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Name: ________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ _____________________________

________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ _____________________________
________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ _____________________________

Date of Presentation: _____________________ Prof.: ____________________________ Class Schedule: ________________ Room: _________
Categories Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Score
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Construct Ideas The ideas were not Some of the ideas There were many good Most of the ideas were All the ideas were clearly
Presentation clear and support were were not clearly points but it was not clearly explored, explored, connected, and
60 % not provided. explored, connected, entirely balanced and connected, and supported.
and supported. had little variations. supported.
Coherence and The ideas were The ideas were Some of the information Most of the ideas were All of the ideas were
Organization disjointed, unclear, loosely connected by were related to the main clearly developed. clearly developed.
vague, and examples and the ideas and were Specific and appropriate Specific and appropriate
unorganized. organization, and flow presented in a logical examples were used. The examples were used.
were choppy. sequence. transitions were well The transitions were very
organized. organized.
Conventions There were 10 or more There were 7-9 There were 4-6 There were 1-3 grammar There were no grammar
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. errors. error.
Visual Visual Did not follow 10-13 Did not follow 7-9 Did not follow 4-6 Did not follow 1-3 Followed all the
Presentation Elements guidelines in making a guidelines in making a guidelines in making a guidelines in making a guidelines in making a
40% video. video. video. video. video.
Creativity Copied the whole There were few There were some The presentation was The presentation was
presentation. original ideas and original ideas and mostly with original ideas very original and very
design. design. and design. artistic.
Length of The presentation The presentation Presentation exceeded Presentation exceeded 3 The presentation was
Presentation exceeded 15 minutes of exceeded 10 minutes 5 minutes of allotted minutes of allotted time. within the allotted time.
allotted time. of allotted time. time.
Rated by: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________
Construct Presentation (60 %) _____ X 100 = ______ ÷ 15 = _____ X .60 = ______
Visual Presentation (40%) _____ X 100 = ______ ÷ 15 = _____ X .40 = ______
Total _______

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