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APPuED MICROBIOLOGY, Sept. 1967, p. 1211-1215 Vol. 15, No.

Copyright @ 1967 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Oxygen-Nitrogen Relationships in Autotrophic

Department ofEnvironmental Health, School ofPublic Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Received for publication 10 May 1967

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Oxygen utilization by the autotrophic nitrifiers Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter was
studied. Experimental evidence is presented which reflects the effect of carbon diox-
ide fixation on overall oxygen utilization in autotrophic nitrification. Measurement
of dissolved oxygen and inorganic nitrogen changes indicates that oxygen-nitrogen
ratios in inorganic nitrogen oxidation are equal to 3.22 parts (expressed in milligrams
per liter) of oxygen per part of ammonia nitrogen oxidized to nitrite nitrogen and
1.11 parts of oxygen per part of nitrite nitrogen oxidized to nitrate nitrogen. These
values rather than the stoichiometric ratios should be used in nitrogenous oxygen
demand calculations.

A number of reports have appeared recently NH4+ + 1I .O2 -* 2H+ + NO- + H20 (1)
dealing with the subject of nitrification and its
implications and position in the total BOD for Nitrobacter sp. and related bacteria,
(biochemical oxygen demand) of waste water and NO- + iO2 -- NO (2)
the effect of nitrogenous compounds on the
oxygen balance of streams. A study of the Grand Based on the above equations, it is generally
River by the Michigan Water Resources Com- assumed that 3.43 mg of oxygen is required to
mission (12) demonstrated the necessity of in- oxidize 1 mg of ammonia nitrogen to nitrite
cluding inorganic nitrogen oxidation in oxygen nitrogen, and that 1.14 mg of oxygen is utilized
balance calculations. for the oxidation of 1 mg of nitrite nitrogen to
It is generally accepted that the biological nitrate nitrogen. However, since this is a biolog-
oxidation of the ammonium ion to nitrite and ical oxidation in which carbon dioxide is fixed, it
nitrate is largely carried out in an aquatic en- follows that the nitrogenous oxygen demand
vironment by certain specific autotrophic bacteria (NOD) of inorganic nitrogen would vary some-
belonging to the family Nitrobacteraceae, and what from the above stoichiometric relationships.
that these organisms obtain their energy for This fact was pointed out by Buswell and Pagano
growth and cell synthesis from the oxidation of (3) and by Montgomery and Borne (13). Never-
ammonia and nitrite nitrogen. Bergey's Manual theless, the above stoichiometric relationships are
of Determinative Bacteriology (7th ed.) lists seven currently used in the literature, largely because of
genera in this family, which are divided into the fact that there is a paucity of direct evidence
nitrite-formers and nitrate-formers. The principal which demonstrates that the amount of oxygen
genera in each group are Nitrosomonas and Nitro- utilized in autotrophic nitrification is different
bacter, respectively. All members of the family from the above.
are considered aerobic autotrophs, and are The present report presents oxygen utilization
found widely distributed in nature. data together with cell yield information, which
Several recent studies (4, 5, 9, 14) seem to demonstrate the overall oxygen utilization ratios
indicate that the strict autotrophic nature of these as they occur in autotrophic nitrification.
organisms is somewhat overemphasized, and that MATERIALS AND METHODS
certain organic compounds have an influence on Organisms. The following organisms were used:
growth. However, Delwiche and Finstein (5) Nitrobacter agilis, from the American Type Culture
reported that none of the organic compounds Collection, and Nitrosomonas sp., isolated from acti-
studied could substitute for carbon dioxide as a vated sludge by use of the technique described by
sole carbon source. Lewis and Pramer (11).
The oxidation reactions as carried out by the Medium. An inorganic medium containing the fol-
Nitrobacteraceae are summarized as follows: for lowing (in milligrams per liter) was used for N. agilis
Nitrosomonas sp. and related bacteria, studies: KNO2 (as N), 8; KH2PO4, 70; MgSO4, 25;
CaCl2, 19; FeSO4 (as Fe), 0.1; Na2MoO4 , 0.025; and four final determinations. The nitrite-nitrogen
distilled water to bring the volume to 1 liter; 5% values for each experiment were obtained by
Na2CO, solution was used to adjust to pH 7.9, and subtracting the average of two initial determina-
phosphate buffers were used. For Nitrosomonas sp. tions from the average of two final determinations.
studies, (NH4)2S04 (as N) at a concentration of 5 mg As indicated earlier, the overall energy-yielding
per liter was substituted for the KNO2 in the above reaction is summarized as follows:
formulation. All other constituents were the same.
Counting technique. Direct counts of organisms were NH4+ + 1½g 02
made under the microscope by use of a Petroff-Hausser
counting chamber. 2H+ + NO2- + H20 + energy (3)
Equipment and testing techniques. Standard BOD

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bottles were used in the bottle studies. A 2-liter Erlen- In the interest of completeness, it should be
meyer flask fitted with a Gelman galvanic cell oxygen recognized that the above oxidation of the am-
probe (7), together with a strip chart recorder, was monium ion to nitrite involves a valence change
used in the oxygen probe studies. All glassware was from -3 to +3. There is evidence in the literature
rinsed with acid and distilled water and was sterilized. (1) which shows that the oxidation proceeds in
Oxygen determinations were made by use of the two electron steps involving two intermediates,
azide modification of the iodometric method (2) with one of which is NH20H. The conversion of these
additional sodium azide. Ammonia-nitrogen (direct
nesslerization) and nitrite-nitrogen determinations intermediates appears to be fairly rapid with
were made by use of standard procedures (2). The little, if any, accumulation. The energy thus
ultraviolet absorption technique described by Gold- derived in the above oxidation is used for carbon
man and Jacobs (8) was used for nitrate-nitrogen dioxide fixation. The result is that in the process
determination. of protoplasm synthesis a small amount of oxygen
All test samples were incubated at 30 C for the is produced, as follows:
period of study. For each test, 12 BOD bottles were
used, 6 for initial determinations and 6 for the final 5CO2 + NH3 + 2H20 -+ C5H702N + 502 (4)
analysis, and the results were averaged.
The oxygen thus produced would reduce the
RESULTS AND DIscussioN overall oxygen utilization ratio to something less
BOD bottle studies. The aim of these experi- than the ratio indicated by equation 3. The
ments was to measure oxygen utilization directly average of the results shown in Table 1 indicates
and to relate these results to the amounts of that 3.22 mg of oxygen is required per mg of
ammonia nitrogen oxidized. Ten experiments ammonia nitrogen oxidized to nitrite nitrogen,
with Nitrosomonas sp. as the inoculum were rather than the theoretical value of 3.43 mg.
carried out in standard BOD bottles. The results The results of five experiments (60 bottles)
are summarized in Table 1 and represent analysis with N. agilis as the innoculum are summarized
of 120 bottles. The dissolved oxygen (DO) in Table 2. The values shown for each experiment
depletion values shown for each experiment were obtained from the averages of four initial
represent the difference between the average of and four final dissolved-oxygen determinations,
four initial dissolved oxygen determinations and and from the averages of two initial and two final
nitrate-nitrogen determinations. Here again,
TABLE 1. Oxygen utilization by Nitrosomonas sp. in because of CO2 fixation, the oxygen to nitrogen
standard BOD bottles ratio in the oxidation of nitrite nitrogen to nitrate
nitrogen is less than the theoretical. The average
DOa depeitn
Nitrite N
of the results (Table 2) indicates that 1.11 mg of
Expt (mg/liter) fornation

1 3.37 1.06 3.18 TABLE 2. Oxygen utilization by Nitrobacter agilis in

2 3.65 1.16 3.15 standard BOD bottles
3 4.64 1.41 3.30
4 3.65 1.12 3.25 DO de letion Nitrate
fornationN 0/N
5 4.40 1.34 3.28
Expt '/ltr)
1j(Mgwilte (mg/liter)
6 5.27 1.67 3.15
7 4.85 1.47 3.30 1 4.00 3.55 1.12
8 4.32 1.35 3.20 2 3.90 3.50 1.11
9 4.45 1.37 3.25 3 3.60 3.30 1.09
10 4.90 1.54 3.18 4 6.42 5.80 1.11
5 6.68 6.05 1.10
= 43.51 2 = 13.49 Avg = 3.22
= 24.60 2 = 22.20 Avg = 1.11
a DO = dissolved oxygen.


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FIG. 1. Experimental apparatus.
oxygen is utilized per mg of nitrite nitrogen In all of the above bottle experiments, the fina
oxidized to nitrate nitrogen, which is slightly less dissolved oxygen concentration was 1.5 mg per
than the theoretical value of 1.14 based on equa- liter or greater.
tion 2. Oxygen probe studies. To confirm the ratios

7 7
6.2 MG./L. NO; - N FORMED
2.0 MG./L. NO, -N FORMED



4 .4

ci 3 3

0 10 20 30 40 50
FIG. 2. NOD due to nitrite-nitrogen oxidation by FIG. 3. NOD due to ammonia-nitrogen oxidation
Nitrobacter agilis. by Nitrosomonas sp.

given above and to observe nitrification progres- ranges given in Tables 1 and 2 and served to con-
sion directly, oxygen probe experiments were firm the values observed in the BOD bottle
carried out. The equipment used is illustrated in studies. Typical curves are shown in Fig. 2 and 3.
Fig. 1. Experiments were conducted at a tempera- Cell yield data. Concurrent with the above
ture of 30 C and a pH of 8.0. Initial concentrations studies, flask experiments were carried out in
of organisms were 500 X 103/ml. which changes in population numbers and nitro-
The results of these experiments fell within the gen component changes were observed (Fig. 4 and
5). Figure 4 shows that, at the end of the log
phase of growth, 245 mg of ammonia nitrogen
per liter was oxidized, resulting in a population

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density increase of 100 x 106/ml. Assuming that
the average cell weight for Nitrosomonas is
2.4 X 10-13 g per cell and that the cells contain
50.3% carbon, as reported by Engel (6), an
estimate of the amount of oxygen produced as a
result of CO2 fixation can be made by use of
z equation 4, in which the cell formula is taken to
be C5H702N. The calculations for Nitrosomonas
sp. based on the above assumptions are as follows:

2 5CO2 + NH3 + 2H20 -) C5H702N + 502
NH4+N oxidized = 245 mg/liter
Cell yield = 100 x 106/ml = 100 x 109/
Cell weight = 2.4 X 10-13 g/cell = 2.4 x

10-10 mg/cell
mg cells/liter = 2.4 X 10-10 x 10 x 1010 =
24 mg cells
mg cells/mg NH4+ N oxidized = 24/245 =
mg carbon/mg NH4+ N oxidized = 0.098 X
HOU RS 0.503 = 0.0493
FIG. 4. Ammonia nitrogen oxidized during growth mg oxygen produced/mg NH4+ N oxidized =
of Nitrosomonas sp. 0.0493 x 160/60 0.13 =

Net oxygen utilized oxygen utilized for


inorganic nitrogen oxidization minus

oxygen produced in CO2 fixation.
Net oxygen utilized = 3.43 0.13 = 3.30

This gives an overall oxygen to nitrogen ratio of
3.30, which is consistent with the values obtained
380 MG./L 775 MG./L. in the BOD bottle studies.
N02 - N N02 -N In a similar manner, an estimate of the oxygen

produced in CO2 fixation by N. agilis can be

made. At the end of the log phase of growth,

380 mg of nitrite nitrogen was oxidized, yielding a
cell increase of 64 X 106/ml. In this calculation,
4-i the assumption is that carbon forms 50% of the
cell and that the average cell weight is 10-1' g,
as reported by Lees and Simpson (10). Thus,
6.4/380 x 0.50 x 160/60 0.023 mg of oxygen

produced per mg of nitrite nitrogen oxidized.

Based on the above calculation, the overall
20 40 60 8o100 120 oxygen to nitrogen ratio is 1.117, which agrees
very well with the value of 1.11 obtained in the
FIG. 5. Nitrite nitrogen oxidiz ed during growth of BOD bottle studies.
Nitrobacter agilis. Based on the results of direct-measurement

experiments of oxygen utilization and supported 3. BUSWELL, A. M., AND J. F. PAGANO. 1952. Reduc-
by calculations derived from cell yield experi- tion and oxidation of nitrogen compounds in
ments, the results of this investigation can be polluted streams. Sewage Ind. Wastes 24:897-
summarized as follows: 903.
(i) The amount of oxygen produced as the 4. CLARK, C., AND E. L. SCHMIDT. 1966. Effect of
mixed culture on Nitrosomonas europaea simu-
result of CO2 fixation in the process of autotrophic lated by uptake and utilization of pyruvate. J.
nitrification is measurable and must be considered Bacteriol. 91:367-373.
in calculating NOD. 5. DELWICHE, C. C., AND M. S. FINSTEIN. 1965.
(ii) The oxygen-nitrogen ratios in autotrophic Carbon and energy sources for the nitrifying
nitrification are equal to the amount of oxygen autotroph Nitrobacter. J. Bacteriol. 90:102-107.

Downloaded from on January 14, 2020 by guest

utilized for inorganic nitrogen oxidation minus the 6. ENGEL, M. S. 1959. The growth and autotrophic
amount of oxygen produced in CO2 fixation. metabolism of Nitrosomonas europaea. Uni-
Experimental evidence indicates these ratios are versity Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.
as follows: 3.22 mg of oxygen per liter per 1 mg of 7. GANNON, J. J., J. R. PELTON, AND J. WESTFIELD.
ammonia nitrogen per liter oxidized to nitrite 1965. Respirometer assembly for BOD meas-
urement of river waters and biologically treated
nitrogen, and 1.11 mg of oxygen per liter per 1 effluents. Intern. J. Air Water Pollution 9:
mg of nitrite nitrogen per liter oxidized to nitrate 27-40.
nitrogen. 8. GOLDMAN, E., AND R. JACOBs. 1961. Determina-
The evidence and results presented herein con- tion of nitrates by ultraviolet absorption. J.
firm the estimates made by Montgomery and Am. Water Works Assoc. 53:187-191.
Borne (13). 9. IDA, S., AND M. ALEXANDER. 1965. Permeability
of Nitrobacter agilis to organic compounds. J.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Bacteriol. 90:151-156.
This investigation was supported by Public Health 10. LEES, H., AND J. R. SIMPSON. 1957. The biochemis-
Service general research support grant NIH 1 SOL try of the nitrifying organisms. 5. Nitrite oxida-
FR5447-05 GRS, project 70, and by training grant tion by Nitrobacter. Biochem. J. 65:297-305.
WP-15 from the Federal Water Pollution Control 11. LEWIS, R. F., AND D. PRAMER. 1958. Isolation of
Administration. Nitrosomonas in pure culture. J. Bacteriol.
1. ALEEM, M. I. H., AND A. NASON. 1963. Metabolic Oxygen relationships of Grand River, Lansing
pathways of bacterial nitrification, p. 392-409. to Grand Ledge, 1960 Survey. Lansing, Michi-
In C. H. Oppenheimer [ed ], Symposium on gan.
marine microbiology. Charles C Thomas, Pub- 13. MONTGOMERY, H. A. C., AND B. J. BoRNE. 1966.
lisher, Springfield, Ill. The inhibition of nitrification in the BOD test.
2. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. 1965. J. Proc. Inst. Sewage Purif. 4:357-368.
Standard methods for the examination of water 14. VAN GOOL, A., AND H. LAUDELOUT. 1966. For-
and wastewater, 12th ed. American Public mate utilization by Nitrobacter winogradskyi.
Health Association, Inc., New York. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 127:295-301.

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