them a sense of higher purpose
1.1.2 How are the institutional goals and objectives reflected in the academic programs of the
a. Producing Homoeopaths who consider the patients holistically by Homoeopathic
Medical Education, which aims at maintaining a balance between humanistic
medicine and technology?
 Although we have a mandate to follow Central Council of Homoeopathy and Dr.
Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra norms, our academic programmes stress upon
integrated teaching & learning rather than teaching a subject in isolation .
 Students are taught to consider the patient’s history & life situation holistically rather
than only his disease.
 Academic programme of the Institution not only laid stress or teaching laboratory &
diagnostic investigations as well use of latest Homoeopathic computer software but
also stress is laid on preventive aspect of disease as well as promoting better health of
an individual through diet & nutrition which is all taught in our programme.
 The students are encouraged to work in the community through various health &
diagnostic camps conducted regularly.
 Health awareness lectures are also conducted in the community by staff & students
for promoting better health among people.
 The institution promotes use of ICT in teaching learning as well as in the hospital.
 Effective use of A.V. aids like power point presentations, C.D.’s/ D.V.D’s of various
 Students are periodically assessed & evaluated during examinations to improve their
effectiveness as Homoeopathic Physicians.
b. To promote a holistic approach towards curative, preventive and rehabilitative
aspects of Homoeopathic Medicine by ensuring quality, comprehensive, continuous
and personalized care to patients & community at large thereby contributing to
nation building through Homoeopathy
 Institution conducts regular medical treatment & diagnostic camps in both urban &
rural areas catering to the needs of the community.
 Regular school health checkup are conducted regularly.
 Free medical checkup & treatment camps are conducted in slum areas, primary
schools and in nearby industries.
 The college conducts Health awareness programmes in the form of the informative
lectures, rallies, special diagnostic camps.
 The college Homoeopathic OPDs have expert Homoeopathic Physicians with well
stocked dispensary to cater needs of the patients.
c. To imbibe upon the staff and students the spirit of research in Homoeopathy.
 The institution encourages teaching faculty to undertake departmental research
 Inter institutional collaborative & Inter disciplinary research projects are undertaken
by teaching faculty.
 Research methodology workshops, seminars and conferences are
 Organized for Teaching Faculty, Post-Graduate students, Interns and students.
Teaching Faculty is encouraged to publish research articles and papers in peer
reviewed journals.
d. Education in the institute not only aims at producing trained professional
Homoeopaths but also inculcating in them a sense of higher purpose
 Education is way to empower people to improve their quality of life and increase their
capacity to participate in decision making processes.
 Students of this college are involved in various committees and feedback mechanisms
thereby sharpening their decision making abilities.
 Value education lectures are made available to students.
 Students are involved in various National Health Awareness programmes.
1.1.3 Does the institution follow a systematic process in the design, development and
revision of the curriculum? If yes, give details of the process (need assessment,
feedback, etc.)
Since the college is affiliated to DBRAU and is recognized by Central Council of
Homoeopathy it follows the curriculum and syllabus prescribed by above mentioned statutory
bodies. The Central Council of Homoeopathy designs and revises the curriculum which is
sent to all universities in India including DBRAU. The DBRAU further sends the curriculum
and revision in the same to the affiliated colleges for implementation. The college further
implements the curriculum and any changes in it.
Implementation at College level:
 The college orients the staff towards the curriculum framework and syllabus and all
the departments are provided with the copies of the same.
 Each department lays down a teaching plan on yearly basis based on their syllabus.
The teaching faculty regularly interests with the academic committee of the college to
make both theory & clinical timetable in order to implement their departmental
 On receiving notification from the statutory bodies regarding change in curriculum or
syllabus etc, the Principal of the institution notifies all the departments of the same.
1.1.4 How does the curriculum design and development meet the following requirements?
* Community needs:
 Health checkup/ Diagnostic/ Homoeopathic treatment camps/ Women’s Health
awareness are held both in urban & rural areas as well as school health checkup
camps are conducted. Blood donation camps are also organized.
 The college had established OPDs in rural areas to cater to the health needs of people.
 Various environmental friendly activities are organized
* Professional skills and competencies
 Bedside clinics, hands on training, group discussions & through practical for the
 Seminars & workshops like “Basic Workshop in Research Methodology, Teaching
Learning Methods in Homoeopathy” & on various topics by staff members which
help to enhance professional skills & competencies in staff.
 Basic Life Support training for Interns
* Research in thrust / emerging areas
 Drug proving for students & interns
 Each department have research thrust areas in their subjects which is been worked
 Faculty members have taken up research projects including interdisciplinary research
projects, surveys, non-experimental research subject which are ongoing.
 The interns during their internship period also take up research projects including
review of literature research.
 Post graduate students have taken up research projects in their respective department
as part of their dissertation work.
* Innovation
 Homoeopathic medicines are taught through family study & group study. Association
of concepts like constitution, diathesis and temperaments with selection of remedies is
done. Use of Models, Specimens, charts & use of A V aids like power point
presentations prepared by the departments which are utilized for teaching to students,
 Use of computer related technology for teaching of students, Use of clippings from
various net sources is demonstrated to students.
 Journals for practical work for Ist year students,
 Rubric hunting bank.
 The college organizes Webinar of eminent physician of Homoeopathy whose live
lectures are transmitted over the net &were shown to faculty, students & interns.
 The college conducts Hahnemannian oath taking ceremony y for outgoing interns.
 Internal examinations are conducted regularly to assess performance of students.
 Proficiency exams conducted for interns during internship to asses skills during
 Programmes are organized on various Health days.
* Employability
 The college organizes various career oriented & career opportunities seminars by
various I.T. companies who employ medical graduates.
 Our institute has given a platform to Alumni to conduct various career opportunities
in Homoeopathy, public health, cosmetology, etc.
 Through the education and various activities conducted in the college the students
acquire skills for self-employment but also gain employment in different medical
related fields.
1.1.5 To what extent does the institution use the guidelines of the regulatory bodies for
developing and/ or restructuring the curricula? Has the institution been instrumental in
leading any curricular reform which has created a national impact?
 The institution follows the curriculum and syllabus as designed by Central Council of
Homoeopathy, New Delhi & Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra; which are the
statutory regulatory bodies of the college.
 Each department lays down a teaching plan on yearly basis based on their syllabus
 The teaching faculty regularly interacts with the academic committee of the college to
make both theory & clinical timetable in order to implement their departmental
 Any changes & suggestions for change in syllabus are forwarded to the Principal by
Departments & then it is discussed with the Dean- Homoeopathy during the meeting
at Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra.
 The suggestions are further discussed with the Dean- Homoeopathy during the
meeting at Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra & any changes notified by them
are implemented at college level.
 The institution not only gives feedback & suggestions on developing & restructuring
curricula but our faculty have also been invited by regulatory authorities for
developing curricula for both undergraduate & for starting Post graduate course in
new subjects.
1.1.6 Does the institution interact with industry, research bodies and the civil society in the
curriculum revision process? If so, how has the institution benefitted through
interactions with the stakeholders?
 Civil Society: Feedback obtained from stakeholders like student, parent, teachers,
alumni, patients are utilized by the college to improve the curriculum, syllabus &
teaching learning methods.
 Research & statutory Bodies: Faculties of the college have contributed to
curriculum development & revision at various statutory bodies like Department of
AYUSH, CCH, New Delhi & Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra.
 Industries: The College has been conducting special Homoeopathic camps for
industrial workers in neighboring industrial estate.
1.1.7 How are the global trends in health science education reflected in the curriculum?
 Making use of Information technology in teaching. Power-point presentations,
educational CDs & DVDs.
 Transmission of Webinars of prominent homoeopathic physicians.
 Use of latest Homoeopathic Software.
 Making classrooms technologically advanced.
 Use of e- library.
1.1.8 Give details of how the institution facilitates the introduction of new programs of
studies in its affiliated colleges.
The institute is offering U.G. ie B.H.M.S. course since its inception in 2002. Due to the
demand, the institute now offers PG ie. M.D. (Hom.) course in 7 subjects since 2003. The
institute had taken following steps for introduction of new programs:
 The college followed all the rules & regulation for introducing new programme as per
the guideline of statutory authorities.
 The college followed all the guidelines of various inspection committees to fulfill all
necessary requirements in order to start new course.
 Once the permission was obtained, Orientation Programme is conducted by the
institution for teaching staff.
1.1.9 Does the institution provide additional skill-oriented programs relevant to regional
 Higher course of study i.e., post graduate course in homoeopathy has been recently
started in academic year 2014-15. There is a specialized training imparted to post
graduate student.
 College also has conducted Basic Life Support Seminar for faculty, interns &
 Health camps arranged by college help to improve the overall skills in dealing
with the community in students.
1.1.10 Explain the initiatives of the institution in the following areas:
* Behavioral and Social Science.
 The college has an anti-ragging committee for creating awareness & prevention of
ragging among students.
 Grievance cell of the college has been formed to tackle grievances among staff &
 The college has Women’s Complaint Committee to monitor & take action against
any grievance faced by any female students & female staff.
 Special seminars are also conducted on promotion of Moral & Ethical Values &
Personality Development by eminent sociologist.
 As per the curriculum psychology is taught to I BHMS students
* Medical Ethics / Bio Ethics / Nursing Ethics.
 Ethical Committee of college has been constituted specifically to monitor ethical
issues during research projects and patient care.
 Medical ethics is taught to II BHMS students and interns.
 Interns who graduate from the institute take Hahnemannian oath.
 All ethical considerations including taking prior consent of patients are followed
during any clinical research project which is being conducted.
* Practice Management towards curriculum and / or services.
 Academic calendar, Time table (theoretical and clinical) teaching plan, advanced
teaching plan have been formed by the college & departments for better management
of syllabus.
* Orientation to research.
 There is an Institutional Research Committee which monitors and addresses issues
related to research and is responsible to implement policies related to research.
 Every department of the college has identified certain key research thrust area in its
subject which is to be worked upon.
 Post graduate students of the college have taken up research projects in their
respective department.
 Students and interns of the institute are encouraged to undertake research and other
project work which are guided by the teaching faculty.
* Rehabilitation.
 Yoga & Meditation classes to patients as well as to the students.
 Physiotherapy unit to provide Physiotherapy to patients. The college addresses
rehabilitative needs both at physical & mental level through the physiotherapy units
which provide Physiotherapy to patients as well as to the students.
 Naturopathy unit has been established for the benefits of the patients.
* Ancient scriptural practices.
 The pharmacy dept. of the college, maintains herbarium & museum of medicinal
plants given in ancient literature of medicines which are used in Homoeopathy.
 The institute has a well-stocked library containing all source books of Homoeopathy.
* Health Economics.
 College conducts health awareness camps & also through the activity of NSS unit
better health & lifestyle management is been promoted in the community.
 The hospital is at present providing free treatment & free diet to indoor patients.
The college has provision to provide free Homoeopathic treatment to socio-economic
& backward patients of the society.
* Medico legal issues.
 The faculty of department of forensic medicine and toxicology are involved in
teaching medico legal issues to students & interns.
 The college has an ethical committee to monitor ethical considerations of
the college.
* Enhancement of quality of services and consumer satisfaction.
 Feedback & suggestions are taken from students & patient to improve overall
functioning of the institution in various areas like teaching learning, course &
curriculum, faculty, facilities provided by institute as well as the treatment given to
the patient.
 Feedbacks are also taken by other stakeholders like Alumni, eminent visitors &
parents regarding various aspects of the institution.
 Suggestion box is available for both students & patients & any suggestion received is
carefully considered by the institution.
1.1.11 How does the institution ensure that evidence based medicine and clinical practice
guidelines are adopted to guide patient care wherever possible?
 All the cases are well documented in a special case paper format prepared by the
institute for noting down entire case history of the patient.
 The institute maintains documentation both in outdoor & indoor patient departments
for enhanced clinical training & learning for its faculty & students.
 The college has developed a special “Case taking & Clinical Examination Performa
Booklet” to standardize case taking & examinations of the patient of clinical
 The institution ensures that Good Clinical Practice guidelines are adopted in the
hospital. Good quality medicines from standard homoeopathic manufacturing
companies are available to all patients. Patients and nursing staff are educated
regarding administration of Homoeopathic medicines. Patients are also explained diet
and regimen to be followed and all queries regarding any issues is addressed by the
1.1.12 What are the newly introduced value added programs and how are they related to the
internship programs?
The interns of the institution take active part in following activities:
 Diagnostic camps for women like anemia, bone density & body mass index camps
conducted during International Women’s Health week.
 Regular school health checkup camps, health camps, the college has conducted
special Homoeopathic camps for industrial workers in neighboring industrial estate &
for municipal transport employs of neighboring bus depot where interns participate
 The interns are also involved in weekly clinical & case discussion sessions & are also
involved in projects of various departments & also participate in drug proving
project conducted by the institute.
1.1.13 How does the institution contribute to the development of integrated learning
methods and Integrated Health Care Management?
* Vertical and horizontal integration of subjects taught.
 BHMS course is an interdisciplinary course and vertical integration of subjects is
through the interdisciplinary teaching from 1st to IVth BHMS. The students of the
institute now have an option to move vertically from undergraduate to post graduate
 Horizontal integration is achieved through combined seminars on related topics as in
seminars conducted between departments of Anatomy and Physiology for eg.
Anatomy of heart and circulatory system.
 Vertical integration is achieved through combined seminars between different
departments for eg. Seminar was held on monsoon fever which was an
interdepartmental collaboration between department of Materia Medica and
department of medicine.
* Integration of subjects taught with their clinical application.
 The clinical departments integrate teaching with basic subjects like anatomy,
physiology, Pharmacy, Pathology and forensic medicine for clinical application and
better clinical understanding of diseases.
 Students are also taught integration of basic philosophy of homoeopathy in terms of
miasmatic understanding of disease, posology and integrated with teachings of
modern medicine.
 Departments of anatomy, physiology, Pharmacy, Pathology have well equipped
laboratories for students to perform various experiments.
 During case discussion session for interns focus is on integration of clinical subjects
with Homoeopathy
* Integration of different systems of health care (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Homeopathy,
etc.) in the teaching hospital.
 Institution not only also stresses on auxiliary mode of treatment for its patients but
also integrates physiotherapy, yoga, in treatment of patients.
 The institution also encourages interdisciplinary research between different systems
of medicines.
1.1.14 How is compatibility of programs with goals and objectives achieved with particular
reference to priority of interface between Public Health, Medical Practice and
Medical Education?
 By providing Homoeopathic OPD and IPD services.
 The college conducts various health awareness, health camps & NSS activities &
encourages students, faculty & interns to participate in them.
 The institution promotes use of latest information technology resources like computer
homoeopathic software, use of various subject related C.D.s & D.V.D.s, e-library
facilities to improve its teaching learning & medical education & in keeping with
latest global trends in promotion of use of ICT in medical education.
1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.2.1 Furnish the inventory for the following:
a) Programs offered on campus
2. PG- MD (Hom) in 7 subjects
a) Homoeopathic Materia Medica
b) Organon of Medicine
c) Repertory
d) Homoeopathic Pharmacy
e) Practice of Medicine
f) Paediatrics
g) Psychiatry
b) Overseas programs offered on
c) Programs available for colleges/ students to choose from
 10 + 2 PCB passed-out & NEET qualified students can take admission to UG-
BHMS programme in the college through counseling conducted by the Govt.
of Uttar Pradesh.
 The BHMS students & AIA-PGET qualified students can take admission in
M.D. (Homoeopathy) Courses in the college through counseling conducted by
the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
1.2.2. Give details on the following provisions with reference to academic flexibility
a. Core options:
 BHMS: this is an interdisciplinary course where 12 subjects are taught and
students have to ake up all 12 subjects.
 In the PG programme 7 core options are available :
a) Homoeopathic Materia Medica
b) Organon of Medicine
c) Repertory
d) Homoeopathic Pharmacy
e) Practice of Medicine
f) Paediatrics
g) Psychiatry
b. Elective options
 Students admitted in all seven specialties of M.D. (Homoeopathy) are required
to study Organon of Medicine, Materia Medica and Repertory as compulsory
subjects under Advanced Teaching of Fundamentals of Homoeopathy. Through
this PG students gain knowledge of other Homoeopathic Subjects.
c. Bridge course
 Orientation program is conducted by the college for all students who join the
first BHMS. All departments concerned with the teaching of first BHMS
students conduct special orientation and introduction lectures to bridge science
stream and Homoeopathic medical science.
 Orientation programme for I BHMS students & Internship orientation
d. Enrichment courses
 Special lectures, seminars & value added lectures on the curriculum & on
personality development.
 Seminars on latest Homoeopathic software’s for faculty & students.
 Basic life support is taught to interns
 3 day basic workshop in research methodology was organized for P.G.
e. Credit accumulation and transfer facility
 Transfer facility is available for students & interns present as per CCH norms.
 ATKT is available for students in two subjects for II BHMS & III BHMS
f. Courses offered in modular form
 2 days basic workshop in research methodology was organized for P.G. students
recently which were in modular form.
g. Lateral and vertical mobility within and across programs, courses and disciplines
and between higher education institutions
 Migration to other college is allowed as per statutory guidelines.
h. Twinning programs:
i. Dual degree programs:
1.2.3 Does the institution have an explicit policy and strategy for attracting students
* other states,
* socially and financially backward sections,
* International students?
 Admissions are as per the guidelines of Ministry of AYUSH.
 Socially and financially backward class students receive scholarship through
Social Welfare Departments as per the guidelines of Government of Uttar
Pradesh as well as Government of India. This information reflects on the college
 N.R.I Quota is available for International students willing to seek admission in
the college as per the guideline of Ministry of AYUSH.
 Publicity is ensured through advertisement in newspapers, college website,
Alumini & students.
1.2.4 Does the institution offer self-financing programs? lf yes, list them and indicate if
policies regarding admission, fee structure, teacher qualification and salary are
at par with the aided programs
 Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery - BHMS
 Doctor of Medicine - M D (Hom.) in 7 subjects of Homoeopathic Materia
Medica, Organon of Medicine, Repertory, Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Practice of
Medicine, Paediatrics and Psychiatry.
 All programmes are Self-financed.
 Admissions are based on the counseling conducted by the Government of Uttar
Pradesh after adopting the Merit list of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test
 Teacher qualifications are as per the rules of Central Council of Homoeopathy,
New Delhi prescribed in the
1.2.5 Has the institution adopted the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) / credit
based system? If yes, for how many programs? What efforts have been made by
the institution to encourage the introduction of CBCS in its affiliated colleges?
 The college follows all the curriculum frame work as per CCH and DBRAU
regulations. At present choice based credit system is not available.
1.2.6 What percentage of programs offered by the institution follows
 As per CCH and DBRAU guidelines academic program of every year is divided
in two terms for I, II, III BHMS and thrtee terms for IV BHMS. The examination
system is Annual. Though there is no provision for internal examination in
DBRAU rules of Homoeopathy, the college is following regular internal
examination system as a component of formative evaluation for benefit of
BHMS students.
* Annual system – 100% as per CCH.
* Semester system - NA
* Trimester system - NA
1.2.7 How does the institution promote multi/ inter-disciplinary programs? Name a
few programs and comment on their outcome.
 College encourages inter institutional research & inter disciplinary research. The
departments of surgery , medicine , Materia Medica are involved in inter
institutional research projects.
 Teachers from other medical faculties are invited to conduct seminars for
students of our college.
 College runs a Homoeopathic OPD in the Medical Hospital where integrated
approach is stress upon.
 Students visit public health centers & get exposed to various public health issues
& their treatment by other system of medicine.
 Teachers of the college are invited for inter disciplinary seminars in other
1.2.8 What programs are offered for practicing health professionals for skills training
and career advancement?
 Practicing medical professionals are invited to attend seminars, workshops
organized by college.
 Practitioners are invited for national levels conferences organized by the college
to know recent advances and trends in Homoeopathic practice.
1.3 Curriculum, Enrichment
1.3.1 How often is the curriculum of the institution reviewed and upgraded for
making it socially relevant and/ or skill oriented / knowledge intensive and
meeting the emerging needs of students and other stakeholders?
 Curriculum is framed by statutory authorities like CCH & DBRAU.
 The college adopts any revision of curriculum & exam pattern made by statutory
authorities, the CCH & DBRAU.
 The institute reviews the curriculum on the basis of feedback received from
various stake holders including students.
 The suggestions are forwarded through the Principal & discussed in the Board
of Studies & Faculty of Homoeopathy.
1.3.2 During the last four years, how many new programs were introduced at the UG
and PG levels? Give details.
* multi/ inter-disciplinary : Nil
* programs in emerging areas : Nil
1.3.3 What are the strategies adopted for the revision of the existing programs?
What percentage of courses underwent a syllabus revision?
 Any changes & suggestions for change in syllabus are forwarded to the Principal
by Departments & then it is discussed with Dean- Homoeopathy, Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar University, Agra.
 The institution not only gives feedback & suggestions on developing &
restructuring curricula but our faculty have also been invited by regulatory
authorities for developing curricula for both undergraduate & for starting Post
graduate course in new subjects.
1.3.4 What are the value-added courses offered by the institution and how does the
institution ensure that all students have access to them?
 Personality development and communication skills, yoga,
meditation for students.
 Basic life support and first aids.
 The institution publicizes these programmes through notices put up on the
notice board, as well as notice being circulated among the students to ensure that
maximum students are benefitted out of these programme.
1.3.5 Has the institution introduced skills development programs in consonance with
the national health programs?
 The institution conducts various Medical & Health Check up camp in which the
students of the institution actively participate.
 The students of the institution take active part in Celebration of World Health
Day, Women’s Day, Vaccination Drive, Tree Plantation & other activities
related to National Health Programmes. The department of community
medicine actively facilitates students participation in all above activities.
1.3.6 How does the institution incorporate the aspects of overall personality
development addressing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being of
the student?
 Practice of Yoga is encouraged among students.
 Counseling of students.
 Sports & cultural activities.
 Mentor- menti system.
 Extracurricular activities, sports activities & gathering.
1.3.7 Does the curriculum provide for adequate emphasis on patient safety,
confidentiality, rights and education?
 Lectures on medical ethics are also a part of orientation programme both for
interns & students.
 The institution ensures patient & volunteers safety & confidentiality through
consent form in the hospital as well as before any experimental research is
1.3.8 Does the curriculum cover additional value systems?
 Seminars for Personality development & value education by
Eminent Philosopher.
 Parent teacher meeting to appraise performance of their wards.
 Orientation programme for I BHMS students & MD Part-1 students.
 Hahnemannian oath taking ceremony for outgoing interns.
1.4 Feedback System
1.4.1 Does the institution have a formal mechanism to obtain feedback
from students regarding the curriculum and how is it made use of?
 Feedback is taken from stakeholders like students, interns, alumni
 The institution has committees for feedback analysis, parent teacher committee,
student mentorship committee, student counseling committee, which obtain
feedback from student regarding curriculum
 Feedbacks are obtained on the basis of Questionnaire designed.
 Feedbacks are analyzed & various inputs are incorporated by each department
to enrich curriculum and teaching learning methods.
1.4.2 Does the institution elicit feedback on the curriculum from national and
international faculty? If yes, specify a few methods such as conducting
Webinars, workshops, online discussions, etc. and their impact.
 The institution obtains feedback from eminent persons who visit the college
during various inspections, seminars & conferences.
 Feedbacks have been generally obtained verbally & have been suitably
1.4.3 Specify the mechanism through which affiliated institutions give feedback on
curriculum and the extent to which it is made use of.
Collective views and suggestion from teaching staff regarding curriculum, new policy
making, suggestions etc. are forwarded by the principal to the various regulatory bodies as an
when required.
1.4.4 Based on feedback, what are the quality sustenance and quality enhancement
measures undertaken by the institution in ensuring the effective development of
the curricula?
 Lectures by eminent resource person in Homoeopathic & allied Medical field to
enrich & upgrade knowledge of students and faculty.
 Institution conducts regular internal examination for assessing students as well
as conducts special test series for weak learners & for students who have failed
regularly in DBRAU examinations.
 The institution also organizes various faculty development programmes& has
conducted recently workshop on Research Methodology, seminar on Teaching
Learning method in Homoeopathy for faculty members.
 Special health check up and medical camps
1.4.5 What mechanisms are adopted by the management of the institution to obtain
adequate information and feedback from faculty, students, patients, parents,
industry, hospitals general public, employers, alumni and interns, etc. and
review the activities of the institution?
 The college obtains feedback from various stake holders like faculty students
patients, parents, alumni, in form of various structured feedback forms. Also
feedback is obtained verbally.
 Feedbacks are also taken during College council & staff meetings.
 Mentor –menti programme& various feedback questionnaires helps to obtain
feedback from students & interns.
 Feedbacks are also obtain from alumni (alumni feedback form), patients (patient
feedback form), as well as from parents during parent teacher meetings.
 The feedback obtain from all these various stakeholders are utilized by
management to enhance & improve the institution.

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