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Legal | By Margaret Elliott

Margaret Elliott

Common Cases Related to Code

of Ethics Violations
oday, teachers hear a lot about the Standard 2 addresses conduct with stu- students: have another adult present when
Code of Ethics. We see cases on the dents. This standard generates a huge num- you are with a student.
news, and it is presented at faculty ber of complaint letters and was previously Standard 3 addresses alcohol or drugs.
meetings. You may have seen the Georgia titled “Abuse of Students.” Each subsection of Educators cannot drink before school nor
Professional Standards Commission’s video Standard 2 is very important: can they drink on a field trip, even if the
about the Code of Ethics. Also, the PAGE 1. committing any act of child abuse, teacher is not on the schedule that afternoon
Legal Department attorneys visit schools to including physical and verbal abuse; to watch students. Educators cannot drink
give presentations about the Code of Ethics 2. committing any act of cruelty to children before a school activity (such as graduation,
for Educators including pointers on how to or any act of child endangerment; PTA meetings, an open house, prom or high
avoid legal problems. Sometimes teachers call 3. committing any sexual act with a student school football game) because the educator
to ask us about the most common kinds of or soliciting such from a student; would be under the influence of alcohol while
cases that come from violations of the Code 4. engaging in or permitting harassment of at school or at a school sponsored activity.
of Ethics. As your attorneys we would like or misconduct toward a student that would Standard 4 is now titled “Honesty.” This
to share some general information on why be a violation of state or federal law; standard used to be called “Misrepresentation
some educators find themselves being inves- 5. soliciting, encouraging, or consummat- or Falsification.” A violation of this standard
tigated by the Georgia Professional Standards ing an inappropriate written, verbal, elec- may occur when an educator writes some-
Commission. tronic or physical relationship with a student; thing down that is knowingly false. Examples
First, it is important to know that the 6. furnishing tobacco, alcohol or illegal/ of violation of this standard include: stu-
Georgia Professional Standards Commission unauthorized drugs to any student; dent grades without student work-product to
investigates a large number of educators in 7. failing to prevent the use of alcohol or support the grade; attendance; degree level;
Georgia each year. The sanctions they can illegal or unauthorized drugs by students where the educator previously taught (or
impose on an educator’s certificate range from who are under the educator’s supervision failure to note this on the application); the
a letter of warning to revocation. Therefore, it (including but not limited to at the educator’s educator calling in sick but instead going to,
is a good idea to have an attorney to help you residence or any other private setting). for example, a hair appointment, shopping or
when you are the subject of a Professional Any text message, cell phone call or a job interview.
Standards Commission (PSC) investigation. e-mail that can demonstrate a less than Standard 5 addresses public funds or
If you ever receive a letter from the PSC stat- professional relationship with the student public property. The public property issue
ing that you are being investigated, be sure may be seen as a violation of this standard is usually regarding use of the school com-
to call the PAGE Legal Department imme- (also note that contact with a student via puter. The school computer assigned to
diately. Educators need to be aware of the Facebook may be a violation but may fall the educator is only to be used for school
following 11 standards or rules. under Standard 10 for professional con- purposes. Please find the local school board
Standard 1 addresses legal compliance. duct). All electronic communications can policy in your school system and read it. Be
Educators may get in trouble for failing be brought back as evidence, no matter how aware that school systems can always print
to reveal arrests on their record (GCIC or many times they are deleted. Also, if an edu- out all your work on the computer, such as:
NCIC). They think they do not have to cator’s own high school-aged child throws a websites visited, e-mails sent and received,
reveal these arrests because they have been party at home that educator could be inves- the time the e-mail was sent and or read
put in a first offender program or pre-trial tigated for violation of Standard 2 because (Were you supposed to be teaching students
intervention program, or they are on proba- of alleged drinking at the party—even if at that time?) and the content of the e-mail
tion or plead nolo. The PSC usually wants the educator does not condone drinking at (Was it inappropriate, romantic or sexual
to know about arrests, and the PAGE Legal home or does not teach at his or her child’s in nature?).
Department can help PAGE members reveal school. Also, anytime an educator touches The second part of this standard regards
this information in the best possible manner. a student there is an opportunity for the public funds, usually referred to as school
Also, a local school board policy may exist student to allege a violation of Standard funds. This becomes an issue anytime edu-
that requires educators to reveal this informa- 2. Anytime the educator is alone with a cators are put in charge of collecting school
tion to the school system as well. Educators student, the student has an opportunity to money for example, book or yearbooks
have only 90 days to reveal or report an arrest allege a violation of Standard 2. Therefore, orders, school pictures, the Sunshine Fund;
because of the language in Standard 9. please keep this in mind as you work with or Jump Rope for Heart. The educator must

10  PAGE ONE September/October 2011

follow the local school policy about collect- 24 hours to report suspected child abuse or Standard 11 is a new standard specifi-
ing money, which may include giving stu- suspected child neglect. The requirement or cally designed to address testing issues. The
dents receipts and keeping up with money. standard is not if the educator is sure or not, kinds of tests that this standard covers are
Someone might allege that the educator spent but if the educator has any information. If the only state mandated tests like CRCT, EOCT,
the money for personal use. Missing money educator has any information, then he or she graduation test, 5th grade writing test, etc.
is a problem. When a school fund-raiser is must report. It is a good idea to report in writ- If you have been following the news, you
audited, the teacher who was in charge of the ing (it can be as simple as a note with one sen- know that this is a huge issue right now.
fund-raiser is responsible for accounting for tence, the date and a signature). Keep a copy It is imperative that educators follow the
all of the money. at home for future reference. Each school will instructions for issuing tests. Be sure to
Standard 6 addresses remunerative con- have individual protocol for reporting and walk around during the entire time you are
duct. This standard has to do with educators following this procedure. giving the test, monitor the students and
receiving money from parents or students. Standard 10 addresses professional con- do not leave test booklets unguarded. Also,
Problems for educators can arise when sell- duct. These cases usually fall into four situ- be sure to give the right section of the test
ing products to students or parents and/or ations: on the right day, but do not give too much
conducting or coaching sports camps where 1.) inappropriate language—profanity but time. Finally, be careful about your tone
the educator receives money from boosters also words that would hurt students’ feelings; if you are required to read the questions,
or parents. Always be sure to get the school 2.) inappropriate discipline—check with the follow all IEP modifications carefully and
system’s permission prior to these activities principal about implementing a creative kind do not erase student answer sheets. If there
and also, if you wish to tutor for money. of discipline—i.e. sending students outside to is a problem or a question, notify the test-
Standard 7 addresses confidential student cut the grass with scissors, losing your cool ing coordinator at the school immediately.
information. This standard mirrors feder- with the class, and throwing a book or a ruler; Also, call the PAGE Legal Department with
al law FERPA (Family Education Right to 3.) inadequate supervision; questions or for assistance.
Privacy Act) and requires educators to keep 4.) Facebook—posting Facebook language These are not all of the kinds of cases
student records confidential. Student records or a picture that is less than professional may that come before the PSC, but this infor-
include: academic, discipline, health status cause parental concern. mation gives an overview of the type of
and family status. Educators cannot allow Please do not resign if you are called in for fact patterns that appear over and over
students see other students’ grades or GPA. a meeting about this kind of issue. Please call again. If you have questions please call the
Also, teachers who vent or talk about disciple the PAGE Legal Department for help. PAGE Legal Department. u
issues or academic issues (complaining about
students) can get in trouble for sharing disci-
pline information or academic information
about students. Information that is protected What if you could
includes health status (the student might have go to school
AIDS or Hepatitis B) and family status, (such without leaving
as if the parents are divorced or if the student your area? Or only
is on the free or reduced lunch program). attend class one
Standard 8 is titled “Abandonment of night a week?
Contract.” When an educator signs a contract
with a school system, the educator is then Join the growing
number of Georgia
bound by the terms of the contract. So if the teachers who have
educator wishs to resign, he or she must ask earned Master’s and
for permission to be released from the con- Ed.S. degrees from one
tract. The PSC has issued new criteria regard- of Piedmont College’s
ing specific family situations that state it will PSC (Professional
Standards Commission)
not investigate an allegation of abandonment approved programs.
of contract where the educator gives writ-
ten notice and evidence the reason. But, it Life is complicated.
is important to be aware that educators can- You need options.
not just merely resign. Call the PAGE Legal
Department, and we can help with this issue.
Standard 9 addresses required reporting.
The cases that appear under this standard
usually have to do with the educator self
Think you don’t have time
reporting issues regarding a criminal charge for a Master’s or Ed.S. 800.277.7020
and/or an arrest (see Standard 1). This stan-
dard requires the educator to report within with your busy life?
90 days. The second kind of case that violates
this standard has to do with reporting sus-
pected child abuse or suspected child neglect.
Office of
Graduate Admissions
Georgia law states that educators have only

September/October 2011 PAGE ONE  11

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