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by Anita Ganeri

... : ... CAMBRIDGE

lnstilute or Educatfon
All kinds of plants some plants have leaves.
There are all kinds of plants. some plants have spikes.
Sorne plants are big.
Sorne plants are srnall.
flowering Plants The biggest flower grows in
Sorne plants have flowers. the roinforest.
Flowers have colourful petals.
........... lt smells horrible\

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rrecs ore J>Jonls. They have a woody
stem ccdlcd a trunk.

Sorne trees are very tall.

The tallest tree in the world
is a giant redwood.
Cacti grow in the desert.
It is verydry in the desert. Cacti kee
water in their stems to drink. p
Th is plant is a Venus Flytrap.
It eats flies and spiders .
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A fly lands on the leaves.

The leaves snap shut.
The fly is trapped inside.
Plants for food Jüce comes from plants that grow
People can eat rnany kinds of plants • in ftelds.
Sorne plants grow fruit. ••
•• • • • • ••••••••
Sorne fruit grows on trees. ••


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Glossary 111de~
bamboo plant with long stems barnboO 3
desert hot, dry place desert 8
peta.Is colourful parts of f}ower 4
a plant
grow 5, 7, 8, 13
rainforest hot, wet forest ieaves 2, 11
spilces long, thin, sharp parts petal 4, 5
stem long part of a plant rainforest 5
trunk thick stem of a tree 3, 8
stem 6, 8
trunk 6

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